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核黄素基因工程研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
核黄素 (维生素B2 )为天然水溶性的B族维生素 ,是维持机体正常代谢所必须的物质 ,具有重要的生理功能。目前核黄素的生产方法主要有化学合成法和微生物发酵法。其中微生物发酵法是后来发展起来的一种十分经济有效的方法 ,并在核黄素主产中开始占据主导地位。为进一步获得核黄素高产菌株 ,人们对核黄素合成基因及其表达调控的机制做了深入细致的研究 ,并以此为依据 ,通过基因工程手段构建出了核黄素高产菌株 ,大大提高了核黄素的产量 ,其中尤以枯草芽孢杆菌最为成功。综述发酵法生产核黄素的现状、核黄素生物合成的分子生物学以及基因工程研究进展 ,讨论了其进一步的发展方向。  相似文献   

吡咯喹啉醌(pyrroloquinoline quinone, PQQ)是继烟酰胺和核黄素之后发现的第三类氧化还原酶辅因子,普遍存在于生物体中参与呼吸链电子传递,具有促进线粒体产生、清除自由基、增强细胞代谢和预防心肌损伤等生理功能,在医药、食品和农业领域具有广泛的应用前景。微生物发酵法是PQQ生产的主要方式,解析PQQ生物合成途径及其调控机制,通过代谢工程选育短周期、高产量的生产菌是PQQ工业化的研究方向之一。本文综述了PQQ的合成途径、高产菌株选育以及微生物发酵生产与分离纯化的研发工作,为深入阐释PQQ的生物合成机制和工业化生产菌株的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

L-色氨酸作为人体内的一种必需氨基酸,广泛应用于医药、食品与饲料等行业.工业上采用的色氨酸生产方法有化学合成法、转化法及微生物发酵法.近年来,随着代谢工程在色氨酸菌种选育中的成功运用,微生物发酵法逐渐成为主要的色氨酸生产方法.系统综述了微生物发酵法生产色氨酸所涉及的代谢工程策略,包括生物合成色氨酸的代谢调控机制以及途径...  相似文献   

作为一种食品安全级的典型工业模式微生物,枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis由于具有非致病性、胞外分泌蛋白能力强以及无明显的密码子偏爱性等特点,现已被广泛应用于代谢工程领域。近年来,随着分子生物学和基因工程技术等的迅速发展,多种研究策略和工具被用于构建枯草芽孢杆菌底盘细胞进行生物制品的高效合成。文中从启动子工程、基因编辑、基因回路、辅因子工程以及途径酶组装等方面介绍枯草芽孢杆菌在代谢工程领域的研究历程,并总结其在生物制品生产中的相关应用,最后对其未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

核黄素是一种水溶性维生素,与动植物的生长密切相关,人体不能合成核黄素,需从外部摄取,因此核黄素的生产具有重要意义。介绍了核黄素的生产发展历程和产核黄素的微生物种类。对枯草芽孢杆菌的核黄素代谢途径及其诱变育种进行了总结,重点介绍了菌种的基因重组改造方法,主要是提高核黄素操纵子表达以及提高Ru5P和GTP两种前体供应量合成途径通量,介绍了近些年新的改造方法,并对未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis是微生物生理生化机理研究的模式菌株,也是工业应用生产小分子化合物、大宗化学品、工业酶、药物及保健品等生物制剂的良好底盘细胞。近些年,研究枯草芽孢杆菌的合成生物技术和代谢工程方法日新月异,为利用其作为底盘细胞生产目标产品提供了良好的工具和理论参考。文中综述了利用枯草芽孢杆菌为细胞工厂,在代谢改造中通过调节全局调控因子,基因组精简及优化,多位点、多维调控,自身生物传感动态调控,膜蛋白工程等方法,系统调控优化菌株;在蛋白质试剂生产改造中,通过优化基因启动子、蛋白质信号肽、菌株自身蛋白质分泌元件,构建无化学诱导剂表达系统等方法,优化生产菌株。另外,文中对未来进一步针对优化枯草芽孢杆菌进行工业生产中需要注意和重点关注的问题、方向进行展望。  相似文献   

目的:将透明颤菌血红蛋白vgb基因应用于核黄素的工业化生产。方法:以枯草芽孢杆菌整合载体pAmyE构建了vgb基因的整合表达载体pAudV,采用化学转化法将vgb基因整合到枯草芽孢杆菌GJ08的染色体上,并通过发酵摇瓶实验检测核黄素的产量。结果:得到产核黄素枯草芽孢杆菌GJ09,摇瓶试验结果表明,在限氧条件下核黄素的产量分别提高了5.23%和3.42%。结论:透明颤菌血红蛋白vgb基因能够促进核黄素产量的提高,可以应用于核黄素的工业化生产中。  相似文献   

利用BLAST从B.cereus ATCC14579的基因组中找到一段与枯草芽孢杆茵核黄素操纵子具有较高相似性的4.6kb大小的基因组DNA片段,该片段中含有完整的核黄素操纵子。该操纵子结构基因的编码产物的氨基酸序列与枯草芽孢杆菌核黄素操纵子相应结构基因的编码产物的氨基酸序列具有99%的同源性。该片段被克隆到大肠杆茵一枯草芽孢杆茵穿梭载体pHP13M中。表达分析的结果表明B.cereus ATCC14579核黄素操纵子可在大肠杆茵和枯草芽孢杆菌中表达。利用PCR方法用来自枯草杆菌的sac B基因的启动子替换B.cereus ATCC14579核黄素操纵子原有的启动子使其更好表达。替换启动子后的核黄素操纵子在本文使用的发酵条件下有较好的表达,核黄素产量从39.5mg/L增加到61.7mg/L.  相似文献   

维生素是维持人体生命活动必需的一类有机物质,机体本身一般不能合成或合成量不足,因此需经食物或其他强化产品获取。目前,维生素产品已广泛应用于医药、食品添加剂、饲料添加剂、化妆品等领域,而且全球对维生素的需求也是呈逐年增长态势。维生素的生产方法主要包括化学合成法和生物合成法。化学合成法通常安全隐患大、反应条件严苛、废物污染严重,相比之下,代谢工程生产维生素绿色环保安全、能耗低,因此建立微生物细胞工厂具有重大的科学意义和应用需求。文中回顾了近30年来代谢工程在维生素生产领域的研究进展,详细阐述了水溶性维生素(维生素B1、B2、B3、B5、B6、B7、B9、B12和维生素C的前体)和脂溶性维生素(维生素A、维生素D的前体、维生素E和维生素K)的生物合成研究现状,并对其发酵生产的瓶颈进行了探讨,最后对合成生物技术创建维生素生产菌种进行了展望。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)是公认的食品安全菌株,目前已被用于多种高附加值产品的生物合成,包括被广泛用作营养化学品和药物中间体的N-乙酰神经氨酸(N-acetylneuraminic acid, NeuAc)。响应目标产物的生物传感器被广泛用于代谢工程中的动态调控和高通量筛选等方面,以提高生物合成效率。但是,枯草芽孢杆菌中缺乏可高效响应NeuAc的生物传感器。因此,本文首先测试和优化了能将胞外NeuAc转运进胞内的转运蛋白,获得了一系列具有不同转运能力的菌株,以用于后续响应NeuAc的生物传感器的验证;随后将响应NeuAc的转录因子Bbr_NanR的结合位点插入枯草芽孢杆菌组成型启动子的不同位置,筛选具有活性的杂合启动子;接下来,通过在具有NeuAc转运能力的枯草芽孢杆菌中表达Bbr_NanR,选择能响应NeuAc的杂合启动子,并进一步通过优化Bbr_NanR表达量获得了一系列动态范围广、激活倍数高的生物传感器,其中生物传感器P535-N2能灵敏地响应胞内NeuAc浓度的变化,具有最大的动态范围,为(180–20 245) AU/OD;P566-N2则具有最高的激活倍数,为122倍,是已报道的枯草芽孢杆菌中响应N-乙酰神经氨酸的生物传感器的2倍。本文构建的响应NeuAc的生物传感器可用于高产NeuAc的酶突变体和枯草芽孢杆菌菌株的筛选,为枯草芽孢杆菌生物合成NeuAc提供了高效、灵敏的分析和调控工具。  相似文献   

Riboflavin is an essential nutrient for humans and animals, and its derivatives flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) are cofactors in the cells. Therefore, riboflavin and its derivatives are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic industries. Advances in biotechnology have led to a complete shift in the commercial production of riboflavin from chemical synthesis to microbial fermentation. In this review, we provide a comprehensive review of biotechnologies that enhance riboflavin production in microorganisms, as well as representative examples. Firstly, the synthesis pathways and metabolic regulatory processes of riboflavin in microorganisms; and the current strategies and methods of metabolic engineering for riboflavin production are systematically summarized and compared. Secondly, the using of systematic metabolic engineering strategies to enhance riboflavin production is discussed, including laboratory evolution, histological analysis and high-throughput screening. Finally, the challenges for efficient microbial production of riboflavin and the strategies to overcome these challenges are prospected.  相似文献   

A riboflavin-requiring auxotroph of Rhizobium trifolii (T1/D-his(r)-15) formed ineffective root nodules on red clover and on two cultivars of subterranean clover, but produced almost fully effective nodules on several other cultivars of subterranean clover. Fluorescence and bioassay measurements of the flavin content of the roots and shoots of these cultivars revealed no differences between cultivars which could be correlated with the differences in symbiotic response. The concentration of flavin in nodules formed by the auxotroph (in the absence of riboflavin), by the effective parent strain (T1), or by a partly effective mutant (penicillin-resistant) of T1 was roughly proportional to the effectiveness of the nodules. Effective nodules contained 20 times as much flavin, and ineffective nodules 3 to 4 times as much flavin as non-nodulated root tissue. Approximately 20 to 30% of the flavins in both root and nodule tissue was flavin adenine dinucleotide and 70 to 80% was riboflavin + flavin mononucleotide. Most of the flavin adenine dinucleotide in macerated nodules was associated with host cell fragments, and none was detected in a cell-free fraction. Bacteroids accounted for approximately 20% of flavins in effective nodules and also contained more riboflavin + flavin mononucleotide than cultured rhizobial cells. The total flavin content of noninoculated roots increased from about 1.2 nmoles to 1.7 nmoles flavin/g of tissue after 3 days' exposure to 80 mum riboflavin. Exposure of only the upper or lower portion of preinoculated roots indicated negligible translocation, as effective nodulation occurred only on parts of the root in direct contact with riboflavin. Plants grown in a medium containing combined nitrogen (100 or 300 mum nitrogen added as (NH(4))(2)SO(4)), but no added riboflavin showed an increased root flavin content (about 2.1 nmoles flavin/g tissue) and a partly effective response when inoculated with the mutant. Nitrogen also promoted some upward translocation of exogenous riboflavin in the roots.  相似文献   

The individual flavin species of axenic Entamoeba histolytica were assayed: separated riboflavin was assayed by the lumiflavin method; flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD), by an enzymatic method; flavin mononucleotide (FMN) was calculated from the difference, total flavin minus FAD and riboflavin. The amount of flavin in micrograms per grams fresh cells follows: total flavin, 7.6 ± 0.9 calculated as riboflavin; riboflavin, 1.6 ± 0.7; FMN, 6.6 ± 0.5; and FAD, 1.2 ± 0.1. Recalculated to nanomoles per milligrams total amebal protein these values were: total flavin, 0.21; riboflavin, 0.04; FMN, 0.15; and FAD, 0.02. The identity of each flavin was confirmed by a paper chromatographic method. Analyses on Panmede, the main source of flavins in the TP-S-1 medium, indicate that it contains all three forms of flavin. Its contribution to growth medium in micrograms per milliliters: riboflavin, 2.1 ± 0.3; FMN, 0.6 ± 0.1; and FAD, 0.4 ± 0.1. The in vivo biosynthesis of FMN and FAD from riboflavin by E. histolytica is demonstrated. A new and convenient method was found to separate riboflavin from flavin nucleotides in tissue extracts.  相似文献   

We conducted this study to evaluate the oxidation of glucose induced by visible light in the presence of sensitizers such as methylene blue and flavins (i.e., flavin mononucleotide and riboflavin). The concentration of the sensitizers was similar to that of flavin in parenteral nutrients. The photooxidation of glucose sensitized by flavin mononucleotide or riboflavin was greater than that which was observed in the presence of methylene blue, whereas the isotopic effect of deuterium oxide (D(2)O) was enhanced more substantially in the presence of methylene blue than in the presence of flavins. These results show that methylene blue exerts its action through singlet oxygen and that at a high substrate concentration (as was used in this work) flavin mononucleotide and riboflavin act preferentially as type I sensitizers. In the flavin photosensitized processes, the presence of hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion, and hydroxyl radical was demonstrated. The photooxidation of glucose is favored by an increase in pH, and it also depends on the energy absorbed by the system. By using a specific reagent for glucose (i.e., o-toluidine), it was possible to quantify the photoconversion of glucose. The results obtained in this work should be considered in the management of glucose-containing parenteral nutrients that are exposed to visible light in the presence of a multivitamin complex containing flavin mononucleotide.  相似文献   

In addition to 8alpha-(N3-histidyl)riboflavin, 8alpha-(N1-histidyl)riboflavin is also formed during the reaction of Nalpha-blocked histidine with 8alpha-bromotetraacetylriboflavin in a yield of 20-25% of the total histidylflavin fraction. The properties of 8alpha-(N1-histidyl)riboflavin are inditical with those of the histidylflavin isolated from thiamine dehydrogenase and beta-cyclopiazonate oxidocyclase but differ from those of 8alpha-(N3-histidyl)riboflavin. These properties include pKa of fluorescence quenching, electrophoretic mobility at pH 5.0, stability to storage, and reduction by NaBH4. Proof for 8alpha substitution is shown by the electron paramagnetic resonance and electron-nuclear double resonance spectra of the cationic semiquinone form, as well as by the proton magnetic resonance spectrum of the oxidized form. The site of histidine substitution by the 8alpha-methylene of the flavin moiety was shown by methylation of the imidazole ring with methyl iodide, cleavage of the methylhistidine-flavin bond by acid hydrolysis at 150 degrees C, and identification of the methylhistidine isomer by electrophoresis. 3-Methylhistidine is the product from the N1-histidylflavin isomer, while 1-methylhistidine is produced from the N3 isomer. The flavin product from reductive Zn cleavage of either isomer has been identified as riboflavin. The compound obtained on acid treatment of 8alpha-(N3-histidyl)riboflavin (previously thought to be the N1 isomer) differs from the parent compound only in the ribityl side chain, since chemical degradation studies show 1-methylhistidine as a product and a flavin product which differs from riboflavin only in mobility in thin-layer chromatography, but not in absorption, fluorescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectral properties. Proof that acid modification involves only the ribityl chain has come from the observations that alkaline irradiation of this flavin yields lumiflavin, that the proton magnetic resonance spectrum of the compound differs from that of riboflavin in the region of the ribityl proton resonance, and that its periodate titer is lower than that of authentic riboflavin. The identity of 8alpha-(N1-histidyl)riboflavin with the histidylflavin from thiamine dehydrogenase and beta-cyclopiazonate oxidocyclase shows that both isomeric forms of 8alpha-histidylflavin occur in nature.  相似文献   

The structure of a putative protease from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron features an unprecedented binding site for flavin mononucleotide. The flavin isoalloxazine ring is sandwiched between two tryptophan residues in the interface of the dimeric protein. We characterized the recombinant protein with regard to its affinity for naturally occurring flavin derivatives and several chemically modified flavin analogs. Dissociation constants were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry. The protein has high affinity to naturally occurring flavin derivatives, such as riboflavin, FMN, and FAD, as well as lumichrome, a photodegradation product of flavins. Similarly, chemically modified flavin analogs showed high affinity to the protein in the nanomolar range. Replacement of the tryptophan by phenylalanine gave rise to much weaker binding, whereas in the tryptophan to alanine variant, flavin binding was abolished. We propose that the protein is an unspecific scavenger of flavin compounds and may serve as a storage protein in vivo.  相似文献   

This work shows that the ribC wild-type gene product has both flavokinase and flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetase (FAD-synthetase) activities. RibC plays an essential role in the flavin metabolism of Bacillus subtilis, as growth of a ribC deletion mutant strain was dependent on exogenous supply of FMN and the presence of a heterologous FAD-synthetase gene in its chromosome. Upon cultivation with growth-limiting amounts of FMN, this ribC deletion mutant strain overproduced riboflavin, while with elevated amounts of FMN in the culture medium, no riboflavin overproduction was observed. In a B. subtilis ribC820 mutant strain, the corresponding ribC820 gene product has reduced flavokinase/FAD-synthetase activity. In this strain, riboflavin overproduction was also repressed by exogenous FMN but not by riboflavin. Thus, flavin nucleotides, but not riboflavin, have an effector function for regulation of riboflavin biosynthesis in B. subtilis, and RibC seemingly is not directly involved in the riboflavin regulatory system. The mutation ribC820 leads to deregulation of riboflavin biosynthesis in B. subtilis, most likely by preventing the accumulation of the effector molecule FMN or FAD.  相似文献   

The net photosynthetic efficiency in C3 plants (such asrice, wheat and other major crops) can be decreased by30% due to the metabolism of photorespiration [1], inwhich glycolate oxidase (GO) serves as a key enzyme. Itis known that GO, with flavin mononucleotide (FMN) asa cofactor, belongs to flavin oxidase [2]. But it differs fromother flavoproteins in that FMN is loosely bound to itsapoprotein and there exists a dissociation balance betweenthem, which indicates that FMN probably regulate…  相似文献   

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