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凉水自然保护区松鼠和星鸦贮食生境选择差异   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
宗诚  陈涛  马建章  宣立锋 《兽类学报》2007,27(2):105-111
2003 年9 月30 日~2005 年10 月8 日,在黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区,应用样方调查法, 采用Vanderploeg和Scavia 选择系数Wi和选择指数Ei作为衡量指标,对松鼠和星鸦贮食生境选择进行了研究。结果表明, 二者贮食生境选择优先顺序略有不同,松鼠偏爱的贮食生境依次是: 云杉林、原始红松林、人工红松林、针阔混交林、人工云杉林、白桦林、针叶混交林、人工落叶松林、阔叶混交林、冷杉林和其它。星鸦对贮食生境的偏爱程度依次为: 人工红松林、原始红松林、云杉林、人工云杉林、针阔混交林、阔叶混交林、白桦林、针叶混交林、人工落叶松林、冷杉林和其它。在对贮食微生境因子的选择利用上, 二者大致相同,只是在对优势灌丛的选择上略有差异, 松鼠优先选择在狗枣猕猴桃优势灌丛内贮藏红松种子, 而星鸦优先选择在刺五加优势灌丛内贮食。松鼠和星鸦贮食生境选择的差异将对随后的红松天然更新过程产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

Seed hoarding behavior of the red squirrel,Sciurus vulgaris, was studied in relation to the amount of dispersed seeds of the Korean pine,Pinus koraiensis, and the distribution of its seedlings. After removing a cone from a tree, squirrels sat on the ground and ripped off its cone scales before transporting it. A mean of 3.2 seeds were scatter-hoarded per hole. Of 7.7×104 mature seeds produced in a 0.21 ha planted Korean pine forest, 22% were estimated to be directly eaten by four squirrels, 9% were hoarded by them in the pine forest and 65% were cached outside the forest. Squirrels rediscovered hoarded seeds frequently, until the ground was covered with snow, during the period from snow fall until seed germination the next spring, few hoarded seeds were utilized. Korean pine seedlings were found up to 600 m from their mother trees. Scatter-hoarding by squirrels extensively contributes to seed dispersal to places suitable for the regeneration of the Korean pine. The large size of the cone, the absciss-layer at the cone penduncle, the infrequent dehiscence of cone scales, the large and wingless seeds, and the thick seed-coats have probably all been specialized to facilitate utilization by GenusSciurus.  相似文献   

Considering the entire life history of a species is fundamental to developing effective conservation strategies. Decreasing populations of five-needle white pines may be leading to the decline of Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana). These birds are important seed dispersers for at least ten conifer species in the western U.S., including whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), an obligate mutualist of Clark’s nutcrackers. For effective conservation of both Clark’s nutcrackers and whitebark pine, it is essential to ensure stability of Clark’s nutcracker populations. My objectives were to examine Clark’s nutcracker breeding season home range size, territoriality, habitat selection, and foraging behavior in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, a region where whitebark pine is declining. I radio-tracked Clark’s nutcrackers in 2011, a population-wide nonbreeding year following a low whitebark pine cone crop, and 2012, a breeding year following a high cone crop. Results suggest Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) communities are important habitat for Clark’s nutcrackers because they selected it for home ranges. In contrast, they did not select whitebark pine habitat. However, Clark’s nutcrackers did adjust their use of whitebark pine habitat between years, suggesting that, in some springs, whitebark pine habitat may be used more than previously expected. Newly extracted Douglas-fir seeds were an important food source both years. On the other hand, cached seeds made up a relatively lower proportion of the diet in 2011, suggesting cached seeds are not a reliable spring food source. Land managers focus on restoring whitebark pine habitat with the assumption that Clark’s nutcrackers will be available to continue seed dispersal. In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Clark’s nutcracker populations may be more likely to be retained year-round when whitebark pine restoration efforts are located adjacent to Douglas-fir habitat. By extrapolation, whitebark pine restoration efforts in other regions may consider prioritizing restoration of whitebark pine stands near alternative seed sources.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the Corsican nuthatch Sitta whiteheadi , a passerine endemic to the island of Corsica and Corsican pine Pinus nigra laricio forest, its virtually exclusive habitat, currently restricted to inland mountains. The Corsican nuthatch prefers older Corsican pine stands with tall, large trees, and avoids younger stands, both in the breeding and wintering seasons. This preference is explained by the greater availability of pine seeds from older trees. Territorial adults are almost completely sedentary, a trait that is influenced by seed hoarding behaviour. From late autumn to early spring (i.e., when cones are mature), and during sunny weather (i.e., when cones are open), nuthatches remove pine seeds from cones and cache them on branches and under the bark of trunks. The birds retrieve the cached seeds in cold and wet weather. The presence of old Corsican pine stands appears to be a key-factor in the survival of the Corsican nuthatch, whose habitat is currently threatened by logging and fires.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Clark's Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana) disperse seeds of whitebark pines (Pinus albicaulis) in western North America by their scatter‐hoarding behavior. Because of declines in whitebark pine, resource managers are seeking an effective means of monitoring nutcracker population trends and the probability of seed dispersal by nutcrackers. We tested the reliability of four survey techniques (standard point counts, playback point counts, line transects, and Breeding Bird Survey routes) for estimating population size by conducting surveys at sites where a portion of the nutcracker population was marked with radio transmitters. The efficacy of distance sampling, based on detection rates from our unadjusted surveys, was also assessed. We conducted counts of whitebark pine cones within stands and related the probability of seed dispersal within stands to cone production and nutcracker abundance. We conducted 70 h of surveys for Clark's Nutcrackers at eight sites from July through November in 2007 and 2009 and estimated cone densities at six of these sites. Detection rates for all survey techniques were low and variable and we detected an average of 5.6 nutcrackers per 30 min of survey time. We also found no difference in detection rates among survey types, although significantly more nutcrackers were detected during surveys conducted during the peak of whitebark pine cone harvest (P < 0.0001). Nutcracker abundance was not correlated with cone density (P= 0.29) and we observed nutcrackers pouching seeds at all sites. Thus, cone density did not provide reliable information on whether seed dispersal was likely to occur. We suggest that alternate methods be considered for monitoring populations and assessing seed dispersal probability because we did not reliably detect nutcrackers using conventional survey techniques and because nutcracker abundance was not correlated with cone density.  相似文献   

凉水自然保护区松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)贮食生境选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马建章  宗诚  吴庆明  邹红菲  孙岩  郑昕 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3542-3548
2003年10月~2004年4月,在黑龙江省小兴安岭凉水国家级自然保护区,应用跟踪观察法、样线调查法、样方调查法等研究方法,采用Vanderploeg和scavia选择系数Wi和选择指数Ei作为衡量指标,对松鼠贮食红松种子生境选择进行了研究。研究表明,松鼠贮食对生境具有选择性:以主要林型为划分标准,松鼠偏爱贮食生境依次为:原始红松林,云杉林,人工云杉林,针叶混交林,人工落叶松林,针阔混交林,阔叶混交林,次生白桦林和人工红松林。在原始红松林内,松鼠对微生境的利用存在选择性差异:松鼠对郁闭良好(郁闭度大于0.6)、灌丛密度中等、倒木和枯立木密度中等(1~5个)、盗食动物活动较弱(大林姬鼠Apodemus peninsulae为主要盗食动物)的原始红松林生境表现出较强的选择性(Ei>0.2);而对坡度小于5°、基质为霉菌土、倒木和枯立木密度较高(大于5个)、草本盖度较高、盗食动物活动中等(花鼠Eutamias sibiricus为主要盗食动物)的原始红松林生境表现出较强的负选择性(Ei<-0.2),对阴坡表现出强烈的回避性(Ei=-0.5368)。  相似文献   

松果采摘对长白山自然保护区红松天然更新的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在野外调查研究基础上,结合20世纪70年代未受干扰的红松天然林地面红松种子贮藏情况,分析了长白山自然保护区松果采摘后,红松林地面红松种源贮藏和分布变化,根据红松更新过程与动物的关系。探讨了松果采摘对红松更新条件的影响.结果表明,松果采摘后。地面红松种子主要分布在地被物下层且大多呈单粒状分布,其贮藏量1582~2640粒·hm^-2。仅为20世纪70年代的0.3%~0.5%。废种子比率67.8%~86.2%。单粒状占总簇数的46.8%~77.1%,对红松天然更新起重要作用的动物已减少或消失。表明松果采摘是长白山自然保护区红松天然更新的最大障碍之一.  相似文献   

动物与红松天然更新关系的研究综述   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
红松球果成熟后,种子自身不能脱落到达适宜的萌发地,因而无法自身完成天然更新而要依赖动物帮助传播种子。捕食红松种子的动物包括啮齿类、鸟类和一些大型兽类。其中,松鼠、星雅和普通币鸟具有分散贮藏的行为,以前两者为重要。这些动物从球果中取出种子,吃掉一部分后,靠颊囊或舌下囊搬运至贮藏地,将种子埋藏在地被物下准备冬、春食物缺乏时再重新捕食。搬运的距离远达数百米至几公里。分散贮藏的贮点数量很大。每个贮点有一至数粒种子。贮点小生境比较适合红松种子的萌发,因此大量的未被重新发现和捕食的贮点的种子在20个月后可能萌发。虽然动物贮藏的生境适合幼苗的萌发,但是不一定适合幼苗的继续生长。由于动物的捕食和贮藏行为,阔叶红松林内红松种子运转途径在4个层次(树上、地面、地被物下和洞穴)进行,最后只有少数种子萌发为幼苗。幼苗的生长过程同样受到动物的捕食和破坏。由于红松结实的丰欠年度变化,动物种群也随之变动。  相似文献   

红松阔叶林中红松种子的分布及更新   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
天然阔叶红松林的红松种子经过动物活动的处理,在林内呈四个层次的垂直分布.其中在地被物下是以簇状埋藏着,数量相当多,尤其在红松密林中高大树木的周围,这些簇状分布的种子成为红松天然更新的基础。在次生阔叶林中红松种子埋藏量则很小。而埋藏位置与红松幼苗适生生境的不吻合是红松天然更新的主要障碍。  相似文献   

Rantis  Polly-Anne  Johnson  James E. 《Plant Ecology》2002,159(1):103-115
Canopygaps are important in establishing a pool of natural regeneration in manytemperate forest ecosystems. Information on the role of gaps in loblolly pine(Pinus taeda L.) and pine-hardwood foreststands in the southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States is lacking.Accordingly, 12 small canopy gaps in mature pine and pine-hardwood standsin Petersburg National Battlefield, Virginia, were studied. Loblolly pineregeneration was significantly more abundant in canopy gaps as compared to theadjacent forest in both forest cover types. In four stands dominated by loblollypine, there were 750 saplings/ha in the gaps compared to only 125saplings/ha in the adjacent forest. Pine saplings dominated the regenerationspectrum in the gaps in the pine stands, while red maple (Acerrubrum L.) was more important in the adjacent forest. In fourpine-hardwood stands, regeneration in both the gaps and adjacent forestwas dominated by sweetgum (Liquidambar styracifluaL.) with importance values of 27% and 28%, respectively.There were no loblolly pine seedlings in the adjacent forest, but an average 313per ha in the gaps of the pine-hardwood stands. Within thegaps in both cover types, loblolly pine saplings were lower in stature thancompeting hardwood stems, leading to the conclusion that the gaps may form atemporary pool of pine regeneration. Without further stand disturbance, theprocess of gap closure may reduce the pine component to a secondary status, orperhaps eliminate it altogether.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) seed dispersal performed by seed-caching yellow pine chipmunks (Tamias amoenus) and lodgepole chipmunks (Tamias speciosus) was compared to that of wind dispersal in the Sierra Nevada of western Nevada. Wind-dispersed seeds typically fall under or near the parent tree. Chipmunks removed 90 and 97% of 1064 radioactive seeds from each of two simulated wind-dispersed seed shadows in less than 24 h. Wind-dispersed seeds were deployed within 12 m of the two source trees, but chipmunk caches were found from 2–69 m from the trees. Chipmunks carried nearly all seeds away from source trees, greatly reducing the density of seeds under and near source trees. Caches contained from 1–35 seeds and most were buried 7–21 mm deep. Chipmunks cached in open bitterbrush shrubland with mineral soils much more than expected and cached in closed-canopy Jeffrey pine and lodgepole pine forests with thick needle litter much less than expected. Many Jeffrey pine seedlings and saplings grow in the bitterbrush habitat and few grow in the pine forests. Ten and 20% of the original caches survived until April, the time of seed germination, at the two sites. The movement of wind-dispersed seeds is random relative to environmental variables important in seedling survival, and the wind in coniferous forests cannot quickly bury seeds. The quality of seed dispersal rendered by chipmunks was superior to that provided by the wind because the chipmunks quickly harvested seeds on the ground, moved them away from source trees, and buried them in the ground in habitats and microhabitats where they were more likely to establish new seedlings. The increased quality of seed dispersal provided by animals relative to the wind may help explain why over twenty species of pines have evolved seeds and cones that are adapted for dispersal by seed-caching animals.  相似文献   

Ma J Z  Zong C  Wu Q M  Zou H F  Sun Y  Zheng X 《农业工程》2006,26(11):3542-3548
This study was conducted during October 2003–April 2004 in the Liangshui National Nature Reserve of the Xiao Xing'an Mountains of Northeast China. Results showed that hoarding behavior of squirrels exhibited selectivity. The preference order of hoarding habitat selection of squirrels is as follows: original Korean pine forest, secondary natural fir forest, artificial fir forest, mix-conifer leaf forest, artificial fallen leaves pine forest, mix-conifer-broadleaf forest, mix-broadleaf forest birch forest, and artificial Korean pine forest. Compared with the existing results, using the cache spots as an index, the order of habitat selection changed, revealing that this research should include more factors, such as pilferage from other animals and secondary dispersal by the squirrels or other species. The Vanderploeg and Scavia selectivity indexes, Wi and Ei, were used to evaluate the use of microhabitat by squirrels in the original Korean pine forest. Results indicated that the squirrels exhibited a significant microhabitat utilization pattern: (1) Squirrels prefer to use the microhabitat in original Korean pine forest with high canopies, the medium shrubby density, and the medium stub density, where pilferage animals are few (Ei > 0.2); (2) Squirrels did not prefer to use the microhabitat in the original Korean pine forest with a low slope degree, high density of fallen logs and stumps, a high herbage coverage, and an abundance of pilferage animals (Ei < ?0.2), and they showed an aversion for a shaded slope (Ei = ?0.5368). The selectivity of microhabitat utilization for the hoarding behavior of squirrels plays an important role in determining the spatial pattern of Korean pine seedlings.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal selection pressures may cause morphological differences in cone structure and seed traits of large‐seeded pine trees. We investigated the cone, seed, and scale traits of four species of animal‐dispersed pine trees to explore the adaptations of morphological structures to different dispersers. The four focal pines analyzed in this study were Chinese white pine (Pinus armandi), Korean pine (P. koraiensis), Siberian dwarf pine (P. pumila), and Dabieshan white pine (P. dabeshanensis). There are significant differences in the traits of the cones and seeds of these four animal‐dispersed pines. The scales of Korean pine and Siberian dwarf pine are somewhat opened after cone maturity, the seeds are closely combined with scales, and the seed coat and scales are thick. The cones of Chinese white pine and Dabieshan white pine are open after ripening, the seeds fall easily from the cones, and the seed coat and seed scales are relatively thin. The results showed that the cone structure of Chinese white pine is similar to that of Dabieshan white pine, whereas Korean pine and Siberian dwarf pine are significantly different from the other two pines and vary significantly from each other. This suggests that species with similar seed dispersal strategies exhibit similar morphological adaptions. Accordingly, we predicted three possible seed dispersal paradigms for animal‐dispersed pines: the first, as represented by Chinese white pine and Dabieshan white pine, relies upon small forest rodents for seed dispersal; the second, represented by Korean pine, relies primarily on birds and squirrels to disperse the seeds; and the third, represented by Siberian dwarf pine, relies primarily on birds for seed dispersal. Our study highlights the significance of animal seed dispersal in shaping cone morphology, and our predictions provide a theoretical framework for research investigating the coevolution of large‐seeded pines and their seed dispersers.  相似文献   

Serotiny, the retention of seeds in a canopy seed bank until high temperatures cause seeds to be released, is an important life history trait for many woody plants in fire‐prone habitats. Serotiny provides a competitive advantage after fire but increases vulnerability to predispersal seed predation, due to the seeds being retained in clusters in predictable locations for extended periods. This creates opposing selection pressures. Serotiny is favored in areas of high fire frequency, but is selected against by predispersal seed predators. However, predation also selects for cone traits associated with seed defense that could reduce predation on serotinous cones and thereby relax selection against serotiny. This helps explain the elevated defenses in highly serotinous species. However, whether such interactions drive variation in seed defenses within variably serotinous populations has been studied rarely. We investigated the effects of phenotypic selection exerted by red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) predation on Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta latifolia) seeds. Squirrels preferentially harvested cones with more and larger seeds, indicating a preference for a higher food reward. We found evidence for stronger selection on trees with serotinous cones, which presumably accounts for the elevated defenses of and lower predation on serotinous compared to non‐serotinous cones. Lower levels of predation on serotinous cones in turn lessen selection against serotiny by squirrels. This has important implications because the frequency of serotiny in lodgepole pine has profound consequences for post‐fire communities and ecosystems widespread in the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

The importance of infrequent events for both adaptive evolution and the evolution of species interactions is largely unknown. We investigated how the infrequent production of large seed crops (masting) of a bird-dispersed tree (whitebark pine, Pinus albicaulis) influenced phenotypic selection exerted by its primary avian seed predator-disperser, the Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana). Selection was not evident during common years of low seed abundance, whereas it was replicated among areas and favoured traits facilitating seed dispersal during infrequent years of high seed abundance. Since nutcrackers act mostly as seed predators during small seed crops but as seed dispersers during the largest seed crops, trees experienced strong selection from nutcrackers only during infrequent years when the interaction was most strongly mutualistic. Infrequent events can thus be essential to both adaptive evolution and the evolutionary dynamics of species interactions.  相似文献   

Improper forest harvesting can potentially degrade forest ecosystem functions and services. Human-assisted regeneration (e.g., planting) is often used to increase the rate of forest recovery and thereby reduce regeneration failure. Seed dispersal is a fundamental ecological process that can also influence spatio-temporal patterns of forest regeneration. In this study, we investigated the relative contribution of planting and seed dispersal on forest regeneration at landscape scales. Because such influences can be further complicated by timber harvest intensity and seed availability within and around harvested area, we also evaluated the effects of those factors on forest landscape dynamics. We used the forest landscape model LANDIS to simulate the dynamics of Korean pine-broadleaf mixed forests in Northeast China. We considered three factors: timber harvest intensity (3 levels), seed dispersal and whether or not planting was used. The results showed that planting was more important in maintaining the abundance of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis), a climax keystone species in this region, under the high-intensity harvesting option during early succession. In contrast, seed dispersal was more important during late succession. Korean pine can be successfully regenerated through seed dispersal under low and medium harvest intensities. Our results also indicated that effective natural regeneration will require protecting seed-production trees (seed rain). This study results provide a basis for more effectively managing Chinese temperate forests and possibly other similar ecosystems.  相似文献   

Zong C  Ma Y  Rong K  Ma J Z  Cheng Z B 《农业工程》2009,29(6):362-366
Cone-cores discarded by Eurasian red squirrels were used to study the habitat selection of Korean pine-seeds hoarding, in forest patch Nos. 16 and 19 in Liangshui Nature Reserve, China. Ten transects with a total length of 15 km were uniformly set, and data from 343 valid samples were collected in a 369 hm2 area. One hundred and eighty four were hoarding samples which were determined according to the cluster analysis based on the number of the cone-cores, while the other 159 were control samples. The principal component analysis, using 11 habitat factors, suggested that the distance from Korean pine forest, forest type, number of Korean pine seedlings, density and type of bush significantly influenced the habitat selection of hoarding by Eurasian red squirrels. The results of Bailey’s method indicated that the squirrels showed (1) preference for natural coniferous forest, natural fir and spruce forest and planted spruce forest; (2) avoidance of planted Korean pine forest and planted larch forest; and (3) random use of natural Korean pine forest. Moreover the distance from the Korean pines in the range of 150–600 m showed no effect on the habitat selection of hoarding by the Eurasian red squirrels. More than 50% of the cone-cores were discarded in either fringe or gap of the Korean pine forest with more cone-cores found at <300 m than at 300 m away (One-Way ANOVA; df = 3, 183, F = 5.76, p = 0.0009). This demonstrated that the Eurasian red squirrels could take the cone-cores out of the Korean pine forest. The density of bushes in samples of hoarding area was significantly lower than that in control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 83.99, p < 0.0001). The number of the Korean pine seedlings in samples of hoarding area was significantly higher than that in the control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 104.13, p < 0.0001). This illustrated that the hoarding habitat favoured the germination of the Korean pine seedlings. In conclusion the behavior of hoarding Korean pine seeds by the Eurasian red squirrels can promote the regeneration and dispersal of the Korean pines.  相似文献   

In a field study carried out over one year in a secondary Araucaria forest in eastern ParanÝ State, Brazil, foraging was observed in a population of the squirrel Sciurus ingrami. Seeds of Araucaria and about ten more species of native and exotic trees were the main food items besides mushrooms and fruits. Not all seeds were consumed immediately. Especially in autumn and winter, a large portion was cached, in particular of the Araucaria seeds. The relevance of this behaviour, well known in squirrels, for seed dispersion and forest regeneration is discussed.  相似文献   

松鼠生态学研究现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马建章  戎可  宗诚 《动物学杂志》2008,43(1):159-164
松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)是一种广泛分布于欧亚大陆的树栖杂食性啮齿动物。在欧洲,由于入侵种北美灰松鼠(S.carolinensis)的引入,松鼠的数量急剧减少,松鼠的生态学研究受到广泛的关注。在中国,松鼠因贮食坚果的习性而受到重视。本文从个体生态学、种群生态学、种间关系和行为生态学的角度对松鼠生态学研究成果进行了综述。松鼠是哺乳动物生态学研究很好的模式种,以下5个方面的研究将成为松鼠生态学研究的新方向:(1)不同分布区松鼠的比较生态学;(2)与森林天然更新的关系;(3)集合种群动态及其对生境破碎化的响应;(4)分子系统地理学;(5)作为景观管理的实验种。  相似文献   

植物通过每隔几年产生大量种子的丰年策略提高贮食动物传播种子效率,但人为采摘活动降低了种子的可利用量,从而影响贮食动物行为及种群动态。为研究红松球果采摘如何通过降低松果可利用量而影响贮食动物行为,我们基于黑龙江凉水自然保护区2003-2012年红松结实量和采摘量的变化,比较分析了结实大小年间松鼠贮点大小、贮点深度、贮食密度和贮藏量、松鼠花鼠种群以及2010年和2011年花鼠洞穴贮藏量的差异。结果显示:结实大年松鼠的平均贮点大小显著高于小年,大贮点比例增加,贮食密度和贮藏量也明显高于结实小年,但随着结实量的增大,球果采摘量增加,使松果可利用量减少,由此结实大年2011年松鼠贮食密度并未随结实量增加而增加,反而低于2003年和2008年,松鼠遇见率也没有在该结实大年有所增长。而花鼠种群和洞穴松籽贮藏量在结实大年和小年间没有显著差异。研究表明红松球果采摘对松果可利用量和松鼠贮食行为有较大影响,应合理确定大年的采摘量以保证贮食动物的食物丰度,维系红松生态系统健康。  相似文献   

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