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ENU诱导获得一种短尾小鼠及其突变基因的初步定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用一种化学诱变剂ENU(乙酰基亚硝基脲 )腹腔注射 3 0只 8~ 1 0周龄C5 7BL 6J(简称B6)雄鼠 (G0代 ) ,6周后与同品系正常母鼠配种繁殖后代 (G1代 )小鼠 3 5 1只。对其后代进行筛选获得一种可遗传的显性短尾突变小鼠。为了定位该突变基因 ,运用平均分布于B6和DBA 2 (简称D2 )小鼠常染色体而在这两者间又有差异的 3 9个微卫星对突变小鼠的 (D2×B6)F1代短尾突变小鼠回交D2得到的有短尾表型的[(B6×D2 )F1×D2 ]F2 代小鼠进行基因组扫描。反向运用经典的位置候选基因法 ,将短尾突变基因定位于 1 7号染色体 ,与D1 7Mit3 3的LOD值为 9 0 8。选用该染色体上与短尾表型相关基因Brachyury (T)最近的微卫星D1 7Mit1 43引物扩增 ,在 1 0 9只F2 代短尾小鼠中未发生一例交换 ,表明Brachyury基因是本例短尾突变强有力的候选基因。  相似文献   

乙酰基亚硝基脲诱导小鼠突变的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探索乙酰基亚硝基脲 (ENU)诱导小鼠突变的效率 ,筛查并获得能显性遗传的突变型小鼠。方法 采用 8~ 10周龄的雄性C57BL 6小鼠 33只、DBA 2小鼠 18只 ,腹腔注射ENU10 0mg kg ,每周一次共三次 ,与同品系母鼠配种 ,在后代小鼠中针对可见表型筛查突变个体。结果 处理雄鼠有 9至 13周的不育期 ;在已经筛查的12 4 1只小鼠中得到眼睛异常、多趾、少趾及腹部白斑、矮小等突变个体 6 1只 ,突变率约 5 % ;获得单基因显性遗传的突变品系 2种。结论 ENU为小鼠的强诱突变剂 ;通过诱变可以得到遗传突变小鼠 ,为建立人类疾病动物模型提供条件 ;大规模诱变实验对小鼠功能基因组的研究有重要意义  相似文献   

snthr-1Bao稀毛小鼠足本实验室培育的呈单基因隐性遗传的突变系小鼠,突变基因已被初步定位于第9号染色体末端;为了精确定位并鉴定snthr-1Bao稀毛小鼠的突变基因,将(C57BL/6Jxsnthr-1Bao)F1代互交繁殖F2代小鼠4400余只,其中稀毛小鼠1100只,并在2个微卫星、35个可能的简单序列重复标记(simple sequence repeat,SSR)及3个酶切扩增多态性序列(cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences,CAPS)标记中找到4个合适的基因组标记.利用这些标记及F2代稀毛小鼠将突变基因精确定位到第9号染色体距着丝粒117.763 kb及119.129kb之间1.367Mb的范用内,在其问的21个基因中确定Plcdl为稀毛突变的强力候选基因.通过对基因组的直接测序,发现snthr-1Bao稀毛小鼠基因组上有一个14883bp的缺失,这一缺失包含了Plcd1基因的4-15号外显子及Vill基因的10-19号外显子.推测极可能是Plcdl基因缺失导致snthr-1Bao小鼠出现稀毛表型.  相似文献   

snthr^-1Bao稀毛小鼠是本实验室培育的呈单基因隐性遗传的突变系小鼠,突变基因已被初步定位于第9号染色体末端;为了精确定能并鉴定snthr^-1Bao稀毛小鼠的突变基因,将(C57BL/6J×snthr^-1Bao)F1代互交繁殖F2代小鼠4400余只,其中稀毛小鼠1100只,并在2个微卫星、35个可能的简单序列重复标记(simplesequence repeat,SSR)及3个酶切扩增多态性序列(Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences,CAPS)标记中找到4个合适的基因组标记。利用这些标记及F2代稀毛小鼠将突变基因精确定位到第9号染色体距着丝粒117.763kb及119.129kb之间1.367Mb的范围内,在其间的21个基因中确定Plcdl为稀毛突变的强力候选基因。通过对基因组的直接测序,发现snthr^-1Bao稀毛小鼠基因组上有一个14883bp的缺失,这一缺失包含了Plcdl基因的4-15号外显子及Vill基因的10—19号外显子。推测极可能是Plcdl基因缺失导致snthr^-1Bao小鼠出现稀毛表型。  相似文献   

乙酰基亚硝基脲(ENU)对C57BL/6J雄鼠睾丸组织的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察乙酰基亚硝基脲(ENU)对雄鼠睾丸及其他组织器官的影响,分析引起小鼠死亡的原因,探索ENU处理雄鼠后的最佳配种时间.方法 将8~10周龄的C57BL/6J雄鼠分为实验组和对照组.实验组腹腔注射ENU 100 mg/kg,每周1次,共3次,对照组以同样方法注射生理盐水.首次注射ENU后的第1周至12周,每周分别取4只实验组小鼠和对照组小鼠剖检及组织病理学观察;取其睾丸附睾称重及精子计数.记录死亡小鼠数量,并对其剖检及组织病理学观察.结果 对死亡小鼠剖检发现胸腔纵隔内有巨大肿块,明显压迫心脏;组织切片观察发现睾丸和肝脏有明显病变.实验组小鼠睾丸从ENU处理的第2周起开始萎缩,第9周开始恢复;精子数量第4周至第9周稀少.结论 ENU为小鼠的一种强诱变剂,纵隔肿瘤是导致雄鼠死亡的主要原因,雄鼠注射ENU后最佳配种时间应在首次注射后的第9周.  相似文献   

李裕棠  刘荣兴 《动物学报》1989,35(2):177-181
于长爪沙鼠体保种的周期型马来丝虫,其感染性幼虫(100条/只)接种于BALB/cCR和BALB/cJ两株小鼠腹腔内,都获得感染成功。在95只BALB/cCR株鼠(45,50)中,显性感染者8只(4,4),占8.42%;隐性感染者34只(17,17),占35.79%。共检获成虫110条,每鼠检获1—11条,平均2.62条。在30只BALB/cJ株鼠(18,12)中,12只雌鼠全部阴性;18只雄鼠中,2只为显性感染,4只为隐性感染,共检获成虫18条,每鼠检获1—5条,平均3.0条。两株小鼠中的10只显性感染鼠,有2只腹腔液内首次发现微丝蚴是在感染后80天,其最短潜隐期约为75天。  相似文献   

目的应用CRISPR/Cas9技术靶向敲除编码小鼠T、B细胞的Rag2基因及编码NK细胞的IL2rg基因,构建T、B细胞及NK细胞联合免疫缺陷小鼠。方法根据Genbank报道的Rag2及IL2rg基因序列,分别针对其外显子设计25 bp左右的sgRNA并进行合成,sgRNA退火后克隆入p X330载体。Rag2-sgRNA、IL2rg-sgRNA及Cas9重组质粒体外转录为mRNA后显微注射入BALB/c小鼠受精卵细胞,受精卵细胞移植到受体动物获得子代小鼠,首建鼠(F0)与野生型小鼠交配获得F1代小鼠,突变的F1代小鼠互交后筛选F2代纯合子小鼠。通过基因测序、流式细胞技术及接种人源性肿瘤细胞系方法检测子代小鼠基因型和表型。结果成功构建了Rag2-sgRNA、IL2rg-sgRNA重组质粒并对其进行了体外转录,mRNA显微注射并移植后获得57只F0小鼠。连续交配后,获得F2代纯合子小鼠。序列分析表明子代小鼠中IL2rg有两个基因型,分别是10 bp和11 bp的缺失突变;而Rag2只有一个基因型,为8 bp的缺失突变。与野生型BALB/c小鼠相比,小鼠外周血中CD3、B220及NKp46阳性细胞数量明显降低。接种人乳腺癌细胞系SKBR-2HL后,肿瘤生长良好,且随着时间延长肿瘤组织逐渐增大。结论利用CRISPR/Cas9技术可有效实现BABL/c小鼠体内Rag2、IL2rg基因突变,并导致小鼠T、B及NK细胞功能异常。  相似文献   

为了构建四环素调控的人A30P突变α-synuclein转基因小鼠模型,将外源基因pTRE2-syn和pBC-rtTA同时显微注射到FVB小鼠(Mus muscculus)受精卵的雄原核中,将注射后存活的受精卵移植到同期发情的假孕受体鼠输卵管中,出生个体经PCR检测,获得rtTA和A30P突变α-synuclein双阳性转基因雌鼠1只,A30P单基因阳性雄鼠13只并传代.强力霉索诱导后双阳性后代脑区各部分A30P突变α-synucleinmRNA均有表达,而在诱导满4周后,脑干α-synuclein蛋白表达明显增加,8周后增加更明显.结果表明,通过强力霉素诱导后,可在小鼠小脑、脑干、海马、皮层检测到A30P mRNA表达,脑干α-synuclein表达量显著增加.  相似文献   

两种白斑小鼠突变基因的染色体定位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以本中心ENU诱变获得的两种白斑突变小鼠W-4Bao与Kitl-1Bao为研究对象[均为C57BL/6J(B6)背景],遗传试验表明它们都为单基因显性遗传,W-4Bao及Kitl-1Bao突变基因纯合子小鼠的表型分别为全白色及“黑头白”;将白斑杂合子小鼠与DBA/2(D2)交配获得具有白斑表型的F1小鼠,F1小鼠再回交D2繁殖[(B6×D2)F1×D2]F2小鼠,利用微卫星标记对F2代小鼠进行连锁分析。结果发现W-4Bao与微卫星D5Mit356、D5Mit308之间的LOD值分别为56.82、51.50,从而把该突变基因定位于第5号染色体D5Mit356与D5Mit308之间;Kitl-1Bao与微卫星D10Mit70、D10Mit68之间的LOD值分别为27.37、21.20,从而把该突变基因定位于第10号染色体上D10Mit70与D10Mit68之间。经过检索小鼠基因组数据库确认它们的候选基因分别为kit及kitl。  相似文献   

为研究丙型肝炎病毒的致病致瘤机理及结构基因与非结构基因3区(NS3)的功能及其在HCV感染致病中的作用,建立一个HCV分子治疗的动物模型,构建了含金属硫蛋白启动子和HCV结构基因或NS3基因的质粒,将两者等量混合后用显微注射法接种于昆明白小鼠受精卵内制备转基因小鼠.通过PCR筛选获得三种整合HCV结构基因或/和NS3基因的首建鼠.结果表明:a.注射后卵存活率与仔鼠出生率分别为81%、30%;b.检测60只G0代小鼠,结构基因整合鼠6只(10%),NS3基因整合鼠4只(6.7%),双基因整合鼠9只(15%),总整合率为31.7%;c.RT-PCR法检测阳性鼠肝中有靶基因mRNA的转录;d.4只首建鼠与正常鼠回交获得38只G1小鼠,其中20只为整合鼠,整合率为52.6%;e.转基因鼠表型迄今无明显异常.表明一次显微注射同时获得了三种整合HCV结构基因或/和NS3基因的转基因小鼠.  相似文献   

两例新的稀毛小鼠突变基因的染色体定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用连锁分析法对乙烷基亚硝基脲(ENU) 诱变获得的两例被毛突变小鼠(snthr 1Bao及snthr 2Bao) 的突变基因进行定位。选择平均分布于小鼠基因组且在C57BL/6J和DBA/2 间有差异的39 个微卫星对B6D2F1 互交得到的稀毛F2 进行全基因组扫描。扫描了9个微卫星后发现snthr 1Bao突变基因与D9Mit243 的LOD值为7 73。突变基因被定位于9号染色体。在此基础上又选择了D9Mit355 和D9Mit18 两个微卫星进行检测, 并扩大F2 的数量至145只。结果发现, snthr 1Bao与D9Mit18间无1 例重组, 稀毛突变基因与该微卫星紧密连锁, 距着丝点71cM。同理, 将snthr 2Bao突变基因也定位在与snthr 1Bao相近的区域。检索发现snthr 1Bao是一尚未克隆的新基因。  相似文献   

J D West  G Fisher 《Mutation research》1986,164(2):127-136
6 mice with inherited cataracts and 1 new allele of microphthalmia were recovered from 923 progeny of untreated, outbred, PT stock females that had been mated to inbred C3H/HeH strain males, whose spermatogonia had been exposed to 250 mg/kg of ethylnitrosourea (ENU). The cataract phenotypes were quite variable in expression and 5/6 showed a similar range of phenotypes. 2 of the 6 mutant mice were daughters of the same ENU-treated C3H/HeH male and probably represent repeats of the same mutation. One mutation, designated lens opacity-4 (Lop-4), has been genetically mapped to the distal region of chromosome 2. The yield of 5 presumably independent cataract mutations from 923 F1 offspring is a little higher than that reported by others in similar but larger scale experiments. Approximately 3-5% of the F1 mice examined had cataracts, yet only 6/49 (12%) of these, in the experimental group, were inherited as simple Mendelian traits. We consider that this high frequency of false positives (88%), and the incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity of the cataract mutations that were found, pose serious problems that could undermine the objective nature of the dominant cataract mutation test. We suggest that further studies be made to evaluate whether the use of inbred strains would reduce the variability in the system and so make the test more objective. However, it seems likely that the high false positive rate will continue to be a serious drawback to this test system.  相似文献   

Recombinant inbred (RI) mice are frequently used to identify QTL that underlie differences in measurable phenotypes between two inbred strains of mice. Here we show that one RI strain, C57BL/6J x DBA/2J (BXD29), does not develop an inflammatory response following inhalation of LPS. Approximately 25% of F2 mice [F1(BXD29 x DBA/2J) x F1] are also unresponsive to inhaled LPS, suggesting the presence of a recessive mutation in the BXD29 strain. A genomic scan of these F2 mice revealed that unresponsive animals, but not responsive animals, are homozygous for C57BL/6J DNA at a single locus on chromosome 4 close to the genomic location of Tlr4. All progeny between BXD29 and gene-targeted Tlr4-deficient mice are unresponsive to inhaled LPS, suggesting that the mutation in the BXD29 strain is allelic with Tlr4. Moreover, the intact Tlr4 receptor is not displayed on the cell surface of BXD29 macrophages. Finally, a molecular analysis of the Tlr4 gene in BXD29 mice revealed that it is interrupted by a large insertion of repetitive DNA. These findings explain the unresponsiveness of BXD29 mice to LPS and suggest that data from BXD29 mice should not be included when using BXD mice to study phenotypes affected by Tlr4 function. Our results also suggest that the frequency of such unidentified, spontaneously occurring mutations is an issue that should be considered when RI strains are used to identify QTL.  相似文献   

The female mice of DDK strain are almost infertile when mated with males from other strains. This phenomenon is caused by the early death of F1 embryos owing to the incompatibility system attributed to the ovum mutant (Om) locus on Chromosome (Chr) 11 and known as DDK syndrome. In the present study, DDK females were found to be fully fertile in the intersubspecific matings with the males of two wild mouse-derived strains, MOM (originated from Japanese wild mice, Mus musculus molossinus) and Cas (originated from Philippine wild mice, M. m. castaneus), indicating that no incompatibility exists between DDK oocytes and spermatozoa of MOM and Cas strains. Furthermore, this compatibility has been confirmed by the following two findings: (1) Normal fertility was shown by the two types of backcrosses, DDK females x F(1) (DDK female x MOM male) males and DDK females x F(1) (DDK female x Cas male) males; and (2) the offspring from these backcrosses segregated equally into the homozygotes and heterozygotes as genotyped by the microsatellite markers closely linked to Om locus. MOM and Cas strains would be useful for further investigations on the Om locus. On the other hand, the litter size of F(1) [C57BL/6Cr (B6) female x Cas male] females mated with B6 males was about half that of the mating with DDK males. It would be interesting to investigate whether this reduction in fertility is related to the Om locus or not.  相似文献   

Mouse Pc-1 (Ms6-hm) is a hypervariable minisatellite locus that is unstable during intergenerational transmission. This hyper-instability of Pc-1 is useful for detecting germline mutation using a small number of experimental animals, although its molecular mechanism has not yet been elucidated. We examined the effect of severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) mutation on the spontaneous germline mutation at the Pc-1 locus using the CB17 mouse strain. Our results showed that the frequency of spontaneous germline mutation at Pc-1 in the offspring of wild-type parents was 9.7%. In F1 between SCID male and wild-type female, however, the frequency of germline mutation was drastically increased to 42.3%. When SCID female mice were mated with wild-type male, the frequency of germline mutation in F1 was slightly increased to 13.6%. These results suggest that DNA protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), deficiency of which causes SCID mutation, plays an important role in the stable transmission of a genome containing hypervariable tandem repeats to progeny in male germ cells.  相似文献   

R C Levitt  W Mitzner 《FASEB journal》1988,2(10):2605-2608
An increased airway response to various bronchoconstricting agents is one of the hallmarks of asthma. An interdependence of heredity and environment appears to determine this nonspecific hyperreactivity of the airways. The present study describes the patterns of inheritance of the airway response to a direct mediator of smooth muscle contraction (acetylcholine) in A/J and C3H/HeJ inbred mice and their offspring. The mean airway response to acetylcholine was greater than sixfold higher in A/J mice as compared with C3H/HeJ mice. Two phenotypes were easily distinguished on the basis of airway responses to acetylcholine in the progeny of A/J and C3H/HeJ mice. These two phenotypes were termed HYPERREACTIVE (after the A/J strain) and HYPOREACTIVE (after the C3H/HeJ strain). The observed frequencies of HYPERREACTIVE and HYPOREACTIVE phenotypes in the (A/J x C3H/HeJ) F1; (C3H/HeJ x A/J) F1 x C3H/HeJ (C3H/HeJ backcross); and the [(A/J x C3H/HeJ) F1 x (C3H/HeJ x A/J) F1] F2 are consistent with a single autosomal recessive gene primarily controlling acetylcholine-mediated airway responses. This single gene difference in airway response is completely inhibited by atropine and therefore mediated entirely by the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   

To examine possible effects of space radiation on living organism, we have analyzedtwo types of mutations, sex-linked recessive lethal mutations and somatic mutations, in fruit fly of the species Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila strains used were wild type strains and a radiation-sensitive strain mei-41. Two different developmental stages of samples were sent into space; young adult males to analyze sex-linked recessive lethal mutations and about 30hr-old larvae to detect somatic mutations in wing epidermal cells. For wild type and mei-41 strains each, about 200 adult male flies and about 6,000 larvae were loaded on space shuttle Endeavour. The male flies returned from space were mated to virgin female flies of a tester strain, and the presence of the lethal mutations was analyzed at F2 generation. The frequencies of sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in flight groups were 2 and 3 times higher for wild type Canton-S and mei-4 1, respectively, than those in ground control groups. Most larvae sent to space emerged as adult flies within about 10 days after the landing. The presence of wing-hair somatic mutations, which give morphological change in hairs growing on the surface of wing epidermal cells, was analyzed under microscope. In wild type strain Muller-5, the frequency of wing hair mutant spots in flight group was about 1.5-fold higher than that in ground control, and in Canton-S-derived wild type strain the frequencies were similar between the two groups. By contrast, for mei-41 strain the mutation frequency was lower in flight group than in control group. The observed higher frequency of lethal mutations in the flight group might be due to a possibility that radiation effects on reproductive cells could be greatly enhanced under micro gravity. However, if this would be the case, we do not have appropriate explanation for the apparent absence of such synergistic effects on somatic wing-hair mutation system.  相似文献   

A specific-locus test was carried out to examine the mutagenic activity of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) on mouse primordial germ cells (PGC). Embryos of C3H/He mice were treated transplacentally with 30 or 50 mg ENU per kg of maternal body weight on day 8.5, 10.5, or 13.5 of gestation (G8.5 day, G10.5 day, or G13.5 day). Male and female mice that had been treated with ENU in embryonic stages were mated with female or male tester PW mice to detect recessive mutations induced in PGC.

ENU induced recessive mutations at a relatively high rate in PGC at these developmental stages. The most sensitive stage was G10.5 day. On G8.5 day, the induced mutation rate in males and females was not significantly different. Cluster mutations, which originate from the limited number of PGC and cell killing, were more frequently induced at an earlier developmental stage. The induced mutation rate per unit dose of ENU (1 mg/kg) was higher in G8.5 and G10.5 day PGC than in stem-cell spermatogonia. It can be concluded that mouse PGC are more sensitive than stem-cell spermatogonia to the induction of recessive mutations by ENU.  相似文献   

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