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外来植物入侵已成为严重的环境和社会问题,了解外来植物的入侵机制是有效控制其入侵的前提。生物阻抗假说认为,入侵地本地植物群落中的许多生物因子及生物过程能够抵御外来植物入侵。但关于群落抵抗外来种入侵的主要机制,目前还没有确定的结论。本文综述了群落中物种功能特征的多样性以及与外来种功能特征的相似度、植物与动物、植物与植物以及植物与土壤微生物间的相互作用等因素对外来植物入侵的影响,以及以前研究存在的不足。未来研究应该注重不同条件下植物与植物间的相互作用;不同竞争强度下,植物与食草动物的相互作用;植物、动物及土壤微生物三者之间的相互作用对外来植物入侵的影响。这些研究不仅能够丰富和完善入侵生态学理论,而且对于预测外来植物未来的扩散范围,合理有效地管理生态系统,防止外来植物入侵,保护本地生物多样性具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

外来入侵植物不仅影响植物群落组成、生物多样性以及生态系统的结构和功能, 而且显著影响土壤氮(N)的转化过程。外来入侵植物对N循环影响的研究已成为入侵生态学的研究热点。N循环与凋落物的分解和养分释放有关, 外来入侵植物能够改变凋落物的组成与结构, 进而影响土壤的N转化过程。另外, 外来入侵植物的化感作用也会影响土壤N转化过程, 这些作用与土壤微生物的结构与功能变化密不可分。该文主要从凋落物分解与养分释放及外来入侵植物化感作用两个方面综述了外来入侵植物对土壤N转化的影响, 总结了外来入侵植物对土壤N转化相关土壤微生物(尤其是氨氧化细菌与氨氧化古菌)的影响, 探讨了土壤N转化对外来植物入侵的反馈, 并探讨了丛植菌根真菌与外来入侵植物的互相影响。  相似文献   

外来入侵植物不仅影响植物群落组成、生物多样性以及生态系统的结构和功能, 而且显著影响土壤氮(N)的转化过程。外来入侵植物对N循环影响的研究已成为入侵生态学的研究热点。N循环与凋落物的分解和养分释放有关, 外来入侵植物能够改变凋落物的组成与结构, 进而影响土壤的N转化过程。另外, 外来入侵植物的化感作用也会影响土壤N转化过程, 这些作用与土壤微生物的结构与功能变化密不可分。该文主要从凋落物分解与养分释放及外来入侵植物化感作用两个方面综述了外来入侵植物对土壤N转化的影响, 总结了外来入侵植物对土壤N转化相关土壤微生物(尤其是氨氧化细菌与氨氧化古菌)的影响, 探讨了土壤N转化对外来植物入侵的反馈, 并探讨了丛植菌根真菌与外来入侵植物的互相影响。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对陆地生态系统地下碳循环及碳库的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫宗平  仝川 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4440-4450
生物入侵是当今全球性重大环境问题之一, 是全球变化的主要研究内容.评价外来植物入侵对于生态系统影响的研究多集中在地上部分,对于生态系统地下部分影响的研究相对较少.陆地生态系统地下部分对于生态系统过程的重要性之一体现在它处于生态系统碳分配过程的核心环节.入侵种通过影响群落凋落物的输入数量、质量以及输入时间,影响到对于土壤的碳输入,而入侵种与土著种根系的差异以及入侵种对微生物群落的影响是造成土壤呼吸强度发生变化的主要因素,前者土壤呼吸强度一般比后者高.多数研究表明外来植物入侵对生态系统地下碳循环和碳库产生影响,但由于入侵植物种类较多以及研究地点环境条件的不同,关于外来植物入侵对于土壤碳库和土壤有机碳矿化影响的研究结论并不统一.最后,提出了今后该研究领域应加强的一些建议和方向.  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对本地生物多样性、生态安全、社会经济发展和人类健康造成了严重威胁。因此, 探究植物入侵机制及其生态效应对我国生态可持续发展具有重要意义, 也是植物入侵生态学的主要研究内容。过去10年, 生态学家开展了大量研究, 取得了丰硕成果, 为推动入侵植物防控与生物多样性保护提供了理论指导。为深入解析外来植物入侵机制, 为其防控管理提供依据, 本文从以下3个方面综述了植物入侵生态学重要进展: 首先是外来植物生物学特性、生物和非生物环境对植物入侵的调控作用; 其次是外来植物入侵对本地生态系统的影响; 最后介绍了外来植物入侵的类比研究范式——本地植物入侵, 以及多组学技术在入侵生态学研究中的应用。基于这些研究进展, 本文展望了该领域的未来发展趋势, 包括: (1)研究对象从单一物种扩展到多物种比较; (2)研究地理范围从局域尺度扩大到纬度梯度格局; (3)入侵机制从单一理论验证到综合阐释多个假说。  相似文献   

植物入侵是最严重的全球问题之一,严重破坏生态系统的结构和功能。随着植物入侵现象日益严峻,要控制和解决外来植物入侵问题,了解和掌握植物入侵机制尤为重要。本文概述了植物入侵的多种机制及不同机制间的协同作用,阐述了植物入侵过程中的化感作用、植物-土壤反馈机制、互惠共生关系,以及植物功能性状和表型可塑性对入侵过程的影响,并对多种机制协同与植物入侵轨迹的关系进行综合分析。根据分析结果将外来植物在侵入地的入侵时间轨迹分为引入、定植、建立和侵入4个阶段,把遇到的各种阻碍和促进因素融入其中,提出外来植物入侵曲线图,有助于未来对入侵植物及其影响的研究和管理。对现有的植物入侵研究方法进行分析,提出现阶段研究的不足以及未来的研究方向和目标。  相似文献   

入侵植物根际土壤微生物是地下生态系统的重要组成部分。外来植物入侵到新的栖息地后能够促进其根际土壤微生物群落结构的演替、改变土壤理化性质, 强化微生物群落功能的发挥, 进而创造更适合外来植物生长的土壤微环境, 促进外来种的入侵进程。从外来入侵植物根际土壤微生物的研究方法、外来入侵植物对根际土壤微生物群落影响以及从地下生态学对外来植物入侵的影响等方面进行了综述。土壤微生物研究方法主要包括微生物计数法、微生物生理生化指标方法及分子技术 3 类; 入侵植物对根际土壤微生物的影响主要体现在对其生物量、多样性以及功能微生物菌群等方面。在今后的研究中, 应当注重对同一区域外来入侵植物和近缘本土种、及其伴生种的根际土壤微生物进行比较研究; 加强入侵植物根际微生物功能机理、环境因子与微生物间关联性的研究; 同时在研究方法上应注重传统方法与生物标记法及其与分子技术的结合。  相似文献   

土壤动物是土壤生态系统中十分活跃的生物类群之一,也是城市草坪生态系统的重要组成部分。由于外来植物白三叶入侵,草坪土壤动物可能受到直接或间接的影响,进而改变城市草坪生态系统功能及过程。研究白三叶入侵对城市草坪生态系统土壤动物的影响,可为进一步了解外来植物入侵机制及城市草坪的建植养护提供理论依据。采用野外调查的试验方法对4种不同入侵程度下城市草坪的土壤动物群落特征和土壤理化性质进行了研究。结果如下:4种不同入侵程度的草坪样地共捕获土壤动物30099只,隶属于19目43科,其中小杆科、线蚓科和跳虫科为优势类群;土壤动物个体数量和类群数量整体表现为中度入侵 > 轻度入侵 > 对照 > 重度入侵,符合中度干扰假说;土壤动物个体数量和类群数量的季节动态主要表现为夏秋较高,冬春较低。CCA分析显示,土壤理化因子中铵态N对土壤动物影响相对较小,可能与白三叶改善了草坪土壤的供N水平并使其不成为土壤动物分布的限制因子有关;同时,土壤理化因子对土壤动物优势类群影响较小,而主要影响常见和稀有类群。总体而言,一定程度的白三叶入侵增加了土壤动物群落的多样性,但当达到重度入侵时,白三叶形成单优群落,减少了植物多样性,进而使土壤动物可获得的生活资源减少,土壤动物群落多样性呈下降趋势;白三叶入侵后通过改变土壤理化性质,影响到土壤动物常见和稀有类群,并最终改变草坪土壤动物的群落结构。  相似文献   

基质有效性调节加拿大一枝黄花入侵对土壤呼吸的抑制作用 外来植物入侵不仅会降低河边近岸湿地生态系统植被多样性,而且会改变湿地生态系统的地下碳过程。外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis L.)已广泛入侵我国东南部地区,但加拿大一枝黄花入侵对入侵地生态系统地下土壤碳循环过程的影响却知之甚少。本研究通过野外原位观测实验和温室模拟入侵实验,探究外来植物加拿大一枝黄花入侵对入侵地土壤呼吸的影响规律及其驱动因素。野 外原位观测实验开展于2018年7月21日至12月15日,期间每周测定样地土壤呼吸。温室模拟入侵实验开展于2019年7月15日至12月15日,期间每月1日与15日上午测定土壤呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸。土壤呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸通过静态箱结合深埋根系隔离法测定。野外原位观测实验和温室模拟入侵实验结果均显示,加拿大一枝黄花的入侵降低了土壤二氧化碳的排放通量。加拿大一枝黄花入侵对土壤呼吸的抑制作用可能归因于其入侵引起的土壤可利用底物质量与数量的变化,表明外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花可通过改变植物释放基质以及与本地植物和/或土壤微生物争夺土壤有效基质而影响土壤碳循环。这些研究结果对于评估外来入侵植物对入侵地地下碳动态的影响以及对全球变暖的贡献具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵生物的空间分布格局及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
不同地理区域影响生物分布格局的因子不同,对外来入侵物种也是如此。在区域尺度上分析外来入侵生物的空间分布格局及其影响因子对预测生物入侵的影响及入侵种的控制管理具有重要意义。本研究应用中国外来入侵物种数据库、自然环境数据库和社会人文环境数据库,分析了我国外来入侵动植物的空间格局;并运用主成分分析(PCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)探讨了自然环境和人类活动等因素对外来入侵动植物分布格局的影响;同时研究了外来入侵物种多样性与本地物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明,我国现有外来入侵动物138种、入侵植物384种,其数量和密度都呈现出由东南沿海向西北内陆减少的趋势,且入侵动物和入侵植物空间格局基本一致;降水(MAP)是决定我国外来入侵动植物分布格局的主要自然环境因子,国民生产总值(GDP)是主要社会经济影响因子。在全国尺度上,外来入侵物种多样性与本地物种多样性之间呈显著的正相关关系,但地域间存在较大差异。不同区域外来入侵物种与本土物种多样性的相关关系表现出不同,与研究尺度有密切关系。  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying the impacts of exotic plant invasions   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Although the impacts of exotic plant invasions on community structure and ecosystem processes are well appreciated, the pathways or mechanisms that underlie these impacts are poorly understood. Better exploration of these processes is essential to understanding why exotic plants impact only certain systems, and why only some invaders have large impacts. Here, we review over 150 studies to evaluate the mechanisms underlying the impacts of exotic plant invasions on plant and animal community structure, nutrient cycling, hydrology and fire regimes. We find that, while numerous studies have examined the impacts of invasions on plant diversity and composition, less than 5% test whether these effects arise through competition, allelopathy, alteration of ecosystem variables or other processes. Nonetheless, competition was often hypothesized, and nearly all studies competing native and alien plants against each other found strong competitive effects of exotic species. In contrast to studies of the impacts on plant community structure and higher trophic levels, research examining impacts on nitrogen cycling, hydrology and fire regimes is generally highly mechanistic, often motivated by specific invader traits. We encourage future studies that link impacts on community structure to ecosystem processes, and relate the controls over invasibility to the controls over impact.  相似文献   

15N自然丰度法在陆地生态系统氮循环研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着氮沉降的不断增加以及人们对全球变化问题的日益关注, 稳定同位素技术在全球变化研究中得到广泛的应用。因为植物和土壤的氮同位素组成记录了氮循环影响因子的综合作用, 并且具有测量简单以及不受取样时间和空间限制的优点, 所以氮同位素自然丰度法被用于氮循环的研究中。该文从氮循环过程中植物和土壤的氮分馏入手, 总结国内外相关文献, 阐述了植物和土壤氮自然丰度在预测生态系统氮饱和和氮循环长期变化趋势中的应用; 总结了利用树轮δ 15N法研究氮循环过程中应该注意的事项以及目前尚未解决的问题。  相似文献   

Effects of Exotic Plant Invasions on Soil Nutrient Cycling Processes   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:38  
Although it is generally acknowledged that invasions by exotic plant species represent a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem stability, little attention has been paid to the potential impacts of these invasions on nutrient cycling processes in the soil. The literature on plant–soil interactions strongly suggests that the introduction of a new plant species, such as an invasive exotic, has the potential to change many components of the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), water, and other cycles of an ecosystem. I have reviewed studies that compare pool sizes and flux rates of the major nutrient cycles in invaded and noninvaded systems for invasions of 56 species. The available data suggest that invasive plant species frequently increase biomass and net primary production, increase N availability, alter N fixation rates, and produce litter with higher decomposition rates than co-occurring natives. However, the opposite patterns also occur, and patterns of difference between exotics and native species show no trends in some other components of nutrient cycles (for example, the size of soil pools of C and N). In some cases, a given species has different effects at different sites, suggesting that the composition of the invaded community and/or environmental factors such as soil type may determine the direction and magnitude of ecosystem-level impacts. Exotic plants alter soil nutrient dynamics by differing from native species in biomass and productivity, tissue chemistry, plant morphology, and phenology. Future research is needed to (a) experimentally test the patterns suggested by this data set; (b) examine fluxes and pools for which few data are available, including whole-site budgets; and (c) determine the magnitude of the difference in plant characteristics and in plant dominance within a community that is needed to alter ecosystem processes. Such research should be an integral component of the evaluation of the impacts of invasive species.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌在外来植物入侵演替中的作用与机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外来植物入侵不仅是环境、经济和社会问题,也是一个生理学和生态学问题,尤其是入侵植物与本地植物、入侵植物和本地土壤生物之间的相互作用决定外来植物入侵程度。丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)作为土壤中一类极为重要的功能生物,在外来植物入侵演替过程中发挥多种不同作用。文章系统总结了AMF对入侵植物个体和群体的影响,入侵植物与本地植物竞争中AMF发挥的促进和抑制作用;探讨了AMF与入侵植物的相互作用关系,以及环境因子对AMF一入侵植物关系的影响:对AMF在外来植物入侵演替中的作用机制进行了讨论。旨在为探索控制生物入侵的新途径、为我国开展外来植物入侵研究与防控实践提供新思路。  相似文献   

植物外来种入侵及其对生态系统的影响   总被引:162,自引:16,他引:162  
彭少麟  向言词 《生态学报》1999,19(4):560-569
对植物外来种的入侵及生态系统的影响进行综述与分析,植物入侵多种因子的影响,可分为外因和内因两类,植物外来种对生态系统的影响主要体现在生产力,土壤营养,水分,干扰体制,群落的结构和动态等方面,在管理外来种时,需对外来种的特性和影响因子进行系统的观察研究,采用机械法,化学方法和生物控制法等综合办法控制植物的入侵,引进植物引来种时,要对引进种的行为特性进行了调查研究,注意其安全性。  相似文献   

Questions: Plant invasions are considered one of the top threats to the biodiversity of native taxa, but clearly documenting the causal links between invasions and the decline of native species remains a major challenge of invasion biology. Most studies have focused on impacts of invaders' living biomass, rather than on mechanisms mediated by litter. However, invasive plant litter, which is often of a very different type and quantity than a system's native plant litter, can have multiple important effects on ecosystem processes – such as nitrogen cycling and soil microclimate – that may influence native plants. Location: We studied effects of litter of invasive grass species that are widespread throughout western North America on native shrubs in southern California's semi‐arid habitat of coastal sage scrub. Methods: We combined a 3‐year field manipulation of non‐native litter with structural equation modeling to understand interacting effects on non‐native grasses, native shrubs, soil nitrogen (available and total), and soil moisture. Results: Litter addition facilitated non‐native grass growth, revealing a positive feedback likely to enhance invasion success. Contrary to a major paradigm of invasion biology – that competition with invasive plant species causes declines of native plants – we found that litter also facilitated growth of the native dominant shrub, a result supported by observational trends. Structural equation models indicated that enhanced soil moisture mediated the positive effects of litter on shrub growth. Conclusions: We demonstrate that invasive plants, via their litter, can facilitate dominant native plants by altering soil moisture. Our results highlight that understanding the impacts and mechanisms of plant invasions may be enhanced by considering the role of invasive plant litter on native plants and ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

The most conspicuous biological invasions in terrestrial ecosystems have been by exotic plants, insects and vertebrates. Invasions by exotic earthworms, although not as well studied, may be increasing with global commerce in agriculture, waste management and bioremediation. A number of cases has documented where invasive earthworms have caused significant changes in soil profiles, nutrient and organic matter dynamics, other soil organisms or plant communities. Most of these cases are in areas that have been disturbed (e.g., agricultural systems) or were previously devoid of earthworms (e.g., north of Pleistocene glacial margins). It is not clear that such effects are common in ecosystems inhabited by native earthworms, especially where soils are undisturbed. We explore the idea that indigenous earthworm fauna and/or characteristics of their native habitats may resist invasion by exotic earthworms and thereby reduce the impact of exotic species on soil processes. We review data and case studies from temperate and tropical regions to test this idea. Specifically, we address the following questions: Is disturbance a prerequisite to invasion by exotic earthworms? What are the mechanisms by which exotic earthworms may succeed or fail to invade habitats occupied by native earthworms? Potential mechanisms could include (1) intensity of propagule pressure (how frequently and at what densities have exotic species been introduced and has there been adequate time for proliferation?); (2) degree of habitat matching (once introduced, are exotic species faced with unsuitable habitat conditions, unavailable resources, or unsuited feeding strategies?); and (3) degree of biotic resistance (after introduction into an otherwise suitable habitat, are exotic species exposed to biological barriers such as predation or parasitism, “unfamiliar” microflora, or competition by resident native species?). Once established, do exotic species co-exist with native species, or are the natives eventually excluded? Do exotic species impact soil processes differently in the presence or absence of native species? We conclude that (1) exotic earthworms do invade ecosystems inhabited by indigenous earthworms, even in the absence of obvious disturbance; (2) competitive exclusion of native earthworms by exotic earthworms is not easily demonstrated and, in fact, co-existence of native and exotic species appears to be common, even if transient; and (3) resistance to exotic earthworm invasions, if it occurs, may be more a function of physical and chemical characteristics of a habitat than of biological interactions between native and exotic earthworms.  相似文献   

Plant invasions have dramatic aboveground effects on plant community composition, but their belowground effects remain largely uncharacterized. Soil microorganisms directly interact with plants and mediate many nutrient transformations in soil. We hypothesized that belowground changes to the soil microbial community provide a mechanistic link between exotic plant invasion and changes to ecosystem nutrient cycling. To examine this possible link, monocultures and mixtures of exotic and native species were maintained for 4 years in a California grassland. Gross rates of nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification were quantified with 15N pool dilution and soil microbial communities were characterized with DNA‐based methods. Exotic grasses doubled gross nitrification rates, in part by increasing the abundance and changing the composition of ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria in soil. These changes may translate into altered ecosystem N budgets after invasion. Altered soil microbial communities and their resulting effects on ecosystem processes may be an invisible legacy of exotic plant invasions.  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasions into Hawaiian montane forests have altered many important nutrient cycling processes and pools. Across different ecosystems, researchers are uncovering the mechanisms involved in how invasive plants impact the soil microbial community-the primary mediator of soil nutrient cycling. We examined whether the invasive plant, Hedychium gardnerianum, altered microbial community composition in forests dominated by a native tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, under varying soil nutrient limitations and soil fertility properties within forest plots of the Hawaii long-term substrate age gradient (LSAG). Microbial community lipid analysis revealed that when nutrient limitation (as determined by aboveground net primary production [ANPP]) and soil fertility were taken into account, plant species differentially altered soil microbial community composition. Microbial community characteristics differed under invasive and native plants primarily when N or P was added to the older, highly weathered, P-limited soils. Long-term fertilization with N or P at the P-limited site led to a significant increase in the relative abundance of the saprophytic fungal indicator (18:2 omega 6c,9c) under the invasive plant. In the younger, N-limited soils, plant species played a minor role in influencing soil microbial community composition. We found that the general rhizosphere microbial community structure was determined more by soil fertility than by plant species. This study indicates that although the aggressive invasion of a nutrient-demanding, rapidly decomposable, and invasive plant into Hawaiian forests had large impacts on soil microbial decomposers, relatively little impact occurred on the overall soil microbial community structure. Instead, soil nutrient conditions were more important determinants of the overall microbial community structure within Hawaii's montane forests.  相似文献   

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