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阿维莲霉菌中aveD基因缺失对阿维菌素合成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈芝  文莹 《微生物学报》2002,42(5):534-538
利用aveD基因的缺失载体pCZ8(pKC1139::△aveD)对阿维菌素(Avermectin)的产生菌阿维链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis)76-9的aveD基因进行缺失获得aveD缺失突变株。经摇瓶发酵和HPLC检测,发现该突变株只产生阿链菌素B组分。说明将阿维链霉菌的aveD基因缺失,并不影响下游aveF的表达。缺失突变株的阿维菌素的总产量与出发菌株的总产量基本相同,突变株中B1的产量略有提高,阿维菌素B2的含量显著提高。  相似文献   

阿维链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis)bkd76-3在发酵过程中添加环己羧酸(CHC)可产生抗寄生虫药物多拉菌素(doramectin,阿维菌素衍生物CHC-B1),但同时还产生其它三种无效组分CHC-B2、CHC-A1、CHC-A2。利用基因缺失载体pXJ04(pKC1139∷△aveD1+△aveD2)对该菌株的aveD基因进行缺失,获得的aveD缺失突变株经摇瓶发酵和HPLC检测,发现只存在2种产物,经LC/MS分析验证,这两种产物分别为CHC-B1和CHC-B2,表明该突变株完全丧失了合成CHC-A1和CHC-A2的能力。缺失突变株的CHC-B1产量较出发菌株提高了78.19%,CHC-B2的产量提高了602.3%,发酵产物中有效组分多拉菌素的比例增加了93.16%。该缺失突变是在染色体上通过同源双交换完成的,不会发生进一步的重组,因此突变株具有良好的遗传稳定性,在工业生产上具有应用价值。  相似文献   

阿维链霉菌中aveD基因缺失对阿维菌素合成的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用aveD基因的缺失载体pCZ8(pKC1139∷△aveD)对阿维菌素(Avermectin)产生菌阿维链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis)76\|9的aveD基因进行缺失获得aveD缺失突变株。经摇瓶发酵和HPLC检测,发现该突变株只产生阿维菌素B组分。说明将阿维链霉菌的aveD基因缺失,并不影响下游aveF的表达。缺失突变株的阿维菌素的总产量与出发菌株的总产量基本相同,突变株中B1的产量略有提高,阿维菌素B2的含量显著提高。  相似文献   

基于大肠杆菌(E.coli)染色体上asd基因的已知序列,利用λ噬菌体的Red同源重组系统一步法构建E.coliDH5α的asd基因缺失突变株DH5α△asd::cat,在二次重组中利用携带能够表达FLP位点特异性重组酶的质粒pCP20介导二次同源重组,以去除上述缺失突变株中氯霉素抗性筛选基因。结合PCR扩增和测序结果,证明DH5α△asd缺失突变株的正确构建。该缺失突变株失去了在普通LB培养基上生长的能力,只有添加DAP或导入表达asd基因的质粒(asd基因互补试验)才能在LB培养基上生长,与原型DH5α比较,其生长速度和生长对数期、接受不同拷贝数质粒的转化效率几乎相一致。基于该缺失突变株构建出以asd营养基因为标志的大肠杆菌染色体-质粒平衡致死系统。体外培养连续传代50代次,pnirBMisL-fedF-asd质粒不丢失,并功能性表达F18大肠杆菌黏附素FedF。  相似文献   

以阿维链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis)76-12为出发菌株,采用亚硝基胍、吖啶橙、紫外线和氯化锂分别对其孢子和原生质体进行诱变,经抗代谢物理性筛选,获得一系列高产突变株,其中N-1-2高产突变株的发酵单位是出发菌株的2.47倍。实验中同时获得了只产阿维菌素a组分的突变株G-32、Bla组分含量高的Ave8菌株和产蓝绿色孢子的突变株UA-G等。  相似文献   

薛涛  陈先亮  高崧  刘秀梵 《微生物学报》2011,51(12):1655-1662
[目的]探讨毒力基因eaeA、stx2、ehxA与产志贺毒素大肠杆菌O18致病力的关系.[方法]利用λ-Red重组系统,构建STEC XZ113株eaeA、stx2、ehxA基因缺失突变株并进行一系列生物学特性的研究.[结果]细胞粘附试验表明突变株XZ113△eaeA对HEp-2细胞的粘附能力明显降低;Vero细胞毒素试验表明突变株XZ113 △stx2失去了使Vero细胞发生病变的能力;溶血活性试验表明突变株XZ113△ehxA无法在血平板上产生溶血圈,丢失了溶血能力.回复株在以上表型方面与野生株XZ113一致;与亲本株的体外竞争试验结果表明,突变株竞争力减弱,体内竞争结果表明突变株XZ1 13△eaeA被中度致弱;突变株XZ113 △stx2和突变株XZ113△ehxA被高度致弱.[结论]stx2、ehxA基因在STEC O18 XZ113株的致病过程中发挥着更为重要的作用.  相似文献   

基于禽大肠杆菌Ⅰ型菌毛黏附素fimH基因的已知序列,利用λ噬菌体的Red重组系统构建禽致病性大肠杆菌国内分离株A2(血清型O2:K89)Ⅰ型菌毛黏附素fimH基因缺失突变株A2△fimH::Cat,在二次重组中利用携带能够表达FLP位点特异性重组酶的质粒pCP20(温度敏感性)以去除上述缺失突变株中抗性基因标志,结合PCR扩增和测序结果,证明fimH基因缺失株.A2△fimH的正确构建.通过fimH基因互补试验使A2△fimH缺失突变株恢复了与野生株具有相同的凝集活性.红细胞和酵母细胞凝集试验结果表明,野生株呈现良好的凝集效果,并能被0.5%甘露糖完全抑制,而A2△fimH缺失突变株未呈现任何凝集现象.体外生长试验结果表明,在同样的培养条件下,A2△fimH缺失突变株生长周期的各个阶段都要稍慢于野生株.禽致病性大肠杆菌国内分离株Ⅰ型菌毛黏附素fimH基因缺失突变株成功构建,为进一步深入研究禽大肠杆菌Ⅰ型菌毛与机体相互作用的分子机制,肠道外感染的致病机理及对国内禽大肠杆菌病的防控策略奠定了一定基础.  相似文献   

利用λ-Red重组系统对福氏2a志贺氏菌301株ipaH4.5基因进行缺失突变,构建了福氏2a志贺氏菌301株ipaH4.5基因缺失突变株?ipaH4.5,利用低拷贝质粒构建ipaH4.5缺失突变株的回复突变株△ipaH4.5HF。PCR方法证实了ipaH4.5基因的缺失和回复。对野生株、突变株和回复突变株的生长代谢及细胞侵袭能力进行比较;ELISA方法检测3株菌侵袭鼠J774巨噬细胞后培养上清中炎性因子的水平。生长代谢实验表明缺失和回复ipaH4.5不影响志贺氏菌的生长速度,侵袭实验表明缺失和回复ipaH4.5也不影响志贺氏菌对HeLa细胞和鼠J774巨噬细胞的侵袭能力,表明ipaH4.5基因与志贺氏菌的生长代谢和侵袭能力无关;鼠J774巨噬细胞培养上清中细胞因子水平的改变提示该基因在志贺氏菌侵入细胞后抑制宿主细胞炎症反应。  相似文献   

猪霍乱沙门氏菌C500株是用化学方法致弱、用于预防仔猪副伤寒的弱毒疫苗株,虽具有较好的免疫原性,但仍有一定的残余毒力。为了研制更加安全并保持C500株良好免疫原性的弱毒株,及将C500开发为适于粘膜免疫的疫苗活载体,本文构建了猪霍乱沙门氏菌C500株△crp△asd双缺失株平衡致死载体系统。首先构建含缺失320bp的crp(cAMP受体蛋白)基因与蔗糖敏感基因(sacB)的重组自杀性质粒,与C500接合转移,两步法筛选无抗性的△crp缺失株,用PCR证实基因组crp基因的缺失突变。用同样方法在crp缺失株基础上构建asd(天冬氨酸β-半乳糖脱氢酶)基因缺失株。该缺失株生长必需外源DAP(二氨基庚二酸)。进一步鉴定△crp缺失株的表型、生长特性、毒力等,结果表明△crp△asd缺失株构建成功。△crp△asd缺失株可以用来作为宿主载体平衡致死系统来高效表达外源基因,为深入研究以C500株为载体的口服多价疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

旨在研究sco1135基因缺失突变对天蓝色链霉菌M145菌株形态及次级代谢的影响。通过PCR-targeting方法获得重组质粒p SJ1135,通过接合转移将其导入天蓝色链霉菌M145,获得sco1135基因缺失突变菌株△sco1135,并以p MS82为载体构建回补菌株△sco1135com,同时以p MS82为空载对照;随后对野生型菌株、突变菌株和回补菌株进行表型分析和抗生素定量观察。结果显示,表型分析及抗生素定量测定发现,在YBP培养基上△sco1135产孢明显延迟于野生型M145,放线紫红素(ACT)产量明显增加,突变株培养基中ACT产量是野生菌株培养基中的2-3倍;转录分析结果表明,48 h时突变株部分与产孢相关基因的转录水平较野生型降低了50%-75%,72 h时突变株部分与产ACT相关基因的转录水平较野生型提高13-20倍。sco1135基因参与调控M145的孢子形成及次级代谢产物ACT的产生。  相似文献   

A second cluster of genes encoding the E1 alpha, E1 beta, and E2 subunits of branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCDH), bkdFGH, has been cloned and characterized from Streptomyces avermitilis, the soil microorganism which produces anthelmintic avermectins. Open reading frame 1 (ORF1) (bkdF, encoding E1 alpha), would encode a polypeptide of 44,394 Da (406 amino acids). The putative start codon of the incompletely sequenced ORF2 (bkdG, encoding E1 beta) is located 83 bp downstream from the end of ORF1. The deduced amino acid sequence of bkdF resembled the corresponding E1 alpha subunit of several prokaryotic and eukaryotic BCDH complexes. An S. avermitilis bkd mutant constructed by deletion of a genomic region comprising the 5' end of bkdF is also described. The mutant exhibited a typical Bkd- phenotype: it lacked E1 BCDH activity and had lost the ability to grow on solid minimal medium containing isoleucine, leucine, and valine as sole carbon sources. Since BCDH provides an alpha-branched-chain fatty acid starter unit, either S(+)-alpha-methylbutyryl coenzyme A or isobutyryl coenzyme A, which is essential to initiate the synthesis of the avermectin polyketide backbone in S. avermitilis, the disrupted mutant cannot make the natural avermectins in a medium lacking both S(+)-alpha-methylbutyrate and isobutyrate. Supplementation with either one of these compounds restores production of the corresponding natural avermectins, while supplementation of the medium with alternative fatty acids results in the formation of novel avermectins. These results verify that the BCDH-catalyzed reaction of branched-chain amino acid catabolism constitutes a crucial step to provide fatty acid precursors for antibiotic biosynthesis in S. avermitilis.  相似文献   

Fatty-acid biosynthesis by a branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (bkd) mutant of Streptomyces avermitilis was analyzed. This mutant is unable to produce the appropriate precursors of branched-chain fatty acid (BCFA) biosynthesis, but unlike the comparable Bacillus subtilis mutant, was shown not to have an obligate growth requirement for these precursors. The bkd mutant produced only straight-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) with membrane fluidity provided entirely by unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), the levels of which increased dramatically compared to the wild-type strain. The levels of UFAs increased in both the wild-type and bkd mutant strains as the growth temperature was lowered from 37 degrees C to 24 degrees C, suggesting that a regulatory mechanism exists to alter the proportion of UFAs in response either to a loss of BCFA biosynthesis, or a decreased growth temperature. No evidence of a regulatory mechanism for BCFAs was observed, as the types of these fatty acids, which contribute significantly to membrane fluidity, did not alter when the wild-type S. avermitilis was grown at different temperatures. The principal UFA produced by S. avermitilis was shown to be delta 9-hexadecenoate, the same fatty acid produced by Escherichia coli. This observation, and the inability of S. avermitilis to convert exogenous labeled palmitate to the corresponding UFA, was shown to be consistent with an anaerobic pathway for UFA biosynthesis. Incorporation studies with the S. avermitilis bkd mutant demonstrated that the fatty acid synthase has a remarkably broad substrate specificity and is able to process a wide range of exogenous branched chain carboxylic acids into unusual BCFAs.  相似文献   

阿维菌素高产菌株的选育及阿维菌素B1的鉴定   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
自阿维链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis ATCC31272)中分离出了3种不同类型的菌株,其中只有产灰色了的菌株能产生阿维菌素(Avermectins),摇瓶发醇单位约100μg/mL。从其菌丝体中提取纯化了阿维菌素B1晶体,其紫外吸收光谱、红外吸收光谱、核磁共振谱H-NMR和^13C-NMR)和质与国外报道的一致。Sa-76菌株又经2次亚硝基胍诱变,筛选出发酵单位2000  相似文献   

The dynamics of serine/threonine protein kinase activity during the growth of the wild-type Streptomyces avermitilis strain and its chloramphenicol-resistant (Cmlr) pleiotropic mutant with an enhanced production of avermectins was studied by measuring the transfer of radiolabeled phosphate from [gamma-32P]ATP to the serine and threonine residues of proteins in cell-free extracts. In both of the strains studied, radiolabeled phosphate was found to incorporate into polypeptides with molecular masses of 32, 35, 41, 68, 75, 79, 83, and 137 kDa; however, the degree and the dynamics of phosphorylation of particular peptides were different in these strains. The differences revealed could not be accounted for by the interference of ATPases or phosphoprotein phosphatases. The data obtained may be interpreted as evidence that Cmlr mutation activates the protein kinase signalling system of S. avermitilis cells in the early stationary growth phase and thus enhances the production of avermectins and leads to some other physiological changes in the mutant strain.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sugar precursor of the oleandrose units of the avermectins has been purified from a mutant of Streptomyces avermitilis, which does not synthesize any avermectins but which converts avermectin aglycones to their respective disaccharides. This precursor has been identified as dTDP-oleandrose. The purification was achieved by anion exchange and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The purified nucleotide sugar had an absorption spectra characteristic of thymidine, released dTMP when treated with phosphodiesterase, and possessed an NMR spectrum in which three resonances characteristic of oleandrose were seen in addition to the thymidine signals. The enzyme, avermectin aglycone dTDP-oleandrose glycosyltransferase, which catalyzes the stepwise addition of oleandrose to the avermectin aglycones, has been demonstrated in cell-free extracts and (NH4)2SO4 fractions of cell-free extracts of S. avermitilis. The enzyme is specific for dTDP-oleandrose as the glycosyl donor but utilizes all avermectin aglycones as glycosyl acceptors. The stoichiometry between dTDP-oleandrose consumed in the reaction and oleandrose units transferred to the avermectin mono- and disaccharide was found to be 1:1.  相似文献   

The side chain of the antifungal antibiotic ansatrienin A from Streptomyces collinus contains a cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (CHC)-derived moiety. This moiety is also observed in trace amounts of omega-cyclohexyl fatty acids (typically less than 1% of total fatty acids) produced by S. collinus. Coenzyme A-activated CHC (CHC-CoA) is derived from shikimic acid through a reductive pathway involving a minimum of nine catalytic steps. Five putative CHC-CoA biosynthetic genes in the ansatrienin biosynthetic gene cluster of S. collinus have been identified. Plasmid-based heterologous expression of these five genes in Streptomyces avermitilis or Streptomyces lividans allows for production of significant amounts of omega-cyclohexyl fatty acids (as high as 49% of total fatty acids). In the absence of the plasmid these organisms are dependent on exogenously supplied CHC for omega-cyclohexyl fatty acid production. Doramectin is a commercial antiparasitic avermectin analog produced by fermenting a bkd mutant of S. avermitilis in the presence of CHC. Introduction of the S. collinus CHC-CoA biosynthetic gene cassette into this organism resulted in an engineered strain able to produce doramectin without CHC supplementation. The CHC-CoA biosynthetic gene cluster represents an important genetic tool for precursor-directed biosynthesis of doramectin and has potential for directed biosynthesis in other important polyketide-producing organisms.  相似文献   

Studies on the biosynthesis of avermectins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To elucidate the pathway of avermectin biosynthesis, the biosynthetic relationships of avermectins A1a, A2a, B1a, B2a, and their respective monosaccharides and aglycones were studied. 14C-labeled avermectin compounds prepared from [1-14C]acetate were fed to Streptomyces avermitilis strain MA5502 and their metabolites were determined. Two furan ring-free aglycones, 6,8a-seco-6,8a-deoxy-5-keto avermectin B1a and B2a, have been isolated from the fermentation broth of a blocked mutant of S. avermitilis. Addition of the compounds and a semisynthetic compound, 5-keto avermectin B2a aglycone, to the fermentation medium of a second blocked mutant established that the two compounds are intermediates in the avermectin biosynthetic pathway immediately preceding avermectin aglycones.  相似文献   

Tetzlaff CN  You Z  Cane DE  Takamatsu S  Omura S  Ikeda H 《Biochemistry》2006,45(19):6179-6186
Streptomyces avermitilis, an industrial organism responsible for the production of the anthelminthic avermectins, harbors a 13.4 kb gene cluster containing 13 unidirectionally transcribed open reading frames corresponding to the apparent biosynthetic operon for the sesquiterpene antibiotic pentalenolactone. The advanced intermediate pentalenolactone F, along with the shunt metabolite pentalenic acid, could be isolated from cultures of S. avermitilis, thereby establishing that the pentalenolactone biosynthetic pathway is functional in S. avermitilis. Deletion of the entire 13.4 kb cluster from S. avermitilis abolished formation of pentalenolactone metabolites, while transfer of the intact cluster to the pentalenolactone nonproducer Streptomyces lividans 1326 resulted in production of pentalenic acid. Direct evidence for the biochemical function of the individual biosynthetic genes came from expression of the ptlA gene (SAV2998) in Escherichia coli. Assay of the resultant protein established that PtlA is a pentalenene synthase, catalyzing the cyclization of farnesyl diphosphate to pentalenene, the parent hydrocarbon of the pentalenolactone family of metabolites. The most upstream gene in the cluster, gap1 (SAV2990), was shown to correspond to the pentalenolactone resistance gene, based on expression in E. coli and demonstration that the resulting glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, the normal target of pentalenolactone, was insensitive to the antibiotic. Furthermore, a second GAPDH isozyme (gap2, SAV6296) has been expressed in E. coli and shown to be inactivated by pentalenolactone.  相似文献   

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