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为明确源自急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例的HEV-B组病毒山东地方株的基因型分布,探讨其优势基因型的变迁与疾病暴发之间的关系,本研究对山东省1994年~2008年AFP监测系统分离到的HEV-B组病毒进行了VP1区核酸扩增和序列测定。序列测定结果显示HEV-B山东地方株共包括29种基因型,其中CVA 1种(CVA9),CVB 5种(CVB1~5),ECHO 20种以及新型肠道病毒EV73、75、97。其中ECHO11、CVB3、ECHO6、ECHO14、ECHO25是AFP监测系统中最常分离到的B组病毒。同源性比较显示,相同血清型HEV-B山东地方株型内核苷酸同源性最小75.4%,最大99.6%,与原型株核苷酸同源性最小73.8%,最大85.2%,但氨基酸变异不大。研究表明,不同基因型病毒具有不同的时间循环模式,相同基因型毒株内部根据其遗传距离的远近又可划分为不同的基因亚型,从而帮助确定HEV的传播途径和传播范围。  相似文献   

肠道病毒ECHO13中国分离株的基因特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究ECHO13病毒中国分离株的分子特征及其与世界其它分离株之间的基因关系,对1998年、2000年从中国福建省分离到2株ECHO13病毒进行基因序列对比分析.2株病毒分别命名为Fujian98-1和Fujian00-1,用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)扩增出VP1蛋白编码基因全长861个核苷酸片段并进行序列测定,将2株ECHO13病毒的VP1序列与所有已发表的ECHO13病毒VP1基因全长进行同源性比较.结果显示,福建分离株之间核苷酸同源性为79.6%,氨基酸同源性为93.4%;与遗传距离最近的法国CF1089-91(AJ537604)毒株的核苷酸同源性分别为80%和88%,与代表株Del Carmen的核苷酸同源性分别为75.8%和77.9%.通过VP1基因分析,福建2株病毒均属于ECHO13病毒,与血清中和试验鉴定结果一致.下载所有已发表的ECHO13病毒VP1序列并构建进化树,发现福建2株病毒分属不同的分枝,提示这2株病毒来自不同的病毒传播链.进一步分析发现,整个ECHO13病毒可划分为3个不同的基因型:A、B和C基因型.福建Fujian98-1和Fujian00-1分别被划分在基因型B和C中,各基因型之间的核苷酸差异均大于20%.为验证该分型方法,将26株来自不同国家和时间的ECHO13病毒和2株福建分离ECHO13病毒部分VP1基因序列进行对比分析,建立进化树.结果显示,所有ECHO13病毒被分在A、B和C3个基因型中,而2株福建分离病毒仍然被分在B和C基因型中.除了B基因型1株病毒以外,所有3个基因型之间的核苷酸差异均大于15%,与VP1全长分型结果基本一致,说明部分VP1序列的基因分析也能用于对ECHO13病毒进行规律和分子流行病学的研究中.该研究首次报道了ECHO13病毒中国分离株的VP1蛋白基因全长序列,并推荐按VP1基因全长核苷酸差异≥20%作为划分基因型的标准,将已知的ECHO13病毒划分为A、B和C3个基因型.同时也可用病毒VP1基因5′端部分序列替代VP1全长序列来划分基因型.  相似文献   

研究2014年安徽省手足口病(Hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)患儿中分离的柯萨奇病毒A组16型(Coxsachivirus A 16,CVA16)毒株VP1区基因特征。收集安徽省2014年1月至11月期间413份HFMD患儿咽拭子标本接种敏感细胞分离肠道病毒,用荧光定量RT-PCR鉴定细胞培养物,对CVA16阳性培养物进行毒株VP1区RT-PCR扩增及核苷酸序列测定和基因特征分析,并与国内外参考序列构建基因亲缘性关系树。共分离鉴定出肠道病毒阳性培养物97份,其中CVA16病毒分离株17株,人肠道病毒71型(Human enterovirus 71,HEV71)分离株76株,其它肠道病毒分离株4株,总体病毒分离率为23.49%(97/413)。CVA16基因亲缘性关系分析显示:安徽省2014分离的17株CVA16毒株都属于B1基因型B1b一个分支,它们之间在核苷酸和氨基酸水平上的同源性分布为分别为95.30%~100%和98.70%~100%,但在B1b分支内形成几个传播链。17株CVA16毒株VP1区核苷酸序列与国内云南、湖南、广东、西藏和江苏地区病毒分离株同源性较高,亲缘性关系近,其中与湖南2013年和广东深圳2014年CVA16病毒分离株同源性最高,为96.40%~99.70%。2014年安徽省分离的CVA16病毒分离株属于B1基因型B1b亚型,为优势流行株;在B1b分支内形成多个小的病毒传播链共同流行。  相似文献   

随着基于VP1序列分析的分子定型方法的推广应用,许多新型人类肠道病毒(Human enterovirus,HEV)陆续被发现。本研究通过对1989~2010年山东省急性弛缓性麻痹(Acute flaccid paralysis,AFP)监测系统分离到的非脊髓灰质炎肠道病毒进行VP1完整编码区的序列扩增及分子定型,共发现1株EV74,3株EV80和1株EV87。同源性分析显示EV74、EV80和EV87山东分离株与原型株的核苷酸同源性分别为81.4%,76.4%~81.7%以及80.3%。系统发生学分析显示山东地方株与国内外其他分离株的亲缘关系均较远。这是在中国大陆地区首次发现EV74和EV87,其中EV87山东分离株为全球第2个鉴定出的分离株。这3种新型HEV在AFP监测系统中的分离率较低,提示尚未在我国导致大规模流行。  相似文献   

人类肠道病毒(HEV)74型是人类肠道病毒B组(HEV-B)的新成员。为了解其进化和重组特性,本研究对2005年山东省急性弛缓性麻痹(Acute flaccid paralysis,AFP)监测系统分离到的人类肠道病毒74型山东地方株05293/SD/CHN/2005进行了全基因组序列测定和分析。与GenBank中的另2株HEV74全基因组序列比对,发现在5’NTR和3’NTR区有核苷酸缺失和插入;核苷酸序列的同源性分别为80.8%和80.6%,氨基酸同源性为96%和95.9%。山东株与原型株USA/CA75-10213间P1、P2和P3区核苷酸同源性分别为81.5%、80.0%和79.7%,氨基酸同源性分别为95.9%、96.0%和96.2%;山东株与西藏株Rikaze-136间P1、P2和P3区核苷酸同源性分别为81.9%、78.8%和79.5%,氨基酸同源性分别为95.9%、96.1%和95.7%。通过系统发生树和同源重组分析,发现该病毒可能与其他HEV-B组肠道病毒间发生重组。  相似文献   

【背景】人A组轮状病毒(Rotavirus Group A,RVA)是婴幼儿胃肠炎的主要病原体及发展中国家婴幼儿死亡的重要原因,目前无特效药物治疗,疫苗预防是唯一可行的预防感染方法。外衣壳蛋白VP7和VP4是疫苗设计的主要靶点,针对该基因加强RVA地方株分子流行病学监测十分必要。【目的】对锦州地方流行RVA株VP7和VP4基因进行型别鉴定和序列特征分析。【方法】收集锦州地区2018-2020年RVA感染腹泻患儿的粪便标本,提取病毒RNA,通过RT-PCR扩增VP7、VP4基因片段并测序,得到7株RVA VP7和VP4序列。使用在线基因分型工具Rota C V2.0对测序结果进行分型分析。应用BLAST、DNAStar、MEGA X、Bio Edit等生物软件与临床流行株及疫苗株进行系统发育分析及氨基酸序列比对分析。【结果】分型结果表明7株锦州地方株均为G9P[8]型,系统发育分析证实其VP7和VP4基因分别属于G9-Ⅵ和P[8]-3谱系,核苷酸序列相似性分别为99.32%-100%与99.41%-100%。JZ株VP7与疫苗株Rotavac和Rotasiil相比,在抗原表位区7-1a、7-1b、7-2中分别存在4个和3个氨基酸替换。JZ株VP4与疫苗株Rotarix和Rota Teq VP4氨基酸序列相比,发现7个和4个氨基酸替换,位于抗原表位区8-1和8-3。【结论】2018-2020年在辽宁锦州地区检测到7株G9P[8]型RVA株,VP7和VP4序列相似性高于99%,G9P[8]型可能是辽宁省锦州地区2018-2020年婴幼儿轮状病毒腹泻的主要流行基因型之一。与同基因型疫苗株比较,位于JZ株VP7和VP4抗原表位区的氨基酸位点差异对于野毒株免疫逃逸机制的研究具有意义。  相似文献   

为了解2013年安阳地区手足口病病原谱组成特点及柯萨奇病毒A6(CV-A6)VP1基因特征,采用实时荧光逆转录PCR方法对全年采集的临床手足口病例的479份粪便标本进行检测和分型,统计各型肠道病毒阳性标本数量及比例。对10份CV-A6阳性标本VP1基因进行扩增测序以获得全序列。使用BIOEDIT 7.2和MEGA 5.1软件对获得序列和NCBI数据库中检索到的参考序列进行VP1基因核苷酸、氨基酸相似性及系统发育分析。研究结果显示,检出肠道病毒阳性标本共429份,其中CV-A6阳性标本为90份,占全部阳性标本的比例为20.98%,这是安阳地区首次记录非CV-A16和EV-A71型肠道病毒列居手足口病病原谱第二位,成为手足口病主要病原之一。将成功获得的10条VP1序列与CV-A6原型株Gdula比较,发现安阳序列与Gdula VP1基因的核苷酸、氨基酸序列差异皆较大。与河南历史株HN421(2011)比较,发现有4条本地序列与HN421的核苷酸、氨基酸序列差异较大,其余6条与HN421差异较小。系统发育树显示,全部49条CV-A6序列共形成A、B、C、D四个分支。其中D分支可进一步分为D1和D2两个亚分支。安阳地区获得的10条CV-A6序列中,有6条属于D1亚分支,4条属于D2亚分支。  相似文献   

首次对ECHO25病毒进行分子生物学分析,阐明ECHO25(Entric Cytopathic Human Orphanviruses Type25)病毒河南分离株的分子生物学特征及其与世界其它分离株的基因关系。逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)扩增出VP1蛋白编码基因并进行序列测定,将所测4株ECHO25病毒的VP1序列与GenBank上已发表的ECH-O25病毒VP1区进行同源性比较及遗传进化分析发现:河南省4株ECHO25与标准株JV-4核苷酸同源性为79.2%~80.1%,氨基酸同源性为89.0%~92.4%;河南省4株ECHO25核苷酸同源性为93.0%~99.0%,氨基酸同源性为92.4%~97.5%;HN-01分离株与HN-26分离株高度同源,其核苷酸同源性达99.0%;河南省4株ECHO25同属B1基因亚型。  相似文献   

研究2010年中国内蒙古自治区引起手足口病(Hand foot and mouth disease,HFMD)的病原谱及人肠道病毒71型(Human enterovirus,HEV71)的分子特征。采集内蒙古自治区12个盟市门诊就诊的HFMD患者粪便和咽拭子标本共921份,进行病毒分离,然后利用三通道实时荧光定量PCR法[同时检测HEV71,柯萨奇病毒A16型(CVA16)和人肠道病毒(HEV)]对阳性分离物进行鉴定,对鉴定为其它HEV的阳性分离物进行VP4和VP1编码区扩增及核苷酸序列测定和分析。921份标本共分离出153株病毒,阳性率为16.61%,其中61株为HEV71,占39.87%,82株为CVA16,占53.59%,7株为其它HEV(分别为6株CVB4和1株Ⅱ型脊髓灰质炎疫苗病毒株),占6.53%,3株为腺病毒。重症病例中分离到9株病毒,其中6株为HEV71,3株为CVA16。选取从临床诊断分别为普通型病例、重型病例的HFMD患者临床标本中分离到的32株HEV71代表株进行VP1编码区基因扩增及核苷酸序列测定和分析,与HEV71其它各基因型和基因亚型的代表株构建亲缘性进化树。32株内蒙古HEV71代表株与1998年以来中国大陆HEV71分离株的VP1区核苷酸和氨基酸水平上的同源性都较高,尤其与2008年的北京代表株同源性最高,与C4基因亚型代表株聚为一支,属于C4基因亚型C4a进化分支,但它们之间的核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性略有差异,分别为96.4%~100%和98.14%~100%,与2007年的内蒙古代表株存在一定的差异,核苷酸同源性为96.95%~97.87%。亲缘进化关系树显示,这些HEV71处于不同的簇中,属于多个病毒传播链。2010年内蒙古HFMD的病原谱以CVA16和HEV71为主,重症病例中以HEV71居多。内蒙古流行的HEV71属于C4基因亚型C4a进化分支,并且存在多个传播链,与2008年北京代表株亲缘关系比2007年内蒙古代表株亲缘关系近,说明内蒙古流行的HEV71不是独立进化的,而是与中国流行的HEV71在共同进化。  相似文献   

对分离于我国首例iVDPV病例的Ⅱ型脊髓灰质炎病毒分离株的基因特征进行了研究。随机选择CHN9230-F3-Ⅱ株为研究对象,将其VP1区RT-PCR产物连接到T载体上进行克隆,随机挑选45个阳性克隆进行序列测定后获得45条VP1区核苷酸序列,这45条序列的VP1基因与昆明Ⅱ型疫苗株VP1基因差异13~24个核苷酸,变异率为1.44%~2.66%。45条序列在同源进化树图上分为3组,但都来源于CHN9230-F3-Ⅱ株,组成以优势株为主的相关突变株的病毒群,是典型的居群样存在形式。经RT-PCR后直接进行序列测定,并根据序列图中优势峰判读结果得到的CHN9230-F3-Ⅱ株核苷酸序列位于序列数量最多的第2组中,然而没有任何一条序列与之完全相同,说明它可能并不能代表具体的某一种序列,而只能是代表主序列具有的一般特征。3个组中的核苷酸序列与Ⅱ型疫苗株相比平均变异率分别为97.50%、97.93%和98.31%,根据脊灰病毒的进化率和3个组VP1区核苷酸序列的变异率推测,患者共5次服脊灰减毒活疫苗(OPV)史中的前3次OPV中的Ⅱ型疫苗病毒存活下来,依照疫苗接种顺序,分别形成了第1组、第2组和第3组的病毒居群样存在形式。我国Ⅱ型iVDPV以复杂的居群样形式存在,由于其进化速率较快并且感染了免疫缺陷患者,使其在该患者体内形成了持续性感染,它已经并可能将在更长的时间内在患者体内持续存在,一旦将来我国停止使用OPV后,iVDPV病例长期持续向外环境中排毒将对我国“维持无脊灰”带来严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

Human enteroviruses (HEV) are frequent human pathogens and, associated in particular with large outbreaks of aseptic meningitis. Here, we have compiled a database of clinical HEV isolates from the Public Hospitals of Marseille, from 1985 to 2005. Amongst 654 isolates that could be characterized by complete sequencing of the VP1 gene, 98% belonged to species HEV-B; the most frequently isolated serotypes were Echovirus E30, E11, E7, E6 and E4. The high incidence of E30 and the recent emergence of E13 are consistent with reports worldwide and peak HEV isolation occurred mostly in the late spring and summer months. The proportion of echoviruses has decreased across the years, while that of coxsackieviruses has increased. Stool (the most frequent sample type) allowed detection of all identified serotypes. MRC5 (Human lung fibroblasts) cell line was the most conducive cell line for HEV isolation (84.9% of 10 most common serotype isolates, 96.3% in association with BGM (Buffalo green monkey kidney cells)). Previous seroneutralization-based serotype identification demonstrated 55.4% accuracy when compared with molecular VP1 analysis. Our analysis of a large number of clinical strains over 20 years reinforced the validity of VP1 serotyping and showed that comparative p-distance scores can be coupled with phylogenetic analysis to provide non-ambiguous serotype identification. Phylogenetic analysis in the VP1, 2C and 3D regions also provided evidence for recombination events amongst clinical isolates. In particular, it identified isolates with dissimilar VP1 but almost identical nonstructural regions.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Wang J  Guo W  Wang H  Zhu S  Wang D  Bai R  Li X  Yan D  Wang H  Zhang Y  Zhu Z  Tan X  An H  Xu A  Xu W 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27895


Large-scale outbreaks of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) occurred repeatedly in the Central Plain of China (Shandong, Anhui, and Henan provinces) from 2007 until now. These epidemics have increased in size and severity each year and are a major public health concern in mainland China.

Principal Findings

Phylogenetic analysis was performed and a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo tree was constructed based on the complete VP1 sequences of HEV71 isolates. These analyses showed that the HFMD epidemic in the Central Plain of China was caused by at least 5 chains of HEV71 transmission and that the virus continued to circulate and evolve over the winter seasons between outbreaks. Between 1998 and 2010, there were 2 stages of HEV71 circulation in mainland China, with a shift from evolutionary branch C4b to C4a in 2003–2004. The evolution rate of C4a HEV71 was 4.99×10-3 substitutions per site per year, faster than the mean of all HEV71 genotypes. The most recent common ancestor estimates for the Chinese clusters dated to October 1994 and November 1993 for the C4a and C4b evolutionary branches, respectively. Compared with all C4a HEV71 strains, a nucleotide substitution in all C4b HEV71 genome (A to C reversion at nt2503 in the VP1 coding region, which caused amino acid substitution of VP1–10: Gln to His) had reverted.


The data suggest that C4a HEV71 strains introduced into the Central Plain of China are responsible for the recent outbreaks. The relationships among HEV71 isolates determined from the combined sequence and epidemiological data reveal the underlying seasonal dynamics of HEV71 circulation. At least 5 HEV71 lineages circulated in the Central Plain of China from 2007 to 2009, and the Shandong and Anhui lineages were found to have passed through a genetic bottleneck during the low-transmission winter season.  相似文献   

Large-scale Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) outbreaks have frequently occurred in China since 2008, affecting more than one million children and causing several hundred children deaths every year. The pathogens of HFMD are mainly human enteroviruses (HEVs). Among them, human enterovirus 71 (HEV71) and coxsackievirus A16 (CVA16) are the most common pathogens of HFMD. However, other HEVs could also cause HFMD. To rapidly detect HEV71 and CVA16, and ensure detection of all HEVs causing HFMD, two real-time hybridization probe-based RT-PCR assays were developed in this study. One is a multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay, which was developed to detect and differentiate HEV71 specifically from CVA16 directly from clinical specimens within 1–2 h, and the other is a broad-spectrum real-time RT-PCR assay, which targeted almost all HEVs. The experiments confirmed that the two assays have high sensitivity and specificity, and the sensitivity was up to 0.1 TCID50/ml for detection of HEVs, HEV71, and CVA16, respectively. A total of 213 clinical specimens were simultaneously detected by three kinds of assays, including the two real-time RT-PCR assays, direct conventional RT-PCR assay, and virus isolation assay on human rhabdomyosarcoma cells (RD cells). The total positive rate of both HEV71 and CVA16 was 69.48% with real-time RT-PCR assay, 47.42% with RT-PCR assay, and 34.58% with virus isolation assay. One HFMD clinical specimen was positive for HEV, but negative for HEV71 or CVA16, which was identified as Echovirus 11 (Echo11) by virus isolation, RT-PCR, and sequencing for the VP1 gene. The two real-time RT-PCR assays had been applied in 31 provincial HFMD labs to detect the pathogens of HFMD, which has contributed to the rapid identification of the pathogens in the early stages of HFMD outbreaks, and helped to clarify the etiologic agents of HFMD in China.  相似文献   

Replication of picornaviruses is dependent on VPg uridylylation, which is linked to the presence of the internal cis-acting replication element (cre). Cre are located within the sequence encoding polyprotein, yet at distinct positions as demonstrated for poliovirus and coxsackievirus-B3, cardiovirus, and human rhinovirus (HRV-A and HRV-B), overlapping proteins 2C, VP2, 2A, and VP1, respectively. Here we report a novel distinct cre element located in the VP2 region of the recently reported HRV-A2 species and provide evolutionary evidence of its functionality. We also experimentally interrogated functionality of recently identified HRV-B cre in the 2C region that is orthologous to the human enterovirus (HEV) cre and show that it is dispensable for replication and appears to be a nonfunctional evolutionary relic. In addition, our mutational analysis highlights two amino acids in the 2C protein that are crucial for replication. Remarkably, we conclude that each genetic clade of HRV and HEV is characterized by a unique functional cre element, where evolutionary success of a new genetic lineage seems to be associated with an invention of a novel cre motif and decay of the ancestral one. Therefore, we propose that cre element could be considered as an additional criterion for human rhinovirus and enterovirus classification.  相似文献   

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) are the most common causes of infectious hepatitis. These viruses are spread largely by the fecal-oral route and lead to clinically important disease in developing countries. To evaluate the potential of targeting hepatitis A and E infection simultaneously, a combined mucosal candidate vaccine was developed with the partial open reading frame 2 (ORF2) sequence (aa 368–607) of HEV (HE-ORF2) and partial virus protein 1 (VP1) sequence (aa 1–198) of HAV (HA-VP1), which included the viral neutralization epitopes. Tuftsin is an immunostimulatory peptide which can enhance the immunogenicity of a protein by targeting it to macrophages and dendritic cells. Here, we developed a novel combined protein vaccine by conjugating tuftsin to HE-ORF2 and HA-VP1 and used synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) as the adjuvant. Subsequent experiments in BALB/c mice demonstrated that tuftsin enhanced the serum-specific IgG and IgA antibodies against HEV and HAV at the intestinal, vaginal and pulmonary interface when delivered intranasally. Moreover, mice from the intranasally immunized tuftsin group (HE-ORF2-tuftsin + HA-VP1-tuftsin + CpG) showed higher levels of IFN-γ-secreting splenocytes (Th1 response) and ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T cells than those of the no-tuftsin group (HE-ORF2 + HA-VP1 + CpG). Thus, the tuftsin group generated stronger humoral and cellular immune responses compared with the no-tuftsin group. Moreover, enhanced responses to the combined protein vaccine were obtained by intranasal immunization compared with intramuscular injection. By integrating HE-ORF2, HA-VP1 and tuftsin in a vaccine, this study validated an important concept for further development of a combined mucosal vaccine against hepatitis A and E infection.  相似文献   

The more than 120 genotypes of human enteroviruses (HEVs) reflect a wide range of evolutionary divergence, and there are 23 currently classified as human enterovirus C species (HEV-C). Two new HEV-C (EV-C117 and EV-C118) were identified in the Community-Acquired Pneumonia Pediatric Research Initiative (CAP-PRI) study, and the present paper describes the characterisation of the complete genome of one EV-C117 strain (LIT22) and two EV-C118 (ISR38 and ISR10) strains. The EV-C117 and EV-C118 5′UTR sequences were related to those of EV-C104, EV-C105 and EV-C109, and were slightly shorter than those of other HEV A-D species. Similarity plot analyses showed that EV-C117 and EV-C118 have a P1 region that is highly divergent from that of the other HEV-C, and phylogenetic analyses highly supported a monophyletic group consisting of EV-C117, EV-C118, EV-C104, EV-C105 and EV-C109 strains. Phylogenetic, Simplot and Bootscan analyses indicated that recombination was not the main mechanism of EV-C117 and EV-C118 evolution, thus strengthening the hypothesis of the monophyletic origin of the coding regions, as in the case of other HEV-C. Phylogenetic analysis also revealed the emergence of a new group within HEV-C that is divided into two subgroups. Nucleotide and amino acid identity in VP1 sequences have been established as useful criteria for assigning new HEV types, but analysis of the complete P1 region improves resolution.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an important human pathogen. Due to the lack of a cell culture system and a practical animal model for HEV, little is known about its pathogenesis and replication. The discovery of a strain of HEV in chickens, designated avian HEV, prompted us to evaluate chickens as a model for the study of HEV. Eighty-five 60-week-old specific-pathogen-free chickens were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 chickens (n=28) were each inoculated with 5 x 10(4.5) 50% chicken infectious doses of avian HEV by the oronasal route, group 2 chickens (n=29) were each inoculated with the same dose by the intravenous (i.v.) route, and group 3 chickens (n=28) were not inoculated and were used as controls. Two chickens from each group were necropsied at 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 20, 24, 28, 35, and 42 days postinoculation (dpi), and the remaining chickens were necropsied at 56 dpi. Serum, fecal, and various tissue samples, including liver and spleen samples, were collected at each necropsy for pathological and virological testing. By 21 dpi, all oronasally and i.v. inoculated chickens had seroconverted. Fecal virus shedding was detected variably from 1 to 20 dpi for the i.v. group and from 10 to 56 dpi for the oronasal group. Avian HEV RNA was detected in serum, bile, and liver samples from both i.v. and oronasally inoculated chickens. Gross liver lesions, characterized by subcapsular hemorrhages or enlargement of the right intermediate lobe, were observed in 7 of 28 oronasally and 7 of 29 i.v. inoculated chickens. Microscopic liver lesions were mainly lymphocytic periphlebitis and phlebitis. The lesion scores were higher for oronasal (P=0.0008) and i.v. (P=0.0029) group birds than for control birds. Slight elevations of the plasma liver enzyme lactate dehydrogenase were observed in infected chickens. The results indicated that chickens are a useful model for studying HEV replication and pathogenesis. This is the first report of HEV transmission via its natural route in a homologous animal model.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The impact of hepatitis E in developed countries, like Italy, still requires a clear definition. In the present study, we evaluated HEV infection in patients with acute non-A-C hepatitis by an approach comparing data from Real-time PCR and serological assays. METHODS: In a first analysis, sera from 52 patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute viral non-A-C hepatitis in Italy were tested by in-house Real-Time PCR assay for identification of Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) RNA and by anti-HEV IgM and IgG assays. In a subsequent analysis, selected samples were evaluated by additional IgM tests to confirm diagnosis. RESULTS: Among the 52 samples, 21 showed positive results for all three markers (IgM, IgG and HEV RNA). One patient showed HEV RNA as single marker. Uncertain results were found in 8 samples while the remaining 22 were negative for all markers. Further analysis of the 8 undefined samples by additional IgM tests confirmed HEV infection in 1 patient. Overall, acute HEV infections were reliably identified in 23 (44.2%) out of 52 patients. CONCLUSIONS: In the present paper, we performed a study evaluating HEV infection in 52 sporadic non-A-C acute hepatitis cases. All samples were collected from 2004 to 2010 in Italy. By a diagnostic strategy based on genomic and serological assays we identified HEV infections in 23 out of 52 patients (44.2%), a percentage higher than previous estimates. Thus, the actual impact of HEV infections in Italy needs to be further evaluated on a national scale by a diagnostic strategy based on multiple and last generation assays.  相似文献   

Human astroviruses (HAstVs) are a major cause of gastroenteritis. HAstV assembles from the structural protein VP90 and undergoes a cascade of proteolytic cleavages. Cleavage to VP70 is required for release of immature particles from cells, and subsequent cleavage by trypsin confers infectivity. We used electron cryomicroscopy and icosahedral image analysis to determine the first experimentally derived, three-dimensional structures of an immature VP70 virion and a fully proteolyzed, infectious virion. Both particles display T = 3 icosahedral symmetry and nearly identical solid capsid shells with diameters of ~ 350 Å. Globular spikes emanate from the capsid surface, yielding an overall diameter of ~ 440 Å. While the immature particles display 90 dimeric spikes, the mature capsid only displays 30 spikes, located on the icosahedral 2-fold axes. Loss of the 60 peripentonal spikes likely plays an important role in viral infectivity. In addition, immature HAstV bears a striking resemblance to the structure of hepatitis E virus (HEV)-like particles, as previously predicted from structural similarity of the crystal structure of the astrovirus spike domain with the HEV P-domain [Dong, J., Dong, L., Méndez, E. &; Tao, Y. (2011). Crystal structure of the human astrovirus capsid spike. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 12681–12686]. Similarities between their capsid shells and dimeric spikes and between the sequences of their capsid proteins suggest that these viral families are phylogenetically related and may share common assembly and activation mechanisms.  相似文献   

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