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重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)载体是一种具有高靶向性和良好安全性的病毒载体,在基因治疗中得到了较为广泛的应用。目前全球范围内已有70余项以rAAV为基因药物的临床研究已经完成或正在进行中。与野生型AAV(wtAAV)定点整合不同,不表达Rep蛋白的rAAV载体与宿主染色体发生的是随机整合,而这给临床应用带来了可能的潜在的安全隐患。该文在综述wtAAV和rAAV整合机理的基础上对rAAV的因随机整合而可能导致的致癌性及其他后果进行探讨,并总结了相应应对策略,特别是目前利用Rep蛋白所开展的定点整合研究。  相似文献   

重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)载体被认为是最有希望的临床应用基因治疗载体之一。rAAV载体基因传递的有效性与病毒衣壳蛋白的免疫原性之间的矛盾是制约该类基因药物开发的关键难题,提高其表达效率是rAAV载体研发的主攻方向之一。研究发现,紫外线、γ射线等辐射可以提高rAAV载体的基因表达效率,其作用效果与辐射种类和剂量、细胞种类和状态、载体感染指数和感染时间等因素有关。其机制可能与DNA损伤反应,特别是DNA双链断裂修复有关。对辐射与rAAV载体的表达效率之间关系的深入了解,为两者的联合应用打开方便之门。本文将对UV、γ射线等辐射提高rAAV载体表达效率的机制、影响因素及其在基因治疗领域的应用进展进行综述。  相似文献   

腺相关病毒的衣壳装配和DNA衣壳化机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组腺相关病毒载体 (rAAV) 是基因治疗临床应用载体的选择之一。在简述野生型AAV基因组结构和复制机制的基础上,阐述了AAV包装过程中两个主要事件:衣壳蛋白的装配和基因组DNA的衣壳化。虽然对AAV的包装机制总体上已有一定的认识,但其详细的分子机制、构效关系仍需完善和充实。AAV病毒本身相关机制的深入研究有助于改善rAAV载体的制备技术,促进rAAV基因药物研发。  相似文献   

重组腺相关病毒生产方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)作为基因治疗的载体,具有感染范围广、能在宿主细胞中长久稳定表达外源基因和非致病性等优点,因此在基因治疗领域倍受青睐。rAAV的大规模制备技术一直是限制其临床广泛应用的瓶颈。近年来,有许多改进rAAV制备工艺的尝试。我们在介绍rAAV载体制备所需各种元件的基础上,对这些方法进行了简要综述。  相似文献   

猪是许多呼吸道病毒感染的天然宿主,其与人类在肺生理学、呼吸道形态学和呼吸道细胞类型以及受体分布都有相似之处。为了解呼吸道病毒感染机制和筛选呼吸系统疾病药物,选择以猪肺组织为原料采用无血清气液界面培养法构建一种猪呼吸道上皮细胞(Porcine airway epithelial cell,PAEC)体外分化模型,然后通过扫描电子显微镜、电生理和免疫组织化学等方法鉴定该模型。采用三质粒共转染法构建重组腺相关病毒rAAV6-GFP(rAAV6-green fluorescent protein,rAAV6-GFP),通过顶端表面感染PAEC模型,探讨AAV6在PAEC模型中基因治疗领域的应用。结果显示分化成熟的PAEC模型为多层上皮结构,顶端表面含有纤毛细胞、黏液分泌细胞和基底细胞。rAAV6-GFP能通过顶端表面感染PAEC,有效地介导外源基因的长期表达。本文建立的猪呼吸道上皮细胞体外分化模型为呼吸道病原体感染和呼吸系统疾病药物筛选和基因疗法等研究奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus,AAV)本身具有抗肿瘤活性,以其为基础构建的重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)作为肿瘤基因治疗载体已应用于临床试验研究。与其他的药物一样,单一的AAV基因药物,可能无法对肿瘤这一多基因、多步骤的复杂疾病发挥有效的治疗作用。国内外实验研究发现,多种化疗药物和放疗手段,不但可以提高rAAV载体的基因表达效率,也能促进AAV病毒本身的复制;反过来,AAV可以提高肿瘤细胞对放化疗的敏感性。联合AAV与其他的肿瘤治疗策略将有助于优化肿瘤治疗效果。  相似文献   

重组腺相关病毒载体相关性杂质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可以稳定表达治疗基因而无明显不良反应的重组腺相关病毒 (rAAV) 载体被认为是最有发展前景的基因治疗载体。但如何建立可以有效去除rAAV载体内具有潜在致病危害的杂质、产品质量符合临床使用要求的纯化工艺是研究人员面临的巨大挑战。其中针对载体相关性杂质的纯化工艺尤为关键,因为该类杂质的性质与真正的rAAV载体极其相似,一旦存在便难以去除,且会引起严重不良反应。以下总结了该类杂质形成的过程及有别于rAAV载体的特点,并对可以防止其生成或将其与rAAV载体有效分离的技术手段进行了评价。  相似文献   

重组腺相关病毒载体相关性杂质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Diao Y  Wang Q  Xiao W  Xu R 《生物工程学报》2011,27(5):717-723
可以稳定表达治疗基因而无明显不良反应的重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)载体被认为是最有发展前景的基因治疗载体。但如何建立可以有效去除rAAV载体内具有潜在致病危害的杂质、产品质量符合临床使用要求的纯化工艺是研究人员面临的巨大挑战。其中针对载体相关性杂质的纯化工艺尤为关键,因为该类杂质的性质与真正的rAAV载体极其相似,一旦存在便难以去除,且会引起严重不良反应。以下总结了该类杂质形成的过程及有别于rAAV载体的特点,并对可以防止其生成或将其与rAAV载体有效分离的技术手段进行了评价。  相似文献   

2型重组腺相关病毒体外转导培养细胞的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示2型重组腺相关病毒感染哺乳动物细胞的一些转导特征,构建并制备了一种携带萤火虫荧光素酶基因的重组2型腺相关病毒rAAV2-Luc,研究了该重组病毒体外转导哺乳动物细胞的量效关系;肝素对转导的拮抗作用;rAAV2的竞争抑制作用;丁酸钠对表达水平的增强作用.结果显示,在一定范围内,随着rAAV2-Luc感染细胞的感染复数(MOI即每个细胞感染的病毒基因组数)值增高,荧光素酶的表达水平也增高;但更高的MOI(>107)反而使荧光素酶的表达水平下降.肝素可特异性阻断rAAV2介导的荧光素酶表达.携带不同基因的2种rAAV2病毒相互具有明显的竞争抑制作用.丁酸钠可显著增强rAAV2介导的荧光素酶表达水平.本研究对rAAV2载体介导的基因转移研究具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

在以病毒载体介导的基因治疗研究中,重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)因其疗效和安全性方面的优势,是最有临床应用前景的载体。但其转基因包装容量一般不能超过5.0kb,给需要转导大片段基因的应用带来了困难,限制了rAAV在基因治疗研究中的应用。随着对rAAV细胞转导生物学过程研究的不断深入,发现了一些可以突破rAAV包装容量限制的技术,如反式剪接和同源重组策略,为拓展该载体应用范围提供了可能性。另外,rAAV包装容量限制的特点还可以被用来减少生产过程中具有可复制能力的类病毒杂质的污染,为rAAV的临床安全性提供了保障。  相似文献   

The development of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) gene therapies is becoming an increasing priority in the biotherapeutic landscape. One of the challenges associated with the production of rAAV is the formation of empty AAV particles that do not contain a therapeutic gene. The concerns about the impact of empty particles on clinical safety and rAAV-mediated gene expression have necessitated the development of purification processes to remove these species. The development of a robust and scalable purification process to separate empty and full AAV particles at large scale remains a challenge. In this study, a novel anion exchange chromatography process based on isocratic wash and elution steps to enrich full rAAV2 particles is presented. An operating design space is identified to ensure the robustness of the process. The isocratic chromatography provides several advantages over the traditional shallow linear gradient elution, including lower buffer consumption, smaller intermediate pool volumes, and more robust manufacturing.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors (rAAV) are being developed as gene therapy delivery vehicles and as genetic vaccines, and some of the most scaleable manufacturing methods for rAAV use live adenovirus to induce production. One aspect of establishing safety of rAAV products is therefore demonstrating adequate and reliable clearance of this helper virus by the vector purification process. The ICH Q5A regulatory guidance on viral safety provides recommendations for process design and characterization of viral clearance for recombinant proteins, and these principles were adapted to a rAAV serotype 1 purification process for clinical vectors. Specific objectives were to achieve overall adenovirus clearance factors significantly greater than input levels by using orthogonal separation and inactivation methods, and to segregate adenovirus from downstream operations by positioning a robust clearance step early in the process. Analytical tools for process development and characterization addressed problematic in-process samples, and a viral clearance validation study was performed using adenovirus and two non-specific model viruses. Overall clearance factors determined were >23 LRV for adenovirus, 11 LRV for BVDV, and >23 LRV for AMuLV.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAV) are commonly used in pre-clinical and clinical gene transfer studies. However, the relatively slow kinetics of rAAV transgene expression complicates in vitro and in vivo experiments. METHODS: 293 and COS-1 cells were transduced with rAAV2-EGFP, rAAV1-EGFP, or rAAV5-EGFP. The rAAV-EGFP expression was analyzed in the presence of Hoechst 33 258 or 33 342 as a function of time and concentration by flow cytometry and fluorescent microscope. Effects of Hoechst on cell cycle populations were determined by flow cytometry. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expression plasmids with or without AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITR) were constructed and gene expression by transient transfection was compared in the presence of Hoechst. RESULTS: We found that Hoechst 33 258 and 33 342 increase both the level and the population of EGFP gene expressing cells, transduced by several different serotypes of rAAV-EGFP. The augmentation of rAAV-EGFP expression occurs in different cell types in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, the Hoechst 33 258 or 33 342 mediated enhancement of rAAV gene expression correlated with an increase of cells in S phase and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Finally, gene expression from transfected ITR-containing plasmid DNA was also enhanced by Hoechst dyes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results revealed that two different, although related, DNA-binding drugs, Hoechst 33 258 and 33 342, accelerate the kinetics of rAAV transgene expression. These findings may provide the basis for more sensitive assessment of rAAV biological activity and also extend the applications of rAAV for in vivo gene transfer.  相似文献   

Adenovirus and adeno-associated virus vectors   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Recombinant adenovirus (rAd) and recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) are among the most extensively used vectors in gene therapy studies to date. These two vectors share some similar features such as a broad host range and ability to infect both proliferating and quiescent cells. However, they also possess their own unique set of properties that render them particularly attractive for gene therapy applications. rAd vectors can accommodate larger inserts, mediate transient but high levels of protein expression, and can be easily produced at high titers. Development of gutted rAd vectors has further increased the cloning capacity of these vectors. The gaining popularity of rAAV use in gene therapy can be attributed to its lack of pathogenicity and added safety due to its replication defectiveness, and its ability to mediate long-term expression in a variety of tissues. Site-specific integration, as occurs with wild-type AAV, will be a unique and valuable feature if incorporated into rAAV vectors, further improving their safety. This paper describes these properties of rAd and rAAV vectors, and discusses further development and vector improvements that continue to extend the utility of these vectors, such as cell retargeting by capsid modification, differential transduction by use of serotypes, and extension of the cloning capacity of rAAV vectors by dual vector heterodimerization.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors have many advantages for gene therapeutic applications compared with other vector systems. Several methods that use plasmids or helper viruses have been reported for the generation of rAAV vectors. Unfortunately, the preparation of large-scale rAAV stocks is labor-intensive. Moreover, the biological titration of rAAV is still difficult, which may limit its preclinical and clinical applications. For this study, we developed a novel strategy to generate and biologically titrate rAAV vectors. A recombinant pseudorabies virus (PrV) with defects in its gD, gE, and thymidine kinase genes was engineered to express the AAV rep and cap genes, yielding PS virus, which served as a packaging and helper virus for the generation of rAAV vectors. PS virus was useful not only for generating high-titer rAAV vectors by cotransfection with an rAAV vector plasmid, but also for amplifying rAAV stocks. Notably, the biological titration of rAAV vectors was also feasible when cells were coinfected with rAAV and PS virus. Based on this strategy, we produced an rAAV that expresses prothymosin alpha (ProT). Expression of the ProT protein in vitro and in vivo mediated by rAAV/ProT gene transfer was detected by immunohistochemistry and a bioassay. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the PrV vector-based system is useful for generating rAAV vectors carrying various transgenes.  相似文献   

The study of melanocyte biology is important to understand their role in health and disease. However, current methods of gene transfer into melanocytes are limited by safety or efficacy. Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) has been extensively investigated as a gene therapy vector, is safe and is associated with persistent transgene expression without genome integration. There are twelve serotypes and many capsid variants of rAAV. However, a comparative study to determine which rAAV is most efficient at transducing primary human melanocytes has not been conducted. We therefore sought to determine the optimum rAAV variant for use in the in vitro transduction of primary human melanocytes, which could also be informative to future in vivo studies. We have screened eight variants of rAAV for their ability to transduce primary human melanocytes and identified rAAV6 as the optimal serotype, transducing 7–78% of cells. No increase in transduction was seen with rAAV6 tyrosine capsid mutants. The number of cells expressing the transgene peaked at 6–12 days post-infection, and transduced cells were still detectable at day 28. Therefore rAAV6 should be considered as a non-integrating vector for the transduction of primary human melanocytes.  相似文献   

Gene therapy is a promising therapeutic approach for genetic and acquired diseases nowadays. Among DNA delivery vectors, recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) is one of the most effective and safest vectors used in commercial drugs and clinical trials. However, the current yield of rAAV biomanufacturing lags behind the necessary dosages for clinical and commercial use, which embodies a concentrated reflection of low productivity of rAAV from host cells, difficult scalability of the rAAV-producing bioprocess, and high levels of impurities materialized during production. Those issues directly impact the price of gene therapy medicine in the market, limiting most patients’ access to gene therapy. In this context, the current practices and several critical challenges associated with rAAV gene therapy bioprocesses are reviewed, followed by a discussion of recent advances in rAAV-mediated gene therapy and other therapeutic biological fields that could improve biomanufacturing if these advances are integrated effectively into the current systems. This review aims to provide the current state-of-the-art technology and perspectives to enhance the productivity of rAAV while reducing impurities during production of rAAV.  相似文献   

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