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通过对模式标本的考订,指出大苞茶的原始描述中关于子房特征的部分与模式标本的实际性状不符,对其形态特征进行了修订。基于修订后的形态特征,该“绝迹”物种在模式产地的周边地区被重新发现。  相似文献   

通过查看模式标本和普通标本,对中国特有种——云南圆口藓进行了修订。据模式特征,重新订正了中国各地标本,确定本种分布在中国云南、辽宁和内蒙古,其中内蒙古为新分布区。除描述和讨论外,还就模式标本绘制了各种特征的解剖图,根据普通标本进行了显微拍照,以补现有文献形态描述和绘图的不足。  相似文献   

本文通过对腾冲慈姑Sagittaria tengtsungensis 模式产地的考察,并在查阅了所有馆藏标本的基础上对腾冲慈姑的形态描述进行了修订。有关形态特征的比较以及不同的地理分布区等研究结果均支持腾冲慈姑和小慈姑为两个中国特有种的观点。  相似文献   

极度濒危植物云南蓝果树的形态修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
极度濒危植物云南蓝果树(Nyssa yunnanensis)是雄性两性异株植物,其发表时仅根据雄花模式和果模式。作者通过野外观察和标本研究,发现目前对其雄花描述不全或不准确且缺乏两性花的描述,故本文修订了其雄花形态的原始描述,并且补充描述了其两性花和果实的形态特征。  相似文献   

坚瘿绵蚜属Ceratopemphigus Schouteden是一个单型属,记述了模式种Ceratopemphigus zehntneri Schouteden,1905的新型--无翅孤雌蚜,对属征进行了补充和修订.同时,提供了寄主植物、地理分布、形态特征图等信息.研究标本保存在英国自然历史博物馆.  相似文献   

对产自中国川渝地区的"Proboselaphus watasei Matsumoto, 1915"的分类学修订表明,这一属种名称是无效的。其正型标本为属于同一个体的颅骨及下颌骨,现收藏于日本千叶县国立历史民俗博物馆,由直良信夫重新发现。基于有角类的一些一般特征,如细小的骨质角芯和高冠的颊齿,"Proboselaphus watasei"在建立时被认为与南亚地区现生蓝牛(Boselaphus tragocamelus)亲缘关系密切。然而,对正型标本的重新观察表明,其颅骨及牙齿的形态具有鹿科的典型特征,如额顶面向背侧弯曲,基枕骨轮廓呈三角形,以及臼齿具有相互分离的前叶和后叶。正型标本的臼齿形态与水鹿(Cervus unicolor)具有相似性,二者均具有显著的附属结构(刺、齿带以及附尖),并且与中国南方地区更新世地层中的Cervus cf. C. unicolor大小相仿。这一修订表明,更新世期间没有任何蓝牛冠群成员扩散至东亚地区。  相似文献   

随着濒危物种保护意识的不断提升和数字化技术的不断进步,加之对《国际动物命名法规》(第4版)相关条款的不同理解,近年来出现了不以保藏的死的动物个体实物标本为模式标本命名脊椎动物新种的案例,引起了能否不依据实物凭证标本命名动物新种的讨论。2015年Marshall和Evenhuis依据15张数码照片发表了昆虫一新种,立即引发了对这一论题的激烈争论。反对必须以实物标本作为模式标本者认为,《国际动物命名法规》(第4版)第73.1.4条款允许以图为正模来命名动物,越来越多的"数码采集者"为依据图片发表新种提供了更大的可能,而且这样做可以避免因采集标本对濒危物种造成威胁;坚持必须以实物标本作为模式标本者则认为,《国际动物命名法规》(第4版)十分强调以实物标本作为载名模式,以图或其他非死的动物个体实物标本为依据发表新种可能因无法获得更加详细、准确、全面的形态特征信息而造成学术上的缺憾或混乱,也存在造假的可能性,并且认为采集标本并不是造成物种濒危或灭绝的原因。本文对上述观点进行了总结,认为鉴于《国际动物命名法规》(第4版)中存在模糊甚至相互矛盾的一些内容,非常有必要进行一次全面的修订。在修订时,应该考虑濒危物种保护、新技术应用等诸多需求。鼓励依据实物标本命名动物新种,在合理、适度、有序的原则下不断收集动物标本。  相似文献   

宁南方竹和香竹两个竹种果实形态特征迄今未见正式报道;云南龙竹果实虽有报道,但形态描述与本文采集的种子标本差异较大,可能为竹种鉴定有误。本文根据在云南采集到的三个竹种的果实标本,对其特征进行了描述。研究结果将增进对竹子果实性状的认识,为今后竹亚科研究专著的修订工作提供更翔实的资料。  相似文献   

据有关模式和产地标本的研究,结合野外调查、叶表皮微形态观察结果,对小叶子(Cotoneaster microphyllus Wall.ex Lindl.)进行了分类学修订,将分属3系(Series Procumbens Klotz;Series Alpigeni和Series Marginati  相似文献   

濒危植物都支杜鹃雄蕊数目描述的修正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对都支杜鹃5个种群(包括模式产地)的雄蕊数目进行统计、对馆藏标本进行查询和对模式标本采集人进行采访,修正了现有文献对都支杜鹃雄蕊数目(一个关键鉴别特征)的描述——应是12~15枚,而非10枚;本文还对同地点栽培的都支杜鹃和云锦杜鹃的形态进行观察,发现都支杜鹃与云锦杜鹃诸多形态特征差异显著,支持都支杜鹃是一个独立的“好种”。  相似文献   


[3H]Phenytoin binding to rat cortical membrane was significantly enhanced in the presence of diazepam. This binding is saturable, reversible and displacable by unlabelled phenytoin. Analyses of the binding data either by the Scatchard plot or by the displacement curve revealed a high and a low affinity sites with Kd values of 32 ± 5 nM and 8.5 ± 1.1 μM, respectively. Similar enhancement of [3H]phenytoin binding was observed when diazepam was replaced by Ro 5–4864 (4″-chlorodiazepam) which is selective for the ‘peripheral’ type benzodiazepine binding sites. In contrast, neither the ‘central’ type receptor selective agonist clonazepam nor the antagonist Ro 15–1788 enhanced [3H]phenytoin binding. Therefore, it seems that these phenytoin binding sites in rat cerebral cortex are associated with a benzodiazepine site similar to the ‘peripheral’ type binding site for its selective affinity for Ro 5–4864. However, judging from the micromolar concentrations required for the enhancement of [3H]phenytoin binding, they appear unlikely to be the same ‘peripheral’ type binding sites as measured by [3H]Ro 5–4864 binding (Kd approx. 1 nM). The micromolar affinity benzodiazepine recognition sites are a possibility, if they indeed exist.  相似文献   

While the principal mode of synthesis of the different human mitochondrial RNA species was recognized almost three decades ago, the constituents of one of the key players of the postulated RNA processing machinery were identified only recently. Human mitochondrial RNase P, the endonuclease responsible for tRNA 5’ end maturation, turned out to be unlike any of its previously characterized cousins. It is not only devoid of the RNA moiety thought to be diagnostic of this type of enzymes so far, but it is instead built like a patchwork of multifunctional proteins coming together to moonlight in tRNA 5’ end cleavage.1  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):371-378
This study investigated habitat availability and its selection and preference by adult, resident raccoon dogs inhabiting the countryside in north-eastern Germany. Habitat composition within home ranges and within the whole study area was almost equal. Although percentage share of farmland and meadow was 16.35% smaller and 12.06% higher within the home ranges, respectively. All nine habitat types (farmland, forest, settlement, water, meadows, maize fields, small woods, reeds and hedges) were used opportunistically by raccoon dogs. No significant, recognisable difference for habitat preferences between seasons was detected. Male and female raccoon dog showed equal habitat preference pattern. A comparison of active and inactive locations in different habitats found no remarkable differences.Habitat composition of individual home ranges was used to classify animals. If the percentage of forest within a home range exceeded 50% the individual was classified as a ‘forest type’ raccoon dog. If the percentage of forest habitats within a home range was less than 5%, the share of pastureland was mean 81.82%±16.92 SD. Consequently the individual was classified as a ‘agrarian type’ raccoon dog. Neither habitat preference nor habitat selection process differed between the two ‘types’. Habitat use and preference is discussed with relation to the ability of the raccoon dog to expand its range towards Western Europe.  相似文献   

Melanogenesis, i.e., synthesis of melanin and melanosomes, is a “cascade'’of event which is channelled by internal and external regulatory factors. The recognition and selection of this information and subsequent differentiation of melanogenesis (melanin type and melanosomal development) would be regulated significantly by melanosomal membrane. The melangenesis type could be switched relatively easily by UV light, hormone, and availability of tyrosinase substrate. The role of sulphydryl compounds as a regulatory factor in melangenesis type (in particular for pheomelanogenesis) may not be tied to its absolute presence or absence, but rather, to the effective concentration within the melanocyte at a given time. It is, therefore, probable that the morphogenesis of melanosomes may not follow immediately in response to melanogenesis-type changes, hence the melanocyte revealing more often mosaic forms of melanosomes in nature after exposure to non-genetic factors. The switch of melanogenesis would be significantly controlled by structural and functional availability of vesiculoglobular bodies which are encoded or associated with HMSA-5 (69 kDa) glycoprotein. This HMSA-5 protein shares a significant homology with gp75 “b-locus'’protein. However, because of our hypothesis that vesiculoglobular bodies carry post-(and pre-) tyrosinase regulatory factors involving in both pheo- and eumelanogenesis, the term “b-protein'’which focuses only on eumelanogenesis may not be applied to HMSA-5.  相似文献   

Gene organization within the nuclear ribosomal DNA cistron and linkage of the 5S rDNA gene to the cistron were surveyed in 20 taxa of protists representing most of the Chromophyta (stramenopiles) and representatives of the Dinophyceae (alveolata) and Euglenophyceae. The intergenic spacer, which separates adjacent cistrons, was first PCR-amplified from total DNA using primers anchored in the 3’end of the large subunit and the 5’end of the small subunit in the next downstream cistron. Presence of the 5S gene in the cistron was determined by a second round of PCR using primers anchored in the large subunit and the 5S gene. where 5S-linked rDNA was not detected in the cistron, the presence of 5S tandem repeating units were confirmed by the PCR of 5S-5S fragments from the total DNA. Results show that most of the Chromophyta, as well as Opalina, Proteromonas (colorless stramenopiles), Dinophyceae, and Euglenophyceae have a 5S-linked type of rDNA organization. In contrast, only tandem repeats of 5S rDNA were detected in Bacillariophyceae and Synurophyceae. The occurrence of 5S-unlinked rDNA is hypothesized to be the result of secondary transfer from an ancestral, linked 5S type. The 5S-linked type of rDNA organization is apparently common in protists. Given the fact that most of these protists have mitochondria with tubular or discoid cristae, as compared with flattened cristae common in higher plants and animals, we conclude that the 5S-linked type of rDNA diverged at a very early stage in the evolution of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Galia‐type melons grafted on to the Cucurbita rootstock‘TZ 148’and non‐grafted controls were evaluated for vegetative development under greenhouse conditions. In general, the development of grafted and non‐grafted plants was similar within a cultivar. The horticultural and pathological performances of the Galia‐type melons ‘Carrera’, ‘NUN‐5554’, ‘6003’ and ‘Arava’ were evaluated in experiments conducted in non‐infested and Monosporascus‐infested soils. In non‐infested soil, grafted and non‐grafted ‘Carrera’, ‘NUN‐5554’ and ‘Arava’ had the same yields. The yield of grafted ‘6003’ was significantly higher than that of its non‐grafted control. Responses of grafted and non‐grafted Galia‐type melons to Monosporascus cannonballus were evaluated and compared in the spring and autumn growing seasons. Significant differences in disease incidence were found among cultivars, between grafted and non‐grafted plants, and between growing seasons. Disease reduction and the beneficial effect of grafting on yield were more pronounced in the spring. The results indicate that Galia‐type melons can be grafted successfully, but the cultivation of the grafted plants should be adapted to each growing area and season.  相似文献   

【目的】了解新疆特殊生境不同类型岩石内生细菌的组成及多样性。【方法】采用末端限制性片段长度多态性技术(Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism,T-RFLP),分析新疆乌苏花岗岩(1号样)、一号冰川和木垒变质岩(2,3号样)、裕民和托克逊岩石漆(4,5号样)内生细菌群落。【结果】样品间多样性指数变化不大;聚类分析表明岩石类型相同,其相似性较高,2号样和3号样聚为一支并与1号样再聚为一支,4号样与5号样聚为一支;各样品共有种群为厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),1号样存在酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria),2号样存在浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes);除5号样优势类群为放线菌门(29.3%),其它4个样品均为变形菌门,只是所占比例略有不同。【结论】生境不同的同类型岩石的内生细菌群落组成存在差异,各类岩石中可能存在大量未知细菌新种。  相似文献   

Agrostis stolonifera L. ‘Penn A-4’ is a common creeping bentgrass species that is widely used in urban landscaping and golf courses. To prolong the green stage of this grass, a dehydrin gene PicW isolated from Wilson’s spruce (Picea wilsonii) was transformed into plants of ‘Penn A-4’ cultivar via a straightforward stolon node infection system. A putative transgenic plant was obtained and its tolerance to low-temperature stress was evaluated. When the transgenic line was subjected to a freezing (??5 °C) treatment, it showed better viability and more robust physiology than wild type, as evidenced by higher soluble sugar and proline contents, and lower relative electrical conductivity and malondialdehyde content. The transgenic line also showed tolerance to a chilling treatment (5 °C), although its performance was not significantly different from that of wild-type plants. Overall, the research here clearly revealed the explicit role of PicW in increasing freezing tolerance of grass at the whole-plant level, and demonstrated that the straightforward stolon node transformation method could be well used to genetically modify turfgrass. The obtained transgenic line might be as genetic resource for breeding program and practiced to grow in cold temperate zones.  相似文献   

一株红壤溶磷菌的分离、鉴定及溶磷特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
【目的】为了提高红壤磷素利用率,探讨溶磷菌溶磷机理。【方法】利用难溶性无机盐培养基从花生根际土壤样品中分离到一株溶磷菌C5-A,结合菌落形态特征、生理生化和16S rRNA序列确定该菌株的系统发育地位;通过菌株C5-A在NBRIP液体培养基培养过程中培养液pH变化确定其溶磷能力;利用液体发酵实验测定不同的碳源、氮源对菌株C5-A溶磷的影响;通过高效液相色谱检测C5-A在不同氮源培养液中有机酸的种类和浓度。【结果】菌株C5-A鉴定为洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderia cepacia),遗传稳定性较好。在FePO4和AlPO4培养液中,菌株C5-A的溶磷量和pH变化呈显著负相关;菌株C5-A对磷酸三钙、磷酸铝、磷酸铁、磷矿粉均有较强的溶解能力,最高溶磷量分别为125.79、227.34、60.02和321.15 mg/L;菌株C5-A对不同浓度的两种磷矿粉有较强的溶解能力;分别以麦芽糖和草酸铵为碳源和氮源时溶磷量最高。高效液相色谱检测出10种有机酸,分别为草酸(葡萄糖酸)、乙酸、苹果酸、琥珀酸和5种未知有机酸,然而,乙酸而非草酸似乎是影响C5-A溶磷的重要有机酸。【结论】从红壤花生根际土壤中筛选到一株对难溶性无机盐具有较强溶解能力溶的菌株C5-A,有望为开发高效红壤微生物磷肥提供种质资源。  相似文献   

Growth/differentiation factor 5 (GDF5) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily that is expressed in the developing CNS, including the ventral mesencephalon (VM). GDF5 has been shown to increase the survival of dopaminergic neurones in animal models of Parkinson’s disease. This study was aimed at characterising the effects of GDF5 on dopaminergic neurones in vitro. Treatment with GDF5 induced a three-fold increase in the number of dopaminergic neurones in embryonic day 14 rat VM cultures after six days in vitro. A significant increase was also observed in the numbers of astrocytes in GDF5-treated cultures. GDF5 treatment also had significant effects on the morphology of dopaminergic neurones in these cultures; total neurite length, number of branch points and somal area were all significantly increased after six days in vitro. Analysis of neurite length and numbers of branch points at each level of the neuritic field revealed that the most pronounced effects of GDF5 were on the secondary and tertiary levels of the neuritic field. The specific type I receptor for GDF5, bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR)-Ib, was found to be strongly expressed in freshly-dissected E14 VM tissue, but its expression was lost with increasing time in culture. Accordingly, treatment with GDF5 for 24 h from the time of plating induced increases in the numbers of dopaminergic neurones, while treatment with GDF5 for 24 h after six days in vitro did not. This study shows that GDF5 can promote both the survival and morphological differentiation of VM dopaminergic neurones in vitro, lending support to its potential as a candidate dopaminergic neurotrophin for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.  相似文献   

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