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王波 《生物学通报》2003,38(5):27-27
基围虾是指可用于围养的小型海产虾类 ,即刀额新对虾 ,主要特征是个体较对虾小 (体长在 7~ 1 1cm左右 ) ,但肉味鲜美胜过其他对虾。现对刀额新对虾进行简要介绍 :1 分类地位刀额新对虾 (Metapenaeusensis)俗称基围虾、砂虾、泥虾和土虾 (形态见图 1 ) ,分类上隶属节肢动物门、甲壳纲、十足目、对虾科和新对虾属。 (以下简称基围虾 )基围虾是新对虾属中个体较大的种类。我国主要分布于福建、台湾和两广沿海 ,尤其在南海 ,自然资源相当丰富 ,是我国东南沿海主要养殖对象之一。基围虾分布很广 ,自孟加拉湾至日本、澳大利亚都有。图 1 刀额…  相似文献   

二温式多重PCR检测对虾白斑综合征病毒和桃拉病毒的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正对虾白斑综合征(WSS)和桃拉病(TS)是两种严重危害当前对虾养殖业的对虾病毒性疾病。目前对虾病毒病的诊断手段主要包括病理学和生物学方法、免疫学方法、分子杂交方法及PCR方法1-4等。其中PCR方法是这些方法中特异性最强、敏感最高的病原检测手段,在国外已被广泛应用于对虾病毒病的检测和诊断。多重PCR是一种特殊PCR形式,其最突出特点,即一次PCR反应,就可同时检测、鉴别出多种病原体,在临床混合感染的鉴别诊断上具有其独特优势和很高的实用价值5,6。本试验建立了二温式多重PCR同时检测鉴别WSSV和TSV的方法,并用该多重PCR方法对广西沿海地区对虾养殖业WSSV和TSV感染状况进行了初步调查。现将结果报告如下。    相似文献   

【目的】红杆菌科(Rhodobacteraceae)细菌为凡纳滨对虾肠道微生物的优势类群,在健康对虾肠道中具有较高的相对丰度,是指示对虾健康的关键类群,探究对虾肠道红杆菌科细菌定向富集和分离方法,可为对虾养殖益生菌菌剂的研发提供基础。【方法】利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术研究不同碳源添加对凡纳滨对虾肠道中红杆菌科细菌的富集作用,筛选对红杆菌科细菌有显著富集作用的碳源;利用纯培养技术从红杆菌科细菌富集的样品中定向分离红杆菌科细菌,并对其进行鉴定和遗传多样性分析。【结果】添加短链脂肪酸(乙酸、丙酸、丁酸、戊酸)和碳酸氢钠对红杆菌科细菌有显著富集作用,主要富集到Cribrihabitans、Tritonibacter、Rhodovulum、Ruegeria、Sagittula和Thalassobius属相关菌株;对红杆菌科细菌相对丰度最高的样品进行稀释涂布培养,共分离纯化出303株细菌,分属于2门12科,其中红杆菌科细菌为主导类群共119株,主要包括Tritonibacter (90株)、Phaeobacter (25株)、Sulfitobacter (1株)、Ruegeria (1...  相似文献   

陈炯  程晔  陈剑平 《中国病毒学》2000,15(2):97-105
线状土传小麦花叶病毒病在欧洲、亚洲和北美洲等地均有发生.这类病毒由根肿菌纲的禾谷多粘菌(Polymyxa graminis)传播,并归类于马铃薯Y病毒科(Potyviridae)的大麦黄花叶病毒属(Bymovirus).  相似文献   

【目的】高亚硝酸盐环境中饲养的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei),在养殖结束时其生长速率和体重往往差异较大。本研究旨在探讨在高亚硝酸盐环境下饲养的对虾生长速率与肠道菌群结构和功能的相关性。【方法】本研究通过收集高亚硝酸盐条件下快速生长对虾(rapidly growing,RG)、正常生长对虾(normally growing,NG)和缓慢生长对虾(slowly growing,SG)的肠道和海水样品,通过16S rRNA基因测序、线性判别分析[line discriminant analysis(LDA)effect size,LEfSe]等进行分析。【结果】发现SG的细菌群落多样性与RG和NG不同。主坐标分析(principal coordinate analysis,PCoA)分析表明,NG的群落组成与RG比SG更相似。通过LEfSe差异分析发现,RG中火色杆菌科(Flammeovirgaceae)、黄杆菌科(Flavobacteraceae)和浮酶菌科(Planctomycetaceae)的丰度较高,而SG中脱硫弧菌科(Desulfovibrionaceae)、希瓦氏菌科(Shewanellaceae)和弧菌科(Vibrionaceae)的丰度显著增加。【结论】本研究发现,在高亚硝酸盐环境下,肠道微生物群落的氮代谢能力是造成对虾不同生长速度的原因。该研究将为虾的工业化养殖提供指导。  相似文献   

昆虫病毒研究的回顾与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
胡远扬 《中国病毒学》2004,19(3):303-308
在病毒学研究一个多世纪的发展史中,以昆虫作为宿主,并在宿主种群中发生流行病的昆虫病毒研究起步较迟,落后于植物病毒、动物病毒、细菌病毒.但是近五十年来,昆虫病毒研究得到很大的发展.据国际病毒分类委员会第七次报告的统计,至今已报告的昆虫病毒有1600多种,涉及昆虫纲几乎所有的目.这些昆虫病毒分属于13个病毒科、2个病毒亚科和21个病毒属.按病毒核酸类型划分,可分为:1)双链DNA病毒,其中有杆状病毒科、痘病毒科、多分病毒科、泡囊病毒科和虹彩病毒科;2)单链DNA病毒中的细小病毒科;3)双链RNA病毒,其中有呼肠孤病毒科、二分RNA病毒科;4)单链RNA病毒,其中有微RNA病毒科、野田村病毒科和T四病毒科;5)DNA和RNA的反转录病毒,包括前病毒科和变位病毒科[2].昆虫病毒已经成为病毒研究比较活跃的领域之一,它在生命科学研究中占有显著的地位并显示出广阔的发展前景.我国的昆虫病毒研究实际上始于二十世纪50年代中期高尚荫、曹诒荪等人对家蚕核型多角体病毒(NPV)病研究[3].近五十年来,在昆虫病毒--昆虫细胞离体培养系统;昆虫病毒资源的识别鉴定;昆虫病毒分子生物学;昆虫病毒生物防治技术等研究领域得到很大的发展,取得长足进步,并在国际上产生重要影响.  相似文献   

RT-PCR法检测我国东南沿海凡纳滨对虾的桃拉综合征病毒   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桃拉综合征病毒(Taura syndrome virus,TSV)引致养殖及野生对虾急性传染病,14d至40d的幼虾极易感.该病毒属微RNA病毒科(Picornaviridae)[1],近年来研究者认为应归类为类蟋蟀麻痹病毒属(Cricket paralysis-like viruses),因其基因组特征更接近于前所未分类的昆虫单股RNA病毒,如丙型果蝇病毒[2].  相似文献   

对我国东南沿海日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)的4个地理群体广东群体(GD)、台湾群体(TW)、福建群体(FJ)和浙江群体(ZJ)的线粒体16S rRNA基因片段进行PCR扩增,对产物进行测序后分析。经比对获得470bp的核苷酸分析序列,发现了16个变异位点,得到了10种单倍型。广东、台湾、福建和浙江群体的核苷酸多样性依次分别为0.0008、0.0010、0.0051、0.0015,各群体均存在独有的单倍型和共有单倍型。群体遗传距离分析表明各群体间保持着一定的遗传差异,其中福建群体与其他群体之间存在着较远的遗传距离并保持了较高的遗传多样性。另外,利用其423bp的16S rRNA同源序列探讨了对虾科6个属共12种对虾的系统进化关系,囊对虾属与沟对虾属亲缘关系较近聚为一支,其他4个属的10种对虾聚为一支。  相似文献   

有关对虾属(Penaeus)的设置及其相互亲缘关系一直是分类学争论的焦点,利用线粒体16S rRNA基因片段及COI基因片段序列分析的方法,以长臂虾科的脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon carinicauda)为外群,对对虾属的6亚属23种对虾进行了分子系统学研究。经ClustalX多重比对和MEGA4.0软件分析,得到种间序列的遗传距离并构建了最大简约(MP)系统树。结果表明:分子系统学数据支持Perez F等将对虾属的6个亚属提升为属级阶元的观点。囊对虾属的日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)和沟对虾属(Melicertus)的深沟对虾(Melicertus canaliculatus)之间的16S遗传距离只有0.007,而且COI遗传距离仅有0.065,比深沟对虾与同为沟对虾属的其他虾类遗传距离还小,说明囊对虾亚属(Marsupenaeus)和沟对虾亚属之间亲缘关系较近。另外美对虾亚属的褐美对虾(Farfantepenaeus aztec-us)和巴西美对虾(Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis)之间的16S rRNA基因序列遗传距离仅为0.012,但是与其他同亚属的虾类遗传距离相对较大,推测美对虾亚属(Farfantepenaeus)中的虾类根据亲缘关系远近和地理分布可以分为2大类群:墨西哥湾类群和南美洲类群。可以为对虾属的6个亚属的分类问题及演化提供一定的分子生物学依据。  相似文献   

康桦华  陆承平 《病毒学报》2007,23(6):490-493
对虾白斑综合征病毒(White spot syndromevirus,WSSV)是对虾养殖的主要病原之一,它是目前发现的基因组最大的动物病毒,为环状双链DNA病毒[1,2],全基因组序列分析结果显示,对虾白斑综合征病毒和其他杆状病毒相差甚远,最新病毒分类报告已将该病毒划归新建立的线头病毒科(Nima-viridae)白斑病毒属(Whispovirus)[3,4]。目前Gen-Bank公布有3个版本的WSSV全序列[1,2],其基因组大小的测定结果相差较大。不同的WSSV毒株可能在形态结构、理化性质上无法区分,但病毒基因组限制酶切片段长度多态性(RFLP)可以将之区分开来,Marks等[6,7]通过计…  相似文献   

The culture of penaeid shrimp world-wide is primarily dependent on wild-caught broodstock which has an enormous potential to introduce new pathogens, particularly viruses, into culture systems. Of the 13 viruses described for cultured penaeid shrimp, seven have been described within the past 5 years; the most devastating viral epidemics on record for cultured penaeid shrimp have also occurred within the past 5years. During examination of local wild and cultured shrimp, four new viruses were found. Bennettae baculovirus was discovered in the digestive gland of wild Metapenaeus bennettae. It closely resembles monodon baculovirus (MBV) but has a more slender virion, does not cross-react with a DNA probe for MBV and is not infectious to Penaeus monodon. Two morphologically indistinguishable viruses, one pathogenic (gill-associated virus, GAV) and the other benign (lymphoid organ virus, LOV), were found in cultured P. monodon. LOV and GAV closely resemble yellow head virus (YHV) of Thailand. A parvo-like virus was found recently in dying post-larvae of P. japonicus. As the intensity of shrimp culture world-wide increases, researchers can expect to discover more penaeid viruses. The need to close the life cycle of P. monodon and other cultured species and develop rapid diagnostic methods for viral infections has become imperative.  相似文献   

A rapid and reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was developed for the detection of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) in penaeid shrimp. The oligonucleotide primers amplify a 1681-bp fragment of IHHNV, which encompasses the coding sequence for one of the viral coat proteins. The PCR method detects IHHNV in hemolymph and homogenized tissue obtained from the cephalothorax or pleopods of infected shrimp. The technique was also successfully applied to tissue samples preserved in 70% ethanol. The correct size fragment was amplified using IHHNV obtained from six different geographic regions in three different species of penaeid shrimp. No DNA extraction method was necessary for this technique. The use of hemolymph or pleopods provides a nondestructive screening method by which to test juveniles and adult broodstock for the presence of IHHNV. Received September 21, 1999; accepted January 21, 2000  相似文献   

As one of the major pathogens, hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) can cause severe diseases in penaeid shrimp. We developed a TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay for the HPV detection in China. A pair of primers (HPVF and HPVR) and a TaqMan probe were designed according to the HPV genomic sequence of Chinese isolate (GenBank: GU371276). Our data showed that the primers and TaqMan probe were specific for HPV, and they exhibited no cross-reaction with infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and specific pathogen free (SPF) shrimp DNA. The assay had a detection limit of four plasmid HPV DNA copies per reaction. Furthermore, HPV was detected in 16 of 21 Fenneropenaeus Chinensis, 3 of 52 Litopenaeus vannamei and 2 of 2 Marsupenaeus japonicus penaeid shrimp samples. In addition, HPV was also detected in crabs. Therefore, this assay could be successfully used as a sensitive and rapid molecular-based diagnostic method to screen HPV-free animals and survey the prevalence of HPV in cultured populations of penaeid shrimp in China.  相似文献   

Most Brazilian commercial species of penaeid shrimp are currently overexploited. Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci herein isolated and characterized in Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, Rimapenaeus constrictus and Xiphopenaeus kroyeri could be very useful for population studies on these penaeid species and proved to be potentially functional in cross-amplification with other species of shrimp. These microsatellites may be very helpful tools for research programs aimed at the sustainable management and conservation of these important fishery resources.  相似文献   

Slow growth caused by viral diseases has become a major constraint in shrimp aquaculture. Laem-Singh virus (LSNV), a positive-sense single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus, has been identified in Penaeus monodon showing slow growth syndrome. To examine the host-range and transmission modes of the virus, 6 species of penaeid shrimp of varying life stages, sourced from the wild and from farms, as well as juvenile mud crabs Scylla serrata, were screened using RT-nested PCR. LSNV was detected in P. monodon, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis, Metapenaeus dobsoni, and Litopenaeus vannamei, but not in E indicus, Marsupenaeus japonicus or S. serrata. LSNV was most prevalent in P. monodon followed by M. dobsoni, F. merguiensis, and L. vannamei, and real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) showed that LSNV infection loads were highest in P. monodon, followed by L. vannamei, M. dobsoni, and E merguiensis. The nucleotide sequence of the LSNV RdRP gene fragment amplified by RT-nested PCR was highly conserved (99% identity) across these 4 penaeid species. LSNV was detected in both small and normal-sized P. monodon collected from the same pond. In experimental infections of both P. monodon and S. serrata, LSNV infection loads increased over time. The present study extends the known natural penaeid host-range and geographical distribution of LSNV and shows for the first time the potential susceptibility of S. serrata.  相似文献   

白斑综合症病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV)是危害对虾的主要病原,给全球水产养殖业带来了巨大经济损失,但至今仍未发现有效的防治方法。研究病毒与宿主的相互作用对于深入了解病毒的致病机理和宿主的免疫机制,从而寻找合适的抗病毒措施具有非常重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。该文主要介绍了蛋白质相互作用的研究方法,以及WSSV病毒蛋白之间、病毒—宿主蛋白之间和宿主蛋白之间相互作用的研究进展,为有效地防治WSSV及相关科研提供参考。  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of commercial culture of penaeid shrimp is threatened by Vibrio diseases affecting survival and growth. These opportunistic microorganisms are considered part of the normal ecosystem of penaeid shrimp and cause diseases only under conditions that favor them over the host. Shrimp larvae show different susceptibility to these pathogenic agents. In the present work, we report on a comparative study of the susceptibility of all American white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) larval substages to four potentially pathogenic Vibrio species (V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus, and V. penaeicida). Strains of these bacterial species were used to infect nauplii, protozoea I-III, mysis I-III, and postlarvae 1 by immersion challenge at 10(3), 10(5), or 10(7) cfu mL(-1) for 30 min. V. alginolyticus infection had no significant effect on survival rate, compared to control, in all shrimp larvae and at all doses tested. Shrimp larvae infected with V. alginolyticus showed a high survival rate compared to other Vibrio species at the three dose levels. V. penaeicida produced a significant mortality effect (P < 0.01) in all shrimp substages and only in postlarvae 1 at low infection dose (10(3) cfu mL(-1)). V. harveyi and V. parahaemolyticus induced significant mortality rates (P < 0.01) only at high doses in shrimp larvae. In summary, shrimp larvae demonstrated an age susceptibility that depends on the Vibrio species and dose level.  相似文献   

Approximately 40 viruses are known from marine sponges; turbellarian and monogenetic flatworms; cephalopod, bivalve, and gastropod mollusks; nereid polychaetes; and isopod and decapod crustaceans. Most of the viruses can be tentatively assigned to the Herpesviridae, Baculoviridae, Iridoviridae, Adenoviridae, Papovaviridae, Reoviridae, Birnaviridae, Bunyaviridae, Rhabdoviridae, and Picornaviridae. Viruslike particles found in oysters might be representatives of the Togaviridae and Retroviridae. Enveloped single-stranded RNA viruses from crustaceans have developmental and morphological characteristics intermediate between families, and some show evidence of relationships to the Paramyxoviridae as well as the Bunyaviridae or Rhabdoviridae. Certain small viruses of shrimp cannot be assigned, even tentatively, to a particular family. Some viruses cause disease in wild and captive hosts, others are associated with disease states but may not be primary instigators, and many occur in apparently normal animals. The frequency of viral disease in natural populations of marine invertebrates is unknown. Several viruses that cause disease in captive animals, with or without experimental intervention, have also been found in diseased wild hosts, including herpeslike viruses of crabs and oysters, iridovirus of octopus, and reolike and bunyalike viruses of crabs. Iridolike viruses have been implicated in massive mortalities of cultured oysters. Baculoviruses, and IHHN virus, which is of uncertain affinities, cause economically damaging diseases in cultured penaeid shrimp. Double or multiple viral infection is common in crabs. For example, a reolike virus and associated rhabdolike virus act synergistically to cause paralytic and fatal disease inCallinectes sapidus. Information on host range, most susceptible stage, and viral latency is available only for viruses of shrimp. One baculovirus attacks five species of New World penaeid shrimp. IHHN virus infects three species ofPenaeus and causes catastrophic mortalities inP. stylirostris, but usually exhibits only inapparent infection inP. vannamei. Some shrimp viruses apparently are latent in larvae, causing disease only when shrimp have reached the postlarval or juvenile stages. Others are equally or more pathogenic in larvae. Studies of shrimp viruses and iridovirus-associated disease in cultured oysters point up the need for rapid and accurate diagnostic methods. Until appropriate cell cultures from marine invertebrates are devised, the viral identifications necessary for understanding of epizootiology, rapid containment of epizootics in cultured animals, and decisions regarding introductions of exotic species will be difficult or impossible.  相似文献   

Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides in Penaeid Shrimp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Penaeid shrimp aquaculture has been consistently affected worldwide by devastating diseases that cause a severe loss in production. To fight a variety of harmful microbes in the surrounding environment, particularly at high densities (of which intensive farming represents an extreme example), shrimps have evolved and use a diverse array of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as part of an important first-line response of the host defense system. Cationic AMPs in penaeid shrimps composed of penaeidins, crustins, and anti-lipopolysaccharide factors are comprised of multiple classes or isoforms and possess antibacterial and antifungal activities against different strains of bacteria and fungi. Shrimp AMPs are primarily expressed in circulating hemocytes, which is the main site of the immune response, and hemocytes expressing AMPs probably migrate to infection sites to fight against pathogen invasion. Indeed, most AMPs are produced as early as the nauplii developmental stage to protect shrimp larvae from infections. In this review, we discuss the sequence diversity, expression, gene structure, and antimicrobial activities of cationic AMPs in penaeid shrimps. The information available on antimicrobial activities indicates that these shrimp AMPs have potential therapeutic applications in the control of disease problems in aquaculture.  相似文献   

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