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分析陕西省分离的9株乙脑病毒基因组序列特征。使用乙脑病毒全基因组序列测定引物进行RT-PCR扩增,扩增产物进行测序,拼接后获得基因组序列。利用MEGA 4.1、MegAlin、MEGA7.0等软件进行毒株的系统进化分析,并与P3株、减毒活疫苗SA14-14-2株及覆盖5个基因型别的其他乙脑病毒进行E基因序列比对。9株分离株3株分离自猪舍、6株分离自羊舍,其中4株获得全基因组序列,5株测得E基因序列。基于E基因序列进行毒株核苷酸、氨基酸同源性比较,结果显示分离株均与基因I型GI-b亚型毒株核苷酸和氨基酸同源性最高,核苷酸同源性范围为96.5%~99.7%、氨基酸同源性范围99.2%~100.0%;与SA14-14-2株核苷酸同源性范围为87.5%~88.9%、氨基酸同源性范围96.3%~97.2%;与P3株核苷酸同源性范围为87.6%~88.1%、氨基酸同源性范围96.7%~97.6%。分析09年(陕南地区)分离株与18年(关中地区)分离株的E基因核苷酸差异率为1.8%~2.9%、氨基酸差异率为0%~0.8%。陕西省自然界中循环的乙脑病毒以基因Ⅰ型为主,与P3株在抗原毒力关键位点无差异,...  相似文献   

本研究通过对乙型脑炎活疫苗减毒过程中间株SA14 12 1 7株进行全序列测定和分析 ,进一步了解乙脑活疫苗减毒及其稳定性的分子机制。根据已发表的SA14 14 2株及SA14 株的序列 ,设计 6对重叠引物 ,涵括整个乙脑病毒的基因组 ,通过RT PCR扩增出SA14 12 1 7株的各cDNA片段 ,分别克隆到pGEM T载体 ,转化至TG1受体菌中 ,挑取阳性克隆进行鉴定后测序。结果表明SA14 12 1 7株基因组全序列长 10 976个核苷酸 ,从 96到 10 394为一个长开放读码框 ,编码 3432个氨基酸。与野毒株SA14 和疫苗株SA14 14 2的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列相比 ,同源性均在 99%以上 ,突变位点分散于各个区域 ,E区有 5个位点与疫苗株一致而与野毒株不同 ,3个位点与野毒株一致而与疫苗株不同 ,推测与其容易产生回复突变、恢复毒力有关。此外 ,NS3、NS5和 3′NTR的几个位点可能与病毒毒力稳定性相关。综上所述 ,乙脑病毒减毒中间株的基因组全序列基本类似于已发表的序列 ,若干突变位点影响病毒的弱毒性及毒力的稳定性。全序列的测定对于研究疫苗株的减毒机理具有重要意义  相似文献   

本研究对我国2009年新分离的两株乙脑病毒进行全基因组序列测定和分析,以了解病毒全基因组分子特征。通过RT-PCR和核苷酸序列测定方法获得病毒全基因组序列,采用ClustalX、DNASTAR、MEGA等生物学软件完成核苷酸序列及氨基酸序列分析和系统进化分析等。研究结果显示,新分离两株乙脑病毒YN0911和YN0967株基因组全长均为10 965个核苷酸,编码3 432个氨基酸。这2株乙脑病毒之间核苷酸同源性为98.7%,氨基酸同源性为99.8%。与国际乙脑病毒流行株相比,核苷酸同源性为83.5%~98.9%,氨基酸同源性为94.8%~99.7%。与乙脑病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2相比,在E蛋白有13个氨基酸差异位点,但都位于抗原关键位点之外。这2株病毒在3′UTR区域存在11nt缺失。基于C/PrM区段、E基因、全基因组系统进化分析结果均显示新分离2株乙脑病毒为G I乙脑病毒,并且和越南、四川、贵州、广西以往的分离株遗传进化关系较近。本研究提示我国新分离的2株乙脑病毒均为G I乙脑病毒,决定病毒毒力的关键氨基酸位点未见明显变化。  相似文献   

为了解乙型脑炎 (乙脑 )减毒活疫苗弱毒株SA14 14 2神经毒力的减弱程度 ,本文对弱毒株及其原株SA14强毒株进行了猴体和小白鼠的致病性和病理学变化的比较试验。SA14强毒株病毒 (原始滴度 6 15× 10 8/ml) ,以10 -2 和 10 -4 ~ 10 -7不同稀释度于丘脑两侧合并脊髓注射恒河猴 ,每组除 10 -4 1只外其余均为 2只。另以 10 -4 和10 -6~ 10 -8不同稀释度脑内注射小鼠 ,每组 8只。结果猴子除 10 -4 1只外其余全部发病死亡 ,小鼠则全部死亡。SA14 14 2以 1∶5稀释病毒 (原始滴度为 8× 10 6/ml)按同样方法注射 4只猴和 30只小鼠 ,结果全部存活。另以SA1410 -2 病毒皮下注射 3只猴未死亡 ,而以 10 -1皮下注射 30只小鼠时则全部死亡。SA14 14 2以 1∶5稀释病毒皮下注射小鼠时则全部存活。病理组织学结果显示二种动物接种SA14株强毒后主要表现为弥散性脑脊髓炎 ,以神经细胞坏死为其主要特征和最突出的病变。猴子的病变以脊髓前角、丘脑和中脑黑质为重 ,小鼠的病变则以大脑皮质、海马部最重 ,脊髓的病变却比脑轻。接种弱毒株的动物则仅有轻微炎症反应、神经细胞坏死极少出现。以上结果表明以脑内接种时恒河猴和小鼠对乙脑病毒均高度敏感 ,以皮下接种时小鼠的敏感性高于猴子。乙脑SA14 14 2弱毒株的神经毒力包括致  相似文献   

乙型脑炎病毒减毒中间株SA14-12-1-7基因组全序列的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究通过对乙型脑炎活疫苗减毒过程中间株SA14-12-1-7-12 -1-7株进行全序列测定和分析,进一步了解乙脑活疫苗减毒及其稳定性的分子机制.根据 已发表的SA14-12-1-7株及SA14-12-1-7株的序列,设计6对重叠引物,涵括整个乙脑病 毒的基因组,通过RT-PCR扩增出SA14-12-1-7-12-1-7株的各cDNA片段,分别克隆到pGEM -T载体,转化至TG1受体菌中,挑取阳性克隆进行鉴定后测序.结果表明SA14-12-1-7-12- 1-7株基因组全序列长10976个核苷酸,从96到10394为一个长开放读码框,编码3432个氨基 酸.与野毒株SA14-12-1-7和疫苗株SA14-12-1-7的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列相比,同 源性均在99%以上,突变位点分散于各个区域,E区有5个位点与疫苗株一致而与野毒株不同 ,3个位点与野毒株一致而与疫苗株不同,推测与其容易产生回复突变、恢复毒力有关.此 外,NS3、NS5和3′NTR的几个位点可能与病毒毒力稳定性相关.综上所述,乙脑病毒减毒中 间株的基因组全序列基本类似于已发表的序列,若干突变位点影响病毒的弱毒性及毒力的稳定性.全序列的测定对于研究疫苗株的减毒机理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的构建以乙型脑炎病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus,JEV)疫苗株SA14-14-2为基因骨架的乙脑/登革4型嵌合病毒,并分析该嵌合病毒对小鼠的神经毒力。方法通过重叠PCR方法扩增含有登革病毒4型(DENV-4)H241株pr ME基因序列和乙型脑炎病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2的NS1蛋白前177个核苷酸的融合片段,用Nar I和Bgl II双酶切后替换乙型脑炎病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2全长克隆中的相应区域,构建成乙脑/登革4型嵌合全长克隆,通过体外转录和转染BHK21细胞获得嵌合病毒(JEV/DENV-4 chimeric virus,JD4)。通过测定嵌合病毒JD4和2个母本株JEV SA14-14-2株及DENV-4 H241株蚀斑大小、小鼠脑内神经毒力和皮下感染入脑能力、乳鼠脑内神经毒力,比较JD4和母本株之间的差异。通过将JD4在原代地鼠肾(primary hamster kidney,PHK)细胞传代30次,分析传代后嵌合病毒的神经毒力是否减弱及减弱的程度。结果测序结果表明,构建的嵌合病毒JD4基因组序列和预期一致,没有产生新的位点突变。JD4蚀斑较SA14-14-2明显偏小,但和DENV-4 H241株没有明显区别。JD4对3周龄小鼠具有较强的脑内神经毒力,和母本株DENV-4 H241没有差异,对小鼠没有神经侵袭力。乳鼠实验结果表明,嵌合病毒JD4脑内神经毒力虽然略低于母本株DENV-4 H241,但两者之间没有明显差异,都明显强于乙脑疫苗株SA14-14-2。在PHK细胞传代30次后,小鼠神经毒力虽然有所减低,但并不明显。结论成功构建了嵌合病毒JD4,通过测定并比较JD4与母本株的蚀斑特征、小鼠及乳鼠神经毒力等试验,为分析登革疫苗候选株安全性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

我国新分离乙型脑炎病毒株毒力特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将分离自不同年代的17株乙脑毒株在小鼠脑内传代,然后将病毒在BHK21细胞单层上观察不同毒株的空斑形成大小形态,小鼠脑内和皮下途径接种观察病毒的毒力,结果显示不同毒株在BHK21细胞上形成的噬斑大小不尽相同,减毒株形成的噬斑最小。所有毒株对小鼠的脑内毒力都很强,病毒滴度高达lg8.0/mL以上,毒株间无明显差异。毒株对9~11g小日龄小鼠的皮下毒力有一定差异但不明显,但对14~16g较大日龄小鼠则差别明显。PFU/LD50的对数值差异除一株(M47株)为8.44外,其余各株差别在3.94~0.45间。本研究结果证明自然界乙脑毒株存在明显的神经外毒力差异,毒力差异与分离年代和病毒基因型无关,但从人体分离到的毒株毒力表现较强。  相似文献   

为了解乙脑减毒活疫苗株SA14 14 2的神经毒力减毒机制 ,用RT PCR方法分别扩增不同减毒程度毒株的E基因 ,克隆、测序 ,继而对各毒株序列进行比较。结果表明SA14 强毒株与SA14 12 1 7株间只有 3个氨基酸发生改变 (E 10 7,E 176 ,E 4 39) ,SA14 12 1 7与SA14 9 7和SA14 5 3株间有另 3个氨基酸发生改变 (E 138,E 2 79,E 315 )。SA14 9 7株与SA14 5 3株只有一个核苷酸NT 4 0 5不同 ,但未引起氨基酸改变。SA14 14 2疫苗株除保留SA14 12 1 7和SA14 9 7所改变的 6个氨基酸外 ,另有 2个氨基酸发生了改变 (E 177,E 2 6 4 ) ,共计在E区共发生 8个氨基酸的替代。SA14 12 1 7株的低神经毒力很不稳定而其余各株的弱毒特征很稳定。因此 ,E 176 (Ile→Val) ,E 4 39(Lys→Arg)和E 10 7(Leu→Phe)可能与神经外和神经内毒力减弱有关。E 138(Gul→Lys) ,E 315 (Ala→Val)和E 2 79(Lys→Met)的突变可能与神经毒力的减弱和稳定性相关  相似文献   

目的对乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗生产株SA14-14-2株进行全基因组序列测定和分析,并观察该生产株在疫苗制备过程中的基因遗传稳定性。方法根据DNA序列数据库(Gen Bank)公布的SA14-14-2株的序列,设计合成7对引物,提取疫苗生产株SA14-14-2及其工作种子批生产的3批原液、3批成品疫苗的病毒RNA,通过RT-PCR方法扩增SA14-14-2株的cDNA片段,分别克隆到pGEM-T载体,转化至大肠埃希菌DH5α中,挑取阳性菌落克隆、鉴定后测定全序列并对序列进行比较分析,观察毒株在传代的过程中病毒滴度的稳定性。结果乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗生产株SA14-14-2株基因组全长10 976 bp,编码3 433个氨基酸。3批原液和3批成品疫苗的基因组全长为10 977 bp,比较分析发现,在3'端非编码区10 701处多一个G核苷酸的插入。与DNA序列数据库(Genbank)登录号为D90195的全长序列同源性分别是99.9%、99.9%、99.9%、99.9%、99.8%、99.9%、99.8%,其中E蛋白的同源性均为100%。SA14-14-2生产株的病毒滴度为7.22 lg PFU/mL,原液和成品疫苗的滴度分别为7.32、7.23、7.32、6.86、6.92、6.70 lg PFU/mL。结论乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗生产株SA14-14-2基因稳定,具有良好的一致性,为乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗的质量的稳定性提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

流行性乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗SA14-14-2E基因的稳定性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
分别对SA14-14-2(PHK8代)疫苗株及其原野毒株SA14和另2个疫苗传代株[SA14-14-2(PHK17代)和SA14-14-2(鼠脑1代)]的E区基因进行了序列测定.结果表明,乙脑病毒减毒活疫苗SA14-14-2在PHK细胞上连传至17代时,发现2个氨基酸突变(E-331、E-398),但不是回复突变.虽然在毒力最容易返祖的乳鼠脑内传1代后发生E-107个氨基酸回复,但与野毒株毒力相比仍然相差很大,无毒力返祖现象.在疫苗的实际质控工作中,对上述与毒力相关的基因进行监测,可能有助于发现减毒活疫苗的毒力水平,为疫苗安全性提供更可靠的检测手段.  相似文献   

ChimeriVax-JE is a live, attenuated recombinant virus prepared by replacing the genes encoding two structural proteins (prM and E) of yellow fever 17D virus with the corresponding genes of an attenuated strain of Japanese encephalitis virus (JE), SA14-14-2 (T. J. Chambers et al., J. Virol. 73:3095-3101, 1999). Since the prM and E proteins contain antigens conferring protective humoral and cellular immunity, the immune response to vaccination is directed principally at JE. The prM-E genome sequence of the ChimeriVax-JE in diploid fetal rhesus lung cells (FRhL, a substrate acceptable for human vaccines) was identical to that of JE SA14-14-2 vaccine and differed from sequences of virulent wild-type strains (SA14 and Nakayama) at six amino acid residues in the envelope gene (E107, E138, E176, E279, E315, and E439). ChimeriVax-JE was fully attenuated for weaned mice inoculated by the intracerebral (i.c.) route, whereas commercial yellow fever 17D vaccine (YF-Vax) caused lethal encephalitis with a 50% lethal dose of 1.67 log(10) PFU. Groups of four rhesus monkeys were inoculated by the subcutaneous route with 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5. 0 log(10) PFU of ChimeriVax-JE. All 16 monkeys developed low viremias (mean peak viremia, 1.7 to 2.1 log(10) PFU/ml; mean duration, 1.8 to 2.3 days). Neutralizing antibodies appeared between days 6 and 10; by day 30, neutralizing antibody responses were similar across dose groups. Neutralizing antibody titers to the homologous (vaccine) strain were higher than to the heterologous wild-type JE strains. All immunized monkeys and sham-immunized controls were challenged i.c. on day 54 with 5.2 log(10) PFU of wild-type JE. None of the immunized monkeys developed viremia or illness and had mild residual brain lesions, whereas controls developed viremia, clinical encephalitis, and severe histopathologic lesions. Immunized monkeys developed significant (>/=4-fold) increases in serum and cerebrospinal fluid neutralizing antibodies after i.c. challenge. In a standardized test for neurovirulence, ChimeriVax-JE and YF-Vax were compared in groups of 10 monkeys inoculated i.c. and analyzed histopathologically on day 30. Lesion scores in brains and spinal cord were significantly higher for monkeys inoculated with YF-Vax. ChimeriVax-JE meets preclinical safety and efficacy requirements for a human vaccine; it appears safer than yellow fever 17D vaccine but has a similar profile of immunogenicity and protective efficacy.  相似文献   

本试验结果表明,免疫缺陷无胸腺裸鼠对乙型脑炎强毒株病毒神经外感染较正常鼠敏感,病毒容易入脑,在脑内的繁殖滴度高,并引起脑细胞严重病理改变。乙脑14-2弱毒株神经外感染则不引起裸鼠发病,脑组织未见病理改变;若脑内直接注射,则引起部分裸鼠发病死亡,但病理变化仍然很轻。以上说明以7.0Log TC(?) 14-2株病毒0.1~0.6ml接种时,对免疫功能不全的裸鼠也是安全的。  相似文献   

为了研究不同年份生产的乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗病毒E蛋白基因稳定性,从分子水平控制乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗质量,确保疫苗安全性,本研究分析了不同年份生产的乙脑活疫苗病毒E蛋白基因核苷酸序列及编码的氨基酸序列,并与该疫苗原始种子、主种子、工作种子、乙脑病毒强、弱毒株进行比较。结果显示不同年份生产的乙脑活疫苗病毒E蛋白基因核苷酸序列与其原始种子、主种子、工作种子和基因库中登录的乙脑病毒弱毒株SA14-14-2的相应序列完全一致,与乙脑病毒强毒株SA14的E蛋白氨基酸序列比较有9个位点氨基酸发生了改变。不同年份生产的乙脑活疫苗病毒E蛋白基因稳定性表明该疫苗质量稳定、安全。  相似文献   

A system has been developed for generating chimeric yellow fever/Japanese encephalitis (YF/JE) viruses from cDNA templates encoding the structural proteins prM and E of JE virus within the backbone of a molecular clone of the YF17D strain. Chimeric viruses incorporating the proteins of two JE strains, SA14-14-2 (human vaccine strain) and JE Nakayama (JE-N [virulent mouse brain-passaged strain]), were studied in cell culture and laboratory mice. The JE envelope protein (E) retained antigenic and biological properties when expressed with its prM protein together with the YF capsid; however, viable chimeric viruses incorporating the entire JE structural region (C-prM-E) could not be obtained. YF/JE(prM-E) chimeric viruses grew efficiently in cells of vertebrate or mosquito origin compared to the parental viruses. The YF/JE SA14-14-2 virus was unable to kill young adult mice by intracerebral challenge, even at doses of 10(6) PFU. In contrast, the YF/JE-N virus was neurovirulent, but the phenotype resembled parental YF virus rather than JE-N. Ten predicted amino acid differences distinguish the JE E proteins of the two chimeric viruses, therefore implicating one or more residues as virus-specific determinants of mouse neurovirulence in this chimeric system. This study indicates the feasibility of expressing protective antigens of JE virus in the context of a live, attenuated flavivirus vaccine strain (YF17D) and also establishes a genetic system for investigating the molecular basis for neurovirulence determinants encoded within the JE E protein.  相似文献   

An attenuated Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus SA14-14-2 (PDK) was adapted to Vero cells, a continuous cell line that has been licensed for human vaccine production, by serial passages. The resulting virus was purified by tangential flow ultrafiltration followed by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, giving 2.3 mg purified virus per liter of culture supernatant. Treatment with 0.05% formalin for 4 days at 22 °C completely inactivated viral infectivity while preserving its antigenicity. The purified, inactivated JE virus was formulated with alum hydroxide and administered to mice by intraperitoneal route. In terms of its ability to induce anti-JE neutralizing antibody and to protect the immunized animal against neurovirulent virus challenge, the purified, inactivated JE virus formulated with alum was equivalent to the exiting commercial mouse brain-derived vaccine (JE-VAX, Aventis Pasteur Inc.).  相似文献   

Sf9 cells have obvious advantages for the conventional production technology of vaccine. They are useful tools for high concentration and large-scale cultures. Sf9 cells were grown to maximal concentration, 8 x 10(6) cells/ml in a 500ml spinner flask, with a doubling time at the exponentially growing phase of 24.5 hours, using serum-free media. To explore the ability of Sf9 cells to be infected by the Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus Beijing-1 strain, Sf9 cells were infected with the virus. By 4-5 days post-infection, 10-15% of the Sf9 cells showed cytopathic effect (CPE), from granularity to the formation of syncytia and multinucleated giant cells continuously observed over a period of 35 days. Positive fluorescent reactions were detected in 30-40% of cells infected with the JE virus Beijing-1 strain, and the uninfected Sf9 cells were completely negative. Virus particles, propagated in Sf9 and Vero cells, were concentrated by sedimentation on 40% trehalose cushions by ultracentrifugation, and showed identical patterns of viral morphogenesis. Complete virus particles, 40 to 50 nm in diameter, were observed, and JE virus envelope (E) proteins, at 53 kDa, were found in the western blot analysis to the anti-JE virus E protein monoclonal antibody and reacted as a magenta band in the same position to the glycoprotein staining. To evaluate whether the infectious virus was produced in Sf9 cells inoculated with the JE virus Beijing-1 stain, Sf9 cells were inoculated with the virus, and sample harvested every 5 days. The titers of the JE virus Beijing-1 strain rose from 1.0 x 10(5) to 1.5 x 10(6) pfu/ml. The infected Sf9 cells could be sub-cultured in serum-free medium, with no change in the plaque sizes formed by the JE virus Beijing-1 strain in the plaque assay. It is suggested that the ability of the JE virus Beijing-1 strain to infect Sf9 cells in serum-free media will provide a useful insect cell system, where the JE virus replication, cytopathogenicity and vaccine immunogen can be studied.  相似文献   

The Edmonston strain of measles virus caused neurologic disease in athymic nude mice by intracerebral inoculation. The incubation periods of the disease, however, were extremely long, ranging from 59 to 140 days when the mice were inoculated with 10(4) plaque forming units (PFU) of the virus. The Edmonston strain was highly infectious in the nude mouse brain since virus infection was established even with 1 PFU of the virus. Virus titers in the brains of infected mice increased with the time of incubation. These results indicate that the extremely long incubation period of the disease is ascribed to very slow development of virus infection in the mouse brain. On the other hand, the incubation periods of the Biken strain of SSPE virus were very short (generally within 2 weeks) even with inoculations of 1 PFU of the virus. However, the extent of the dissemination of infection in brains was not significantly different between the two viruses as examined by immunofluorescent staining.  相似文献   

A chimeric yellow fever (YF) virus/Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus vaccine (ChimeriVax-JE) was constructed by insertion of the prM-E genes from the attenuated JE virus SA14-14-2 vaccine strain into a full-length cDNA clone of YF 17D virus. Passage in fetal rhesus lung (FRhL) cells led to the emergence of a small-plaque virus containing a single Met-->Lys amino acid mutation at E279, reverting this residue from the SA14-14-2 to the wild-type amino acid. A similar virus was also constructed by site-directed mutagenesis (J. Arroyo, F. Guirakhoo, S. Fenner, Z.-X. Zhang, T. P. Monath, and T. J. Chambers, J. Virol. 75:934-942, 2001). The E279 mutation is located in a beta-sheet in the hinge region of the E protein that is responsible for a pH-dependent conformational change during virus penetration from the endosome into the cytoplasm of the infected cell. In independent transfection-passage studies with FRhL or Vero cells, mutations appeared most frequently in hinge 4 (bounded by amino acids E266 to E284), reflecting genomic instability in this functionally important region. The E279 reversion caused a significant increase in neurovirulence as determined by the 50% lethal dose and survival distribution in suckling mice and by histopathology in rhesus monkeys. Based on sensitivity and comparability of results with those for monkeys, the suckling mouse is an appropriate host for safety testing of flavivirus vaccine candidates for neurotropism. After intracerebral inoculation, the E279 Lys virus was restricted with respect to extraneural replication in monkeys, as viremia and antibody levels (markers of viscerotropism) were significantly reduced compared to those for the E279 Met virus. These results are consistent with the observation that empirically derived vaccines developed by mouse brain passage of dengue and YF viruses have increased neurovirulence for mice but reduced viscerotropism for humans.  相似文献   

Defective interfering virus particles modulate virulence.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
To determine whether defective interfering (DI) particles modulate virulence by initiating a cyclic pattern of virus growth in vivo, adult mice were infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), both with and without DI particles. A total of 184 mice divided into groups were inoculated intranasally. A majority of mice inoculated only with standard VSV developed paralysis, most of them between days 7 and 9. The addition of DI particles altered the development of paralysis in several ways. When there was significant protection, a few still became paralyzed on days 7 and 9. When overall mortality was unaffected or even slightly increased, the majority of mice became paralyzed between days 7 and 9 as well. Protection could not be predicted based on a single ratio of standard VSV to DI particles or on the absolute amount of DI particles inoculated. Infectious virus recovered from mouse brains at the time of paralysis and incipient death showed considerable variation, although the titer in a majority of the animals was between 10(5) and 10(7) PFU/ml. When the brains of these paralyzed mice were examined for hybridizable VSV RNA, the detection of standard VSV RNA correlated well with infectivity. The amount of DI RNA in the coinfected mice was more variable and independent of the amount of 40S RNA, although DI RNA was usually found when standard RNA was present. Survivors examined between days 14 and 21 did not contain infectious virus or any detectable viral RNA in their brains. Because these results were consistent with the hypothesis of viral cycling in vivo, rather than a gradual accumulation of total infectious virus, mice were coinfected with 10(8) PFU of standard VSV and 10(5) PFU equivalents of DI particles and sacrificed daily thereafter, irrespective of whether they developed paralysis. Infectivity measurements indicated a reproducible cycling pattern of VSV in the mouse brains with a periodicity of about 5 days. This cycling and the detection of DI RNA in brains several days after intranasal inoculation suggest that there is a dynamic continuous interaction between standard VSV and its DI particle beyond the initial site of replication as the virus population spreads into the host animal. Such cycling of virus production before the full development of specific immune responses from the host may have important implications for viral diagnostics and disease transmission.  相似文献   

We examined pathogenic characteristics of plaque-purified reoviruses isolated from persistently infected L-cell cultures (PI viruses) after intracranial inoculation into newborn mice. The PI viruses were isolated from independent cultures initiated with high-passage stocks of the wild-type (wt) strain, type 3 Dearing. The virulence of most PI viruses was equivalent to that of the wt strain. However, replication of PI viruses in the central nervous system of infected mice was prolonged to 25 (but not 50) days postinoculation. Thirty-eight percent (n = 186) of mice inoculated with the PI viruses had residual virus detectable in brain tissue 25 days after inoculation, in contrast to only 16% (n = 57) of mice inoculated with wt virus (P = 0.009). Mean residual brain titers were more than 20-fold higher in mice inoculated with PI viruses compared with wt virus (4.3 x 10(4) versus 2.1 x 10(3); P = 0.006). Tropism of PI virus within the brain resembled that of wt virus, and the distribution of PI virus antigen in the brain did not change over time. The extent of necrosis in the brains of mice harboring PI virus 25 days after inoculation was minimal, despite continued presence of high titers of infectious virus. The latter observation resembles the absence of cytopathicity seen in L-cell cultures persistently infected with reovirus. These observations suggest that the interaction of PI viruses with cells can be altered in vivo as well as in cell culture, but virus is eventually cleared from the infected animal.  相似文献   

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