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2006年春夏期间浙江南麂海域浮游植物群落结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了2006年春夏期间(4~6月)浙江省南麂列岛海域的浮游植物群落结构,共观察到68种浮游植物,其中硅藻53种,甲藻13种,金藻和蓝藻各1种。调查期间,该海域浮游植物群落结构变化明显,原甲藻赤潮的形成和持续是最显著的特征,三角棘原甲藻和东海原甲藻分别在5月中、下旬先后引发赤潮。原甲藻赤潮的形成与水温有密切关系,其生消引起海水中营养盐结构的相应变化。  相似文献   

东海原甲藻修订及与相关原甲藻的分类学比较   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
分析了东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu)显微结构,并与具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum Stein)模式种和Schiller的钝头原甲藻的描述等进行了比较,结果表明,它们之间的形态结构和个体大小具有很大的差别,这些差异远超出了同种个体因环境不同所造成的形态变化范围.从细胞形态及其表面结构可以判断,日本、韩国海区所记录并报道的“P.dentatum”与我国东海的东海原甲藻应属同一种.因此可以认为,我国东海赤潮高发区以及在韩国、日本海区的出现的高生物量(high biomass bloom—forming species)赤潮原甲藻不是Stein所发表的具齿原甲藻。而是东海原甲藻,并对其进行了进一步修订,其种名应为东海原甲藻Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu.  相似文献   

我国东海赤潮原甲藻应属哪种?   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
齐雨藻  王艳 《应用生态学报》2003,14(7):1188-1190
阐述并讨论了中国东海长江口外经常发生的原甲藻赤潮原因种的种类认知问题.论述了自从Stein提出具齿原甲藻(Prorocendrum dentatum Stein)新种后迄今中外专家报告该种的描述及分布,并对比了具齿原甲藻与长江口的原甲藻的异同.研究证实我国东海的原甲藻与具齿原甲藻有较大的差别,主要表现在体积大小、藻体末端形态以及藻体前端突起的大小和形态等方面.本文汇集了国内外对具齿原甲藻与我国原甲藻的研究成果,对比认为。我国长江口外经常发生赤潮的原甲藻为东海原甲藻(Prorocendrum donghaiense Lu).文中还讨论了由陆斗定发表的东海原甲藻需要补充修正的观点.在过去的数年中,我国东海长江口海域频繁爆发大面积的原甲藻赤潮,但对于赤潮原因种原甲藻(Prorocentrum)的定种问题存在两种不同的观点,一种观点认为本种是具齿原甲藻,另一种观点认为是东海原甲藻.为了阐明此种原甲藻的命名问题,于2002年11月在深圳召开了题为“我国东海赤潮原因种原甲藻分类学国际研讨会”.认为是P.dentatum的依据是长期以来国际上通常把类似我国东海的原甲藻定为P.dentatum,其根据是它的前端有突起等.而持不同观点的专家认为我国东海的这种原甲藻在细胞长度上与Stein描述的原P.dentatum差异很大,并且除少数样品末端尖伸外,大多数细胞末端是钝圆的.专家们还认为在日本、韩国等亚洲海域分布的被报告为P.dentatum的原甲藻与我国东海的此种原甲藻为同一种.综观各种观点,作者认为东海本种原甲藻应为东海原甲藻.  相似文献   

东海具齿原甲藻的扫描电子显微结构   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
在光学显微镜分析鉴定的基础上,通过高分辨率的扫描电子显微镜,对东海赤潮原甲藻标本和美国国家海洋藻种中心(CCMP)的具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum)藻株(CCMPl517)的细胞表面结构进行观察和比较,认为两者为同一种类.在分析大量文献资料的基础上,可以认为发生在我国东海水域的赤潮原甲藻种类是具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum),而非新种.  相似文献   

大米草对赤潮藻的抑制作用及其抑藻物质的分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以赤潮异弯藻和海洋原甲藻为研究对象,研究了海洋滩涂植物大米草对两种赤潮微藻的抑制作用及抑藻物质.结果表明:大米草对赤潮异弯藻的影响表现为高浓度抑制生长,低浓度则有一定的促进作用,大米草新鲜组织、干粉末和提取物浓度分别为4.8、0.8和0.5 mg·ml-1以上时对赤潮异弯藻有致死作用;大米草对海洋原甲藻则表现出明显的抑制作用,且大米草新鲜组织、干粉末和提取物浓度分别为9.6、1.6和1.25 mg·ml-1以上时对海洋原甲藻有致死作用.对大米草提取物进行抑藻活性物质的分离纯化,从中分离鉴定了2个具有抑藻活性的黄酮糖苷类化合物:异鼠李素-3-O-槐二糖-7-O-鼠李糖苷和丁香亭-3-O-半乳糖苷.  相似文献   

陈洋  颜天  周名江 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3964-3972
研究了东海原甲藻的基本营养组成,并就赤潮密度下的东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)和链状亚历山大藻(Alexandrium catenella)在单一和混合情况下对赤潮藻→卤虫模拟食物链物质传递的影响进行了探讨。结果表明:与其它饵料微藻相比,东海原甲藻必需氨基酸中的苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸和组氨酸含量明显偏低。东海原甲藻单独投喂时,卤虫对其的总物质转化效率随着藻密度的增加呈现先逐渐增加再逐渐降低的趋势。而当不同密度的东海原甲藻分别与一种硅藻小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia closterium)混合投喂时,随东海原甲藻密度的增加,卤虫选择性地增加对东海原甲藻的摄食,而降低对小新月菱形藻的摄食,并且其总物质转化效率逐渐降低。暴露于链状亚历山大藻藻液,卤虫体重减轻,且在其体内未检测到叶绿素a,表明卤虫未摄食该藻。当链状亚历山大藻藻细胞重悬液和去藻过滤液分别与小新月菱形藻或东海原甲藻混合时,卤虫对后两株藻的摄食量和总物质转化效率均有所降低。因此,在大规模赤潮发生时,东海原甲藻和链状亚历山大藻可能分别对浮游动物的营养和存活带来不利影响,并影响物质沿食物链的传递。  相似文献   

范春雷  Glibert.P.M 《生态科学》2003,22(3):199-204,212
1998年春末夏初,在美国的切萨皮克海湾的Choptank河出现了由微小原甲藻引发的大规模的赤潮。我们做了一系列与该藻赤潮发生机制有关的生理学特征实验。其中与氮吸收有关的生理学参数被应用于微小原甲藻赤潮发生动力学模型。为说明几个关键的生态及生理学过程在微小原甲藻赤潮发展和持续过程重的重要性,我们用该模型测试了几个关键过程点。模型测试的结果表明,河流输入充足的氮源是引起微小原甲藻赤潮的关键因素,而输入营养盐的组成结构对赤潮的发生并不起主要作用。然而在赤潮形成后,赤潮的维系依赖于还原态的氮源。在赤潮的维持过程中,微小原甲藻的倾向于吸收还原态的氮源的生理学特征起了很大作用。模型进一步表明微小原甲藻在低光照或黑暗条件下对氮的吸收仍然保持相当的吸收速率有利于该藻赤潮的发展。  相似文献   

几株赤潮甲藻的摄食能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用荧光标记的方法,在营养盐限制条件下,对6株赤潮甲藻对荧光标记的海洋细菌(FLB)、金藻(FLA)和两种粒径分别为0.5μm和2.0μm的荧光微球(FM0.5和FM2.0)4种摄食对象的摄食进行了比较研究。研究结果表明,除了东海原甲藻对4种摄食对象均没有摄食外,其它5株甲藻,微小亚历山大藻、链状亚历山大藻、塔玛亚历山大藻、海洋原甲藻和微小原甲藻均具有摄食能力,但对摄食对象的选择和摄食率有差异,多数摄食率是在4 h达到最大,白天的摄食能力强于夜间。研究说明了在营养盐限制环境中,有些具有兼性营养能力的甲藻对细菌和/或更小浮游植物的摄食能力可能对维持和促进其生长具有不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

大亚湾水域原甲藻调查与鉴定   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对1998年至2000年在广东省大亚湾海域所采集的样品进行了观察和分析。发现有8种原甲藻(Prorocentrum);反曲原甲藻(Prorocentrum sigmoides),海洋原甲藻(P.micans)。三角棘原甲藻(P.triestinum)。具齿原甲藻(P.mexicanum)和原甲藻未知种(P.sp)。对它们的形态特征和生态分布进行了描述。  相似文献   

利玛原甲藻中聚酮合酶基因克隆与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨聚酮合酶 (polyketide synthase, PKS)基因与藻毒素合成的关系,揭示PKS基因在赤潮毒素合成中的作用,采用兼并引物,通过PCR技术获得利玛原甲藻(Prorocentrum lima)可能存在的I型PKS基因;并对所获得PKS基因的同源性进行了分析,构建了基于PKS氨基酸序列的系统进化树;采用RT-PCR技术分析了PKS基因在利玛原甲藻中的表达状况;并通过多聚腺苷酸RNA的扩增、细菌的分离鉴定、限制性内切酶酶切、Southern blotting等技术对PKS基因进行了分析.结果表明,利玛原甲藻中PKS基因与海洋原甲藻聚为一支,在利玛原甲藻中有显著表达;以Oligo(T)引物进行RT-PCR扩增时,可出现18S rRNA和PKS基因相应条带;限制性内切酶酶切和Southern blotting结果显示,该基因中存在明显的甲基化;16S rRNA基因序列分析显示,从利玛原甲藻培养液中分离到的细菌与海洋放线菌假诺卡氏菌属(Pseudonocardia)基因序列同源性达到99%,该菌株中并不存在PKS基因.结果显示,所获得的PKS基因是利玛原甲藻聚酮合酶基因,基因序列已提交GenBank (EF521601);PKS可能在腹泻性贝毒合成中起着关键作用.  相似文献   

A new freshwater epiphytic Prorocentrum species, Prorocentrum rivalis, from the temperate region of the Haute-Vienne, France, is described. This species is the third freshwater species identified among approximately 60 marine Prorocentrum species. This new species is described using scanning electron microscope and phylogenetic analyses by a polyphasic approach (LSU rRNA sequences combined with 9 morphological characters). The phylogenetic analysis attests that P. rivalis is close to other planktonic freshwater species and the freshwater Prorocentrum clade is evolutionarily derived from an epiphytic freshwater prorocentroid ancestor. The unique marine species in the freshwater clade results from an ecophysiological reversion. P. rivalis differs from other epiphytic taxa by its rarity, its temperate distribution and its ecophysiological needs. The phylogeny confirms also that all planktonic Prorocentrum species are evolutionarily derived from epiphytic/benthic ancestors.  相似文献   

Slab gel electrophoresis techniques have been applied to the study of isozyme and kernel protein patterns in 20 accessions ofHordeum chilense and related species in order to elucidate their phylogenetic relationships. On the basis of our results we can conclude that: (1) Conventional classification based on morphological characters does not totally agree with biochemical data. (2) Sectt.Anisolepis andCritesion seem to be clearly differentiated. (3) The accessions classified asH. compressum present biochemical phenotypes quite different from the rest of the species. (4)H. stenostachys, H. muticum andH. chilense constitute a group of variable species with many biochemical similarities and close phylogenetic relationships. (5) The evolutionary pattern of these American species seems to follow a model of reticulate evolution.  相似文献   

Anatomical characters for two species of the orbicular velvetfishes (Caracanthus) are described, and the phylogenetic position of the genus among the superfamily Scorpaenoidea is estimated cladistically on the basis of morphological characters belonging to 112 transformation series. Caracanthus is nested within the family Scorpaenidae, having close relationships with Taenianotus and Pteroidichthys. Validity of the family Caracanthidae was not supported, Caracanthus being included within the Scorpaenidae.  相似文献   

Cladistic analyses of 17 wild and cultivated pea taxa were performed using morphological characters, and allozyme and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Both branch-and-bound and bootstrap searches produced cladograms that confirmed the close relationships among the wild species and cultivars of Pisum proposed by a variety of systematic studies. Intraspecific rankings were supported for northern P. humile, southern P. humile, P. elatius and P. sativum, which together comprise a single-species complex. P. fulvum, while clearly the most divergent of the pea taxa, could also be assigned to the same species complex without violating the hierarchial logic of the cladogram. Its inclusion or exclusion depends on whether the level of interfertility it displays with other pea taxa or its overall morphological and chromosomal distinction are emphasized. As suggested by previous studies, northern P. humile was the most likely sister taxon to cultivated P. sativum; although, rigorous phylogenetic evaluation revealed a close genealogical affinity among P. elatius, northern P. humile and P. sativum. Despite their limited number, the 16 morphological characters and allozyme markers used precisely organized the pea taxa into established taxonomic groupings, perhaps in part reflecting the role morphology has played historically in pea classification. The RAPD data also generally supported these same groupings and provided additional information regarding the relationships among the taxa. Given that RAPDs are relatively quick and easy to use, are refractory to many environmental influences, can be generated in large numbers, and can complement traditional characters that may be limited in availability, they provide a valuable new resource for phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Paxillus involutus (basidiomycetes, Boletales) is a common ectomycorrhizal fungus in the Northern Hemisphere. The fungus displays significant variation in phenotypic characters related to morphology, physiology, and ecology. Previous studies have shown that P. involutus contains several intersterility groups and morphological species. In this study, we have used concordance of multiple gene genealogies to identify genetically isolated species of P. involutus. Fragments from five protein coding genes in 50 isolates of P. involutus collected from different hosts and environments in Europe and one location in Canada were analysed using phylogenetic methods. Concordance of the five gene genealogies showed that P. involutus comprises at least four distinct phylogenetic lineages: phylogenetic species I (with nine isolates), II (33 isolates), III (three isolates), and IV (five isolates). The branches separating the four species were long and well supported compared with the species internodes. A low level of shared polymorphisms was observed among the four lineages indicating a long time since the genetic isolation began. Three of the phylospecies corresponded to earlier identified morphological species: I to P. obscurosporus, II to P. involutus s. str., and III to P. validus. The phylogenetic species had an overlapping geographical distribution. Species I and II differed partly in habitat and host preferences.  相似文献   

The European spruce bark beetle, Dendroctonus micans Kugelann (Coleoptera, Scolytidae), is one of the most serious pests of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis L.) in Turkey. In this study, we investigated bacterial flora of D. micans collected from different populations of the forests of Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey from 2002 to 2004. Seven different bacteria were isolated from healthy, diseased and dead specimens based on the color of colony and morphology. According to morphological, physiological and biochemical properties, metobolic enyzme profile by BIOLOG microtiter plate system, and total cellular fatty acid profile by Microbial Identification System (MIS), isolates were identified as Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. morrisoni, Serratia grimesii, Enterobacter cloaceae, Enterobacter intermedius, Streptococcus sp. and Pseudomonas putida. This is the first study on the bacterial flora of D. micans.  相似文献   

Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg, Prorocentrum gracile Schütt and Prorocentrum sigmoides Böhm are planktonic dinoflagellates present along the Mexican Pacific coast. These three species can be treated as a species complex because of similar shape and size. The taxonomy of the group has been based on cell form and size, the presence or absence of apical spines and the ornamentation of the main valves. A morphometric study of samples from 11 locations from the Mexican Pacific coast and from laboratory cultures is presented. The presence of a mucron (small tooth) in the antapical region of P. gracile and P. sigmoides morphotypes was recorded for the first time. Morphotypes were defined using as the main criteria the size of pores in relation to the size of the depressions on the cell’s surface, the presence of a mucron in the posterior end of the cell and the shape of the valve margins. Results show a clear distinction between the morphotype P. micans and the P. gracile–P. sigmoides. P. sigmoides is suggested to be a junior synonym of P. gracile as no convincing characters could distinguish these two morphotypes.  相似文献   

Gallitellia vivans is the only Recent representative of the triserial planktonic foraminiferal family Guembelitriidae. The origin and evolution of this interesting albeit poorly known family are enigmatic. To elucidate the phylogenetic relationships between G. vivans and other planktonic foraminifera, we sequenced the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) for comparison to our extensive database of planktonic and benthic species. Our analyses suggest that G. vivans represents a separate lineage of planktonic foraminifera, which branches close to the benthic rotaliids Stainforthia and Virgulinella. Both genera resemble Gallitellia in general morphological appearance, having elongate triserial tests at least in their early ontogenic stages. The divergence time of G. vivans is estimated at ca. 18 Ma (early Miocene), suggesting an origin independent from the Cretaceous and Paleogene triserial planktonic foraminifera. Our study thus indicates that modern triserial planktonic foraminifera are not related to the Cretaceous–Paleogene triserial species, and that the sporadic occurrences in the fossil record are not the result of poor preservation, but reflect multiple transitions from benthic to planktonic mode of life.  相似文献   

Sequences of 18S rRNA genes were obtained from eight species of Prorocentrum Ehrenberg: P. minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, P. mexicanum Osorio Tafall, P. emarginatum Fukuyo, P. lima (Ehrenberg) Dodge, P. arenarium Faust, P. maculosum Faust, P. concavum Fukuyo, and P. panamensis, sp. nov. Prorocentrum panamensis is a new species of tropical dinoflagellate isolated from a benthic coral reef on the Pacific coast of Panama and described here using scanning electron microscopy. Cells are heart shaped, 46–52 μm long and 43–46 μm wide. The valve surfaces are areolate except in the central area. Pores of 0.15 μm in diameter are scattered in areolae, mainly around the periphery of the cell. The right valve has a specific ovoid depression with numerous appressed pores; we named this structure the sieve-like depression. The periflagellar area is nearly ovoid, located in a shallow depression, and almost equally set into both valves. It is unornamented (no apical expansion) but has numerous depressions in platelets. The flagellar and auxiliary pores are different in size and shape. The intercalary band is transversally striated. Phylogenetic relationships of gonyaulacoid, peridinioid, gymnodinioid, and prorocentroid dinoflagellates were inferred from complete 18S rDNA sequences. Two distinct phylogenetic analyses are presented for armored and unarmored Dinophyceae in an attempt to make the phylogenetic relationships between these different kinds of organisms clearer. The Prorocentrales appear to have a common origin, although two groups of Prorocentrum spp. are apparent. The first group includes benthic, symmetrical species (P. lima, P. arenarium, P. maculosum, and P. concavum). The second group contains planktonic and bentho-planktonic species (P. micans Ehrenberg, P. minimum, P. mexicanum, and P. panamensis sp. nov.). Genetic distances between species within these two groups were high; however, the divergence between the two groups seems to have occurred late in dinoflagellate evolution. In addition, the bentho-planktonic P. emarginatum appeared distantly related to both groups; however,its 18S rDNA sequence shares specific nucleotide substitutions with the two groups, suggesting an older origin of this species compared to the others. A morphological interpretation of this phylogenetic analysis is made on the basis of the specific structure of the periflagellar area. Finally, genetic data and morphological observations support the hypothesis that the genus Prorocentrum is rather heterogeneous; several species could be considered to constitute distinct genera.  相似文献   

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