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官昭瑛  何莹  安玉蓉  蔡吉花  童晓立 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2828-2835
在亚热带地区一条2级溪流中比较了本地植物(红锥和薏米)和外来植物(托里桉和马缨丹)凋落物的分解速率及底栖动物定殖及其摄食功能群的组成。结果显示,本地植物凋落物的分解速率为:0.020 d-1(红锥)和0.056 d-1(薏米),外来树叶的分解速率则为:0.038 d-1(托里桉)和0.041 d-1(马缨丹),它们均属于快速分解组。定殖在外来和本地树叶凋落物上的大型底栖动物种类分别为21种和24种。在外来和本地树叶上定殖的底栖动物平均密度差异不显著(P0.05)。从大型底栖动物摄食功能群的比例来看,定殖在本地凋落物上的集食者的比例最高(73.5%),其次是撕食者(10.9%)和捕食者(8.7%),刮食者(6.8%)的比例最低,在外来凋落物上,摄食功能群的比例分别为集食者(67.6%)、撕食者(13.9%)、刮食者(12.1%)和捕食者(6.1%),两者相比,底栖动物的摄食功能群均以集食者和撕食者为主,在组成比例上并无显著差异。结果表明2种外来植物凋落物分解对底栖动物多样性及其摄食功能群的影响不明显。  相似文献   

官昭瑛  赵颖  童晓立 《应用生态学报》2009,20(10):2493-2498
在广州龙洞水库一条天然2级溪流中,测定了蒲桃和人面子凋落物105 d分解过程中单宁含量的变化.结果表明:蒲桃叶片单宁的初始含量(0.191 g·g-1DM)高于人面子(0.057 g·g-1DM).在最初一周内, 两种树木叶片的单宁含量分别下降了45 %和22 %,其中人面子叶片单宁含量降速比蒲桃快;21 d后,其下降速度减缓,而凋落物分解的速度加快,人面子叶片分解比蒲桃迅速(k值分别为0.038和0.013 d-1).定殖在人面子叶片上的底栖动物的平均密度显著高于蒲桃叶片(P<0.05),分别为每克叶片287.9头和26.2头;底栖动物的数量变化随叶片单宁含量的降低而呈逐渐增加趋势.富含单宁成分的蒲桃叶片分解速率缓慢,可能是凋落物中高浓度缩合单宁抑制了底栖动物,尤其是撕食者的定殖所致.  相似文献   

粤北地区溪流中的树叶分解及大型底栖动物功能摄食群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜玲  赵颖  韩翠香  童晓立 《应用生态学报》2007,18(11):2573-2579
利用2种孔径(5mm的塑料网袋和0.1mm的布袋)的分解网袋对2种树叶在广东北部的横石水河的3级溪流中,进行了为期101d的树叶分解研究.结果表明:人面子树叶在网袋和布袋中的分解速率分别为0.0247d-1和0.0151d-1;而蒲桃树叶的分解速率则分别为0.0108d-1和0.0095d-1.说明2种树叶在布袋中的分解速率均比网袋慢,且人面子树叶的分解速率比蒲桃树叶快.定殖在2种树叶网袋中的功能摄食群以刮食者的比例最高(36%),其次是集食者(33%)和捕食者(25%),撕食者的比例最低(6%).在实验中后期,人面子树叶上的底栖动物个体总数、优势类群数和密度显著高于蒲桃树叶.说明在亚热带地区的中等级别的溪流中,由于撕食者种类减少,刮食者的类群数及密度对树叶分解速率具有显著影响.对微生物活动的抑制作用和对底栖动物取食的驱避作用使富含单宁成分的蒲桃树叶的分解速率下降.  相似文献   

王璐  杨海军  李玲  南晓飞  张振兴  李昆 《生态学杂志》2017,28(11):3775-3783
长白山森林源头溪流每年11月至次年4月有约70%的河面被冰覆盖,季节性冻融过程特征明显.为了揭示溪流冻结初期凋落叶分解与底栖动物定殖的关系,在长白山地区1条源头溪流中,利用2种孔径(5和0.3 mm)的尼龙分解袋对色木槭、紫椴、蒙古栎的单一及混合凋落叶进行了为期35 d的分解研究.结果表明: 凋落叶质量损失率在单一树种间差异显著,表现为:色木槭>紫椴>蒙古栎,而在4种混合凋落叶间差异不显著;除紫椴和3树种混合凋落叶外,粗、细分解袋间凋落叶质量损失率差异不显著;凋落叶混合效应仅出现在紫椴-蒙古栎混合的粗分解袋内;定殖在不同凋落叶分解袋内的底栖动物群落结构差异较大,但撕食者密度在3种凋落叶间差异不显著,撕食者对凋落叶混合效应的响应也不显著.由结果可知,溪流冻结初期微生物是凋落叶的主要分解者,底栖动物的贡献率较低.虽然撕食者密度较低,但撕食者的活动是凋落叶混合效应出现的必要条件.底栖动物对食物和栖息地有一定的选择性,但由于定殖时间较短,凋落叶对撕食者定殖的影响不显著.本研究对源头溪流生态系统的冬季生态过程研究及生态系统管理具有一定的理论意义.  相似文献   

亚热带地区树叶凋落物在流水和静水环境中的淋溶规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解亚热带地区水体中树叶凋落物在分解初期的淋溶规律,比较研究了广州地区8种常见树种的树叶凋落物在静水和流水环境中淋溶量的变化.结果表明,在第1 d内,8种树叶无论在静水还是流水环境下干重损失率均显著高于其他时段(P<0.05),但不同树种在淋溶量的大小上存在差异,其中以质地柔软、革质化程度低的人面子树叶干重淋溶率最大(流水中:27.0%;静水中:24.2%);质地坚硬、革质化程度高的竹柏树叶淋溶率最小(流水中:9.8%;静水中:8.0%).第2d和第3d,8种树叶凋落物的干重损失率无显著差异,表明淋溶阶段趋于结束.综上结果表明,亚热带地区的树叶凋落物在静水环境和流水环境中的淋溶阶段均主要出现在第1天.  相似文献   

树叶凋落物在受酸性矿山废水污染溪流中的分解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解华南地区酸性矿山废水对溪流中树叶分解的影响,在广东省大宝山矿区附近的1条受酸性矿山废水污染(pH值为2.7—3.4且富含多种重金属元素)的3级溪流中,利用2种孔径(5ram的网袋和0.1ram的布袋)的分解网袋对2种树叶(人面子和蒲桃)进行了为期101d的树叶分解研究。结果表明,人面子树叶网袋和布袋中的树叶干重剩余率分别为39%和48%,而蒲桃树叶网袋和布袋中的干重剩余率仍保持较高的水平,分别为61%和70%。根据指数衰减模型计算出树叶分解的半衰期,人面子树叶在网袋和布袋中的分解半衰期分别为57d和69d,而蒲桃树叶则分别为14-4d和217d。蒲桃树叶的分解速率明显比人面子树叶慢。在网袋中定殖的底栖动物主要是集食者,其中优势类群为摇蚊幼虫,占底栖动物个体总数的99%。摇蚊种群在网袋中的数量波动对2种树叶分解速率的影响并不明显。结果表明,受酸性矿山废水的影响,底栖动物群落的多样性大为减少。同时由于各种金属氧化物在树叶表面的不断沉淀,使树叶处于缺氧状态,抑制了微生物的活动,导致树叶分解速率大为降低。  相似文献   

凋落物分解对于维持源头溪流生态系统碳和养分平衡有重要意义。以亚热带典型源头溪流金佛山溪流为代表,选取3种河岸带常见凋落叶为分解对象,设计3个单种和4个混合物种的凋落物组合,在原位放置3种孔径的分解袋(0.05mm、0.25mm和2mm),探讨混合凋落物的性状与底栖分解类群对叶片质量损失和混合效应的影响。结果表明:(1)微生物在凋落物分解过程中相对贡献均大于50%,小型和大型底栖动物进一步加速了凋落物的分解过程。(2)单种凋落物分解速率存在显著差异:八角枫(Alangium chinense,质量损失率为53.05%)>缺萼枫香(Liquidambar acalycina,30.00%)>薄叶润楠(Machilus leptophylla,12.63%)。(3)混合凋落物中仅微生物参与的处理均表现为负的非加和效应,其中八角枫+缺萼枫香、八角枫+薄叶润楠、八角枫+缺萼枫香+薄叶润楠三个处理的效应显著;小型底栖动物加入后均表现为正的非加和效应,但不显著;在微生物、小型和大型底栖动物的共同作用下,缺萼枫香+薄叶润楠和八角枫+缺萼枫香+薄叶润楠的两个处理的正的非加和效应显著。亚热带源头溪流中凋落物分解功能与河岸植物和分解者类群的复杂性密切相关。  相似文献   

亚热带溪流中树叶凋落物多酚含量对树叶分解过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
官昭瑛  赵颖  童晓立 《生态科学》2008,27(5):436-436
利用邻二氮菲-铁(Ⅲ)分光光度法测定了蒲桃与人面子树叶在二级溪流中分解时植物多酚含量的变化,并研究了多酚含量对树叶分解速率、底栖动物定殖以及微生物呼吸量的影响。结果表明,蒲桃叶片中初始多酚含量(19%)比人面子树叶的含量高(6%),其分解速率(分解系数k=0.01d-1)比人面子树叶慢(k=0.04d-1)。研究还发现,蒲桃叶片上的微生物呼吸量比人面子的低(每克叶片单位时间的耗氧量分别为0.2和0.4毫克),而且底栖动物中撕食者的种类和数量也比人面子树叶少。说明蒲桃叶片中较高的多酚含量抑制了微生物的活性和底栖动物的取食,从而减缓了蒲桃树叶的分解进程,表明叶片中多酚含量与树叶凋落物分解速率呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

夏磊  吴福忠  杨万勤 《植物生态学报》2011,35(11):1127-1135
冬季凋落物的质量损失是中高纬度和高海拔地区凋落物分解的关键, 但冬季凋落物分解是否与土壤动物的贡献有关, 不同冻融时期(冻融初期、深冻期和融化期)的土壤动物对凋落物分解的贡献是否存在差异? 对这两个问题仍缺乏必要的关注。为了解季节性冻融期间土壤动物对岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)凋落物分解的贡献, 采用凋落物分解袋法, 调查了季节性冻融期间(2010年10月底至2011年4月中旬), 不同网孔(0.020 mm、0.125 mm、1.000 mm和3.000 mm)凋落物分解袋内的岷江冷杉凋落叶质量损失, 分析了微型、中型和大型土壤动物对岷江冷杉凋落叶分解的贡献。在季节性冻融期间, 0.020 mm、0.125 mm、1.000 mm和3.000 mm分解袋内的岷江冷杉凋落叶质量损失率分别为12.13%、13.07%、14.95%和18.74%。不同体径的土壤动物对季节性冻融期间岷江冷杉凋落叶质量损失的贡献率总共为35.28%; 不同孔径凋落物袋内土壤动物的类群和个体相对密度与凋落叶的质量损失率呈现相对一致的变化趋势。在季节性冻融的3个阶段中, 土壤动物对岷江冷杉凋落叶质量损失的贡献率均为: 微型土壤动物<中型土壤动物<大型土壤动物。其中, 微型、中型和大型土壤动物分别在深冻期、冻融初期和融化期表现出最高的贡献率, 分别为6.56%、11.77%和21.94%。然而相对于其他冻融时期, 深冻期中型和大型土壤动物对岷江冷杉凋落叶质量损失的贡献率最低。这些结果清晰地表明了川西高山季节性冻融期间土壤动物调控着凋落物分解的生态过程, 是高山冬季凋落物分解的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

三峡地区香溪河流域不同树种叶片凋落物的分解   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈书秀  江明喜 《生态学报》2006,26(9):2905-2912
在香溪河流域1160m、930m、658m 3个海拔梯度,利用网袋法,研究黄栌(Cotinus coggygria var.pubescens)、五裂槭(Acer oliverianum)、扇叶槭(Acer flabellatum)3个树种叶片凋落物在河流中和河岸陆地的分解速度和分解动态.结果表明,分解进行90d,叶片凋落物干重流失率为13﹪~74﹪.凋落物的干物质重量流失速度符合指数衰减方程(p<0.05).叶片凋落物分解前3d干物质迅速淋洗,在河流中,凋落物干重淋洗率为9﹪~18﹪,河岸陆地为4﹪~9﹪.叶片凋落物在河流中分解30d后,分解速度趋于稳定.叶片凋落物在河岸陆地分解90d的过程中,分解速度呈现一定的波动性.黄栌叶片的分解为中速(分解系数k值为0.0043~0.0079d^-1),显著慢于五裂槭和扇叶槭.五裂槭和扇叶槭作为同属物种,叶片的分解速度之间没有显著差异,在海拔1160m和930m河流中为快速分解(分解系数k值为0.0101~0.0140d^-1),在海拔658m河流中为中速分解(分解系数k值分别为0.0084d^-1、0.0078d^-1).扇叶槭在河岸陆地的分解速度在3个海拔间差异较小,干物质流失均缓慢,分解速度(分解系数k为0.0027~0.0036d^-1)显著低于河流.方差分析结果表明,海拔梯度与叶片凋落物的分解速度之间没有显著相关性(p>0.05).河流中叶片凋落物在春夏季节的快速分解对底栖生物群落和下游养分循环有重要作用.  相似文献   

叶和细根(2mm)是森林生态系统的分解主体,二者是否协同分解,将极大影响所属植物在生态系统碳(C)循环中的物种效应。已有研究显示,叶和细根的分解关系具有极大的不确定性,认为很大程度上归因于细根内部具有高度的异质性,导致叶和细根在功能上不相似。为此,使用末梢1级根和细根根枝作为研究对象,它们在功能上同叶类似,称为吸收根。通过分解包法,分别在黑龙江帽儿山和广东鹤山,研究了2个阔叶树种和2个针叶树种(共8个树种)的叶和吸收根持续2a多的分解。结果发现,分解速率k(a~(-1),负指数模型)在8个树种整体分析时具有正相关关系(P0.05),在相同气候带或植物生活型水平上是否相关,受叶的分解环境及吸收根类型的影响;N剩余量整体上并不相关,亚热带树种的叶和细根根枝的N剩余量在分解1a后高度显著正相关,温带树种的叶和1级根的N剩余量在分解2a后显著高度正相关。本研究中,根-叶分解过程是否受控于相同或相关的凋落物性质是决定根-叶分解是否相关的重要原因,其中分解速率与酸溶组分正相关、与酸不溶组分负相关。比较已有研究,总结发现,根-叶分解关系受物种影响较大,暗示气候变化导致物种组成的改变将极大影响地上-地下关系,也因此影响生态系统C循环。  相似文献   

1. Leaf litter decomposition is one of the most important ecosystem processes in streams. Recent studies suggest that facilitation, in which litter is processed by a succession of species with differing abilities and requirements, may be important in making the nutrients bound in litter available to the stream assemblage.
2. We predicted that stream invertebrates that feed on terrestrial leaf litter (shredders) and tadpoles would facilitate leaf litter decomposition by changing the quality of leaf material directly via physical contact or indirectly via nutrient release. We experimentally examined the ability of shredders and tadpoles to break down leaves, independently and together, in artificial streams beside a natural forest stream.
3. The decomposition rate was greater when shredders and tadpoles were together than was expected from rates in single-species treatments, indicating that facilitation occurred. This facilitation operated in one direction only: the rate of leaf breakdown by tadpoles was higher when leaves had been partly processed by shredders, but there was no similar effect when leaves previously occupied by tadpoles were processed by shredders. We did not detect facilitation caused by indirect nutrient release.
4. Shredders may have benefited tadpoles by roughening leaf surfaces, making them easier for the tadpoles to consume and enhancing leaf breakdown in the presence of both taxa. This indicates that the loss of a single species can have impacts on ecosystem functioning that go beyond the loss of its direct contribution.  相似文献   

Aims Forest disturbance from extreme weather events due to climate change could increase the contribution of fresh green leaves to the litter layer of soil and subsequently alter the composition and activity of the soil microbial properties and soil carbon cycling. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of naturally fallen litter and fresh leaves on the soil microbial community composition and their activities.Methods Fresh leaves and normal fallen litter were collected from four tree species (Pinus elliottii, Schima superba, Acacia mangium, A. auriculaeformis) in subtropical China and mixed with soil. Soil microbial community composition was determined using PLFAs, and its activity was quantified by soil respiration. During a 12-month period, the decomposition rate of litter was measured bimonthly using a litterbag method. Soil microbial samples were collected after 6 and 12 months. Soil respiration was measured monthly.Important findings We found that fresh leaves decomposed faster than their conspecific fallen litter. Although total microbial biomass and bacterial biomass were similar among treatments, soil fungal biomass was higher in fresh leaf than fallen litter treatments, resulting in greater values of the Fungal phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs)/Bacterial PLFAs ratio. Fungal PLFA values were greater for Schima superba than the other species. The effect of litter type on soil respiration was species-dependent. Specifically, fallen litter released 35% more CO2 than fresh leaves of the conifer P. elliottii. The opposite pattern was observed in the broadleaf species whose fresh leaf treatments emitted 17%–32% more CO2 than fallen litter. Given future predictions that global climate change will cause more disturbances to forests, these results indicate that conifer and broadleaf forests in subtropical China may respond differently to increased fresh litter inputs, with net soil microbial respiration decreasing in conifer forests and increasing in broadleaf forests.  相似文献   

The high biodiversity of tropical forest streams depends on the strong input of organic matter, yet the leaf litter decomposition dynamics in these streams are not well understood. We assessed how seasonal litterfall affects leaf litter breakdown, density and biomass of aquatic invertebrates, and the microbial biomass and sporulation of aquatic hyphomycetes in a South American grassland ‘vereda’ landscape. Although litter production in the riparian area was low, leaf litter breakdown was high compared with other South American systems, with maximum values coinciding with the rainy season. Fungal biomass in decomposing leaves was high, but spore densities in water and sporulation rates were very low. Invertebrates were not abundant in litter bags, suggesting they play a minor role in leaf litter decomposition. Chironomids accounted for ~70 percent of all invertebrates; only 10 percent of non‐Chironomidae invertebrates were shredders. Therefore, fungi appear to be the drivers of leaf litter decomposition. Our results show that despite low productivity and relatively fast litter decomposition, organic matter accumulated in the stream and riparian area. This pattern was attributed to the wet/dry cycles in which leaves falling in the flat riparian zone remain undecomposed (during the dry period) and are massively transported to the riverbed (rainy season).  相似文献   

天童国家森林公园常见植物凋落叶分解的研究   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
 选择天童地区常绿阔叶林及其退化群落常见植物种为对象,着重探讨分解速率和基质营养含量以及比表面积(Specific Leaf Area, SLA)的关系,并试图通过单独分解试验和混合分解试验的比较,从物种、功能群角度探讨凋落叶多样性和分解这一生态系统过程的关系,为深入研究常绿阔叶林常见植物种的营养策略、群落养分循环等奠定基础,也为植被恢复、森林生态系统管理提供理论依据。结果表明:所有凋落叶随时间进程失重率增大,但失重率并不与时间呈线性相关;凋落叶分解后N、P均发生了变化,大多数凋落叶在分解初期N、P均发生了积累,营养元素的释放和富集与凋落叶初始营养状况无明显的相关性。凋落叶的年分解系数与凋落叶中的初始N含量有较高的相关性,而与初始P含量则无显著的相关性;凋落叶的分解速率与成熟叶的面积无相关性,而与其SLA有很强的相关性。通过模型分析,天童地区大多数常见树种凋落叶分解95%需1~4年,平均是2.54年;分解率最高的物种为山鸡椒(Litsea cubeba),其值为6.280,最低的为黄丹木姜子(Litsea elongata),其值为0.558。凋落物混合对分解有很大的影响,虽在初期对分解有阻碍作用,但长期是促进的。若不考虑功能群差异,则可得出多样性的增加有利于分解的结论。功能群数目的增加在凋落物分解前期对分解起促进作用,但这种作用随分解的进展逐渐减小。混合物种的特性往往是决定分解过程的最重要的因素。  相似文献   

Most studies of terrestrial litter decomposition in streams and rivers have used leaves from a single tree species, but leaf packs in streams in eastern North America are usually mixtures of two or more species. Litter mixtures may decay more quickly than either of the component species. If so, estimates of stream energy and nutrient budgets may be inaccurate. In northern Nova Scotia, Canada, we measured mass loss from binary mixtures (1:1 mass ratio) of leaf litter in mesh bags, using freshly fallen or air-dried litter from five species of canopy trees. We repeated the experiment eight times, in summer and fall, in two streams and a small river, over 3 years. In some trials we enumerated benthic invertebrate and fungal colonization of decaying litter. Although there were marked differences in mass loss rates among litter types, decomposition was accelerated in mixtures relative to the mean of the component species in only three of eight trials, and only in mixtures containing N-rich speckled alder leaves. Mixing yellow birch and red maple leaves inhibited decomposition. Diversity (Shannon–Weaver Index), species richness, and abundance of aquatic hyphomycete fungi, as indexed by conidial production, were never greater (and sometimes less) on litter mixtures than on the component species. Total numbers, taxonomic richness and diversity of benthic invertebrates generally, and litter-feeding species in particular, were not augmented by mixing litter types. Litter mixtures appear to dilute a preferred substrate with patches of a less preferred substrate. Our results provide only weak support for the contention that combining two litter types leads to acceleration of decomposition rates. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

The leaf litter decomposition of 12 tree species was examined for three years in a subtropical forest in Japan to follow the pattern of changes in organic chemical constituents and nitrogen (N) and the relationship between these components. The remaining mass of the leaf litter reached 7–53% of the original mass at the end of the field incubation, and the decomposition constants (k) ranged from 0.37 to 2.39 year?1. The decomposition constant was significantly negatively correlated with the initial content of acid-unhydrolyzable residue (AUR) for all 12 tree species. A net increase of AUR that lasted for the first 3 to 6 months was noted for leaf litter of four tree species. The absolute amount of total N increased initially and then decreased thereafter in leaf litter of five tree species, whereas total N mass decreased throughout the study period in leaf litter of the other species. Contents of AUR and total N in leaf litter generally increased linearly with the accumulated mass loss of litter during decomposition, resulting in positive slopes of linear regressions. Lignocellulose index and AUR to N ratio of the litter showed convergent trends for 12 tree species as the decomposition progressed. When compared with datasets for an Asian climatic gradient, the decomposition rates in the subtropical forest was intermediate between the rates in tropical and temperate forests, and AUR and N contents in decomposing litter were consistently lower than those in temperate forests, indicating faster loss of AUR and N.  相似文献   

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