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本文基于植物花粉花药的发育分子生物学研究成果,介绍了几种创造基因工程核雄性不育系和胞质雄性不育系的途径,保持与恢复基因工程雄性不育系的途径和雄性不育基因工程应用中亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

小麦雄性不育研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雄性不育是植物中的一种普遍现象,而雄性不育是利用杂种优势提高作物产量和品质的基础,因此小麦雄性不育的理论机制研究对农业生产具有重要的指导意义.对小麦雄性不育类型及遗传、生理生化不育机制、定位及分子生物学研究进行了综述,并探讨了今后该领域的研究前景.  相似文献   

雄性不育基因工程及其在蔬菜上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因工程是创造雄性不育的一种新途径。概述了雄性不育基因工程的主要方法 ,并且对利用基因工程创造蔬菜雄性不育系和恢复系的研究进展进行了综述 ,探讨了这一技术在蔬菜上的应用前景。  相似文献   

植物细胞核雄性不育相关bHLH转录因子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘永明  张玲  周建瑜  曹墨菊 《遗传》2015,37(12):1194-1203
雄性不育广泛存在于种子植物中。植物雄性不育不仅是植物生殖发育研究的重要内容,同时也可作为杂种优势利用的有效工具,因而具有重要的理论和应用价值。bHLH转录因子家族是植物中成员最多的转录因子家族,在植株的整个生长发育过程中起着重要的调控作用。本文介绍了拟南芥、水稻、玉米等几种重要模式植物bHLH转录因子调控雄蕊发育的作用机制,并重点阐述其功能异常引起细胞核雄性不育的分子机制,以期为作物育种与理论研究提供参考。  相似文献   

植物细胞质雄性不育是一种广泛存在于高等植物中的母性遗传性状。细胞质雄性不育不仅为研究核质互作提供了良好材料,同时也是植物杂种优势利用的重要基础,其分子机理是目前研究的重点。多种研究证据表明,线粒体基因与细胞质雄性不育密切相关。随着分子生物学和分子遗传学的不断发展,许多植物的恢复基因已经被定位和克隆,进一步阐明了植物细胞质雄性不育和育性恢复的分子机理。本文综述了近几年植物中细胞质雄性不育和育性恢复相关基因的研究进展,并探讨了细胞质雄性不育/育性恢复系统在育种方面的应用。  相似文献   

以1B/1R类K型不育系K3314A及其保持系3314B,非1B/1R类K型不育系732A及其保持系732B,YS温敏雄性不育小麦A3017为材料,提取不同温度处理下各时期小穗的总RNA进行反转录,对AY914051和AY660990两个目标基因进行半定量PCR和电泳分析,测定其在小麦中的表达变化趋势,以分析其与这几种不育系的育性相关关系,探讨这几种不育小麦败育的关键发育时期。结果表明,除AY914051基因在2种保持系3314B和732B中表达量变化不大之外,其它均有明显差异;2个目标基因与这几种雄性不育系的败育有关,但与育性相关程度不同,不育系两个目的基因的表达受温度变化影响程度明显大于保持系。由实验结果推测,1B/1R类K型不育系、非1B/1R类K型不育系和YS温敏雄性不育系的败育关键时期为单核期或单核期至二核期之间;温度差异可能会导致YS温敏雄性不育系的育性相关基因表达时期错位,错位后的表达差异积累可能最终导致其败育。  相似文献   

赵世民  詹庆才 《遗传学报》1994,21(5):393-397
通过对WA型、BT型和D型水稻雄性不育系细胞质基因即线粒体基因组和叶绿体基因组翻译产物的分析,初步寻找出与雄性不育和育性恢复有关的调控基因产物。根据实验结果,讨论了水稻细胞质雄性不育及育性恢复机制,并提出了两种育性恢复假说。  相似文献   

小麦光温敏核雄性不育基因的初步定位   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
农大3338是通过多年鉴定发现的一个优良的光温敏核雄性不育小麦品系,运用SSR和ISSR两种分子标记对其光温敏核雄性不育基因进行了定位,检测到了两个光温敏核雄性不育基因座位,并分别命名为ptms1和ptms2,其中ptms1的基因效应是ptms2的2~3倍。  相似文献   

植物细胞质雄性不育的分子机制研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张俊  陈德富 《生命的化学》1999,19(5):203-205
当植物不能产生有功能的花粉时,称为雄性不育。它可能由核基因决定,也可能由细胞质基因决定。前者称为核雄性不育,后者称为细胞质雄性不育。细胞质雄性不育(cyto-plasmicmalesterility,CMS)是一种母性传递的遗传性状,其遗传方式不符合...  相似文献   

概述总结了作物雄性不育性的类别与遗传特点。雄性不育性的遗传机理涉及细胞质遗传的现象,目前已初步探明玉米C群不育系的胞质基因可能是atp6-c,芝麻不育胞质基因拟为atpA。雄性不育化杂交种在实践中主要应用于玉米、水稻和蔬菜中。尽管现有近交理论、DNA甲基化效用、水稻胞质与核不育系遗传等理论提出,雄性不育化育种的基本理论尚需进一步探讨。在雄性不育化育种技术上,要逐步解决难点作物,如小麦、荞麦、菜豆等的不育化育种问题。  相似文献   

在三系杂交水稻生产中,不育系的细胞质对杂种一代的表现具有一定的效应。同一种不育细胞质对不同性状的效应是不同的;不同的不育细胞质对同一性状的效应也存在着差异;且对大多数性状表现为负向效应。可通过扩大不育细胞质源以选用优质细胞质或选用强优恢复系来减少或消除其负效应,培育同核异质的多胞质不育系来适应杂交水稻生产的需要。  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育(cytoplasmic male sterility,CMS)在油菜杂交种子生产中具有重要的意义.文章主要从目前已发现的与油菜CMS相关的线粒体DNA位点,育性恢复基因对CMS相关DNA位点表达的影响,育性恢复基因的分子标记定位和育性恢复基因的克隆4个方面综述了近年来油菜CMS的研究进展.并就该领域今后的研究方向进行了探讨.  相似文献   

玉米是杂种优势利用最成功的作物之一,采用细胞质雄性不育(CMS)进行玉米杂交种生产已成为杂种优势利用的有力工具。CMS是由于细胞质和细胞核的基因表达产物的不协调而产生的不育性,可被核基因组中的恢复基因恢复。根据育性恢复专效性,玉米CMS材料主要分为T、C和S三种类型。综述了这三种类型不育及其恢复基因的研究进展,分析了在不育化制种中的应用情况。  相似文献   


Key message

Thirteen rice CMS lines derived from different cytoplasms were classified into eight groups by PCR amplification on mtDNA. The orf79 gene, which causes Boro II CMS, possibly results in Dian1-CMS.


Thirteen rice cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines derived from different cytoplasms are widely used for hybrid rice breeding. Based on 27 loci on mitochondrial DNA, including single nucleotide polymorphisms and segmental sequence variations between typical indica and japonica as well as high-polymorphism segmental sequence variations and single nucleotide polymorphisms among rice CMS lines, the 13 rice CMS lines were classified into eight groups: (I) wild-abortive CMS, Indonesian Shuitiangu CMS, K-CMS, Gang CMS, D-CMS and dwarf abortive CMS; (II) Maxie-CMS; (III) Honglian CMS; (IV) Boro II CMS; (V) Dian1-CMS; (VI) Liao-CMS; (VII) Lead CMS; and (VIII) Chinese wild rice CMS. According to their pollen abortion phenotypes, groups I and II (including 7 CMS lines) were classified as sporophytic CMS lines, the cytoplasmic genetic relationships among which were very close. They could have originated from similar, or even the same, cytoplasm donors. Groups III–VIII (including 6 CMS lines) were categorized as gametophytic CMS lines, the cytoplasms of which differed from one another, with some having relatively far genetic relationships. Dian1-CMS was found to harbor the orf79 gene, which causes Boro II CMS, whereas Liao-CMS had an orf79 structure that does not result in Lead CMS. Therefore, we speculated that orf79 is associated with Dian1-CMS but not with Liao-CMS. The atp6orf79 structure related to sterility was also found to experience multiple evolutionary turnovers. All sporophytic CMS lines were indica-like. Except the Honglian CMS line, which was indica-like, all gametophytic CMS lines were japonica-like.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) of a novel male sterile radish line, designated NWB CMS. The NWB CMS was crossed with 16 fertile breeding lines, and all the progenies were completely male sterile. The degree of male sterility exhibited by NWB CMS is more than Ogura CMS from the Cruciferae family. The NWB CMS was found to induce 100% male sterility when crossed with all the tested breeding lines, whereas the Ogura CMS did not induce male sterility with any of the breeding lines. PCR analysis revealed that the molecular factor that influenced Ogura CMS, the orf138 gene, was absent in the NWB CMS line, and that the orf138 gene was not also expressed in this CMS line. In order to identify the cytoplasmic factors that confer male sterility in the NWB CMS line, we carried out RFLP analyses with 32 mitochondrial genes, all of which were used as probes. Fourteen genes exhibited polymorphisms between the NWB CMS line and other radish cultivars. Based on these RFLP data, intergenic primers were developed in order to amplify the intergenic regions between the polymorphic genes. Among these, a primer pair at the 3′ region of the atp6 gene (5′-cgcttggactatgctatgtatga-3′) and the 5′ region of the nad3 gene (5′-tcatagagaaatccaatcgtcaa-3′) produced a 2 kbp DNA fragment as a result of PCR. This DNA fragment was found to be specific to NWB CMS and was not present in other CMS types. It appears that this fragment could be used as a DNA marker to select NWB CMS line in a radish-breeding program.  相似文献   

Chemical Management Services in Sweden and Europe: Lessons for the Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number and diversity of chemicals produced and used in society today are growing in conjunction with the both evident and uncertain environmental impacts associated with the life cycles of these chemicals. Chemical management services (CMS) is a business strategy based on a strategic, long-term contract, according to which the supplier of chemical management services accepts the responsibility for managing chemicals and strives to reduce the associated costs and risks. This strategy also has the potential for reducing the environmental impacts of chemicals. This article provides an overview of the existing advantages and barriers for CMS providers and customers in the European context, identifies conflicts of interest between them, and highlights important lessons regarding the role of CMS in shaping these markets. It reports on findings from interviews with European chemical producers and other stakeholders of chemical management services and is directed toward industry professionals interested in chemical management services. It concludes that economic and environmental advantages of CMS are not automatically guaranteed and lists factors that are critical for developing a win-win CMS for both providers and customers. Finally, ways of fostering CMS dissemination in Europe are suggested.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is an important agricultural trait characterized by lack of functional pollen, and caused by ectopic and defective mitochondrial gene expression. The pollen function in CMS plants is restored by the presence of nuclear‐encoded restorer of fertility (Rf) genes. Previously, we cloned Rf2, which restores the fertility of Lead Rice (LD)‐type CMS rice. However, neither the function of Rf2 nor the identity of the mitochondrial gene causing CMS has been determined in LD–CMS rice. Here, we show that the mitochondrial gene orf79 acts as a CMS‐associated gene in LD–CMS rice, similar to its role in BT–CMS rice originating from Chinsurah Boro II, and Rf2 weakly restores fertility in BT–CMS rice. We also show that RF2 promotes degradation of atp6–orf79 RNA in a different manner from that of RF1, which is the Rf gene product in BT–CMS rice. The amount of ORF79 protein in LD–CMS rice was one‐twentieth of the amount in BT–CMS rice. The difference in ORF79 protein levels probably accounts for the mild and severe pollen defects in LD–CMS and BT–CMS rice, respectively. In the presence of Rf2, accumulation of ORF79 was reduced to almost zero and 25% in LD–CMS and BT–CMS rice, respectively, which probably accounts for the complete and weak fertility restoration abilities of Rf2 in LD–CMS and BT–CMS rice, respectively. These observations indicate that the amount of ORF79 influences the pollen fertility in two strains of rice in which CMS is induced by orf79.  相似文献   

Atherigona soccata (Rondani) (Diptera: Muscidae) is one of the most important pests of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, in Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean Europe. Exploitation of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) for hybrid production has resulted in considerable narrowing of the genetic base and may increase the vulnerability of this crop to insect pests. Therefore, we studied the expression of different mechanisms of resistance in sorghum to A. soccata in CMS (A) and maintainer (B) lines of 12 genotypes under field and greenhouse conditions. The CMS lines of A. soccata-resistant genotypes were preferred for oviposition (78.5 versus 71.5% plants with eggs) and suffered greater deadheart incidence (47.6 versus 41.6%) than the corresponding maintainer lines, whereas such differences were not apparent in CMS lines belonging to the susceptible genotypes (92.7 versus 92.3% plants with eggs and 75.6 versus 74.6% deadhearts) under multichoice field conditions. Similar differences also were observed under controlled conditions in the greenhouse. The larval period (9.0 versus 8.8 d) and pupal mortality (18.4 versus 13.4%) were greater on maintainer lines than that on the CMS lines in the resistant group. The male and female pupal weights, fecundity, and antibiosis index were greater on the CMS than on the maintainer lines. The maintainer lines showed better recovery resistance than the CMS lines, but no such differences were observed in tiller deadhearts. The differences in susceptibility to A. soccata were greater in the A. soccata resistant CMS and maintainer lines than in the CMS and maintainer lines belonging to susceptible genotypes. Conversion of A. soccata-resistant genotypes into alternate less susceptible cytoplasmic backgrounds may be undertaken for developing sorghum hybrids with stable resistance to A. soccata.  相似文献   

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