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保安湖沙塘鳢的食性、繁殖、年龄及生长的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
保安湖沙塘鳢1冬龄成熟,雌雄比1:1.34,4月初至6月中旬繁殖;个体绝对繁殖力540—1943egg(1154±314egg)。渔获物中以体长8.0—14.0cm,体重10.0—40.0g,2、3龄个体为主。体长-体重关系为W=0.02129L3.0585。3龄前生长较快;雄鱼略快于雌鱼。肥满度冬春季较高,最高在3月。体长和体重与年龄的关系可用Bertalanffy生长方程描述,参数分别为:雌鱼L∞=15.29cm,k=0.4072,t0=0.1596,W∞=84.9g;雄鱼L∞=16.71cm,k=0.3736,t0=0.1095,W∞=118.5g;体重生长拐点年龄和拐点体重雌鱼分别为2.86a和25.1g,雄鱼3.13a和35.4g。  相似文献   

瓣结鱼的繁殖习性以及精子的活力与寿命   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经组织学观察,研究了性成熟瓣结鱼的性腺发育的周期性变化,并初步分析了瓣结鱼的和。其繁殖盛期在4月下旬到5月上旬,繁殖群体♀:♂=1:9.1,繁殖季节具有雌雄二态性,雄鱼绝大多数在2龄性成熟,雌鱼多在3性成熟。不同浓度的NaCl溶液对精子活力和寿命有较大影响,成熟精子在0.45-0.55%的NaCl溶液中剧烈运动时间最长,平均为172.5秒。  相似文献   

深圳湾大弹涂鱼种群结构与生殖特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔡泽平 《生态学报》1996,16(1):77-82
本文探讨了深圳湾大弹涂鱼种群结构和生殖特征。结果表明:该种群以1、2龄鱼组成为主,3龄鱼极少,表明种群结构简单,体长与体重的相关曲线方程为W=4.1618×10-5L2.7451(r=0.9576)。雌雄性比为3:2。一龄鱼开始性成熟。雌鱼性成熟最小生物学体长为62mm,雄鱼为59mm。个体绝对生殖力波动于1956—14053粒,平均7293粒;个体相对生殖力F/L:29.5—100.5粒/mm,平均79粒/mm;F/W:511.0—804.9粒/g,平均752粒/g。4—6月为繁殖盛期,7—8月为繁殖末期。雌性周年月平均成熟系数(GSI)变动范围为0.27%—4.36%。大弹涂鱼在一个生殖季节中只能产卵一次,属于一次性排卵类型。  相似文献   

山地麻晰繁殖生态的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1997年3月至1998年8月,在徐州市近郊的牛头山对山地麻晰的繁殖生态进行了研究。3~7月为繁殖期,其中4~5月为交配产卵盛期。雌雄性比为11.6。从交配到产卵为26天,卵白色、革质、椭圆形。长径平均为1.37(1.23~1.53)cm,短径平均为0.86(0.7~1.06)cm,卵重平均为0.6(0.4~0.85)g,每窝平均产卵4.1(3~5)枚。孵化期为50天。初孵出的小麻晰尾端为蓝绿色,  相似文献   

长吻鮠的卵巢发育和周年变化及繁殖习性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文报道了长吻卵巢发育与周年变化特点和繁殖习性。依外形和组织学特征,性成熟前至性成熟鱼卵巢的发育可分为卵原细胞期、单层滤泡期、卵黄泡期,卵黄充满期、成熟期和退化期6个时期,Ⅰ期性腺只存在于1龄内个体,Ⅱ期性腺持续2年左右,性成熟前发育至Ⅲ期,经Ⅳ、Ⅴ期发育至成熟并首次参与繁殖,最小性成熟个体3龄。性成熟后个体卵巢的发育只有后5个时期。繁殖期4—6月,产后卵巢很快退回到Ⅱ期,Ⅲ期卵巢越冬。一次产卵类型。卵壳膜源于滤泡细胞。卵粒的退化吸收分5步完成。  相似文献   

长吻wei的卵巢发育和周年变化及繁殖习性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道了长吻wei卵巢发育与周年变化特点和繁殖习性。依外形和组织学特征,性成熟前于性成熟鱼卵巢的发育可分为卵原细胞期、单层滤泡期、卵黄泡期,卵黄充满期、成熟期和退化期6个时期,I期性腺只存在于1龄内个体,Ⅱ期性腺持续2年左右,性成熟前发育至Ⅲ期,经Ⅳ、V期发育至成熟并首次参与繁殖,最小性成熟个体3龄。性成熟后个体卵巢的发育只有后5个时期。繁殖期4-6月,产后卵巢很快退回到Ⅱ期,Ⅲ期卵巢越冬。一次  相似文献   

长尾雀繁殖生态的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长尾雀在长白山为留鸟,是典型的“素食”瘪类,仅在育雏期有很少的动物性食物。繁殖期在筑巢适宜生境1.3对/hm^2,冬季在繁殖期相同生境为0.074只/hm^2.4月初开始有求偶追逐和争雌行为。5月下旬产卵。孵化期12-13d.6日龄喂雏35次/d。6日龄喂雏35次/d,雏鸟在10日龄后体温恒定,育雏期13-14d。9月中旬后幼鸟换成成鸟羽色。  相似文献   

赤眼鳟的繁殖生物学   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)的性腺发育、性征、繁殖力、性比、繁殖习性、胚胎发育和胚后发育进行了研究。赤眼鳟初次性成熟年龄为2冬龄。繁殖季节为4月下旬至8月上旬,以5~7月为盛产期。网箱饲养已达性成熟年龄的赤眼鳟性腺成熟系数大于池养及江河野生的。其相对繁殖力为252.8粒/g,高于池养者31.05%,高于野生鱼28.0%。雄鱼体形比雌鱼长,成熟雄鱼在繁殖季节胸鳍具有颗粒状珠星,非繁殖季节珠星消失。雌雄比接近1∶1。赤眼鳟属敞水性产卵类型,为不分批产卵鱼类。广西江河的赤眼鳟天然产卵场有11处,主要分布于郁江,左江和右江各有1处。在水温28~28.5℃的情况下,自受精到孵化所需时间为16 h 10 min,积温453℃.h。鱼苗经17 d发育,鳞片完全,体形、习性与成鱼相似。  相似文献   

草兔繁殖生物学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢欣 《兽类学报》1995,15(2):122-127
本文分析了1991年1-10月获自山西省东南部丘陵山区以及1990-1993年10月至翌年1月获自该省各地草兔的有关繁殖特征。草兔的繁殖季节为1-9月,雄性进入性活动的时间早于雌性。生殖腺测度有明显的季节变化,其峰值在4月和5月。当年兔3-4月龄时性可成熟,但达到性成熟月龄的当年兔只有51.7%在7、8月参加繁殖。怀孕个体见于2-9月,3月怀孕率最高,此后逐渐下降。胎仔数1-7只,5月最多,年均值3.6只,每只雌兔年产幼兔12.9只。  相似文献   

洞庭平原黑线姬鼠繁殖特性研究   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
王勇  陈安国 《兽类学报》1994,14(2):138-146
1986年10月-1990年10月在湖南省桃源县和汉寿县的稻作区逐月调查,夹捕黑线姬鼠长江亚种2768只,雌性占45。6%。主要繁殖期3-11月,研究期内的月平均怀孕率为48.6±4.0%、平均胎仔数为5.3±0.2只。繁殖指数为2.36±0.29。以上3个参数及种群性性比有季节性变化,4-5月和7-10月为2个妊娠高峰;雄性睾丸下位率和雌性怀孕率有同步变动的趋势。5年龄组之间,其性比、怀孕率和繁  相似文献   


When studying the acoustic signals of animals, it is often necessary to obtain the precise time structure of the frequency. It is also useful to extract the envelope of a signal or to modify a signal to obtain its frequency modulated part. This can be achieved digitally using the analytic signal concept.

We deal here with the method. Definition and computation are described, its application is discussed and the performances are compared to those of sonagraph and zero- crossing methods. This paper presents a method enabling precise AM and FM analysis of different animal vocalisations. The method has also been used for the purpose of synthesis by extracting the frequency modulated part of a signal. It is found to be a powerful means of modifying some parameters of a natural signal without altering other features.  相似文献   

The spawning periodicity of eight fish species was investigated in three English lowland rivers over a 6 year period from patterns in 0+ year fish standard length ( L S) distributions. A single cohort of 0+ year dace Leuciscus leuciscus , roach Rutilus rutilus and perch Perca fluviatilis was observed each year, suggesting that these species spawned only once annually. By contrast, populations of chub Leuciscus cephalus , bleak Alburnus alburnus , bream Abramis brama , gudgeon Gobio gobio and minnow Phoxinus phoxinus were inferred to spawn on more than one occasion each year. Annual and intercatchment variations occurred in the L S distribution patterns of some of the fish species. In chub, for example, although a minimum of two 0+ year cohorts occurred in all years in the River Trent, 'multiple' spawning (either at the individual or population level) was most apparent in 1999, 2003 and 2004. By contrast, 'multiple' spawning events were not evident in all years in the Warwickshire Avon and Yorkshire Ouse, with recruitment presumably based upon a single spawning event in some years. There is effectively a trade-off between early spawning (extended growing season), and the possibility that environmental conditions will impact upon recruitment success, and the potential for reduced overwinter survival of smaller individuals with lower lipid resources from later spawning events. Notwithstanding, fishes as small as 15 mm L S survived the winter in some years, suggesting that progeny from later spawning events may make important contributions to fish recruitment success.  相似文献   

Ovaries of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus were examined histologically to determine rates of oocyte maturation, diel spawning periodicity and whether lunar cycle influenced spawning rhythm. Hydration of red snapper oocytes began during the mid‐morning hours; c . 5 h was necessary for oocytes to become fully hydrated and ovulation occurred no more than 5 h after oocytes attained full hydration. Appearance of fresh postovulatory follicles after 1330 hours and the absence of hydrated oocytes after 1830 hours signified that red snapper spawning occurred during this 5 h period. In addition, evidence of a peak in spawning was seen near 1600 hours. Postovulatory follicles degenerated within a 24 h time period. A lunar spawning cycle was not evident.  相似文献   

东海带鱼有春、夏和秋季生殖之别,秋季并出现分群现象。带鱼第一个生殖周期与其出生季节相适应;从第二个生殖周期开始则消失了与出生季节的相应关系。根据种群结构的组成特性以及耳石相对生长的分析,从种群概念上阐明了不同季节出生的带鱼群体的相互关系。论证了春、夏和秋季产卵群体系为同一种群的不同生物学群。文中讨论了种下阶元的不同分化程度和位置:繁殖群(种群)——繁殖下群——生物学群。  相似文献   

长江刀鲚亲鱼强化培育及自然产卵规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验研究了人工饲养条件下长江刀鲚亲鱼培育的水温及主要水化学指标、饵料投喂策略及经强化培育后刀鲚自然产卵的规律。结果表明,刀鲚亲鱼培育池周年水温变化范围为5-34℃,刀鲚常年摄食,采用“鲮鱼苗+细足米虾”的系列活饵进行饲育期、越冬期、促熟期分阶段的投喂策略,雌性亲鱼强化培育后成熟系数可达16.5%,发育较佳,总体成活率为97.6%。5-6月是刀鲚产卵的高峰期,产卵时间集中在20:00-20:30,受精率为80%-92%,试验期间收集刀鲚受精卵56.9万粒。刀鲚的产卵与水温关系密切,最适产卵水温为20-28℃。  相似文献   

In this study, an outdoor pool experiment was used to evaluate the effect of prey resources during 4 months before spawning on the gonadal investments of male and female white crappie Pomoxis annularis , a popular freshwater sportfish that exhibits erratic recruitment. Fish were assigned one of three feeding treatments: starved, fed once every 5 days (intermediate) or fed daily (high). All measurements of male testes ( i.e. wet mass, energy density and spermatocrit) were similar across treatments. Conversely, high-fed females produced larger ovaries than those of intermediate-fed and starved fish, and invested more energy in their ovaries than starved fish. Compared to pre-experiment fish, starved and intermediate-fed females appeared to increase their ovary size by relying on liver energy stores ('capital' spawning). Conversely, high-fed females increased liver and gonad mass, implying an 'income'-spawning strategy (where gonads are built from recently acquired energy). Fecundity did not differ among treatments, but high-fed fish built larger eggs than those starved. Females rarely 'skipped' spawning opportunities when prey resources were low, as only 8% of starved females and 8% of intermediate-fed females lacked vitellogenic eggs. These results suggest that limited prey resources during the months before spawning can limit ovary production, which, in turn, can limit reproductive success of white crappies.  相似文献   

Spawning migrations of the chub in the River Spree, Germany   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Out of 52 chub Leuciscus cephalus tagged with internal radio‐transmitters, 46 migrated to spawning grounds in the River Spree, Germany. All chub started their first spawning migration on 21–22 May in both years of study, 1995 and 1996. They arrived at three different spawning grounds within a day and left after 1 to 6 days to return to their original sites. On 17 and 18 June 1995 and 1996 chub started their second spawning migration with the same pattern as the first. About 60% of all migrating chub moved between 1 and 13 km upstream to the nearest spawning ground. Some exceptions were observed: a few chub did not use the nearest spawning ground, some chub used different spawning grounds at first and second spawning or moved downstream to a spawning ground. Spawning grounds were characterized by 0·4 m s−1 current velocity, shallow depth (0·1–0·8 m) and a stony bottom, where most eggs adhered.  相似文献   

催产时黄鳝性类固醇激素含量变化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首次报道哺乳动物促黄体生成素释放激素类似物(LHRH-A)诱导黄鳝排卵过程中,血浆雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)和睾酮(T)含量变化的规律。根据172尾黄鳝血样放射免疫测定结果,试验组雌鱼于排卵前相继出现E2和P浓度高峰(P〈0.01);雄鱼于催产后24h出现T浓度峰值(P〈0.01);试验组雌鱼的T含量与对照组无显著差异(P〉0.05)。在对照组,雄鱼的E2和P浓度及雄鱼的T含量差异不显著(P〉  相似文献   

Detailed macroscopic and histological studies of the gonads of a full size and age range of Acanthopagrus latus from each season in Shark Bay, Western Australia, demonstrate that this species is a protandrous hermaphrodite in this large subtropical embayment. Although our scheme for the changes that occur in the ovotestes of A. latus during life is not consistent with some of the conclusions drawn for this species elsewhere, it is similar to that of Pollock (1985 J. Fish. Biol. 26: 301–311) for the congeneric Acanthopagrus australis. The ovotestes of males develop from gonads which contain substantial amounts of both testicular and ovarian tissue. The testicular component of the ovotestes of all males regresses markedly after spawning. During the next spawning season, the ovotestes either become gonads in which the testicular zone again predominates and contains spermatids and spermatozoa (functional males), or gonads in which the ovarian zone now predominates and contains mature oocytes (functional females). Once a fish has become a functional female, it remains a female throughout the rest of its life. In Shark Bay, A. latustypically spawns on a limited number of occasions during a short period in late winter and early spring and has determinate fecundity. The mean potential annual fecundity was ca. 2000000. The total length of 245mm, at which, during the spawning period, 50% of A. latus become identifiable as males, is very similar to the current minimum legal length (MLL) of 250mm, which corresponds to an age of ca. 2.5 years less than that at which 50% of males become females. Thus, although the spawning potential ratio suggests that the present fishing pressure is sustainable, the current MLL should be reviewed if recreational fishing pressure continues to increase.  相似文献   

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