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外来植物入侵对土壤生物多样性和生态系统过程的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
随着科学家对生态系统地下部分的重视,评价外来植物入侵对土壤生态系统的影响成为当前入侵生态学领域的研究热点之一。本文综述了外来植物入侵对土壤微生物、土壤动物以及土壤碳、氮循环动态影响的研究,并探讨了其影响机制。已有的研究表明,植物入侵对土壤生物多样性及相关生态系统过程的影响均存在不一致的格局,影响机制也是复杂多样的。外来植物与土著植物凋落物的质与量、根系特征、物候等多种生理生态特性的差异可能是形成格局多样性和影响机制复杂性的最主要原因。今后,加强多尺度和多生态系统的比较研究、机制性研究、生物多样性和生态系统过程的整合性研究及土壤生态系统对植物入侵的反馈研究是评价外来植物入侵对土壤生态系统影响的发展趋势。  相似文献   

入侵植物根际土壤微生物是地下生态系统的重要组成部分。外来植物入侵到新的栖息地后能够促进其根际土壤微生物群落结构的演替、改变土壤理化性质, 强化微生物群落功能的发挥, 进而创造更适合外来植物生长的土壤微环境, 促进外来种的入侵进程。从外来入侵植物根际土壤微生物的研究方法、外来入侵植物对根际土壤微生物群落影响以及从地下生态学对外来植物入侵的影响等方面进行了综述。土壤微生物研究方法主要包括微生物计数法、微生物生理生化指标方法及分子技术 3 类; 入侵植物对根际土壤微生物的影响主要体现在对其生物量、多样性以及功能微生物菌群等方面。在今后的研究中, 应当注重对同一区域外来入侵植物和近缘本土种、及其伴生种的根际土壤微生物进行比较研究; 加强入侵植物根际微生物功能机理、环境因子与微生物间关联性的研究; 同时在研究方法上应注重传统方法与生物标记法及其与分子技术的结合。  相似文献   

【目的】高黎贡山生物多样性资源丰富,蕴藏着极高的生态系统服务价值,是中国重要的西南生态安全屏障。在气候变化和人类活动等影响下,高黎贡山正面临越来越多的外来植物入侵。明确外来入侵植物分布特征与生态系统服务重要区的空间对应关系,能够为高黎贡山外来入侵植物防控及生态安全屏障建设提供科学支撑。【方法】利用当量因子法,在3 km×3 km网格单元尺度下评估高黎贡山生态系统服务价值并进行重要性分级分区;以文献资料分析和实地调查相结合分析高黎贡山区域外来入侵植物的空间分布格局;利用Arcgis 10.2软件分析空间对应关系。【结果】高黎贡山生态系统服务重要性分为5级,单位面积价值量最高的生态系统类型为水系、阔叶林、针叶林、灌木林和灌草丛。外来入侵植物为59种,入侵等级为Ⅰ~Ⅴ级的物种分别有12、17、8、11和11种。除1级重要区外,其他区域均分布有外来入侵植物,其中3级和4级重要区(主要为灌木林地和耕地)分布的外来入侵植物的种类和数量最多。【结论】外来植物入侵威胁高黎贡山生态系统服务供给,亟需开展外来入侵植物系统调查评估以识别高等级入侵植物实施外来入侵植物差别化管控;陆生外来入侵植物应该成为高黎贡山外来入侵植物研究的重点;人工灌木林地和耕地作为高黎贡山外来入侵植物集聚区应该重点关注开展外来入侵植物防控。  相似文献   

红河流域的外来入侵植物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

红河流域的外来人侵植物   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

火与外来植物相互关系的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
入侵种对本地的生态系统和生物多样性均有不良的影响,严重的会造成物种的灭绝和生态系统的崩溃,这已在全球范围引起广泛关注.在植物外来种与火生态因子的作用研究中发现,火与外来种的关系随物种生物学特性、火作用的时间、频度、强度不同而不同,火有时会有效地抑制外来种的生长和入侵,有时会促进一些外来种的生长和入侵.反之,一些外来种会对火的产生起到积极的作用,一些外来种又会抑制火的发生.火作为控制入侵种的一种方法,经科学地运用,可对某些入侵种起到有效的控制作用.  相似文献   

外来入侵植物成灾的机制及防除对策   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:26  
外来入侵植物是指自然或人为地由原生态系统中引入到新生境的植物 ,会给新生境或其中的物种带来威胁。紫茎泽兰从缅甸自然进入云南 ,其原产地是墨西哥 ;水葫芦从墨西哥引进用作饲料 ,而大米草是从英国南海岸引入用于促淤护堤。 3种外来入侵植物给我国当地的生产、生活等带来了极大的威胁 ,破坏了生态系统 ,影响了生物的多样性。对它们的治理费用昂贵。其繁殖力、适应性和抗逆性极强 ,竞争力也极强或本身拥有化感特性或特殊器官 ,同时又耐瘠、耐污 ,并且在本地还缺乏有力的竞争生物和天敌 ,是 3种外来入侵植物势不可挡 ,扩散蔓延的成灾机制。致力于外来入侵植物的国家能力建设和综合治理是 3种外来入侵植物的防除对策  相似文献   

外来植物入侵已成为严重的环境和社会问题,了解外来植物的入侵机制是有效控制其入侵的前提。生物阻抗假说认为,入侵地本地植物群落中的许多生物因子及生物过程能够抵御外来植物入侵。但关于群落抵抗外来种入侵的主要机制,目前还没有确定的结论。本文综述了群落中物种功能特征的多样性以及与外来种功能特征的相似度、植物与动物、植物与植物以及植物与土壤微生物间的相互作用等因素对外来植物入侵的影响,以及以前研究存在的不足。未来研究应该注重不同条件下植物与植物间的相互作用;不同竞争强度下,植物与食草动物的相互作用;植物、动物及土壤微生物三者之间的相互作用对外来植物入侵的影响。这些研究不仅能够丰富和完善入侵生态学理论,而且对于预测外来植物未来的扩散范围,合理有效地管理生态系统,防止外来植物入侵,保护本地生物多样性具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

中国菊科植物外来种概述   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:37  
全面整理了中国菊科植物外来种,确认迄今为止共计有74属 148 种(含亚种),并根据外来种的类型和用途进行了归类,分析了菊科外来入侵种的生物学特性,中国菊科外来种引种原因和途径及对我国生态系统的影响,为全面研究我国外来种、消除外来入侵种提供参考。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对生态系统生产力的影响研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫宗平  仝川 《生态科学》2007,26(3):256-262
外来植物入侵已成为全球尺度生态系统面临的一个主要环境问题。分析和总结了外来植物入侵对于生态系统生物量、生产力和碳固定的影响以及主要的影响因素,多数研究结果显示外来植物入侵会增加生态系统生物量和生产力,并进而增加生态系统对于二氧化碳气体的固定,但也有些研究结果得出相反的结论;另外,造成增加或减少结果的成因也是复杂的。系统全面地研究外来植物入侵,特别是考虑到空间上异质性和入侵的时间尺度,在研究外来植物入侵对生态系统生物量、生产力以及碳固定的影响方面尤为重要。  相似文献   

Dominant plant species, or foundation species, are recognized to have a disproportionate control over resources in ecosystems, but few studies have evaluated their relationship to exotic invasions. Loss of foundation species could increase resource availability to the benefit of exotic plants, and could thereby facilitate invasion. The success of exotic plant invasions in sagebrush steppe was hypothesized to benefit from increased available soil water following removal of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), a foundation species. We examined the effects of sagebrush removal, with and without the extra soil water made available by exclusion of sagebrush, on abundance of exotic and native plants in the shrub steppe of southern Idaho, USA. We compared plant responses in three treatments: undisturbed sagebrush steppe; sagebrush removed; and sagebrush removed plus plots covered with “rainout” shelters that blocked winter-spring recharge of soil water. The third treatment allowed us to examine effects of sagebrush removal alone, without the associated increase in deep-soil water that is expected to accompany removal of sagebrush. Overall, exotic herbs (the grass Bromus tectorum and four forbs) were 3–4 times more abundant in shrub-removal and 2 times more abundant in shrub-removal + rainout-shelter treatments than in the control treatment, where sagebrush was undisturbed. Conversely, native forbs were only about half as abundant in shrub removal compared to control plots. These results indicate that removal of sagebrush facilitates invasion of exotic plants, and that increased soil water is one of the causes. Our findings suggest that sagebrush plays an important role in reducing invasions by exotic plants and maintaining native plant communities, in the cold desert we evaluated.  相似文献   

Biological invasions have significantly affected New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems. Most prominent are the effects of exotic mammals and plants, whereas few invertebrate invasions are known to have major effects on native ecosystems. Exceptions are the well-known cases of Vespula wasps in Nothofagus forest ecosystems and Eriococcus scale insects in Leptospermum shrublands. This limited impact is surprising because over 2000 exotic invertebrates have become established in New Zealand, among them many pests of exotic crop plants. The low impact of exotic invertebrates that invaded forests and other native ecosystems in New Zealand is in contrast to the situation in other parts of the world where many invertebrates have become important pests. We provide an overview of known invasions by exotic invertebrates in New Zealand, and explore in more detail several examples of invasive species, including herbivores, predators, parasitoids, decomposers and other groups in forests, grasslands, and other terrestrial ecosystems. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the comparative scarcity of such invasions that affect New Zealand?s indigenous ecosystems. There is a common view that New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems are inherently resistant to exotic invertebrate invaders, and there is some evidence to support this view. As a result of the high level of endemism in New Zealand?s flora, many native plants are phylogenetically distant from the host plants of many plant-feeding invaders. This provides some protection. Less host-specific plant-feeding insects, generalist predators, parasitoids and decomposers are less affected by such constraints, and these groups are perhaps more represented among the successful invaders of natural ecosystems. However, the shortage of studies on invader impacts on native species and ecosystems, compared with studies on economically important crops and production ecosystems, means that an unbiased comparison is not possible at this time. Furthermore, many invaders go through extended lag phases where their impacts are not easily noticed until they become more abundant and create more damage. Likewise, indirect effects of invaders, through more complex interactions in food webs, as well as impacts on ecosystem functions such as decomposition and pollination, are more subtle and difficult to detect without careful study. There is clearly a need for more research to determine more accurately which exotic invertebrates are already present, what their direct and indirect impacts are, and what generalisations and predictions about threats to native species and ecosystems are possible.  相似文献   

Numerous mechanisms are proposed to explain why exotic plants successfully invade natural communities. However, the positive effects of native engineers on exotic plant species have received less consideration. We tested whether the nutrient-rich soil patches created by a native ecological engineer (refuse dumps from the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis) increase the performance of exotic more than native plants. In a greenhouse experiment, individuals from several native and exotic species were planted in pots with refuse dumps (RDs) and non-nest soils (NNSs). Total plant biomass and foliar nutrient content were measured at the end of the experiment. We also estimated the cover of exotic and native plant species in external RDs from 54 field ant nests and adjacent areas. Greenhouse plants showed more biomass and foliar nutrient content in RDs than in NNS pots. Nevertheless, differences in the final mean biomass among RD and NNS plants were especially great in exotics. Accordingly, the cover of exotic plants was higher in field RDs than in adjacent, non-nest soils. Our results demonstrated that plants can benefit from the enhanced nutrient content of ant RDs, and that A. lobicornis acts as an ecosystem engineer, creating a substrate that especially increases the performance of exotics. This supports the fluctuating resource hypothesis as a mechanism to promote biological invasions, and illustrates how this hypothesis may operate in nature. Since ant nests and exotic plants are more common in disturbed than in pristine environments, the role of ant nests in promoting biological invasions might be of particular interest. Proposals including the use of engineer species to restore disturbed habitats should be planned with caution because of their potential role in promoting invasions.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌在外来植物入侵演替中的作用与机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外来植物入侵不仅是环境、经济和社会问题,也是一个生理学和生态学问题,尤其是入侵植物与本地植物、入侵植物和本地土壤生物之间的相互作用决定外来植物入侵程度。丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)作为土壤中一类极为重要的功能生物,在外来植物入侵演替过程中发挥多种不同作用。文章系统总结了AMF对入侵植物个体和群体的影响,入侵植物与本地植物竞争中AMF发挥的促进和抑制作用;探讨了AMF与入侵植物的相互作用关系,以及环境因子对AMF一入侵植物关系的影响:对AMF在外来植物入侵演替中的作用机制进行了讨论。旨在为探索控制生物入侵的新途径、为我国开展外来植物入侵研究与防控实践提供新思路。  相似文献   

Understanding the processes that lead to successful invasions is essential for the management of exotic species. We aimed to assess the comparative relevance of habitat (both at local and at regional scale) and plant features on the species richness of local canopy spiders of both indigenous and exotic species. In an oceanic island, Azores archipelago, we collected spiders in 97 transects belonging to four habitat types according to the degree of habitat disturbance, four types of plants with different colonisation origin (indigenous vs. exotic), and four types of plants according to the complexity of the vegetation structure. Generalised linear mixed models and linear regressions were performed separately for indigenous and exotic species at the local and regional landscape scales. At the local scale, habitat and plant origin explained the variation in the species richness of indigenous spiders, whereas exotic spider richness was poorly correlated to habitat and plant structure. The surrounding landscape matrix substantially affected indigenous spiders, but did not affect exotic spiders, with the exception of the negative effect exerted by native forests on the richness of exotic species. Our results revealed that the local effect of habitat type, plant origin and plant structure explain variations in the species richness observed at a regional scale. These results shed light on the mechanistic processes behind the role of habitat types in invasions, i.e., plant fidelity and plant structure are revealed as key factors, suggesting that native forests may act as physical barriers to the colonisation of exotic spiders.  相似文献   

Popp  Manuel R.  Kalwij  Jesse M. 《Plant Ecology》2021,222(4):421-432

Montane ecosystems are more prone to invasions by exotic plant species than previously thought. Besides abiotic factors, such as climate and soil properties, plant-plant interactions within communities are likely to affect the performance of potential invaders in their exotic range. The biotic resistance hypothesis predicts that high indigenous species richness hampers plant invasions. The biotic acceptance hypothesis, on the other hand, predicts a positive relationship between indigenous and exotic species richness. We tested these two hypotheses using observational data along an elevational gradient in a southern African biodiversity hotspot. Species composition data of indigenous and exotic plants were recorded in 20 road verge plots along a gradient of 1775–2775 m a.s.l. in the Drakensberg, South Africa. Plots were 2?×?50 m in size and positioned at 50 m elevational intervals. We found a negative correlation between indigenous and exotic richness for locations with poorly developed mineral soils, suggesting biotic resistance through competitive interactions. A strong positive correlation for plots with very shallow soils at high elevations indicated a lack of biotic resistance and the possibility of facilitating interactions in harsher environments. These results suggest that biotic resistance is restricted to the lower and mid elevations while biotic acceptance prevails in presence of severe abiotic stress, potentially increasing the risk of plant invasions into montane biodiversity hotspots.


The size of the local species pool (i.e., species surrounding a community capable of dispersal into that community) and other dispersal limitations strongly influence native plant community composition. However, the role that the local species pool plays in determining the invasibility of communities by exotic plants remains to be evaluated. We hypothesized that the richness and abundance of exotic species would be greater in C4‐dominated grassland communities if the local species pool included a larger proportion of exotic species. We also predicted that an increase in the exotic species pool would increase the invasibility of sites thought to be resistant to invasion (annually burned grassland). To test these hypotheses, study plots were established within two long‐term (>20 yr) fire experiments at a tallgrass prairie preserve in NE Kansas (USA). Study plots were surrounded by either a small pool of exotic species (small species pool (SSP) plots; six species) or a larger exotic species pool (large species pool (LSP) plots; 18 species). We found that richness and absolute cover of exotic species was significantly (P<0.001) lower (~70 and 90%, respectively) in annually burned compared to unburned plots, regardless of the size of the exotic species pool. As predicted, exotic species richness was higher (P<0.001) for LSP plots (3.9 per 250 m2) than for SSP plots (0.7 per 250 m2); however, absolute cover was unaffected by the size of the exotic species pool. In the absence of fire, plots with a LSP had four times as many exotic species than SSP plots. An increase in the local exotic species pool also increased the invasibility of annually burned grassland. Indeed, richness of exotic plant species in annually burned LSP plots did not differ from unburned plots with a SSP, indicating that a larger pool of exotic species countered the negative effects of fire. These findings have important implications for predicting how the invasion of plant communities may respond to human‐induced global changes, such as habitat fragmentation. Community characteristics or factors such as frequent fires in grasslands may impart resistance to invasions by exotic species in large, intact ecosystems. However, when a large pool of exotic species is present, frequent fire may not be sufficient to limit the invasions of exotic plants in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

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