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罗氏沼虾与克氏原螯虾血细胞的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对罗氏沼虾与克氏原螫虾血细胞的分类与组成进行了染色观察比较研究。根据染色后光镜下血细胞的核质比、颗粒的大小和数量等来对血细胞进行分类,罗氏沼虾与克氏原螯虾的血细胞均可分为透明细胞、半颗粒细胞和颗粒细胞三类;其血细胞浓度分别为1.02±0.21×107 Ind·ml-1和0.85±0.15×107Ind·ml-1。2种虾血细胞的颗粒形态存在显著差异;透明细胞、半颗粒细胞和颗粒细胞占血细胞总量的百分比在罗氏沼虾为21.3±6.3%,45.7±2.5%,33.0±6.8%:在克氏原螯虾为12.0±5.8%、49.5±5.1%和38.5±9.5%。  相似文献   

安徽地区克氏原螯虾白斑综合征的诊断及朔源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]诊断安徽地区养殖的克氏原螯虾发生疫情的病原,追踪感染源,为疫病的防控提供依据.[方法]采集病料,参照OIE推荐的套式PCR法检测白斑综合征病毒(WSSV).将病螯虾鳃丝组织研磨后离心,取上清液接种健康克氏原螯虾.透射电镜观察病原特征.综合流行病源学及病原检测,分析养殖地区的可能感染源.[结果]发病螯虾感染了WSSV,动物实验可见和发病螯虾相同的临床症状,证实该病原引起养殖螯虾发病.电镜观察可见典型的白斑综合症病毒颗粒.流行病学调查显示,水产颗粒膨化饲料和冷冻饲料甲壳类检测阳性.[结论]该地区养殖的克氏原螯虾近年爆发的疫病病原为WSSV,推断地区性克氏原螯虾WSSV的感染并流行与污染的饲料有关.  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾的入侵生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)原产于美国南部和墨西哥北部,是一个著名入侵物种,作为一种水产经济资源物种在世界各地扩散。克氏原螯虾抗逆性强,所具有的广泛生境适应性、生长迅速、高生殖率等特点使它们迅速建立野生种群。近10余年的研究认为,克氏原螯虾通过捕食和资源竞争等机制严重威胁引入地的水生植物、无脊椎动物、两栖类等的生存,显著降低引入地的生物多样性。当前,由于克氏原螯虾的经济价值高,它会借助于人力的作用而继续扩散。为认清和减少克氏原螯虾对引入地的生态影响,应加强以下方面的研究:1)在中国开展克氏原螯虾的生态危害的调查和研究;2)克氏原螯虾种群调节和控制对策研究;3)被入侵地的生态恢复工作。  相似文献   

桂林地区克氏原螯虾对泽蛙蝌蚪的捕食   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)已入侵我国江苏、湖北、江西、安徽等多个省(市)。为研究克氏原螯虾对其生境中主要两栖动物泽蛙(Rana limnocharis)的影响,我们于2006年5-6月对广西桂林地区自然生境中克氏原螯虾和泽蛙蝌蚪的数量和密度进行了调查,7月在室内进行了克氏原螯虾对泽蛙蝌蚪和饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla ornata)蝌蚪的捕食实验。野外调查结果表明克氏原螯虾的密度与泽蛙蝌蚪的密度呈显著负相关。室内实验结果表明克氏原螯虾对泽蛙蝌蚪的捕食强度与克氏原螯虾体长呈显著正相关,且对泽蛙蝌蚪的捕食强度高于饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪。表明克氏原螯虾对两栖类幼体有比较严重的危害,应加强监测,采取相应措施预防和控制其危害。  相似文献   

在分类学上,克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkia(Girard))隶属于节肢动物门,甲壳纲,十足目,爬行亚目,螯虾科,原螯虾属[1]。克氏原螯虾为外来物种,原产于北美洲,主要分布在美国南部和墨西哥北部,1930年引入日本,约在20世纪40年代由日本引入我国南京[2],由于食性广、繁殖快、生长迅速、适应性强,现在已成为分布于长江中下游地区一些水域虾类资源的优势种群。克氏原螯虾具有掘洞的习性,洞穴在其生活史中是重要的环境要素,因此人们一直担心其对江河大堤和水库大坝会造成危害[3]。国外对克氏原螯虾的穴居行为以及对农田的危害作过一些研究[4—6],但国内类似的研究以及有关克氏原螯虾对水利工程影响的研究尚属空白。作者就克氏原螯虾掘洞生态习性及其对堤坝工程安全影响开展了初步研究,以期为有关部门采取有效措施来降低其不利影响和根除隐患,确保水利工程的安全提供一些科学的决策依据。1材料与方法1·1研究区域研究区域为长江中下游地区的湖南、湖北、江西、安徽、江苏和上海五省一市,该区域克氏原螯虾种群分布较多,洪水发生频率较高。研究水体为江河、湖泊、水库、塘堰和沟渠,重点研究长江干流荆江段、鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、三湖连江水库...  相似文献   

文章研究了稻田黄鳝(Monopterus albus)天然饵料生物资源、稻田黄鳝对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)捕食选择及不同投喂策略下黄鳝对克氏原螯虾的捕食强度,旨在为构建与优化稻-虾-鳝综合种养模式提供依据。结果表明,稻田中黄鳝天然饵料生物种类丰富,达16种(属);克氏原螯虾是黄鳝最喜猎物,其次为米虾,再次为蚯蚓和水生寡毛类;稻田黄鳝自然生长期间,其胃和肠前端食物团中,克氏原螯虾重量百分比均显著高于其他猎物,其中8月份占比最大,达93.90%, 4月份占比最小,为76.85%;当克氏原螯虾为唯一食物时,每尾大规格成鳝(≥200 g)日均捕食量为(1.63±0.065) g;当克氏原螯虾、米虾和蚯蚓作为食物时,黄鳝主要捕食克氏原螯虾且不捕食蚯蚓,对三者的选择指数分别为0.066、–0.266和–1;若以克氏原螯虾、鱼糜-饲料为食物时,黄鳝主要摄食鱼糜-饲料,极少捕食克氏原螯虾,对两者的选择指数分别为–0.846和0.591。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾在20世纪初作为重要的水产品引入中国,但因其繁殖能力强、生长迅速、适应性强、喜掘洞穴,对农作物、池埂及农田水利有一定破坏作用,降低入侵地区当地物种多样性,对当地生态系统造成严重危害。因此,研究未来气候情景下克氏原螯虾适生区的变化,可为其监控和管理措施提供关键信息,有效预防和控制其蔓延。本研究基于克氏原螯虾的分布点,应用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型和规则集遗传算法(GARP)模型模拟了当前气候条件下克氏原螯虾在中国的潜在适生区,并预测了2041—2060年和2061—2080年克氏原螯虾在4种气候变化情景下(RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 6.0、RCP 8.5)的分布,采用ROC曲线对预测结果进行检验和评价。结果表明: 在当前气候条件下克氏原螯虾集中分布在上海、江苏、浙江、安徽等长江沿岸地区;最冷季平均温度、最冷月最低温度对克氏原螯虾分布影响最大,其次是温度季节性变化、最暖月最高温度和最干月降水量。在未来气候情景下,2061—2080年克氏原螯虾的适生区面积有不同程度的变化,在RCP 2.6和RCP 4.5情景下总适生面积增加,但在RCP 8.5情景下呈先增后减趋势,而在RCP 6.0情景下无明显变化;克氏原螯虾适生区在空间分布上不仅有纬度方向上的扩散,也有向海拔较高地区迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

为了解克氏原螯虾在永久性静水水体(水库和池塘)中的分布及其影响因素和它对两栖动物多样性的影响,于2008年5—8月,利用样线法与目视遇测法以及网捕法,对舟山群岛中的8个岛屿(岱山、六横、秀山、佛渡、桃花、虾峙、册子和普陀山)上的86个水库和池塘中的克氏原螯虾分布和影响其分布的因素进行了调查,调查的因素包括外来种牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)、水体的面积、最大水深、水体周边植被的覆盖率、鱼的出现率、人口足迹以及当地蛙的密度和物种多样性。结果表明:1)83.7%的研究水体(72/86)有克氏原螯虾的分布,克氏原螯虾和牛蛙共同分布的水体占53.5%;2)克氏原螯虾的密度在各个岛屿上的分布是不均匀的;3)基于信息标准(AICc)的最小满足模型(Minimum Adequate Model)显示,克氏原螯虾的分布与水体的最大水深和牛蛙的密度呈正相关,而与其他因素没有关系。克氏原螯虾的入侵对舟山群岛永久性静水水体蛙类物种多样性的直接影响可能不大,但由于克氏原螯虾是牛蛙的重要食物,它的分布可能潜在地助长外来种牛蛙的密度。  相似文献   

河蟹、克氏原螯虾、黄鳝摄食生态的研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
通过疫区围网养殖河蟹、黄鳝、克氏原螯虾试验,解剖观察食性表明:河蟹、黄鳝、克氏原螯虾都可以摄食钉螺、蚊幼虫.为进一步验证它们的这一食性及其摄食量,通过模拟网栏养殖模式的数据统计表明:河蟹每天每只能摄食蚊幼虫2.4尾、钉螺4.8个;克氏原螯虾每天每只能摄食蚊幼虫17.尾、钉螺0.9个;黄鳝每天每尾摄食蚊幼虫8.1尾、钉螺0.7个;河蟹、克氏原螯虾、黄鳝摄食生态的研究为生物灭螺、灭蚊提供新的途径.    相似文献   

以克氏原螯虾为研究对象, 测定了在正常投喂人工颗粒饲料的基础上辅助添加小球藻、刚毛藻饲喂克氏原螯虾的生理活性。结果表明: 试验期间添加小球藻(1.0×106-1.0×107 cells·L-1)、刚毛藻(0.06-0.08 g·L-1)对克氏原螯虾的生长与存活率均无显著影响(P >0.05), 但肌肉超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和肝胰脏酸性磷酸酶(ACP)的活性显著降低(P <0.05); 机体的血细胞密度显著增加(P <0.05), 外骨骼和肌肉中虾青素的含量极显著增加(P <0.01); 单独添加刚毛藻肌肉虾青素含量也显著提高(P <0.05), 血清、肝胰脏和肌肉碱性磷酸酶(AKP)的活性极显著提高(P <0.01), 肝胰脏酸性磷酸酶的活性极显著降低(P <0.01)。摄食小球藻和刚毛藻对于克氏原螯虾的抗逆活性和免疫能力具有促进作用, 养殖水体中适度添加小球藻和刚毛藻有助于克氏原螯虾的健康与活力。  相似文献   

硫代黄素T( thioflavin T,TFT)是一种用于组织学的苯并噻唑荧光染料,因其对淀粉样蛋白有高亲和性而主要被用于淀粉样病变的荧光显微检测.本研究分别以软体动物门双壳纲的栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)和中国蛤蜊(Mactra chinensis)、腹足纲的拟紫口玉螺(Natica janthosto...  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that crustacean haemocytes originate from a specialised haematopoietic tissue (HPT), whereas the differentiation relationship between HPT cells and circulating haemocytes is still not clearly understood. The HPT cells and haemocytes of Fenneropenaeus chinensis were characterised using morphological and histochemical methods. Three types of HPT cells were identified under the transmission electron microscope (TEM). Type 1 cells had high N/C ratios, developed dispersed chromatins and no cytoplasmic granules. Type 2 cells had smaller size, developed condensed chromatins and cytoplasmic granules, which were homogeneous or striated in type 2a cells, and homogeneous in type 2b cells. We deduce that type 1 cells may give rise to type 2 cells in terms of the presence of possible intermediates between type 1 and type 2 cells. The circulating haemocytes were divided into three populations, i.e. hyaline haemocytes (HH), small granular haemocytes (SHG) and large granular haemocytes (LGH), based on Wright-Giemsa staining and TEM observation. Comparing the HPT cells with the circulating haemocytes, type 2a cells of HPT may represent the HH due to similar granule types, cell size and N/C ratios, and type 2b cells may be the young and immature LGH. By Wright-Giemsa and acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase staining, the intermediates between the HH and SGH were observed, which indicates that the SGH may be derived from the HH in the circulatory system. Therefore, it is suggested that the F. chinensis haemocytes could be divided into two haemocyte lineages, i.e. the HH-SGH and LGH lineage.  相似文献   

A modified acid-fast staining method was developed for rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its L forms, wherein carbol fuchsin and dioxogen were mixed into the sputum smear. With this method, the dyeing time is shortened and heating is not required. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, positive rate, and diagnostic efficiency of the new method were compared to those obtained by PCR using 50 clinical samples. Further, 468 clinical samples were analyzed using the new method, the modified intensified Kinyoun (IK) acid-fast staining method, and the traditional Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast staining method. Differences among the positive detection rates of the three methods were analyzed using Student's t-test, and no significant differences were found between the new method and the modified IK acid-fast staining method, while the rates of both these methods were higher than that of the traditional acid-fast staining method. Additionally, the dyeing time in the new method was markedly less than that in the modified IK acid-fast staining method (5min and 24h, respectively).  相似文献   

Five of the six categories of haemocytes of Locusta migratoria, that is, the plasmatocytes, spherule cells, granulocytes, coagulocytes and oenocytoids, contain conspicuous granules of mucosubstance in their cytoplasm. The mucosubstance has been characterized by using a series of histochemical tests, including Alcian Blue staining at different pH levels and salt concentrations, the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) test, the high iron diamine test, enzymatic digestions and sequential staining methods. The results indicate that four different mucosubstances occur in a granular form, although not all four are found in every blood cell type. The mucosubstances are a neutral glycoprotein and neuraminidase-resistant, sulphated and non-sulphated sialomucins. The non-sulphated sialomucin occurs in both periodate-reactive and -unreactive forms.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific for Penaeus monodon haemocytes were produced by immunising mice with membrane lysates of shrimp haemocytes. Four mabs (WSH 6, WSH 7, WSH 8 and WSH 16) were characterised using flow cytometry, light microscopy, laser scanning microscopy, electron microscopy and immunoprecipitation. WSH 6 recognised a carbohydrate determinant on an 85 kDa molecule. WSH 7, WSH 8 and WSH 16 recognised 50, 35 and 115 kDa molecules, respectively. For all mabs, differences in amount and intensity of the labelling were found when haemocytes were fixed immediately in 2% formaldehyde in Alsever's Solution (AS), compared with non-fixed haemocytes that were kept in AS (which reduced activation of the haemocytes) or in L15 cell culture medium. WSH 6 reacted with the cell membranes of all fixed haemocytes, while WSH 7 and WSH 16 reacted with the cell membranes of >80% of fixed haemocytes. The membrane labelling appeared to decrease when cells were kept in L15 medium. WSH 8 did not react with the haemocyte membranes. All mabs reacted with some granules, mainly present in the hyaline cells, when the haemocytes were immediately fixed. When non-fixed cells were kept in AS and in L15 medium, positive granules were also observed in semigranular and granular haemocytes as well as in the largest granules of a fourth cell type, that contains many granules of different size and electron density. Immunoreactive extracellular thread-like material could be observed in cells in L15 medium. The change in staining pattern was extreme for WSH 8, somewhat less for WSH 6 and WSH 7 and the lowest for WSH 16. Double labelling revealed that all mabs showed a different staining pattern on membranes as well as on granules. WSH 16 also showed labelling in cytoplasmic vesicles, as well as in haemolymph plasma on histological sections. The hypothesis is put forward that immunoreactive molecules recognised by these mabs, are related to haemocyte activation factors.  相似文献   

Estuarine and coastal habitats are known to be polluted by a range of chemical contaminants from both industrial and domestic sources. Blue mussels (Mytilus spp.), which inhabit these areas, are widely used as bio-indicators in eco-toxicological studies, because of their sedentary nature and their ability to bio-accumulate contaminants. The analysis of DNA damage in mussel haemocytes is a valuable tool for biomonitoring but sampling issues related to storage, handling and transportation have often limited its application in large-scale monitoring programmes. This study uses a trial and error method to evaluate and validate a suitable protocol for cryopreservation of mussel haemocytes, thereby allowing material collected in the field to be analysed later under controlled laboratory conditions. Three different cell-culture media, i.e. Leibovitz-15, Hank's balanced salt solution and mussel physiological saline, along with four different cryoprotectants, i.e. dimethyl sulphoxide (10% and 20%), 1,2-propanediol (10%), ethylene glycol (10%) and glycerol (10%) were tested to assess their suitability for cryopreservation of mussel haemocytes for analysis in the comet assay. Experimental studies where mussel haemocytes were also exposed to UV radiation or benzo(a)pyrene were conducted in order to mimic environmental stresses and to verify the effectiveness of newly defined cryopreservation protocols. The comet assay was used to demonstrate that mussel haemocytes could be preserved at cryogenic temperatures for a month without altering levels of DNA damage, which could possibly be used for lab or field studies where time constraints or facilities do not allow instant analysis.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopical studies were carried out in order to characterise the blood cells of the bivalve mollusc, Scrobicularia plana. Three types of haemocytes were recognised: eosinophilic granular haemocytes, basophilic granular haemocytes and basophilic agranular haemocytes. The eosinophilic granulocytes were vesicular and contained large granules whereas the basophilic granulocytes were found to contain small granules and glycogen 'lakes'. The basophilic agranular haemocytes were significantly smaller than the granular haemocytes and had a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio. Functional characterisation of the blood cells identified activity for the lysosomal enzymes: acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase, non-specific esterase and arylsulphatase. There was also a weak staining reaction for phenoloxidase and peroxidase activities. Phagocytosis of Gram-positive bacteria was demonstrated by the haemocytes and antibacterial activity was shown by cell-free haemolymph. Assays to determine release of reactive oxygen species from the haemocytes did not detect any reactive oxygen generation.  相似文献   

内脏团插核术刺激对三角帆蚌血细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii Lea)血细胞的类型及内脏团插核手术刺激对血细胞形态结构和数量的影响,研究利用相差显微镜、光学显微镜、透射电子显微镜和流式细胞仪对三角帆蚌血细胞进行了形态学研究。流式细胞术光散射图谱显示血细胞被分两类,一类为颗粒度高的大细胞,另外一类为颗粒度低的小细胞;相差显微镜观察显示,血细胞可分为胞体暗、折光性差和胞体明亮、折光性强的两类;Giemsa和H.E染色显示细胞分为胞质染色不均一、胞内颗粒明显和胞质染色均一、胞内颗粒不明显的两类;透射电镜超薄切片观察显示,颗粒明显的细胞胞质内线粒体、高尔基体等细胞器较丰富,颗粒不明显的细胞胞质内细胞器较少;负染结果表明血细胞主要分为表面不光滑、突起明显和细胞表面光滑、突起较不明显的两类。综合上述实验结果可见,三角帆蚌血细胞分为颗粒明显的细胞和颗粒不明显的透明细胞两大类。内脏团插核术刺激后,血细胞的形态和比例均发生显著变化。血细胞形态更多样,伪足状突起更明显,细胞内囊泡状物质增多,血细胞密度显著增高(PP<0.01)。研究表明,作为三角帆蚌免疫系统重要组成部分的血细胞,在插核手术后,其类型、形态结构和数量均产生明显变化,这是机体对外界刺激产生的免疫防御反应,其中颗粒细胞担负着主要的免疫功能。    相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans are identified in tissue sections by various histochemical techniques including staining with alcian blue and its analogues, such as cuprolinic blue and cupromeronic blue, or with high and low iron diamine methods. The variation in staining results is particularly confusing in the case of alcian blue, where not only are several different brands of alcian blue available but also several different staining protocols are used. If the results obtained by these techniques are compared, they often do not match. We have developed a dot blot technique for quality control of glycosaminoglycan histochemistry to standardize the staining protocols. This staining technique enables his-tochemists to test particular batches of alcian blue or its analogues for selective glycosaminoglycan staining, thus improving control of histochemical results. The results obtained using the dot blot assay indicate that it is necessary to test each batch of dye individually to obtain valid results in glycosaminoglycan histochemistry.  相似文献   

The morphology and functions of haemocytes from the haemolymph of the European oyster, Ostrea edulis, were analysed by flow cytometry on the basis of cellular structures and incorporation of fluorescent markers. O. edulis circulating haemocytes appear to be composed of one to three cell populations based on cell size and granularity, with many individual variations. Analysis of haemocytes after propidium iodide staining indicated that the majority of oyster haemocytes are alive after sampling. The phagocytic activity level of haemocytes was analysed using fluorescent beads and this cell activity varied greatly depending on the oysters. The use of 3,3'dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DIOC6) allowed the demonstration of several cell populations on the basis of labelled intensity. One to three cell sub-populations can be observed depending on the oysters. The haemocytes characterised by high granularity showed a strong fluorescence intensity related to high mitochondrial activity.  相似文献   

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