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2004年12月—2005年5月,对上海崇明东滩98海堤内200 hm2次生人工湿地进行鸟类调查,在冬季统计到鸟类8目15科56种,以游、涉禽为主;在春季统计到鸟类10目19科55种,以涉禽为主。运用多元回归对鸟类种类数、数量、物种多样性、均匀性指数和科属多样性等群落特征以及调查样点内水位、水面积、植被盖度、底栖动物密度、鱼类捕捞和人类干扰等环境因子进行鸟类生境选择分析。回归模型显示冬季鸟类种类数与植被盖度呈显著正相关,鸟类数量、物种多样性、科属多样性等群落特征与水位高低、水面积比例以及鱼类捕捞强度等有关,底栖动物密度影响鸟类均匀度和数量;春季鸟类数量与鱼塘的水面积呈正相关,而种类和数量与水位呈显著负相关,物种多样性和均匀性明显受水位、水面积和植被盖度影响,鸟类科属多样性与底栖动物密度呈显著相关,捕捞状况对春季鸟类群落影响不大。  相似文献   

底栖动物是鱼类重要的天然饵料,评估水体中底栖动物的现存量可以指导渔业生产中鱼类的放养数量。为了探究淡水生态养殖水库中底栖动物群落的季节动态,于2013年4月、7月、10月和2014年1月对三河水库的底栖动物群落进行了调查分析。研究共采集到7个属的底栖动物,隶属于颤蚓科、摇蚊科和蠓科,未采集到软体动物。相对重要性指数(IRI)计算结果表明,菱跗摇蚊属Clinotanypus(IRI=7136)、颤蚓属Tubifex(IRI=6734)和尾鳃蚓属Branchiura(IRI=1384)是优势类群,分别占总捕获数量的34.26%、50.38%和10.96%。不同季节之间底栖动物的总密度和生物量差异显著(P0.05),均为冬季春季夏季秋季。冬季总密度(4100个/m~2)和总生物量(10.14 g/m~2)最高,春季(1446个/m~2;1.07 g/m~2)次之,夏季(579个/m~2;0.66 g/m~2)较低,秋季(492个/m~2;0.64 g/m~2)最低。非度量多维尺度分析(MDS)和群落相似性分析表明底栖动物群落结构季节差异显著(P=0.001),2013年三河水库的底栖动物群落可明显划分为3个:春季群落、夏秋季群落和冬季群落。皮尔森相关分析表明,底栖动物总密度与溶氧和营养盐呈正相关关系,与其他水理化因子呈显著负相关关系(P0.05)。冗余分析表明,氨氮、盐度、pH和浊度是三河水库底栖动物群落季节差异的显著影响因子(P0.05),总氮对底栖动物群落的季节差异具有边缘显著影响(P=0.08)。  相似文献   

森林-草原交错带夏季鸟类群落多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004~2006年夏季利用样线法研究了内蒙古高原东南缘森林-草原交错带鸟类群落多样性特征及变化规律.共记录鸟类73种,隶属于13目28科56属,鸟类区系具有明显的古北界特征.鸟类群落物种数和密度年间差异不显著,α多样性随森林-草原交错带环境梯度变化而发生显著变化:在不同植被地带之间,物种数、密度、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数差异极显著、但科-属多样性差异不显著,鸟类群落α多样性各项指数表现为森林带<交错带森林草甸区>交错带草甸草原区>草原带的特征与变化趋势(DG-F为交错带草甸草原区>森林带);其中,森林草甸区是鸟类物种多样性的显著增长区,具有最高的物种数和密度,明显体现了交错区的边缘效应,草甸草原区是鸟类向草原过渡的显著变化区域、物种多样性开始显著减少.β多样性随不同植被地带逐级发生显著变化,环境差异最大的森林带-森林草甸区和草甸草原区-草原带具有最高的β多样性,物种替代速率最大;鸟类物种替代速率与环境梯度"陡度"有密切关系.鸟类优势种在各植被地带之间存在较大变化.鸟类群落的物种数、密度和物种多样性(H')与森林斑块数呈显著的正相关性,在大尺度空间上森林斑块数是影响鸟类群落多样性的最主要因素.  相似文献   

作为长江上游唯一未在干流建坝的一级支流和长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区的核心区,赤水河流域孕育和保护了极为丰富的底栖动物多样性。然而对赤水河底栖动物的了解仍不充分,缺乏涵盖整个流域的连续性、季节性的底栖动物调查。本研究于2019–2021年按季度开展4次调查,系统评估了赤水河水系底栖动物物种多样性,更新了物种名录,甄别出其驱动机制及受胁因素,并提出相应的保护对策。本次调查共记录底栖动物5门9纲22目86科186属209种。全流域优势种均为昆虫类,如蜉蝣属一种(Ephemera sp.)、扁蜉属一种(Heptagenia sp.)、河花蜉属一种(Polamanthus sp.)、四节蜉属一种(Baetis sp.)、潜水蝽科一种(Naucoridae sp.)和多足摇蚊属一种(Polypedilum sp.)。春季底栖动物的物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数、Pielou均匀度指数均高于其他季节。上游的密度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson优势度指数均明显高于中下游。主坐标分析显示,不同季节和不同河段间底栖...  相似文献   

基于2013-2014年福建洛阳江口红树林湿地的周年调查资料, 研究了该湿地大型底栖动物的物种多样性现状、季节变化以及红树林恢复对底栖动物群落的影响。本次调查共鉴定大型底栖动物7门78种, 环节动物和节肢动物种类最为丰富, 节肢动物对总生物量贡献最大, 短拟沼螺(Assiminea brevicula)为本区第一优势种。林区底栖动物的密度和生物量明显低于光滩, 部分优势种仅在林区出现, 此外, 林区群落与光滩有显著差异。本区底栖动物的密度高值出现在冬、春季, 生物量高值出现在春、夏季, 群落结构季节变化明显。本区底栖动物种类组成特点反映出洛阳江口红树林处在年轻期, 群落的季节变化可能跟优势种的繁殖特点有关。研究结果也表明红树林植被会影响底栖动物群落结构, 林区群落已然不同于光滩, 与2009年调查结果相比, 林区底栖动物密度虽明显下降, 但褶痕拟相手蟹(Parasesarma plicata)数量增加, 是优势种之一。洛阳江口红树林和光滩支撑着不同的生物组成, 因此, 红树林恢复应当保持栖息地的多样性/异质性。  相似文献   

为了解互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵红树林的生态影响, 作者对位于北海市西村港的红树林湿地以及周边互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物群落多样性和群落结构进行了研究。2012年10月至2013年9月连续4次取样, 按照取样时间研究大型底栖动物的种类、物种组成、生物量和生物多样性等群落特征的差异, 探讨互花米草入侵红树林湿地对大型底栖动物的影响。本研究共采集底栖动物16种, 隶属于5门7纲15科, 其中互花米草群落10种, 红树林湿地12种。研究发现互花米草入侵后中国绿螂(Glauconome chinensis)个体数量剧增, 导致不同采样时间互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物生物量均显著高于红树林湿地; 除个别月份外, 红树林湿地大型底栖动物的Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均显著高于互花米草群落。基于生境-采样时间的双因素方差分析结果表明, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境间差异显著; 两种生境的Margalef丰富度和Pielou均匀度指数在不同采样时间差异显著; 大型底栖动物生物量和物种数量在两种生境间和不同采样时间差异均显著。基于多元回归分析的研究结果表明, 互花米草密度是影响大型底栖动物生物量的关键因子, 而互花米草株高可以解释物种个体数量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境的变化。对不同采样时间大型底栖动物群落结构的非度量多维度(non-metric multidimensional scaling, NMDS)分析结果表明, 红树林与互花米草群落的大型底栖动物群落相似性很低。总而言之, 在西村港地区, 互花米草入侵虽然增加了大型底栖动物的生物量, 但由于优势物种的凸显, 显著降低了大型底栖动物群落的多样性, 且种类组成与群落结构与红树林群落相比已有差异。由此可见, 互花米草入侵红树林对当地的大型底栖动物群落多样性造成影响。  相似文献   

杨月伟  李久恩 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7913-7924
2010年10月至2011年9月期间,使用样线法对微山湖鸟类多样性进行研究.共发现鸟类132种,隶属13目39科,其中留鸟39种,夏候鸟33种,冬候鸟14种,旅鸟46种,分别占全部种类的29.6%、25.0%、10.6%和34.85%;国家二级保护鸟类有12种,省级重点保护鸟类16种,另外50种和16种鸟类分别列入中日、中澳候鸟保护协定.灰鹤、乌雕、沙鵖和白顶鵖4种鸟类在南四湖首次记录.根据微山湖的地理和植被状况,将研究区域划分为水域、次生林、农田和居民区4生境,不同生境中鸟类群落的Shannon-Wiener指数高低为沼泽水域>次生林>农田>居民区,Pielou指数高低为沼泽水域>农田>次生林>居民区.次生林和农田鸟类群落的相似性指数最高,沼泽水域与居民区的相似性最低.春季末期鸟类多样性指数和均匀性指数最高,秋季末期最低.冬季鸟类种类最多、密度最大,春初鸟类种类最少、密度最小.距居民区的距离、距公路的距离、植被盖度、人工池塘数目、水面积比例和深水面积比例等对鸟类多样性影响显著.  相似文献   

长江口潮滩湿地鸟类适栖地营造实验及短期效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高伟  陆健健 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2080-2080~2089
2006~2007年,在总结以往研究的基础上,根据鸟类生态学和生态工程学原理,在长江口崇明岛西端潮滩湿地进行了7hm2(实验工程区和对照区各50%)鸟类适栖地营建实验.结果表明,实验工程区生态系统的生境单元和生物组分(植被、大型底栖动物、鱼类和鸟类等)均发生了明显变化.实验工程区由原来以芦苇群落为主的潮滩湿地变成以明水面、光滩、植被复合结构的湿地鸟类栖息地(明水面面积占40%、浅滩占30%、植被占30%).植被从成片芦苇变为斑块芦苇、灌木丛和其它多类植物并存的格局;大型底栖动物的种类数由开始实验时的下降,逐渐恢复并超过对照区水平,多出约62%;从无纳鱼功能变成有纳鱼功能,秋冬季滞纳鱼类达16种.鸟类群落组成的变化最突出,实验目标鸟类--潮滩湿地鸟(鸻形目Charadriiformes;和鹳形目Ciconiiformes)以及非目标鸟类的种类和数量均明显高于对照区,共记录到56种,比对照区增加了56%.由此说明,本研究的鸟类适栖地营建的生态工程学思路和技术是可行的,在河口湿地生态恢复和重建中具有一定的推广价值.  相似文献   

浙江乐清湾湿地水鸟资源及其多样性特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
乐清湾是我国具有重要意义的海湾之一。作者于1997、1999和2003年对乐清湾水鸟的分布、数量和多样性特征进行了研究,共观察到54种水鸟,隶属4目7科24属。其中湾口的水鸟物种数、个体数量、多样性指数、均匀度指数以及涉禽所占比例均为最高,湾底次之,湾中部最低。影响这一区域鸟类分布和多样性的因素包括不同区域的滩涂宽度、水动力条件以及有效潮上坪面积等。乐清湾冬季水鸟的物种数呈逐年下降趋势,但年间差异均不显著。除2003年分布于湾底的水鸟个体数量比1999年有所增加外,其他区域都呈逐年下降的趋势,但只有湾口2003年和1997年间的差异显著。鸟类多样性指数和均匀度指数均呈下降趋势,说明适宜水鸟栖息的整体资源环境正逐渐退化,这可能与围垦等人为干扰因素有关。  相似文献   

广州南沙十四涌潮间带三种生境的大型底栖动物群落比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解广州南沙十四涌潮间带大型底栖动物的群落结构,于2007和2008年在十四涌潮间带选择光滩、海桑(Sonneratia)和茳芏(Cyperus malaccensis)3种生境进行大型底栖动物调查。对4个季度定量取样获得的大型底栖动物群落结构和差异进行比较分析,结果表明:从种数、平均生物量和丰度指数上看,茳芏生境最多,光滩第二,海桑生境最少;从大型底栖动物平均密度、种类多样性指数和均匀性指数上看,光滩最高,茳芏第二,海桑生境最低。ANOVA分析表明,3种生境间大型底栖动物的物种数、密度均呈显著差异,但生物量无显著差异。非度量多维标序(MDS)和聚类分析表明,冬季光滩和茳芏生境的大型底栖动物群落比较相似;3种生境的春季和夏季大型底栖动物群落比较相似。同时对3种生境间群落组成和数量差异的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds can function as geographic bottlenecks; common dependence among migratory wetland bird species on these sites has major implications for wetland conservation. Although 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for up to 10 million waterfowl each spring. Our objectives were to determine local (within wetland and immediate watershed) and landscape-scale factors influencing wetland bird abundance and species richness during spring migration at RWB playas. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 1.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during spring migrations 2002–2004. We tested a priori hypotheses about whether local and landscape variables influenced overall species richness and abundance of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds. Wetland area had a positive influence on goose abundance in all years, whereas percent emergent vegetation and hunting pressure had negative influences. Models predicting dabbling duck abundance differed among years; however, individual wetland area and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km of the study wetland consistently had a positive influence on dabbling duck abundance. Percent emergent vegetation also was a positive predictor of dabbling duck abundance in all years, indicating that wetlands with intermediate (50%) vegetation coverage have the greatest dabbling duck abundance. Shorebird abundance was positively influenced by wetland area and number of wetlands within 10 km and negatively influenced by water depth. Wetland area, water depth, and area of wetlands within 10 km were all equally important in models predicting overall species richness. Total species richness was positively influenced by wetland area and negatively influenced by water depth and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km. Avian species richness also was greatest in wetlands with intermediate vegetation coverage. Restoring playa hydrology should promote intermediate percent cover of emergent vegetation, which will increase use by dabbling ducks and shorebirds, and decrease snow goose (Chen caerulescens) use of these wetlands. We observed a reduction in dabbling duck abundance on wetlands open to spring snow goose hunting and recommend further investigation of the effects of this conservation order on nontarget species. Our results indicate that wildlife managers at migration stopover areas should conserve wetlands in complexes to meet the continuing and future habitat requirements of migratory birds, especially dabbling ducks, during spring migration.  相似文献   

Ge Z M  Wang T H  Zhou X  Shi W Y 《农业工程》2006,26(1):40-47
Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpusmariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpus×mariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

长江口杭州湾鸻形目鸟类群落季节变化和生境选择   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
在长江口南岸杭州湾北岸滨海滩涂进行了鸻形目鸟类的资源调查,以及鸟类栖息地选择模式分析,2004年3月至2005年1月共统计到鸟类25种,春季优势种为大缤鹬(Calidris tenuirostris)、尖尾缤鹬(Calidris alpine)和红颈滨鹬(Calidris ruficollis);夏季为环颈(Charadrius alexandrinus)、青脚鹬(Tringa nebularia)和蒙古沙(Charadrius mongolus),秋季为环颈、红颈滨鹬和青脚鹬,冬季为黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)、环颈和泽鹬(Tringa stagnatilis),鸟类总体数量呈春季>秋季>冬季>夏季,海堤外(自然滩涂)和堤内(人工湿地)鸟类种数四季大致相等,但鸟类平均密度季节差异显著。通过对样点内鸟类与环境因子进行多元分析,初步总结出堤外滩宽和光滩宽是影响鸟类栖息的最关键因子,海三棱草(Scirpus× mariquete)覆盖比例和潮上坪宽度的影响程度次之。堤内浅水塘比例和裸地比例是影响形目鸟类分布的关键因子,海三棱草覆盖比例也起正向作用。而人类干扰大、芦苇(Phragmites communis)/互花米草(Spartina alternifloral)密植和高水位的区域不利于鸟类利用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The mouth of the Yangtze River is an important stopover site for migratory shorebirds using the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. From 1984 to 2004, we censused and banded shorebirds and monitored hunting activities at the mouth of the Yangtze River to understand how shorebirds used the study area. Counts and banding data revealed greater numbers of shorebirds at the mouth of the Yangtze River during northward migration (spring) than during southward migration (fall), with ratios varying from 1.5:1 to 7.2:1 at different sites from 1984 to 2005. The most common species observed during spring (northward) migration were Great Knots ( Calidris tenuirostris ), Red Knots ( Calidris canutus ), Bar-tailed Godwits ( Limosa lapponica ), Sharp-tailed Sandpipers ( Calidris acuminata ), and Red-necked Stints ( Calidris ruficollis ). During spring 2003–2004, 96.98% of the shorebirds observed were adults (ASY or older) and 3% were after hatching-year and second-year birds (AHY or SY). In contrast, almost all (94.73%) birds counted during the fall were hatching-year (HY) birds. These results indicate that adult shorebirds either use a different migration route during fall migration or use the same route, but do not stop at the mouth of the Yangtze River. HY birds, however, may depend on the coastal stopover sites for feeding during their first southward passage.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the species abundance, diversity and species richness of avian communities in the Bangalore University Campus (BUC), Bengaluru, India. One hundred and six species of birds belonging to 42 families under 68 genera were recorded. Shannon–Wiener’s and Fisher’s alpha diversities, species evenness, species richness of bird communities, number of bird species and percentage of population density of birds between various seasons in the BUC differed significantly between the study years. Of these bird species, the relative abundance (6.96 %) and species distribution ratio (0.070) of Psittacula krameri were highest, whereas relative abundance (0.04 %) and species distribution ratio (0.002) of Coracias benghalensis were lowest. The existing 32 species of flowering plants/trees belonging to 29 genera under 14 families in the campus are used for perching by birds. Moreover 29 species of flowering plants/trees belonging to 24 genera under 16 families depend on birds for pollination and/or seed dispersal. Occurrence of greater bird diversity and abundance of avian communities were recorded highest in the winter season in the BUC premises. In the different seasons, the BUC had varying community structure of birds between the study years. BUC suffers from numerous threats namely grass cutting, fire and grazing of domestic animals. Conservation methods needed for habitat management are restoration of vegetation and wetlands, and increase plant and tree diversity to protect the ecosystem of BUC habitat and to preserve its diversity of avifauna.  相似文献   

Increased production of bioenergy crops in North America is projected to exacerbate already heavy demands upon existing agricultural landscapes with potential to impact biodiversity negatively. Grassland specialist birds are an imperilled avifauna for which perennial-based, next-generation agroenergy feedstocks may provide suitable habitat. We take a multi-scaled spatial approach to evaluate the ability of two candidate second-generation agroenergy feedstocks (switchgrass, Panicum virgatum, and mixed grass–forb plantings) to act as spring migratory stopover habitat for birds. In total, we detected 35 bird species in mixed grass–forb plantings and switchgrass plantings, including grassland specialists and species of state and national conservation concern (e.g., Henslow’s Sparrow, Ammodramus henslowii). Some evidence indicated that patches with higher arthropod food availability attracted a greater diversity of migrant bird species, but species richness, total bird abundance, and the abundance of grassland specialist species were similar in fields planted with either feedstock. Species richness per unit area (species density) was relatively higher in switchgrass fields. The percent land cover of forest in landscapes surrounding study fields was negatively associated with bird species richness and species density. Habitat patch size and within-patch vegetation structure were unimportant in predicting the diversity or abundance of spring en route bird assemblages. Our results demonstrate that both switchgrass and mixed grass–forb plantings can attract diverse assemblages of migrant birds. As such, industrialized production of these feedstocks as agroenergy crops has the potential to provide a source of en route habitat for birds, particularly where fields are located in relatively unforested landscapes. Because industrialization of cellulosic biomass production will favor as yet unknown harvest and management regimes, predicting the ultimate value of perennial-based biomass plantings for spring migrants remains difficult.  相似文献   

长江师范学院校园夏季鸟类群落与多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2008年3~7月采用样线法对长江师范学院李渡校园鸟类组成和种群数量进行了调查,共记录鸟类6目21科28种,数量1633只,物种多样性指数为3.9204,均匀性指数为1.1765,其中国家“三有”名录鸟类25种,CITES名录鸟类1种。鸟类区系以东洋界成分为主。对不同生境鸟类多样性的分析结果表明:(1)乔灌林鸟类多样性指数和均匀性指数最高,水域鸟类多样性指数最低,建筑区均匀性指数最低;(2)乔灌林与竹林的相似性指数最高,竹林与水域的相似性最低。  相似文献   

This is the first report of the avian assemblage in the study area of Dutse, Nigeria. In addition to recording bird species, the effects of season, dominant vegetation structure, locality and anthropogenic activities on bird abundance, species richness and diversity were investigated. Using the point transect method, 264 points on 48 km of transect were used to count birds between 06:30 and 11:00 from August 2015 to February 2016. A total of 122 bird species of 41 families were recorded. Highest bird species richness was recorded in Warwade, highest abundance in Model, and highest diversity in Malamawa. The dry season and woodland habitat showed higher bird species richness, abundance and diversity than the wet season and shrubland habitat. Tree density was more important in increasing bird abundance than shrub density. Small-scale anthropogenic activities and habitat modification, such as farming, grazing, wood removal and human interference did not appear to have impacted the birds; however, loss of high tree-density woodland habitats may pose a major threat to the bird community in Dutse. The presence of birds of concern in the area suggests the need for conservation efforts of avifauna and as well as the forested habitats in Dutse.  相似文献   

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