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深圳海域6株破囊壶菌的生长特性及油脂成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】从深圳海域分离得到6株破囊壶菌,对其基本形态特征、生活史和油脂含量等进行研究,开发其应用潜力。【方法】使用松花粉垂钓法对破囊壶菌进行分离,通过18S r RNA基因测序的方法对破囊壶菌进行鉴定,用显微镜观察其基本形态特征,通过使用尼罗红(Nile Red)染色法对油脂含量进行定性检测,并用GC-MS分析菌株的油脂含量和组成情况。【结果】18S r RNA基因鉴定其属于Aurantiochytrium sp.、Schizochytrium sp.和Thraustochytrium sp.三个属。破囊壶菌的脂肪酸主要成分为十六碳饱和脂肪酸和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),其中Mn11和Mn15的饱和脂肪酸含量达到总脂肪酸含量的70%以上,Mn16和Sw7的DHA产量分别达到1.29 g/L和1.26 g/L。【结论】Mn11和Mn15菌株适合用于生物柴油的生产,Mn16和Sw7是DHA发酵生产的潜力菌株。  相似文献   

多不饱和脂肪酸是保持人体健康不可缺少的营养成分之一,尤其是二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)作为细胞膜磷脂的重要组分,具有非常重要的医药应用和营养价值。目前,在食品工业中,DHA已经添加至牛奶或奶粉中,用作功能性营养强化剂。20世纪80年代,DHA的唯一来源是鱼油,但鱼油的腥味、重金属污染等问题,促使人们探索生产DHA的其他途径如微生物发酵。诱变和筛选是微生物选育过程中比较重要的手段,可以快速使菌株朝着人类所需要的方向突变。UV诱变和化学药物胁迫筛选是使野生株定向突变的一种很好的办法。目前国内外研究主要针对裂殖壶菌属菌株进行诱变育种,许永利[1]用紫外线诱变和喹禾灵筛选方法对裂殖壶菌(Schizochytrium limacinu)进行诱变选育,突变菌株生物量和DHA含量比对照菌株均有提高。吴克刚等[2]利用添加植物激素对Thraustochytriu roseum MF2进行培育诱变,从而获得更高的DHA量,但在脂质含量和DHA在脂质占比率上都不存在明显变化。本期介绍梁园梅、成家杨等[3]发表的论文《高产DHA破囊壶菌Aurantiochytrium sp.PKU#SW7诱变株的筛选》,作者采用紫外线和药物双重诱变胁迫破囊壶菌获得一株突变株,其在生物量、脂质含量和DHA在脂质占比率上都有显著性提高,相比前人的研究,作者获得的突变株有显著优越性,且突变株DHA生产能力传代4次后仍然保持稳定,具有较高的工业价值。在后续的研究中作者若能对筛选条件、培养基(如利用廉价碳源)和培养条件等方面实行进一步优化,提高突变株生物量,降低突变株发酵生产DHA生产成本,将能获得更高的商业价值。  相似文献   

为提高二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)产量,根据裂殖壶菌生物合成DHA的代谢途径,考察外源添加剂对裂殖壶菌发酵生产DHA影响。研究表明:分生物素、柠檬酸、苹果酸和洛伐他汀均能提高裂殖壶菌DHA的合成能力。同时添加生物素、苹果酸和洛伐他汀时能够显著提高DHA的产量,DHA的最高产量达到11.55 g/L,相比对照提高71.87%。  相似文献   

破囊壶菌因具有高产脂肪酸的特性而受到广泛关注,然而传统的培养方式需要的原料成本很高,很大程度上阻碍了破囊壶菌的工业化进程,因此,寻找可被破囊壶菌高效利用、来源广泛并且廉价易得的生产原料成为该领域的研究重点。本文以破囊壶菌及其生产脂肪酸为切入点,综述了近年来破囊壶菌利用工农业废弃物生产脂肪酸的研究现状,总结并提出了其发展前景,以期对今后的研究有所启发。  相似文献   

用基因工程方法研制廿二碳六烯酸   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廿二碳六烯酸(DHA)能促进脑细胞的生长发育,改善大脑机能和行为学习,防治中枢神经疾病,是人及其它动物重要的必需多不饱和脂肪酸。目前,DHA主要来自深海鱼油的分离制备。利用微生物发酵生产DHA仍处于实验室阶段。破囊壶菌(Thraustochytriumroseum)是合成DHA的优良海洋真菌。研究与筛选破囊壶菌DHA合成突变株,克隆破囊壶菌DHA合成关键酶基因,进而在酵母真核表达系统中表达,可为今后对该酶进行更深入的研究及应用建立良好的基础。用基因工程方法研制重组DHA,将开拓广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

考察了不同渗透胁迫(0、10、20、30和40 g/L NaCl)对裂殖壶菌HX-308发酵产DHA及脂肪酸构成的影响。结果表明:20 g/L NaCl最有利于裂殖壶菌生长和DHA积累,生物量、总脂肪酸含量、DHA产量及DHA占生物量的比值分别为73 g/L、10.7 g/L、5.0 g/L和68 mg/g,并且DHA在总脂肪酸中所占百分比最高,为45.2%。此外,在低渗透压(10 g/L NaCl)条件下,添加40 mmol/L甘氨酸甜菜碱,DHA产量与未添加相比提高了28.21%;在高渗透压(40 g/L NaCl)条件下添加40 mmol/L海藻糖,DHA产量提高了46.84%;表明添加适量的外源相容性溶质能有效地促进裂殖壶菌积累DHA。  相似文献   

为提高发酵产量,根据裂殖壶菌生物合成二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)的途径,考察添加代谢途径关键酶的辅酶及酶的抑制剂对发酵裂殖壶菌的影响.结果表明:添加生物素可促进油脂积累,添加浅蓝菌素有利于DHA及不饱和脂肪酸含量的提高.添加生物素0.3 mg/L时,DHA占细胞干质量分数达11.26%,相对于对照提高了13%;当添加浅蓝菌素0.1mg/L时,DHA占细胞干质量分数可达12.2%.  相似文献   

海洋真菌Thraustochytriumsp.FJN-10是二十二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoic acid,DHA,C22:6n-3)的高产菌株。为阐明其DHA生物合成机制及采用基因工程技术提高DHA生物合成能力,通过RT-PCR扩增了DHA生物合成相关脱饱和酶基因的保守区,采用cDNA末端扩增技术(Rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)获取全长基因,结果分析表明其克隆基因为Δ4脂肪酸脱饱和酶基因,开放阅读框由1560个核苷酸组成,共编码519个氨基酸,这是Thraus-tochytriumsp.FJN-10Δ4脂肪酸脱饱和酶基因研究的首次报道。  相似文献   

海洋真菌Thraustochytrium sp.FJN-10是二十二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoic acid,DHA,C22:6n-3)的高产菌株.为阐明其DHA生物合成机制及采用基因工程技术提高DHA生物合成能力,通过RT-PCR扩增了DHA生物合成相关脱饱和酶基因的保守区,采用cDNA末端扩增技术(Rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)获取全长基因,结果分析表明其克隆基因为△4脂肪酸脱饱和酶基因,开放阅读框由1560个核苷酸组成,共编码519个氨基酸,这是Thraustochytrium sp.FJN-10△4脂肪酸脱饱和酶基因研究的首次报道.  相似文献   

细胞液中乙酰辅酶A的持续供应是脂肪酸高效积累的必要条件。考虑到甲羟戊酸和脂肪酸合成途径共用相同的前体乙酰辅酶A,抑制甲羟戊酸途径可能促使更多的乙酰辅酶A流向脂肪酸合成。通过添加前体物质或/和甲羟戊酸途径酶的抑制剂以强化乙酰辅酶A的供应,即在裂殖壶菌发酵起始或/和后期添加乙酸、发酵起始添加甲羟戊酸途径酶的抑制剂辛伐他汀或柠檬酸、发酵起始同时添加乙酸和辛伐他汀或柠檬酸并考察其对裂殖壶菌合成二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA)的影响,结果发现发酵起始同时添加6mmol/L的乙酸和1μmol/L的辛伐他汀时,DHA产量最高,达到13.21g/L,比对照提高了46.61%。  相似文献   

Thraustochytrids, the heterotrophic, marine, straminipilan protists, are now established candidates for commercial production of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (ω-3 PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), that is important in human health and aquaculture. Extensive screening of cultures from a variety of habitats has yielded strains that produce at least 50% of their biomass as lipids, and DHA comprising at least 25% of the total fatty acids, with a yield of at least 5 g L−1. Most of the lipids occur as triacylglycerols and a lesser amount as phospholipids. Numerous studies have been carried out on salinity, pH, temperature, and media optimization for DHA production. Commercial production is based on a fed batch method, using high C/N ratio that favors lipid accumulation. Schizochytrium DHA is now commercially available as nutritional supplements for adults and as feeds to enhance DHA levels in larvae of aquaculture animals. Thraustochytrids are emerging as a potential source of other PUFAs such as arachidonic acid and oils with a suite of PUFA profiles that can have specific uses. They are potential sources of asataxanthin and carotenoid pigments, as well as other lipids. Genes of the conventional fatty acid synthesis and the polyketide-like PUFA synthesis pathways of thraustochytrids are attracting attention for production of recombinant PUFA-containing plant oils. Future studies on the basic biology of these organisms, including biodiversity, environmental adaptations, and genome research are likely to point out directions for biotechnology explorations. Potential areas include enzymes, polysaccharides, and secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) percentage in total fatty acids (TFAs) is an important index in DHA microbial production. In this study, the change of DHA percentage in response to fermentation stages and the strategies to increase DHA percentage were investigated. Two kinds of conventional nitrogen sources, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and ammonium sulfate (AS), were tested to regulate DHA synthesis. Results showed that MSG addition could accelerate the substrate consumption rate but inhibit lipid accumulation, while AS addition could increase DHA percentage in TFAs effectively but extend fermentation period slightly. Finally, the AS addition strategy was successfully applied in 7,000-L fermentor and DHA percentage in TFAs and DHA yield reached 46.06 % and 18.48 g/L, which was 19.54 and 17.41 % higher than that of no-addition strategy. This would provide guidance for the large-scale production of the other similar polyunsaturated fatty acid, and give insight into the nitrogen metabolism in oil-producing microorganisms.  相似文献   

Following an isolation programme for thraustochytrids (marine fungoid protists) from three different locations, 57 isolates were screened for biomass, oil and docosahexaenoic acid production (DHA). Although a common fatty acid profile for the thraustochytrid isolates emerged, there was considerable variation in the DHA content of the oil. In some isolates from a cold temperate environment, DHA represented almost 50% of the total fatty acids present. Although isolates from a sub-tropical environment produced higher levels of biomass, with up to 37% (w/w) oil, the DHA fraction of the fatty acids was low. Cool temperate isolates gave intermediate values. Studies to optimise biomass and DHA production by manipulation of growth medium composition were carried out on a tropical strain. Results indicated that medium with a high C:N ratio stimulated DHA production. The use of such media in bioreactor cultivations gave maximum biomass, lipid and DHA content of 14 g l−1, 78 and 25% (w/w), respectively. Optimum DHA production was 2.17 g l−1 after 107 h cultivation.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrids have recently emerged as a promising source for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) production due to their high growth rate and oil content. In this study, two thraustochytrid isolates, Aurantiochytrium sp. PKU#SW7 and Thraustochytriidae sp. PKU#Mn16 were used for DHA production. Following growth parameters were optimized to maximize DHA production: temperature, pH, salinity, and glucose concentration. Both isolates achieved the highest DHA yield at the cultivation temperature of 28 °C, pH 6, 100 % seawater, and 2 % glucose. A DHA yield of 1.395 g/l and 1.426 g/l was achieved under the optimized culture conditions. Further investigation revealed that both isolates possess simple fatty acids profiles with palmitic acid and DHA as their dominant constituents, accounting for ~79 % of total fatty acids. To date, very few studies have focused on the DHA distribution in various lipid fractions which is an important factor for identifying strains with a potential for industrial DHA production. In the present study, the lipids profiles of each strain both revealed that the majority of DHA was distributed in neutral lipids (NLs), and the DHA distribution in NLs of PKU#SW7 was exclusively in the form of triacylglycerols (TAGs) which suggest that PKU#SW7 could be utilized as an alternative source of DHA for dietary supplements. The fermentation process established for both strains also indicating that Aurantiochytrium sp. PKU#SW7 was more suitable for cultivation in fermenter. In addition, the high percentage of saturated fatty acids produced by the two thraustochytrids indicates their potential application in biodiesel production. Overall, our findings suggest that two thraustochytrid isolates are suitable candidates for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrids are large-celled marine heterokonts and classified as oleaginous microorganisms due to their production of docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) ω-3-fatty acids. The applications of microbial DHA and EPA for human health are rapidly expanding, and a large number of clinical trials have been carried out to verify their efficacy. The development of refined isolation and identification techniques is important for the cultivation of thraustochytrids. With a high proportion of lipid biomass, thraustochytrids are also amenable to various production strategies which increase omega-3 oil output. Modifications to the existing lipid extraction methods and utilisation of sophisticated analytical instruments have increased extraction yields of DHA and EPA. Other metabolites such as enzymes, carotenoids and extracellular polysaccharides can also be obtained from these marine protists. Approaches such as the exploration for more diverse isolates having fast growth rates, metabolic engineering including gene cloning, and growing thraustochytrids on alternate low cost carbon source, will further enhance the biotechnological potential of thraustochytrids.  相似文献   

Liquid residues from beer (RB) and potato (RP) processing were evaluated as carbon sources for the production of docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3, DHA) by two native Thraustochytriidae sp., M12-X1 and C41, in shaking flask experiments. Results were compared with those obtained in the fermentations of glucose, maltose, soluble starch and ethanol. Both strains produced the highest biomass concentration (2.3 g/L) in the fermentation of RB supplemented with nitrogen sources [yeast extract (YE) and monosodium glutamate (MSG)]. DHA content in the fatty acids produced by the native thraustochytrids was dependent on the fermented carbon source; the fatty acids from biomass grown on carbon sources that permitted a lower growth rate contained more DHA. The highest DHA productivity [55.1 mg/(day L)] was obtained in the fermentation of RB-YE-MSG by M12-X1 strain. In this medium, M12-X1 strain grew at a specific growth rate of 0.014 h?1 and total fatty acid content in the biomass was 41.3%. Production of DHA by M12-X1 strain followed a non-growth rate associated pattern and DHA content in the biomass decreased significantly after growth ceased.  相似文献   

Seven strains of marine microbes producing a significant amount of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6, n-3) were screened from seawater collected in coastal areas of Japan and Fiji. They accumulate their respective intermediate fatty acids in addition to DHA. There are 5 kinds of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) profiles which can be described as (1) DHA/docosapentaenoic acid (DPA; C22:5, n-6), (2) DHA/DPA/eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; C20:5, n-3), (3) DHA/EPA, (4) DHA/DPA/EPA/arachidonic acid (AA; C20:4, n-6), and (5) DHA/DPA/EPA/AA/docosatetraenoic acid (C22:4, n-6). These isolates are proved to be new thraustochytrids by their specific insertion sequences in the 18S rRNA genes. The phylogenetic tree constructed by molecular analysis of 18S rRNA genes from the isolates and typical thraustochytrids shows that strains with the same PUFA profile form each monophyletic cluster. These results suggest that the C20-22 PUFA profile may be applicable as an effective characteristic for grouping thraustochytrids.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrids are ubiquitous marine osmo-heterotrophic fungi-like microorganisms with only about 40 identified species till now. In this study, a total of 60 thraustochytrid strains were isolated from marine coastal habitats. Analysis of 18S rRNA gene sequences revealed that they belonged to three genera, i.e., Schizochytrium, Aurantiochytrium, and Thraustochytrium. All of the isolates were found to show considerable cellulolytic and lipolytic activities. Strains of Aurantiochytrium sp. and Thraustochytrium sp. were found to produce the highest levels of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), which reached 345 μg ml?1 in the growth media. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the EPS samples derived from two thraustochytrids (PKU#Sed1 and #SW1) displayed peaks for carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, uronic acids, and nucleic acids. Fatty acid profiles of four thraustochytrids comprised of palmitic acid (C16:0) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as their major constituents. Schizochytrium sp. demonstrated the highest DHA production at 44 % of total fatty acids (TFA) with biomass and DHA yield of 7.1 and 1.6 g l?1, respectively, on the fourth day of growth. All the four isolates exhibited considerable production of palmitic acid (16:0) in their fatty acid profiles ranging from 35 to 50 % TFA. This is the first report on extracellular enzymes, EPS, and DHA production from thraustochytrids isolated from the coastal habitats of China.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) production in Schizochytrium sp. HX-308 was evaluated by detecting enzymatic activities of ATP:citrate lyase (EC, malic enzyme (EC and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC at different fermentation stages. According to the analysis, a regulation strategy was proposed which reinforced acetyl-CoA and NADPH supply at a specific fermentation stage. DHA content of total fatty acids was increased from 35 to 60% by the addition of 4 g/L malic acid at the rapid lipid accumulation stage. Total lipid content also showed an apparent increase of 35% and reached 19 g/L when 40 mL ethanol/L was added at the late lipid accumulation stage.  相似文献   

【目的】对野生菌株Aurantiochytrium sp.PKU#SW7诱变育种,筛选高产DHA突变株。【方法】采用UV诱变和化学药物胁迫筛选方式,以菌株的生物量、油脂产量、DHA产量作为筛选指标,获得高产DHA突变株。【结果】经鉴定获得一株DHA高产突变株PKU#PM003,该菌株传代4次后仍保持较好的遗传稳定性。摇瓶发酵后,PKU#PM003生物量产量高达6.62 g/L,比原始菌株5.95 g/L提高了11.26%,脂肪酸含量高达4.01 g/L,比原始菌株3.18 g/L提高了26.1%,DHA在脂肪酸中所占比例由29.97%增加到33.43%,产量提高了41.01%,油脂突变效果显著。【结论】突变株PKU#PM003可作为性状优良的工业化发酵生产菌种,并在DHA产量提升上仍具有巨大的空间。  相似文献   

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