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对我国东南沿海日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)的4个地理群体广东群体(GD)、台湾群体(TW)、福建群体(FJ)和浙江群体(ZJ)的线粒体16S rRNA基因片段进行PCR扩增,对产物进行测序后分析。经比对获得470bp的核苷酸分析序列,发现了16个变异位点,得到了10种单倍型。广东、台湾、福建和浙江群体的核苷酸多样性依次分别为0.0008、0.0010、0.0051、0.0015,各群体均存在独有的单倍型和共有单倍型。群体遗传距离分析表明各群体间保持着一定的遗传差异,其中福建群体与其他群体之间存在着较远的遗传距离并保持了较高的遗传多样性。另外,利用其423bp的16S rRNA同源序列探讨了对虾科6个属共12种对虾的系统进化关系,囊对虾属与沟对虾属亲缘关系较近聚为一支,其他4个属的10种对虾聚为一支。  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA基因序列对织纹螺属的分子系统学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究利用线粒体16S rRNA基因序列片段,对织纹螺属6亚属11种动物进行分子系统学分析。结果显示,种内遗传距离(0~0.007)与种间遗传距离(0.019~0.088)无重叠,这表明线粒体16S rRNA基因能较好地反映织纹螺种间的亲缘关系; 而亚属内遗传距离(0.018~0.031)与亚属间遗传距离(0.028~0.083)存在重叠,表明线粒体16S rRNA基因不能对一些贝壳形态相似的亚属进行区分。同时,确定了疑难种灰白织纹螺Nassarius(Zeuxis)canaliculatum的分类地位,并与相似种西格织纹螺N.(Z.)siquijorensis进行了对比; 确认了秀丽织纹螺Nassarius(Hima)festivus应属于Hima亚属;建议保留单型亚属Varicinassa的有效性。  相似文献   

石鲈科鱼类的系统发育分析兼论髭鲷属的分类地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任岗  章群 《动物分类学报》2007,32(4):835-841
通过线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列分子标记,分析了石鲈科7属15种鱼的分子系统发育关系,并通过对部分种类16S rRNA基因片段的RNA二级结构的分析,对髭鲷属分类地位进行了探讨.结果表明:15种石鲈科鱼类分为3个类群,石鲈属Haemulon、Xenistius和Anisotremus属组成类群1,矶鲈属和胡椒鲷属组成类群2,髭鲷属组成类群3;在亲缘关系上类群1和类群2较近,它们与类群3相对较远;在遗传差异上,髭鲷属与其它6个属的遗传差异接近甚至超过其与外类群笛鲷科、鲷科和隆头鱼科种类的遗传差异.在NJ和MP系统发育树中,髭鲷属与外类群笛鲷科、鲷科和隆头鱼科种类聚集在一起,石鲈科鱼类未能构成单一分支类群;同时,横带髭鲷为代表的髭鲷属鱼类16S rRNA基因长度74bp的基因片段的RNA二级结构与其余石鲈科种类存在明显的结构差异.因此,研究结果支持将髭鲷属从石鲈科中独立出来形成髭鲷科Haplogeniidae的观点.  相似文献   

张明  张东 《昆虫知识》2013,50(1):71-85
本研究在Pape(1996)提出的麻蝇属(双翅目:麻蝇科)分类系统基础上,选取麻蝇属54个物种(分属于30个亚属),基于线粒体COI基因片段,结合雄性成蝇尾器形态特征,对所选取的30个亚属进行了DNA分类研究,初步探明了各亚属的分类地位与系统发育关系.麻蝇属30个亚属内的平均遗传距离为6.0%(1.8%~11.0%),各亚属间的平均遗传距离为10.1%(5.2% ~16.1%),亚属内与亚属间遗传距离差异较为明显,说明COI基因片段对麻蝇属各亚属级阶元能进行有效区分.  相似文献   

【目的】小毛瓢虫属Scymnus Kugelann昆虫主要捕食蚜虫、蚧虫等害虫,是一类经济上重要的天敌昆虫。目前针对小毛瓢虫属的系统发育研究尚属空白,亚属之间的系统演化关系尚不明确,为了建立合理的分类系统,亟需对小毛瓢虫属的亲缘关系进行研究和探讨。【方法】以华南农业大学馆藏的小毛瓢虫属5亚属共44种为研究对象,采用PCR技术对12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因的部分序列进行扩增;运用MEGA 7.0分析了小毛瓢虫属内12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因的碱基组成,基于K2P模型计算了小毛瓢虫属44种的种间遗传距离;采用最大似然法(maximum-likelihood, ML)和贝叶斯推断法(Bayesian-inference, BI)构建该属的系统发育树。【结果】扩增获得小毛瓢虫属44种的12S rRNA基因序列平均长度为356 bp, 16S rRNA基因序列平均长度为351 bp, 28S rRNA基因序列平均长度为315 bp;序列分析表明,12S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为38.8%, 43.5%, 11.9%和5.8%, 16S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为37.6%, 40.3%, 14.4%和7.7%, 28S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为26.7%, 18.3%, 31.4%和23.5%;基于联合序列分析的种间遗传距离为0.004~0.276,平均遗传距离为0.115。系统发育分析结果表明,小毛瓢虫属为单系起源,而小毛瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Scymnus) Kugelann、毛瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Neopullus) Sasaji、小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Pullus) Mulsant和拟小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Parapullus) Yang均为并系起源。【结论】基于12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因序列的小毛瓢虫属系统发育分析显示传统的形态学分类体系与基于分子数据分析的结果部分不一致,这表明应该对该属内各亚属的鉴别特征进行全面检视,筛选并确立各亚属的形态指标,同时也表明该属内的亚属分类单元需重新厘定。  相似文献   

枸杞属(茄科)新类群杂交起源初探   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为探讨枸杞属新类群的起源及国产枸杞属植物的亲缘关系,该文使用核基因颗粒性结合淀粉合成酶基因(GBSSI)片段,对国产7个类群的枸杞属植物进行了分子系统学研究.结果表明:中国分布的枸杞属植物属于旧世界类群并分为4个强烈支持的分支,而新类群的形成与杂交密切相关.此外,初步分析还显示宁夏枸杞有较高的遗传分化.  相似文献   

基于线粒体和核基因序列的蜜蜂属系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cao LF  Niu DF  He SY  Kuang HO  Hu FL 《遗传》2012,34(8):1057-1063
文章测定了中国分布的蜜蜂属(Apis)5种蜜蜂22个样本的线粒体基因ND2、CO2、16S rRNA以及核基因ITPR的序列,对序列的碱基组成和蜜蜂种间的遗传距离进行了分析。结合下载的蜜蜂属其他4个种的相关序列,采用最大简约法、邻接法和最大似然法重建了蜜蜂属系统发育关系。系统发育分析结果支持蜜蜂属划分为3个类群,即小蜜蜂类群(包括小蜜蜂和黑小蜜蜂)、大蜜蜂类群(包括大蜜蜂和黑大蜜蜂)和穴居蜜蜂类群(西方蜜蜂、东方蜜蜂、沙巴蜂、苏拉威西蜂、绿努蜂),且小蜜蜂类群较早分化。结果还显示,我国海南岛的大蜜蜂和大陆的大蜜蜂之间可能存在较大的遗传分歧。  相似文献   

通过基因克隆和序列测定,获得了地木耳、发菜和葛仙米的16S rRNA序列。以集胞藻为外类群,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP),对14株念珠藻的16S rRNA基因序列进行系统发育分析,两种方法得到的系统发育树基本一致。结果显示:(1)三者间的遗传距离(0.0129~0.0261,平均值0.0203)均大于普通念珠藻的种内遗传距离(0.0007~0.0118,平均值0.0074),超过了种内差异程度,在系统树中这3种念珠藻分别聚簇在不同的分支上;(2)地木耳、发菜和葛仙米与裂褶念珠藻等其它7种念珠藻间的遗传距离(0.0423~0.0996,平均值0.0561)大于三者间的遗传距离,在系统树中聚类较近,而与其它念珠藻聚类较远。据此,可将地木耳、发菜和葛仙米归为念珠藻属3个不同的种,并且它们的亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

为提高物种鉴定的准确性, 本研究采用DNA条形码技术对大亚湾生态监控区冬季采集的贝类样品进行了种类鉴定。结果表明, 26个形态种中, 有15个可以通过线粒体COI和16S rRNA基因的系统发育分析鉴定到种的水平。部分形态上难以鉴定的种类, 如线缝摺塔螺(Ptychobela suturalis)和区系螺(Funa sp.)可以通过条形码实现有效鉴定。锯齿巴非蛤(Paphia gallus)、西格织纹螺(Nassarius siquijorensis)、爪哇拟塔螺(Turricula javana)等种类存在相当大的种内遗传距离, 有存在隐存种的可能性。尽管基于线粒体COI和16S rRNA基因的种内遗传距离和属内种间的遗传距离发生重合, 无明显的条形码间隙, 但通过系统树的方法仍能有效鉴定物种。可见, DNA条形码技术能有效提高海洋贝类物种鉴定的准确性并发现隐存种。  相似文献   

本文将12S rRNA基因序列分析应用于研究若干重要蜘蛛类群的系统关系,以对传统的分类研究结论进行验证和补充,并且探讨12S rRNA基因序列分析在蜘蛛系统发生研究中的适用性。根据12S rRNA基因第3结构域构建的分子系统树得出结论:1.圆网类(即妖面蛛总科与园蛛总科)并非单系;2.隙蛛与暗蛛较漏斗蛛具有更近的亲缘关系;3.壁钱和拟壁钱并不近缘;4.有筛器类蜘蛛为复系类群;5.12S rRNA基因第3结构域片段对推断近缘科属间的系统发生关系是有效的遗传标记。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Penaeus s.l. genus of marine shrimp. This phylogeny was used to test the validity of hypotheses on the species groupings, in particular the subgenus/genus subdivision, and on the species' evolutionary history. Newly derived sequences of both 16S rRNA and COI genes from 19 species of Penaeus s.l. and one outgroup were combined with previous sequences from seven additional species to allow analysis of 26 of the 28 recognised (or nominated) species. Phylogenetic analyses do not support the validity of all the previously created six subgenera (or genera) but provide evidence for division of the genus into two previously unrecognised clades (Melicertus+Marsupenaeus and Penaeus s.s.+Fenneropenaeus+Farfantepenaeus+Litopenaeus). A key conclusion from a previous molecular study, that the subgenera Farfantepenaeus and Litopenaeus are paraphyletic, was rejected. The molecular data support an Indo-West Pacific origin of the genus, with a single relatively recent colonisation of the Western Hemisphere, and subsequent subdivision into two clades prior to the emergence of the Panamanian isthmus.  相似文献   

Partial sequences for the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene were obtained from 10 penaeid shrimp species: Farfantepenaeus paulensis, F. brasiliensis, F. subtilis, F. duorarum, F. aztecus, Litopenaeus schmitti, L. setiferus, and Xiphopenaeus kroyeri from the western Atlantic and L. vannamei and L. stylirostris from the eastern Pacific. Sequences were also obtained from an undescribed morphotype of pink shrimp (morphotype II) usually identified as F. subtilis. The phylogeny resulting from the 16S partial sequences showed that these species form two well-supported monophyletic clades consistent with the two genera proposed in a recent systematic review of the suborder Dendrobranchiata. This contrasted with conclusions drawn from recent molecular phylogenetic work on penaeid shrimps based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial COI region that failed to support recent revisions of the Dendrobranchiata based on morphological analysis. Consistent differences observed in the sequences for morphotype II, coupled with previous allozyme data, support the conclusion that this is a previously undescribed species of Farfantepenaeus.  相似文献   

【目的】离腹寡毛实蝇属Bactrocera昆虫是最具经济重要性的实蝇类害虫,本研究依据mtDNA COI基因碱基序列对离腹寡毛实蝇属常见实蝇种类进行识别鉴定与系统发育分析。【方法】以口岸经常截获的离腹寡毛实蝇属8个亚属21种实蝇为对象,采用DNA条形码技术,通过对mtDNA COI基因片段 (约650 bp)的测序和比对,以MEGA软件的K2-P双参数模型计算种内及种间遗传距离,以邻接法(NJ) 构建系统发育树。【结果】聚类分析与形态学鉴定结果一致,除11种单一序列实蝇外,其他10种实蝇均各自形成一个单系,节点支持率为99%以上。种内(10种)遗传距离为0.0003~0.0068,平均为0.0043;种间(21种)遗传距离为0.0154~0.2395,平均为0.1540;种间遗传距离为种内遗传距离的35.8倍,而且种内、种间遗传距离没有重叠区域。【结论】基于mtDNA COI基因的DNA条形码技术可以用于离腹寡毛实蝇属昆虫的快速鉴定识别,该技术体系的建立对实蝇类害虫的检测监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

新疆裂腹鱼类的系统发生关系及物种分化时间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章采用线粒体COI、ND4、16S rRNA基因联合数据分析了新疆分布的裂腹鱼类4属10个种或亚种的分子系统发育,并通过鲤亚科的分化时间、黄河上游和青海湖隔离的地质时间来校正分子钟,进而探讨了裂腹鱼类分化时间与塔里木盆地周边地区主要地质事件和气候变化的关系。结果发现,扁吻鱼属未能形成独立的分支,与塔里木裂腹鱼、厚唇裂腹鱼聚在一起。进一步基于COI基因序列,利用Kimura双参数模型计算遗传距离,发现扁吻鱼属和裂腹鱼属间的遗传距离未达到属间区别,扁吻鱼可能是裂腹鱼属内特化的物种;聚类分析结果不同于裂腹鱼属的形态学分类方法,不支持裂腹鱼属鱼类的亚属划分;原始等级裂腹鱼类(包括裂腹鱼属和扁吻鱼属)两个族群的分化时间(8.18 Ma)与新疆裸重唇鱼和斑重唇鱼的分化时间(7.67 Ma)均发生于晚中新世,这可能与8Ma左右青藏高原北缘和北天山抬升、塔里木盆地气候干旱化等重大地质事件和气候转型导致青藏高原北缘(昆仑山)和北天山水系间出现分离相关。而塔里木盆地裂腹鱼属鱼类现今的分布格局可能与第四纪喜马拉雅运动使盆地形成西高东低的地势、罗布泊成为塔里木盆地周边高山发源河流的汇水中心相关。  相似文献   

Ma, K. Y., Chan, T. ‐Y & Chu, K. H. (2011). Refuting the six‐genus classification of Penaeus s.l. (Dendrobranchiata, Penaeidae): a combined analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear genes. —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 498–508. The taxonomic revision in 1997 of the shrimps formerly classified in Penaeus s.l. has been one of the most controversial issues on systematics of the decapods in recent years. Since Pérez Farfante & Kensley (Penaeoid and Sergestoid Shrimps and Prawns of the World, 1997) split this long‐accepted taxon into six genera, much debate has been devoted to their proposed new classification scheme; this has taken place because there are serious doubts whether the said scheme could reflect the evolutionary relationships among the 29 Penaeus s.l. species. Although these shrimps can be easily separated into several groups morphologically, whether these subdivisions are truly monophyletic and warrant a generic rank continues to be hotly debated among taxonomists. This study examined a total of 2425 bp sequences from three nuclear protein genes (enolase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and sodium–potassium ATPase α‐subunit), and the mitochondrial 16S and 12S rRNA gene of 18 Penaeus s.l. shrimps and 13 other species in the family Penaeidae. Our phylogenetic analyses strongly support the monophyly of Penaeus s.l. and, concurring with previous studies that used the mitochondrial genes alone, the paraphyly of both Penaeus s.s. (sensu Pérez Farfante & Kensley, Penaeoid and Sergestoid Shrimps and Prawns of the World, 1997) and Melicertus, rendering them non‐natural groupings. Our study reveals two lineages: Penaeus s.s. + Fenneropenaeus + Litopenaeus + Farfantepenaeus and Melicertus + Marsupenaeus, which exhibit genetic divergences comparable with those among other penaeid genera. However, all the morphological characters, which are emphasized by Pérez Farfante and Kensley and used to separate Penaeus s.l., do not correlate with the grouping revealed by the present, perhaps decisive, phylogenetic result. Such disparity may arise from selection on the morphology of genitalia and convergent evolution. Our molecular data clearly refute the six‐genus classification, and we advocate the restoration of the old Penaeus genus (=Penaeus s.l.) definition which is the only classification scheme with both the morphological and the molecular data being in agreement.  相似文献   

We describe the sperm ultrastructure of six penaeid species, including at least one member of each tribe (Penaeini, Parapenaeini and Trachypenaeini). Fragments of the vas deferens of the Penaeidae Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, Farfantepenaeus paulensis, Litopenaeus schmitti, Parapenaeus americanus, Rimapenaeus constrictus and Xiphopenaeus kroyeri were fixed and processed according to the routine for transmission electron microscopy. The morphological results were contextualized in an evolutionary perspective using molecular markers for the phylogenetic reconstruction of this group. A phylogram was proposed by Bayesian inference based on 1007 bp of 33 sequences of the combined genes (16S rDNA and COI mtDNA) from 27 dendrobranchiate specimens. Our findings show that morphological differences in the sperm ultrastructures of members among the tribes of Penaeidae can be used as a baseline to understand their evolutionary relationships. Individuals from the Penaeini tribe show plesiomorphic characteristics in the sperm ultrastructure compared to the Trachypenaeini tribe from which they were derived, such as shrimp from family Sicyoniidae. The morphological complexity of the sperm of the different penaeid members corroborated with the genetic phylogeny, which showed different clades for each tribe and the close relationship with Sicyoniidae. The sperm features of the selected species studied here reflected their evolutionary history. These features confirm the previous phylogenetic hypothesis and question the monophyly of Penaeidae, which should be verified in the future with a more complete set of representative members of each tribe.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) is regarded as a standard method for species identification. Recent reports have also shown extended applications of COI gene analysis in phylogeny and molecular diversity studies. The bee-eaters are a group of near passerine birds in the family Meropidae. There are 26 species worldwide; five of them are found in Saudi Arabia. Until now, GenBank included a COI barcode for only one species of bee-eater, the European bee-eater (Merops apiaster). We sequenced the 694-bp segment of the COI gene of the green bee-eater M. orientalis and compared the sequences with those of M. apiaster. Pairwise sequence comparison showed 66 variable sites across all the eight sequences from both species, with an interspecific genetic distance of 0.0362. Two and one within-species variable sites were found, with genetic distances of 0.0005 and 0.0003 for M. apiaster and M. orientalis, respectively. This is the first study reporting barcodes for M. orientalis.  相似文献   

大蚊属Tipula Linnaeus,1758是大蚊科中种类最多的属,目前其单系性尚未得到全面验证.此外,长角大蚊亚属Tipula (Sivatipula) Alexander,1964因其极长的触角以及独有的精子泵结构,明显不同于大蚊属其他亚属,使其亚属的分类地位存在争议.本研究基于COI序列对19个大蚊属物种及5个其他属物种进行了系统发育分析,并计算了物种间的遗传距离.研究结果表明:(1)邻接树(NJ)和最大似然树(ML)均显示长角大蚊亚属与大蚊属其他亚属未形成单系,大蚊属的单系性没有得到支持;(2)基于遗传距离和系统发育分析并结合形态信息,结果显示长角大蚊亚属独立于大蚊属内其他亚属,应将其提升为属级分类单元.  相似文献   

为弥补传统形态分类方法的不足,探究应用DNA条形码技术进行分子生物学鉴定的可行性,本研究用DNA条形码技术检测了青海省海东地区3目6科14属18种110只小型兽类的COI基因部分序列。分析所测COI基因序列可知:种内遗传距离≤3%,种间遗传距离5-10%,属间遗传距离12-19%,种间遗传距离显著大于种内遗传距离。NJ树显示同种个体聚为有很高支持度的单一分支。有6个个体(4只黄胸鼠、2只小家鼠)在现场鉴定中被误定为其他种类。研究结果表明使用条形码技术能纠正形态学鉴定中的错误,也说明动物线粒体COI基因是一个有效的DNA条形码标准基因。  相似文献   

Virus taxonomy has received little attention from the research community despite its broad relevance. In an accompanying paper (C. Lauber and A. E. Gorbalenya, J. Virol. 86:3890-3904, 2012), we have introduced a quantitative approach to hierarchically classify viruses of a family using pairwise evolutionary distances (PEDs) as a measure of genetic divergence. When applied to the six most conserved proteins of the Picornaviridae, it clustered 1,234 genome sequences in groups at three hierarchical levels (to which we refer as the "GENETIC classification"). In this study, we compare the GENETIC classification with the expert-based picornavirus taxonomy and outline differences in the underlying frameworks regarding the relation of virus groups and genetic diversity that represent, respectively, the structure and content of a classification. To facilitate the analysis, we introduce two novel diagrams. The first connects the genetic diversity of taxa to both the PED distribution and the phylogeny of picornaviruses. The second depicts a classification and the accommodated genetic diversity in a standardized manner. Generally, we found striking agreement between the two classifications on species and genus taxa. A few disagreements concern the species Human rhinovirus A and Human rhinovirus C and the genus Aphthovirus, which were split in the GENETIC classification. Furthermore, we propose a new supergenus level and universal, level-specific PED thresholds, not reached yet by many taxa. Since the species threshold is approached mostly by taxa with large sampling sizes and those infecting multiple hosts, it may represent an upper limit on divergence, beyond which homologous recombination in the six most conserved genes between two picornaviruses might not give viable progeny.  相似文献   

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