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许多长距离迁徙的雀形目鸟类的种群数量正在持续下降,田鹀(Emberiza rustica)种群数量下降趋势更为突出。通过对田鹀种群数量长期监测和迁徙动态分析,可为此物种保护提供科学依据。从2001年开始,陆续在黑龙江省高峰、青峰、帽儿山、新青和大沾河,吉林省珲春和吉林市,辽宁省的辽宁鸟类研究中心(大连)和旅顺老铁山,以及内蒙古乌尔其汗鸟类栖息的临水林缘处布网环志。截至2018年,累计环志田鹀184181只,其中春季88571只,秋季95610只;各年度环志数量波动较大,总体呈现急速下降趋势。幼鸟的越冬损失率高达41.3%。田鹀106只次的回收信息表明,自然条件下田鹀寿命可达11年以上;日迁飞距离最快可达到300 km,飞行速度可达30 km/h。中国东北地区是田鹀等鸟类的重要迁徙途经地;田鹀的迁徙路线相对稳定,在瑞典北部繁殖的种群经中国东北地区迁徙到天津以南越冬。通过环志发现,近些年田鹀种群数量急速下降。通过比对,发现中国东北地区田鹀的环志数量变化趋势与瑞典的田鹀环志数量变化趋势相似;相对于环志数量最多的年份,环志数量下降95%以上,值得关注。栖息地破碎化、非法猎捕等是影响田鹀生存的主要受威胁因素。建议依据田鹀等鸟类生物学习性,加强鸟类栖息地的保护,坚持长期标准化的鸟类环志监测,进一步探索鸟类迁徙规律,以助于鸟类种群的恢复。  相似文献   

环志是研究迁徙鸟类的重要途径。云南省哀牢山北段大中山是鸟类迁徙的重要通道,但缺乏具体的研究数据。1997年、2010年和2011年秋季夜间迁徙鸟类环志研究的结果表明,哀牢山北段大中山捕获到的夜间鸟类有108种2330只,分属10目24科。其中,以雀形目鸟类为主,占总捕获数量的78.3%,捕获优势种为树鹨(占捕获数量的16.95%)、红喉姬鹟(13.39%)、红尾伯劳(9.83%)、红喉歌鸲(8.71%)和栗鹀(4.80%);水禽占捕获鸟类总种数的16.7%,与云南其他地点的研究结果相似。由于水禽是传播禽流感的主要载体,候鸟聚集地存在传播禽流感的风险,春季也有候鸟翻越哀牢山,因此有必要开展春季鸟类环志工作。  相似文献   

蔡益 《生物学通报》1998,33(3):37-38
环志是了解鸟类迁徙规律最有效的方法,通过环志活动可掌握鸟类迁徙时间、路线、范围及迁徙鸟的性比、种群数量、年龄等方面的情况,环志工作对保护珍稀鸟类,科学地利用鸟类资源,监测环境,降低鸟害等方面都有重要的科研意义。鸟类环志于本世纪20年代初始于丹麦,目前...  相似文献   

鸟类环志是种群监测和迁徙研究的重要手段。基于秦皇岛鸟类环志站1999 ~ 2019年的环志数据,对黄胸鹀(Emberiza aureola)和蓝歌鸲(Larvivora cyane)两种鸟类在21年间的种群动态和迁徙时序进行了分析。结果表明,迁徙途经秦皇岛的黄胸鹀种群数量以4或5年为周期呈规律性的波动下降,年均降幅达17.3%,21年间种群数量累计下降了97.7%。近年来我国加强了对黄胸鹀及其栖息地的保护管理,并于2021年初将其列为国家I级重点保护动物,有望促进其种群的逐步恢复。蓝歌鸲种群数量的年均降幅为4.2%,但下降过程主要集中在1999至2003年间,其后种群指数趋于稳定。黄胸鹀春季网捕高峰短暂而集中,持续约15 d;秋季网捕高峰则较为分散,持续约47 d。这表明黄胸鹀春季迁徙进程明显较为集中和快速,可能是出于繁殖需求采取了时间最短的迁徙策略。蓝歌鸲成年雄鸟、成年雌鸟和亚成鸟春季的网捕高峰在日期上有明显的差异,间隔4或5 d先后出现,表明蓝歌鸲不同年龄和性别的个体在春季进行差别迁徙,有利于减小停歇地的种内竞争,并确保雄鸟提前到达繁殖地占领优质的繁殖领域。  相似文献   

嫩江高峰林区白腰朱顶雀的环志回收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高峰鸟类保护环志站地处大、小兴安岭之间的嫩江河谷东岸,松嫩平原北麓。特殊的地理位置使这里成为候鸟经松嫩平原迁徙途中重要的停歇地和食物补给站。自1998年开展环志以来,截止2005年12月末,在该地区发现鸟类210种,隶属15目36科,环志鸟类163种163305只,其中,白腰朱顶雀(Carduelis flammea)环志26157只,是高峰鸟类保护环志站环志数量最多的种类。2003年2月10日挪威回收到由高峰鸟类保护环志站环志的一只白腰朱顶雀,成为中国开展鸟类环志20多年来,欧洲国家回收到的第一只中国环志鸟。之后,在俄罗斯、荷兰也相继回收到高峰环志的鸟类,使高峰鸟类保护环志工作再度引起鸟类学家的关注。  相似文献   

黑龙江省嫩江高峰林区2004年度鸟类环志监测报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年在黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场开展了鸟类环志研究工作,共环志鸟类100种22 194只,其中春季84种10 256只,秋季82种11 938只,隶属10目30科。春季以棕眉山岩鹨(Prunella montanella)、田(Emberiza rustica)、红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)、燕雀(Fringilla montifringilla)、小(E.pusilla)、黄眉柳莺(Phylloscopus inornatus)、栗(E.rutila)等7种为迁徙鸟类的优势种(数量大于500只),环志7534只,占春季环志数量的73.5%;秋季以黄眉柳莺、燕雀、田、银喉长尾山雀(Aegithalos caudatus)、黄雀(Carduelis spinus)、白腰朱顶雀(C.flammea)等6种为迁徙鸟类的优势种,环志8764只,占秋季环志数量的73.4%;通过环志,发现两种黑龙江省鸟类新记录———姬鹬(Lymnocryptes minimus)、棕眉柳莺(P.armandi-i),高峰林场环志的白腰朱顶雀、红喉姬(Ficedula parva)分别被挪威、俄罗斯回收。这是欧洲国家...  相似文献   

黑龙江嫩江高峰林区鸟类环志监测报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1998~2006年,笔者在黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场开展了鸟类环志研究工作。这里是候鸟经松嫩平原迁徙途中重要的停歇地和食物补给站。9年共环志鸟类13目37科165种184273只,其中春季135种80366只,秋季140种103907只。环志最多年份为2002年,44633只。环志数量最多的种类是白腰朱顶雀Cardueli sflammea,272日3只,其次是黄雀C.spinus,20163只。在所环志的鸟类中,春季以小鹀Emberiza pusilla、红胁蓝尾鸲Tarsiger cyanurus、黄眉柳莺Phyllosco pusinornatus、栗鹀E.rutila、田鹀E.rustica、黄眉鹀E.chrysophrys、燕雀Fringilla montifringilla、黄雀等8种为优势种:秋季以白腰朱顶雀、黄雀、田鹀、黄眉柳莺、燕雀、北朱雀Carpodacusroseus等6种为优势种,占秋季环志数量的69.3%。系统的环志监测,为深入开展鸟类环志研究,探索鸟类迁徙规律,以及进行鸟类疫情监测提供更为可靠的数据。  相似文献   

青岛松雀鹰迁徙的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松雀鹰Accipiter virgatus是青岛迁徙猛禽的优势种。1988—1989年春秋两季在青岛东郊浮山(36°01′N,120°04′E)设置鸟类环志与猛禽迁徙观察点。观察点南临黄海,西侧青岛市区,东、北两侧是连绵的崂山山脉,也是猛禽的迁徙路线。主要观察猛禽的种类、性别、数量、高度、气候与物候状况等。1观察结果1.1春季的迁徙松雀鹰春季迁经本地最早见于4月初,1988与1989两年差异很大。六月上旬迁完。持续迁徙时间近2个月,较其它猛禽到达早、持续日期长、种群数量大、环志的数量也多。据两年的观察,四月上、中旬各有一个明显迁徙高峰,高峰持续1—2天;五…  相似文献   

本研究通过社会网络分析网捕环志的数据,来调查河南董寨国家级自然保护区的鸟类物种多样性以及鸟类物种的集群特征。在2021年10月连续5.5 d的网捕环志中,总共环志12科33种鸟类,其中环志最多的鸟类物种为棕头鸦雀(Sinosuthora webbiana)、红胁绣眼鸟(Zosterops erythropleurus)和强脚树莺(Horornis fortipes)。33个物种中树栖食虫鸟类最多,共12个物种,其次是地表食虫鸟类(共8个物种)和杂食鸟类(共6个物种);留鸟17种和迁徙鸟类16种。通过社会网络分析,发现种群数量多的物种处于社会拓扑网络的中心位置,而且相同食性生态位的物种连结强度很高,如树栖食虫鸟类。结果表明,物种种群数量、食性生态位对鸟类物种社会网络关系的影响较大,而物种迁徙特征对鸟类物种社会网络关系则几乎没有影响。本文在国内尝试了采用社会网络分析来调查当地鸟类物种群落的多样性,并揭示了鸟类多物种集群的关键驱动因子。对比传统的鸟类群落调查方法,多物种社会网络分析可获取该集群的时空分布以及物种之间的相互联系。由于社会网络分析可以分析和研究不同生物水平包括个体、种群、物种等的社会行为,从而使之成为近年来很多生物研究领域的常用和热点工具。  相似文献   

2002~2005年在吉林省珲春市马川子乡依力南沟开展了鸟类环志研究工作。这里为长白山低山丘陵区,是候鸟经长白山脉、乌苏里江迁徙途中重要的停歇地和食物补给站。4年共环志鸟类126种63386只,其中春季103种9761只,秋季113种53625只,隶属13目37科。春季以黄喉鸦(Emberiza elegans)为迁徙鸟类的优势种,环志2467只,占春季环志数量的25.3%;秋季以黄喉鸦、红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)、黄眉柳莺(Phylloscopus inornatus)、大山雀(Parus major)、白眉鸦(E.tristrami)、极北柳莺(P.borealis)等6种为迁徙鸟类的优势种,累计33586只,占秋季环志数量的62.6%;通过环志研究发现,被认为是留鸟的大山雀、银喉长尾山雀(Aeghhalos caudatus)、沼泽山雀(P.palustris)、长尾雀(Uragus sibiricus)具有定期的迁徙行为。  相似文献   

洪咏怡  卢训令  赵海鹏 《生态学报》2021,41(5):2045-2055
鸟类是地球生物多样性中的重要组成部分,在生态系统功能和服务中发挥着重要作用,是生态环境变化的重要指示物种。农业景观中的食虫鸟类提供了重要的虫害控制服务。当前,农业景观中鸟类多样性丧失加剧,为探讨鸟类多样性在各生境以及年际间的变化,以黄淮平原为研究区,在河流、湖泊、农田、村庄等生境中共设置20个样点。于2016-2019年连续4年在繁殖期采用样线法对鸟类进行多样性调查。调查结果显示:(1)共发现22922只个体,分属14目,38科,53属。从区系分布来看,各生境各年间均以广布种为主;从生态类群来看,鸣禽占绝对优势;从居留型来看,留鸟所占比例最高。(2)在食性组成上,从物种丰富度看,食虫鸟类有57种,约占总物种数的77%;从个体数来看,杂食性鸟类占比超52%。(3)物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数最高值均出现在湖泊或河流生境中。(4)鸟类群落相似性分析显示,各生境间鸟类群落均为中等相似程度;鸟类物种丰富度波动幅度在农田和村庄中呈逐年上升趋势。(5)物种多样性加性拆分分析显示,在生境尺度上,局地的α多样性是生物多样性的最重要组成,而从整个研究区来看,生境间的差异则更为重要。造成鸟类多样性时空差异的原因复杂多样,而生境异质性的增加和水域的存在对提高鸟类多样性是具有积极作用的。调查中超过77%的物种和40%的个体均为食虫鸟类,应当充分重视鸟类为区域农业景观提供的虫害控制服务。本研究可为区域鸟类多样性保护及鸟类提供的生态系统服务的提升管理提供理论基础和科学依据。  相似文献   

2005年冬季和2006年春季及冬季对洪泽湖东部湿地自然保护区内淮河入洪泽湖河口处(33°06′~33°07′N,118°29′~118°30′E)人工鱼塘生境中鹬类群落进行了研究。设置了4个样地,总面积157hm2。共记录到鹬类19种,其中冬季10种,春季15种。从数量上看,冬季鱼塘中的鸟类总数量远大于春季。在冬春季滞留期间,鹬类种群数量变动比较剧烈,反映了其迁徙集中的特点。鹬类主要在鱼塘生境中休息和觅食,对鱼塘内泥滩和浅水区小生境利用率最高。洪泽湖地区的鱼塘生境和渔业方式使鱼塘成为鹬类冬、春季的重要栖息地。  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of questing ticks and ticks parasitizing birds was assessed during 1?year in two recreational forests in western Portugal, a suburban forest and an enclosed game area. The aim of this study was to assess the distribution and seasonality of tick species and to understand the role of bird species as hosts for ticks. Ixodes ricinus was the most abundant questing tick collected in the enclosed game area, whereas in the suburban forest, only three ticks were collected by blanket dragging. Tick species parasitizing birds included I. ricinus, I. frontalis, I. arboricola, I. acuminatus, Haemaphysalis punctata, Hyalomma marginatum and H. lusitanicum. This is the first record of I. arboricola in Portugal. Tick prevalence and intensity of infestation differed between study areas and was higher in birds from the game area where a large population of deer and wild boar may support tick populations. Ground and shrub dwelling bird species such as Turdus merula, Erithacus rubecula and Sylvia melanocephala were the most heavily parasitized by ticks, but the importance of different bird species as hosts of larvae and nymphs of I. ricinus and I. frontalis differed. Therefore, different bird species may contribute differently for tick population maintenance.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a satellite tracking study of seven adult Abdim's Storks Ciconia abdimii that were followed from the nesting areas in southern Niger across the equator to the non-breeding range and back. Post-breeding migration started between early November and early December when all birds migrated directly to an area south of Lake Victoria in Tanzania, where they arrived between late November and early January. One bird moved to Zimbabwe for 2.5 months before returning to Tanzania; this bird returned to the same place in Zimbabwe the following year. The other tagged storks remained in northern Tanzania, suggesting that this region (at least in 2003–2004) is more important as a wintering area for the species than previously thought. While in Tanzania and Zimbabwe, most storks were almost completely stationary. Prenuptial migration started during mid-February, when one stork moved to the Central African Republic (CAR). The other storks moved to northern Uganda in mid-March and four continued into southern Sudan in mid-April, following the progression of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Final migration towards Niger started between early April and early May, when the storks returned to the nests of the previous year in mid-May, almost simultaneously with the first major rainfall. Storks from the same village differed widely in migration strategy. Post-breeding maximum migration speed was between 216km/day and 307km/day, while migration was generally faster on the last leg of the return trip to the nest, with a maximum of 456km/day.  相似文献   

Abstract Variability in spatial and temporal patterning of flowering by populations of rainforest trees fed upon by honeyeaters and flower-visiting parrots was studied for 2 years in lowland tropical hill forest in Papua New Guinea. All 2200 trees in a 3 ha plot were tagged, identified, mapped and monitored monthly. Of 274 tree species present, 86 flowered during the course of the study; during any given month, approximately 20% of the species flowering that month were visited by nectarivorous birds. Results showed that overall flower resources (total number of species, and number of bird-pollinated species, individuals and flowers) fluctuated during the year, decreased during the dry season and increased during the wet season. In addition, there was a wide range of temporal variation within and among tree species in length and timing of flowering period, percentage of each conspecific population flowering from year to year, and degree of synchrony among flowering conspecifics. Spatial dispersion of tree populations also varied, from clumps to scattered single individuals. Resident bird species were correlated with synchronously flowering trees, whereas nomadic bird species were correlated with asynchronously flowering trees. Resident birds were also associated with smaller blooming displays per tree, whereas nomadic birds were associated with trees that bloomed massively. There was no correlation between avian nomadism and spatial dispersion of tree populations. Thus nomadic birds seem to range in search of rich but unpredictable resources; resident birds may rely more on predictable, but smaller resources.  相似文献   

Abstract: Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds have the potential to function as geographic bottlenecks; entire populations within a flyway may be affected by the quality and quantity of available wetland habitat at stopover sites. Although approximately 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of south-central Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for >10 million waterfowl each spring. We evaluated community patterns and species associations to assess importance of assembly rules in structuring wetland bird communities during migration and to better facilitate multispecies conservation and management strategies. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 2.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during 3 spring migrations 2002–2004. We evaluated spatial and temporal species co-occurrence patterns of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds using null model analysis. Goose species co-occurrence scores did not differ from random in any year of the study, suggesting that goose species frequently use the same habitats during migration. Co-occurrence patterns among dabbling ducks were not different than expected by chance in any year; however, when we evaluated co-occurrence at a weekly scale, dabbling ducks co-occurred less often than expected during weeks of peak migration (high abundance), indicating that dabbling duck species spatially segregated at high densities. Diving duck co-occurrence patterns did not differ from random in any year, suggesting that diving duck species used the same habitats during migration. Shorebird species co-occurred less often than expected in 2002 and 2004, and during weeks of high shorebird abundance, indicating that shorebird communities were distinctly structured during those times. Most association values among lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) and dabbling duck species were positive, indicating dabbling ducks did not avoid wetlands with snow geese, a concern for waterfowl managers. However, we frequently observed snow geese and dabbling ducks using different microhabitats within a wetland, which indicate species associations and co-occurrence patterns may have occurred at a finer spatial scale than we measured. This approach of co-occurrence analysis will allow wildlife managers charged with multispecies management at migration stopover sites to make informed conservation and management decisions based on community structure rather than historic single-species approaches.  相似文献   

在鸟类迁徙季节,夜间鸟击事故频发是机场鸟击发生的一个显著特点.了解鸟类的夜间迁徙规律对于改进夜间鸟击防范措施具有重要的指导意义.本研究综合采用网捕法和声音记录法对沈阳桃仙机场夜间鸟类迁徙物种组成和迁徙规律进行研究.结果表明: 56种鸟类(占比88.9%)具有夜间迁徙习性,且以后半夜迁徙为主;鸟类夜间迁徙具有明显的时间动态和迁徙次序,春季鸟类迁徙较为集中,迁徙高峰在5月中旬,主要鸟类由鹌鹑、红尾伯劳、栗耳鹀、黑喉石鵖、普通夜鹰、黄眉柳莺等组成,秋季迁徙较为分散,迁徙高峰出现在9月下旬至10月上旬,主要由鹌鹑、灰背鸫、红喉鹨、丘鹬、矛斑蝗莺和灰头鵐等组成.对夜间迁徙鸟类的危险等级评估发现,春季严重危险物种是鹌鹑和红尾伯劳,秋季严重危险物种是鹌鹑、纵纹腹小鸮、灰背鸫和丘鹬.分别从夜间迁徙鸟类组成、迁徙动态、时间节律和物种危险等级等角度提出了相应的鸟击防范对策,为桃仙机场鸟击防范提供参考.  相似文献   

2004年12月—2005年5月,对上海崇明东滩98海堤内200hm2次生人工湿地进行鸟类调查,在冬季统计到鸟类8目15科56种,以游、涉禽为主;在春季统计到鸟类10目19科55种,以涉禽为主。运用多元回归对鸟类种类数、数量、物种多样性、均匀性指数和科属多样性等群落特征以及调查样点内水位、水面积、植被盖度、底栖动物密度、鱼类捕捞和人类干扰等环境因子进行鸟类生境选择分析。回归模型显示冬季鸟类种类数与植被盖度呈显著正相关,鸟类数量、物种多样性、科属多样性等群落特征与水位高低、水面积比例以及鱼类捕捞强度等有关,底栖动物密度影响鸟类均匀度和数量;春季鸟类数量与鱼塘的水面积呈正相关,而种类和数量与水位呈显著负相关,物种多样性和均匀性明显受水位、水面积和植被盖度影响,鸟类科属多样性与底栖动物密度呈显著相关,捕捞状况对春季鸟类群落影响不大。  相似文献   

We studied biogeographical variation of urban bird assemblages in Finland. Winter birds were censused by single-visit study plot method from thirty-one centres of villages or towns along 950 km latitudinal extent. A total twenty-eight bird species was observed and the average density was 61.2 ind./10 ha. The number of dominant species in study areas varied between two and seven and their proportion of the whole assemblage was over 70%. Species richness, but not the density of birds, decreased northwards in pooled data. Higher species richness in south than in north was mainly due to the higher amount of delayed migratory birds (e.g. waterbirds, finches) and southerly distributed bird species. However, in heavily urbanized areas species richness did not decrease northwards. This observation disagreed with the hypothesis that species richness decreased northwards. Bird density, but not species richness, increased with urbanization. In particular, feral pigeon, hooded crow and house sparrow had highest densities in most urbanized areas. As only few bird species are adapted to live in urban areas, species composition and dominant bird species were almost the same in the south and in the north. These urban birds may effectively use energy rich food in feeding tables and overcome the problems of severe climate in the north. This may be the reason why bird species richness does not decrease northwards in urban areas.  相似文献   

Aims Different aspects of soaring‐bird migration are influenced by weather. However, the relationship between weather and the onset of soaring‐bird migration, particularly in autumn, is not clear. Although long‐term migration counts are often unavailable near the breeding areas of many soaring birds in the western Palaearctic, soaring‐bird migration has been systematically monitored in Israel, a region where populations from large geographical areas converge. This study tests several fundamental hypotheses regarding the onset of migration and explores the connection between weather, migration onset and arrival at a distant site. Location Globally gridded meteorological data from the breeding areas in north‐eastern Europe were used as predictive variables in relation to the arrival of soaring migrants in Israel. Methods Inverse modelling was used to study the temporal and spatial influence of weather on initiation of migration based on autumn soaring‐bird migration counts in Israel. Numerous combinations of migration duration and temporal influence of meteorological variables (temperature, sea‐level pressure and precipitable water) were tested with different models for meteorological sensitivity. Results The day of arrival in Israel of white storks, honey buzzards, Levant sparrowhawks and lesser spotted eagles was significantly and strongly related to meteorological conditions in the breeding area days or even weeks before arrival in Israel. The cumulative number of days or cumulative value above or below a meteorological threshold performed significantly better than other models tested. Models provided reliable estimates of migration duration for each species. Main conclusions The meteorological triggers of migration at the breeding grounds differed between species and were related to deteriorating living conditions and deteriorating migratory flight conditions. Soaring birds are sensitive to meteorological triggers at the same period every year and their temporal response to weather appears to be constrained by their annual routine.  相似文献   

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