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为研究雄性不育相关基因TA1和TA2在BNS和YS小麦温敏雄性不育系732A花粉发育时期的表达特点,探讨这2个育性相关基因与温敏雄性不育小麦育性转换的联系,本研究利用荧光实时定量PCR方法,在BNS和YS型不育系732A花药发育四分体期、单核期、二核期和三核期定量检测基因TA1和TA2的mRNA表达水平。结果表明:(1)在732A和BNS花粉发育四分体时期至二核期,基因TA1相对表达量上调,在三核期相对表达量下降;(2)基因TA2相对表达量在BNS花粉发育的四分体时期至二核期逐渐下降,三核期上升;在732A花粉发育4个时期中的相对表达量变化刚好相反;(3)在BNS和732A花粉发育二核期,基因TA1和TA2均表现极值,推测二核期可能为BNS和YS型小麦温敏雄性不育系花粉发育最敏感时期;(4)在不育系BNS和732A花粉发育过程中,基因TA1的相对表达量变化幅度比TA2的高。推测TA1对不育系BNS和732A花粉败育影响程度强于TA2;(5)基因TA1和TA2相对表达量在BNS的花粉发育时期表达趋势相反,推测其对BNS花粉败育影响表现为拮抗作用,且2个基因不连锁;在732A花粉发育时期表达趋势相同,推测其对不育系732A花粉败育影响表现为协同作用。  相似文献   

YS型小麦温敏不育系育性转换基因的cDNA-AFLP分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对YS型小麦温敏雄性不育系A3017不育与可育条件下不同发育时期的幼穗提取mRNA,进行cDNA- AFLP表达差异分析,64对引物组合获得差异片段1160个。统计分析表明,单核期表达的差异片段数最多,认为这一时期是育性转换的关键时期。对其中12个在不育或可育条件下表达的差异片段进行同收、克隆、测序,经 BLAST序列比对分析表明,可育条件下的4个EST与物质转运和能量代谢过程的铁转运蛋白1和ATP合酶α亚基,基因表达调控的反转录转座子跳跃多聚蛋白和转座子相似序列同源。不育条件下有5个EST与细胞内信号传导的ZCCT转录因子和光敏色素蛋白,基因表达调控的转座酶、染色体浓缩因子和亮氨酸富集蛋白的编码基因同源。结果表明YS型小麦温敏雄性不育系A3017的育性转换与细胞内基因表达调控、物质和能量代谢及信号传导过程有关。  相似文献   

以大白菜雄性不育材料RC7及其保持系B7为材料,通过对两材料花药发育过程进行细胞学观察,并利用cDNA-AFLP技术分析两材料花蕾的基因表达差异,以明确RC7发生雄性败育的时期和方式,为大白菜CMS的分子机理研究提供依据。结果显示:(1)细胞学观察发现,大白菜雄性不育材料RC7及其保持系B7的小孢子母细胞减数分裂属同时型,小孢子在四分体中的排列属四面体型,保持系B7花药的绒毡层属于腺质型;不育材料RC7在四分体时期绒毡层细胞内出现大的液泡,呈现败育征兆,单核期绒毡层解体,中层退化,小孢子核开始解体、败育,属于单核花粉败育型。(2)对两材料蕾期基因的cDNA-AFLP差显比较分析表明,共获得了23条阳性差异片段,其中在不育系RC7花蕾中特异表达的有8条,在保持系B7花蕾中特异表达有10条,两系中共有条带5条。(3)对不育系中特异表达的8条谱带进行Blast搜索发现,H1与拟南芥光合反应蛋白基因有较高的一致性,H26与拟南芥钙调磷酸酶类磷酸酯酶家族蛋白质的部分序列存在90%的一致性,属于细胞信号转导基因;对来自保持系的10条谱带的差异片段功能以及一致性进行比对分类发现,它们包括糖代谢基因、蛋白质的合成与运输基因、乙烯诱导基因、电子传递和能量途径基因、未知或假定蛋白等。研究表明,大白菜雄性不育材料RC7可能是由于绒毡层细胞液泡化和径向肥大,小孢子受挤压后破裂降解,不能形成正常的成熟花粉粒而败育;乙烯诱导基因(H29)在保持系中特异表达,在不育系中沉默,表明不育系中缺乏乙烯相关基因。  相似文献   

YS型小麦温敏雄性不育系A3017育性相关基因的SSH分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以人工气候箱控温条件下YS型小麦温敏不育系A3017的不育幼穗和可育幼穗为材料,分别构建了不育和可育条件下基因特异表达的抑制消减杂交cDNA文库.在两个库中分别随机挑选100个阳性克隆进行测序,经BLAST序列比对分析,共获功能已知的EST 78条.比较发现,不育条件下与细胞质相关的基因表达数量(63.4%)远高于可育条件下的基因数量(35.1%),参与蛋白质合成、蛋白质修饰/加工/储藏、转运和信号传递过程基因的比例也均高于可育条件下的,而参与能量代谢过程基因的比例则明显偏低.分析认为,在不育和可育条件下的基因表达差异可能是导致温敏雄性不育系育性变化的关键,这为进一步从分子基础上揭示YS型小麦温敏雄性不育系育性转换机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

粘类非1BL/1RS小麦CMS基因定向选择及其育性特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对携有不同不育基因的4个粘类小麦雄性不育系进行了定向选择与鉴定,并对其育性特性进行研究,以选育更具应用价值的粘类非1BL/1RS小麦雄性不育系,推动三系杂交小麦的实际应用.结果表明:(1)根尖体细胞随体鉴定和A-PAGE技术分析筛选出的SP4、莫迦小麦为非1BL/1RS类型,其它供试不育系均属于1BL/1RS类型;(2)减数分裂及成熟花粉粒形态观察,粘类非1BL/1RS小麦雄性不育系其不育性是在整个配子发育过程中连续产生的,且在B型不育细胞质背景下,SP4和莫迦小麦的花粉细胞学形态与在K、Ven型2种不育细胞质背景下的不同,B型不育细胞质背景下SP4和莫迦不育系的花粉萌发率比K、Ven型不育细胞质背景下的花粉萌发率高;(3)以不同来源不育基因培育成的粘类K、Ven型非1BL/1RS不育系育性恢复性测定发现,SP4、莫迦小麦2种雄性不育系育性恢复性有一定差异,莫迦小麦不育类型育性恢复性高于SP4.  相似文献   

小麦温敏不育系YM3314的温敏特性及育性转换   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以YM型小麦温敏雄性不育系YM3314为材料,通过分期播种和剪穗再生分蘖的育性试验分析各播期材料的育性与对应发育时期的气象因子相关性,以揭示YM型小麦温敏雄性不育系的温敏特性及其育性转换温度条件.结果表明:YM3314秋播完全不育或育性有稍微波动,春播稳定部分可育;各播期材料的育性与孕穗期和抽穗期日平均温度呈极显著正相关,而与孕穗期的平均相对湿度呈显著负相关;孕穗前5日至抽穗后5日是YM3314育性转换的关键时期,该段时期日平均气温达到18.18℃以上表现部分可育,低于18℃表现不育.研究证实,YM3314具有温度敏感特性,育性转换的敏感时期在孕穗前5日至抽穗后5日,育性转换的临界温度约18℃左右,在二系杂交小麦研究中有重要的利用价值.  相似文献   

研究了小麦D~2型CMS系msD~2-CA8057与保持系CA8057花粉发育的细胞形态学特征及花粉粒“单核-双核期”、“三核期”的花药、雌蕊、旗叶和授粉20天左右的灌浆期种子胚乳的过氧化物酶同工酶、酯酶同工酶,主要研究结果揭示:D~2型不育系花粉败育起始于“单核-双核期”,表现为败育期长和败育方式多样化;“三核期”花药的同工酶有明显差异,主要表现为不育系酯酶比保持系少3条酶带且酶的总活性比保持系的弱、过氧化物酶的总活性比保持系弱很多且少3条酶带。上述差异可能是D~2型细胞质不育基因对核基因的调控表达所致,而这种调控作用可能是导致雄性不育形成的原因之一;这些特征也表明D~2型不同于T型也不同于K型,是个新的不育类型。  相似文献   

基于两系杂交小麦系统的K型(Aegilops kotshyi)细胞质小麦温敏雄性不育系,在中国北方小麦正常生长季节表现完全雄性不育,可用于杂交小麦种子生产,在反季节播种表现育性部分恢复,是一类非常有利用价值的小麦温敏雄性不育系。本研究以小麦温敏雄性不育系KTP116A为材料,采用人工气候箱控温和涂抹法压片的方法对其育性转换的关键时期及败育的花粉发育过程进行更为精细的研究。研究发现,KTP116A可育环境下能正常进行减数分裂并发育为成熟花粉粒;不育环境下只有少数能经过第二次有丝分裂产生两个精细胞,大部分为二核期花粉粒、异常花粉粒和没有原生质体的空壳花药不开裂,自然条件下不散粉;KTP116A育性敏感期为两个时期,减数分裂期至单核早期和二核晚期至三核期,在自然条件下温度感应历期为10d左右;从小麦外部发育进程来看,抽穗前的2-8d和扬花前的3-5d为其敏感时期。这对于进一步研究败育的机理,分析败育的原因和更好的利用温敏不育系奠定基础。  相似文献   

对4种同核异质小麦粘类非1BL/1RS雄性不育系、保持系和恢复系的幼苗叶片、乳熟期籽粒以及不育系、恢复系和F1小孢子发育四分体至三核期花药进行了细胞色素氧化酶(COD)同工酶聚丙烯酰胺凝腔电泳(PAGE)分析。结果表明:(1)幼苗叶片COD同工酶谱带可以标记4种不育系和保持系;乳熟期籽粒COD同工酶谱带可以将4种不育系、保持系及恢复系区别开。(2)COD在不育系小孢子败育时或败育之前(单核到二核期)酶量降低,面在三核期酶量升高。(3)相同胞质背景下引入不同核恢复基因或不同胞质背景下引入桢核恢复基因,F1小孢子COD同工酶谱带之间有差异。可以将不同发育时期COD同工酶谱带作为鉴别1种不育系以及不育系、保持系、恢复系(“三系”的可靠生化标记)。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片技术,研究了大白菜(Brassica campestris L.ssp.pekinensis)细胞质雄性不育系6w-9605A及其保持系6w-9605B的花药发育过程的细胞形态学特征,确定不育系花药败育时期及方式,并对不育系6w-9605A进行花器官观察和育性鉴定.结果表明:保持系6w-9605B花药发育正常;不育系6w-9605A花药发育受阻于孢原分化时期,占总败育花药的66.7%,不形成花粉囊和花粉粒,属于无花粉囊型败育;另外33.3%的败育花药可形成花粉囊,小孢子均受阻于单核靠边期或者二胞期,败育特点为绒毡层细胞异常肥大,挤压小孢子,导致小孢子和绒毡层解体;6w-9605A的不育性稳定、彻底,不育株率和不育度均为100%.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy has shown that the spatial arrangement of troponin T on tropomyosin can be represented as a structure of approximately 90 Å in length, as shown in Figure 1. The region of residues 90 to 148 of troponin T, which has been confirmed as a main part of the fragment which specifically binds to tropomyosin, was predicted to be a long stretch of α-helix by the method of secondary structure prediction. Furthermore, the mechanism of the specific binding was explored on the basis of the coiled-coil structure of tropomyosin by a simple scoring method. One of the most feasible structures of the specific binding complex was a triple-stranded coiled-coil made between a tropomyosin coiled-coil and the α-helical region of the specific binding fragment of troponin T. It is illustrated as a stereo view in Figure 2.  相似文献   

以清洁级ICR雄性小白鼠为实验动物,研究不同剂量乙酸铜对小白鼠的生殖毒性。采用小白鼠精子畸形实验及小白鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞(以下简称PCE)微核实验等方法。分别对成年小白鼠腹腔每天注射0.25~16.00mg/kg8个剂量的乙酸铜,染毒7天。结果表明:乙酸铜对小白鼠的体重增长及睾丸重量具有一定的抑制作用,其中组VI、组VII的最明显。不同剂量的乙酸铜均使雄性小白鼠精子密度(P<0.001)、精子活力明显降低,具有明显的剂量效应。各实验组精子畸形率、PCE微核率均明显高于对照组(P<0.001)(P<0.05或P<0.001),且均随乙酸铜剂量的增加而明显升高。结果表明实验剂量的乙酸铜对ICR雄性小白鼠具有明显的生殖毒性效应。  相似文献   

The copulatory pattern of groups of rats (Rattus norvegicus) was studied in the laboratory in a seminatural environment. In a given mating session, every oestrous female copulated with each male; likewise, every male copulated with each oestrous female. While individual males and females experienced similar amounts of copulation, there were dramatic sex differences in sequence and temporal pattern. Males mated in a multiple intromission pattern and had more ejaculatory series when several females were in oestrus. In contrast, females received intromissions and ejaculations in a random order, not in the sequence of a male ejaculatory series. Males copulated at shorter intervals than females did, a temporal sex difference that was determined by the pattern of female solicitations and male approaches. These sex differences are used to discuss the different units of analysis that are appropriate for male and female sexual behaviour in this species. Furthermore, the sex differences in the temporal pattern of copulation which emerged during group mating parallel the known sex differences in the temporal parameters of the neuroendocrine reflexes which mediate successful reproduction in the domestic strain.  相似文献   

The social interactions within groups of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) had a strong impact on the individual pattern of copulation which, in turn, affects sperm precedence and the probability of implantation in this species. Males alternated uninterrupted ejaculatory series, augmenting each others' copulatory investment. Females took turns mating after receiving an intromission, collectively potentiating the males' copulatory behaviour; increasing the number of oestrous females increased the number of intromissions and ejaculations achieved by each male but did not affect the amount of copulation experienced by each female. These turn-taking patterns within each sex provided the opportunity to change partners and permitted the emergence of different sex-typical patterns of copulation. Furthermore, the dominant male contributed more intromissions and tended to give each female more ejaculations than the subordinates did. Dominant males were also more likely to inhibit the subordinates' sperm transport. Females competed among themselves for the opportunity to mate with a male as he approached ejaculation and were likely to protect more of the dominant male's sperm transport than the subordinate male's.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant (GL 1–38) lacking δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase (EC was investigated. This mutant is unable to synthesize heme compounds and, as a consequence, cannot make unsaturated fatty acids or ergosterol. The mutant cells were grown (i) in medium supplemented with δ-aminolevulinic acid or (ii) in medium supplemented with Tween 80 (as a source of oleate) and ergosterol. After growth in the presence of δ-aminolevulinic acid, the fatty acid composition of total lipids and mitochondrial lipids was the same as that of the corresponding wild-type strain. After growth in the presence of Tween 80 and ergosterol, the mutant cells contained increased levels of oleate and greatly decreased levels of palmitoleate. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids in these cells was still close to that of the wild type but much lower than that of the medium. The sphingolipids accounted for 5.2% of the lipid phosphate in the wild type and, after growth in Tween 80 and ergosterol, for 12.7% in the mutant. Changes in other phospholipids were too small to be considered significant.  相似文献   

We have measured the contribution of the reduced form of bovine ZnCu superoxide dismutase to the relaxation of the 35Cl nucleus of chloride ion. The reduced protein has a molar relaxivity approximately 2.5 greater than the metal free protein, and addition of a small excess of cyanide lowers the relaxivity of the reduced protein to that of the apo-protein. We have interpreted these observations in terms of an open coordination position on one of the two metal ions, and we have proposed a mechanism for the reduction of superoxide by reduced superoxide dismutase which requires that O2? binds to Cu+ prior to electron transfer.  相似文献   

The levels of two steroids, asterone 1 and asterogenol 4, obtained by hydrolysis of the crude asterosaponin mixture from the starfish Asterias vulgaris, were highest in winter and spring, then the steroid levels fell to their annual minima in July, after the spawning period. Levels also varied geographically, but the ratio of these steroids remained approximately constant.  相似文献   

Extraction of Triton Photosystem II chloroplast fragments with 0.2% methanol in hexane for 3 h results in the removal of 90 to 95% of the plastoquinone in the original preparation. The extracted fragments (chlorophyll : plastoquinone ratio, 900 : 1) showed no P-680 photooxidation at 15 K after a single laser flash. The extracted fragments also showed no light-induced C-550 absorbance change at 77 K. Reconstitution of the primary reaction of Photosystem II, as evidenced by restoration of low-temperature photooxidation of P-680, could be obtained by the addition of plastoquinone A but not by the addition of β-carotene. The addition of β-carotene plus plastoquinone A restored the C-550 absorbance change. These results indicate that plastoquinone functions as the primary electron acceptor of Photosystem II and that β-carotene does not play a direct role in the primary photochemistry but is required for the C-550 absorbance change.  相似文献   

Blood GABA levels can be readily determined using a radioreceptor assay or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. After withdrawal of blood, GABA levels remain stable with 25–50% of the GABA in whole blood found in the plasma fraction. Whole blood GABA concentrations range from 500 pmoles/ml to 1200 pmoles/ml in 8 mammalian species with human values being about 900 pmoles/ml. in vivo administration of aminooxyacetic acid increases both blood and brain GABA levels to a similar extent.  相似文献   

Cells dissociated from adult and neonatal rat retinas were separated by density gradient centrifugation. Previous work had shown that rat retinal cells labelled by an immunofluorescence assay for the Thy-1 antigen were chiefly or exclusively ganglion cells, and so the proportion of Thy-1 positive cells in the density gradient fractions was used as an index of the enrichment of ganglion cells. The proportion of Thy-1 positive neonatal cells was increased from about 0.4% in the initial dissociate to about 8% in the most enriched fraction of a Percoll step gradient. Amongst adult cells the initial 0.7% Thy-1 positive cells were increased to roughly 2% in the best fraction of a metrizamide step gradient.

The presence of relatively large numbers of Thy-1 positive cells in other fractions suggested that it would be difficult to further increase the proportion of rat ganglion cells by methods based on their sedimentation properties. These results demonstrate the importance of cell-type specific markers in attempts to purify cells from the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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