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本实验用小鼠血液淋巴细胞为核供体进行了核移植研究。用淋巴细胞分离液(比重1.088)分离出小鼠血液中的淋巴细胞,直接用作核移植供体细胞,采用胞质内注射法成功构建的重构胚经常规培养2h后,SrCl_2激活处理6h,然后添加mM16培养液和小鼠输卵管上皮细胞饲养层共培养。把发育至早期囊胚阶段的重构胚转移至小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上,添加ES细胞培养液继续培养。对孵化出的内细胞团进行消化,然后接种培养。结果显示,小鼠血液淋巴细胞可以支持体细胞核移植重构胚的发育,核移植重构胚2-细胞率41.03%(128/312),桑葚胚和囊胚发育率分别为9.29%(29/312),1.92%(6/312)。重构囊胚在小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上分离出2个内细胞团,分离率为0.64%(2/312)。实验证实利用小鼠血液淋巴细胞进行体细胞核移植是可行的,可用于深入研究。  相似文献   

本实验用小鼠血液淋巴细胞为核供体进行了核移植研究。用淋巴细胞分离液(比重1.088)分离出小鼠血液中的淋巴细胞,直接用作核移植供体细胞,采用胞质内注射法成功构建的重构胚经常规培养2h后,SrCl2激活处理6h,然后添加mM16培养液和小鼠输卵管上皮细胞饲养层共培养。把发育至早期囊胚阶段的重构胚转移至小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上,添加ES细胞培养液继续培养。对孵化出的内细胞团进行消化,然后接种培养。结果显示,小鼠血液淋巴细胞可以支持体细胞核移植重构胚的发育,核移植重构胚2-细胞率41.03%(128/312),桑葚胚和囊胚发育率分别为9.29%(29/312),1.92%(6/312)。重构囊胚在小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上分离出2个内细胞团,分离率为0.64%(2/312)。实验证实利用小鼠血液淋巴细胞进行体细胞核移植是可行的,可用于深入研究。  相似文献   

共培养体系在牛核移植胚体外发育培养中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电融合法构建牛体细胞核移植重构胚,分析共培养细胞类型、传代次数、细胞冻-融以及蛋白质添加物(BFF和FBS)对牛体细胞核移植胚体外发育的影响,探讨胚胎体外共培养的条件,以建立优化的共培养体系。结果表明与非共培养组相比,共培养组重构胚的囊胚发育率以及胚胎细胞数显著增加(P<0.05),而输卵管上皮细胞共培养组同颗粒细胞共培养组相比胚胎细胞数显著增加(P<0.05),更适合做共培养细胞;随着共培养细胞传代次数的增加重构胚囊胚发育率及胚胎细胞数显著下降(P<0.05),共培养细胞在冷冻处理后重构胚的囊胚率和胚胎细胞数都显著下降(P<0.05);BFF较FBS更能促进牛核移植胚的囊胚发育率(P<0.05)。表明应用新鲜原代输卵管上皮细胞进行牛核移植胚胎的共培养,并在SOFaa添加10?F能够有效促进核移植胚胎的体外发育。  相似文献   

体外培养的成年大熊猫骨骼肌细胞、子宫上皮细胞和乳腺细胞 ,分别作为供核细胞移植进入去核兔卵母细胞中以构建异种重构胚 .3种组织来源的体细胞在去核兔卵质中均可去分化、恢复全能性和替代合子核进行卵裂 ,并支持早期重构胚发育 .其中以乳腺细胞效果最好 ,子官上皮细胞次之 ,骨骼肌细胞最差 .对比实验表明 ,胞质直接注射法结合重构卵在体培养可比电融合法加体外培养方案获得更大比例的囊胚率 .染色体分析表明异种重构胚的核遗传物质来自大熊猫供体体细胞核 .线粒体DNA分析表明重构囊胚中存在有大熊猫线粒体 .这些结果初步说明 :( 1 )卵胞质使体细胞核去分化不具种特异性 ;( 2 )哺乳动物异种重构胚早期发育中 ,异种细胞核与细胞质之间是相容的 .  相似文献   

体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响,实验采用电融合法将小鼠2—细胞胚胎卵裂球、胚胎干细胞(ES)、胎儿成纤维细胞、耳成纤维细胞、尾尖成纤维细胞、睾丸支持细胞和精原细胞以及不同培养代次的胎儿成纤维细胞进行了核移植。结果显示:2—细胞胚胎卵裂球供核重构胚发育最好,囊胚率为7.4%;ES细胞重构胚虽然发育率低,但仍有囊胚出现,比例为0.7%;胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚最高发育阶段为桑椹胚,比例为0.2%;精原细胞重构胚只能发育到8-细胞阶段,比例为0.3%;其他几类细胞重构胚则仅能发育至4-细胞阶段。不同培养代数的胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚除第3代外都可发育到8-细胞阶段,且发育率差异不显著,但第一代细胞重构胚2-细胞发育率(40.7%)显著低于2、3和4代细胞重构胚。结果表明:不同分化程度的细胞核移植后,重新编程的难易程度是不一样的,分化程度越高则重新编程越难;未调整细胞周期的ES细胞由于多数处于S期,所以重构胚发育率很低;体外培养传代有利于体细胞核移植后重新编程。  相似文献   

本研究系统探讨了体细胞的组织来源及培养代数对猪核移植重构胚发育的影响。体外成熟培养40-44h的猪卵母细胞去核后,将经血清饥饿(0.5?s)培养2-9d、0.1mg/L Aphidicolin (APD)培养 0.5?S培养2-9d或一般培养法(10?S)培养的卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞、输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞,直接注射到去核的卵母细胞质中,或注射到卵周隙中。再经电融合(100V/mm,30μs,电脉冲1次)构建重构胚。重构胚以钙离子载体A23817或电脉冲结合6- DMAP激活处理,体外培养6天。耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经0.1mg/L APD 0.5?S培养处理后的重组胚卵裂率,均高于血清饥饿和一般培养处理的同种供体细胞(P<0.01)。卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞经0.1mg/L APD 0.5?S处理后进行核移植的分裂率和发育率均高于输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞(P<0.05)。以猪颗粒细胞为核供体时,电融合法的重构胚分裂率显著高于胞质内注入法(P<0.05),但囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。培养3代和6代的猪颗粒细胞以及培养6代和10代的耳皮成纤维细胞,其具有正常二倍染色体的细胞比例均无显著差异(P>0.05);以这2种细胞不同培养代数做供体进行核移植时,各代之间核移胚的体外分裂率、囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。这些结果表明:(1)猪耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经培养传代所建立起来的细胞系相对比较稳定;(2)0.1mg/L APD预培养处理供体细胞能提高猪体细胞核移植的效果,血清饥饿培养则无明显效果;(3)猪颗粒细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞等均可做供核细胞.核移植后都能得到体细胞克隆的囊胚,但前者的效果略优于后者,且其核移植效果不受供核细胞培养代数的影响;(4)电融合核移植胚胎的发育率高于胞质内直接注入法,但两者的总体效率相近。  相似文献   

不同供体细胞及其处理对猪核移植重构胚体外发育的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张德福  刘东  汤琳琳  王英  陈茵  王凯  王根林  LIN Cailu 《遗传》2007,29(2):211-217
系统探讨了体细胞的组织来源及培养代数对猪核移植重构胚发育的影响。体外成熟培养40~44 h的猪卵母细胞去核后, 将经血清饥饿(0.5%FBS)培养2~9天、0.1 mg/L Aphidicolin(APD)培养+0.5% FBS培养2~9天或一般培养法(10% FBS)培养的卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞、输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞, 直接注射到去核的卵母细胞质中, 或注射到卵周隙中, 再经电融合(100 V/mm, 30 [mu]s, 电脉冲1次)构建重构胚。重构胚以钙离子载体A23817 或电脉冲结合6-DMAP 激活处理, 体外培养6天。耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经0.1 mg/L APD + 0.5% FBS培养处理后的重组胚卵裂率, 均高于血清饥饿和一般培养处理的同种供体细胞(P<0.01)。卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞经0.1 mg/L APD + 0.5% FBS处理后进行核移植的分裂率和发育率均高于输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞(P<0.05)。以猪颗粒细胞为核供体时, 电融合法的重构胚分裂率显著高于胞质内注入法(P<0.05), 但囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。培养3代和6代的猪颗粒细胞以及培养6代和10代的耳皮成纤维细胞, 其具有正常二倍染色体的细胞比例均无显著差异(P>0.05); 以这2种细胞不同培养代数做供体进行核移植时, 各代之间核移胚的体外分裂率、囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。这些结果表明: (1) 猪耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经培养传代所建立起来的细胞系相对比较稳定; (2) 0.1 mg/L APD预培养处理供体细胞能提高猪体细胞核移植的效果, 血清饥饿培养则无明显效果; (3) 猪颗粒细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞等均可做供核细胞, 核移植后都能得到体细胞克隆的囊胚, 但前者的效果略优于后者, 且其核移植效果不受供核细胞培养代数的影响; (4) 电融合核移植胚胎的发育率高于胞质内直接注入法, 但两者的总体效率相近。  相似文献   

卵丘细胞核移植技术生产克隆牛犊   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
分别以短期培养的5头牛卵丘细胞(1~5 BCC)为细胞核供体, 共用1188枚体外成熟的去核卵母细胞构建了931枚重构胚(78.4%).体外培养后,763枚(82%)发育至2-细胞期,627枚(67.3%)发育至8-细胞期,最后获得囊胚275枚(29.5%).囊胚的平均细胞数为124±24.5 (n = 20).分析不同个体来源的卵丘细胞,同一个体卵丘细胞饥饿与否以及饥饿时间的长短、融合后核/质相容时间(融合到激活的时间长短)等因素对核移植效率的影响发现,5个个体的体细胞核移植囊胚率(14.1%,45.2%,27.3%,34.3% vs 1.5%)有显著差异(P<0.05).同一供体细胞饥饿与否(47.1% vs 44.4%)、饥饿11~12 d (52.5%)和18~19 d (41.6%)均不影响核移植囊胚率(P≥0.05).核/质相容2~3 h的囊胚率(20.3%)显著低于3~6 h组(31.0%,P<0.05). 3~6 h范围内,囊胚率无差异(P≥0.05).其中63枚冷冻的核移植囊胚解冻后移植给31头受体牛,妊娠4例,最后顺利获得2头克隆牛犊.结果表明,牛卵丘细胞饥饿不是核移植成功的关键因素,核质相容程度和供体细胞的个体差异对核移植效率有一定影响.卵丘细胞能够获得全程发育的克隆牛犊.  相似文献   

人-山羊异种核移植胚胎发育的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以体外分离培养的人胚胎成纤维细胞为核供体,经血清饥饿培养后,通过显微操作技术移入山羊去核卵母细胞中,采用化学方法激活重组胚.通过体外培养观察,2-细胞胚胎发育率可达51.33%,4-细胞发育率为31.42%,但发育至桑椹胚阶段的胚胎数目大大减少,仅为9.73%.虽然目前尚未能获得异种核移植囊胚,但实验结果说明山羊成熟卵母细胞可以支持人体细胞核完成重编程,人-山羊异种体细胞核移植重组胚可在体外完成其早期发育.  相似文献   

王二耀  于洋  李雪梅  焦丽红  周琪  王柳 《遗传》2007,29(2):218-224
利用显微注射和电融合的方法都可以成功地获得体细胞克隆小鼠, 由于电融合法操作耗时, 融合率低, 因而大多数克隆小鼠是采用注射方法。而注射法需要将供体细胞核从细胞中分离出来, 此分离操作有可能导致对DNA的损伤, 曾有人使用直径较粗的注射管进行完整的供体细胞注射, 这种方法操作相对简单而且对供体核没有损伤。为了研究这种方法在小鼠核移植中是否适用, 本实验使用完整的小鼠卵丘细胞作供体, 进行显微注射, 结果显示, 完整的卵丘细胞注入卵母细胞后, 无论在1小时或者6小时激活, 大部分的重构胚在2细胞期碎裂, 而去掉细胞膜的供体体细胞核注入卵母细胞后, 重构胚可以卵裂并进一步发育。卵母细胞去核后不注射供体也发生碎裂, 大部分的孤雌胚(不去核)在完整的卵丘细胞被注入后同样发生碎裂。在供体卵丘细胞刚破膜后即被注入卵胞质和供核被充分剥离后注入两种情况下获得的重构胚的体外发育中, 前者发育各期的比率显著低于后者。这些结果说明完整的卵丘细胞膜阻碍了卵胞质对体细胞核的重编程作用, 造成碎裂; 注入卵胞质的供体质膜和胞质成分影响了克隆胚的体外发育。  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells with the capacity to generate any type of cell. Here we describe the isolation of ES-like cells from canine blastocysts. Canine embryos were collected from beagle bitches at day 11-16 of first estrus. A total of 80 normal embryos were obtained from 15 dogs. Of the embryos, 13 were at the morulae stage, 39 at the blastocyst stage, and 28 at the hatched blastocyst stage. The inside of morulae or inner cell masses (ICMs) of blastocysts were isolated mechanically, and cultured onto mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) as feeder layers. Primary cell colonies were formed in 0% (0/13) of morulae, 25.6% (10/39) of blastocysts, and 67.9% (19/28) of hatched blastocysts. These colonies were separated either by enzymatic dissociation or by mechanical disaggregation. Dissociation with collagenase resulted in immediate differentiation, but with mechanical disaggregation these cells remained undifferentiated, and two ES-like cell lines (cES1, cES2) continued to grow in culture after eight passages. These cells had typical stem cell-like morphology and expressed specific markers such as alkaline phosphatase activity, stage specific embryonic antigen-1 and Oct-4. These cells formed embryoid bodies (EBs) in a suspension culture; extended culture of EBs resulted in the formation of cystic EBs. When the simple EBs were cultured on tissue culture plates, they differentiated into several types of cells including neuron-like, epithelium-like, fibroblast-like, melanocyte-like, and myocardium-like cells. These observations indicate that we successfully isolated and characterized canine ES-like cells.  相似文献   

未经休眠处理的体细胞用于异种核移植   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自“多莉”诞生以来,在全世界掀起了一场体细胞克隆的浪潮,许多体细胞克隆动物,如小鼠、山羊、牛、猪等纷纷问世。围绕体细胞克隆的供体细胞周期问题,学术界存在两种不同的观点,一是Wilmut等认为体细胞必须经过休眠处理,使细胞停滞在G0/G1期,或者采用以G0/G1期为主的活体细胞作为供体,这是克隆成功的关键,这一方面的报道已有很多。第二是Cibelli等认为不必对细胞作  相似文献   

Jang G  Park ES  Cho JK  Bhuiyan MM  Lee BC  Kang SK  Hwang WS 《Theriogenology》2004,62(3-4):512-521
This study was performed to investigate whether types and/or age of donor cells affect preimplantational embryo development and the incidence of apoptosis in bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos. Bovine fetal or adult ear fibroblasts were isolated, cultured in vitro and categorized into fresh or long-term cultured cells in terms of population doublings (PD): in fetal fibroblasts, <16 being considered fresh and >50 being long-term cultured; in adult ear fibroblasts, <16 being considered fresh and >30 being long-term cultured. Bovine oocytes from slaughterhouse ovaries were matured in TCM-199, enucleated and reconstructed by SCNT. The reconstructed oocytes were fused, chemically activated, and cultured in modified synthetic oviduct fluid (mSOF) at 39 degrees C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO(2) air for 7 days. The early development of SCNT embryos was monitored under a microscope and the quality of blastocysts was assessed by differential counting of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells and by apoptosis detection in blastomeres using a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated d-UTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay. As results, types and/or age of donor cells did not affect the rate of blastocyst formation and the number of ICM and TE cells. However, a significant increase in apoptotic blastomeres was observed in SCNT embryos reconstructed with long-term cultured fetal or adult ear fibroblasts compared to those in SCNT embryos derived from fresh fetal or adult ear fibroblasts. In conclusion, these results indicated that the long-term culture of donor cells caused increased the incidence of apoptosis in bovine SCNT embryos but did not affect the developmental competence and the cell number of blastocysts.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to establish a porcine cell line from blastocysts produced in vitro and to examine the developmental ability of nuclear transfer embryos reconstituted with the cells and enucleated mature oocytes. When hatched blastocysts were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with supplements, no colonies of embryo-derived cells were observed. In contrast, 56% of embryos that were attached to feeder layers of STO cells formed colonies in NCSU-23 with supplements. When the colonies were subcultured in the absence of feeder cells, a cell line with an epithelial-like cell morphology was obtained. This cell morphology was stable up to at least passage 30. Although no fused embryos were observed when a pulse of 100 V/mm was applied, the fusion rate increased significantly at 150 V/mm (28%) and 200 V/mm (64%). At 200 V/mm, 39% of fused embryos cleaved, but no embryos developed beyond the 3-cell stage. When cocultured with electro-activated oocytes, percentages of reconstructed embryos cleaved (65%) and developed to the 4-cell stage (23%) were significantly higher than percentages for those (cleavage: 38%; 4-cell stage: 3%) in the absence of activated oocytes. At 7 days after culture, one reconstructed embryo successfully developed to the blastocyst stage in the presence of activated oocytes. When green fluorescent protein-expressing cells and enucleated oocytes were fused and the fused embryos were cultured with electro-activated oocytes, 3 of 102 reconstructed embryos developed to the blastocyst stage. All of the blastocysts were positive for fluorescent green under ultraviolet light. The results of the present study indicate that a porcine cell line can be established from the hatched blastocyst and maintained in vitro for a long period, and that reconstructed embryos obtained by transferring the blastocyst-derived cells into enucleated oocytes have the ability to develop to the blastocyst stage in vitro.  相似文献   

昆明小鼠原核胚在不同培养液中的体外发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的优化昆明小鼠原核胚胎体外培养系统,提高胚胎发育率.方法小鼠经超排获得原核期胚胎,制备小鼠输卵管上皮共培养系统,使用M16、CZB和KSOM培养液进行体外培养,并对体内和体外发育的囊胚细胞计数.结果在KSOM和CZB中添加胎牛血清能显著提高胚胎囊胚发育率(14.71%对85.71%;6.45%对10.81%);输卵管上皮共培养可以提高胚胎的卵裂率和囊胚发育率,同时提高胚胎质量和同步发育,小鼠胚胎在KSOMFBS中囊胚发育率达85.19%,显著高于CZB和M16.结论在小鼠输卵管上皮共培养条件下,KSOMFBS能够很好支持昆明小鼠原核期胚胎体外发育.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) embryonic potential and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) segregation during preimplantation development. We generated bovine-ovine reconstructed embryos via iSCNT using bovine oocytes as recipient cytoplasm and ovine fetal fibroblast as donor cells. Chromosome composition, the total cell number of blastocyst and embryonic morphology were analyzed. In addition, mtDNA copy numbers both from donor cell and recipient cytoplasm were assessed by real-time PCR in individual blastocysts and blastomeres from 1- to 16-cell stage embryos. The results indicated the following: (1) cell nuclei of ovine fetal fibroblasts can dedifferentiate in enucleated bovine ooplasm, and the reconstructed embryos can develop to blastocysts. (2) 66% of iSCNT embryos had the same number of chromosome as that of donor cell, and the total cell number of iSCNT blastocysts was comparable to that of sheep parthenogenetic blastocysts. (3) RT-PCR analysis in individual blastomeres revealed that the ratio of donor cell mtDNA: recipient cytoplasm mtDNA remained constant (1%) from the one- to eight-cell stage. However, the ratio decreased from 0.6% at the 16-cell stage to 0.1% at the blastocyst stage. (4) Both donor cell- and recipient cytoplasm-derived mitochondria distributed unequally in blastomeres with progression of cell mitotic division. Considerable unequal mitochondrial segregation occurred between blastomeres from the same iSCNT embryos.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine whether in vitro produced porcine embryos can be used to establish an embryonic stem (ES) cell line. Porcine embryos were produced by in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization. Embryos at the 4-cell to blastocyst stages were cultured in an ES medium containing 16% fetal bovine serum with mouse embryonic fibroblasts as a feeder layer. It was found that ES-like colonies were derived only from blastocysts. When these ES-like colonies were separated in 0.25% trypsin-0.02% EDTA solution and cultured again, ES-like colonies were further observed in the subsequent culture until the fourth passage. The cells from ES-like colonies showed positive alkaline phosphatase activity. Some cells from the colonies differentiated into several types of cells in vitro when they were cultured in the medium without feeder layers and leukemin inhibitory factor. Embryoid bodies were also formed when the cells were cultured in a suspension status. These results indicate that porcine ES-like cells can be derived from in vitro produced porcine blastocysts and these ES-like cells are pluripotent. The culture system used in the present study is useful to isolate and culture ES cells from in vitro produced porcine embryos.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of genetic manipulation to the donor cell and different types of transgenic donor cells on developmental potential of bovine nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. Four types of bovine somatic cells, including granulosa cells, fetal fibroblasts, fetal oviduct epithelial cells and fetal ovary epithelial cells, were transfected with a plasmid (pCE-EGFP-Ires-Neo-dNdB) containing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and neomycin-resistant (Neor) genes by electroporation. After 14 days selection with 800 μg/mL G418, transgenic cell lines from each type of somatic cells were obtained. Nontransgenic granulosa cells and all 4 types of transgenic somatic cells were used as nuclear donor to produce transgenic embryos by NT. There was no significant difference in development rates to the blastocyst stage for NT embryos from transgenic and nontransgenic granulosa cells (44.6% and 42.8%, respectively), and transfer of NT embryos derived from transgenic and nontransgenic granulosa cells to recipients resulted in similar pregnancy rates on day 90 (19% and 25%, respectively). The development rates to the blastocyst stage of NT embryos were significantly different among different types of transgenic donor cells (P<0.05). Blastocyst rates from fetal oviduct epithelial cell and granulosa cell (49.1% and 44.6%, respectively) were higher than those from fetal fibroblast (32.7%) and fetal ovary epithelial cell (22.5%). These results suggest that (i) genetic manipulation to donor cells has no negative effect on in vitro and early in vivo developmental competence of bovine NT embryos and (ii) granulosa and fetal oviduct epithelial cells can be used to produce transgenic bovine NT embryos more efficiently. In addition, GFP can be used to select transgenic NT embryos as a non-invasive selective marker.  相似文献   

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