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吴建平  于超  张天才 《四川动物》2012,31(5):775-777,785
2010年6月至9月在哈尔滨市园林科学研究所实验基地采用样方法对灰喜鹊的巢址选择特征进行研究,并且利用主成分分析法对灰喜鹊巢址样方生境因子进行检验.结果表明,灰喜鹊主要选择针叶树筑巢;在同一生境中巢间距变化小,呈均匀分布;灰喜鹊巢址选择的主要因子包括营巢树高、距最近巢距离、样方内树均高、巢树胸径、距干扰源距离、距最近树距离.这说明灰喜鹊在巢址选择过程中选择巢树和其周围的小生境.  相似文献   

福建漳江口红树林鹭科鸟类巢址选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011年4~5月、2012年4~5月,采用样线调查和样方调查相结合的方法对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区内鹭科鸟类巢址与影响其选择的因子进行研究.t-检验结果显示,红树基径、盖度、距地面平均高度、植株密度及秋茄比5个参数在巢区样方(n=23)与对照样方(n=37)之间存在显著差异(P<0.05),桐花比、距道路距离、距村庄距离与距池塘距离4个参数存在极其显著差异(P<0.01).主成分分析表明,植被结构和干扰条件是影响鹭科鸟类巢址选择的主要因子,植被结构不仅能够影响鹭科鸟类群落结构,还受到鹭科鸟类集群繁殖影响.  相似文献   

扎龙保护区散养与野生丹顶鹤巢址选择比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨扎龙保护区散养与野生丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)巢址选择的异同,2009年3~5月在扎龙国家级自然保护区内用生境因子测定法对散养丹顶鹤与野生丹顶鹤巢址选择进行比较。独立样本t-检验(independent-samples t-test)结果表明,散养丹顶鹤和野生丹顶鹤在巢址选择中,植被高度、植被密度、巢周围苇丛面积及巢距人为干扰地距离均存在着显著差异。说明野生丹顶鹤对巢址选择具有严格要求,倾向于选择人为活动较少,植被高度较高,植被密度和巢周围苇丛面积较大的生境中筑巢;散养丹顶鹤对生境要求不高。  相似文献   

2014年2月、2014年12月—2015年1月和2015年6—7月,在陕西省周至自然保护区,采用样带法对斑羚冬季和夏季生境选择进行研究。结果表明,斑羚夏季对14种生境因子有选择性,而在冬季斑羚对16种生境因子有选择性。夏冬季斑羚对植被类型、坡位、海拔、坡度、郁闭度、乔木大小、乔木距离、灌木密度、灌木距离、灌木盖度、草本盖度、草本种类、距隐蔽物距离和距人为干扰距离的选择存在显著差异。逻辑斯蒂回归分析表明,坡向、坡位、乔木大小、乔木距离、灌木大小、隐蔽级、距隐蔽物距离、距人为干扰距离是斑羚夏季生境选择的主导因子。坡向、坡位、郁闭度、乔木距离、灌木大小、灌木距离、草本种类、隐蔽级、距水源距离是斑羚冬季生境选择的主导因子。  相似文献   

2008和2009年3—6月,在黄河三角洲自然保护区采用定点观察、GPS定位、样方调查和逐步判别分析等方法对东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)繁殖期觅食地的利用进行了研究。共测定了75个觅食利用样方和74个对照样方的14个生态因子。结果表明,东方白鹳繁殖期倾向于在明水面、芦苇沼泽和滩地中觅食,对草地和农田利用极少。偏向于食物丰富度较高的觅食点;对隐蔽级高低没有明显的偏好。对利用样方和对照样方进行比较,发现利用样方具有植被高度和植被盖度较低,觅食地水深相对较浅,距明水面、芦苇沼泽、树林等距离较近,距重度干扰源较远等特征。逐步判别分析表明,距芦苇沼泽距离、样方内水深、距重度干扰源距离、食物丰富度和明水面距离具有重要作用,由这5个变量构成的方程在对繁殖季节东方白鹳觅食地利用样方和对照样方进行区分时,正确判别率可以达到95.5%。东方白鹳繁殖期觅食地的利用主要与水源、人为干扰和食物条件有关。  相似文献   

李言阔  张明海  蒋志刚 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4619-4628
于2004~2005年冬季研究了完达山地区马鹿的生境利用和选择。在野外调查的基础上,获取了研究地区马鹿种群水平上的生境利用数据;利用地理信息系统和遥感技术,从区域尺度上测度了各类生境因子的可获得性。通过比较被利用生境与可获得生境,测度了马鹿冬季对各类生境或生态因子的选择。结果表明,马鹿对植被类型、海拔、坡向、NDVI等级、到公路距离表现出非比例利用,对坡度的利用与其可获得性则没有显著性差异。马鹿选择采伐迹地,低郁闭度生境(第2、3NDVI等级),200~300m海拔区间,南坡,距离公路600~700m的区间。马鹿采食生境和卧息生境对各类因子具有不同的选择性,表现出不同功能生境分离的特征。对于采食生境,马鹿选择采伐迹地、阔叶疏林,低郁闭度(第2、3NDVI等级),南坡;对于卧息生境,马鹿仅选择采伐迹地,低郁闭度(第2、3、4NDVI等级)。根据马鹿活动样点的出现与否,建立了马鹿冬季生境选择的逻辑斯谛回归模型。模型回判结果表明,该模型对马鹿活动样方与对照样方的总体正确预测率为74.4%,对马鹿活动样方的正确预测率为84.2%,对对照样方的正确预测率为62.4%,能够较好的预测生境利用概率。  相似文献   

莫莫格自然保护区白鹤秋季迁徙停歇期觅食生境选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年秋季(10月8日—20日)及2009年秋季(9月20日—10月16日),通过样方法对觅食生境11个生态因子进行调查,利用卡方检验、资源选择指数和资源选择函数在莫莫格保护区对秋季迁徙停歇期白鹤觅食生境选择进行研究。结果表明,白鹤对距人为干扰源距离、植被密度、盖度、高度、植物性食物密度以及水深均具有选择性,但对宏观尺度干扰因子的选择性较低。其偏好觅食生境的特点为:距一级路>5000m,>二级路1500m以上,>三级路1000m以上,>居民点1000m以上,农田>1000m;植被密度20~50株/m2,盖度<10%,高度<20cm,扁杆藨草密度1~50株/m2,藨草密度1~10株/m2,水深40~60cm。白鹤秋季觅食生境资源选择函数为Logistic(P)=0.663+0.565×与一级道路距离+0.042×与二级道路距离+0.519×与三级道路距离+0.353×与居民点距离+0.169×与农田距离–0.455×植被密度–0.618×植被盖度–0.548×植被高度–0.158×扁杆藨草密度–0.404×藨草密度+0.920×水深,T(x)=eLogistic(p)/[1+eLogistic(p)],模型正确预测率为82.9%。  相似文献   

丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)东、西种群巢址选择的分异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis) 大陆种群以布列亚山-小兴安岭-张广才岭为界分为东、西两部分.2004~2005年,通过实地测量丹顶鹤东、西种群主要繁殖地的31处巢址的生境因子并进行统计学分析发现:丹顶鹤东、西种群巢址的芦苇密度、苇丛面积及巢距干扰源距离的差异显著(P﹤0.05);采用系统聚类分析的方法可将位于5 个保护区的丹顶鹤巢分成两类,且两类鹤巢分属东、西种群;丹顶鹤东、西种群巢址选择的分异不仅表现在单个生境因子的数量差别,还表现为群体采取不同的隐蔽对策;丹顶鹤东、西种群营巢对水深和芦苇高度的选择稳定一致.生境丧失作为外因通过丹顶鹤的"K生活史"特征起作用,导致丹顶鹤东、西种群的巢址选择具有群体特征.  相似文献   

为探究高寒湿地生态系统中小??Tachybaptus ruficollis巢址选择的影响因子,于2013年和2015年的4月29日—5月6日2次对贵州草海国家级自然保护区内的小??巢址和食物进行了调查。设置A区和B区,其中又划分为巢址斑块和对照斑块。以巢址为中心,记录巢址样方(1 m×1 m)和对照样方的生境因子并进行比较。结果表明:巢址样方的最高植物高度和离岸距离均显著大于对照样方。对巢址样方及其所在斑块共14个生境因子的特征进行主成分分析,结果表明:小??偏爱在植被植株较高、密度稀疏、矮小植株数量少的小斑块生境中营巢。食物丰富的区域小??巢穴数量多。该研究对小??物种保护有实践意义,对丰富高寒湿地生态系统鸟类巢址生境选择有理论意义。  相似文献   

河南董寨国家级自然保护区发冠卷尾的巢址选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年6~9月于河南董寨国家级自然保护区对发冠卷尾(Dicrurus hottentottus)的巢址选择进行了研究。野外调查中共发现发冠卷尾的巢47个,分布于针叶林、阔叶林和针阔混交林等3种植被类型中。我们在巢址样方(n=47)和对照样方(n=47)中对地形、距离与植被等因素(共15个变量)进行了调查,最终通过逐步判别分析表明,距山脊距离、距水源距离、乔木均高和灌木密度是影响其巢址选择的主要因子。  相似文献   

Monthly surveys of Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii , Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus and Mute Swans Cygnus olor in Britain and Ireland were made during the 1990–1991 winter to determine factors affecting the swans' selection of feeding sites. Geographic location and habitat both influenced site selection. Whooper Swans occurred in greatest numbers at sites in Scotland, northeastern England and Northern Ireland, whereas Bewick's Swans had a more southerly distribution, reflecting differences in the migratory routes used by these two species. The resident Mute Swans were more widespread, with large flocks occurring in southeastern England and in parts of Scotland. Whooper and Mute Swans were found mainly on permanent inland waters (68% and 61%, respectively), but the majority of Bewick's Swans (60%) were on arable land. The percentage of Bewick's Swan flocks found on permanent inland waters (42%) was higher than that found on arable fields (23%), indicating that the large number recorded on arable land was a result of the birds congregating at a comparatively small number of sites. Overall, less than 15% of Whooper Swans and 3% of Mute Swans were on arable crops during the winter, but the largest flocks were associated with arable land for all three species. Thus, although the occurrence of large flocks at particular arable sites may give an impression that swans feed mainly on farmland, the swans are in fact more widely dispersed. Regional variation in the percentage of juveniles present was recorded for all three species. Changes during the winter in the distribution of juveniles, and of the swans as a whole, are considered in relation to food supply and to migratory routes for the Bewick's and Whooper Swans.  相似文献   

2017年4和5月,在位于新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘的和田地区民丰县对白尾地鸦(Podoces bidduphi)的巢址选择进行研究。共记录白尾地鸦巢12个,测量了巢参数,用Mann-Whitney U检验分析巢样方与对照样方的差异,用主成分法分析影响白尾地鸦巢址选择的主要因子。结果显示:1)白尾地鸦巢多筑于绿洲边缘的柽柳(Tamarix)灌丛,巢距地面高(109.1 ± 13.2)cm,巢深(8.5 ± 0.5)cm,巢厚(3.8 ± 0.4)cm,内径(13.9 ± 0.9)cm,外径(21.6 ± 1.3)cm;2)巢样方的植被物种数和植被盖度远高于对照样方;3)影响白尾地鸦巢址选择的主要因素为植被物种数及干扰,其中干扰主要指距道路以及距居民点的距离。综上所述,白尾地鸦的巢址选择受食物等生存需求和躲避干扰等安全因素的双重影响,是生存与繁殖权衡的结果。  相似文献   

015年7- 8月,采用样方法对卧龙国家级自然保护区水鹿夏季生境进行了调查。共布设160个样方,其中75个为空白对照样方,85个为利用样方,测量、比较了两类样方中海拔、坡度等15个生境变量,并根据Logistic回归分析及赤池信息标准(Akaike information criterion, AIC)选取出最佳的水鹿夏季生境选择模型。结果表明:影响卧龙水鹿夏季生境选择的主要因素为隐蔽度、坡度、距人为干扰距离和距水源距离。在夏季,卧龙水鹿通常选择隐蔽度较好、缓坡(< 20°)、距人为干扰距离远(≥ 1 000 m )及距离水源近(< 500 m)的生境。此外,植被类型对于卧龙水鹿夏季生境选择也有一定的影响( χ2= 11.499 , df= 4, P= 0.021)。有约92%的利用样方分布于各种类型的森林中,仅有约8%的利用样方分布于海拔3 500 m左右的杜鹃及高山栎灌丛带。  相似文献   

Species distributions are influenced by climate and topography in alpine ecosystems, yet resource selection studies of alpine species are uncommon. Basic characteristics of habitats used by alpine-endemic white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura) have been described to explain foraging behavior, morphology, and survival in many alpine regions; however, there is a lack of information about fine-scale habitat selection for nesting and brood-rearing, particularly in the southern extent of the species’ range. Few studies have tested whether nest and brood-site selection by white-tailed ptarmigan are influenced by fine-scale components such as vegetation and arthropod communities. We assessed these fine-scale habitat characteristics analyzing paired use-available resource selection for nest (n = 61) and brood (n = 54) sites. We used conditional logistic regression for data collected in 2 alpine areas along the Front Range of Colorado, USA, during 2014 and 2015. We evaluated resource selection at larger (patch) and finer (nest site) scales. Nest-site selection at the patch scale was best predicted by cover (%) of forage forbs, rock and gravel, and shrubs. Forage forb cover explained more variation in our top nest model at the patch scale when compared to models with specific vegetation species. Females placed their nests along elevational gradients but more so at lower elevations and selected for less graminoid cover at the nest-site scale. Brood habitat selection at the patch level was influenced by cover (%) of rock and gravel and proximity to shrubs (m). Analysis of a subset of our brood data (n = 34) revealed females selected brood habitat that contained high arthropod abundance (e.g., Cicadellidae) over high vegetation cover, likely as a response to meet dietary requirements of chicks. Our results demonstrate how and where white-tailed ptarmigan are currently selecting these different breeding sites in Colorado's alpine, giving us insight into consequences this alpine-endemic bird may face if their breeding habitat is altered. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Riparian forest communities in the southwestern United States were historically structured by a disturbance regime of annual flooding. In recent decades, however, frequency of flooding has decreased and frequency of wildfires has increased. Riparian forests provide important breeding habitat for a large variety of bird species, and the effects of this altered disturbance regime on birds and their breeding habitat is largely unknown. To evaluate effects of high-intensity spring and summer wildfire on the quality of breeding bird habitat in the Middle Rio Grande valley, we measured vegetation structure and composition, avian nest use, and nest success at 4 unburned plots and 4 wildfire plots over a 3-year period. We measured avian nest use and success at nest boxes located in unburned riparian forest plots and plots recently burned by wildfire. Recent wildfire plots (<7 yr after fire) had a much different vegetation structure than unburned plots; an older (>7 yr after fire) wildfire plot more closely resembled its paired unburned plot than did recently burned plots. Ash-throated flycatchers (Myiarchus cinerascens) and Bewick's wrens (Thryomanes bewickii; hereafter, flycatchers and wrens, respectively) used nest boxes in most of the plots. A model selection procedure applied to logistic regressions showed that frequency of nest box use by flycatchers was positively associated with wildfire, although flycatchers used boxes in unburned plots as well. Wrens showed a preferential use of nest boxes that were in unburned sites and in close proximity to vegetative cover. Growth rates, feeding rates, and fledging mass of flycatchers were similar in wildfire and unburned plots. Growth rates for wrens were slower in wildfire plots, while feeding rates and fledging mass were similar. Nest predation varied between years, was higher for flycatchers than for wrens, and was not directly influenced by wildfire. Model selection showed that predation increased with grass cover, an indicator of forest openness, and decreased with distance to habitat edge. Recovery of dense vegetation appears important in maintaining populations of Bewick's wrens, whereas ash-throated flycatchers were less sensitive to vegetative structure and composition of postfire succession. Postfire management that maintains nest sites in large forest strips would enhance nesting density and success of these cavity-nesting birds in riparian zones.  相似文献   

Riparian forests of the American Southwest are especially prone to changes in composition and structure due to natural and anthropogenic factors. To determine how breeding mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) respond to these changes, we examined nest site use and nest survival in control plots, fuel reduction plots before and after mechanical thinning, and post-wildfire sites. The greatest number of nests (50%) were located in post-wildfire sites where resprouted vegetation and woody debris provided numerous nest sites in the understory. We found fewer nests in post-treatment fuel reduction plots (17%), where most were constructed in cottonwoods, and an intermediate number of nests in control and pre-treatment plots (33%), where most were constructed in exotic plants. The best-supported logistic-exposure nest survival model indicated that survival varied among years and with date. Models containing effects of forest type, study block, and nest site selection received little support, suggesting that survival was constant among plot locations, disturbance types, and nest sites. Our nest survival estimates were low relative to those from other studies, but productivity could offset mortality if adults make numerous nest attempts each year. Our results highlight the utility of woody vegetation and debris as understory nest sites for mourning doves and other riparian birds. Managers should devise methods to preserve or reestablish these nest sites when conducting fuel reduction, exotic vegetation removal, or post-fire restoration activities. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

2010~2011年4~7月,在四川省瓦屋山自然保护区对金色林鸲(Tarsiger chrysaeus)的繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。共发现26巢,金色林鸲2010年和2011年的繁殖成功率分别为43.8%和44.4%,孵化率分别为52.5%和60.0%;育雏成功率分别为85.7%和100.0%。主成分分析表明,影响金色林鸲巢址选择的主要因子包括巢位因素、苔藓盖度因素和乔木郁闭度因素。步道两侧的土坎为金色林鸲巢址选择提供了适宜条件。在瓦屋山,人类活动是影响金色林鸲繁殖、巢址选择、巢的分布和数量的重要因素,并存在两面性;人行步道的修建为金色林鸲提供了更多适宜的巢址,而游客的频繁活动限制了金色林鸲的繁殖活动。  相似文献   

白唇鹿是青藏高原特有鹿种,人们对其生境选择与利用知之甚少。2009 年6 -8 月和2011 年7 - 8 月,用痕迹检验法和直接观察法研究了察青松多白唇鹿国家级自然保护区内白唇鹿的夏季生境选择。在保护区内若当沟和麻绒沟两个白唇鹿集中分布区域测定了195 个样方中的植被类型、海拔高度、坡位、坡度、坡向、离水源距离、隐蔽度和人类活动干扰8 个生态因子。用Vanderloeg 和Scavia 选择指数和主成分分析法分析了白唇鹿夏季生境选择的影响因子。结果表明:白唇鹿夏季倾向于选择海拔4 000 m 以上中上坡位的高山草甸生境和离水源距离500 m 以外的阳坡或阴坡生境;而回避坡度大于60 度、裸岩生境、下坡位生境和半阴坡生境。除隐蔽条件和人类活动干扰外,其余6 个生态因子均对白唇鹿夏季生境选择有明显的影响。生态因子主成分分析表明前3 个主成分的贡献量为68. 8% ,其中:第1 主成分的贡献率为39.76% ,该主成分与坡位、坡度和海拔的相关系数绝对值较大;第二主成分的贡献率为16.32% ,与其相关系数绝对值较高的是隐蔽条件与植被类型;第三主成分的贡献率为12. 71% ,与其相关系数绝对值较高的是坡向。  相似文献   

小兴安岭通河林区原麝夏季对生境的选择   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
2004年8 ~ 9月,在通河县龙口林场采用样线样方法对原麝夏季生境的选择进行了研究。共设235个样方,其中原麝利用样方55 个,采用卡方(Chi-square) 统计进行显著性检验,结果表明原麝偏好利用针阔混交林,避免杂木林;倾向于选择离水源近、远离人为干扰的上坡位;一般喜欢有石砬子的山坡;对坡向的利用无选择性。对原麝利用样方和非利用样方进行比较,发现原麝生境具有海拔高、郁闭度小、食物丰富和坡度陡等特征。对各种生境因子的主成分分析表明,前6个特征值的累积贡献率达到73.30%,可以较好地反映原麝生境特征,根据载荷系数绝对值大小将原麝夏季生境选择影响因子分别命名为食物丰富度因子、植被因子、干扰因子、隐蔽度因子、地理因子和倒木因子。  相似文献   

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