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Summary Salt-soluble proteins from the endosperms of wheat, barley, and rye have been separated by nonequilibrium electrofocusing x electrophoresis. Genes encoding 14 of the 25 components observed in wheat have been unambiguously assigned to 10 different chromosomes (1B, 3B, 3D, 4A, 4D, 5B, 6B, 6D, 7B, 7D) by analysis of the compensated nulli-tetrasomic series. Five more wheat proteins seem to be controlled by group 2 chromosomes. Analysis of wheat-barley and wheat-rye addition lines has led to the location of genes for 6 out of 20 barley proteins in 4 different chromosomes (1H, 3H, 4H, 6H; 1H is homoeologous to group 7 chromosomes of wheat) and of genes for 5 out of 20 rye proteins in two different chromosomes (2R, 4R). The relationship between the proteins reported here and previously characterized ones is discussed.  相似文献   

Barley has several important traits that might be used in the genetic improvement of wheat. For this report, we have produced wheat-barley recombinants involving barley chromosomes 4 (4H) and 7 (5H). Wheat-barley disomic addition lines were crossed with 'Chinese Spring' wheat carrying the phlb mutation to promote homoeologous pairing. Selection was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers to identify lines with the barley chromosome in the ph1b background. These lines were self pollinated, and recombinants were identified using sequence-tagged-site (STS) primer sets that allowed differentiation between barley and wheat chromosomes. Several recombinant lines were isolated that involved different STS-PCR markers. Recombination was confirmed by allowing the lines to self pollinate and rescreening the progeny via STS-PCR. Progeny testing confirmed 9 recombinants involving barley chromosome 4 (4H) and 11 recombinants involving barley chromosome 7 (5H). Some recombinants were observed cytologically to eliminate the possibility of broken chromosomes. Since transmission of the recombinant chromosomes was lower than expected and since seed set was reduced in recombinant lines, the utility of producing recombinants with this method is uncertain.  相似文献   

为了筛选高密度且均匀分布于大麦各染色体的分子标记,该研究利用前期开发的2 267个IT(intron targeting)标记,在‘中国春’、栽培大麦(Golden promise)和普通小麦(中国春)-栽培大麦(Betzes)的6个二体异附加系中进行扩增。结果发现:有534个标记可作为大麦染色体特异的IT分子标记,分别分布在大麦的1H(96个)、2H(84个)、3H(60个)、4H(105个)、5H(59个)、6H(80个)和7H(50个)染色体。进一步利用小麦族多基因组学网站和大麦参考基因组序列进行比对,结果发现,除了标记CINAU800、CINAU1734、CINAU1796、CINAU1736和CINAU1691之外,其余的标记对应的原始基因序列都能比对到大麦对应的同源群的参考基因组中。研究表明,该研究筛选到了534个大麦染色体特异的IT分子标记,多态率为23.56%,略高于其他大麦分子标记;且这些大麦各染色体特异的IT分子标记可用于追踪大麦的特定染色体。  相似文献   

The relationships of three wheat-Aegilops longissima chromosome addition lines A, C, and D with homoeologous wheat chromosomes were studied in PMC meiosis. Substitutions of alien chromosome A for wheat chromosome 6 B, chromosome C for 1 B and chromosome D for 4 B were obtained. The production of 4 BS/C and 7 BS/D chromosome translocations indicated cytogenetic relationships of C partially to homoeologous wheat chromosomes of group 1 and 4, and D partially to homoeologous wheat chromosomes of group 4 and 7.  相似文献   

Individual plants from the BC1F5 and BC1F6 backcross progenies of barley--wheat (= H. geniculatum All.) (2n = 28) x T. aestivum L. (2n = 42)] and the BC1F6 progeny of their amphiploids were used to obtain alloplasmic euploid (2n = 42) lines L-28, L-29, and L-49 and alloplasmic telocentric addition (2n = 42 + 2t) lines L-37, L-38, and L-50. The lines were examined by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), microsatellite analysis, chromosome C-banding, and PCR analysis of the mitochondrial 18S/5S repeat. Lines L-29 and L-49 were characterized by substitution of wild barley chromosome 7H1 for common wheat chromosome 7D. In line L-49, common wheat chromosomes 1B, 5D, and 7D were substituted with homeologous barley chromosomes. Lines L-37, L-38, and L-50 each contained a pair of telocentric chromosomes, which corresponded to barley chromosome arm 7H'L. All lines displayed heteroplasmy for the mitochondrial 18S/5S locus; i.e., both barley and wheat sequences were found.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) maps of chromosomes 6A, 6B, and 6D of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) have been produced. They were constructed using a population of F7-8 recombinant inbred lines derived from a synthetic wheat x bread wheat cross. The maps consist of 74 markers assigned to map positions at a LOD >= 3 (29 markers assigned to 6A, 24 to 6B, and 21 to 6D) and 2 markers assigned to 6D ordered at a LOD of 2.7. Another 78 markers were assigned to intervals on the maps. The maps of 6A, 6B, and 6D span 178, 132, and 206 cM, respectively. Twenty-one clones detected orthologous loci in two homoeologues and 3 detected an orthologous locus in each chromosome. Orthologous loci are located at intervals of from 1.5 to 26 cM throughout 70% of the length of the linkage maps. Within this portion of the maps, colinearity (homosequentiality) among the three homoeologues is strongly indicated. The remainder of the linkage maps consists of three segments ranging in length from 47 to 60 cM. Colinearity among these chromosomes and other Triticeae homoeologous group 6 chromosomes is indicated and a consensus RFLP map derived from maps of the homoeologous group 6 chromosomes of hexaploid wheat, tetraploid wheat, Triticum tauschii, and barley is presented. Key words : RFLP, wheat, linkage maps, molecular markers.  相似文献   

孙仲平  王占斌  徐香玲  李集临 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1268-1274
将中国春-黑麦(1R-7R)二体附加系与中国春-2C(Aegilops cylindrica)二体附加系杂交,获得F1,对F1体细胞染色体进行C分带鉴定和花粉母细胞减数分裂行为的观察与分析,发现减数分裂行为异常。对自交获得的430株F2进行单株染色体C分带和荧光原位分子杂交鉴定,检测到易位、缺失、等臂染色体、双着丝点染色体等染色体畸变类型。此外还检测到2C与小麦2A、2B、2D染色体的二体或单体自发代换系。杂交F。染色体畸变的规律与频率如下:研究共得到含黑麦染色体的变异22株,变异频率为5,1%。其中含黑麦染色体的易位系为10株,占2,3%;缺失12株,占2.79%;黑麦的等臂染色体3株,占O.7%。易位染色体既有含小麦着丝点的(大部分),也含有黑麦着丝点的(仅1例)。黑麦的染色体畸变中,发生于不同同祖群的频率不同,1R为5个,2R为3个;3R为1个;4R为3个;5R为6个;6R为4个。易位多为端部易位。共鉴定出小麦的缺失系54株,其中A基因组有27个,占6.27%;B基因组有20个,占4,65%;D基因组有7个,占1.66%。对杀配子染色体对小麦及黑麦不同同祖群染色体作用的差异性及作用特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Key message

A complete set of six compensating Robertsonian translocation chromosomes involving barley chromosome 7H and three chromosomes of hexaploid wheat was produced. Grain β-glucan content increased in lines containing 7HL.


Many valuable genes for agronomic performance, disease resistance and increased yield have been transferred from relative species to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) through whole-arm Robertsonian translocations (RobT). Although of a great value, the sets of available translocations from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) are limited. Here, we present the production of a complete set of six compensating RobT chromosomes involving barley chromosome 7H and three group-7 chromosomes of wheat. The barley group-7 long-arm RobTs had a higher grain β-glucan content compared to the wheat control. The β-glucan levels varied depending on the temperature and were higher under hot conditions. Implicated in this increase, the barley cellulose synthase-like F6 gene (CslF6) responsible for β-glucan synthesis was physically mapped near the centromere in the long arm of barley chromosome 7H. Likewise, wheat CslF6 homoeologs were mapped near the centromere in the long arms of all group-7 wheat chromosomes. With the set of novel wheat–barley translocations, we demonstrate a valuable increase of β-glucan, along with a resource of genetic stocks that are likely to carry many other important genes from barley into wheat.

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is potentially a new source of genes for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) improvement. Wheat-barley chromosome recombinant lines provide a means for introgressing barley genes to wheat genome by chromosome engineering, and since these are expected to occur only rarely in special cytogenetic stocks, an efficient selection skill is necessary to identify them. To convert RFLP markers to barley allele-specific PCR markers useful for effective production of wheat-barley recombinant lines, 91 primer sets derived from RFLP clones which were previously mapped to the barley chromosomes were examined for PCR amplification using 'Chinese Spring' wheat, 'Betzes' barley and the wheat-barley chromosome addition lines. The polymorphisms were detected by an agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR products without digestion with restriction enzymes. Out of 81 primer sets producing polymorphisms between the wheat and barley genomes, 26 amplified barley chromosome-specific DNAs which were confirmed to be located on the same chromosome as the RFLP markers by using the wheat-barley chromosome addition lines. These amplified DNAs represent barley allele-specific amplicons, which distinguish barley alleles from their wheat homoeologous counterparts. The present investigation revealed a higher probability for obtaining allele-specific amplicons from genomic DNA-derived RFLP markers than from cDNA-derived ones. The barley allele-specific amplicons developed in this study, namely, four for chromosome 2H, two for 3H, seven for 4H, eight for 5H, one for 6H and four for 7H, are suitable for identifying 'Chinese Spring' wheat- 'Betzes' barley recombinant chromosomes. However, one out of eight barley allele-specific amplicons on chromosome 5H did not detect a unique barley band in a 'New Golden' barley chromosome 5H addition line of 'Shinchunaga' wheat, indicating there may be a need to reconstruct allele-specific amplicons with different barley cultivars.  相似文献   

From about 10000 PCR-based EST markers of barley we chose 1421 EST markers that were demonstrated to be amplified differently by PCR between wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring) and barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Betzes). We assigned them to the seven barley chromosomes (1H to 7H) by PCR analysis using a set of wheat-barley chromosome addition lines. We successfully assigned 701 (49.3%) EST markers to the barley chromosomes: 75 to 1H, 127 to 2H, 119 to 3H, 94 to 4H, 108 to 5H, 81 to 6H and 97 to 7H. By using a set of Betzes barley telosomic addition lines of Chinese Spring, we could successfully determine the chromosome-arm (S or L) location of at least 90% of the EST markers assigned to each barley chromosome. We conducted a trial mapping using 90 EST markers assigned to 7HS (49) or 7HL (41) and 19 wheat lines carrying 7H structural changes. More EST markers were found in the distal region than in the proximal region.  相似文献   

Hordeum californicum(2n=2x=14, HH) is resistant to several wheat diseases and tolerant to lower nitrogen. In this study, a molecular karyotype of H. californicum chromosomes in the Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chinese Spring(CS)eH. californicum amphidiploid(2n=6x=56, AABBDDHH) was established. By genomic in situ hybridization(GISH) and multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH) using repetitive DNA clones(pTa71, pTa794 and pSc119.2) as probes, the H. californicum chromosomes could be differentiated from each other and from the wheat chromosomes unequivocally. Based on molecular karyotype and marker analyses, 12 wheatealien chromosome lines, including four disomic addition lines(DAH1, DAH3, DAH5 and DAH6), five telosomic addition lines(MtH7L,MtH1 S, MtH1 L, DtH6 S and DtH6L), one multiple addition line involving H. californicum chromosome H2, one disomic substitution line(DSH4) and one translocation line(TH7S/1BL), were identified from the progenies derived from the crosses of CSeH. californicum amphidiploid with common wheat varieties. A total of 482 EST(expressed sequence tag) or SSR(simple sequence repeat) markers specific for individual H. californicum chromosomes were identified, and 47, 50, 45, 49, 21, 51 and 40 markers were assigned to chromosomes H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 and H7, respectively. According to the chromosome allocation of these markers, chromosomes H2,H3, H4, H5, and H7 of H. californicum have relationship with wheat homoeologous groups 5, 2, 6, 3, and 1, and hence could be designated as 5Hc, 2Hc, 6Hc, 3Hcand 1Hc, respectively. The chromosomes H1 and H6 were designated as 7Hcand 4Hc, respectively, by referring to SSR markers located on rye chromosomes.  相似文献   

A selection of 36 wheat and 35 barley simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs) were studied for their utility in Hordeum chilense. Nineteen wheat and nineteen barley primer pairs amplified consistent H. chilense products. Nine wheat and two barley SSRs were polymorphic in a H. chilense mapping population, producing codominant markers that mapped to the expected homoeologous linkage groups in all but one case. Thirteen wheat and 10 barley primer pairs were suitable for studying the introgression of H. chilense into wheat because they amplified H. chilense products of distinct size. Analysis of wheat/H. chilense addition lines showed that the H. chilense products derived from the expected homoeologous linkage groups. The results showed that wheat and barley SSRs provide a valuable resource for the genetic characterization of H. chilense, tritordeums and derived introgression lines. Received: 20 November 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2001  相似文献   

In order to transfer useful genes of Hordeum californicum into common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), the T. aestivum c.v. Chinese Spring (CS)-H. californicum amphiploid was crossed to CS, and its backcrossing and self-fertilized progenies were analyzed by morpho-logical observation, cytological, biochemical and molecular marker techniques. Alien addition lines with two H. californicum chromo-somes were identified and their genetic constitution was characterized. STS-PCR analysis using chromosome 2B specific markers indi-cated that chromosome H3 of 1t. califomicum belongs to homoeologous group 2, and was thus designated 2H. SDS-PAGE showed that chromosome H2 of H. californicum belongs to homoeologous group 5, and was designated 5H. The CS-H. californicum amphiploid and the chromosome addition lines (DA2H and MA5H) identified were evaluated for powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. triticii) resis-tance in field. The preliminary results indicated that the amphiploid showed higher powdery mildew resistance than CS. However, chro-mosome addition lines DA2H and MA5H were highly susceptible to powdery mildew, indicating that major powdery mildew resistant genes of H. californicum should be located on chromosomes other than 2H and 5H.  相似文献   

Wheat-Dasypyrum villosum translocations were induced in the progeny of the amphiploid Triticum durum-D. villosum (AABBVV) by pollen irradiation. The rearranged V genome chromosomes were characterized by genomic/fluorescence in situ hybridization (GISH/FISH) and molecular markers. Twenty wheat-D. villosum translocation chromosomes were selected, including four centric, seven large segments, and nine small segments in a Chinese Spring (CS) background. The four centric translocations were subsequently identified by GISH/FISH and by molecular markers specific to chromosome arms of the Triticeae linkage groups. They were T5DL.4VL, T4BL.7VS, and T4BS.7VL as well as the compensating translocation T7AL.7VS. Using a combination of previously developed V chromosome alterations, 52 translocations or deletions that divided V chromosomes into 42 bins were employed for deletion mapping of molecular markers specific to D. villosum in a wheat background. Ninety-five expressed sequence tag (EST)-sequence-tagged site (STS) and seven SSR markers that were previously reported, as well as 72 STS markers screened in the present study, were physically allocated into 37 of 42 chromosome bins of D. villosum. Multiple loci of EST-STS markers were also mapped using CS nullisomic tetrasomic (NT) and ditelosomic (DT) genetic stocks. Most EST-STS homoeoloci were located on homoeologous chromosomes, suggesting a high degree of homology between the genomes of D. villosum and wheat. Four 4VL-specific markers detected homoeoloci on group 7 chromosomes of wheat, indicating that chromosome 4V of D. villosum shows some affinity to both wheat homoeologous groups 4 and 7. This is the first physical map of D. villosum, which will provide insight into the V genome for molecular breeding.  相似文献   

Liu C  Qi L  Liu W  Zhao W  Wilson J  Friebe B  Gill BS 《Génome》2011,54(10):836-844
Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy, a wild relative of bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), is the source of many agronomically important genes for wheat improvement. Production of compensating Robertsonian translocations (cRobTs), consisting of D. villosum chromosome arms translocated to homoeologous wheat chromosome arms, is one of the initial steps in exploiting this variation. The cRobTs for D. villosum chromosomes 1V, 4V, and 6V have been reported previously. Here we report attempted cRobTs for wheat - D. villosum chromosome combinations 2D/2V, 3D/3V, 5D/5V, and 7D/7V. The cRobTs for all D. villosum chromosomes were recovered except for the 2VS and 5VL arms. As was the case with the 6D/6V combination, no cRobTs involving 2D/2V chromosomes were recovered; instead, cRobT T2BS·2VL involving a nontargeted chromosome was recovered. All cRobTs are fertile, although the level of spike fertility and hundred kernel weight (HKW) varied among the lines. The set of cRobTs involving 12 of the 14 D. villosum chromosomes will be useful in wheat improvement programs. In fact, among the already reported cRobTs, T6AL·6VS carrying the Pm21 gene is deployed in agriculture and many useful genes have been reported on other cRobTs including resistance to stem rust race UG99 on T6AS·6VL.  相似文献   

Two populations of single chromosome recombinant lines were used to map genes controlling flowering time on chromosome 5B of wheat, and one of the populations was also used to map a new frost resistance gene. Genetic maps were developed, mainly using microsatellite markers, and QTL analysis was applied to phenotypic data on the performance of each population collected from growth-room tests of flowering time and frost tolerance. Using a recombinant substitution-line mapping population derived from a cross between the substitution-line 'Chinese Spring' ('Cheyenne' 5B) and 'Chinese Spring' (CS), the gene Vrn-B1, affecting vernalization response, an earliness per se locus, Eps-5BL1, and a gene, Fr-B1, affecting frost resistance, were mapped. Using a 'Hobbit Sib' ('Chinese Spring' 5BL) x 'Hobbit Sib' recombinant substitution line mapping population, an earliness per se locus, Eps-5BL2 was mapped. The Vrn-B1 locus was mapped on the distal portion of the long arm of chromosome 5B, to a region syntenous with the segments of chromosomes 5A and 5D containing Vrn-A1 and Vrn-D1 loci, respectively. The two Eps-5BL loci were mapped close to the centromere with a 16-cM distance from each other, one in agreement with the position of a homoeologous locus previously mapped on chromosome 5H of barley, and suggested by the response of 'Chinese Spring' deletion lines. The Fr-B1 gene was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 5B, 40 cM from the centromeric marker. Previous comparative mapping data with rice chromosome 9 would suggest that this gene could be orthologous to the other Fr genes mapped previously by us on chromosomes 5A or 5D of wheat, although in a more proximal position. This study completes the mapping of these homoeoallelic series of vernalization requirement genes and frost resistance genes on the chromosomes of the homoeologous group 5 in wheat.  相似文献   

H Ozkan  M Feldman 《Génome》2001,44(6):1000-1006
The Ph1 gene has long been considered the main factor responsible for the diploid-like meiotic behavior of polyploid wheat. This dominant gene, located on the long arm of chromosome 5B (5BL), suppresses pairing of homoeologous chromosomes in polyploid wheat and in their hybrids with related species. Here we report on the discovery of genotypic variation among tetraploid wheats in the control of homoeologous pairing. Compared with the level of homoeologous pairing in hybrids between Aegilops peregrina and the bread wheat cultivar Chinese Spring (CS), significantly higher levels of homoeologous pairing were obtained in hybrids between Ae. peregrina and CS substitution lines in which chromosome 5B of CS was replaced by either 5B of Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides line 09 (TTD09) or 5G of Triticum timopheevii ssp. timopheevii line 01 (TIMO1). Similarly, a higher level of homoeologous pairing was found in the hybrid between Ae. peregrina and a substitution line of CS in which chromosome arm 5BL of line TTD140 substituted for 5BL of CS. It appears that the observed effect on the level of pairing is exerted by chromosome arm 5BL of T turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, most probably by an allele of Ph1. Searching for variation in the control of homoeologous pairing among lines of wild tetraploid wheat, either T turgidum ssp. dicoccoides or T timopheevii ssp. armeniacum, showed that hybrids between Ae. peregrina and lines of these two wild wheats exhibited three different levels of homoeologous pairing: low, low intermediate, and high intermediate. The low-intermediate and high-intermediate genotypes may possess weak alleles of Ph1. The three different T turgidum ssp. dicoccoides pairing genotypes were collected from different geographical regions in Israel, indicating that this trait may have an adaptive value. The availability of allelic variation at the Ph1 locus may facilitate the mapping, tagging, and eventually the isolation of this important gene.  相似文献   

To gain insights into the structure and function of the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genomes, we identified 278 ESTs related to abiotic stress (cold, heat, drought, salinity, and aluminum) from 7671 ESTs previously mapped to wheat chromosomes. Of the 278 abiotic stress related ESTs, 259 (811 loci) were assigned to chromosome deletion bins and analyzed for their distribution pattern among the 7 homoeologous chromosome groups. Distribution of abiotic stress related EST loci were not uniform throughout the different regions of the chromosomes of the 3 wheat genomes. Both the short and long arms of group 4 chromosomes showed a higher number of loci in their distal regions compared with proximal regions. Of the 811 loci, the number of mapped loci on the A, B, and D genomes were 258, 281, and 272, respectively. The highest number of abiotic stress related loci were found in homoeologous chromosome group 2 (142 loci) and the lowest number were found in group 6 (94 loci). When considering the genome-specific ESTs, the B genome showed the highest number of unique ESTs (7 loci), while none were found in the D genome. Similarly, considering homoeologous group-specific ESTs, group 2 showed the highest number with 16 unique ESTs (58 loci), followed by group 4 with 9 unique ESTs (33 loci). Many of the classified proteins fell into the biological process categories associated with metabolism, cell growth, and cell maintenance. Most of the mapped ESTs fell into the category of enzyme activity (28%), followed by binding activity (27%). Enzymes related to abiotic stress such as beta-galactosidase, peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and trehalose-6-phosphate synthase were identified. The comparison of stress-responsive ESTs with genomic sequences of rice (Oryza sativa L.) chromosomes revealed the complexities of colinearity. This bin map provides insight into the structural and functional details of wheat genomic regions in relation to abiotic stress.  相似文献   

选用来自小麦族7个部分同源群的26个DNA探针对45个小麦-鹅观草衍生后代株系及鹅观草、中国春和扬麦5号亲本进行RFLP分析,结果表明16个小麦-鹅观草异附加系、异代换系或可能的易位系中所涉及鹅观草染色体分别属于第1、3、5、6、7部分同源群。小麦-鹅观草异染色体系中导入的成对鹅观草染色体能够较稳定地遗传给后代。K139、K141、K214、K218、K219、K224二体附加系所添加的鹅观草染色体属第1部分同源群,但K214和K218所添加的鹅观草染色体与K219、K224的添加的鹅观草染色体分别来自鹅观草不同的染色体组。K147端体添加系涉及鹅观草第1部分同源群染色体长臂,而K139、K141和K147所涉及的鹅观草染色体长臂分别来自鹅观草3个不同的染色体组。鹅观草U染色体与小麦第1部分同源群有同源关系,属第1部分同源群的鹅观草染色体尤其是其长臂与赤霉病抗性有关。鹅观草第1部分同源群与第6部分同源群染色体之间可能涉及重排。K203添加的2条鹅观草染色体分别与第1和6部分同源群同源。K166导入鹅观草染色体涉及第5部分同源群短臂。K177(2n=41,20Ⅱ I)中,所渗入的鹅观草染色质涉及第5(5L)、6(6S)、7(SL)部分同源群。鹅观草S、H和Y3个染色体组间具部分同源性。  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of the genes in common wheat that encode the five histones and five members of the HBP (histone gene-binding protein)-1 family were determined by hybridizing their cloned DNAs to genomic DNAs of nullitetrasomic and telosomic lines of common wheat, Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring. The H1 and H2a genes are located on different sets of homoeologous chromosomes or chromosome arms, namely, 5A, 5B and 5D, and 2AS, 2BS and 2DS, respectively. Genes for the other histones, H2b, H3 and H4, are found in high copy number and are dispersed among a large number of chromosomes. The genes for all members of the HBP-1 family are present in small copy numbers. Those for HBP-1a(1) are located on six chromosome arms, 3BL, 5AL, 5DL, 6AL, 6BS and 7DL, whereas those for each HBP-1a(c14), 1a(17), 1b(c1), and 1b(c38) are on a single set of homoeologous chromosome arms; 4AS, 4BL, 4DL; 6AS, 6BS, 6DS; 3AL, 3BL, 3DL; and 3AS, 3BS, 3DS, respectively. The genes for histones H1 and H2a, and for all members of the HBP-1 family except HBP-1a(1) are assumed to have different phylogenetic origins. The genes for histone 2a and HBP-1a(17) are located in the RFLP maps of chromosomes 2B and 6A, respectively. Gene symbols are proposed for all genes whose chromosomal locations have been determined.  相似文献   

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