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保护区的建立对大熊猫的保护发挥了有效作用,但却限制了社区对资源的使用。20世纪80年代引进的"社区共管"模式,在一定程度上弥补了保护区封闭式管理的弊端,促进了生态保护与社区经济的协调发展。而大熊猫保护区大多位于中西部偏远贫困山区,对生态干扰比较大的贫困社区却基本没有被纳入社区共管试点范围。作者在20年岷山保护区社区调研资料的基础上,参阅了国内外重要文献资料,并对岷山北、中和南部13个保护区最靠近大熊猫栖息地的社区进行了系统调研,发现了现有社区共管的成效和不足。最后,提出了以大熊猫保护区区域生态文明建设为总目标,以"保护区为主导—地方政府为后盾—社区为主体—高校院所参与—企业拉动"为内涵,五位一体"携手共建",并有协调员制度配合的运行管理模式。本模式已在四川唐家河国家级自然保护区试行,实现周边社区全覆盖,在制度化、常态化和量化管理方面初获成效。  相似文献   

秦岭保护区群存在的主要问题和管理对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文作者根据秦岭保护区群内7个自然保护区(保护站)存在的主要问题,提出了解决问题的办法。主要问题:一、牛背梁自然保护区的形状、大小、边界区划不合理;二、各自然保护区由于投资和建立时间不同,发展不平衡。三、周边地区商业采伐严重;四、农业蚕食,非法利用自然资源现象得不到制止;五、交通道路穿越保护区,影响动物基因交流;六、旅游开发缺乏统一管理。采取的对策主要是:一、在主要动物活动地带建立联合管理区和生物走廊带;二、加强对老县城自然保护区的管理和投资;三、加强对穿越保护区公路沿线的管理;四、解决对资源的过度利用,开展社区共管工作;五、对旅游实行规范化管理;六、开展多种经营创收。  相似文献   

秦岭保护区群存在的主要问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者根据秦岭保护区群内7个自然保护区(保护站)存在的主要问题,提出了解决问题的办法。主要问题:一、牛背梁自然保护区的形状、大小、边界区划不合理;二、各自然保护区由于投资和建立时间不同,发展不平衡。三、周边地区商业采伐严重;四、农业蚕食,非法利用自然资源现象得不到制止;五、交通道路穿越保护区,影响动物基因交流;六、旅游开发缺乏统一管理。采取的对策主要是:一、在主要动物活动地带建立联合管理区和生物走廊带;二、加强对老县城自然保护区的管理和投资;三、加强对穿越保护区公路沿线的管理;四、解决对资源的过度利用,开展社区共管工作;五、对旅游实行规范化管理;六、开展多种经营创收。  相似文献   

协调自然保护区与社区的关系,需要了解社区的发展特点与意愿诉求。2014年9–11月,我们对广西十万大山国家级自然保护区涉及的151个自然屯进行了调查。调查采用半结构式访谈和关键人物访谈法,结合文献法、季节历、市场调查分析、参与式山林考察、社区需求分析等方法,并于2015年开展了深入保护区内社区农户的精准扶贫调查作为补充。根据调查,得出以下结论:(1)社区是少数民族聚居区,以林地资源为主,对保护区资源依赖程度较强,基础设施整体发展不足,市场化水平不高,缺乏发展资金;(2)社区发展意愿多样,但依然集中在生存需求方面;(3)社区对保护区的诉求主要表现在基础设施建设以及森林资源利用方面。本研究根据目前社区所处的发展阶段,结合保护区面临的威胁、发展策略以及生物资源分布特征等,从优先关注区域、关注人群、关注项目等方面探讨了保护区与社区协调发展途径,并给出发展项目建议,包括栖息地恢复与人工林生态改造、社区生计替代相结合,提高生态公益林补助,重点关注与落实保护区内分布社区的发展意愿与行为诉求,丰富社区发展内涵等,同时建立社区共管委员会、开展人员培训与自然保护宣传教育。本项研究探讨了在开展社区工作初期时的工作方法与内容,并建议下一步可向微观与宏观两个方向发展,即建立村级、家庭的和谐指标评价体系和联合一切可以联合的相关利益群体做好社区工作的法制化与标准化,保护区与社区产生良好的社会效应。这种思路对自然保护区其他方面的建设管理也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自然保护区社区管理效果分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前全球各地开展了一系列评估保护区管理成效的研究工作。2005年, 国家林业局对全国634个自然保护区的管理人员发放了调查问卷, 回收有效问卷535份。本文针对其中的社区参与、社区共管和与社区的协调发展3个指标分析了国内的自然保护区社区管理效果, 并对社区管理效果的得分情况、区域特征、级别特征和影响管理效果的因素进行了分析。结果表明: 我国自然保护区的社区管理水平普遍较低, 3个指标中, 与社区的协调发展得分最高, 为1.85分, 社区参与和社区共管分别为1.15分和1.03分; 各个区域在社区管理效果方面没有显著差异(P>0.05), 华中地区的社区管理效果平均分最高, 为4.26分, 华南地区最低, 为3.73分; 国家级自然保护区的社区管理效果整体上比省级好, 二者存在显著差异(P<0.01)。通过Pearson相关分析得出, 监测与评价、人事管理、职工培训、管理计划和保护区巡护这5个指标与社区管理效果的相关程度较大。为了提高自然保护区社区管理效果, 我们建议着重从有效保护区内的自然资源、建立社区共管机制、建立生态补偿机制、国家和各省统筹拨付保护区经费以及完善职工管理制度几方面入手。  相似文献   

羊玲 《四川动物》2007,26(4):876-877
生物多样性保护、环境保护和社区共管是国家级自然保护区的重要工作职责,也是我国林业可持续发展事业的重要组成部分。本文从雪宝顶保护区周边社区主要的少数民族——藏族的传统生产、生活方式、民族风俗、宗教信仰等民族文化中,选择其中与生物多样性保护有重要关系的狩猎、采集、放牧、采矿、转山(朝圣)、用火等活动,探讨了保护区周边藏族文化与自然保护的相互关系,以期为保护区的保护、管理、建设和发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区与当地社区关系模式探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对目前国内外广泛出现的保护区与当地社区的矛盾冲突,研究以四川卧龙国家级自然保护区(以下简称卧龙保护区)为例,从就业机会、野生动物的破坏及补偿、对资源利用的限制、旅游的开展、社区参与、家畜的饲养和放牧、非木林产品的采集、狩猎、农业活动和传统保护等10个方面,向卧龙保护区内的农户、管理人员、个体经营者和游客等4类人群发放调查问卷,对卧龙保护区与当地社区之间的关系模式(包括发展协调型、社区不利型、保护区不利型和冲突竞争型)及其管理现状和存在的问题进行深入探讨.结果表明,4类人群对卧龙保护区与当地社区关系模式的界定有显著差异(P<0.05),但皆以发展协调型为主导模式.卧龙保护区对当地社区的影响主要是:提高当地知名度、发展旅游业提高收入、限制资源的利用等;当地社区对卧龙保护区的影响主要是:协助保护野生动植物、参加联防工作、放牧破坏生物生境等.影响卧龙保护区与当地社区之间关系的主要因素是:政策、旅游和社区活动.建议建立专职的社区共管部门,聘请当地居民参与生态旅游,并设立野生动物破坏补偿委员会.对卧龙保护区与当地社区关系的评价便于管理人员整体把握各项社区管理措施的管理成效,从关系模式的主要影响因素着手,提高保护区的社区管理水平.  相似文献   

古河祥  李丕鹏 《四川动物》2007,26(2):F0002-F0002,I0009
海龟是我国重点保护野生动物。我国政府高度重视对海龟的保护。1992年在广东省惠东市港口镇的海龟湾建立了国家级海龟自然保护区。保护区搭建了科学研究、驯养繁殖、增殖放流、科普宣传、社区共管平台,先后对7只成年雌性海龟进行了卫星跟踪,探明了在海龟湾产卵的海龟的洄游路线,并孵化养殖了约六万小海龟,放归大海五万余只。联合国环境规划署与印度洋及东南亚地区23个国家和地区在泰国联合发起保护海龟活动,并将2006年定为“国际海龟年”。2006年保护区管理局紧密围绕国际海龟年的主题,开展了丰富多彩的海龟保护活动。  相似文献   

2015年5—12月,基于宽阔水国家级自然保护区的黑叶猴历史资料设定重点调查区域,采用定点观察与痕迹观察资料收集以及非诱导式访问调查等方法对保护区黑叶猴种群数量和分布进行调查,并结合保护区巡护记录,重新确定黑叶猴在保护区的种群数量和分布区域。结果显示:保护区黑叶猴种群数量约为29群195只,比1995年增长了143.75%,比2003年增长了39.29%;主要分布区域位于保护区西南部的马蹄溪、白石溪、猪钻子沟、苏家沟、油筒溪、观音岩、底水、枇杷岩、让水坝等9个沟段中。全保护区内黑叶猴群体密度为0.11群/km~2,种群密度为0.74只/km~2,其中主要活动范围约32.50 km~2,主要活动范围内群体密度为0.89群/km~2,种群密度为6.00只/km~2。种群数量的稳定增长得益于保护区采取的一系列保护管理措施,有效制止了盗猎行为的发生,减少了附近居民活动对黑叶猴的干扰和影响。为进一步保护黑叶猴种群及其栖息地,建议保护区通过划定重点管护区域、加强科学管理、开展生境管理和调节、加强环境保护教育和社区共管等措施建立、健全保护管理机制。  相似文献   

中国自然保护区管理有效性的现状评价与对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于世界银行(WB)/世界自然基金会(WWF)开发的管理有效性跟踪工具调查表,对中国535个自然保护区进行问卷调查,分析了保护区管理有效性的现状评价与对策.结果表明: 535个自然保护区的平均分数为51.95分,其中分数低于60分的保护区占69.35%,说明我国自然保护区的管理水平总体偏低;不同保护区级别和建立时间的保护区管理有效性得分的差异显著(P<0.01),保护区级别越高、建立时间越长,管理有效性的分数越高;而不同保护区面积和类型间保护区管理有效性分数的差异不显著(P>0.05);管理基础、管理机制、管理行为和管理效果4个指标类别的平均分数分别为1.55、1.44、1.52和1.90分;从全部指标的得分情况来看,保护对象的管理、保护状况、保护区边界、资源管理和保护区机构是平均分数最高的指标,设备使用和维护、社区共管、事业费、经费管理、保护区管理体制及保护区管理办法的平均分数最低.中国自然保护区的管理体系与制度已基本建立,重要的保护对象和价值基本得到了保护,但在管理机制和基础建设方面还存在一些问题,建议从经费分配机制和经费管理机制、内部建设以及社区参与3个方面加以改善.  相似文献   

Concerns about the impacts of national parks and protected areas upon local populations have generated significant interest in community conservation initiatives that attempt to include local knowledge and participation in natural resource decision-making. While there has been much interest in the institutional frameworks and livelihood impacts of community conservation, emerging research is documenting the various factors that shape local perceptions. This paper uses a case study of the Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve in South Africa to examine the key variables shaping community perceptions of community conservation. We employ multinomial logistic regression models to understand views of the benefits and future direction of the reserve. These models are coupled with information collected from semi-structured interviews that assists in providing a detailed, and more complex, understanding of the diverse ways that community conservation is perceived by local residents. The paper demonstrates that multiple factors, particularly household history, education, and gender contribute in shaping views of the reserve. While these variables are often identified in the academic literature as important, we argue that the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods helps reveal the interplay between them in shaping perceptions of community conservation.  相似文献   

Food, water, and worker protection regulations have driven availability, and loss, of pesticides for use in pest management programs. In response, public-supported research and extension projects have targeted investigation and demonstration of reduced-risk integrated pest management (IPM) techniques. But these new techniques often result in higher financial burden to the grower, which is counter to the IPM principle that economic competitiveness is critical to have IPM adopted. As authorized by the 2002 Farm Bill and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), conservation programs exist for delivering public-supported financial incentives to growers to increase environmental stewardship on lands in production. NRCS conservation programs are described, and the case for providing financial incentives to growers for implementing IPM is presented. We also explored the opportunity and challenge to use one key program, the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), to aid grower adoption of IPM. The EQIP fund distribution to growers from 1997 to 2002 during the last Farm Bill cycle totaled approximately 1.05 billion dollars with a portion of funds supporting an NRCS-designed pest management practice. The average percentage of allocation of EQIP funds to this pest management practice among states was 0.77 +/- 0.009% (mean +/- SD). Using Michigan as an example, vegetable and fruit grower recognition of the program's use to implement IPM was modest (25% of growers surveyed), and their recognition of its use in aiding implementation of IPM was improved after educational efforts (74%). Proposals designed to enhance program usefulness in implementing IPM were delivered through the NRCS advisory process in Michigan. Modifications for using the NRCS pest management practice to address resource concerns were adopted, incentive rates for pest management were adjusted, and an expanded incentive structure for IPM technique adoption was tabled for future consideration. The case is strong for using public-supported financial incentives offered by the EQIP to aid grower adoption of IPM as a means to address resource concerns, but current use of the EQIP for this purpose is modest to meager. With appropriate program adjustments and increased grower awareness, USDA NRCS conservation programs, and the EQIP in particular, may provide an important opportunity for growers to increase their use of IPM as a resource conservation and farm management tool.  相似文献   

The Abe Bailey Nature Reserve, South Africa has been identified as a potential community resource reserve compatible with biodiversity conservation. As part of the planning and public participation phase this study investigated the potential for sustainably harvesting medicinal plants. Medicinal plant use data on local species, parts used and harvesting techniques, in collaboration with neighbouring traditional healers were collected. A census of these plants was conducted in the reserve and frequency, density and abundance were calculated. A medicinal plant rating system for assessing conservation priorities was used to combine both social-qualitative and ecological-quantitative data. Five medicinal species suitable for high impact harvesting were identified. Thirty-four species have potential to be set up as harvesting trials to determine sustainable quotas. Thirty-one medicinal species including Boophane disticha, Dicoma anomala, Eucomis autumnalis, Hypoxis hemerocallidea, Pentanisia prunelloides and Indigofera daleoides are considered to be site-specific sensitive species and should not be harvested from the reserve. Following this research an on site nursery has been started at the reserve. A multi-pronged approach involving harvesting trials, propagation and plant rescue from developments to cope with escalating demand and dwindling natural populations needs to be implemented.  相似文献   

 The histories of management of the Sumilon and Apo marine reserves in the Philippines provide a stark contrast. Both began with marine conservation and education programs at the community level, initiated by the Marine Laboratory of Silliman University in 1973 at Sumilon, and in 1976 at Apo. At both islands community support for the “no take” reserve concept evolved gradually, via perceived benefits of increased local fish yields and income from tourism. However, Sumilon reserve has been fished down twice (in 1984,1992), and was still being fished in December 1998. Apo reserve has been protected from fishing successfully for 16 y (1982–1998). The management histories of these two marine reserves are the longest and most detailed available for coral reefs. Scientific data spanning 1976–1993 for Sumilon and 1980–1993 for Apo have provided some of the best available evidence of the utility of such reserves as management tools in coral reef fisheries. At Sumilon, collapse of reserve protection in 1984, after 9.5 y of restrictions on fishing, led to significant declines in reef fisheries yields in areas adjacent to the reserve. At Apo, continuous protection from 1982 to 1993 has led to consistent build up of fish in the reserve and some evidence that local fish yields have increased. The unique time series of scientific data obtained from Sumilon and Apo islands are the result of their distinct management histories. The greater success of management at Apo was due to community support for the reserve concept being actively maintained for the past 16 y. Socio-political factors caused the level of community support for the Sumilon reserve to wax and wane over this period. Both case histories have had a profound effect on marine resource management in the Philippines. As marine reserve models they had substantial influence on the design of the National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS). Policy now encourages co-management between the National government and local communities, with a strong emphasis on decentralization of decision making and recognition of local territorial use rights in fisheries. Accepted: 14 May 1999  相似文献   

Conservation of plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) is a focus of wild plant conservation in China at present. A relevant strategy for PSESP conservation requires improvement from previous programs for rare and endangered plants and national key protected plants. An integrated strategy for PSESP conservation of the Nyssa yunnanensis was initiated and applied over a 7-year period (2009–2015). Here, we reviewed the processes to implement the strategy: resource inventory, formulation of conservation action plan (CAP), in situ conservation, seedling propagation, near situ conservation, ex situ conservation and scientific research. Major concerns and technical requirements for each action are described and further analyzed within a broad scope to conserve PSESPs. A detailed resource inventory that highlights both the change in population status and the participation of local residents is recommended before the formulation of the CAP. Techniques for determination of the area of a mini-reserve is developed for in situ conservation of N. yunnanensis. Near situ conservation is a novel approach whereby establishing new viable population in contiguous areas with a similar climate, habitat and community, in which techniques for seedling preparation, soil preparation, and early management are introduced. A population-based species conservation strategy for N. yunnanensis may aid additional PSESP conservation, so as to contribute to overall wild plant conservation.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed a shift in the role of primate sanctuaries in Africa from warehouses of salvaged animals to proactive conservation organizations. As part of this new role, the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) has conducted annual training workshops for educators from member sanctuaries. These workshops have included content on program development, interpretive techniques, and evaluation techniques. Here we use meta-analytic techniques to examine data from the resulting education evaluation programs for trends in knowledge acquisition across PASA sanctuaries. Question content strongly impacted the evaluation results of the conservation education program. In addition, effect size and final performance scores were independent of one another and provide different perspectives as to the effectiveness of a conservation education program. These results highlight the importance of using both final performance scores and effect size measures in conservation education program evaluation. They also underscore the importance of evaluating knowledge transfer as part of the larger picture of evaluating pro-environmental behavior change and conservation impact.  相似文献   

何思源  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2019,39(4):1318-1329
作为生态文明制度改革的具体实现方式和前沿阵地,国家公园体制建设旨在对我国多样化的保护地体系进行重组管理,实现高效合理的国土空间规划、自然资本的保护和全民公益。研究对我国自然保护区和风景名胜区这两类法定保护地的边界和区划的理论基础和实践的技术手段的发展进行梳理,并对我国国家公园体制试点进展进行总结。在此基础上提出,中国国家公园在保护地个体的边界和内部分区上应以实现保护目标为原则,借鉴自然保护区功能分区的基本原则,根据管理目标细化功能分区,借鉴风景名胜区规划实践,注重景观价值,考虑社会经济条件特别是土地权属及土地开发利用可能和方式,进而考虑气候变化和区域长期发展目标等自然和社会经济动态,形成完整的边界和分区理论体系,从而满足全民公益,实现社区经济发展。在区划理论上,一个可行的切入点是考虑空间上生态系统服务功能的差异,根据实现保护目标的管理需求和满足社区生计发展的利用需求,在土地权属和其他限制条件上实现不同组合的生态系统服务功能的空间规划,利用保护地役权来分离土地所有权、使用权和收益权,限制特定土地利用方式,进行利益相关方资源利用管理。  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely adopted as the leading tool for coral-reef conservation, but resource users seldom accept them , and many have failed to produce tangible conservation benefits [3]. Few studies have objectively and simultaneously examined the types of MPAs that are most effective in conserving reef resources and the socioeconomic factors responsible for effective conservation [4-6]. We simultaneously explored measures of reef and socioeconomic conservation success at four national parks, four comanaged reserves, and three traditionally managed areas in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Underwater visual censuses of key ecological indicators [7, 8] revealed that the average size and biomass of fishes were higher in all areas under traditional management and at one comanaged reserve when compared to nearby unmanaged areas. Socioeconomic assessments [6, 9, 10] revealed that this "effective conservation" was positively related to compliance, visibility of the reserve, and length of time the management had been in place but negatively related to market integration, wealth, and village population size. We suggest that in cases where the resources for enforcement are lacking, management regimes that are designed to meet community goals can achieve greater compliance and subsequent conservation success than regimes designed primarily for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Ethnobotany is a relatively new discipline but its social and scientific roles are becoming more consistently defined and its importance as a tool for complimenting management and conservation strategies at local and regional levels is now well recognized by the scientific community throughout the world. In the present work we have collected information from four years of ethnobotanical study in an area of caatinga vegetation in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil with the goal of defining a model for conservation and management actions in the region. Drawing on ethnobotanical and ecological information obtained through traditional techniques of ethnobotanical and vegetation surveys, we discuss the uses of 166 native and exotic plant species and suggest specific actions and specific groups of species for conservation and sustainable use programs. We also discuss the limitations of our approach and indicate what information must still be collected in order to construct robust and workable plans of action.  相似文献   

Mangel 《Ecology letters》1998,1(2):87-90
Various kinds of no-take areas (refuges, reserves) are gaining attention as conservation tools. The efficacy of reserves can be considered from the perspectives of providing baseline data sets, protecting the stock, maximizing yield to the fishery, or some combination of these. Regardless of the measure of effectiveness of a reserve, practical application requires the development of techniques for settling operational and policy questions such as how large a reserve should be. A simple model, involving population growth and harvest, is used to explore how the fraction of habitat assigned to a reserve affects the sustainability of a take and to frame the trade-off between control of harvest outside of the reserve and the size of the reserve. This exploration also leads to the discovery of a robust conservation invariant for reserves.  相似文献   

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