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基于景观生态学的湖区沟渠保护研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
沟渠作为一种典型的廊道景观,是湖区生态系统的重要组成部分.近年来,武汉市汉阳湖区沟渠廊道功能退化,导致其生态系统质量不断恶化.根据景观生态学的廊道理论、尺度效应、景观异质性、边缘效应和生态修复等原理,在汉阳湖区沟渠现状调研的基础上,对沟渠景观格局进行优化设计来实现对沟渠的保护:从大尺度上对整个汉阳湖区水质进行调控,以提高沟渠水体质量;对湖区沟渠进行拓宽、重建以改善沟渠的廊道功能;对沟渠岸线进行景观保护设计,以提高沟渠的抗干扰能力,从而恢复沟渠的景观生态功能,改善湖区生态系统健康状况.研究表明,在湖区沟渠的保护过程中,可以将景观生态学的原理比较合理地运用于实践.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地多级沟渠系统底泥可溶性有机碳的分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郗敏  吕宪国 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1434-1441
沿着土壤和土地利用类似的三江平原多级沟渠系统采集不同沟渠单元底泥,这些不同沟渠系统单元由湿地和农田边界排水沟渠到相当大的主干渠变化着,测定底泥中可溶有机碳(DOC)含量,研究多级沟渠系统底泥中DOC的分布特征。结果发现,随沟渠等级增加,DOC在底泥中所占的比重逐渐增加(40~60cm层增加近5倍),DOC富集层逐渐有规律的向底泥底层转移(40~60cm)。研究表明,排水沟渠既是湿地或农田DOC的最初汇聚地,又是河道DOC的输出源;沟渠重复性的排水将湿地或农田DOC通过零星径流带入沟渠系统中,连续的沟渠径流携带着大量DOC与不同等级沟渠系统相互作用使得沟渠系统底泥中DOC呈现出一定的水平、垂直分布特征;排水沟渠排水历时、DOC流量、滞留时间、径流发生频率等都会影响多级沟渠系统底泥中DOC的分布特征;另外,沟渠系统内生长的植被也通过径流阻塞和有机质过程影响底泥中DOC的分布特征。  相似文献   

上海崇明岛前卫村沟渠生态修复示范工程评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用生物护坡技术、氧化塘系统和沸石处理系统,修建了上海崇明前卫村沟渠生态修复示范工程,并通过地表径流模拟实验及坡岸土壤参数、生物多样性、沟渠水体总氮和总磷含量等指标对该示范工程进行了评估.结果表明:与对照相比,使用灌丛垫技术修复后的坡岸土壤剪切力、紧实度和土壤湿度显著提高(P<0.05),坡岸植被延缓径流和去除悬浮物效果显著(P<0.05);使用柴笼技术修复后的坡岸土壤剪切力和悬浮物去除率显著提高(P<0.05),但对土壤湿度、紧实度和雨水径流的延滞作用不太明显.示范工程实施后,沟渠内水质得到明显改善,总氮和总磷含量显著下降(P<0.05),沟渠坡岸的生境质量和景观效果得到改善,生物多样性明显增加.采用土壤生物工程方法和其他生态修复技术集成可以稳定坡岸、改善沟渠的栖息地质量以及修复大城市郊区村镇沟渠的生态环境.  相似文献   

通过分析排水沟渠影响下的泥炭地土壤氮空间分布特征,阐明全球变化背景下排水沟壑对高原泥炭地退化的影响,为若尔盖高原退化湿地区的生态恢复提供决策支持。将若尔盖湿地自然保护区内的一条排水沟渠作为研究区,在11个垂直于沟渠的断面上,通过环刀法在沟渠两侧取样,分析排水沟渠对阶地沼泽土壤全氮和碱解氮的影响。结果表明:土壤全氮含量0.34~21.86 g·kg^-1,平均值为11.26±6.22 g·kg^-1;土壤碱解氮含量28.35~1965.60 mg·kg^-1,平均值为889.53±470.31 mg·kg^-1;纵向上,以高海拔和靠近河流的含量较低,碱解氮与全氮的比值与高程呈正相关;横向上,与沟渠不同距离间存在差异,越靠近沟渠的样点,其全氮含量越高,但统计上不显著(P>0.05),高程更低的左岸碱解氮含量低于右岸;表层土壤的碱解氮以靠近沟渠1 m的距离最低(P<0.05),左、右岸的碱解氮/全氮比值均呈"V"型变化,与沟渠的距离增加先降低再升高;垂向上,土壤全氮和碱解氮以表层最高,随着深度增加而降低;阶地沼泽连续地块上的土壤氮分布受高程影响大,随着海拔升高而降低;表层土壤氮含量最高,随着深度增加其垂向变化趋势不一致;排水沟壑对泥炭地土壤氮的时空分布格局产生影响,对靠近沟渠的影响最大,且显著降低表层的土壤氮含量。  相似文献   

南水北调对海河流域水生态环境影响分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
裴源生  王建华  罗琳 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2115-2123
提出可定量分析研究流域水循环变化对水生态环境影响的关联分析方法 ,并对海河流域现状进行了关联分析和和评价。分析研究表明人类对水资源的过度开发利用已改变了海河流域的天然水循环并导致水生态环境全面退化。进一步对未来无南水北调和有南水北调的情况进行定量模拟计算 ,结果表明在无南水北调的情况下 ,未来海河流域将处于无法兼顾发展经济和保护生态环境的困境 ;在实施南水北调的情况下 ,水资源可支撑海河流域经济发展并影响和改善整个流域的水循环状态 ,从整体上遏制海河流域水生态环境恶化的趋势 ,但入海水量仍无法改善  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同土地利用模式对深层土壤含水量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对陕北米脂人工经济林、神木退耕还林和榆林榆阳区防风固沙林具有代表性植被类型0~20 m土壤剖面水分特征的差异进行了研究,分析黄土丘陵区不同土地利用模式对深层土壤剖面水分分布和储存特征的影响及生态环境效应.结果表明: 在0~20 m土层,不同位点具有代表性土地利用方式均影响土壤含水量的垂直分布;在整个剖面中,人工经济林土壤储水量有显著差异,为矮化枣树 > 未矮化枣树,储水量相差587.9 mm;神木退耕还林和榆林榆阳区防风固沙林土壤剖面中土壤储水量无较大差异,在神木整个剖面中土壤储水量的大小为退化人工草地 > 柠条林,储水量相差98.8 mm;在榆阳为荒草地 > 樟子松,储水量相差7.5 mm.与未矮化枣树相比,人工经济林矮化枣树减少了对土壤水分的消耗,矮化枣树冠幅较小,降低了蒸腾作用,从而更加有利于土壤水分的可持续利用;人工柠条林和退化人工草地土壤水分含量无明显差异,这是因为退化人工草地过去为苜蓿地,根系分布深以及生物量大,对土壤深层水分利用较大所致;防风固沙林樟子松与荒草地整个剖面中的平均土壤含水量较低,土壤砂粒含量较高,土壤持水性差,土壤含水量随土壤深度的增加而增加,平均土壤含水量分别为3.4%和3.6%,且该地植物对深层土壤水分影响有限.综上,土壤剖面中土壤水分除了受土壤质地的控制,不同土地利用模式由于植物根系不同,对土壤水分也产生较大的影响.为此,选择合适的植物对于土壤深层水的保护和持续利用非常重要.  相似文献   

平原灌区的水文情势复杂,且受农村小水利工程及人为管理影响强烈。本研究选取典型平原灌区——苏北阜东灌区作为研究区,构建沟渠网络连通指标及农村小水利工程的影响指标来定量分析水文连通程度,利用自组织特征映射(SOM)分析法,判断小水利工程对研究区沟渠网络结构连通性空间异质性的影响。结果表明: 阜东灌区各区域水文结构连通差异较大。其中,灌区北部连通性最好,灌区中南部连通性最差。研究区共有876个泵站、633个闸点和2420个涵洞。在没有小水利工程影响时,水文结构连通性极差的行政村共有13个,连通性较好和连通性最好的行政村共48个。在小水利工程的影响下,连通性极差的行政村减为8个,连通性较好和连通性最好的行政村增加为53个。由于闸点和涵洞的影响,阜东灌区共有26个行政村的水文结构连通性变差;由于泵站的影响,39个行政村的水文结构连通性得到改善。  相似文献   

通过对石羊河下游青土湖人工输水后水面形成区环境要素变化的调查研究,分析了水面形成对区域地下水位、植被、大气温湿度、风速等的影响。结果表明:(1)由于输水方式、输水时间集中等因素影响,区域水面形成快速;且每个输水周期完成6个月后的区域保留水面积持续增大,4a间水面积增加4.52倍,面积扩大的叠加效应明显。(2)输水作用和水面的形成,促使输水区域地下水埋深由6m,提升到0.6—3.2m。(3)水面形成促进了区域以白刺为代表的单一荒漠植被群落向芦苇草甸、盐化草甸等多样化群落演替。(4)水面形成的"冷岛效应"明显,促进了区域小气候环境的改善;输水区500m范围平均温度降低55.67%,湿度增加3倍。人工输水对青土湖区域生态环境的改善产生了明显的积极作用,但输水政策的持续性、输水策略调整等不确定性影响,以及水面形成对局部范围风沙活动、植物物种多样性等方面的负面影响值得关注和深入研究。  相似文献   

正直到20世纪60年代,道路建设引起的生态环境问题才开始被人们关注。在20世纪80年代以前,人们主要关注公路对野生动物生境的干扰和水土水文效应的影响。欧美国家在20世纪60年代席卷全球的环境启蒙运动中就针对道路建设对水土流失、水文效应给予了关注,并逐步发展了系统规范的防控方案。20世纪70年代以后,欧洲一些国家和美国开始建造一些为了野生动物穿越公路的桥梁和涵洞,如法国建造了150多座5~10米宽的小桥,建造了欧洲第一  相似文献   

西南岩溶槽谷区隧道建设的水文生态环境效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕玉香  蒋勇军  王正雄  胡伟 《生态学报》2020,40(6):1851-1864
西南岩溶槽谷区隧道分布密集,隧道突水引发了一系列的生态环境问题。梳理了隧道建设产生的生态环境效应现状,包括:改变水资源分布格局及水文过程,诱发地质灾害,降低土地质量和引起土壤污染,影响植被生长与分布等。在隧道影响水文和水资源方面已有丰富的研究成果,而在对土壤和植被的影响研究方面缺乏统一认识。指出了未来研究的总体趋势和方向:隧道影响水资源分布格局与水文过程的水文地质模式,降水、地表水、土壤水、地下水及隧道水的转换过程与地下水流场演化机制,岩溶隧道区植被生理过程与多样性变化等。  相似文献   

Farmers can play an important role in enhancing the diversity of plant species in ditches, since they carry out most of the management. Little is known about the measures farmers can take to enhance aquatic biodiversity in ditches. Therefore, a field study was set up to determine how dredging, ditch cleaning, and nutrient supply in the adjacent fields affect the floristic values of the ditch vegetation in peat areas. A total of 240 ditches on 84 dairy farms were selected, to establish the effect of ditch cleaning, dredging, and nutrient supply. Generalised linear modelling was used to determine the most relevant factors, and to obtain quantitative relations between those factors and two indices of floristic value. Ditch management, field management, and water management were found to affect the floristic values of the ditch vegetation. Increasing the water depth proved to be the most cost-effective measure. Further improvements can be obtained by choosing certain machines or specific management periods, or reducing the N supply. The effect of the P supply is not yet sufficiently clear. The water boards can enhance floristic values by raising the ditch water table and by lowering the Cl concentration in the ditches.  相似文献   

Supplying polluted river water to nature reserves in The Netherlands often leads to eutrophication of the reserve. The eutrophication can be caused directly by the high nutrient input (external eutrophication) or indirectly by altering nutrient availability due to changes in nutrient desorption or mineralization. This paper investigates the potential of a ditch system that is tested for its potential to improve the water quality of polluted river water prior to supplying to the wet meadow reserve De Meije in The Netherlands. Concentrations of the macro-ions chloride, sulphate, calcium and bicarbonate in the polluted river water were much higher than original background values, measured in the reserve. During transport of the river water through the ditch system, no decline was observed in the concentrations of these macro-ions. The phosphorus concentration, however, decreased along the flow path and was significantly negatively correlated with the distance from the inlet point. High phosphorus removal occurred in a stretch of the ditch system where submerged and free floating species such as Fontinalis antipyretica and Lemna trisulca were dominant. The N: P ratio of F. antipyretica was especially low (N : P < 5) at sampling stations where high phosphorus concentrations were measured. The high N: P ratio indicated a luxury consumption of phosphorus. With decreasing phosphorus concentrations, the N: P ratio of F. antipyretica increased to a maximum of N: P = 25. The nutrient budget of the ditch system showed that supply of river water was the main input of phosphorus (12 kg P) whereas the main inputs of nitrogen of the ditch system were atmospheric deposition (66 kg N) and leaching from the wet meadows (44 kg N). For both nutrients, harvesting the aquatic vegetation in September was the main removal mechanism from the ditch system with 92 kg of nitrogen (80% of the annual input N) and 14 kg of phosphorus (95% of the annual P input) removed. It was concluded that the ditch system with aquatic vegetation could successfully remove nutrients from polluted river water. The concentrations of macro-ions, however, are not influenced by the ditch systems and internal eutrophication due to changes in adsorption or mineralization may still occur.  相似文献   

Breeding for high water-use efficiency   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
There is a pressing need to improve the water-use efficiency of rain-fed and irrigated crop production. Breeding crop varieties with higher water-use efficiency is seen as providing part of the solution. Three key processes can be exploited in breeding for high water-use efficiency: (i) moving more of the available water through the crop rather than it being wasted as evaporation from the soil surface or drainage beyond the root zone or being left behind in the root zone at harvest; (ii) acquiring more carbon (biomass) in exchange for the water transpired by the crop, i.e. improving crop transpiration efficiency; (iii) partitioning more of the achieved biomass into the harvested product. The relative importance of any one of these processes will vary depending on how water availability varies during the crop cycle. However, these three processes are not independent. Targeting specific traits to improve one process may have detrimental effects on the other two, but there may also be positive interactions. Progress in breeding for improved water-use efficiency of rain-fed wheat is reviewed to illustrate the nature of some of these interactions and to highlight opportunities that may be exploited in other crops as well as potential pitfalls. For C3 species, measuring carbon isotope discrimination provides a powerful means of improving water-use efficiency of leaf gas exchange, but experience has shown that improvements in leaf-level water-use efficiency may not always translate into higher crop water-use efficiency or yield. In fact, the reverse has frequently been observed. Reasons for this are explored in some detail. Crop simulation modelling can be used to assess the likely impact on water-use efficiency and yield of changing the expression of traits of interest. Results of such simulations indicate that greater progress may be achieved by pyramiding traits so that potential negative effects of individual traits are neutralized. DNA-based selection techniques may assist in such a strategy.  相似文献   

In intensive agricultural systems runoff is one of the major potential diffuse pollution pathways for pesticides and poses a risk to surface water. Ditches are common in the Po Valley and can potentially provide runoff mitigation for the protection of watercourses. The effectiveness depends on ditch characteristics, so there is an urgent need for site-specific field trials. The use of a fugacity model (multimedia model) can allows recognition of the mitigation main processes. A field experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the mitigation capacity of a typical vegetated ditch, and results were compared with predictions by a fugacity model. To evaluate herbicide mitigation after an extreme runoff, the ditch was flooded with water containing mesotrione, S-metolachlor and terbuthylazine. Two other subsequent floods with uncontaminated water were applied 27 and 82 days later to evaluate herbicides release. Results show that the ditch can immediately reduce runoff concentration of herbicides by at least 50% even in extreme flooding conditions. The half-distances were about 250 m. As a general rule, a runoff of 1 mm from 5 ha is mitigated by 99% in 100 m of vegetated ditch. Herbicides retention in the vegetated ditch was reversible, and the second flood mobilized 0.03-0.2% of the previous one, with a concentration below the drinking water limit of 0.1 μg L-1. No herbicide was detected in the third flood, because the residual amount in the ditch was too low. Fugacity model results show that specific physical-chemical parameters may be used and a specific soil-sediment-plant compartment included for modelling herbicides behaviour in a vegetated ditch, and confirm that accumulation is low or negligible for herbicides with a half-life of 40 days or less. Shallow vegetated ditches can thus be included in a general agri-environment scheme for the mitigation of pesticides runoff together with wetlands and linear buffer strips. These structures are present in the landscape, and their environmental role can be exploited by proper management.  相似文献   

The currently accepted system of criteria for evaluating environmental and ecological hazards of man-made chemicals (pollutants) is vulnerable to criticism. In this paper, a new concept of the system of approaches towards criteria for evaluating the ecological hazard from man-made impact is proposed. It is suggested to assess the man-made impacts (including effects of pollutants and xenobiotics) on the biota according to the following four levels of disturbance in biological and ecological systems: (1) the level of individual responses; (2) the level of aggregated responses of groups of organisms; (3) the level of stability and integrity of the ecosystem; (4) the level of contributions of the ecosystem to biospheric processes. On the basis of the author's experimental studies, an example is given of how to apply the proposed approach and the system of criteria to the analysis of concrete experimental data. To exemplify the efficiency of the proposed approach, it is shown how to use it to analyze new data on effects of a synthetic surfactant on water filtering by bivalves. It is concluded that the proposed approach will be helpful in better assessing environmental and ecological hazards from anthropogenic effects on biota, including effects of man-made chemicals polluting ecosystems.  相似文献   

基于参与性调查的农户对退耕政策及生态环境的认知与响应   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:29  
连纲  郭旭东  傅伯杰  王静  何挺 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1741-1747
采用参与性农户评估方法(PRA)对黄土丘陵区107户农户进行了分层随机抽样调查,并根据研究区内地形等条件将所调查农户分为旱地农户和川水地农户两组,就目前农户对退耕还林还草政策的态度及农户对生态环境的意识及行为的异同进行分析比较。尝试从农户行为角度研究区域发展问题,并基于对农户行为的分析,对区域相关政策制定、实施以及生态环境建设等提出相关建议。研究表明:研究区农户对于土地依赖性较大,旱地农户表现尤为突出,大多数农户对于退耕持支持态度。农户进行的相关水土保护措施,很大程度上并不是农户经过决策后有意识的自觉行为,而是农户为了保证基本农业生产,采取的相应的对策所产生的效应。在土地管理及水土保护措施方面,除了相关的种植措施外,旱地农户更多倾向于通过工程措施来获取好的回报,而川水地农户更多注重于现有土地质量的管护,来进一步提高现有耕地的质量。农户对于环境重要性的认识较为明确,川水地农户认识要比旱地农户更充分一些。与10a前相比,近80%的农户认为当地的生态环境有所好转,然而近45%的农户在生产活动过程中根本不考虑对生态环境的影响,两组农户之间差异不大。超过55%的农户认为生态环境恶化首要原因是气候的影响,干旱是关键因子,其次是过度放牧(24.5%)和水土流失(22.5%)等,两组农户对于生态环境恶化原因的认识具有较大的差别,旱地农户认为生态环境的恶化主要原因是干旱和水土流失,而川水地农户认为生态环境的恶化主要原因是干旱和过度放牧。  相似文献   

Liu  Wei  Xu  Mengzhen  Zhang  Jiahao  Zhang  Tongyu 《Limnology》2020,21(2):245-255
Limnology - The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) has caused worldwide problems for the eco-environment and man-made structures. There have been many control strategies proposed, which have...  相似文献   

干旱地区遥感生态指数的改进——以乌兰布和沙漠为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干旱区以荒漠为主要背景,生态环境脆弱,极易受到自然和人为因素的影响。为了定量评价干旱区生态环境质量,基于遥感生态指数(RSEI),针对干旱区对其进行改进,构建了干旱遥感生态指数(ARSEI),该指数耦合了绿度、湿度、盐度、热度以及土地退化度信息。利用ARSEI和RSEI对乌兰布和沙漠2000—2019年生态环境质量进行动态监测和评价,分析两者的差别及在干旱区的适用性。同时分析乌兰布和沙漠生态环境质量时空变化特征及原因。结果表明: ARSEI比RSEI对干旱区生态环境质量具有更好的适用性,ARSEI增强了土地利用类型变化在生态环境质量评价中的作用。2000—2019年,乌兰布和沙漠生态环境质量整体上为差。等级为优、良、中的部分主要分布在沙漠北部,等级为差的部分主要集中在戈壁和沙地处,较差主要在低覆盖度植被区。2000—2019年,乌兰布和沙漠生态环境质量总体变好,沙漠北部城镇或农场生态环境质量变化复杂,变差和变好交替分布。生态农业和沙产业对生态环境质量有明显的改善作用,这是乌兰布和沙漠生态环境质量变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

三峡库区流域水环境保护分区   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wang LJ  Xi CY  Zheng BH 《应用生态学报》2011,22(4):1039-1044
流域内不同地域的社会经济发展水平、土地利用状况、植被覆盖程度、与水域的相对位置均对水环境质量存在显著影响.围绕水体保护的核心需求,面向流域空间范围开展水环境保护分区十分必要.本文以三峡库区为研究区,着眼于区域生态环境特征、水体压力-响应特征的空间差异性,基于生态因子叠置法、生态敏感性分析等方法,研究三峡库区水环境保护分区.分区综合考虑了水热条件、地势地貌、生态敏感性等因素,将库区划分为:1)红区,即严格保护区,总面积2924 km2,占库区的5.1%;2)黄区,即一级防护区,总面积10477 km2,占库区的18.4%;3)蓝区,即二级防护区,总面积43599 km2,占库区的76.5%.辨识了红区、黄区和蓝区不同分区的关键环境问题,并有针对性地提出各区的发展方向和水环境保护定位.  相似文献   

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