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The magnitude of impacts some alien species cause to native environments makes them targets for regulation and management. However, which species to target is not always clear, and comparisons of a wide variety of impacts are necessary. Impact scoring systems can aid management prioritization of alien species. For such tools to be objective, they need to be robust to assessor bias. Here, we assess the newly proposed Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) used for amphibians and test how outcomes differ between assessors. Two independent assessments were made by Kraus (Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 46, 2015, 75‐97) and Kumschick et al. (Neobiota, 33, 2017, 53‐66), including independent literature searches for impact records. Most of the differences between these two classifications can be attributed to different literature search strategies used with only one‐third of the combined number of references shared between both studies. For the commonly assessed species, the classification of maximum impacts for most species is similar between assessors, but there are differences in the more detailed assessments. We clarify one specific issue resulting from different interpretations of EICAT, namely the practical interpretation and assigning of disease impacts in the absence of direct evidence of transmission from alien to native species. The differences between assessments outlined here cannot be attributed to features of the scheme. Reporting bias should be avoided by assessing all alien species rather than only the seemingly high‐impacting ones, which also improves the utility of the data for management and prioritization for future research. Furthermore, assessments of the same taxon by various assessors and a structured review process for assessments, as proposed by Hawkins et al. (Diversity and Distributions, 21, 2015, 1360), can ensure that biases can be avoided and all important literature is included.  相似文献   

To identify the factors that influence the availability of data on the negative impacts of alien bird species, in order to understand why more than 70% are currently classified as Data Deficient (DD) by the Environmental Impact Classification of Alien Taxa (EICAT) protocol. Information on factors hypothesised to influence the availability of impact data were collated for 344 alien bird species (107 with impact data and 237 DD). These data were analysed using mixed effects models accounting for phylogenetic non‐independence of species (MCMCglmm). Data deficiency in the negative impacts of alien birds is not randomly distributed. Residence time, relative brain size and alien range size were found to be strongly related to the availability of data on impacts. The availability of data on the negative impacts of alien birds is mainly influenced by the spatial and temporal extents of their alien ranges. The results of this study suggest that the impacts of some DD alien birds are likely to be minor (e.g. species with comparatively long residence times as aliens, such as the common waxbill Estrilda astrild and the Java sparrow Padda oryzivora). However, the results also suggest that some DD alien birds may have damaging impacts (e.g. species from orders of alien birds known for their impacts to biodiversity but with comparatively small alien ranges, such as the New Caledonian crow Corvus moneduloides). This implies that at least some DD alien birds may have impacts that are being overlooked. Studies examining the traits that influence the severity of alien bird impacts are needed to help to predict which DD species are more likely to impact upon biodiversity.  相似文献   



To identify traits related to the severity and type of environmental impacts generated by alien bird species, in order to improve our ability to predict which species may have the most damaging impacts.




Information on traits hypothesized to influence the severity and type of alien bird impacts was collated for 113 bird species. These data were analysed using mixed effects models accounting for phylogenetic non‐independence of species.


The severity and type of impacts generated by alien bird species are not randomly distributed with respect to their traits. Alien range size and habitat breadth were strongly associated with impact severity. Predation impacts were strongly associated with dietary preference, but also with alien range size, relative brain size and residence time. Impacts mediated by interactions with other alien species were related to alien range size and diet breadth.

Main conclusions

Widely distributed generalist alien birds have the most severe environmental impacts. This may be because these species have greater opportunity to cause environmental impacts through their sheer number and ubiquity, but this could also be because they are more likely to be identified and studied. Our study found little evidence for an effect of per capita impact on impact severity.

山东省外来植物的区系特征及空间分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
外来植物及其生态入侵对当地生物多样性保护和生态系统产生的不利影响,是目前生态学研究的热点之一。本文在文献查阅和野外调查基础上,建立了山东省外来植物数据库,并对其组成、地理区系、空间分布等进行统计分析,结果表明:1)山东省现有外来植物共827种,隶属122科,416属,其中境外外来种348种;2)外来植物比例高,占山东植物区系的39.03%,且优势科和表征科明显;3)外来植物属的地理分布多样,温带成分占优势(52.51%),热带成分丰富(44.06%);4)外来植物来源地和分布地相对集中,反映了环境因子和人类活动在入侵因素中的共同影响;5)温带气候带来源的植物较易入侵山东。  相似文献   

Alien species indicators provide vital information to the biodiversity policy sector on the status-quo and trends of biological invasions and on the efficacy of response measures. Applicable at different geographical scales and organizational levels, alien species indicators struggle with data availability and quality. Based on policy needs and previous work on the global scale, we here present a set of six alien species indicators for Europe, which capture complementary facets of biological invasions in Europe: (a) an combined index of invasion trends, (b) an indicator on pathways of invasions, (c) the Red List Index of Invasive Alien Species (IAS), (d) an indicator of IAS impacts on ecosystem services, (e) trends in incidence of livestock diseases and (f) an indicator on costs for alien species management and research. Each of these indicators has its particular strengths and shortcomings, but combined they allow for a nuanced understanding of the status and trends of biological invasions in Europe. We found that the scale and impact of biological invasions are steadily increasing across all impact indicators, although societal response in recent years has increased. The Red List Index is fit-for-purpose and demonstrates that overall extinction risks (here shown for amphibians in Europe) are increasing. Introduction pathway dynamics have changed, with some pathways decreasing in relevance (e.g., biological control agents) and others increasing (e.g., horticultural trade) providing a leverage for targeted policy and stakeholder response. The IAS indicators presented here for the first time on a continental basis serve as a starting point for future improvements, and as a basis for monitoring the efficacy of the recent EU legislation of IAS. This will need a better workflow for data collection and management. To achieve this, all main actors must work toward improving the interoperability among existing databases and between data holders.  相似文献   

倪广艳 《生态学报》2021,41(3):934-942
外来树种常被作为"先锋树种"广泛引种,在荒山造林和水土保持方面发挥了积极作用;然而,不少外来树种具有高耗水和强抗旱的水分利用特性,耗水量大、水分消耗快,若不加甄别地引种会影响甚至危害本土森林生态系统的健康。目前,部分被引种的外来树种已造成入侵;同时,在当前水资源缺乏的形势下,外来树种的引种安全问题已成为全球关注的生态环境问题。本文综述了外来树种在生态系统、整树、叶片及枝条水平的耗水特性,分析了外来树种对引种地水资源的影响。前期的研究结果显示,被引种的外来树种在生态系统及整树水平的耗水量普遍高于乡土树种,但对水资源的影响却因受控于多个因素如环境、气候、植物个体等而不尽相同;同时还显示,外来树种在叶片和枝条水平的耗水特性更多地体现了其应对环境变化的水分利用策略。研究还就提高外来树种耗水特性研究的准确性和提升外来树种危害风险的预警能力方面,提出了若干研究方向,旨在为森林管理者和政府部门平衡外来树种的经济效益和生态效应提供借鉴和指导,以期降低外来树种引种风险,增进生态安全。  相似文献   

This article explores some fundamental aspects of ecological restoration dynamics when an ecosystem is exposed to and altered by environmental disturbances like invasive alien plants and metals/particulates. These dynamics are assessed in socioeconomic and phytoremediation terms with respect to the perspective of emerging nations (e.g. an Indo‐Burma global biodiversity hotspot). In this short report, we discussed the positive ecological uses of invasive alien plants in remediation/restoration of the contaminated environment. Therefore, the impacts of invasive alien plants on the ecosystem are analyzed as prerequisite for remediation/restoration efforts. The utility of an integrated approach is proposed as a promising option to help restore or sustain the socioecological systems from diverse disturbances.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study investigates the effects of human disturbance and environmental factors on the distribution of alien plant species on the Georgia Sea Islands (GSI), USA. We sampled the absolute cover of native and alien plant species on two tourist islands (St. Simons Island and Jekyll Island) and on two protected National Wildlife Refuge Islands (Blackbeard Island and Wassaw Island). On each island, vegetation composition and environmental variables (soil properties and salt spray) were measured in two habitats that differed substantially in their degree of environmental stress, the more exposed primary dune and the more sheltered and inland maritime forest. Sites were further stratified within each habitat into areas that had different levels of human disturbance. Many alien species were present on all islands and the absolute cover of alien species was not significantly different among islands even though they varied substantially in their degree of accessibility and overall land use. Alien plant cover was appreciably greater in severely disturbed sites than in less disturbed sites on all islands and within both habitats. However, the difference between disturbance categories was much less pronounced in the primary dunes where human disturbance agents do not mitigate the harsh environmental conditions of this habitat (salt spray and saline soils). Alien plant abundance on the GSI is evidently more dependent upon the availability of disturbed ground than the degree of accessibility or overall island development. It appears that human disturbance increases alien cover in general, but in environments where the stress levels are not mitigated, human disturbance does little to foster alien invasions.  相似文献   

Over 430 alien tree species worldwide are known to be invasive, and the list is growing as more tree species are moved around the world and become established in novel environments. Alien trees can simultaneously bring many benefits and cause substantial environmental harm, very often leading to conflicts over how they should be managed. The impacts grow over time as invasions spread, and societal perceptions of the value of alien trees also change as understanding grows and as values shift. This leads to a dynamic environment in which trade-offs are required to maximise benefits and minimise harm. The management of alien tree populations needs to be strategic and adaptive, combining all possible management interventions to promote the sustainable delivery of optimal outcomes. We use examples, mainly from South Africa (where issues relating to invasive alien trees introduced for forestry have received most attention), to argue for holistic and collaborative approaches to alien tree management. Such approaches need to include bold steps, such as phasing out unsustainable plantation forestry that is based on highly invasive species, and in which the costs are externalised. Furthermore, it would be advisable to impose much stricter controls on the introduction of alien trees to new environments, so that problems that would arise from subsequent invasions can be avoided.  相似文献   

广州的外来植物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
该文分析了127种广州外来植物的种类及其生长型、原产地、现状、生境和季节变化。结果表明:具有较强繁殖能力的草本、灌木和藤本植物以及一些世界广布或热带性科属的植物和原产美洲、非洲的一些植物具有较强的入侵能力;受人为干扰较强的路边、荒地、池塘、果园、菜园和人工林容易为外来植物入侵,而人为干扰较少的自然生境则不易为外来植物入侵。此外,文章对物种的入侵性和生境的入侵性问题进行了讨论,认为这实际上是一个问题的两个方面,物种的入侵性总是与被入侵的生境联系在一起并相互影响的。  相似文献   

The status and causes of alien species invasion in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Data of classification, origin, pathway and environmental impacts of invasive alien micro-organisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, weeds, trees, and marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems of China, were analyzed, based on literature retrieval, field survey and consultation. Some 283 invasive alien species were recorded in China, including 19 invasive alien micro-organisms, 18 aquatic plants, 170 terrestrial plants, 25 aquatic invertebrates, 33 terrestrial invertebrates, 3 amphibians and reptiles, 10 fish, and 5 mammals. Of the invasive alien species, 55.1% originated from North and South America, 21.7% from Europe, 9.9% from Asia, 8.1% from Africa and 0.6% from Oceania. Many institutions and individuals in China lack adequate knowledge of ecological and environmental consequences caused by invasive alien species, with some ignorance of the dangerous invasion in the introduction of alien species. For instance, 50.0% of invasive alien plants were intentionally introduced as pasture, feedingstuff, ornamental plants, textile plants, medicinal plants, vegetables, or lawn plants, 25% of alien invasive animals were intentionally introduced for cultivation, ornament, or biological control, In addition, more efforts are being made in the introduction of alien species, and little attention is paid on the management of introduced alien species, which may cause their escape into natural environment and potential threats to the environment. There were also gaps in quarantine system in China. All microorganisms were unintentionally introduced, through timber, seedling, flowerpot, or soil; 76.3% of alien invasive animals invaded through commodity or transportation facility because of the failure of quarantine. Therefore, quarantine measures should be strictly implemented; and meanwhile the intentional introduction of alien species should be strictly managed and a system of risk assessment should be implemented.  相似文献   

Cambray  J.A. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,500(1-3):217-230
One of the most insidious threats to fish conservation around the world is deliberate or accidental introduction of fish species. The impact of alien invasive sport fish is for the most part unpredictable in time and space, with the introduction of relatively few species having resulted in many extirpations of indigenous fish species worldwide. More nations need to quantify biodiversity loss caused by alien sport fishes. The spread of alien invasive fishes does not respect political boundaries. Therefore total global costs to aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning resulting from these introductions need to be assessed. The global invasive species database of the Global Invasive Species Programme, highlights eight fish species among the one hundred `World's Worst Invasive Alien Species'. Three of these fish species (two trout and one bass species) were introduced solely for sport. Historically the social value of recreational fishing was usually more important than conserving biodiversity. Globalisation of alien fish species for sport is best illustrated by rainbow trout – now in 82 countries, and still spreading, along with the associated expensive angling gear, magazines and accommodation infrastructure. Such sport species have become part of the global consumer society. The nature and extent of the globalisation phenomenon is addressed with regard to how introduction of alien fish for recreational angling has impacted on biodiversity; trophic cascades at a local level and the unassessed total cumulative global trophic cascades; and some of the motives that underlie promotion of this sport within the complexity of globalisation as we know it today. Alien invasive recreational fish species are now recognised as a global environmental degradation problem resulting in loss of biodiversity and therefore require a global solution. Parallel trends such as globalisation of environmental education and the internet must be encouraged to counteract the damage caused and reverse the trend. This globally concerted campaign requires utilizing environmental education forums aimed at the angling community, general public and policy makers; networking with existing alien invasive groups; legislation; better understanding of processes; development of environmental economic evaluation tools; international bio-invasion control; wider use of the precautionary approach and utilization of the present globalisation of ecological thought.  相似文献   

Alien species are a significant threat to natural ecosystems and human economies. Despite global efforts to address this challenge, the documented number of alien species is rapidly increasing worldwide. However, the magnitude of the impact of alien species may vary significantly across habitats. For example, some habitats are naturally less prone to biological invasions due to stringent abiotic and biotic characteristics, selecting for a limited number of introduced species possessing traits closely related to the native organisms. Subterranean ecosystems are quintessential examples of habitats with strong environmental filters (e.g. lack of light and scarcity of food), driving convergent adaptations in species that have successfully adapted to life in darkness. Despite these stringent environmental constraints, the number of records of alien species in subterranean ecosystems has increased in recent decades, but the relevant literature remains largely fragmented and mostly anecdotal. Therefore, even though caves are generally considered very fragile ecosystems, their susceptibility to impacts by alien species remains untested other than for some very specific cases. We provide the first systematic literature survey to synthesise available knowledge on alien species in subterranean ecosystems globally. This review is supported by a database summarising the available literature, aiming to identify gaps in the distribution and spread of alien invertebrate species in subterranean habitats, and laying the foundations for future management practices and interventions. First, we quantitatively assessed the current knowledge of alien species in subterranean ecosystems to shed light on broader questions about taxonomic biases, geographical patterns, modes of dispersal, pathways for introductions and potential impacts. Secondly, we collected species-specific traits for each recorded alien species and tested whether subterranean habitats act as ecological filters for their establishment, favouring organisms with pre-adaptive traits suitable for subterranean life. We found information on the presence of 246 subterranean alien species belonging to 18 different classes. The dominant alien species were invertebrates, especially insects and arachnids. Most species were reported in terrestrial subterranean habitats from all continents except Antarctica. Palaearctic and Nearctic biogeographic regions represented the main source of alien species. The main routes of introductions into the recipient country are linked to commercial activities (84.3% of cases for which there was information available). Negative impacts have been documented for a small number of case studies (22.7%), mostly related to increased competition with native species. For a limited number of case studies (6.1%), management strategies were reported but the effectiveness of these interventions has rarely been quantified. Accordingly, information on costs is very limited. Approximately half of the species in our database can be considered established in subterranean habitats. According to our results, the presence of suitable traits grants access to the stringent environmental filter posed by subterranean environments, facilitating establishment in the new habitat. We recommend that future studies deepen the understanding of invasiveness into subterranean habitats, raising public and scientific community awareness of preserving these fragile ecosystems.  相似文献   

外来入侵植物胜红蓟的胚胎学观察及繁殖系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以采自我国广东江门和广州两个种群的胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L.)种子为材料,采用流式细胞种子筛选技术(FCSS)和人工控制授粉实验,对胜红蓟的繁殖系统进行研究,并结合整体透明技术和微分干涉差(DIC)显微镜观察法,对其胚珠发育过程和花药结构进行细胞胚胎学观察。种子筛选结果显示,胜红蓟的种子既可以通过有性生殖产生,又可以通过不需要假受精的无融合生殖产生,属于兼性无融合生殖类型。开放性授粉和套袋处理之间的结实率均较高,分别为88%±1.2%和86.2%±1.2%,两者之间无显著差异;而去雄处理的结实率和开放性授粉、套袋这两种处理之间差异显著。胚珠的细胞胚胎学观察结果发现,胜红蓟的有性生殖胚囊发育方式为蓼型,无融合生殖胚囊的发育方式为山柳菊型。胜红蓟的花粉粒在花药内就开始萌发出花粉管,具有闭花受精特性。研究结果表明闭花受精和兼性无融合生殖等繁殖特性保证了胜红蓟在各种生存环境下的结实量,提高其在新生境中归化和入侵的可能性。  相似文献   

Invasive alien plants in China: diversity and ecological insights   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
China’s current invasive alien plant species were analyzed with regard to their floristic status, biological attributes and invasion status elsewhere. Most of the 270 species identified were annuals, followed by perennial herbs. Woody perennials made only about 10% of the species. The invasives were comprised of 59 families, the largest being Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Brassicaceae. The genera with most invasive species were Amaranthus, Ipomoea, and Solanum. Most of the species originated from the New World, notably from South America. About one-third of the species were serious invaders of natural habitats in countries other than China. The proportion of invasive alien plants in province floras ranged from 0.5 to 3.8%, absolute numbers from nine to 117 species per province. Density of invasive species was correlated positively with native species density at provincial scale. The results demonstrate that in China invasive plants are present throughout the country, with a particularly high species richness in the Southeast. The ecological diversity of invasive plants suggests wide ranging impacts which need to be assessed.  相似文献   

外来入侵植物成灾的机制及防除对策   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:26  
外来入侵植物是指自然或人为地由原生态系统中引入到新生境的植物 ,会给新生境或其中的物种带来威胁。紫茎泽兰从缅甸自然进入云南 ,其原产地是墨西哥 ;水葫芦从墨西哥引进用作饲料 ,而大米草是从英国南海岸引入用于促淤护堤。 3种外来入侵植物给我国当地的生产、生活等带来了极大的威胁 ,破坏了生态系统 ,影响了生物的多样性。对它们的治理费用昂贵。其繁殖力、适应性和抗逆性极强 ,竞争力也极强或本身拥有化感特性或特殊器官 ,同时又耐瘠、耐污 ,并且在本地还缺乏有力的竞争生物和天敌 ,是 3种外来入侵植物势不可挡 ,扩散蔓延的成灾机制。致力于外来入侵植物的国家能力建设和综合治理是 3种外来入侵植物的防除对策  相似文献   

The objectives of the present survey were to formulate a zoocenological analysis of the gastropod communities in clay pit ponds, as well as to determine the relationships between the gastropods and their environments, and to evaluate the water habitats in terms of their ecological-conservation value. The physical and chemical parameters of water, gastropod species and macrophytes occurring in the ponds indicate mesotrophic conditions. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) reveals a correlation between gastropod density and nitrates, a correlation between gastropod density and alkalinity, and additionally shows a correlation between gastropod density and chlorides. The pond surface area, nitrates, chlorides concentrate, alkalinity, and substratum have all affected these gastropod communities. The occurrence of the first permanent population of Ferrissia clessiniana (Jickeli, 1882) was recorded in Poland. Valvata naticina Menke 1845 has become a critically rare species (CR) due to the pollution of water environments. Five other species, e.g. Anisus vorticulus (Troschel, 1834) and Planorbis carinatus O.F. Müller, 1774 are recorded on the Polish Red List of Species. The clay pit ponds of the Ciechanowska Upland, because of their distinctive environmental features, provide a refuge where a number of rare, threatened and alien gastropod species live.  相似文献   

There is insufficient information regarding the factors affecting the environmental impacts of alien species. In particular, little is known about whether there is any relationship between the invasiveness (establishment and spread) of an introduced species and its per capita impact. We experimentally assessed the relationship between the extent of spread of up to 29 alien plant species and their impact on recruitment of native tree species in Amani Botanical Garden, Tanzania. We also studied the effects of allelochemicals of selected alien on native plant species to assess potential mechanisms of impact. We found no relationship between the extent of spread of an alien tree species and their impact on seed germination, seedling survival, and seedling communities of native trees in their understory, and no indication that allelochemicals consistently explain their effects on recruitment of the studied species. These results suggest that extent of spread cannot be used as a proxy for impact. Hence, managers should continue assessing both the spread and the impact of alien species when prioritizing alien species for management.  相似文献   

Successful long-term invasive alien plant control programmes rely on alien plant distribution and abundance data to assess, prioritise, implement and monitor the efficacy of the programme. Here we assess the impact of data accuracy using the alien plant programme in Table Mountain National Park, South Africa. A systematic plot-based survey method was carried out to assess the distribution of alien plants in the park at a fine scale (systematic sampling). Alien plant richness, total area invaded and the degree of spatial overlap in species’ presence were compared between the systematic sample and a protected area (PA) managers’ dataset (collated from collective observations by park visitors, rangers and managers) and Working for Water (WfW) project data (data collected for the planning and implementation of the alien plant clearing programme) using a range of confusion matrix-based statistics to assess similarity and error rates between the datasets. A total of 106 alien plant taxa were detected across the three datasets, 12 in PA manager’s data, 23 in WfW data and 101 in the systematic survey. Overall, there was substantive disagreement between the datasets on the distribution of alien plants. For example both management datasets estimated species’ hectare coverage at orders of magnitude greater than indicated by systematic sampling. The inaccuracy of manager data has direct negative implications for funding allocation, which currently appears to be in excess of what is required. We recommend that contrary to perception, fine-scale surveys are a cost-effective way to inform long-term monitoring programmes and improve programme effectiveness.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for comprehensive national databases on alien plant species, especially in developing countries. Despite the fact that plant invasions are considered a major threat to biodiversity, they have been poorly studied or not considered a conservation priority in South America. We aim to assess alien plant distribution in Chile, using the first comprehensive public alien plant database, and discuss the implications of using herbarium records to develop national databases of alien plants. We used herbarium records to assemble a comprehensive national database of alien plants. We calculated the number of alien and native species and specimens recorded in each 10 × 10 km cell. We evaluated sampling efforts and tested for relationships between alien and native species collections, as well as other spatial patterns along the latitudinal gradient. Alien and native species richness was positively correlated. Alien plants were mostly collected in central Chile, with few species collected in both the extreme north and south. However, native plants were strongly collected in central Chile, as well as in both extremes of the country. Alien and native plants followed the same pattern of accumulation along the latitudinal gradient, with native plants being relatively more collected than alien plants. Herbarium records provide valuable baseline information to evaluate plant species distribution. However, there are important gaps in this database, (e.g. variable sampling effort for alien and native plants, incomplete information on life-history traits). Given scientists and land managers increasing demand for baseline information and the high cost of collecting such data in developing countries, herbarium records should be used more frequently for research and management of plant invasions.  相似文献   

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