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采用扫描电镜对来自北美和东亚的变豆菜属植物(美国7个种,中国8个种)的果实表面微形态进行观察,结合前人对伞形科其他类群果实微形态特征的研究及近年来分子系统学证据,对变豆菜属的种间分类进行研究。结果显示,变豆菜属植物果实的形态大小、皮刺弯曲程度和果柄蜡质纹饰丰富多样。研究表明变豆菜属是一个自然类群,果实表面钩刺结构有利于该属植物的传播及扩散,果实微形态特征具有分类学价值,可作为种间分类的依据。根据变豆菜属果实表面微形态特征,编制了该属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

中国伞形科柴胡属果实表面微形态特征及其分类学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用扫描电镜方法对中国20种柴胡属植物(含17种3变种,其中汶川柴胡和北柴胡各有2个居群)的果实表面微形态进行了研究,结果表明:柴胡属植物外果皮表面纹饰特征在所研究的居群间比较稳定;20种柴胡属植物果实微形态在表皮细胞形状是否可见、表面纹饰以及分泌物类型上表现出较高的多态性,可作为柴胡属种间鉴定的重要参考性状.根据果实表面细胞形状是否可见将所研究的柴胡属植物分成了两类:细胞形状可见型和细胞形状不可见型.根据果实表面微形态、外部形态特征和其他参考性状,支持黄花鸭跖柴胡(Bupleurum commelynoideum var.flaviflorum)独立成种.  相似文献   

果皮和种皮微形态特征在杜鹃花属系统学研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用扫描电子显微镜对国产杜鹃花属Rhododendron6个亚属的代表种和近缘类群杜香属Ledum杜香L.palustre的果皮和种皮微形态特征进行观察,对杜鹃花属植物果皮微形态特征进行了系统描述,并通过比较现存杜鹃花属植物和种子化石,新发现一些居间的种子类型。结果表明,果皮和种皮微形态特征具有一定的系统学意义。叶状苞亚属subgen.Therorhodion的叶状苞杜鹃R.redowskianum的果实有短而疏的刺毛,无气孔,种子为无翅类,扁平,外围轮廓长椭圆形。杜鹃亚属subgen.Rhododendron植物果皮为百合花杜鹃型,具有鳞片,气孔器散生于指状突起之间,与叶表皮的微形态特征一致,其种子为百合花杜鹃型,表面具宽而浅的沟,呈脑纹状,有别于无鳞类杜鹃花。常绿杜鹃亚属subgen.Hymenanthes果皮为云锦杜鹃型,其角质层表面不规则,无表皮毛,偶见气孔;种子为云锦杜鹃型。映山红亚属subgen.Tsutsusi果皮为岭南杜鹃型,密生长表皮毛,角质层致密;种子为南边杜鹃型和岭南杜鹃型。微形态特征与“常绿杜鹃亚属和(国产)映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群”的分子系统发育研究结果一致。马银花亚属subgen.Azaleastrum的马银花组sect.Azaleastrum和长蕊杜鹃组sect.Choniastrum微形态区别明显,支持各自为独立的单系类群。羊踯躅亚属subgen.Pentanthera的羊踯躅R.molle果皮特征明显,可与其他亚属区分,但种子类型更接近常绿杜鹃亚属。本研究结合分子系统发育资料和叶表皮微形态特征讨论了一些近缘类群的系统发育关系;研究结果支持将腺萼马银花处理为独立的种。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜方法对北京地区鬼针草属植物7个种的果实微形态特征进行了观察、比较。结果表明:(1)7种鬼针草属植物瘦果的果体形状、表面棱的数目、芒刺(冠毛)数目及其上倒刺数目和生长位置等特征可以作为鉴定各种的重要形态学依据。(2)根据果皮在扫描电镜下表面纹饰类型及表皮细胞形状等特征,可将7种鬼针草分为两类:一类果皮表面为典型的网纹纹饰,表皮细胞呈不规则多边形,细胞界限明显;另一类果皮表面为条状网纹或纵条纹纹饰,表皮细胞呈长圆形或长条形,细胞界限不明显。由于7个种的果皮表面纹饰有着明显的差异和各自的特点,并与根据叶形、地理分布及分子等证据得出的系统亲缘关系结果基本相符,表明这一特征可能具有一定的系统学意义。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜方法对中国18种棱子芹属植物的果实表面微形态进行了首次研究,结果表明:所研究的棱子芹属植物果实微形态在外果皮细胞轮廓、表面纹饰和表皮分泌物表现出丰富的多样性和一定的规律性,可作为棱子芹属下分组及种间鉴定的重要参考性状.根据外果皮细胞轮廓及果实表面纹饰类型等微形态特征将所研究的棱子芹属植物分成了3种类型,该结论与形态学和分子系统学研究结果基本一致,说明果实微形态对研究棱子芹属属下分类和鉴别有重要意义,并据此对该属属下个别存疑种及一些种的亲缘关系进行了探讨.综合前人研究,我们支持喜马拉雅地区不仅是棱子属的分布中心,也是其分化变异中心.  相似文献   

鸢尾属部分种种子微形态特征与系统演化关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王玲  卓丽环 《植物研究》2006,26(3):286-290
用HITACHI S-520型扫描电子显微镜对鸢尾属植物10个种及1变种、1外类群的种子微形态进行观察、比较分析,探讨了鸢尾属植物部分种种子微形态特征分类学意义及系统演化关系。结果表明:鸢尾属植物种子表面微形态特征具有种的稳定性,与分布区无关;同一种的种子凹、凸面微形态差异很大,同一类群比较时应选择相同部位观察。所研究的鸢尾种都为网状(网纹或负网纹)文饰,种间差异明显,微形态特征可用于鸢尾属间、属下系的等级划分,但不适于种下等级鉴别。研究给出了鸢尾属植物种子表面纹饰的系统进化关系,证明了种子表面微形态对鸢尾属植物分类及系统演化关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

11种党参属和金钱豹属(桔梗科)植物种子微形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用数码显微摄影技术对9种党参属(Codonopsis)植物及2种金钱豹属(Campanumoea)植物种子的形态及种皮微形态特征进行研究.结果表明,11种植物的种子均光滑无毛,除羊乳(Codonopsis lanceolata)和珠子参(Codonopsis convolvulacea var.forrestii)种子具有翼外,其他种类均无翼.种子多为椭球形或卵球形,表面颜色多为棕黄色或棕色.在光学显微镜下种皮表面纹饰可分为3种类型,即条纹型、网纹型、孔穴型.根据种皮微形态特征,对党参属内及与金钱豹属间的关系进行了探讨.  相似文献   

对中国毛茛科乌头属植物57种、5变种的种子形态进行了扫描电镜观察,结果发现:(1)种皮微形态特征在属内颇为稳定,种子表皮细胞多为长方形(仅露蕊乌头的种子表皮细胞为圆形或椭圆形),具有疏密不一的瘤状纹饰;(2)种子形态在亚属水平上有较大区别,特别是其中的单型亚属——露蕊乌头亚属的种子表面具有较为复杂的网状凹陷,与牛扁亚属和乌头亚属的种子(表面相当平滑)明显不同;(3)种子形态在牛扁亚属和乌头亚属中都有明显的分化,所观察的牛扁亚属的种子可分为两个类型,乌头亚属的种子可分为4个类型.根据上述结果,讨论了乌头属种子形态的分类和系统学价值.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对35种1变种柃属(Eurya)植物种子的微形态特征进行了研究,并采用相对大小(长×宽)RS值和种皮表面纹饰作为种子形态比较的特征参数。结果显示,柃属种子根据相对大小RS值可划分为小型(RS<1.0),中型(1.03.0)三个等级,最小的种子相对大小不足0.5,最大的种子相对大小超过10;种皮表面纹饰分为负网纹和网纹两种类型,网纹类型在网眼的方向性、网眼形状、网眼深度、网脊特点等方面呈现出种间多样性,可用于类群的比较和鉴别。文中同时还探讨了种子大小及种皮微形态在属内的系统发育关系,推测了种皮表面纹饰的演化路线,研究结果表明种子的微形态特征对本属植物系统分类及进化研究具有重要意义,可为属内一些关键种系统位置的分析提供重要佐证。  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜对凤仙花属(Impatiens)14种植物的种子表皮微形态特征进行了观察。根据种皮表面纹饰及衍生物的特点,将该属植物的种皮微形态特征划分为4种类型,即光滑型、颗粒型、网状型和隆起型,后两者又可细分为若干亚型,其中负网状亚型和网状-丘状隆起亚型为首次报导。研究表明,14种凤仙花属植物种子表皮微形态特征差异显著,它们作为属内种的分类鉴别特征具有重要价值;种子表皮的微形态学特征与其植物体的部分表型特征具有相关性,在一定程度上反映了属内类群的分化。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The extant species of the seed plant group Gnetales (Ephedra, Gnetum and Welwitschia) have been considered a remnant of a much greater, now extinct, diversity due to the pronounced differences in form and ecology among the genera. Until recently, this hypothesis has not been supported by evidence from the fossil record. This paper adds to the expanding information on Gnetales from the Early Cretaceous and describes coalified seeds from Barremian-Albian localities in Portugal and USA. METHODS: The fossils were extracted from sediment samples by sieving in water. Adhering mineral matrix was removed by chemical treatment. Seeds were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Morphology and anatomy of the seeds were documented and compared with those of extant species. KEY RESULTS: The fossils share characters with extant Ephedra, for example papillae on the inner surface of the seed envelope and in situ polyplicate pollen grains that shed the exine during germination. They differ from extant Ephedra seeds in morphological and anatomical details as well as in their smaller size. Two new species of Ephedra are described together with one species assigned to a new genus of Gnetales. Other Ephedra-like seeds, for which pollen and critical morphological details are currently unknown, are also present in the samples. CONCLUSIONS: These Cretaceous seeds document that key reproductive characters and pollen germination processes have remained unchanged within Ephedra for about 120 million years or more. There is sufficient variety in details of morphology to suggest that a diversity of Ephedra and Ephedra-like species were present in the Early Cretaceous flora. Their presence in Portugal and eastern North America indicates that they were widespread on the Laurasian continent. The fossil seeds are similar to seeds of Erdtmanithecales and this supports the previously suggested relationship between Erdtmanithecales and Gnetales.  相似文献   

Nir L. Gil-Ad 《Brittonia》1998,50(1):91-121
Viola subsect.Boreali-Americanae, confined to North America including northern México, has long been considered one of the most taxonomically difficult temperate groups of the angiosperms. Hybridization, followed in some localities by introgression, has made it difficult for systematists to discern the “core” species by using only standard macromorphological characters. Analyses that employed scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of seed coats and petal trichomes generated new characters. SEM of the surface of seeds of each of the orthospecies revealed a suite of primary and secondary sculpture characters unique to each species that are correlated with a suite of macromorphological characters. In a number of species, SEM of petal trichomes provided additional unique characters. SEM of the surface of seed coats enabled, also, the identification of instances of hybridization by revealing blends of structures of the primary and secondary sculpture typical of different orthospecies and instances of putative introgression by revealing deviations in surface structures from those typical of orthospecies. A procedure based on iterative examinations of macromorphology and micromorphology, which was developed in this research, enable the discernment of hybrids and putative introgressants. Combining the micromorphological and macromorphological data with ecological and phytogeographical data enabled the delimitation of sixteen orthospecies.  相似文献   

Four new genera and six new species of fossil seed (Buarcospermum tetragonium, Lignierispermum maroneae, Lobospermum glabrum, L. rugosum, L. stampanonii, Rugonella trigonospermum) are described from five Early Cretaceous mesofossil floras from Portugal and eastern North America. The four genera are distinguished by differences in size, shape, and details of seed anatomy, but all are unusual in having an outer seed envelope with a distinctive anatomical structure that surrounds the nucellus and the integument. The integument is extended apically into a long, narrow micropylar tube. The four new genera are part of a diverse, but previously unrecognized, complex of extinct plants that was widespread in Early Cretaceous vegetation and that coexisted in similar habitats with early angiosperms. The distinctive structure of these seeds, and the strong similarities to other fossil seeds (Ephedra, Ephedripites, Erdtmanispermum, Raunsgaardispermum, and some Bennettitales) already known from the Early Cretaceous, suggests that this newly recognized complex of extinct plants, together with Bennettitales, Erdtmanithecales, and Gnetales (the BEG group), is phylogenetically closely related.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in Ephedra (Gnetales) is limited and confusing from an evolutionary perspective, with parallelisms and intraspecific variation. However, recent analyses of molecular data provide a phylogenetic framework for investigations of morphological traits, albeit with few informative characters in the investigated gene regions. We document morphological, anatomical and histological variation patterns in the female reproductive unit and test the hypothesis that some Early Cretaceous fossils, which share synapomorphies with Ephedra, are members of the extant clade. Results indicate that some morphological features are evolutionarily informative although intraspecific variation is evident. Histology and anatomy of cone bracts and seed envelopes show clade‐specific variation patterns. There is little evidence for an inclusion of the Cretaceous fossils in the extant clade. Rather, a hypothesized general pattern of reduction of the vasculature in the ephedran seed envelope, probably from four vascular bundles in the fossils, to ancestrally three in the living clade, and later to two, is consistent with phylogenetic and temporal analyses, which indicate that extant diversity evolved after the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary. Notwithstanding striking similarities between living and Cretaceous Ephedra, available data indicate that the Mesozoic diversity went almost entirely extinct in the late Cretaceous causing a bottleneck effect in Ephedra, still reflected today by an extraordinarily low level of genetic and structural diversity. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 387–430.  相似文献   

中国水鳖科植物种皮微形态特征及其系统学意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过扫描电镜对国产水鳖科植物(包括6属13种)的种皮微形态特征进行观察,并作了系统描述。根据种皮细胞形态、外种皮表面纹饰和内种皮内层小瘤状突起的特点将水鳖科植物的种皮微形态特征划分为3种类型,即海菜花型(海菜花属)、水鳖型(水鳖属)和苦草型(苦草属、水筛属、虾子草属和黑藻属),并作出了分属检索表。本文结果表明,种皮微形态特征可作为该科族、属以及属内种级水平分类的依据,对探讨属间关系和该科的系统发育关系亦具有重要的价值。种皮微形态特征支持Hutchinson(1959)和Eckhardt(1964)将海菜花属和水鳖属分别作为一个独立的族处理的观点。苦草属、水筛属和虾子草属种皮微形态特征的高度相似性表明它们间有密切的联系,不支持将它们置于不同亚科和族的分类处理。黑藻属虽与上述3属近缘,但其外种皮特征则较为独特,因此与水筛属放在不同族中更为合理。本文种皮微形态特征的研究结果支持iki1937)和Shaffer-Fehre(1991b)等关于水鳖科与茨藻科近缘的观点。  相似文献   

A provisionary system of gnetophytes is proposed, including recently discovered Mesozoic members. The following principal characters are used, in descending order of significance: strobilar structure of ovulate organs (eugnetophytes) as opposed to flowerlike cupules and their aggregates (anthognetophytes), radial vs. bilateral symmetry of seed cupules, and morphological distinctions in the pollen organs, pollen micromorphology and exine ultrastructure. The fossil members show mosaic associations of morphological traits, which attests to different evolution rates of their ovulate and pollinate structures. The system includes two superorders and eight orders, several of which are new. A dichotomous key is provided to differentiate between genera of fossil gnetophytes based on ovulate structures. Two stages in evolution of gnetophyte morphological diversity are recognized: first in the Triassic and then in the Early Cretaceous, the latter was associated with the origin of new type herbaceous wetland communities. Angiosperms or some of them might have originated as elements of gnetophyte diversity in such communities.  相似文献   

首次报道用扫描电镜观察的国产广义飞蛾藤局10种1变种植物的种子表面微形态特征。该属种子表面微形态特征可分为两大类型,其中I类型又可细分为3个亚型。除模式种Porana volubilis Burm.f.外,广义飞蛾藤属的种子表面微形态特征较为一致。因此,种子表面微形态特征不支持将广义飞蛾藤属拆分为4属或5属。研究结果显示,种子表面微形态在作为属内种的分类鉴别特征具有一定价值,如种子表面微形态支持保留毛果飞蛾藤的变种等级。将种子表面微形态与该广义属的花粉形态,以及宏观形态学特征进行对比分析,结果表明,广义飞蛾藤属种子表面微形态在属下等级的划分上没有很大价值。此外,鉴于P.volubilis Burm.I.具特殊的种子表面微形态特征,该种与广义飞蛾藤属属内其余种的关系值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

吉林延边早白垩世大拉子组植物化石新类型--星学异麻黄   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陶君容  杨永 《古生物学报》2003,42(2):208-215
报道产自吉林省延边早白垩世大拉子组植物化石新类型——星学异麻黄(Alloephedra xingxuei gen.et sp.nov.)。大拉子组的时代处于早白垩世的阿普特期-阿尔必期(Aptian-Albian)。化石标本保存了植物的茎枝、雌球花及种子;该种的茎枝分节,节间具细纵槽纹,叶退化,雌球花单个着生于小枝顶部,种子成对且种子顶部宿存珠孔管等特征与现存麻黄科植物最为相近,因此可能属于麻黄科。  相似文献   

The fruit and seed micromorphology of 22 species of Geranium, representing the eight sections of the genus represented in Iran (G. sectt. Dissecta, Geranium, and Tuberosa of subgen. Geranium; sectt. Batrachioidea, Divaricata, Lucida, Ruberta and Trilopha of subgen. Robertium), have been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Macro‐ and micromorphological characters, including fruit and seed shape, size, color, hair type and density, mericarp ornamentations, hilum position, seed coat pattern, epidermal cell shape, and anticlinal and periclinal cell walls, are presented. Two microsculpturing patterns are recognized on the mericarp surface: reticulate and pusticulate. The micromorphology of the seed coat showed four distinctive cell patterns. The seed epidermis is constructed either of polygonal, elongated polygonal, or square to rectangular cells. The polygonal type is the most common among the studied species, but the variation in testa cell characters, their size and shape, may provide further information and useful diagnostic characters at specific and infraspecific rank. The shape and color of the seeds are, however, of little systematic value. Fruit characters were found to be important for separating taxa at infrageneric rank and our results show that the species can be separated into subgenera and sections based on fruit morphology.  相似文献   

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