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【目的】黄顶菊、三叶鬼针草和豚草是我国危害较严重的3种菊科入侵植物。了解3种菊科植物生长过程中土壤养分和酶活性的变化,可以为研究其入侵机制提供依据。【方法】在中国农业科学院植物保护研究所廊坊中试基地开展同质园实验,比较分析了黄顶菊、三叶鬼针草和豚草3种菊科入侵植物在幼苗期、旺盛生长期和生殖生长期根际土壤养分和酶活性的变化。【结果】3种外来菊科植物的生长时期对土壤养分和酶活性存在显著影响。3种外来植物入侵域的土壤速效磷、硝态氮含量以及磷酸酶活性随生长时期变化都表现出先升高后降低的趋势,均在旺盛生长期达到最大值。入侵域土壤速效磷和硝态氮含量的变化趋势与狗尾草明显不同。3种外来植物入侵降低了土壤速效钾含量,提高了土壤脲酶、磷酸酶活性。【结论】3种外来菊科植物的入侵改变了土壤养分和酶活性,创造出更有利于自身生长和繁殖的条件,以利于其进一步扩张。  相似文献   

生物入侵是当今世界各国发展的一大挑战。外来入侵物种已对各国经济造成了不同程度的影响, 中国也未能幸免。为了防止外来物种入侵, 减轻其对我国造成的影响, 国家环保总局先后于2003 年、2010 年及2014 年公布了3 批中国外来入侵物种名单。据统计, 中国公布的3 批外来物种名单中的外来入侵植物共29 种, 占半数以上, 其中菊科和禾本科植物合计20 种, 约占3 批外来入侵植物总种数的68.96%; 生活型为草本的植物最多, 占96.55%; 原产地为美洲的占93.10%。3 批外来入侵植物中62.07%的植物是非有意引入的, 现今已全部建立种群, 且在全国各地大范围扩散。  相似文献   

王鹏  黄娇  熊雪  龙凤  吴雨  王雯 《生物安全学报》2022,31(3):268-277
[目的]全面了解乐山地区的外来入侵植物现状,为乐山地区外来入侵植物的防控提供可行性建议对策,并为防控进展研究和预警机制的建立提供参考。[方法]通过实地调查、查阅文献和标本数据库分析乐山地区外来入侵植物情况,利用层次分析法建立乐山地区外来入侵植物的评估体系,评估所有外来入侵植物的风险值,并根据等级划分标准和风险值将外来入侵植物划分为5个风险等级(I~V级)。[结果]乐山地区入侵植物种类共109种,隶属38科86属。其中菊科17属20种,为最大优势科,豆科、苋科、茄科、禾本科次之,且草本植物占优。I级风险(恶性入侵)植物有10种,II级风险(严重入侵)的有11种,III级风险(局部入侵)的有13种,IV级风险(一般入侵)的有27种,其他48种(有待观察)为V级风险。中高危害风险的外来入侵植物共34种,隶属18科32属。[结论]乐山地区外来入侵植物种类繁多且危害风险高,基于上述入侵现状和风险等级提出了防控外来植物入侵的对策。  相似文献   

【目的】近年来,湖北省外来入侵植物数目和种类都呈现上升趋势,但该地区外来入侵植物编目的研究相对滞后,本研究试图填补这项空白,为湖北省外来入侵植物的防治和生态环境保护提供比较全面和准确的数据。【方法】通过查阅文献资料和个人观察,初步确定湖北省外来入侵植物的种类,再根据相关文献和实际野外调查排除不符合外来入侵植物定义的物种,最后确定湖北省外来入侵植物的原产地、生活型、引入途径等。【结果】湖北省外来入侵植物共有145种,隶属于41科,以菊科、豆科、苋科、茄科为主。原产地有8种来源,大部分外来入侵物种原产于北美洲(85种;占全部外来入侵物种的35.6%)。生活型以草本植物为主(134种;占全部外来入侵物种的75.3%)。引入途径有意引入、无意引入、自然传入,占比分别为56.0%、36.7%、7.3%。【结论】研究结果可用于湖北省外来入侵植物的防治,但是为了保证数据的准确性,应定期对湖北省外来入侵植物名录进行更新,以反映实际情况。  相似文献   

福建外来入侵植物初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经野外调查和整理分析文献资料,初步认定福建省外来入侵植物并已归化的种类约73种,分属于29科,其中菊科种类最多,有16种。从来源看,来自美洲的有59种,占80.82%。入侵植物中包括6种2003年国家环保总局公布的首批外来入侵物种。文中还对这些外来入侵植物的危害、入侵途径及其防治对策进行讨论。  相似文献   

广西桂林外来入侵植物调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过野外调查,并查阅相关文献资料,确定桂林市外来入侵植物69种,隶属22科53属。其中,菊科植物最多,有21种;禾本科、苋科次之,各9种。有的已被列为我国检疫性杂草,如意大利苍耳和假高粱等。此外,对这些外来入侵植物的原产地、生境类型、入侵途径及危害程度进行分析,并提出其防控建议。  相似文献   

云南菊科入侵植物入侵机制及其利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
植物入侵已对生物多样性、社会经济和人类健康造成了严重的威胁。云南由于地形复杂、气候和生态系统类型多样而成为植物入侵的重灾区。菊科是入侵植物中最多的一个科;但目前尚缺乏有关云南菊科入侵植物入侵机制和利用的报道。云南菊科入侵植物约有86种,入侵的主要机制:云南地形复杂,气候和生态系统类型多样,为入侵植物的生存提供了适宜的环境;同时,这些菊科入侵植物具有较强的繁殖能力和竞争能力、多样化的生态对策及丰富的化感物质,且其天敌缺乏等。这些因素的综合作用使很多菊科外来植物成功入侵云南。综合利用是治理入侵植物的一种有效措施。云南菊科入侵植物资源丰富,产量高,在医药、饲料、工业原料等方面具有一定的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

为了解长春地区入侵植物分布规律及其影响因子,对长春地区入侵植物种类组成和植物区系进行了研究。结果表明:长春地区共有外来入侵植物85种,隶属于26科64属,其中4种为有害检疫杂草;菊科、苋科、禾本科、豆科和茄科构成了长春市入侵植物的主体,其中以菊科(18种)为最多,占总种数的21.18%;草本植物共81种,占95.29%,说明草本植物比木本植物对长春地区更具有入侵性;长春地区入侵植物区系成分复杂,入侵植物科的区系类型主要为世界分布;入侵属的分布区系类型是世界分布占优势,其次为北温带和泛热带分布。根据入侵现状,本文对长春地区防范外来植物入侵提出了建议。  相似文献   

【目的】随着国际农产品贸易的发展,外来杂草入侵我国的形势越来越严峻。对惠州口岸进境粮谷外来杂草进行调查与监测,能够为惠州口岸进境粮谷检疫监管工作提供参考。【方法】通过实地调查、监测,对惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来入侵杂草的种类组成、分布、生活型、原产地、入侵途径和危害程度进行了分析。【结果】惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来杂草有12科28种,其中,检疫性杂草有4种。在外来入侵杂草中,菊科植物种类最多,生活型以一年生草本为主;原产地以美洲为主,主要以无意引入,有7种杂草较严重危害当地生态环境。【结论】首次调查和总结了惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来入侵杂草的名单和类别,提出了外来杂草口岸防控的建议。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵植物的等级划分与地理分布格局分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于文献报道、野外调查、标本记录和必要的分类学考证, 整理出我国外来入侵植物72科285属515种。根据外来入侵种的生物学与生态学特性、自然地理分布、入侵范围以及所产生的危害, 将其划分为5类: 即恶性入侵类(34种)、严重入侵类(69种)、局部入侵类(85种)、一般入侵类(80种)和有待观察类(247种)。通过地理分布格局分析, 中国外来入侵植物主要分布在我国西南及东部沿海地区, 并进一步扩散到内陆各省。中国外来入侵等级划分和地理分布格局可以作为外来入侵植物风险防范和管理的依据。本工作提供我国外来入侵植物的本底资料的同时, 还对主要外来入侵植物的管理提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

Biological invasions are ecologically and economically costly. Understanding the major mechanisms that contribute to an alien species becoming invasive is seen as essential for limiting the effects of invasive alien species. However, there are a number of fundamental questions that need addressing such as why some communities are more vulnerable to invasion than others and, indeed, why some alien species become widespread and abundant. The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) is widely evoked to explain the establishment and proliferation of an alien species. ERH predicts that an alien species introduced to a new region should experience a decrease in regulation by natural enemies which will lead to an increase in the distribution and abundance of the alien species. At the centre of this theory is the assumption that natural enemies are important regulators of populations. Additionally, the theory implies that such natural enemies have a stronger regulatory effect on native species than they do on alien species in the introduced range, and this disparity in enemy regulation results in increased population growth of the alien species. However, empirical evidence for the role of the ERH in invasion success is lacking, particularly for invertebrates. Many studies equate a reduction in the number of natural enemies associated with an alien species to release without studying population effects. Further insight is required in relation to the effects of specific natural enemies on alien and native species (particularly their ability to regulate populations). We review the role of ecological models in exploring ERH. We suggest that recent developments in molecular technologies offer considerable promise for investigating ERH in a community context.  相似文献   

The herbivore load (abundance and species richness of herbivores) on alien plants is supposed to be one of the keys to understand the invasiveness of species. We investigate the phytophagous insect communities on cabbage plants (Brassicaceae) in Europe. We compare the communities of endophagous and ectophagous insects as well as of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera on native and alien cabbage plant species. Contrary to many other reports, we found no differences in the herbivore load between native and alien hosts. The majority of insect species attacked alien as well as native hosts. Across insect species, there was no difference in the patterns of host range on native and on alien hosts. Likewise the similarity of insect communities across pairs of host species was not different between natives and aliens. We conclude that the general similarity in the community patterns between native and alien cabbage plant species are due to the chemical characteristics of this plant family. All cabbage plants share glucosinolates. This may facilitate host switches from natives to aliens. Hence the presence of native congeners may influence invasiveness of alien plants.  相似文献   

Aim We use data from 13 mountain regions and surrounding lowland areas to identify (1) the origins, traits and cultural uses of alien plant species that establish in mountains, (2) the alien species that are most likely to be a threat and (3) how managers might use this information to prevent further invasions. Location Australia, Canada, Chile, India, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, USA. Methods Lists of alien species were compiled for mountains and their surrounding or nearby lowlands. Principal co‐ordinates analysis was performed on a matrix of similarities created using presence/absence data for alien species. The significance of differences between means for (1) similarity metrics of lowland and mountain groups and (2) species traits of lowland and mountain alien floras was determined using t‐tests. In seven of the 13 mountain regions, lists of alien species undergoing management were compiled. The significance of differences between proportions of traits for species requiring and not requiring management input was determined with chi‐square tests. Results We found that the proximal lowland alien flora is the main determinant of a mountain region’s alien species composition. The highest similarities between mountain floras were in the Americas/Pacific Region. The majority of alien species commonly found in mountains have agricultural origins and are of little concern to land managers. Woody species and those used for ornamental purposes will often pose the greatest threat. Main conclusions Given the documented potential threat of alien species invading mountains, we advise natural resource managers to take preventive measures against the risk of alien plant invasion in mountains. A strategy for prevention should extend to the surrounding lowland areas and in particular regulate the introduction of species that are already of management concern in other mountains as well as climatically pre‐adapted alien mountain plants. These may well become more problematic than the majority of alien plants currently in mountains.  相似文献   

搞清楚中国外来植物种类有哪些, 从哪里来, 如何进入中国, 属于什么性质的类群, 它们的生物学特征和生态学特性如何等问题, 是中国外来入侵植物预防和预警机制研究的重要基础。《中国植物志》、Flora of China、各省级植物志书等记载的外来植物信息由于种种原因非常有限, 且目前我国尚没有完整体现中国外来植物信息的数据库。本文通过整合近几年外来植物相关的资料, 并通过文献考证增补外来植物原产地、习性等信息, 利用计算机网络、数据库及大数据分析技术手段, 经信息化处理和分类学校正, 进行分类体系重建, 最终确定中国外来植物的物种名录数据集。该数据集共有数据14,710条, 记载中国外来植物283科3,233属14,710个类群(含13,401原种332杂交种2嵌合体458亚种503变种14变型)。每个类群包括类别、中文科名、科名、中文属名、属名、中文名、别名、学名、命名人、生存状态、生存时间、生活型、原产国家或地区和中国引入省份等基础信息。数据集显示, 外来植物已在中国的植物种类构成中占据了相当大的比例(高达28.19%, 中国境内有维管植物52,177个类群, 其中本土37,464, 外来14,710, 上述数字包含种下等级, 统计截至2021年12月31日); 就生存状态而言, 栽培植物占所有外来植物的比例高达91%, 逃逸植物占7.36%, 归化植物占6.69%, 入侵植物占2.66%; 对于生活型的分析显示, 多年生类群占据了外来植物的绝大多数(13,625种, 约占总数的92.6%), 草本植物(8,937种, 约占总数的60.8%)相较于乔木(2,752种, 约占总数的18.7%)、灌木(4,916种, 约占总数的33.4%)及其他生活型数量要更多; 中国的外来植物大多来自北美洲(4,242种)、非洲(3,707种)、南美洲(3,645种)、亚洲(3,102种), 欧洲(1,690种)和大洋洲(1,305种)相对较少; 而中国具有外来植物最多的前10个省份分别为台湾(6,122种)、北京(5,244种)、福建(3,667种)、广东(3,544种)、云南(3,404种)、上海(2,924种)、江苏(2,183种)、江西(1,789种)、浙江(1,658种)和湖北(973种)。本数据集是第一次对中国外来植物进行全面系统整理, 可供从事外来植物相关研究工作参考, 也可作为植物多样性研究的基础资料, 还可作为农业、林业、草业、园林、草药及自然保护和环境保护人士及高等院校师生的参考数据。  相似文献   

Invasion by alien organisms is a common worldwide phenomenon, and many alien species invade native communities. Invasion by alien species is especially likely to occur on oceanic islands. To determine how alien species become integrated into island plant–insect associations, we analyzed the structure of tree–beetle associations using host plant records for larval feeding by wood-feeding beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on the oceanic Ogasawara Islands in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The host plant records comprised 109 associations among 28 tree (including 8 alien) and 26 cerambycid (including 5 alien) species. Of these associations, 41.3% involved at least one alien species. Most native cerambycid species feed on host trees that have recently died. Alien trees were used by as many native cerambycid species (but by significantly more alien cerambycid species) as were native trees. Native cerambycid species used as many alien tree species (but significantly more native tree species) as did alien cerambycids. Thus, we observed many types of interactions among native and alien species. A network analysis revealed a significant nested structure in tree–cerambycid associations regardless of whether alien species were excluded from the analysis. The original nested associations on the Ogasawara Islands may thus have accepted alien species.  相似文献   

Small algae are the trophic basis in both marine and freshwater ecosystems. The identification of tiny microorganisms and place of their origin is laborious but necessary. This paper consists of a literature review of 17 species of planktonic algae, with a discussion of taxonomic problems. We also clarify whether these 17 species are non-native, invasive or cryptogenic species, with an indication whether they had been recognised as ‘alien’ in Europe. According to our observations, areas colonized by small and alien algal species, were anthropogenically altered. There were: systems with heated waters (‘heated islands’), which imitated tropical conditions; highly eutrophic to hypereutrophic water ecosystems, easily colonized by alien species, fishponds with intense fish cultivation, where alien species of fish are/had been introduced, which carried also other alien organisms; and inland water ecosystems with high salinity or high conductivity e.g. pits inundated by mine waters, imitating sea or brackish conditions acting as hubs of migration of alien species adapted to brackish or saline waters. We have prepared a map showing areas inhabited by alien species, both of documented places and hypothetical ones, where we would expect alien species to occur.  相似文献   

Most of the Chilean traffic exchange takes place along the border with Argentina. The road network between both countries facilitates the transport of alien plant species, raising the chance of new introductions of plant species and increasing the propagule pressure of already introduced plants. We used a modified version of the Australian Weed Risk Assessment method (AWRA) to analyze if alien plant species already present either exclusively in Chile or Argentina can be a potential source of risk for new alien species introduction and, specifically, which of the two countries poses a higher risk for its counterpart. We recorded 875 alien species of which 288 are exclusive to Chile, 283 are exclusive to Argentina, and 304 are shared by both countries. Considering the risk of new alien plants introductions, Chile presents a higher threat to Argentina than vice versa. Specifically, twenty-two alien species are exclusive to Chile, and are present on roadsides connecting both countries, hence they are regarded as a top risk for Argentina; a comparable top risk of alien species is absent from Argentinean roadsides. Both countries have a similar number of alien species being exclusive to one country, but are not present along roadsides (Chile 162; Argentina 186), which could represent a potential risk to the other country. The methodological approach proposed here may be a useful tool not only for screening potential new alien plant introductions, but also for the prioritization of eradication or control measures of those species already introduced.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of alien species richness often correlates positively with native species richness, and reflects the role of human density and activity, and primary productivity and habitat heterogeneity, in facilitating the establishment and spread of alien species. Here, we investigate the relationship between the spatial distribution of alien bird species, human density, and anthropogenic and natural environmental conditions. Next, we examined the relationship between the spatial distribution of alien bird species and native bird species richness. We examined alien species richness as a response variable, using correlative analyses that take spatial autocorrelation into account. Further, each alien bird species was examined as a response variable, using logistic regression procedures based on binary presence–absence data. A combination of human density and natural habitat heterogeneity best explained the spatial distribution of alien species richness. This contrasts with the results for individual alien species and with previous studies on other non-native taxa showing the importance of primary productivity and anthropogenic habitat modification as explanatory variables. In general, native species richness is an important correlate of the spatial distribution of alien species richness and individual alien species, with alien species being more similar to common species than to rare species.  相似文献   

伊洛河流域外来草本植物分布格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
外来生物入侵及其防治已经成为生态学关注的重点和热点问题.目前的研究主要集中在外来入侵种上,然而入侵种仅占外来种中很少一部分,因此,研究外来种现有分布格局对研究生物入侵及其防治有重要意义.以伊洛河流域草本植物群落中的外来种为对象,沿河从河源地到入黄河口选取典型样地,在调查流域内草本植物群落中物种组成的基础上选取外来种,并对外来种种类组成及其分布格局进行研究.结果表明:流域内有外来草本植物27种,分属于15科,种类较多的科为菊科、苋科和豆科;引入方式以有意引种为主.流域横向不同生境间,河滩地在水流的养分富集、季节性洪水物理干扰及人为活动扰动作用下,呈现出受外来种分布较多,而受人类活动扰动最强且营养丰富的农田分布较小的分布格局;纵向环境梯度下,上游河源山地属于自然植被区,人为干扰较轻,且受外来种影响较小;中游丘陵区从自然生态系统向农业生态系统的过渡区域,人类活动的扰动有所加强;下游平原农业区,人类活动强烈,区域内以人工生态系统为主,群落物种组成简单但受外来种影响最大,受自然环境和人类活动的双重影响.不同物种在不同生境间差异明显,其中,小蓬草、钻叶紫菀和反枝苋广泛分布于3种生境中.总体上,伊洛河外来草本植物分布格局在自然因素的基础上强烈受人为因素的影响,呈现出从上游到下游逐渐增多的趋势.  相似文献   

There are currently 1590 terrestrial arthropod species identified as alien to Europe. Of these, 513 are predators or parasites. The largest group is the insects (409 species), followed by spiders (47 species), myriapods (34 species) and mites (23 species). The species within these alien groupings are extremely diverse, as highlighted by the large number of families represented (115 families). The majority (66.1%) of alien arthropod predator and parasite species arrived unintentionally, but at least 174 (33.9%) have been introduced intentionally, mainly for biological control purposes. Assessment of the major invasion pathways is difficult due to the lack of comprehensive information but it is likely that the majority of predatory or parasitic alien arthropods arrive through leading-edge dispersal or as contaminants and stowaways. The number of new species arriving in Europe has progressively increased since 1500, with the increase in global trade over the last century accelerating this rate of increase. Only a small number of alien predatory and parasitic arthropods in Europe have been shown to cause either an ecological or economical impact, yet knowledge is severely limited by a paucity of data.  相似文献   

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