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昆虫对叶片的取食是植物群落的普遍特征,为了探讨纬度和气象因子对虫食作用的影响,本文调查了我国纬向6个地理区域(北纬26°~40°,约跨14°)栓皮栎叶片虫食特征及分布格局,结果表明:(1)不论成年树还是幼树栓皮栎,叶片虫食率和虫食频度随纬度的减小呈显著增加的趋势(P≤0.05);(2)比较各地理区域虫食结构特征发现,随纬度的减小,成年树和幼树栓皮栎其未受虫食叶片的比例逐渐减少,甚至趋于0,而受中、强度虫食(25%)的叶片的比例逐渐增加;即低纬度地区具有更强的虫食作用;(3)除了低纬度样点(湖南城步)外,其余各区域栓皮栎叶片其虫食程度主要集中在0.5%~5%;(4)双因素方差分析表明栓皮栎在不同个体发育阶段受虫食作用存在显著差异,总体表现出幼树叶片虫食率显著高于成年树(P0.05);(5)不同地理区域栓皮栎成年树及幼树叶片的虫食率、虫食频度与年降雨量呈显著正相关(P0.05),而与年均温无显著相关关系;同时,成年树和幼树叶片的虫食频度与极端最低温呈显著正相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   

海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林林下鸟类群落研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
邹发生  陈桂珠 《生态学报》2004,24(3):510-516
从 2 0 0 0年 5月到 2 0 0 2年 3月 ,用网捕法对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林 (包括原始林和次生林 )林下鸟群落进行研究。共张网 3 992 .7网· h,捕到林下鸟 3 12只 40种 ,隶属于 6个目 11个科。林下鸟群落虽然以小于 2 5g重的雀形目鸟类占优势 ,但许多个体较大的非雀形目鸟类也到林下活动 ,最大个体重达 3 70 g,大于 10 0 g重的个体占整个林下鸟生物量的比例较大。尖峰岭热带山地雨林中的林下鸟以食虫鸟为主 ,食虫鸟占整个林下鸟种数的 70 .0 %、鸟数量的 77.56% ;食果鸟虽然占第 2位 ,但其所占比例较小。林下鸟的种类组成和密度存在季节变化。留鸟是林下鸟最重要的成分 ,留鸟占鸟类种类的比例超过 85% ,留鸟的捕获数量占整个捕获鸟类数量的比例超过 90 % ;迁徙鸟的种类和数量均较少 ,对林下鸟群落的季节变化影响不大。原始林与演替 40 a后的次生林林下鸟平均网捕率相近但林下鸟群落种类组成不同 ,其种的相似性仅为 0 .3 5。  相似文献   

丁一阳  毛子军  张玲  丁力 《植物研究》2015,35(4):604-611
土壤有机碳含量是全球生态系统碳储量变化的重要指标之一,本研究以空间替代时间序列的方法,分别选取了小兴安岭地区原始阔叶红松林和枫桦次生林并测定土壤有机碳库、土壤全氮含量、土壤微生物量碳及土壤相关理化性质,结果表明,土壤有机碳含量(SOC)、土壤全氮含量(TN)、土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、土壤含水率等指标随着土壤层的深度增加而逐渐减少最后趋于稳定,而土壤容重随着土壤层的加深而增大。在原始林中0~10和10~20cm层的SOC、TN含量差异不显著,而次生林则差异显著。原始阔叶红松林和枫桦次生林的土壤有机碳密度(SOCD)分别为21.46和21.3 kg·m-2,差异不显著。原始林和次生林的平均有机碳含量分别为35.79,28.6 g·kg-1,土壤全氮含量分别为2.86,1.83 g·kg-1,枫桦次生林MBC与SOC的线性相关性高于原始林。结果表明原始林土壤肥力高于次生林,在今后次生林的管理中应适当混栽针叶树种,原始林中应适当间伐使地下碳储量增加。  相似文献   

秦岭山脉是我国乃至全球生物多样性热点地区,植被资源丰富,物种多样性高。为了研究秦岭植被恢复过程中的多样性维持机制,参照CTFS样地建设方案,于2016年秋在秦岭主峰太白山北坡的锐齿栎次生林和原始林中各建立了1块100 m×150 m固定监测样地。本文以样地中所有胸径(DBH)≥1 cm的木本植物数据为基础,分析了2块样地中群落组成及结构特征。结果表明: 锐齿栎次生林和原始林样地所监测木本植物分别为2839和2840株,隶属于29科45属65种和21科37属47种,其中,偶见种和稀有种的比例分别为38.4%和24.6%、40.4%和19.2%,且均以北温带分布的植物种类居多,分别占总属数的46.6%和48.7%。2块样地中,建群种锐齿栎径级结构均呈单峰型;水榆花楸、青榨槭、四照花和三桠乌药主要伴生种的径级结构均呈倒“J”型,表明群落内主要树种都能很好地完成种群的生活史。双相关g(r)函数分析表明,在r=10 m的范围内,2块样地中的主要优势种在<2 m的尺度中聚集程度最强;随着尺度的增加,聚集程度逐渐减弱,当尺度增大到某一值时,物种呈随机或均匀分布格局。次生林和原始林的平均角尺度分别为0.56和0.58,群落整体处于聚集分布状态,并且次生林群落及主要优势种的平均角尺度均小于原始林,说明次生林样地中物种的聚集程度比原始林弱;次生林和原始林的平均大小比数均为0.47,整体林分处于中庸状态;平均混交度分别为0.70和0.57,属于强度和中度混交。干扰导致群落的物种丰富度、群落稳定性和林木空间分布格局发生变化。因此,受干扰的森林群落在植被恢复过程中,必须考虑种间相互作用、生境异质性对物种共存的影响和群落结构的动态变化。  相似文献   

2006年3~6月,用鸣声记录法对四川麻咪泽自然保护区的雉类资源进行了初步的调查。共记录到4种雉类,分别为红腹角雉、白腹锦鸡、雉鸡和四川山鹧鸪(仅在原始林记录到1只),用Distance软件计算出前3种鸣叫雄体的种群密度分别为16.8±5.3只/km2、9.7±1.6只/km2和6.8±3.3只/km2。雉类在不同生境中的种类及不同种的种群密度都有较大的差异,在灌草丛生境只有雉鸡1种,原始林、人工林和次生林各有3种。这几个种的种群密度在灌草丛-人工林-次生林-原始林的生境变化中,表现出一定的梯度变异,即白腹锦鸡的种群密度由人工林-次生林-原始林逐渐降低,红腹角雉逐渐升高;雉鸡的密度由灌草丛-人工林-次生林逐渐降低。  相似文献   

 比较利用静态箱式法测定长白山原始阔叶红松林(Pinus koraiensis)和次生杨桦混交林的土壤呼吸作用表明,两者土壤呼吸作用的日动态均主要受温度影响,次生林土壤呼吸作用的日变化极值出现时间较原始林提前1~2 h;两者具有明显的季节动态,其中8月土壤呼吸速率最大;在生长季,土壤呼吸速率与土壤含水量关系不显著,而与土壤5 cm温度呈显著的指数关系;生长季(5~9月)次生林土壤释放CO2量(3 449.4 g·m-2)约为原始林(2 674.4 g·m-2)的1.3倍,这可能是由于次生林内具有比原始林较高的温度和较低的土壤含水量,更有利于根系生长代谢和土壤微生物的活动引起的。  相似文献   

西双版纳四种植被亚型原始林和次生林蚂蚁群落比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用样地调查法对西双版纳地区4种植被亚型原始林和次生林的蚂蚁群落作了比较研究。山地雨林和石灰岩山季雨林的次生林是原始林经过连续过度砍伐形成的树冠结构不完整的次生林;而落叶季雨林和季风常绿阔叶林的次生林是大约20年前原始林因刀耕火种被全部砍伐,后来恢复成树冠结构完整的次生林。山地雨林和石灰岩山 雨林次生林蚂蚁特有种数目显著低于  相似文献   

弄清土地利用和降水变化对林地土壤主要温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)排放通量变化的影响, 是准确评估森林土壤温室气体排放能力的重要基础。该研究以常绿落叶阔叶混交林原始林、桦木(Betula luminifera)次生林和马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林为对象, 采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了3种土地利用方式(常绿落叶阔叶混交林原始林、桦木次生林和马尾松人工林)和降水减少处理状况下森林土壤CO2、CH4和N2O通量排放特征, 并探讨了其环境驱动机制。研究结果表明: 原始林土壤CH4吸收通量显著高于次生林和人工林, 次生林CH4吸收通量显著高于人工林土壤。人工林土壤CO2排放通量显著高于原始林和次生林土壤。次生林土壤N2O排放通量高于原始林和人工林, 但三者间差异不显著。降水减半显著抑制了3种不同土地利用方式下林地土壤CH4吸收通量; 降水减半处理对原始林和次生林土壤CO2排放通量均具有显著的促进作用, 而对人工林土壤CO2排放通量具有显著的抑制作用; 降水减半处理促进了原始林和人工林林地土壤N2O排放而抑制了次生林林地土壤N2O排放。原始林和次生林林地土壤CH4吸收通量随土壤温度升高显著增加, CH4吸收通量与土壤温度均呈显著相关关系; 原始林、次生林和人工林土壤CO2和N2O排放通量与土壤温度均呈显著正相关关系; 土壤湿度抑制了次生林和人工林土壤CH4吸收通量, 其CH4吸收通量随土壤湿度增加显著减少; 原始林土壤CO2排放通量与土壤湿度呈显著正相关关系。自然状态下, 原始林土壤N2O排放通量与土壤湿度呈显著正相关关系, 原始林和次生林土壤N2O排放通量与硝态氮含量呈显著相关关系。研究结果表明全球气候变化(如降水变化)和土地利用方式的转变将对北亚热带森林林地土壤温室气体排放通量产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

为了解青藏高原东缘亚高山/高山森林土壤线虫多样性,于2015年7月以该地区岷江冷杉原始林、混交林和次生林为研究对象,采用淘洗-过筛-蔗糖离心的方法分离土壤线虫,研究了3个海拔森林土壤线虫群落的组成与结构特征.结果表明: 共捕获线虫37950条,隶属于20科27属,平均为4217 条·100 g-1干土,原始林以丝尾垫刃属为优势属,混交林和次生林以丝尾垫刃属和拟盘旋属为优势属,且优势属个体数量受林型的影响显著.原始林和次生林的优势营养类群为食真菌线虫,混交林则为食细菌线虫.土壤线虫c-p (colonizer-persister)类群c-p 1、c-p 2、 c-p 3和c-p 4数量分别占总数的6.1%、51.1%、30.0%和12.7%.3个海拔森林土壤线虫的自由生活线虫成熟度指数(MI)、总成熟度指数(∑MI)和植物寄生线虫成熟度指数(PPI)随海拔增加而逐渐降低.土壤线虫通路指数(NCR)在混交林高于0.5,在原始林和次生林低于0.5.林型显著影响了土壤线虫成熟度和NCR指数,但林型、土层及二者的交互作用对多样性指数影响不显著.川西亚高山/高山不同森林土壤线虫的组成、营养结构和能流通道存在明显差异,为深入理解土壤线虫在该区森林土壤生态过程中的作用提供了参考.  相似文献   

在东北林业大学凉水国家级自然保护区和帽儿山实验林场,对3种类型低级溪流中水生昆虫进行采集、鉴定,分析水生昆虫群落组成、季节优势集中性和取食功能群,并应用指示生物法、Shannon-Weiner多样性指数、群落相似性系数和BI指数对溪流水质进行生物评价。共采集到水生昆虫4907个,分别隶属于8目38科,其中,毛翅目、蜉蝣目、横翅目和双翅目为四大优势类群,个体数量占水生昆虫总数量的91.13%。原始林溪流中水生昆虫个体数量最多,占总数的58.98%,次生林溪流次之,农田溪流最少。次生林溪流水生昆虫物种多样性要高于原始林和农田溪流,且其各种取食功能群比例较均衡。齿角石蛾科、鳞石蛾科、新蜉科和黑横科昆虫可以作为溪流清洁水质的指示生物。水生昆虫季节优势集中性与Shannon-Weiner多样性指数水质评价结果之间具有相关性,即随溪流水质污染程度的加重,水生昆虫的物种多样性逐渐减少。群落相似性系数的分析表明,原始林溪流和次生林溪流水质对水生昆虫的群落组成没有影响,农田溪流则产生中等影响。生物指数(BI)评价结果显示除了农田溪流10月的水质为轻污染外,其余时间3种溪流的水质都能达到清洁标准以上。  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that carbon allocation to the production of leaf antiherbivore chemicals reflects the intensity of herbivory and interacts with resource allocation to photosynthesis. The amount of herbivory by Euphydryas chalcedona butterfly larvae was measured on Diplacus aurantiacus shrubs growing in different daily solar irradiance regimes. The amount of herbivory sustained by plants was directly related to the degree of solar irradiance the shrubs received and to characteristics which vary with light intensity, e.g. leaf specific weight, but not to leaf resin or nitrogen content. Carbon allocation to the defense of leaf area was marginally related to the light regime, but was not directly related to photosynthetic income.  相似文献   

Species‐specific responses to climate change will lead to changes in species interactions across multiple trophic levels. Interactions between plants and their insect herbivores, in particular, may become increasingly disrupted if mobile herbivores respond more rapidly to climatic change than their associated host plants. We present a multispecies transplant experiment aimed at assessing potential climatic impacts on patterns of leaf herbivory. Four shrubby understorey plant species were transplanted outside their native range into a climate 2.5°C warmer in annual mean temperature. After 12 months, we assessed the types and amount of herbivore leaf damage, compared with plants transplanted to a control site within their native range. The overall amount of foliage loss to herbivores ranged from approximately 3–10% across species and sites, a range consistent with most estimates of leaf loss in other studies. The most common types of leaf damage were sucking and chewing and this pattern was consistent for all four plant species at all sites. There were no significant differences in levels and patterns of herbivory between control and warm sites for three out of four plant species. This suggests that with moderate climate warming, most herbivory will continue to be dominated by chewers and suckers, and that the overall level of foliage loss will be similar to that experienced presently.  相似文献   

Gall-inducing insects are highly specialized herbivores that modify the phenotype of their host plants. Beyond the direct manipulation of plant morphology and physiology in the immediate environment of the gall, there is also evidence of plant-mediated effects of gall-inducing insects on other species of the assemblages and ecosystem processes associated with the host plant. We analysed the impact of gall infestation by the aphid Pemphigus spirothecae on chemical leaf traits of clonal Lombardy poplars (Populus nigra var. italica) and the subsequent effects on intensity of herbivory and decomposition of leaves across five sites. We measured the herbivory of two feeding guilds: leaf-chewing insects that feed on the blade (e.g. caterpillars and sawfly larvae) and skeletonising insects that feed on the mesophyll of the leaves (e.g. larvae of beetles). Galled leaves had higher phenol (35%) and lower nitrogen and cholorophyll contents (35% respectively 37%) than non-galled leaves, and these differences were stronger in August than in June. Total herbivory intensity was 27% higher on galled than on non-galled leaves; damage by leaf chewers was on average 61% higher on gall infested leaves, whereas damage by skeletonising insects was on average 39% higher on non-galled leaves. After nine months the decomposition rate of galled leaf litter was 15% lower than that of non-galled leaf litter presumably because of the lower nitrogen content of the galled leaf litter. This indicated after-life effects of gall infestation on the decomposers. We found no evidence for galling x environment interactions.  相似文献   

土壤氮水平对喜旱莲子草原产地和引入地基因型生长和防御的影响 同种植物生长在资源丰富生境中的个体,其防御水平被认为低于生长在资源匮乏生境中的个体。然而,生境的养分水平如何影响植物的诱导抗性和耐受性,以及这种影响在入侵植物的原产地和引入 地种群间是否存在差异,目前均知之甚少。本研究以入侵植物喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)的原产地阿根廷和引入地美国的基因型为研究对象设计同质园实验,以探究土壤氮水平对植物的生长、组成和诱导性[莲草直胸跳甲(Agasicles hygrophila)取食诱导]化学防御以及耐受性的影响。实验中,我们测定了植物总生物量、伸长速率(生长速率的表征)以及叶片和根系中总碳、总氮和三萜皂苷(化学防御物质)的含量。研究结果显示,植物在低土壤氮水平下表现出较高的组成抗性(植物在低土壤氮水平下的叶片三萜皂苷含量高于其在高土壤氮水平的33%)和耐受性[植物被取食后总生物量下降的程度更低(植物在高土壤氮水平和低土壤氮水平下被取食后总生物量分别下降了24%和15%)],而在高土壤氮水平下表现出较高的诱导抗性(在高土壤氮水平下的植物被取食后叶片三萜皂苷含量与空白对照的植物相比升高了24%)。植物的组成抗性和耐受性与生长速率存在权衡,但诱导抗性与生长速率存在显著的正相关性。此外,引入地基因型在低土壤氮水平下叶片碳含量显著低于原产地基因型(-6%),但这种差异在高土壤氮水平下消失。这些结果表明,土壤氮水平 影响植物对不同防御策略的选择偏好,并且在决定引入地基因型的表现时与植食作用存在交互作用。  相似文献   

Enemy release of introduced plants and variation in herbivore pressure in relation to community diversity are presently discussed as factors that affect plant species invasiveness or habitat invasibility. So far few data are available on this topic and the results are inconclusive. We compared leaf herbivory between native and invasive woody plants on Mahé, the main island of the tropical Seychelles. We further investigated variation in leaf herbivory on three abundant invasive species along an altitudinal gradient (50–550 m a.s.l.). The median percentage of leaves affected by herbivores was significantly higher in native species (50%) than in invasive species (27%). In addition, the species suffering from the highest leaf area loss were native to the Seychelles. These results are consistent with the enemy release hypothesis (ERH). While the invasive species showed significant and mostly consistent variation in the amount of leaf damage between sites, this variation was not related to general altitudinal trends in diversity but rather to local variation in habitat structure and diversity. Our results indicate that in the Seychelles invasive woody plants profit from herbivore release relative to the native species and that the amount of herbivory, and therefore its effect on species invasiveness or habitat invasibility, may be dependent on local community structure and composition.  相似文献   

Intact tropical forests are generally considered to be resistant to invasions by exotic species, although the shrub Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae) is highly invasive in tropical forests outside its native range. Release from natural enemies (e.g., herbivores and pathogens) contributes to C. hirta invasion success where native melastomes are absent, and here we examine the role of enemies when C. hirta co-occurs with native Melastomataceae species and associated herbivores and pathogens. We study 21 forest sites within agricultural landscapes in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, recording herbivory rates in C. hirta and related native Melastoma spp. plants along two 100-m transects per site that varied in canopy cover. Overall, we found evidence of enemy release; C. hirta had significantly lower herbivory (median occurrence of herbivory per plant = 79% of leaves per plant; median intensity of herbivory per leaf = 6% of leaf area) than native melastomes (93% and 20%, respectively). Herbivory on C. hirta increased when closer to native Melastoma plants with high herbivory damage, and in more shaded locations, and was associated with fewer reproductive organs on C. hirta. This suggests host-sharing by specialist Melastomataceae herbivores is occurring and may explain why invasion success of C. hirta is lower on Borneo than at locations without related native species present. Thus, natural enemy populations may provide a “biological control service” to suppress invasions of exotic species (i.e., biotic resistance). However, lower herbivory pressures in more open canopy locations may make highly degraded forests within these landscapes more susceptible to invasion.  相似文献   

The herbivore assemblage, intensity of herbivory and factors determining herbivory levels on the mangrove Kandelia obovata (previously K. candel, Rhizophoraceae) were studied over a 13-month period at two forests with contrasting growing conditions in Hong Kong. Mai Po was part of an eutrophic embayment in the Pearl River estuary and generally offered more favourable conditions for mangrove growth, whereas Ting Kok had a rocky substratum and oceanic salinity. Twenty-four insect herbivore species were recorded on K. obovata, with lepidopteran larvae that consume leaf lamina being the dominant species. While leaf litter production was similar at the two forests, herbivory level at Mai Po (mean = 3.9% in terms of leaf area loss) was more severe than that at Ting Kok (mean = 2.3%). Peak herbivory levels were found in summer at both locations (6.5% for Mai Po and 3.8% for Ting Kok). Young leaves of K. obovata at both locations were generally preferred by the herbivores from the period of late spring to summer. Concentrations of most feeding deterrents (ash, crude fibre, and total soluble tannins) were significantly higher in both young and mature leaves at Ting Kok, whereas leaf nutrients (total nitrogen and water) were the same at the two sites. Young leaves at Ting Kok contained about 30% more tannins than their counterparts at Mai Po. Significant differences in leaf chemistry also existed between young and mature leaves at either site. The differences were concomitant with the observed patterns of leaf herbivory on K. obovata, and suggest a potential relationship between environmental quality and plant defence against herbivory.  相似文献   

Abstract Relationships with climate and local resources are developed for soils, vegetation and tree foliage as well as levels of herbivory for the dominant eucalypts at sites representing a regional gradient in climate and local contrasts in landscape position. Indicators of site productivity such as soil nitrogen and phosphorus, canopy height and cover, foliar nitrogen and water, and average leaf area tended to increase as climate became more favourable. Many were also higher in locally richer parts of the landscape. In contrast, specific leaf weight, an indication of sclerophylly, decreased as climate and local resources became more favourable. Rates of herbivory tended to increase with increasing site productivity and the associated changes in soil, vegetation and foliar properties, in broad agreement with models relating herbivory to resource availability and plant vigour. We found no evidence to support models relating high herbivory to low-resource environments and plant stress. The apparent level of herbivore damage on mature leaves was highest at intermediate levels of resources; this could reflect interactions between resource availability, rates of herbivory and rates of leaf replacement. Implications of these findings are discussed with respect to ways of measuring herbivory, regional patterns in rates and levels of herbivory, and the regional distribution of rural dieback associated with high herbivory.  相似文献   

Shizuo Suzuki 《Oecologia》1998,117(1-2):169-176
Leaf demography, seasonal changes in leaf quality and leaf-beetle herbivory of a herbaceous perennial plant, Sanguisorba tenuifolia, were compared between low- and high-elevation sites. Leaf nitrogen concentration was higher and leaf mass per area (LMA) was lower at the higher site than at the lower one. At the lower site, with a long growth period, plants produced many leaf cohorts and leaves emerged throughout the growing season. At the higher site, with a short growth period, however, leaf emergence was concentrated early in the growing season. The improvement of leaf quality and acceleration of leaf emergence at higher altitude are seen as adaptations to a short growing season. Results of a feeding trial suggested that leaf quality for the leaf-beetle Galerucella grisescens was higher at the higher site, but plants at the higher site showed less damage. Oviposition of G. grisescens was seasonal and unimodal at both altitudes, but the period of oviposition was shorter and its density lower at the higher site. The low temperature and short growth period at the higher site appear to reduce the activity of the leaf-beetles, resulting in a decrease in damage by herbivory, despite better leaf quality. Received: 11 December 1997 / Accepted: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

Evaluating plant functional traits helps to understand how plants respond to changing environmental conditions and resource availability associated with disturbance events. Livestock production is one of the primary drivers of tropical forest loss and degradation. Livestock alter environmental conditions within the forest by grazing, trampling and nutrient inputs, which in turn can influence species composition and functional traits of species. Understanding how livestock influence functional traits along a successional gradient is poorly understood. Here, we studied the effect of cattle grazing and fallow age on plant functional traits and soil nutrients in secondary and old-growth tropical dry forests. We analyzed plant functional traits of the most important species in successional and old-growth forest communities in both cattle present and cattle excluded plots. Our results showed the effects of cattle grazing and fallow age on plant functional traits, with fallow age explaining more variation than cattle grazing. In early succession, functional traits were associated with water conservation (thicker leaves, lower specific leaf area), and in later successional they were linked with sunlight conservation (larger height, higher specific leaf area). The presence of large fruits and seeds in advanced successional sites suggests high resource availability, which may help plants to successfully reproduce. Moreover, under cattle grazing some functional traits are associated with herbivory defense (high foliar dry weight and thick leaves). Even though N and C increased as succession advanced, the sites with cattle grazing had higher NH4 and NO3 concentrations as a result of fecal deposition. Plant functional traits responded to fallow age than to cattle grazing. Our study showed that cattle exclusion, as a management and biodiversity conservation strategy, contributes positively to soil nutrition. Thus, fallow age and cattle exclusion facilitate soil recovery and allows establishing species with suitable functional attributes for overcoming environmental filters in abandoned cattle fields.  相似文献   

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