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植被盖度对扬子鳄选巢和卵孵化的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周奎厚 《四川动物》2007,26(2):422-424
于2002~2005年持续4年对自然和半自然环境下扬子鳄的87座巢内产卵与孵化情况进行观察,观察内容包括产卵时间、窝卵数、孵化期、孵化率等,同时对建巢处的植被盖度和植物种类进行观测。结果得出扬子鳄建巢所需的植被盖度适宜范围是63%~88%,鳄巢建在这种盖度范围内,巢内卵的自然孵化期缩短。  相似文献   

2018年4—5月,采用直接观察方法,对长白山地区同域分布的极北鲵(Salamandrella keyserlingii)和东北小鲵(Hynobius leechii)的产卵时间、卵袋附着物、产卵场和产卵位点的生境因子进行调查。结果表明:两种有尾类在产卵时间和产卵场空间分布上存在重叠,海拔可能是导致这两种有尾类单独或共存分布的重要因素;极北鲵卵袋的附着物主要为水草,占66.15%,而东北小鲵卵袋的附着物主要为枯枝,占71.60%;两种有尾类的产卵场生境无显著差异,但在产卵位点的产卵深度、水温和水面杂物盖度等微生境方面存在显著差异,极北鲵选择在产卵深度较浅、水温较高、水面杂物盖度较大的地方产卵,东北小鲵选择在产卵深度较深、水温较低、水面杂物盖度较小的地方产卵。由此可知,产卵位点的生境分离是这两种同域分布的有尾类共存的主要原因。  相似文献   

自然条件下人工辅助扬子鳄卵孵化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵民  王朝林 《四川动物》2002,21(3):207-208
提高自然条件下扬子鳄卵的孵化率 ,不仅可以节省人工室内孵化所需的大量人力、物力 ,还有助于野外扬子鳄自然种群的恢复和扩大 ,具有重要的现实意义。我们于 1 990年 7月~ 9月对此进行了探索 ,并初获成效 ,现报道如下。1 材料和方法1 1 扬子鳄卵的获得 取安徽省扬子鳄繁殖研究中心饲养的繁殖鳄当年所产的全部鳄卵作实验研究对象。1 .2 实验方法⑴孵化用窝巢的准备 选择野外阳光充足、靠近水源的一平坦处 ,人工筑成 1× 1 的窝巢。巢底垫以杂草 ,其上放置厚约 1 0~ 1 4cm的苔藓 ,再堆放约 5cm杂草。窝巢上方搭一活动木棚 ,棚顶…  相似文献   

两种雀形目鸟类孵化行为对子代质量的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对高寒草甸地面营巢的小云雀 (Alaudagulgula)和灌丛筑巢的黄嘴朱顶雀 (Acanthisflavirostris)繁殖方式的研究表明 :①小云雀孵化异步性较弱 (1d) ;平均卵重与产卵顺序不显著相关 ,但最后 1枚卵最重 ;出壳顺序与雏鸟生长率极显著正相关 (P <0 0 1) ;出壳顺序对幼鸟的雏期和离巢体重无显著影响 (P >0 0 5 )。②黄嘴朱顶雀孵化异步性较强 (2~ 3d) ;平均卵重与产卵顺序显著正相关 (P <0 0 5 ) ,最后 1枚卵最重 ,第 1枚次之 ;出壳顺序对雏鸟生长率、雏期和离巢体重均无显著影响 (P >0 0 5 )。结果分析表明 ,2种雀形目鸟类都选择了异步孵化和加强窝雏数对策的繁殖模式。  相似文献   

厦门鸡屿岛白鹭几种繁殖活动的观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于 2 0 0 1年 3~ 7月采用颜色标记法 ,记录厦门白鹭保护区内鸡屿岛白鹭 (Egrettagarzetta)卵产出和孵出的顺序和时间 ,并称重卵和雏鸟。有 91 4 %的窝卵数为 4~ 5枚 ,产卵期 7 0± 1 9d ,出壳期 4 2± 1 4d ;卵孵化时间与产卵顺序显著负相关 ;不同产出顺序卵重无差异 ;不同孵出顺序雏鸟早期 (≤ 5d)发育无差异 ,之后差异显著 ,第 4出壳的雏鸟发育水平和成活率较低 ,而第 5出壳的雏鸟最低 ;亲鸟在产卵期的孵化是非连续的 ,而产卵结束后相对连续。如此 ,可以调节孵化时间 ,进而调控异步孵化的程度 ,使雏鸟在生长阶段形成适当的等级差别 ,以获得最大的繁殖收益。  相似文献   

本文报道了1997~1998年湾鳄(Crocodylusporosus)的人工孵化工作,并通过对比试验确定了鳄卵孵化的最适温度、湿度以及最佳的覆盖巢材和鳄卵在孵化盘中的正确摆放方位。获得受精卵总孵化率为86-8%。1 材料方法试验用卵取自深圳市野生动物园湾鳄产下的卵。将所有收集到的未破损的受精卵分成2组,一组为湾鳄在人工设置的产卵间内自然营巢产的卵,按母鳄产卵时自然摆放的方位放入盛卵盘内作为正放组;另一组为没有营巢环境而产于水泥地或草地上的滚动过的卵作为对照组。2 结 果2-1 1997年有3条…  相似文献   

破碎化次生林斑块面积及斑块隔离对大山雀繁殖成功的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究了破碎化山地次生林中斑块面积及斑块隔离度对大山雀(Parus major)繁殖成功的影响,运用GPS定位系统确定了18块大,中,小3种类型的斑块及对照样点,观测了大山雀产第一枚卵时间,窝卵数,平均卵重,出雏量及雏鸟出飞量等生态指标,结果表明,斑块隔离度对大山雀繁殖成功没有影响,1999-2000年两年中,大山雀在连续分布次生林中的产卵时间平均早于各斑块中的产卵时间7.2d,各斑块间的产卵时间差异较小,连续分布次生林和较大面积斑块内的大山雀窝卵数略高于中,小面积斑块内的窝卵数,连续分布生林中的平均卵重最大,斑块面积对出雏量及雏鸟不量没有影响,中,小面积斑块内的巢损失率较高,最主要的原因是巢址竞争较激烈。  相似文献   

泾县野生扬子鳄卵孵化与环境关系初探   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
1984~1989年作者在安徽省泾县通过连续6年野生扬子鳄卵孵化状况的研究发现,鳄卵正常孵化期约80天,影响野生鳄卵孵化率的最直接因素是温度和温度。平均巢温如在3~31.5℃,巢内湿度在90%~95%间,而且保持稳定,将有利于鳄卵的正常发育。  相似文献   

筛豆龟蝽卵寄生蜂田间发生调查初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张友廷  杜相革  董民  邵伟 《昆虫知识》2003,40(5):443-445
调查表明 ,筛豆龟蝽卵雌虫从 5月初开始产卵 ,5月中旬到 6月底为产卵高峰期 ,接着进入产卵衰退期 ,高峰期产卵量占 80 4%。通过有机毛豆田间标记筛豆龟蝽卵块 ,共发现 2种卵寄生蜂 :卵跳小蜂Ooencyrtussp .和沟黑卵蜂Trissolcussp .。结果发现 :卵跳小蜂是优势种 ,在自然控制因素中起主要的作用。寄生蜂和筛豆龟蝽卵发生动态基本一致 ,寄生蜂数量与寄主卵数量正相关。自然状态下 ,寄生蜂对筛豆龟蝽第 1代卵平均寄生率为 61 3 6%。寄生蜂的羽化集中于毛豆灌浆初期 ,高峰期内 1周羽化量占 81 3 3 %。  相似文献   

日本血吸虫在离体培养中的产卵和虫卵发育过程的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1.本文证明日本血吸虫卵在适合的条件下,在离体培养中亦能发育至成熟,并孵出毛蚴,而并不一定需要经过一个宿主组织内发育阶段。日本血吸虫卵在离体培养中自产出到完全发育成熟所需的时间最少为12—13天。 2.日本血吸虫卵在离体培养中发育至成熟的必需条件为:培养液中必需有血清及红血细胞的存在,其中尤以红血细胞的存在更为重要。 3.本文应用相比差显微镜初步但较系统地观察和描写了血吸虫卵细胞的分裂发育过程。证明血吸虫卵细胞的分裂过程亦属不等裂的类型,与其它吸虫卵细胞分裂发育的过程类似。为了便于统计,本文把血吸虫卵的发育过程分为以下四个时期:1)单细胞期。2)细胞分裂期。3)胚胎发育期。4)毛蚴成熟期。本文并对发育各期的出现时间及增减趋势进行了初步观察。 4.本文证明凡是在宿主体内曾经合抱过的发育成熟的血吸虫雌虫,不论它在离体培养时是否处于合抱状态,雌虫均能产卵。其所产出的虫卵数量的多少与所用培养液的种类及雌虫在培养液中的存活时间有关。同时亦证明了血吸虫在离体培养的环境中不仅能将其子宫中已形成的虫卵排出,而且还有新的虫卵的形成。其产卵数量和培养时间有关,其产卵高峰期为培养后的第2—7天。  相似文献   

The pigmentation pattern of Alligator mississippiensis was examined. The number of white stripes on the dorsal side of embryos (stages 21-28) and hatchlings from eggs incubated at 30 degrees C (100% females) and 33 degrees C (100% males) was recorded. Total length, nape-rump length and tail length were recorded for each embryo and hatchling. The number of white stripes was affected by incubation temperature but not sex; hatchlings incubated at 33 degrees C had two more white stripes than those at 30 degrees C, despite being the same length. Five female hatchlings produced at 33 degrees C by manipulation of the temperature, had the same number of stripes as males that developed under the same incubation temperatures. The appearance of the pigmentation was accelerated in embryos incubated at 33 degrees C, occurring eight days earlier than at 30 degrees C. At the time just before the first signs of pigment deposition, embryos from 33 degrees C were longer than those at 30 degrees C. If the stripe formation is size dependent this explains why hatchlings at 33 degrees C have more stripes than hatchlings from 30 degrees C. The mechanism that produces the stripe patterns is unknown. We describe key elements a pattern formation mechanism must possess to produce such stripes and suggest a possible mechanism, based on cell movement driven by chemotaxis. We apply the mathematical model to dorsal patterning on A. mississippiensis. We show how length at pattern formation is the prime factor in determining stripe number and how the pattern can be formed in the observed anterior-posterior sequence. We present numerical simulations and show that the qualitative behaviour is consistent with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Relatively few squamate reptiles oviposit eggs with embryos at developmental stages greater than stage 30. To investigate potential proximate and ultimate bases of this phenomenon, we experimentally induced females of the lizard Urosaurus ornatus to retain their eggs past the normal time of oviposition (NTO). This procedure allowed us to determine whether the length of egg retention is fixed or facultative and to evaluate the effects of retention on embryos, hatchlings, and females. Females were able to retain eggs facultatively for at least 29 d past the NTO. However, retention resulted in arrested development of embryos; arrest occurred at stages 30-30.5, which is only slightly more advanced than that at the NTO (stage 29.5). Embryogenesis was reinitiated when eggs were removed from females and placed in incubation media. Hatching success of these eggs was high (87%), and incubation time was not affected by the number of days that development had been arrested. However, the snout-vent length and water content of hatchlings were negatively related to the length of retention, and they ran slower than hatchlings from control eggs obtained at the NTO. Retention of eggs past the NTO had no detectable effect on the body condition or running speeds of females. Developmental arrest and the adverse effects of retention on hatchling phenotype, if widespread among squamates, would account for the limited range of embryo stages at oviposition and act as major constraints on the evolution of viviparity.  相似文献   

孵化水热环境对渔异色蛇孵化卵和孵出幼体的影响   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
渔异色蛇卵孵化时能从环境中吸收水分导致质量增加,卵质量的增加与初始卵质量和孵化基质湿度有关。较大幅度的孵化基质湿度变化对孵化期、孵化成功率、胚胎动用孵内物质和能量、孵出幼体的性比、大小和质量无显著影响。孵化期随温度升高而缩短,并显示极强的窝间差异。温度对孵出幼体的性别无影响,但显著影响孵化成功率、胚胎对卵内物质和能量的动用、幼体的大小和质量、躯干和剩余卵黄的质量。孵出幼体总长的两性差异不显著,但雌体体长大于雄体而尾长小于雄体。32℃不适于孵化渔异色蛇卵,该温度下孵出的幼体躯干发育不良,剩余孵黄较多,尾部均呈畸形,孵化过程中能量转化率较低。24℃和26℃中孵出的幼体躯干发育良好,孵化过程中能量转化率较高,各项被测定的幼体特征指标均极相似。  相似文献   

The effects of rearing density and maternal age on the progeny size, number and coloration of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, were investigated. Isolated-reared females deposited smaller, but more eggs than crowd-reared females. The former produced smaller and more eggs with age, whereas the latter showed a tendency to produce larger and fewer eggs over time. A similar tendency was also observed with virgin females, indicating that mating or the presence of males was not important. The first egg pod produced by each mated crowd-reared female contained significantly smaller and more eggs than did the subsequent egg pods. The former often produced many green hatchlings (0-100%) characteristic of solitarious forms, whereas the egg pods deposited after the first pod produced predominantly black hatchlings typical of gregarious forms. Adults were highly sensitive to a shift in rearing density and quickly modified the quality and quantity of their progeny depending on the density encountered. The number of eggs per pod was influenced not only by the mother's rearing density but also by rearing density of the grandmother. The present results demonstrated that the characteristics of progeny are influenced not only by the crowding conditions experienced by the mother and grandmother but also by the mother's reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

孙文佳  俞霄  曹梦洁  林隆慧 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5924-5929
研究了赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)在孵化过程中卵的生长、孵化期、胚胎代谢和孵出幼体行为表现的热依赖性。结果显示:孵化温度对孵化期、卵增重、孵化过程中消耗的总能量和孵出幼体的运动表现有显著影响,但不影响胚胎代谢率、孵化成功率和幼体吐信频次。孵化期随着孵化温度的升高而缩短,孵化过程中,24℃终末卵重和胚胎代谢率显著大于30℃,而27℃与其他两个温度没有差异;27℃孵出幼体游速较24℃快,30℃孵出幼体与其他两个温度孵出幼体的游速无显著差异。上述结果显示:24—30℃是赤链蛇适合的孵化温度范围,与赤链蛇所处的生境温度相近。  相似文献   

Wang L  Du W G  Shen J W  Zhu L J 《农业工程》2010,30(2):81-84
Freshly-laid eggs of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle (Chinemys reevesii) from captive cohorts in Hunan, Shanghai and Jiangxi were incubated at four constant temperatures of 24, 26, 28 and 30 °C to assess the effects of incubation temperature and cohort origin on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes. Eggs from the three cohorts differed in size and shape. Egg mass and width were greatest in the Hunan cohort, smallest in the Jiangxi cohort, with the Shanghai cohort in between. Incubation duration decreased with increasing temperature and differed among the cohorts, with longer incubation duration for eggs from the Jiangxi cohort than those from the Hunan or Shanghai cohorts. Incubation temperatures significantly affected hatchling size and hatchlings from 30 °C were smaller than those from the lower temperatures in terms of carapace size and body mass. When incubated at a common temperature, hatchlings from the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts were larger than those from the Jiangxi cohort. The swimming capacity of hatchlings was affected by incubation temperature, but did not differ among the cohorts. The characteristics of eggs and hatchlings were similar among the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts, but they differed significantly from the Jiangxi cohort.  相似文献   

Locusts modify developmental and reproductive traits over successive generations depending on the population density. A trade-off between developmental rate and body size and between progeny size and number is often observed in organisms. In this study, we present evidence that this rule is evaded by desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria Forsk?l, which often undergo outbreaks. Under isolated conditions, large hatchlings, typical of the gregarious forms, grow faster but emerge as larger adults than do small hatchlings typical of the solitarious forms, except for some individuals of the latter group that undergo extra molting. Under crowded conditions, large and small hatchlings grow at a similar rate, but the former become larger adults than the latter. Small hatchlings show a trade-off between development time and body size at maturation, but this constraint is avoided by large hatchlings. Phase-specific, as well as body size-dependent, differences are also detected in reproductive performance. As adult body size increases, females of a solitarious line produce more but slightly smaller eggs, whereas those of a gregarious line produce more and larger eggs. Total egg mass per pod is larger in gregarious forms than in solitarious forms. A trade-off between egg size and number is shown by a solitarious line but not by a gregarious line that produces relatively large eggs with similar numbers of eggs per pod. These results suggest that phase transformation involves not just a shift of resource allocation but also an enhanced capability expressed in response to crowding.  相似文献   

Freshly-laid eggs of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle (Chinemys reevesii) from captive cohorts in Hunan, Shanghai and Jiangxi were incubated at four constant temperatures of 24, 26, 28 and 30 °C to assess the effects of incubation temperature and cohort origin on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes. Eggs from the three cohorts differed in size and shape. Egg mass and width were greatest in the Hunan cohort, smallest in the Jiangxi cohort, with the Shanghai cohort in between. Incubation duration decreased with increasing temperature and differed among the cohorts, with longer incubation duration for eggs from the Jiangxi cohort than those from the Hunan or Shanghai cohorts. Incubation temperatures significantly affected hatchling size and hatchlings from 30 °C were smaller than those from the lower temperatures in terms of carapace size and body mass. When incubated at a common temperature, hatchlings from the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts were larger than those from the Jiangxi cohort. The swimming capacity of hatchlings was affected by incubation temperature, but did not differ among the cohorts. The characteristics of eggs and hatchlings were similar among the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts, but they differed significantly from the Jiangxi cohort.  相似文献   

1. In many reptile species, females oviposit communally (i.e. many clutches are laid within the same nest). This behaviour might result from constraint (scarcity of nest-sites offering suitable incubation conditions) or adaptation (direct fitness benefits accruing from the proximity of other eggs). 2. To test between these alternatives, we gathered field and laboratory data on montane scincid lizards Bassiana duperreyi from south-eastern Australia. Our data support the adaptationist hypothesis. 3. In the field, communal vs. solitary clutches were laid in similar sites, and the relative frequency of communal nesting was not predictable from nest-site availability. Thermal regimes for incubation did not differ between communal vs. solitary nests, nor between eggs at the core vs. periphery of a communal nest. In the laboratory, females selectively oviposited beside existing eggs rather than in otherwise identical potential nesting sites. 4. From cycling-temperature incubation in the laboratory, eggs incubated within a cluster of other eggs took up less water, but produced hatchlings that were larger and faster-running than were hatchlings from eggs incubated alone. 5. Hydric modifications of incubation conditions within a cluster of tightly packed eggs thus may provide a direct fitness benefit to communal oviposition.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature has significant developmental effects on oviparous animals, including affecting sexual differentiation for several species. Incubation temperature also affects traits that can influence survival, a theory that is verified in this study for the Northwest Atlantic loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). We conducted controlled laboratory incubations and experiments to test for an effect of incubation temperature on performance of loggerhead hatchlings. Sixty-eight hatchlings were tested in 2011, and 31 in 2012, produced from eggs incubated at 11 different constant temperatures ranging from 27°C to 33°C. Following their emergence from the eggs, we tested righting response, crawling speed, and conducted a 24-hour long swim test. The results support previous studies on sea turtle hatchlings, with an effect of incubation temperature seen on survivorship, righting response time, crawling speed, change in crawl speed, and overall swim activity, and with hatchlings incubated at 27°C showing decreased locomotor abilities. No hatchlings survived to be tested in both years when incubated at 32°C and above. Differences in survivorship of hatchlings incubated at high temperatures are important in light of projected higher sand temperatures due to climate change, and could indicate increased mortality from incubation temperature effects.  相似文献   

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