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本作已有的研究结果证明,完整的人干细胞生长因子(hSCGF)没有种属特异性,即可以作用于小鼠骨髓造血细胞。这一点与在Ca^2 依赖糖识别结构域(CRD)缺失了78个氨基酸残基的截短分子(hSCGFβ)有所不同。本研究从hSCGF全长cDNA中完全删除了CRD结构域编码序列,进一步探讨CRD结构域的生物学功能。由于该突变体序列GC含量较高.因此将该缺失突变体序列克隆在GST融合表达载体中进行融合表达。通过低温(28℃)诱导,表达产物主要以可溶蛋白的形式存在。利用亲和层析纯化CRD结构域完全缺失的hSCGF突变体融合蛋白,通过检测重组突变分子的协同刺激造血活性有无改变来初步探讨CRD结构域在hSCGF分子中的生物学功能。研究结果表明,去掉完整CRD结构域的突变分子仍然具有造血刺激活性。据此推断CRD结构域在hSCGF分子中可能对于受体配体结合起辅助作用。  相似文献   

目的:通过在大肠杆菌中分段表达禽流感病毒聚合酶酸性蛋白(PA蛋白),探索PA基因中可能影响表达的区域。方法:构建分段缺失的PA蛋白突变体,用IPTG在大肠杆菌RosettaGamiB(DE3)中诱导表达,比较各突变体的表达效率。结果:N端缺失长度在143~408个氨基酸残基之间的9个突变体在大肠杆菌中的表达水平较高;而突变体PA/K(Δ1-40aa)、PA/M(Δ1-56aa)、PA/N(Δ41-56aa)和PA/P(Δ57-75aa)的表达水平很低;全长PA蛋白和缺失N端20个氨基酸残基的突变体PA/L则检测不到表达。结论:PA基因的61~225bp和325~426bp可能是影响PA蛋白表达的2个重要区域,为下一步表达全长PA蛋白奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:构建福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株argT基因缺失突变体和ArgT蛋白非降解突变体,以进行后续ArgT功能研究。方法:根据福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株基因组全序列,采用λ-Red重组系统对argT基因进行缺失,并经PCR验证;采用定点突变的方法构建ArgT非降解株,并经SDS-PAGE验证;对野生株、argT缺失突变株和ArgT非降解突变株37℃时的生长曲线及生化反应进行比较研究。结果:构建了2457T的argT缺失突变株和ArgT非降解突变株;2种突变株初始生长均较慢,但最终和野生株状态一致;2种突变株利用甘露醇的能力都比野生株强,而利用葡萄糖的能力降低。结论:获得了福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株argT基因缺失突变体和ArgT蛋白非降解突变体。  相似文献   

该研究将构建的含淀粉样前体蛋白(amyloid precursor protein,APP)基因启动子的萤火虫荧光素酶报告质粒与Purα全长基因或含不同结构域的Purα缺失突变体共转染到U87MG细胞中,进行萤火虫荧光素酶活性测定,以确定Purα对APP基因表达的调控作用。同时,将Purα全长基因及含有不同结构域的Purα缺失突变体的真核表达载体分别转染至U87MG细胞,使目的蛋白过表达,通过实时定量PCR(Real-time PCR)和蛋白免疫印迹(Western blot)研究Purα不同的结构域对APP基因在转录、翻译水平的调控作用。结果显示,Purα全长蛋白及其不同结构域对APP基因表达均有不同程度的抑制作用,但至少保持N-端或C-端的结构域可能是维持Purα蛋白功能的必要条件。  相似文献   

用基因重组及定位突变技术成功地构建了t·PA的Kl区缺失突变体t—PAdelKl、PAI-1结合位点缺失突变体t—PA del(296—302)及两者的组合突变体t—PA del(Kl·296—302),并在COS-7细胞中实现三者的暂时性表达,在cHO细胞中实现了t·PA deI(K1.296—302)的稳定性表达.对表达产物的生物学特性分析表明,t—PA del(296—302)及t-PA del(K1,296—302)获得了Pal-1抗性.因时t-PA del(K1.296—302)在大鼠体内的半衰期延长约5倍,而与纤维蛋白的亲和力只略有下降。因此,此组合突变体有可能成为优于野生t—PA的新型溶栓剂候选株.  相似文献   

目的:构建TANK结合激酶1(TBK1)相关激酶活性缺失突变体和泛素样结构域突变体真核表达载体,检测该基因相关突变体在293细胞中的表达,并利用萤光素酶报告基因实验检测其生物活性。方法:根据文献报道的突变序列及QuickChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis实验设计手册,设计合成2条针对TBK1相关激酶活性缺失突变体和泛素样结构域突变体的引物,以实验室之前构建的TBK1野生型真核表达载体为模板,构建TBK1激酶活性缺失突变体和泛素样结构域突变体真核表达载体,分别命名为pcDNA3-Flag-TBK1(KD)、pcDNA3-Flag-TBK1(ΔULD)。以LipofactAMINE2000转染试剂转染至293细胞中进行瞬时表达,利用萤光素酶实验检测2种TBK1突变体诱导β干扰素(IFN-β)转录的情况。结果:测序结果表明,TBK1相关激酶活性缺失突变体和泛素样结构域缺失突变体真核表达载体构建成功,Western印迹检测表明其在293细胞中获得有效表达;用萤光素酶报告基因实验检测,与野生型TBK1相比,其相关激酶活性缺失突变体和泛素样结构域缺失突变体诱导IFN-β转录激活的作用明显降低。结论:真核表达的TBK1相关激酶活性缺失突变体和泛素样结构域突变体具有相应的生物学活性,为研究其功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用N端截短方式对嗜酸普鲁兰芽孢杆菌Bacillus acidopullulyticus普鲁兰酶进行分子精简,构建不同形式的N端截短突变体,考察截短突变对表达水平、酶学特性及实用性能的影响。研究结果表明:缺失X45后,目标蛋白几乎全部以不溶形式的包涵体形式存在;缺失CBM41可引起可溶性表达量的大幅提升。缺失CBM41(M1)、X25(M3)、亦或两结构域同时缺失(M5)的变体最适温度(60℃)和最适p H(5.0)与野生型相同。突变体M1和M5的Km值分别提高至野生型的2.4倍和3.1倍,kcat/Km测定结果显示M5催化效率下降明显。突变体M1、M3和M5对分子量较大底物的水解效率略有下降,但对小分子底物的水解效率影响不明显。野生型及突变体M1、M3和M5与糖化酶复配使用时,糖化值(DE)分别为93.6%、94.7%、94.5%和93.1%。上述结果表明,切除CBM41和/或X25结构域的普鲁兰酶变体不影响其在淀粉糖化过程中的应用,且由于分子量减小更易于异源表达,截短突变体可能更适合于工业化生产。  相似文献   

孟香  尹志远  聂嘉俊  黄丽丽 《菌物学报》2019,38(9):1470-1479
真菌与寄主互作过程中常分泌多种效应蛋白,但植物病原真菌CAP超家族蛋白是否参与致病过程尚不明确。基于苹果黑腐皮壳菌Valsa mali基因组CAP同源基因研究发现VmPR1c敲除后突变体致病性明显下降,但VmPR1c蛋白在表达过程中被降解。本研究借助BLAST、NCBI CDD web server、SignalP 4.1、TMHMM 2.0等进行序列分析,利用缺失突变法及在蛋白表达过程中加蛋白酶抑制剂分别对该蛋白的降解功能域和降解途径进行了探索。C端区段缺失突变结果显示,突变涉及CAP结构域中的α-helix结构和CBM区域时,Western blot条带呈现明显加深;涉及CTE区域及CAP结构域中的半胱氨酸时,Western blot条带则呈现不同程度地减弱。替换VmPR1c的信号肽或突变其信号肽切割位点序列,Western blot条带均有不同程度地加深。分别对CTE和NTE中的脯氨酸进行点突变后,蛋白降解更加严重。在蛋白表达过程中加入蛋白酶体抑制剂MG132和溶酶体抑制剂chloroquine,与对照VmPR1c △SP-GFP相比,Western blot结果无明显变化,表明VmPR1c蛋白序列C端区域中的CTE、信号肽及其切割位点序列以及CAP结构域中的α-helix结构介导其降解,其中CTE和NTE中的脯氨酸对该蛋白具保护作用。此外,VmPR1c的降解不通过蛋白酶体和溶酶体途径。  相似文献   

乳腺癌易感蛋白BRCA1的BRCT1结构域染色质伸展活性的定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乳腺癌易感基因BRCA1(Breast cancer susceptibility gene 1)在乳腺癌的发生、发展中起重要作用。BRCA1 C末端含有2个BRCT结构域(BRCT1和BRCT2),许多乳腺癌易感突变发生在BRCA1的BRCT结构域中。利用染色质结构检测技术表明,BRCT结构域具有染色质伸展活性。本文利用缺失突变技术构建了6种BRCT1结构域(1642-1736 aa)缺失突变体并将BRCT1结构域中与染色质伸展相关的重要区域定位到1691-1721之间的氨基酸残基;用丙氨酸扫描技术构建了10种BRCT1结构域丙氨酸扫描突变体并将重要氨基酸残基序列定位到1707-1711之间的IAGGK。利用定位的重要区域进行Blast分析,结果找到一新型同源蛋白质。BRCT1结构域的定位有助于预测BRCT1结构域突变后发生乳腺癌的风险,也为进一步研究BRCT1结构域的功能机制提供了有用的材料。  相似文献   

FHL2转录激活结构域的定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LIM蛋白家族成员FHL2 (fourandhalfLIMdomainprotein)在转录调节、细胞凋亡及肿瘤的发生发展中都起着重要作用。利用GAL4转录因子中的DNA结合结构域 (DBD)和含有与DBD结合序列的荧光素酶报告基因(GAL4 LUC)构建了哺乳动物细胞转录激活系统 ,并利用该系统定位了FHL2的转录激活结构域。首先将GAL4 DBD序列以正确读框插入到pcDNA3载体的多克隆位点中 ,构建成真核表达载体pDBD ,再将野生型FHL2及其不同片段以正确读框与pDBD中GAL4 DBD序列融合 ,构建成野生型FHL2及其缺失突变体表达载体。将这些表达载体分别瞬时转染 2 93T胚胎肾细胞 ,野生型FHL2及其缺失突变体都得到了表达。利用GAL4 荧光素酶报告基因对野生型FHL2及其不同突变体的转录激活活性检测表明 ,在 2 93T胚胎肾细胞和乳腺癌MCF 7细胞中 ,野生型FHL2具有转录激活活性 ,缺失N端半个LIM结构域使FHL2转录激活活性降低 ,缺失C末端第二个LIM结构域对FHL2的转录激活功能影响不大 ,缺失C末端最后一个LIM结构域则使FHL2的转录激活功能完全丧失 ,而C末端缺失 2个LIM结构域使FHL2转录激活活性又有所恢复。这说明FHL2C末端最后一个LIM结构域对其转录激活功能是必需的 ,而C末端第二个LIM结构域可能对FHL2的转录激活功能有负调控作用 ,这种负调控作用取决于  相似文献   

The formation of complex bacterial communities known as biofilms begins with the interaction of planktonic cells with a surface in response to appropriate environmental signals. We report the isolation and characterization of mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 defective in the initiation of biofilm formation on an abiotic surface, polyvinylchloride (PVC) plastic. These mutants are designated surface attachment defective ( sad ). Two classes of sad mutants were analysed: (i) mutants defective in flagellar-mediated motility and (ii) mutants defective in biogenesis of the polar-localized type IV pili. We followed the development of the biofilm formed by the wild type over 8 h using phase-contrast microscopy. The wild-type strain first formed a monolayer of cells on the abiotic surface, followed by the appearance of microcolonies that were dispersed throughout the monolayer of cells. Using time-lapse microscopy, we present evidence that microcolonies form by aggregation of cells present in the monolayer. As observed with the wild type, strains with mutations in genes required for the synthesis of type IV pili formed a monolayer of cells on the PVC plastic. However, in contrast to the wild-type strain, the type IV pili mutants did not develop microcolonies over the course of the experiments, suggesting that these structures play an important role in microcolony formation. Very few cells of a non-motile strain (carrying a mutation in flgK ) attached to PVC even after 8 h of incubation, suggesting a role for flagella and/or motility in the initial cell-to-surface interactions. The phenotype of these mutants thus allows us to initiate the dissection of the developmental pathway leading to biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aureofaciens PA147-2 shows antifungal activity toward a variety of plant pathogenic fungi. We have been investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying the fungal inhibition, and during these studies it was observed that the use of pLAFR3-based cosmids for in trans complementation of mutants lacking antifungal activity is hindered by cosmid instability. It was hypothesised that the cosmid stability could be improved by inactivation of recA. The recA gene of PA147-2 was cloned and shown to complement recA mutants of E. coli, restoring RecA-dependent functions when expressed in trans. Two recA mutants of PA147-2 were constructed. Both of these mutants show sensitivity to DNA damage. Cosmid pPS2122 restores antifungal activity to a mutant by allele exchange, but is unstable in trans. The stability of pPS2122 is shown to be improved in a recA mutant of PA147-2 with respect to the wild type.  相似文献   

TPK1 and TPK2 encode both isoforms of protein kinase A (PKA) catalytic subunits in Candida albicans. Mutants lacking both TPK1 alleles showed defective hyphal morphogenesis on solid inducing media, whereas in liquid hypha, formation was affected slightly. In contrast, tpk2 mutants were only partially morphogenesis defective on solid media, whereas a strong block was observed in liquid. In addition, the yeast forms of tpk2-- but not tpk1-- mutants were completely deficient in invading agar. Because Tpk1p and Tpk2p differ in their N-terminal domains of approximately 80--90 amino acids, while the catalytic portions are highly homologous, the functions of hybrid Tpk proteins with exchanged N-terminal domains were tested. The results demonstrate that the catalytic portions mediate Tpk protein specificities with regard to filamentation, whereas agar invasion is mediated by the N-terminal domain of Tpk2p. Homozygous tpk1 and tpk2 mutants grew normally; however, a tpk2 mutant strain containing a single regulatable TPK1 allele (PCK1p-TPK1) at low expression levels was severely growth defective. It was completely blocked in hyphal morphogenesis and was stress resistant to high osmolarities or temperatures. Thus, both Tpk isoforms in C. albicans share growth functions but, unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae isoforms, they have positive, specific roles in filament formation in different environments.  相似文献   

The expression of p60v-src in chicken cells infected with Rous sarcoma virus causes stimulation of cell proliferation, morphological alteration, and anchorage independence. PA101 and PA104 are temperature-sensitive variants encoding mutant p60v-src proteins that are partially defective in the induction of these transformation parameters. To define the structural basis for the transformation defectiveness of the p60v-src mutants, the v-src genes of PA101 and PA104 were molecularly cloned and analyzed. Amino- and carboxy-terminal coding regions of the cloned mutant genes were exchanged with the corresponding regions of cloned wild-type v-src and chicken c-src genes, reconstructed into viral DNA, and expressed in infected cells maintained at various temperatures. This analysis revealed that lesions within the tyrosine kinase domains of the two mutant proteins confer temperature sensitivity on all three transformation functions of p60v-src. An amino-terminal region of the PA101 mutant protein, which coincides with the proposed modulatory domain and appears to interact with the kinase domain, affects morphological alteration in a temperature-independent manner. Our results suggest that the function of the kinase domain is essential to all three parameters examined, whereas the amino-terminal domain is important in determining cell morphology.  相似文献   

Proanthocyanidin (PA), or condensed tannin, is a polymeric flavanol that accumulates in a number of tissues in a wide variety of plants. In Arabidopsis, we found that PA precursors (detected histochemically using OsO(4)) accumulate in the endothelial cell layer of the seed coat from the two-terminal cell stage of embryo development onwards. To understand how PA is made, we screened mature seed pools of T-DNA-tagged Arabidopsis lines to identify mutants defective in the synthesis of PA and found six tds (tannin-deficient seed) complementation groups defective in PA synthesis. Mutations in these loci disrupt the amount (tds1, tds2, tds3, tds5, and tds6) or location and amount of PA (tds4) in the endothelial cell layer. The PA intermediate epicatechin has been identified in wild type and mutants tds1, tds2, tds3, and tds5 (which do not produce PA) and tds6 (6% of wild-type PA), whereas tds4 (2% of wild-type PA) produces an unidentified dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde-reacting compound, indicating that the mutations may be acting on genes beyond leucoanthocyanidin reductase, the first enzymatic reduction step dedicated to PA synthesis. Two other mutants were identified, an allele of tt7, which has a spotted pattern of PA deposition and produces only 8% of the wild-type level of type PA as propelargonidin, and an allele of tt8 producing no PA. Spotted patterns of PA deposition observed in seed of mutants tds4 and tt7-3 result from altered PA composition and distribution in the cell. Our mutant screen, which was not exhaustive, suggests that the cooperation of many genes is required for successful PA accumulation.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of membrane transport proteins is the largest class of transporters in humans (48 members). The majority of ABC transporters function at the cell surface. Therefore, defective folding and trafficking of the protein to the cell surface can lead to serious health problems. The classic example is cystic fibrosis (CF). In most CF patients, there is a deletion of Phe508 in the CFTR protein (ΔF508 CFTR) that results in defective folding and intracellular retention of the protein (processing mutant). A potential treatment for most patients with CF would be to use a ligand(s) of CFTR that acts a pharmacological chaperone to correct the folding defect. The feasibility of such an approach was first demonstrated with the multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an ABC transporter, and a sister protein of CFTR. It was found that P-gps with mutations at sites equivalent to those found in CFTR processing mutants were rescued when they were expressed in the presence of drug substrates or modulators of P-gp. These compounds acted as pharmacological chaperones and functioned by promoting interactions among the various domains in the protein during the folding process. Several groups have attempted to identify compounds that could rescue the folding defect in ΔF508 CFTR. The best compound identified through high-throughout screening is a quinazoline derivative (CFcor-325). Expression of ΔF508 CFTR as well as other CFTR processing mutants in the presence of 1 μM CFcor-325 promoted folding and trafficking of the mutant proteins to the cell surface in an active conformation. Therefore, CFcor-325 and other quinazoline derivates could be important therapeutic compounds for the treatment of CF.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌泳动能力相关新基因的筛选及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从Mu转座突变子文库中经过表型筛选,得到12株泳动(Swimming motility)能力缺陷的突变子,经Mu转座子插入位点的确认、基因克隆及测序分析发现其中10个突变子中Mu转座子分别插入到10个不同的与鞭毛运动和功能相关的基因中,2个突变子中Mu转座子插入到功能未知的新基因(PA2950和PA5022)中,电镜观察结果表明这2个突变株均具有完整的鞭毛,初步推测这2个基因可能是参与鞭毛泳动的能量代谢、趋化作用或信息传递的新基因。  相似文献   

Hemolysin plasmids were constructed with mutations in hlyB, hlyD, or both transport genes. The localization of hemolysin activity and HlyA protein in these mutants was analyzed by biochemical and immunological methods. It was found that mutants defective in hlyB accumulated internal hemolysin, part of which was associated with the inner membrane and was degraded in the late logarithmic growth phase. In an HlyB+ HlyD- mutant, hemolysin was predominantly localized in the membrane compartment. Labeling of these Escherichia coli cells with anti-HlyA antibody indicated that part of HlyA, presumably the C-terminal end but not the pore-forming domains, was already transported to the cellular surface. This finding suggests that HlyB is able to recognize the C-terminal signal of the HlyA protein and to initiate its translocation across the membranes.  相似文献   

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