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人类口腔环境为微生物提供了适宜生存的条件,多种微生物在牙齿表面形成了由基质包裹相互粘附的口腔生物膜,口腔生物膜是口腔微生物生存、代谢和致病的基础。随着1965年Brnemark种植体在临床上的成功应用,种植相关材料周围致病菌导致的种植体周围炎成为种植修复最常见的并发症之一,影响种植修复的远期效果。种植体周围炎引起了许多关注,并且口腔种植材料表面的特性和口腔生物膜的形成密切相关。本文就种植材料及天然牙齿表面的生物膜形成、种植材料表面特性对口腔生物膜及细菌粘附的影响因素、增强种植材料抗菌性能的方法以及未来的研究方向等作一综述。  相似文献   

在环境领域中,对微生物粘附的利用和控制越来越受到研究者的关注。其中,微生物的表面自由能作为细胞表面重要特性,对微生物的粘附行为有重要影响。本文总结了微生物粘附过程中涉及的热动力学理论、Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek(DLVO)以及扩展DLVO理论,阐述了微生物表面自由能在该过程的重要性。基于此,介绍了接触角表征微生物表面自由能的方法体系及影响因素;分析了微生物表面自由能及其分量的分布特征、与物质组成的关系。最后根据被粘附对象的不同,总结了环境微生物表面自由能在固体基质、液体基质或者微生物相互之间粘附中的应用;指出未来研究发展的方向应关注环境微生物表面自由能的标准化表征及其在复杂环境中的应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨表皮葡萄球菌和结核杆菌在不同生物材料表面粘附性和生物膜形成能力的差异,为临床骨科材料的选择提供理论参考。方法:采用常规方法进行细菌分离和菌种鉴定。粘附能力检测采用菌落计数法,生物膜形成能力检测采用96孔板结晶紫染色法。结果:结核杆菌和表皮葡萄球菌在骨组织均有最强的粘附和生物膜形成能力,表皮葡萄球菌在三种材料上的粘附和生物膜形成能力均高于结核杆菌,表皮葡萄球菌和结核杆菌在铁合金和不锈钢粗糙表面上的粘附和生物膜形成能力均显著高于其光滑表面(P0.05)。结论:表皮葡萄球菌和结核杆菌在不同生物材料上具有不同的粘附和生物膜形成能力,不同种属细菌在不同材料的粘附和生物膜形成能力为临床骨科生物材料的选择提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

微生物在生长过程中为适应生存环境而形成了生物膜,Dr.Costerton JW在生物膜方面的研究为我们开拓了微生物学的新领域。微生物生物膜是由微生物群体及其包被的细胞外多聚物和基质网组成,它们彼此黏附或者黏附到组织或物体的表面。微生物生物膜与微生物的耐药性形成、基因的转移以及引起机体的持续性感染等都密切相关。目前对生物膜的研究重点已经深入到微生物相互间的信号传递、致病基因的转移以及如何干预微生物生物膜的形成等方面。此外,在治理污水和环境保护工程、生物材料工程和食品工业等方面,微生物生物膜技术已经得到了应用。  相似文献   

[背景] 多环芳烃是农田土壤中的主要有机污染物,可通过作物根系进入食物链威胁人类健康。采用高效降解菌在植物根际形成生物膜是一种经济可行的生态阻控策略,而细菌细胞特性是影响其表面粘附并进行初始成膜的关键。[目的] 探究菲高效降解菌Pseudomonassp. JM2-gfp的细胞特性对自聚集成膜过程的影响,观察其在小麦根表定殖成膜情况,为在土壤-根际系统中构建阻控屏障提供理论依据。[方法] 采用培养皿培养、结晶紫染色、接触角测量(Contact Angle Measurement,CAM)及定量方法测定JM2-gfp菌株细胞特性,采用植物液体培养法形成生物膜,采用激光共聚焦显微镜(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope,CLSM)、扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)观察和分析生物膜的结构特征。[结果] 菌株Pseudomonas sp. JM2-gfp生有鞭毛结构及疏水性细胞壁,并具备较强的运动能力、初始粘附率和自聚集能力。JM2-gfp菌株具有良好的成膜及降解能力,48 h菲降解效率是浮游态菌株的2.5倍。成膜过程呈现明显的周期性变化,2 d时生物膜量达最大值。2 d内生物膜厚度约为32.8μm,生物膜上分泌多种胞外基质物质(Extracellular Polymeric Substances,EPS),其中碳水化合物和蛋白质含量分别为74.68 μg/mL和211.9 μg/mL。小麦根系与菌液共培养4 d后,JM2-gfp菌株可在根表形成稳定的生物膜,并进一步定殖到根和茎、叶组织内部。[结论] 菲胁迫下,Pseudomonas sp. JM2-gfp降解菌易于在载体表面附着聚集形成生物膜,降解能力也随之增强,其在植物根表定殖成膜的结果为阻控土壤有机污染物进入作物体内提供了一种新的技术策略。  相似文献   

张家盛  吴刚  邱江 《生物工程学报》2021,37(8):2668-2677
种子细胞、生物材料和生长因子是组织工程三要素。生物材料模拟体内细胞外基质,为细胞提供良好的生长附着环境,维持细胞的活力和功能。材料表面的理化性质和表面改性分子直接影响细胞的粘附、增殖、迁移和分化等细胞行为,进而影响细胞功能和组织再生效果。材料表面修饰分子是细胞表面粘附和生长的直接接触位置,因此细胞与生物材料表面修饰分子的相互作用是组织工程的关键。文中重点介绍表面修饰分子对细胞表型及功能的影响,为组织工程关键问题的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

牙菌斑生物膜是附着于牙釉质表面,由复杂的微生物群落构成的一种聚集体。牙菌斑生物膜的形成与生长对口腔健康有着直接或间接的影响,许多研究证实口腔疾病如龋齿和牙周病都与细菌的积累及牙菌斑的形成有关。在牙菌斑生物膜形态建成过程中,牙齿表面最初的定殖菌对生物膜的微生物组成和结构至关重要,这些初级定殖菌决定了后续与之结合形成共生体的微生物种类和数量。不同的微生物组成可能在与生物膜形成相关的口腔病理状况中发挥不同的作用。因此,本文就牙菌斑生物膜的生长及控制进行综述,介绍其微生物的早期定殖和成熟过程、以及通过物理和化学方法对牙菌斑生物膜的控制,以期为了解牙菌斑生物膜的形成机制及相关口腔疾病的预防和治疗提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨变形链球菌对不同牙科充填材料的粘附和早期生物膜的形成.方法比较经放射性同位素3H-TDR(3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷)标记的变形链球菌对3种唾液包被的充填材料的粘附.采用蛋白质测量试剂盒定量分析其对唾液蛋白的吸附量;采用凝胶电泳和图像分析系统定量分析其对唾液白蛋白和α-淀粉酶的吸收率.结果各种材料对变形链球菌的粘附能力,对唾液蛋白的吸附能力均随着材料的不同而不同.Fuji IX对细菌的粘附量很高,但是对蛋白的吸附量却很低;而F2000对细菌的粘附量很低,对蛋白的吸附量却很高.结论在不同充填材料表面形成的生物膜是不同的,提示早期生物膜的形成具有一定的特异性.这种生物膜的差异对口腔微生态环境及龋病和/或牙周病的发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

土壤矿物与微生物相互作用的机理及其环境效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤矿物与微生物相互作用是地球表层系统中重要的生态过程.微生物或生物分子与矿物间的吸附(粘附)是两者相互作用的基础.吸附(粘附)是一个由分子间力、静电力、疏水作用力、氢键和空间位阻效应等多种作用力或作用因素共同决定、影响的物理化学过程.因此,微生物和矿物的表面性质如表面电荷、疏水性和它们所处的环境条件如pH、电解质浓度、温度等,都影响着矿物-微生物吸附(粘附)过程.微生物细胞或酶可吸附于矿物表面,其结果是细胞代谢或酶活性会发生明显变化,并进一步影响土壤中诸多相关的生态、环境过程.结合4种典型的初始吸附理论:表面自由能热力学理论、DLVO理论、吸附等温线理论和表面复合物理论及本课题组近年来的研究成果,对土壤矿物与微生物相互作用的类型、机理、作用力和现代研究技术等方面的最新研究进展进行了较为全面的论述,对土壤矿物-微生物相互作用的环境效应进行了讨论,并就该领域今后研究工作的特点及应关注的问题进行了展望.  相似文献   

利用微管吸吮技术(Micropipette aspiration technique),测量Wistar大鼠成骨细胞与不同基底材料表面的切向粘附强度。发现Wistar大鼠细胞在相同基底材料表面的0-120min粘附过程中,细胞的粘附明显有两个不同的阶段。从而提示细胞在粘附过程中存在特异性和非特异性粘附两部分,并且细胞的特异性粘附大于非特异性粘附。I型胶原蛋白对细胞的粘附强度有很大影响。  相似文献   

The food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes attaches to environmental surfaces and forms biofilms that can be a source of food contamination, yet little is known about the molecular mechanisms of its biofilm development. We observed that nonmotile mutants were defective in biofilm formation. To investigate how flagella might function during biofilm formation, we compared the wild type with flagellum-minus and paralyzed-flagellum mutants. Both nonmotile mutants were defective in biofilm development, presumably at an early stage, as they were also defective in attachment to glass during the first few hours of surface exposure. This attachment defect could be significantly overcome by providing exogenous movement toward the surface via centrifugation. However, this centrifugation did not restore mature biofilm formation. Our results indicate that it is flagellum-mediated motility that is critical for both initial surface attachment and subsequent biofilm formation. Also, any role for L. monocytogenes flagella as adhesins on abiotic surfaces appears to be either minimal or motility dependent under the conditions we examined.  相似文献   

目的:鼠伤寒沙门菌在多种表面形成的生物膜对其致病性和引起食物中毒等方面起着重要作用,本研究探讨鼠伤寒沙门菌pStSR100质粒对细菌在不同材质表面生物膜形成的影响。方法:用LB(Luria-Bertani,LB)培养基和TSB(Tryptose Soya Broth,TSB)培养基分别将携带pStSR100质粒的野生株在96孔板与放置无菌小圆玻片的24孔板中静态培养48 h,用结晶紫半定量法确定生物膜形成的适宜培养基。将野生株与消除质粒的突变株,用结晶紫半定量法和激光共聚焦显微镜(Confocal Laser scanning microscopy,CLSM)观察其在聚苯乙烯培养板和小圆玻片表面形成生物膜的差异。结果:用LB培养时细菌生物膜的形成能力高于用TSB培养,LB培养基更适宜生物膜形成;结晶紫半定量法结果表明野生株比突变株在小圆玻片表面形成生物膜的能力明显增强,而在聚苯乙烯培养板表面两者则无明显差异;CLSM观察发现,野生株在小圆玻片表面形成融合成片的大克隆,突变株仅形成较小克隆。结论:鼠伤寒沙门菌pStSR100质粒能促进该菌在亲水性材质表面生物膜的形成,但其对该菌在疏水性材质表面生物膜的形成未见明显影响,这一新发现为进一步研究鼠伤寒沙门菌生物膜形成的调控机制,研制抗感染材料提供了理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

目的:鼠伤寒沙门菌在多种表面形成的生物膜对其致病性和引起食物中毒等方面起着重要作用,本研究探讨鼠伤寒沙门菌pStSR100质粒对细菌在不同材质表面生物膜形成的影响。方法:用LB(Lufia—Bertani,LB)培养基和TSB(TryptoseSoyaBroth,TSB)培养基分别将携带pStSR100质粒的野生株在96孔板与放置无菌小圆玻片的24孔板中静态培养48h,用结晶紫半定量法确定生物膜形成的适宜培养基。将野生株与消除质粒的突变株,用结晶紫半定量法和激光共聚焦显微镜(ConfocalLaserscanningmicroscopy,CLSM)观察其在聚苯乙烯培养板和小圆玻片表面形成生物膜的差异。结果:用LB培养时细菌生物膜的形成能力高于用TSB培养,LB培养基更适宜生物膜形成;结晶紫半定量法结果表明野生株比突变株在小圆玻片表面形成生物膜的能力明显增强,而在聚苯乙烯培养板表面两者则无明显差异;CLSM观察发现,野生株在小圆玻片表面形成融合成片的大克隆,突变株仅形成较小克隆。结论:鼠伤寒沙门菌pStSR100质粒能促进该茵在亲水性材质表面生物膜的形成,但其对该菌在疏水性材质表面生物膜的形成未见明显影响,这一新发现为进一步研究鼠伤寒沙门菌生物膜形成的调控机制,研制抗感染材料提供了理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

Bacteria are attracted to surfaces. Their surface adhesion, with subsequent binary fission and exopolymer production, leads to the formation of biofilms. Such biofilms consist of bacterial cells in a matrix of their own exopolysaccharide glycocalyces. In addition to the bulk fluid and the surface, biofilms constitute a third physical phase. The close proximity of the bacterial cells in the biofilm matrices assists the formation of metabolically dependent consortia. The chemical and physical activities of these microbial communities produces a heterogeneous system at the colonised surface. Metabolites, produced at specific points on the surface, can lead to the development of effective anodes and cathodes at adjoining locations on the surface. In this way the fouling of a surface by bacterial biofilm development facilitates focal attack on that surface. This pit formation is characteristic of bacterial surface activities as diverse as dental decay and metal corrosion. In this review, we examine bacterial adhesion, biofilm formation and several instances of focal bacterial attack on colonised surfaces. However, pathogenic biofilms and the fouling of biological surfaces, with the exception of caries formation, is outside the scope of this paper.  相似文献   

Bacterial infection of implants and prosthetic devices is one of the most common causes of implant failure. The nanostructured surface of biocompatible materials strongly influences the adhesion and proliferation of mammalian cells on solid substrates. The observation of this phenomenon has led to an increased effort to develop new strategies to prevent bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation, primarily through nanoengineering the topology of the materials used in implantable devices. While several studies have demonstrated the influence of nanoscale surface morphology on prokaryotic cell attachment, none have provided a quantitative understanding of this phenomenon. Using supersonic cluster beam deposition, we produced nanostructured titania thin films with controlled and reproducible nanoscale morphology respectively. We characterized the surface morphology; composition and wettability by means of atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and contact angle measurements. We studied how protein adsorption is influenced by the physico-chemical surface parameters. Lastly, we characterized Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus adhesion on nanostructured titania surfaces. Our results show that the increase in surface pore aspect ratio and volume, related to the increase of surface roughness, improves protein adsorption, which in turn downplays bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. As roughness increases up to about 20 nm, bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation are enhanced; the further increase of roughness causes a significant decrease of bacterial adhesion and inhibits biofilm formation. We interpret the observed trend in bacterial adhesion as the combined effect of passivation and flattening effects induced by morphology-dependent protein adsorption. Our findings demonstrate that bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation on nanostructured titanium oxide surfaces are significantly influenced by nanoscale morphological features. The quantitative information, provided by this study about the relation between surface nanoscale morphology and bacterial adhesion points towards the rational design of implant surfaces that control or inhibit bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation.  相似文献   

The molecular pathogenesis of many Staphylococcus aureus infections involves growth of bacteria as biofilm. In addition to polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA) and extracellular DNA, surface proteins appear to mediate the transition of bacteria from planktonic growth to sessile lifestyle as well as biofilm growth, and can enable these processes even in the absence of PIA expression. However, the molecular mechanisms by which surface proteins contribute to biofilm formation are incompletely understood. Here we demonstrate that self‐association of the serine‐aspartate repeat protein SdrC promotes both bacterial adherence to surfaces and biofilm formation. However, this homophilic interaction is not required for the attachment of bacteria to abiotic surfaces. We identified the subdomain that mediates SdrC dimerization and subsequent cell‐cell interactions. In addition, we determined that two adjacently located amino acid sequences within this subdomain are required for the SdrC homophilic interaction. Comparative amino acid sequence analysis indicated that these binding sites are conserved. In summary, our study identifies SdrC as a novel molecular determinant in staphylococcal biofilm formation and describes the mechanism responsible for intercellular interactions. Furthermore, these findings contribute to a growing body of evidence suggesting that homophilic interactions between surface proteins present on neighbouring bacteria induce biofilm growth.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a highly pathogenic foodborne bacterium that is ubiquitous in the natural environment and capable of forming persistent biofilms in food processing environments. This species has a rich repertoire of surface structures that enable it to survive, adapt and persist in various environments and promote biofilm formation. We review current understanding and advances on how L. monocytogenes organizes its surface for biofilm formation on surfaces associated with food processing settings, because they may be an important target for development of novel antibiofilm compounds. A synthesis of the current knowledge on the role of Listeria surfactome, comprising peptidoglycan, teichoic acids and cell wall proteins, during biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces is provided. We consider indications gained from genome-wide studies and discuss surfactome structures with established mechanistic aspects in biofilm formation. Additionally, we look at the analogies to the species L. innocua, which is closely related to L. monocytogenes and often used as its model (surrogate) organism.  相似文献   

Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is a facultative Fe(III)- and Mn(IV)-reducing microorganism and serves as a model for studying microbially induced dissolution of Fe or Mn oxide minerals as well as biogeochemical cycles. In soil and sediment environments, S. oneidensis biofilms form on mineral surfaces and are critical for mediating the metabolic interaction between this microbe and insoluble metal oxide phases. In order to develop an understanding of the molecular basis of biofilm formation, we investigated S. oneidensis biofilms developing on glass surfaces in a hydrodynamic flow chamber system. After initial attachment, growth of microcolonies and lateral spreading of biofilm cells on the surface occurred simultaneously within the first 24 h. Once surface coverage was almost complete, biofilm development proceeded with extensive vertical growth, resulting in formation of towering structures giving rise to pronounced three-dimensional architecture. Biofilm development was found to be dependent on the nutrient conditions, suggesting a metabolic control. In global transposon mutagenesis, 173 insertion mutants out of 15,000 mutants screened were identified carrying defects in initial attachment and/or early stages in biofilm formation. Seventy-one of those mutants exhibited a nonswimming phenotype, suggesting a role of swimming motility or motility elements in biofilm formation. Disruption mutations in motility genes (flhB, fliK, and pomA), however, did not affect initial attachment but affected progression of biofilm development into pronounced three-dimensional architecture. In contrast, mutants defective in mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin type IV pilus biosynthesis and in pilus retraction (pilT) showed severe defects in adhesion to abiotic surfaces and biofilm formation, respectively. The results provide a basis for understanding microbe-mineral interactions in natural environments.  相似文献   

Candida albicans biofilms form on indwelling medical devices (e.g., denture acrylic or intravenous catheters) and are associated with both oral and invasive candidiasis. Here, we determined whether surface modifications of polyetherurethane (Elasthane 80A [E80A]), polycarbonateurethane, and poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET) can influence fungal biofilm formation. Polyurethanes were modified by adding 6% polyethylene oxide (6PEO), 6% fluorocarbon, or silicone, while the PET surface was modified to generate hydrophilic, hydrophobic, cationic, or anionic surfaces. Formation of biofilm was quantified by determining metabolic activity and total biomass (dry weight), while its architecture was analyzed by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The metabolic activity of biofilm formed by C. albicans on 6PEO-E80A was significantly reduced (by 78%) compared to that of biofilm formed on the nonmodified E80A (optical densities of 0.054 +/- 0.020 and 0.24 +/- 0.10, respectively; P = 0.037). The total biomass of Candida biofilm formed on 6PEO-E80A was 74% lower than that on the nonmodified E80A surface (0.46 +/- 0.15 versus 1.76 +/- 0.32 mg, respectively; P = 0.003). Fungal cells were easily detached from the 6PEO-E80A surface, and we were unable to detect C. albicans biofilm on this surface by CSLM. All other surface modifications allowed formation of C. albicans biofilm, with some differences in thearchitecture. Correlation between contact angle and biofilm formation was observed for polyetherurethane substrates (r = 0.88) but not for PET biomaterials (r = -0.40). This study illustrates that surface modification is a viable approach for identifying surfaces that have antibiofilm characteristics. Investigations into the clinical utility of the identified surfaces are warranted.  相似文献   

We have used Escherichia coli as a model system to investigate the initiation of biofilm formation. Here, we demonstrate that E. coli forms biofilms on multiple abiotic surfaces in a nutrient-dependent fashion. In addition, we have isolated insertion mutations that render this organism defective in biofilm formation. One-half of these mutations was found to perturb normal flagellar function. Using defined fli , flh , mot and che alleles, we show that motility, but not chemotaxis, is critical for normal biofilm formation. Microscopic analyses of these mutants suggest that motility is important for both initial interaction with the surface and for movement along the surface. In addition, we present evidence that type I pili (harbouring the mannose-specific adhesin, FimH) are required for initial surface attachment and that mannose inhibits normal attachment. In light of the observations presented here, a working model is discussed that describes the roles of both motility and type I pili in biofilm development.  相似文献   

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