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实验测定了不同水温条件下刀鲚(Coilia nasus)幼鱼的耗氧率和窒息点,并对耗氧率的昼夜变化规律以及水温对刀鲚幼鱼血糖及肌肝糖元指标的影响进行了研究,旨在为刀鲚运输、养殖生产中制定合理的放养密度和养殖工艺提供参考依据.结果表明:在试验水温(16℃~28C)条件下,刀鲚幼鱼的耗氧率随水温的升高而增大,耗氧率(R)与水温(T)的回归方程为R=0.988T2-32.36T+343.7,相关系数为0.96;刀鲚幼鱼的耗氧率具有昼夜节律性,耗氧高峰出现在7:00,低谷在21:00;刀鲚幼鱼的窒息点与水温显著相关,窒息点A(mg·L-1)与水温T(℃)的回归关系为A=0.9397T0.8001,R2=0.98.刀鲚幼鱼血清中血糖含量在水温16℃~24℃阶段保持相对稳定,血糖含量在17.24 ~ 19.79 mmol·L-1,肌肉和肝脏糖元含量均呈波浪式变动;但在水温24℃~28℃阶段,血糖含量随水温上升而显著升高,而肌肉和肝脏糖元含量均显著降低.  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼的亲鱼培育、产卵受精和胚胎发育   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
在水泥池人工养殖条件下,对人工诱导性逆转的“功能性雄性”、天然雄性及天然雌性点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricus)亲鱼进行强化培育,自然产卵受精。2002年繁殖季节,共获3cm以上的点带石斑鱼苗145万尾。亲鱼培育、产卵受精和胚胎发育的程序:(1)经过强化培育的亲鱼,自然产卵受精,受精率平均81%,最高97%;(2)成熟的“人工变性雄鱼”的精子头部呈球型,精子头径约3.7—6.1gm,尾长12.4~44.5μm;在水温26℃、盐度3%、pH7.9条件下,精子游动时间最长超过58min,精液中90%精子在31min停止游动,与天然雄亲鱼的精子无异,可作为生产雄亲鱼的来源;(3)在东山岛,产卵期由4月初持续到11月中旬,产卵高潮集中在4月底至5月底、9月底至10月初。在24h内,自然产卵通常从16:30持续到次日1:30;(4)产卵适宜水温为23.5—28.6℃,最适产卵水温为25.5—26.5℃;(5)水温26℃时,受精卵在盐度2.82%~2.96%,的海水中呈悬浮状态,盐度2.82%以下时下沉,盐度2.96%以上时上浮;(6)在水温24.9—27.6℃、盐度3%—3.3%、pH7.6—8.2的情况下,胚胎发育时间为21h。  相似文献   

为掌握刀鲚(Coilia nasus)胚胎及胚后发育早期的脂肪酸变化规律,采用生化分析手段对刀鲚的胚胎(原肠期,受精后7~9 h)、0日龄仔鱼(初孵仔鱼)、3日龄仔鱼和5日龄仔鱼(开口前)的脂肪酸组成和含量进行了检测分析。结果显示,刀鲚发育早期的总脂占干物质的相对含量均较高(53.10%~60.97%),干物质的总脂相对含量随个体发育显著降低,单个个体的总脂含量随个体发育呈现剧烈下降趋势,数值从胚胎的43.62μg/ind剧烈下降到5日龄仔鱼的16.27μg/ind;水分含量随个体发育而升高。刀鲚发育早期上述4个时期的干样中检出6种饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、4种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和8种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)。4个发育时期脂肪酸相对含量,C18:1n9c占绝对优势(50.39%~57.00%),C16:1丰富且稳定(13.77%~14.24%),C16:0也较丰富(7.45%~9.15%)。单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)比例占绝对优势(65.14%~72.26%),n-3与n-6系列多不饱和脂肪酸含量的比值(∑n3PUFA/∑n6PUFA)较小(1.78~2.38)。刀鲚胚胎孵化出膜期间,单个个体单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)实际减少程度较高,尤其是C18:1n9c(减少量为13.21μg/ind,减少比例达到55.49%)和C16:1(减少量和比例分别为3.30μg/ind和53.12%),而二十碳五烯酸(EPA)加二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)的减少程度较低(1.44μg/ind和38.41%),尤其是DHA(0.95μg/ind和36.52%)。然而,出膜后,仔鱼对单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)的利用相对较低(1.94μg/ind和14.17%),尤其是C18:1n9c(13.21μg/ind和12.41%)和C16:1(0.63μg/ind和21.81%);而对EPA+DHA利用相对较高(1.04μg/ind和45.10%),尤其是DHA(0.71μg/ind和42.61%)。研究表明,刀鲚胚胎优先蓄留EPA和DHA,仔鱼在摄食前大量利用EPA+DHA(特别是DHA),呈现出海水鱼类脂肪酸的利用特点。因此,建议在刀鲚亲本强化培育及产后培育中,增加投喂富含单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)(特别是C18:1和C16:1)的饵料,以加强刀鲚亲本的营养积累和产卵后亲本生理机能的恢复;在刀鲚育苗前期,要及时补充富含DHA和EPA的饵料,如,单胞藻、蛋黄等,以提高刀鲚仔鱼开口期间的成活率。  相似文献   

长江口刀鲚渔汛特征及捕捞量现状   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
于2010-2012年,在长江南支宝山水域和北港水域设置调查断面,研究了长江口刀鲚渔获规格、渔汛特征及捕捞量.结果表明:调查期内刀鲚汛期平均全长为(316±36)mm,平均体长为(294±35) mm,平均体重为(99±37)g;单船全汛捕捞量为65.9~875.4kg,均值为338.7 kg;日均捕捞量变幅为2.3 ~23.4 kg·d-1,均值为9.4 kg·d-1;长江口刀鲚汛期有证总捕捞量为8.2~109.4 t,平均为42.3 t;宝山水域单船捕捞量各项指标均低于北港水域;2010-2012年刀鲚发汛时间最早为2月23日,最晚为3月5日,3月末-4月中旬为旺汛期,旺汛期捕捞量比例为60.96% ~ 82.62%;刀鲚汛期捕捞量与水温和潮汛关系密切,通常水温升至12℃附近时开始进入旺汛期,各年份最高日捕捞量对应的水温介于13℃~14.5℃,平均为13.7℃;调查期间低潮期捕捞量占汛期总捕捞量的比例显著高于高潮期,其中低潮期捕捞量比例最高为82.97%,最低为62.05%.  相似文献   

为探讨哲罗鱼稚鱼的最佳投喂策略,设置了饥饿再投喂试验、饥饿再投喂恢复试验以及日投喂频率试验.结果表明: 饥饿再投喂试验中,各饥饿组未表现出补偿生长现象.但在饥饿再投喂恢复试验中,各饥饿组表现出不同程度的补偿生长,其中S1/2组(饥饿1/2 d投喂1/2 d)体质量的增加量与对照组接近,表现出完全补偿生长.表明在哲罗鱼早期稚鱼阶段(体质量0~2 g,水温9~15.3 ℃),S1/2是可以考虑使用的投喂方法.日投喂频率试验中,T3组(日投喂3次)体长、体质量的增加量以及特定生长率均最高,饵料转化率也相对较高.表明在哲罗鱼后期稚鱼阶段(体质量2~21 g,水温8.8~15.5 ℃),以日投喂3次为宜.  相似文献   

饵料对鱼类生长发育和繁殖具有重要影响。为了筛选稀有鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)幼鱼和成鱼阶段最适投喂方式, 实验将出膜5周末(日龄为35 day after hatching)的幼鱼随机分为5个组: A组投喂丰年虫; B组每周前6d (days)投喂丰年虫, 后1d投喂商业化微颗粒S3饲料; C组每周前3.5d投喂丰年虫, 后3.5d投喂饲料; D组每周前1d投喂丰年虫, 后6d投喂饲料; E组一直投喂饲料; 各组均采用饱食投喂策略。每2周统计生长、存活指标, 直至第21周(147 dah), 在17周(119 dah)取材用于观察性腺发育程度。在产卵后统计各组产卵量、孵化率和子代畸形率。结果显示: (1)E组存活率和特定生长率显著低于其他组(P<0.05); (2)从产卵量、孵化率和子代畸形率上看, B组产卵量显著高于其他组(P<0.05); (3)从性腺组织学上看, 不同投喂方法对精巢的成熟度无显著影响, 但投喂过丰年虫的稀有鲫卵巢发育成熟度显著优于E组。研究结果提示:适量加入丰年虫比单一投喂活饵或饲料更有利于稀有鲫的生长和繁殖。建议在标准化养殖过程中, 幼鱼和成鱼期的稀有鲫采取丰年虫与饲料投喂频次比值为6﹕1的方式最佳。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(5):1019-1026
以长江刀鲚(Coilia nasus)洄游前幼鱼和洄游后成鱼为对象, 通过 PCR-DGGE 指纹技术探讨长江刀鲚菌群多样性及受洄游路径周围环境影响之后的稳定性。结果显示, PCR-DGGE 指纹谱带丰富, 共显示出70条可鉴别条带, 其中长江水体谱带数(28)高于洄游后刀鲚鳃(26)、胃(26)、肠道壁(20)、肠道内容物(21)和洄游前刀鲚鳃(21)、胃(20)、肠道壁(11)、肠道内容物(13), 洄游后刀鲚成鱼体内各对应部位菌群数显著高于洄游前刀鲚幼鱼。UPGMA 聚类和PCA 结果显示不同样品之间差异显著, 虽长江水体与洄游后刀鲚鳃、胃及肠道内容物样品在聚类图上聚为一簇, 但其菌群结构的相似度较低, 分别为43%、35%和28%。成功克隆测序其中43 条条带, 主要包含-变形菌(25.6%)、-变形菌(7%)、-变形菌(16.3%)、放线菌(25.6%)、厚菌门(9.3%)、拟杆菌(7%)、柔膜菌门(4.6%)、绿弯菌(2.3%)和未定义菌(2.3%)。以上结果表明长江刀鲚体内不同部位及其在洄游前后不同阶段, 菌群结构存在显著差异, 并受环境和宿主双层因素影响。    相似文献   

为探讨哲罗鱼稚鱼的最佳投喂策略,设置了饥饿再投喂试验、饥饿再投喂恢复试验以及日投喂频率试验.结果表明: 饥饿再投喂试验中,各饥饿组未表现出补偿生长现象.但在饥饿再投喂恢复试验中,各饥饿组表现出不同程度的补偿生长,其中S1/2组(饥饿1/2 d投喂1/2 d)体质量的增加量与对照组接近,表现出完全补偿生长.表明在哲罗鱼早期稚鱼阶段(体质量0~2 g,水温9~15.3 ℃),S1/2是可以考虑使用的投喂方法.日投喂频率试验中,T3组(日投喂3次)体长、体质量的增加量以及特定生长率均最高,饵料转化率也相对较高.表明在哲罗鱼后期稚鱼阶段(体质量2~21 g,水温8.8~15.5 ℃),以日投喂3次为宜.  相似文献   

本文总结了高州水库多年来在强化培育下草、鲢、鳙鱼一年二次产卵的生产实践经验,并从卵巢发育的细胞形态学和组织学进行了初步研究后指出:在这几类家鱼第一次刚产卵后的卵巢中可以观察到第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ时相卵母细胞同时并存,其中可以明显地看到处于早、中、晚期的第Ⅲ时相卵母细胞,它们在亲鱼强化培育下可以当年发育成第Ⅳ时相卵母细胞;如果对产后的亲鱼不进行强化培育,卵巢将退化至第Ⅱ期。家鱼卵巢中卵母细胞发育的非同步性,是获得一年多次产卵的内在因素。    相似文献   

2017年4月中旬至8月底于红水河来宾江段进行鱼卵、鱼苗监测, 发现壮体沙鳅Botia robusta (Wu, 1939)为所采集鱼卵中的主要优势种。研究对壮体沙鳅卵进行培育、观察并详细记录了14个重要发育期的形态特征。卵膜无黏性, 卵膜径平均为6.8 mm; 鳔一室期, 鱼苗体长为7.1 mm, 身体肌节数为33对。孵出后第20日, 鳍条完全形成、体表色素整体形成, 进入稚鱼阶段。该江段壮体沙鳅的产卵繁殖主要集中在5—6月, 当年补充群体总量估计达2.23×108颗, 然而伴随下游大藤峡水利枢纽的建成其年际补充量将受到严重威胁; 将壮体沙鰍卵的单位捕捞努力量与主要环境因子进行相关性分析, 发现仅水温变动与其产卵动态呈显著性相关(P<0.05), 现场水温记录表明:水温达到20℃时开始产卵, 水温超过28℃时产卵量明显减少, 且最适产卵温度为22℃。  相似文献   

Three diets were compared for the feeding of captive common sole broodstock (Solea solea) kept under ambient photoperiod and temperature conditions. A group of 70 adults were caught in the wild and the 38 males and 32 females distributed at random in six tanks. All the fish were acclimated to the same semi-moist diet (M) in the pre-experimental period from December to February. Three dietary treatments were offered in the experimental period from March to May with two replicates (tanks) per treatment. The treatments were M alone, M supplemented with fresh mussels (Mytilus edulis) (M+M), and M supplemented with live polychaetes (Perinereis cultrifera) (M+P). Spawning occurred during April and May when water temperature was 17 and 18 degrees C, respectively, and salinity around 34-35ppt. Average daily dry matter intake expressed as a proportion of body weight was M 0.65+/-0.34%, M+M 0.43+/-0.18%, and M+P 0.56+/-0.27%, and differed significantly (P<0.05) between treatments. The average daily dry matter intake within a tank ranged from 0.31+/-0.04% in February to 0.98+/-0.26% in May (P<0.05), apparently due to changes in the photo-thermal regime. Diet significantly affected the number of days when spawning occurred, the number of days when hatched eggs were produced, and the proportion of fertilized eggs (P<0.05); and affected the number of days on which viable eggs were produced during April (NS). In all cases, the results were lowest for M+M, while those for the other two treatments did not differ significantly. Differences in hatching rate were not significant in April. During May, no spawning occurred in fish given the M+M treatment, and the differences between the other two treatments were not significant. Values for all variates tended to be higher for M+P than M+M in April and lower for M+P and M in May. These results suggest that supplementing the semi-moist diet with mussels depressed feed intake and, consequently, reproductive performance; the semi-moist diet alone and semi-moist diet supplemented with polychaetes allowed satisfactory food intake and reproductive performance in broodstock sole.  相似文献   

The main objective of the current study was to determine an optimal dosage of commercial carp pituitary extract (CPE) of the conventional heteroplastic hypophysation technique to induce spawning in the wild caught striped mojarra broodstock Eugerres plumieri under laboratory conditions. We also describe trials testing saline acclimation regimes (changes from 10‰ to 30‰) prior to hormonal induction. For saline acclimation, three treatments were performed: first and second treatments began 1-day after conditioning of broodstock fish with a total duration of the saline changes lasting 1-day and 2-days, respectively. The third treatment began 30-days after conditioning with a 7-day saline regime. After reaching 30‰, all fish from the first and second treatments died after the fourth and ninth days, respectively; while the fishes in the third treatment survived more than two years. These fish remain on public exhibit in the “Mundo Marino” Aquarium, Santa Marta, Colombia. Four treatments of hormonal induction were tested on females using a total concentration of 5-mg of CPE per kg of body weight: first, second and third treatments were applied in two hormonal doses that corresponded to 10%–90%, 30%–70% and 40%–60%, respectively, with time intervals between doses of 14-h for the first and second treatment and of 12-h for the third treatment. The fourth treatment was applied in four hormonal doses that it corresponded to 20%–20%–30%–30% with 12-h time intervals between doses. Only the fishes of the fourth treatment resisted the induction, continued to live and reached spawning artificially. Water temperature remained at 28 ± 1°C and at 30‰ salinity during the study. The “dry” method of fertilization was used. The fertilized eggs were incubated at 30‰ and 35‰ salinities. These eggs reached the Morula early stage, but were later attacked by protozoan. These results suggest that fast changes of saline and limited hormonal dosages do not offer effective results in Eugerres plumieri. This work provided fundamental procedures for the culture and maintenance of live broodstock for striped mojarra in saltwater and/or coastal lagoon habitats and provides an effective and viable dosage of CPE for artificial spawning and commercial production in this species.  相似文献   

Survival was generally high, 94–100%, for newly hatched larvae of the nase Chondrostoma nasus held at 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25 and 28° C up to day 66 post-fertilization. The developmental rate decreased with age and increased with temperature. Specific growth rates increased with temperature; within one temperature range growth rate decreased with ontogenetic development. Food consumption and respiration increased with temperature and body size. A temperature increase from 25 to 28° C resulted in slightly reduced survival, minor acceleration of developmental growth and respiration rates, and impeded skeleton formation. Growth efficiency of consumed energy decreased throughout the larval period from 55 to 67% at the first larval stage (L1) to 36–48% at the first juvenile stage (J1). A similar trend for assimilation efficiency and its utilization for growth was observed. The constant temperatures required by larval nase ranged from a minimum 8–10° C to a maximum 25–28° C. A shift of optimum temperatures, 8–12, 13–16, 15–18, 19 and 22° C for nase spawning, embryonic development, yolk feeding larvae, early externally feeding larvae and, late larvae and juveniles, respectively, paralleled the spring rise in the river water temperature. Larval and juvenile nase show high survival, growth and energy conversion efficiencies compared with other fish species. On the other hand, low survival rates and growth can be attributed to external perturbations; thus, young nase may be considered a good indicator of the environmental and ecological integrity of river systems.  相似文献   

Synopsis The time of initial feeding of Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar, alevins in ten geographically widespread Norwegian streams was estimated theoretically by combining data on spawning time and models describing the time from fertilization to hatching and from hatching to initial feeding at different temperatures. The point of initial feeding was correlated with water flow and water temperature regimes. Initial feeding was avoided in all rivers during spring peak flow, and before water temperature reached 8°C. Two different strategies were indicated: (1) initial feeding may take place before the culmination of the spring flow or (2) after the peak spring flow. The choice of strategy depends on temperature and flow regimes in each river.  相似文献   

Temperature and egg viability data from an Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus hatchery covering a period of 28 years were analysed. During the study period, there was a significant increase in the mean water temperature in May, July, August and September of c. 2° C. Independent of year, the egg viability showed a negative correlation with the mean monthly temperatures in July, August and September as well as with the temperature difference between October and November. The negative effect of high summer temperatures was further supported by a comparison of egg viability from replicate broodstock reared at two sites differing mainly in summer water temperature. The eggs from the colder site were, on average, significantly larger (4·4 mm compared with 4·0 mm) and had higher hatching rates (57% compared with 37%). These results suggest that unfavourable temperature conditions during the summer and autumn can explain much of the excessive egg mortality experienced at the main facility used for the Swedish S. alpinus breeding programme. The main effect was supra‐optimal temperatures during the period July to September, but there also appears to have been an effect from the temperature regime before and during spawning (October to November) that was unrelated to the summer temperatures. These findings emphasize the importance of site selection and sustainable management of aquaculture hatcheries in the light of the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Owing to the inherent difficulties of studying bluefin tuna, nothing is known of the cardiovascular function of free-swimming fish. Here, we surgically implanted newly designed data loggers into the visceral cavity of juvenile southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) to measure changes in the heart rate (fH) and visceral temperature (TV) during a two-week feeding regime in sea pens at Port Lincoln, Australia. Fish ranged in body mass from 10 to 21 kg, and water temperature remained at 18-19 degrees C. Pre-feeding fH typically ranged from 20 to 50 beats min(-1). Each feeding bout (meal sizes 2-7% of tuna body mass) was characterized by increased levels of activity and fH (up to 130 beats min(-1)), and a decrease in TV from approximately 20 to 18 degrees C as cold sardines were consumed. The feeding bout was promptly followed by a rapid increase in TV, which signified the beginning of the heat increment of feeding (HIF). The time interval between meal consumption and the completion of HIF ranged from 10 to 24 hours and was strongly correlated with ration size. Although fH generally decreased after its peak during the feeding bout, it remained elevated during the digestive period and returned to routine levels on a similar, but slightly earlier, temporal scale to TV. These data imply a large contribution of fH to the increase in circulatory oxygen transport that is required for digestion. Furthermore, these data oppose the contention that maximum fH is exceptional in bluefin tuna compared with other fishes, and so it is likely that enhanced cardiac stroke volume and blood oxygen carrying capacity are the principal factors allowing superior rates of circulatory oxygen transport in tuna.  相似文献   

The food consumption and egg production of 26 adult (13 female and 13 male) Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ) were monitored during prespawning, spawning and postspawning periods. Females spawned from late January to mid-April. Feeding activity occurred from December to early January and ceased for females, on average, 36 days (15–54 days) before the onset of spawning. The duration of spawning by females was, on average, 42 days (10–61 days) and feeding was suppressed by both sexes during the first three-quarters of each female's spawning period. Mature females went, on average, 70 days or 19% of the year without eating. An abrupt increase in feeding activity, particularly by females, occurred during the last quarter of spawning or shortly after the release of the last egg batch (on average, feeding started again after 91% of a female's eggs had been released or 82% of egg batches). Females consumed greater quantities of food than males during both winter and postspawning feeding periods. During spawning, females lost, on average, 29% of their body weight and males 14%. Fecundity ranged from 0.75 to 3.97 million eggs per female. The volume of eggs produced by four individual females (range = 1285–5995 ml in four to 11 batches) ranged from 99 to 195% (mean 150%) of a female's postspawning body volume. Six immature cod fed throughout the experimental period and gained, on average, 8% of initial body weight. Laboratory results were supported by stomach fullness index values of Georges Bank cod exhibiting different maturity states.  相似文献   

长江口沿岸碎波带刀鲚仔稚鱼的日龄组成与生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验研究了长江口沿岸碎波带刀鲚仔稚鱼的日龄组成、孵化期、早期生长率和滞留时间。从2007年5-10月在长江口沿岸碎波带采集的刀鲚仔稚鱼中,共选取594尾(体长范围为3.0-30.5mm),划分发育阶段,并取矢耳石进行日龄分析。仔稚鱼日龄范围为7-34d,以13-18d日龄比例较高,占总数的50.1%;仔稚鱼体长(L,mm)与日龄(D,days)呈显著直线关系:L=0.73D+5.09,R2=0.74;孵化期为5月23日至10月4日,高峰期集中在5月末至8月上旬,且早期个体在孵化后7d左右开始进入到碎波带,在碎波带滞留约23d。    相似文献   

厚颌鲂人工繁殖初报及胚胎发育观察   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
从长江支流泸州龙溪河收集野生厚颌鲂,直接或经驯养后进行人工繁殖,并对胚胎发育过程进行了描述,旨在为厚颌鲂资源的增殖与开发提供参考。3次未催产的人工授精实验1次成功,受精率120%;16次催产试验共注射了32尾雌鱼,平均催产率625%;12次有效催产的平均受精率621%,孵化率447%。每千克鱼注射3mgPG+3ugLRHA2,可以获得较好的催产效果。胚胎发育过程可分为18个时期,温度对发育进程具有显著的影响。    相似文献   

研究了军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)仔、稚鱼的日摄食节律和摄食强度,以及饵料密度、温度、盐度对其摄食的影响。结果表明,发育8d仔鱼(摄食轮虫)、23d稚鱼(摄食卤虫无节幼体)和38d稚鱼(摄食鳗鱼粉状饵料)均表现为明显的昼夜摄食节律,摄食主要在白天进行,白天摄食强度占日摄食强度的68%以上;在白天的摄食中,又以早晨6:00-8:00和傍晚16:00-18:00摄食强度最大:夜间摄食较少或基本不摄食,所以军曹鱼早期幼体的摄食习性属白天摄食且偏于晨昏性类型。在不同饵料密度梯度的试验中,发育8d-11d仔鱼和23d-26d稚鱼摄食的适宜饵料密度范围分别为15ind·mL-1-20ind·mL-1和7ind·mL-1-2ind·mL-1。温度和盐度对发育21d-24d稚鱼日摄食强度的影响均表现为抛物线型的变化曲线,摄食的适宜水温范围为27-31℃,适宜盐度范围为28‰-32‰。结果还表明,幼休摄食强度与饵料密度、水温、盐度的关系均适合于用二次多项式来定量描述。  相似文献   

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