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2008年10月—2009年3月,用网捕法对西双版纳勐养季风常绿阔叶林林下鸟类群落进行了研究。共张网15 840网·h,捕到林下鸟类90种1 423只,隶属28科7目。优势种为银胸丝冠鸟(Serilophus lunatus)、褐脸雀鹛(Alcippe poioicephala)、白喉冠鹎(Alophoixus pallidus)、金眶鹟莺(Seicercus burkii)、白尾蓝地鸲(Cinclidium leucurum)、黑胸鸫(Turdus dissimilis)、棕头幽鹛(Pellorneum ruficeps)、棕胸雅鹛(Trichastoma tickelli)等8种。留鸟为林下鸟类主要成分,其捕获数量,占总数量的89.3%。平均网捕率9.0只/(100网·h),月份变化极显著(x25, 282=, P=0.000);2008年12月平均网捕率最高,为(12.5±1.3)只/(100网·h);2009年2月最低,为(5.2±0.6)只/(100网·h)。林下鸟类群落呈现多物种而低密度特征。画眉科鸟类优势地位不明显。国家二级保护鸟类银胸丝冠鸟是本地区捕获数量最多的鸟,其栖息地需重点保护。  相似文献   

云南新平哀牢山秋季夜间网捕鸟类的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007-09-05—2007-11-05和2008-09-03—2008-11-07期间,在云南省新平县哀牢山金山丫口(23º57’ N, 101º30’E)对影响秋季夜间网捕鸟类组成因素进行了调查。主要利用温湿度表和定性观察对各因素进行判断。其研究结果表明, 地理特点是影响夜间网捕鸟类种类的主要因素;气象条件是影响夜间网捕鸟类种类和数量的重要因素。气象条件中的风向、风力、雾以及月相周期对夜间网捕鸟类数量和种类的影响极其显著(P<0.01)。风向的影响比风力大,其中,在西南风大雾新月或者在西南风大雾残月期间,夜间网捕鸟类数量和种类最多;光也是夜间网捕鸟类的必要条件。然而,温湿度对夜间网捕鸟类数量和种类影响不显著。  相似文献   

2002年9月16日至11月28日、2003年4月6日至26日、2003年9月9日至11月26日,对云南南涧凤凰山秋季夜间迁移鸟类进行了研究。共网捕迁移鸟176种6 677只,分属13目29科,其中红喉姬weng、红点颏、蓝歌鸲等雀形目鸟类数量优势度十分显著,表明该地迁移鸟类以雀形目等中小型鸟类为主。对网捕迁移鸟进行多样性分析,Shannon-Weaner指数为3.89,G指数为4.13,总的F指数为25.56,表明该地迁移鸟在种、属、科等分类阶元的多样性均较丰富。2002和2003年迁移鸟类多样性t检验结果表明,年间、月份间的多样性差异明显,即凤凰山迁移鸟类动态变化明显。  相似文献   

湖北沙湖冬季鸟类群落特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2006年12月—2007年1月采用样线法对湖北沙湖自然保护区鸟类进行了调查,按照生境特征分为芦苇、草甸、农田、水域4个鸟类群落。共记录到鸟类76种,隶属12目28科,占湖北省鸟类种数456种的16.67%。其中,国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级保护鸟类各1种和10种;濒危物种1种,易危物种2种,稀有物种1种。鸟类群落总体α多样性指数(H′)为2.37,均匀性指数(J)为0.55,优势度(C)为0.17,4个鸟类群落的H′、JC值分别为:1.67~2.44、0.50~0.86、0.11~0.26。β多样性指数分析表明:农田-草甸的鸟类群落相似性指数(Si)最高,为0.74,农田-水域的相似性指数最低,为0.40;Bray-Curtis指数(CN)最高值是芦苇-草甸的鸟类群落,为0.00640,最低值是水域-农田,为0.00022。生境间异质性和人为活动是影响沙湖冬季鸟类群落特征的主要因素。  相似文献   

海水养殖场沉积物中硝酸盐还原菌种群分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对福建省沿海海水养殖场沉积物中参与氮循环的各生理群细菌数量分析 ,发现氨化和硝酸盐还原细菌是优势生理菌群 ,同时 ,表层泥样中的硝酸盐还原菌数量明显高于深层泥样。从该环境中分离获得 106株细菌 ,其中 58株具有硝酸盐还原能力 ,初步鉴定表明它们主要为芽孢杆菌属 (Bacillus)、盐芽孢杆菌属 (Halobacillus)、短芽孢杆菌属 (Brevibacil lus)、动性球菌属 (Planococcus)和动性杆菌属 (Plano  相似文献   

湿地是介于水体与陆地之间的特殊的生态系统,其中昆虫扮演着重要的角色。通过选取扎龙村、烟筒屯、土木台和育苇场为样地以诱集夜间活动的昆虫为主,对扎龙湿地昆虫群落结构进行了探讨。结果表明:扎龙湿地夜间活动的昆虫分属14目54科139种,以鳞翅目、鞘翅目和双翅目为优势类群。各区域昆虫群落种-多度关系均表现为对数正态分布。物种丰富度为扎龙村>烟筒屯>育苇场>土木台,而群落多样性和均匀度均为烟筒屯>扎龙村>土木台>育苇场,Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H') 与均匀度(J')和物种丰富度(S)时间动态关系表现为:烟筒屯Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H')与均匀度(J')和物种丰富度(S)均一致;扎龙村和育苇场Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H')与均匀度(J')一致,而与物种丰富度(S)弱相关;土木台 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H')与均匀度(J')和物种丰富度(S)均表现为弱相关。研究得出扎龙湿地总体环境质量较好,但局部地区(如土木台)有退化的趋势,并分析造成上述结果的原因。  相似文献   

为探讨不同生境鸟类多样性和植物多样性之间的关系,2007年8月和2008年8月,采用样方法和固定距离样线法对白银库伦五蕊柳湿地和浑善达克沙地的鸟类与植物进行了调查,通过Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数、鸟类密度指数等对各数据进行分析,结果表明:两种生境鸟类群落的相似性极低;植物多样性的改变影响鸟类群落的多样性;鸟类多样性的变化反映植物多样性的变化.  相似文献   

长白山地区真菌降解木质素的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王地  刘期松 《微生物学报》1990,30(4):296-304
采用Bavendamn氏反应,漆酶(Laccase)和α-酪氨酸酶反应(α-tyrosinase reacrion)呼吸率,紫外分光光度法和扫描电镜等方法,对来自长白山地区的五株真菌进行了定性、定量测定。结果表明,长白山地区存在木质素分解菌,它们分属于曲霉属(Aspergillus)、木霉属(Trtchoderma)及毛霉属(Mucor)。它们均能不同程度地降解小叶杨(Populus simonti)、龙爪柳(Salix matsydana F. fortuosa)、家榆(Ulmus pumila)、山毛桃(Persian davidiana)的碱性水溶木质素,游离木质素及细胞回复木质素。降解主要发生在第8天以后,在第12-14天时趋于稳定,其木质素的剩余量在44—74%,它们参与木质素降解的酶不同于已报道过的白腐菌的酶。  相似文献   

环志是研究迁徙鸟类的重要途径。云南省哀牢山北段大中山是鸟类迁徙的重要通道,但缺乏具体的研究数据。1997年、2010年和2011年秋季夜间迁徙鸟类环志研究的结果表明,哀牢山北段大中山捕获到的夜间鸟类有108种2330只,分属10目24科。其中,以雀形目鸟类为主,占总捕获数量的78.3%,捕获优势种为树鹨(占捕获数量的16.95%)、红喉姬鹟(13.39%)、红尾伯劳(9.83%)、红喉歌鸲(8.71%)和栗鹀(4.80%);水禽占捕获鸟类总种数的16.7%,与云南其他地点的研究结果相似。由于水禽是传播禽流感的主要载体,候鸟聚集地存在传播禽流感的风险,春季也有候鸟翻越哀牢山,因此有必要开展春季鸟类环志工作。  相似文献   

克鲁斯假丝酵母及其近似种的脉冲电泳核型分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用钳位均匀电场脉冲电泳(CHEF)系统分析了克鲁斯假丝酵母(Candida krusei),郎比可假丝酵母(C. lambica)和粗状假丝酵母(C. valiad)的模式菌株的电泳核型,发现这三种表型相似的假丝酵母却具有互不相同的染色体DNA分子带型,为其分类学研究提供了可靠的鉴别依据。在常规分类学研究的基础上,测定了AS 2.75(原定种名为(C. incospicua),AS2.1182(原定种名为 C. lambica)和AS 2.1772(未定种)等三株假丝酵母的G+C含量和脉冲电泳核型。通过对已报道的C. inconspicu的G+C含量及上述三种假丝酵母模式菌株的脉冲电泳核型的比较分析证明,AS 2.75和AS 2.1772为粗状假丝酵母(C. valida),AS 2.1182为克鲁斯假丝酵母(C. krusei)。  相似文献   

云南南涧凤凰山秋季夜间迁移鸟类多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
2002年9月16日至11月28日、2003年4月6日至26日、2003年9月9日至11月26日,对云南南涧凤凰山秋季夜间迁移鸟类进行了研究。共网捕迁移鸟176种6677只,分属13目29科,其中红喉姬、红点颏、蓝歌鸲等雀形目鸟类数量优势度十分显著,表明该地迁移鸟类以雀形目等中小型鸟类为主。对网捕迁移鸟进行多样性分析,Shannon-Weaner指数为3·89,G指数为4·13,总的F指数为25·56,表明该地迁移鸟在种、属、科等分类阶元的多样性均较丰富。2002和2003年迁移鸟类多样性t检验结果表明,年间、月份间的多样性差异明显,即凤凰山迁移鸟类动态变化明显。  相似文献   

C. J. Vernon 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):102-115
Vernon, C. J. 1978. Breeding seasons of birds in deciduous woodland at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, from 1970 to 1974. Ostrich 49:102-115.

The birds in Brachystegia woodland bred in the spring and 98% of 1645 breeding records occurred between September and November. 90% of the records, and 43 of the 71 breeding species, were of insectivorous passerines. The breeding seasons of individual species lasted for between less than two months to more than three months, and their peak breeding periods varied between early September and the middle of October. The breeding season started earliest in 1974 and latest in 1973, and the start of two species was related to the timing of leaf emergence of the dominant tree in the woodland and to rainfall the previous rainy season. Food supply may be the proximal factor influencing the onset of breeding.  相似文献   

In Welsh spruce forest the relationship of birds to a nuclear polyhdedrosis virus (NPV) was studied outside the larval period of its sawfly host, Gilpinia hercyniae. Birds passed feces containing infective NPV throughout the nonlarval period (November–June). It is thought that birds acquired inoculum by feeding on the corpses of NPV-killed larvae adhering to spruce trees. The proportion of infective droppings declined in the 2 months (May and June) prior to the new larval period. Infective droppings were collected from all six species of birds netted in January. The infectivity of droppings of goldcrest was less and that of longtailed tit greater in January than in the previous September. Experimental evidence suggests that birds may carry NPV for at least 6 km.  相似文献   

1985—1994年的3—11月,在山西省代县对小鸊鷉的繁殖生物学进行了研究。该鸟在山西省为夏候鸟,每年最早3月6日迁来,最晚11月24日迁离,居留期为255天左右。种群密度在繁殖前的4月为1.37,繁殖后的9月为1.95(只/ha)。产卵始期为5月27日,日产1枚,窝卵数5—8枚,产出第二枚卵时开始孵卵。观察到最早孵卵期为5月28日,孵卵期20-22d。雏鸟出壳先后顺序与产卵先后顺序相一致,孵化率为95.45%,雏鸟为早成鸟。  相似文献   

A total of 134 bird species were recorded at Jianfengling, Hainan Island, in China from May 2000 to September 2004, of which 44 participated in one or more of 134 mixed‐species flocks. These flocks averaged 3.8 ± 0.2 species and 20.3 ± 1.2 individuals. Flocking propensity in a given species ranged from 1.5 to 100%. For flocking species, frequency of flocking and number of individuals in flocks was positively correlated with frequency and number in point counts. Among all species pairs with flocking frequency above 5%, cluster and correlation analysis indicated there were two principal groups of flocking birds – canopy species and understorey species: associations were positive within a group, but negative between groups. Canopy birds had a higher flocking propensity than understorey birds. They also made significantly less use of inner branches and trunks and greater use of middle branches, and foraged at a significantly greater height when in mixed‐species flocks than when solitary. For understorey bird species, there were no significant differences in foraging locations between solitary and mixed‐species flocks. Higher flocking frequency occurred in the wet season for canopy birds, but in the dry season for understorey birds. Overall patterns were consistent with the explanation that flocking enables an expansion of foraging niche by reducing the risk of predation.  相似文献   

The diet of the King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus at Macquarie Island   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MARK A. HINDELL 《Ibis》1988,130(2):193-203
The diet of King Penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus at Macquarie Island was studied between November 1984 and November 1985 based on stomach flushed samples (obtaining 93% of the total stomach content) from ten birds each month. The mean stomach content mass of the 118 samples was 923 0 g. Percentage by number, percentage by weight and dietary coefficient analysis all showed the main prey of the penguins to be myctophid lantern fish of the species Electrona carlsbergi and Krefftichthys anderssoni. Juvenile fish of both species were eaten from December to July, and adults in August and September. Cephalopods were relatively unimportant in contrast to previous indications. The amount of food brought ashore and the composition of the diet varied over the year, with K. anderssoni the dominant food in all but the winter months when E. carlsbergi replaced it as the principal food item.  相似文献   

为揭示莱州湾砂壳纤毛虫群落季节变化规律, 在莱州湾设置8个站位, 于2011年5-11月及2012年3-4月进行了9个航次的调查, 用浅海III型浮游生物网由底至表垂直拖网采集砂壳纤毛虫。结果表明, 莱州湾3-11月砂壳纤毛虫物种丰富度的变化范围为5-19, 周年变化呈现一峰两谷的趋势。丰度的范围为0-318 ind./L, 丰度较大(> 50 ind./L)的种类有运动类铃虫(Codonellopsis mobilis)和清兰拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis chinglanensis)。各月平均丰度随时间的变化趋势为双峰型, 最大值出现在7月(63 ind./L), 次峰值出现在5月(48 ind./L), 最小值出现在3月(2 ind./L)。黏着壳种类在3-11月均有出现, 透明壳种类仅在温度较高(> 15°C)的6-9月出现。各月的优势种数目为1种(5月)到8种(8月), 其中运动类铃虫在所有月中都是优势种, 对砂壳纤毛虫丰度周年的变化规律产生较大影响。使用各月所有种类的平均丰度对各月砂壳纤毛虫群落进行聚类分析, 得到两个群落(相似度30%): 群落I(7-9月)和群落II(3-6月、10-11月), 说明砂壳纤毛虫群落发生了明显的季节变化。砂壳纤毛虫的物种丰富度、丰度与环境因子(温度、盐度)均没有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1972,114(1):43-60
Palaearctic passerines were observed and trapped over three seasons near Kampala, in southern Uganda. Passage migration and wintering are described.
Only 11 species were encountered at all frequently. Three of these were common as passage migrants only, the rest remained in numbers throughout the northern winter. Most migrants reached Kampala during October and November, but the majority of Acrocephalus warblers appeared later. Spring departure commenced at the end of March, and continued throughout April. Autumn passage was in progress from late September to December, but appreciable spring movement was confined to a period of a few weeks only.
Ringing revealed that most wintering warblers were highly sedentary, and that a high proportion of surviving birds returned to the same site in successive winters. No fewer than 12–5% of the 220 Acrocephalus warblers ringed during 1966/67 were retrapped during the following season.
Wing measurements were recorded for most migrants trapped. Plumage details were noted, and representative specimens of several species were subsequently compared with museum series. It was concluded that most migrant passerines which occurred at Kampala were of eastern origin.
Migration times were compared with those recorded for some other areas. The spring movement from southern Uganda to the Middle East tends to be more rapid than the return journey. Some species apparently spend weeks or even months of the autumn in northeast Africa before reaching the equator,  相似文献   

The fruiting phenology of animal-dispersed plants was observed in a warm temperate, evergreen forest on Yakushima Island. The number of ripe fruits was counted for 22 trees, four lianas and one parasitic epiphyte species with sapfruit. These fruits were consumed by birds and Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui). Birds with small gapes (e.g. Japanese white-eye [Zosterops japonica]) consumed only small fruit less than 6 mm in diameter, while birds with large gapes (e.g. red-capped green pigeon [Sphenurus formosae]) and Japanese macaques consumed a wide range of fruits from 4 to 16 mm in diameter. The larger animals did not ignore the smaller fruits. Brown-eared bulbul (Hypsipetes amaurotis) and Japanese white-eye were the main consumers of sapfruit in terms of frequency in winter. Some of the observed consumers were year-round residents, but most of the consumers migrated to Yakushima Island from the main islands of Japan to overwinter (from November to March), and their abundance in winter was four times as high as during the rest of the year (from May to October). In 23 of the 27 plant species investigated, sapfruit production coincided with their immigration season, whereas tree species bear capsules and nuts during autumn from September to November. We suggest that sapfruit species set their ripe period to the season when frugivorous birds are most abundant.  相似文献   

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