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采用反相悬浮法制备改性壳聚糖磁性微粒絮凝剂,并探讨了该絮凝剂对造纸废水的絮凝作用,着重考察了絮凝剂的投入量、体系pH值、搅拌速度、搅拌时间、沉降时间对造纸废水中COD去除率的影响。结果表明在最佳条件下该絮凝剂对造纸废水的COD去除率可达56.52%,且具有投入量少、pH应用范围广、絮凝时间和沉降时间短的优点,说明改性壳聚糖磁性微粒作为絮凝剂对造纸废水的处理切实可行。  相似文献   

以天然生物制品壳聚糖(CTS)、硫酸铁(Fe_2(SO_4)_3)以及聚合氯化铝(PAC)为主要原料制备了4种环保型絮凝剂,并对武汉生物工程学院生活污水进行絮凝处理。以污水COD、浊度为主要指标,研究了复合絮凝剂配方、絮凝剂用量、水体pH变化等对絮凝效果的影响。结果表明:CTS/PAC复合,体积配比1:5.0,用量8 mL/L,水体pH 7.2时,水体COD去除率78.5%,浊度去除率98.4%,絮凝效果最佳,且药剂的投加量最少。  相似文献   

改性瓜尔胶的制备及其絮凝性能的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对瓜尔胶进行铵基化阳离子改性,得到一种天然絮凝剂.研究了改性瓜尔胶絮凝剂处理污水的效果,以及pH值、反应温度、粘度、取代度等因素对高岭土悬浮液絮凝效果的影响.结果表明,粘度为3 000~5 000mPa·s,阳离子取代度为13%的改性瓜胶对高岭土悬浮液有较好的絮凝效果,在胶加入量为0.2 mL/L,搅拌速度为500r/min、搅拌时间为15 min等条件下,沉降15 min可达到彻底絮凝和澄清.此外,该絮凝剂基本不受温度和水质pH影响,且絮凝性能明显优于聚丙烯酰胺、硫酸铝以及三氯化铁等絮凝剂,因而在工业废水处理中具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

絮凝剂产生菌培养条件的研究及在废水处理中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过菌种富集、分离、纯化,从含有大量微生物菌群的土壤和活性污泥中筛选到一株对高岭土悬浊液具有较高絮凝活性的絮凝剂产生菌,将其命名为B23.通过研究该菌株在不同培养时间的生长情况和发酵液的絮凝活性,从而得出发酵液絮凝活性与菌体生长量呈正相关.通过对该菌株培养条件的研究表明,在培养时间为24h、培养温度为30℃、培养基初始pH值为8.0,以葡萄糖为碳源、(NH4)2SO4为氮源时,发酵液絮凝活性最强.用B23菌株所产絮凝剂处理废水后,废水中CODCr的去除率为62.48%,SS的去除率为84.47%,表明该菌株有良好的实际应用前景.  相似文献   

壳聚糖絮凝纯化香菇多糖的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了壳聚糖对香菇多糖提取液的沉降作用,考察了壳聚糖用量、沉降时间、溶液酸度对吸附色素、沉降蛋白质和多糖损失的影响,同时考察了壳聚糖对超滤膜分离初始膜通量的影响。实验结果表明壳聚糖对香菇多糖提取液中色素和蛋白质具有较好的絮凝沉降效果,当壳聚糖的用量为5.0mg/mL,絮凝沉降时间为40min,溶液pH为5.0时,60r/min的转速搅拌条件下,色素含量降低了约28%,蛋白质含量降低了42%左右,而多糖含量只损失8.9%左右,溶液粘度降低了11.8%,采用超滤分离时,经壳聚糖沉降的多糖溶液初始膜通量增加了14%左右。  相似文献   

假单细菌GX_4-1利用鱼粉废水产絮凝剂的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了假单胞菌 (Pseudomonassp .)GX4 1利用鱼粉废水产生絮凝剂的条件 ,结果表明 ,适宜条件为废水COD浓度为 1 0g/L左右、初始pH为 7~ 9、培养温度为 30℃、摇床转速为 1 0 0~ 2 50r/min ,此时的絮凝率可高达 99 5%。同时发现在废水培养基不灭菌的条件下 ,该菌仍能产生高效的絮凝剂。该菌利用鱼粉废水产生的絮凝剂对高岭土悬液、土壤悬液和细活性炭粉末悬液和电瓷厂污水均有较好的絮凝作用。  相似文献   

筛选出一株针对屠宰废水有高效絮凝活性的微生物絮凝剂产生菌,并对其所产微生物絮凝剂D6进行单因子絮凝条件优化和正交试验优化得到最佳絮凝条件。絮凝条件包括:微生物絮凝剂D6投加量、pH、金属离子种类、1%CaCl2投加量。试验中发现碱性环境是微生物絮凝剂D6发挥絮凝活性的前提,表明微生物絮凝剂D6分子链的充分伸展对絮凝作用起决定因素,因此微生物絮凝剂D6的絮凝机理为吸附架桥作用。其最佳絮凝条件为微生物絮凝剂D6的投加量为25mL·L-1,1%CaCl2投加量55mL·L-1,pH为8。在最佳絮凝条件下,絮凝率为96.6%,浊度去除率为97.8%,SS去除率为92.6%。  相似文献   

假单细胞GX4—1利用鱼粉废水产絮凝剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.) GX4-1利用鱼粉废水产生絮凝剂的条件,结果表明,适宜条件为废水COD浓度为10g/L左右、初始pH为7-9、培养温度为30℃、摇床转速为100-250r/min,此时的絮凝率可高达99.5%。同时发现在废水培养基灭菌的条件下,该菌仍能产生高效的絮凝剂。该菌利用鱼粉废水产生的絮凝剂对高岭土悬液、土壤悬液和细活性炭粉末悬液和电瓷厂污水均有较好的絮凝作用。  相似文献   

为了提高竹炭去除废水中重金属离子能力,采用交联法设计合成新型的磁性壳聚糖改性竹炭复合吸附剂,并采用傅里叶红外光谱对改性竹炭复合吸附剂进行表征,同时开展不同Cu2+初始浓度、吸附剂投加量、吸附时间、pH和温度等因素对Cu2+吸附去除率的影响。结果表明,吸附效率与Cu2+初始浓度和吸附剂投加量成正效应;吸附平衡时间约8 h;在作用温度范围内,吸附效率随温度升高而上升;pH为7时吸附效果最好。振荡条件吸附效果优于静置处理。该结果为废水重金属深度处理及水环境保护提供依据。  相似文献   

徐斌  田旸  王竞  周集体   《微生物学通报》2001,28(3):68-71
研究了假单胞菌 (Pseudomonassp .)GX4 1利用鱼粉废水产生絮凝剂的条件 ,结果表明 ,适宜条件为废水COD浓度为 1 0g/L左右、初始pH为 7~ 9、培养温度为 30℃、摇床转速为 1 0 0~ 2 50r/min ,此时的絮凝率可高达 99 5%。同时发现在废水培养基不灭菌的条件下 ,该菌仍能产生高效的絮凝剂。该菌利用鱼粉废水产生的絮凝剂对高岭土悬液、土壤悬液和细活性炭粉末悬液和电瓷厂污水均有较好的絮凝作用。  相似文献   


Microalgae are a promising new source of biomass; however, large-scale economical harvesting of microalgal biomass is a major technological and economic challenge, limiting the commercial production of microalgal biomass for high-value compounds. In this study, the cationic polymer chitosan was used for the harvesting of the marine diatom Chaetoceros muelleri. Natural flocculation, and pH and chitosan-induced flocculation were studied in detail. The effects of flocculant dosage, culture pH, initial biomass concentration, and sedimentation time were investigated on biomass recovery. The results showed that flocculation efficiency can reach > 99% with an optimum dosage of chitosan (80 mg L?1) at pH 9.6 and settling time of 40 minutes for biomass concentration from 0.2 to 1.2 g L?1. The reusability of the recycled water, preservation of biomass after harvesting, and cost of the harvesting process were evaluated. The results showed that the chitosan-induced flocculation offers an efficient, cost-effective, rapid, and sustainable harvesting method for C. muelleri biomass for food and feed applications in aquaculture.


Flocculants have been employed for many years as aides in the clarification of wastewater, chemicals and food. Flocculants aggregate and agglutinate fine particles resulting in their settling from the liquid phase and a reduction in solution turbidity. These materials have not been widely used in the clarification of mammalian cell culture harvest. In this paper we examined chitosan as a flocculent of cells and cell particulates in NS0 culture harvest and the subsequent further clarification of this material by continuous flow centrifugation followed by depth and absolute filtration. Chitosan is an ideal flocculant for biotechnology applications as it is produced from non-mammalian sources (typically arthropod shells) and is also available in a highly purified form that is low in heavy metals, volatile organics and microbial materials. Chitosan is a polymer of deacetylated chitin. The deacetylation imparts limited solubility on insoluble chitin and the amino groups on the polymer result in a polycationic material at acidic and neutral pH that can interact with polyanions, such as DNA and cell culture debris (typically negatively charged). Likely the interaction of chitosan with cell culture particulate forms a germinal center for further interaction and agglomeration of particulates thereby reducing the solubility of these materials resulting in their settling out into the solid phase. Chitosan improved the clarification throughput six to seven folds without a deleterious effect on monoclonal antibody recovery or purity. The procedure for utilizing chitosan is facile, easily implemented, and highly effective in improving material clarity and increasing material throughput.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore efficient methods of harvesting the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Natural sedimentation experiments, performed at different light and temperature conditions, did not yield significant improvements in efficiency even after 1?week. When alkalinity-induced flocculation was performed, both the flocculation efficiency and the concentration factor dramatically improved at pH?=?9.75 (0.5–0.7 units over the original pH of the culture) after 10?min settling time. Sedimentation rates are documented at pH ranging between pH?9.75 and 11.0. The results of the application of two conventional flocculants used in wastewater treatment, polyaluminium chloride and aluminium sulphate, are also presented. Chitosan was also used as a natural flocculating agent to improve possible contamination problems in the downstream process. pH was adjusted in order to determine optimum flocculation efficiency of chitosan in combination with a high concentration factor. Satisfactory results were found with chitosan at an adjusted pH of 9.9 using concentrations as low as 20?mg?L?1, after testing a flocculant range of 5–200?mg?L?1.  相似文献   

In this study, chitosan was used as a flocculant to harvest freshwater microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. The recovery efficiency of C. vulgaris was tested at various chitosan concentrations. 120 mg/L of chitosan showed the highest efficiency (92 ± 0.4%) within 3 min. The maximum concentration factor of 10 was also achieved at this dose of chitosan. The harvesting efficiency was pH dependent. pH 6.0 showed the highest harvesting efficiency (99 ± 0.5%). Measurement of zeta-potential confirmed that the flocculation was induced by charge neutralization. This study showed that a biopolymer, chitosan, can be a promising flocculant due to its high efficacy, low dose requirements, and short settling time.  相似文献   

Summary The flocs produced by an autoflocculent strain of Zymomonas mobilis are easily disrupted by gentle agitation. Treatment of a disrupted cell suspension with the flocculant chitosan yields less easily disrupted floes. The effectiveness of chitosan is attributed to the hydrogen bonding of the flocculant with the cell-bound and free cellulosic materials which facilitate polymer bridging and an electrostatic interaction between the cell wall and the flocculant.  相似文献   

利用响应面法对蛹虫草诱变菌株CSYB-2菌丝体多糖的制备工艺进行优化,结果显示在壳聚糖用量1.4mL/g、絮凝温度55℃、絮凝时间70min条件下,多糖保留率为(82.05±0.21)%。在壳聚糖絮凝诱变菌株CSYB-2菌丝体多糖浸提液的絮凝工艺基础上,通过构建壳聚糖失活动力学模型,探究絮凝剂(壳聚糖)在絮凝过程中的动力学规律和失活机理。结果表明壳聚糖的失活动力学符合一级反应的失活动力学方程,在考察溶液澄清率(絮凝率)在不同时间、温度下变化规律的基础上推算出失活速率常数、活化能等动力学函数值,为研究絮凝作用中絮凝剂失活的机理提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Flocculation of algae using chitosan   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Flocculation of three freshwater algae, Spirulina,Oscillatoria and Chlorella, and onebrackish alga, Synechocystis, using chitosan was studiedinthe pH range 4 to 9, and chlorophyll-a concentrations inthe range 80 to 800 mg m–3, which produces aturbidity of 10 to 100 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) in water. Chitosanreduced the algal content effectively by flocculation and settling. Theflocculation efficiency is very sensitive to pH, and reached a maximum at pH7.0for the freshwater species, but lower for the marine species. The optimalchitosan concentration that is required to effect maximum flocculation dependedon the concentration of alga. Flocculation and settling were faster whenconcentrations of chitosan higher than optimal are used. The settled algalcellsare intact and live, but will not be redispersed by mechanical agitation. Thede-algated water may be reused to produce fresh cultures of algae.  相似文献   

The ionotropic gelation method for formation of crosslinked chitosan particles can be easily modified from ionic cross-linking to deprotonation by adjusting the pH of TPP. Chitosan was cross-linked ionically with TPP at lower pH and by deprotonation mechanism at higher pH. The swelling behavior of cross-linked chitosan appeared to depend on the pH of TPP. The ionically cross-linked chitosan showed higher swelling ability. Thus the nature of crosslinked chitosan can be tailor made to obtain the desired properties in terms of cross-linking density, crystallinity, and hydrophilicity.  相似文献   

The high quality of DNA template is one of the key factors to ensure the successful execution of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Therefore, development of DNA extraction methods is very important. In this work, chitosan modified magnetic particles (MPs) were synthesized and employed for extraction of genomic DNA from genetically modified (GM) soybeans. The extraction protocol used aqueous buffers for DNA binding to and releasing from the surface of the MPs based on the pH inducing the charge switch of amino groups in chitosan modified MPs. The extracted DNA was pure enough (A(260)/A(280)=1.85) to be directly used as templates for PCR amplification. In addition, the PCR products were separated by capillary electrophoresis for screening of GM organisms. The developed DNA extraction method using chitosan modified MPs was capable of preparation of DNA templates, which were PCR inhibitor free and ready for downstream analysis. The whole process for DNA extraction and detection was preferable to conventional methods (phenol-chloroform extraction, PCR, and gel electrophoresis) due to its simplicity and rapidity as well as its avoiding the use of toxic reagents and PCR inhibitors.  相似文献   

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