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着重探讨某些脑区非胍基多胺 (腐胺 ,精脒 ,精胺等 )与衰老关系 ,结果表明人工致衰老组和自然衰老组大鼠的纹状体、下丘脑、皮层以及小脑等脑区多胺水平较正常对照组均明显降低  相似文献   

为研究不同CO2浓度升高和氮肥水平对水稻叶绿素荧光特性的影响,利用由开顶式气室(OTC)组成的CO2浓度自动调控平台开展田间试验。以粳稻9108为试验材料,CO2浓度设置CK(对照,环境大气CO2浓度)、C1(CO2浓度比CK增加160 μmol/mol)和C2(CO2浓度比CK增加200 μmol/mol)3个水平;氮肥设置低氮(N1:10 g/m2)、中氮(N2:20 g/m2)和高氮(N3:30 g/m2)3个水平。结果表明,在低氮条件下,与CK相比,C1处理使拔节期的Fo上升4.8%(P=0.031);C2处理使拔节期的Fo上升6.3%(P=0.015),Fv/Fm下降4.8%(P=0.003),使孕穗期的Fo上升12.7%(P=0.039),Fv/Fo下降18.2%(P=0.039)。在高氮条件下,与CK相比,C2处理使灌浆期的FmFvFv/Fm分别下降3.6%(P=0.039)、4.9%(P=0.013)和1.3%(P=0.039)。在中氮条件下,与CK相比,C1和C2处理的影响不明显。在整个生育期内,CO2浓度升高与施氮处理交互作用对水稻叶绿素荧光特性的影响未到达显著水平。研究表明,大气CO2浓度升高使水稻叶片光系统Ⅱ受损,抑制其电子传递能力、电子受体QA氧化还原情况、最大光化学效率和潜在活性,通过适量施氮可以有效地缓解其负面效应。  相似文献   

<正> 人体多胺,包括腐胺(putrescine,pur),精脒(spermidine,spd)以及精胺(spermine,spm)等,其中精脒为最多。体液及细胞中多胺水平与体内核酸、蛋白质合成关系密切,肿瘤患者明显高于正常,而且多胺是肿瘤活动及消退的标志物,因此近年来国内外,测定多胺的方法甚多,例如1970年报道了丹酰氯—硅胶薄  相似文献   

为研究蝎毒素BmkTXKβ对家兔心房肌细胞瞬间外向钾电流(Ito)的影响,采用全细胞膜片钳技术记录应用BmkTXKβ前后的Ito电流. 结果显示BmkTXKβ(1 μmol/L)使心房肌细胞Ito(刺激电压为+50 mV)从(13.63±0.87)pA/pF减少到(7.98±0.78)pA/pF,抑制率为41.4% (n=16, P<0.001).冲洗后, Ito部分恢复至(11.18±0.82)pA/pF (n=6, P<0.01,与给药后比较).在0.01~100 μmol/L范围内BmkTXKβ呈浓度依赖性地抑制Ito,IC50的均值为0.95 μmol/L (n=10, P<0.01),但无频率依赖性(n=6,P>0.05). 1 μmol/L的BmkTXKβ可使Ito通道的失活动力学曲线明显左移,V1/2分别为(-23.6±2.7) mV和(-35.3±3.6) mV(n=8,P<0.05),曲线斜率基本不变.同时可使Ito通道的恢复过程明显减慢,恢复曲线右移,τ值从(51.2±8.5) ms延长至(93.5±13.4) ms(n=9,P<0.01),但不影响其激活过程.据此推断BmkTXKβ对家兔心房肌细胞Ito具有显著的抑制作用,主要作用于失活过程,延长该通道的恢复时间.  相似文献   

由于全球气候变化,预计未来我国亚热带地区干旱频率和持续时间将会增加。森林土壤CO2的释放是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,然而,有关不同深度土壤CO2通量对干旱响应的理解仍相当有限。选择武夷山针叶林(Coniferous Forest,CF)和常绿阔叶林(Evergreen Broadleaved Forest,EBF)为研究对象,于2014年6月至2015年12月,采用梯度法计算10、30 cm和50 cm深度各层土壤CO2通量,探讨模拟干旱对其影响。结果表明:CF和EBF样地土壤CO2浓度均随土壤深度的增加而升高。CF和EBF样地对照(CK)处理10 cm深度土壤CO2生产量分别占总CO2生产量的53.5%和55.7%,表明土壤CO2生产量主要来源于浅层土壤,这可能与浅层土壤有高的有机碳含量及细根生物量主要分布区有关。干旱处理使CF和EBF样地不同深度土壤CO2通量均显著减少。在两个样地土壤CO2通量的温度敏感性(Q10)值均随着土壤深度的增加而减少。干旱处理显著减少了CF样地浅层土壤的Q10值(P=0.02),对深层土壤影响不显著(30 cm:P=0.30;50 cm:P=0.23);而在EBF样地干旱处理显著减少了深层土壤的Q10值(30 cm:P=0.02;50 cm:P=0.01),对浅层土壤影响不显著(P=0.32)。  相似文献   

[目的] 研究稻虾共作模式条件下,稻田封闭除草剂对克氏原螯虾产生的急性毒性。[方法] 采用半静态试验方法,研究3种酰胺类除草剂(乙草胺、丙草胺和丁草胺)对克氏原螯虾的急性毒性,计算3种酰胺类除草剂对克氏原螯虾的安全浓度,并分析其LC50衰减规律。[结果] 随着暴露时间和除草剂浓度的增加,虾体侧躺,步行足和游泳足活动频率降低,最终死亡。乙草胺对克氏原螯虾的96 h半致死浓度(LC50)和安全浓度(SC)分别为0.0707和0.0146 mL·L-1;丙草胺对克氏原螯虾的96 h LC50和SC分别为0.0119和0.0021 mL·L-1;丁草胺对克氏原螯虾的96h LC50和SC分别为0.0073和0.0014 mL·L-1。乙草胺、丙草胺及丁草胺除草剂LC50随着暴露时间延长呈下降趋势,符合双曲线衰减模型,回归方程分别为:① y1=2.0840x-0.7380R2=0.9973);② y2=0.1106x-0.4930R2=0.9872);③ y3=0.2236x-0.7480R2=0.9990)。克氏原螯虾对3种除草剂的敏感性由高到低依次为:丁草胺 > 丙草胺 > 乙草胺。[结论] 乙草胺和丙草胺可在稻田综合种养生产过程中按常规剂量使用,而丁草胺按常规剂量使用可能存在较大的风险。  相似文献   

用快速微量等电聚焦技术对190名北京地区汉族健康人血清Gc蛋白亚型、Pi蛋白亚型进行分型鉴定和基因频率调查.上样量为1.5μl,电泳和染色各0.5h.Gc1F=0.4891,Gc1S=0.2432,Gc2=0.2678.观察值与期望值吻合良好.(∑X2=1.404,0.7<P<0.8).PiM1=0.7542,PiM2=0.1808,PiM3=0.0650,观察值与期望值吻合也良好,(∑X2=1.1233,0.7<P<0.8).  相似文献   

曲豪杰  张涵丹  谭志超  陈光才 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6969-6981
通过野外调查、采样和实验室分析方法,研究优新景观树种纳塔栎(Quercus nuttallii)和柳叶栎(Quercus phellos)对湖南郴州Pb、Zn矿区复合污染土壤的适应性和修复潜力。试验设计A、B、E区种植1年生纳塔栎,C、D区种植1年生柳叶栎,1年后测量株高、地径、生物量等生长指标,随机采集植物全株及根际土壤,测试植物根际土壤和树木组织中的重金属含量。试验结果:Pb、Zn矿区土壤受到重金属Cd、Pb、Zn和As的复合污染,不同区域的土壤表现出污染异质性,采用单污染指数(Pi)和内梅罗指数(PN)评价不同地块的污染程度,A区尾矿库(PN=20.08)和B区(PN=3.14)为重度复合污染,C区(PN=2.43)为中度复合污染,D区(PN=1.55)和E区(PN=1.07)为轻微污染。纳塔栎和柳叶栎在以上不同污染地块均能正常生长,株高、地径和生物量与复合污染指数(内梅罗指数)及重金属含量呈负相关。其中纳塔栎对Cd的生物富集系数(BCF)在A、B、E区分别为6.27-8.37、3.67-4.38、42.93-52.75,高于C、D区柳叶栎对Cd的生物富集系数1.79-2.15、0.89-1.07。B-E区Zn的转运系数(TF)在1.79-2.28之间,A区Zn的转运系数为0.43。结论:纳塔栎和柳叶栎表现出较强的重金属耐性,对Cd具有较高的生物富集能力,对Zn具有较高的转运能力。其中纳塔栎对重金属积累能力较强,可作为亚热带地区铅锌矿区Cd、Pb、Zn、As复合污染土壤的植被恢复及生态修复候选树种。  相似文献   

成年大鼠海马CA1区锥体神经元外向整流氯离子单通道特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用膜片钳内面向外式技术,在急性分离成年大鼠海马CAl区锥体细胞上记录到了外向整流氯离子通道(outwardly rectifying chloride channel,ORCC).长时间去极化(≥60 mV)刺激后,在30%的游离膜片上记录到有外向整流特性的单通道氯电流,膜电位在-60 mV到0 mV之间的单通道电导为(16.58±1.54) pS(n=10),而在0 mV到+60 mV之间电导为(40.92±3.17) pS.通道开放概率有明显的电压依赖性(膜电位-60 mV时,Po=0.44±0.12;膜电位为+60 mV时,Po=0.86±0.06, n=10).在对称Cl浓度(150 mmol/L)时,通道翻转电位为(-4.17±1.84) mV.当溶液中部分NaCl被葡萄糖酸钠替代后,翻转电位为:(-34.23±4.86) mV ([Cli/[Clo=(30 mmol/L)/(150 mmol/L)),接近氯离子通道的理论值,这表明通道具有氯离子选择性.浴槽液中分别加入氯通道阻断剂DIDS和SITS可以使+40 mV的通道开放概率从(0.83±0.06)和(0.86±0.06)分别降低到(0.12±0.05)和(0.13±0.04)(n=5),冲洗后可使开放概率基本恢复.上述研究结果显示,在成年大鼠海马CA1神经元上存在外向整流氯离子通道.  相似文献   

双须叶须鱼(Ptychobarbus dipogon Regan)隶属裂腹鱼亚科(Schizothoracinae)叶须鱼属(Ptychobarbus),是西藏特有经济鱼类,2016年被列入中国脊椎动物红色名录,必须加快推动该鱼的养护工作。2013年2~3月份及2014年2~6月份,在雅鲁藏布江谢通门段与支流拉萨河上游段采集1 030尾双须叶须鱼样本,以脊椎骨作为年龄鉴定材料进行年龄与生长特点研究,以期分析和评价该类群鱼类资源情况。研究结果如下:双须叶须鱼样本中最大年龄为49龄,最小年龄为4龄;体重与体长关系是样本总体W=4.4×10-5?SL2.7688、雌鱼W=5.0×10-4?SL2.3474、雄鱼W=2.8×10-5?SL2.8414;体长生长方程为雌鱼Lt(♀)=431.8[1-e-0.19t+1.19)],渐进体长L(♀)=431.8 mm,拐点年龄为3.3龄,雄鱼Lt(♂)=367.6[1-e-0.42t+3.37)],渐进体长L(♂)=367.7 mm;体重生长方程为雌鱼Wt(♀)=767.40[1-e-0.19t+1.19)]2.3474,雄鱼Wt(♂)=545.02[1-e-0.42t+3.37)]2.8414;群体异速生长指数b=2.768 8与匀速生长指数3存在显著性差异,即P<0.05。研究表明双须叶须鱼体趋向低龄化,应当予以充分关注。  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is feedback regulated by polyamines. ODC antizyme mediates this process by forming a complex with ODC and enhancing its degradation. It has been reported that polyamines induce ODC antizyme and inhibit ODC activity. Since exogenous polyamines can be converted to each other after they are taken up into cells, we used an inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, diethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (DEGBG), to block the synthesis of spermidine and spermine from putrescine and investigated the specific roles of individual polyamines in the regulation of ODC in intestinal epithelial crypt (IEC-6) cells. We found that putrescine, spermidine, and spermine inhibited ODC activity stimulated by serum to 85, 46, and 0% of control, respectively, in the presence of DEGBG. ODC activity increased in DEGBG-treated cells, despite high intracellular putrescine levels. Although exogenous spermidine and spermine reduced ODC activity of DEGBG-treated cells close to control levels, spermine was more effective than spermidine. Exogenous putrescine was much less effective in inducing antizyme than spermidine or spermine. High putrescine levels in DEGBG-treated cells did not induce ODC antizyme when intracellular spermidine and spermine levels were low. The decay of ODC activity and reduction of ODC protein levels were not accompanied by induction of antizyme in the presence of DEGBG. Our results indicate that spermine is the most, and putrescine the least, effective polyamine in regulating ODC activity, and upregulation of antizyme is not required for the degradation of ODC protein.  相似文献   

The responses of human umbilical-vein vascular endothelial cells in culture to the naturally occurring polyamines spermine, spermidine and putrescine, their acetyl derivatives and oxidation products were examined. In the absence of human polyamine oxidase, exposure of cells to polyamines (up to 160 microM) had no adverse effects. In the presence of polyamine oxidase, spermine and spermidine were cytotoxic, but putrescine was not. Acetylation of the aminopropyl group of spermidine or both aminopropyl groups of spermine prevented this cytotoxicity. The amino acids corresponding to the polyamines, representing a further stage of oxidation, were also without effect. The cytotoxic effects were irreversible. Use of bovine serum amine oxidase in place of the human enzyme gave qualitatively similar results.  相似文献   

Natural polyamines, i.e., putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, are ubiquitous molecules essential for cell proliferation and differentiation. In the present study, the effect of polyamines on primary cultures of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs), rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs), and a human melanoma cell line was examined. While in the absence of fetal calf serum (FCS) polyamines had no effect on viability, in the presence of FCS spermidine and spermine, at concentrations close to physiologic levels, induced a dose-dependent cell death, whereas putrescine was ineffective. RASMCs were significantly more sensitive than other cells. FACS analysis, oligo-nucleosome ELISA, Hoechst nuclear staining, and Annexin V-FITC quantification showed that cell death was likely due to apoptosis. Cells exposed to spermidine showed a marked increase of intracellular transglutaminase (TGase) activity ( approximately 30-fold over control). Inhibitors of polyamine oxidation or inhibitors of TGase activity prevented polyamine-induced apoptosis. Moreover, tissue TGase overexpression significantly increased cell sensitivity to polyamine, suggesting that this effect is likely related to enhanced intracellular TGase activity. These data indicate that polyamines may modulate cell viability through a novel TGase-dependent process.  相似文献   

Androgenic control of polyamine concentrations in rat epididymis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unilateral orchidectomy resulted in a significant decrease in tissue content of putrescine and polyamines. However, no differences were detected when the results were expressed in terms of ng g-1 tissue. At 48 h after bilateral orchidectomy, a significant decrease in putrescine content was observed, but spermidine and spermine content were unaffected. The observed decrease in putrescine was prevented by treatment with testosterone propionate, but neither spermidine nor spermine were affected. Bilateral orchidectomy resulted in a significant decrease in the tissue content of putrescine, spermidine and spermine after 7 days. Treatment with testosterone propionate increased the content of putrescine, spermidine and spermine in the epididymis by about 200%, 92% and 34%, respectively. When results were expressed as nmol g-1, a significant decrease after castration in putrescine and spermidine, but not in spermine, was observed. Treatment with testosterone propionate restored putrescine concentration, but had no effect on spermidine and spermine concentrations. In castrated rats treated with testosterone propionate, the anti-androgen flutamide abolished the effect of the androgen on putrescine and spermidine content, but there was no effect on spermine. Acetylputrescine was not detected in the epididymis, while acetylpolyamines were detected at much lower concentrations than polyamines. After bilateral orchidectomy there was a decrease in the tissue content of all acetylpolyamines and an increase in their tissue concentration. The effect of castration on acetylpolyamine content was reversed by testosterone propionate treatment. We conclude that an active synthesis of polyamines occurs in the rat epididymis, and that this process depends upon the androgen environment. Regulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity appears to be the main step that is controlled by androgens.  相似文献   

Putrescine, spermidine and spermine were transported into the rat lens against a concentration gradient. This process appeared to be energy-dependent and involved a carrier system different from those for amino acids. Competition experiments suggested that the three polyamines were transported by the same system or very similar systems. Incorporated spermine was converted to spermidine and putrescine, and spermidine was converted to putrescine. In contrast, the conversion of putrescine to spermidine and spermine, or the conversion of spermidine to spermine was not observed. Furthermore, ornithine was not utilized for the synthesis of putrescine. These metabolic characteristics of the polyamines in the rat lens were correlated with the extremely low activities of ornithine decarboxylase and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase. Other enzymes of polyamine metabolisms, however, were relatively active. In conclusion, the lens has a very low ability for the de novo synthesis of polyamines. The polyamines in the lens are considered to be supplied form the surrounding intraocular fluid by an active transport system specific for polyamines.  相似文献   

Labelled putrescine is converted to spermidine and spermine in the retina of both the goldfish and of the rat, but the bulk remains as putrescine and spermidine in the goldfish retina whereas the bulk is present as spermine in the rat retina. Labelled spermidine is converted to spermine and to putrescine in the retina of both species, most remaining as spermidine in the goldfish retina whereas most is converted to spermine in the rat retina. Labelled spermine is converted to both spermidine and putrescine in the retina of both species with a greater conversion in the goldfish retina than in the rat retina. These results provide direct evidence of the interconversion of putrescine, spermidine and spermine in neural tissue from both fish and mammals and suggest that spermine should not be regarded solely as an end-product of putrescine metabolism but also as a source of spermidine and putrescine.The pattern of distribution of putrescine and the polyamines, spermidine and spermine, in goldfish retina is the reverse of that in rat retina: Putrescine is the most abundant in goldfish retina whereas spermine is most abundant in rat retina suggesting that the individual polyamines are of different importance in the two species.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase activity and the levels of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine were measured in two transplantable rat sarcomata: P8 which metastasises consistently to the lung, and P7 which metastasises infrequently. With the P7 sarcoma no metastases were detected following implantation; similarly, no significant changes occurred in the levels of transglutaminase activity, putrescine, spermidine or spermine during tumour growth. However, with the P8 sarcoma at approx. 30 days after implantation there was a marked decrease in transglutaminase activity, mirrored exactly by a 20-fold increase in the levels of acid-soluble putrescine. Measurement of covalently-bound polyamines in the P8 sarcoma indicated a significant and corresponding decrease in the levels of bound putrescine. The timing of these changes coincided with the time at which the P8 sarcoma was shown to have metastasised, and suggests that the changes observed may be related to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

It is well known that the addition of spermine or spermidine to culture medium containing ruminant serum inhibits cellular proliferation. This effect is caused by the products of oxidation of polyamines that are generated by serum amine oxidase. Among the products, we found that acrolein is a major toxic compound produced from spermine and spermidine by amine oxidase. We then analysed the level of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) and amine oxidase activity in plasma of patients with chronic renal failure. It was found that the levels of putrescine and the amine oxidase activity were increased, whereas spermidine and spermine were decreased in plasma of patients with chronic renal failure. The levels of free and protein-conjugated acrolein were also increased in plasma of patients with chronic renal failure. An increase in putrescine, amine oxidase and acrolein in plasma was observed in all cases such as diabetic nephropathy, chronic glomerulonephritis and nephrosclerosis. These results suggest that acrolein is produced during the early stage of nephritis through kidney damage and also during uraemia through accumulation of polyamines in blood due to the decrease in their excretion into urine.  相似文献   

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