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将苜蓿银纹夜蛾多核衣壳核型多角体病毒(Autograph Californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus,AcMNPV)的野生型株HR3和温度敏感突变株ts317、ts538、ts8感染草地贪夜蛾(Spodoptera frugiperda)Sf21细胞,并在允许温度(25℃)或非允许温度(33℃)下培养,分别采用过氧化物酶标记的抗P47蛋白、抗P143蛋白、抗多体蛋白和抗病毒结构蛋白的单克隆抗体检测病毒增殖过程各蛋白出现的时间.结果表明1) P47蛋白是一种晚期(12hpi)表达蛋白,各突变株在允许温度(25℃)能够表达,但在非允许温度(33℃)不能表达.2)P143蛋白是一种早期(8hpi)表达蛋白,在允许温度和非允许温度时都能表达,ts8的表达量较少.3)在非允许温度条件下,蛋白质的合成速度高于允许温度.4)野生型和突变株ts317的病毒结构蛋白(P80、GP64、VP39、P24和PTP)在允许温度增殖下都能检测到,ts538和ts8表达量相对少些.5)除了GP64和P24外,ts538和ts8感染的细胞在非允许温度下不能表达病毒的结构蛋白.6)野生型毒株HR3在允许温度和非允许温度下的蛋白表达无明显差异.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒低温适应重组疫苗株基因组中ts缺损的定位〔英」/MeaveQ。、。E…IAeta Virol一1984,28(3)一204~21〔译自DBA,1984,3(1了),84一08111〕852424一卯一,本文研究了亲代流感病毒基因组中以及低温适应株A/Leningrad/134/17/57或A/Leningrad/134/47/57与甲型流感病毒流行株H]Nl和H3NZ的重组病毒基因组中的温度敏感(ts)表型及ts突变的定位。流行株HINI和H3NZ具有ts表型,并在i或2个基因中含有ts突变。在40℃克隆纯化3次后,ts表型丢失。具有不同ts表型的2个低温适应株,在编码非糖蛋白的3个基因(A/Lenin-grad/134八7/57于25oC…  相似文献   

将苜蓿银纹夜蛾多核衣壳核型多角体病毒(Autograph Clifornica nuclear polyhedrosis nvius,AcMNPV)的野生型株HR3和温度敏感突变株ts317,ts538,ts8感染草地贪夜蛾(Spodoptera frugiperda)Sf21细胞,并在允许温度(25℃)或非允许温度(33℃)下培养,分别采用过氧化物酶标记的抗P47蛋白,抗P143蛋白,抗多体蛋白和抗病毒结构蛋白的单克隆抗体检测病毒增殖过程各蛋白出现的时间。结果表明:1)P47蛋白是一种晚期(12hpi)表达蛋白,各突变株在允许温度(25℃)能够表达,但在非允许温度(33℃)不能表达。2)P143蛋白是一种早期(8hpi)表达蛋白,在允许温度和非允许温度时都能表达,ts8的表达量较少。3)在非允放温度条件下,蛋白质的合成速度高于允许温度。4)野生才突变株ts317的病毒结构蛋白(P80,GP64,VP39,P24和PTP)允许温度增殖下都能检测到,ts538和ts8表达量相对少些。5)除了GP64和除P24外,ts583和ts8感染的细胞非允许温度下不能表达病毒的结构蛋白。6)野生型毒株HR3在允许温度和允许温度下的蛋白表达无明显差异。  相似文献   

采用重组试验和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)技术,把晚期甲3型流感病毒自然ts突变株齐防79-39的ts损害定位在膜蛋白(M)基因上。但互补试验表明,齐防79-39与M基因损害的WSN标准株ts51可以发生互补,这是基因内互补的一个证据。PAGE技术证实,新甲1型流感病毒自然ts株津防77-78的M基因上确有损害。互补试验证明齐防79-39属于一个互补组,而津防77-78与ts51同属于另一个互补组。 本文结果还表明,晚期甲3型齐防79-39的ts损害基因可能是由甲3型野毒株自发突变所产生,而并非通过在自然界与新甲1型重组而获得。  相似文献   

目的探讨轮状病毒D36株在MDCK细胞和Vero细胞上培养的适应性,确定其培养的最佳细胞基质及培养条件。方法将D36株以MOI 1.0按不同培养瓶分组接种MDCK细胞和Vero细胞,补充含有不同浓度胰酶的维持液,于不同时间观察两种细胞病变的情况,同时抽样检测病毒滴度,分析两种细胞对D36株的敏感性。结果D36株病毒感染MDCK细胞后第6天病毒滴度达到最高,为(5.00~5.50)lgCCID50/mL;而D36株病毒感染Vero细胞后病毒滴度于第8天达高峰,为(4.50~4.75)lgCCID50/mL。另外,在两种细胞维持液中加入约0.8μg/mL的胰酶均可提高病毒滴度。结论两种细胞系在同等条件下感染D36株病毒后,MDCK细胞比Vero细胞出现病变的时间早,每一批MDCK细胞培养物病毒滴度高于同批次试验的Vero细胞培养物。  相似文献   

刘鹤  宋丽萍  黄文林 《微生物学报》2010,50(10):1399-1405
摘要:【目的】研究发现microRNAs(miRNAs)可以参与调控病毒在宿主细胞内感染和复制的过程。作者研究了两条miRNAs对H1N1型流感病毒在宿主细胞内复制的影响。【方法】构建miR26a和miR939的高效表达载体,并将这两种表达载体转入MDCK细胞中,24 h后用H1N1型流感病毒感染转染后的MDCK (Madin dardy canine kidney) 细胞,接种72 h后,检测流感病毒的复制情况,研究miR26a和miR939对H1N1型流感病毒在MDCK细胞内复制的影响。【结果】实验结果表明,miRNAs的表达载体可以在细胞内高效表达miRNAs,不同的miRNAs对流感病毒在MDCK细胞中复制的调控作用不同, miR26a可以有效抑制流感病毒在MDCK细胞中的复制,而miR939则促进流感病毒在MDCK细胞中的复制的作用。【结论】细胞内miRNAs可以调控H1N1型流感病毒在宿主细胞中的复制过程,本文首次报导miR26a和miR939在流感病毒复制过程中的调控作用。  相似文献   

目的建立检测犬肾细胞(madin-darby canine kidney, MDCK)宿主细胞蛋白(host cell protein, HCP)含量的双抗体夹心ELISA。方法从MDCK细胞中提取细胞总蛋白,免疫新西兰兔制备兔抗MDCK细胞蛋白多克隆抗体,抗体经辛酸-硫酸铵沉淀和Protein A层析纯化后,采用SDS-PAGE分析抗体纯度,Western blot检测抗体特异性。用纯化的多克隆抗体作为包被抗体,并采用改良过碘酸钠标记法制备酶标抗体,建立ELISA并确定包被抗体浓度和辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记抗体稀释度等最适条件。确定该方法较佳的线性范围及检测限,并对该法特异性、准确度、精密性和重复性进行验证。最后,用该方法分别对接种流感病毒的MDCK细胞上清收获液和纯化样品进行MDCK细胞蛋白含量检测,初步验证其在纯化工艺开发中的适用性。结果通过免疫新西兰兔制备了高滴度的兔抗MDCK细胞蛋白多克隆抗体血清,滴度可达1∶8 000。纯化后的兔抗MDCK细胞蛋白多克隆抗体纯度>90%,并可与MDCK细胞蛋白特异性结合。建立的双抗体夹心ELISA的理想包被抗体质量浓度为10μg/mL,酶标抗体的工作浓度为1∶500稀释。该方法的线性范围为50~2 500 ng/mL,检测限为50 ng/mL;该方法对Vero细胞、293T细胞和Mrc-5细胞等其他细胞HCP无交叉反应,特异性良好;不同浓度的MDCK细胞HCP回收率在98.5%~111.9%之间,变异系数均<10%。接种流感病毒的MDCK细胞培养上清经多步纯化后MDCK细胞蛋白质量浓度逐渐降低至<900 ng/mL,纯化工艺可有效去除MDCK细胞蛋白残留。结论建立双抗体夹心ELISA检测MDCK细胞残余HCP含量的方法,可用于基于MDCK细胞培养的流感疫苗下游工艺开发中宿主细胞残留HCP含量监测。  相似文献   

从甲3/夏防72-II野毒株中经终末传代选出了自然突变的ts株——夏原ts,其切断洞度为≤38℃。在地鼠肺中繁殖能力显著降低,但在小鼠中仍能保护野毒的攻击,其遗传性较为稳定。用夏原ts与灭活的甲2/福流58-8野毒重组,成功地选出了福Ri、福R2与福R3三株重组ts病毒,其切断温度与遗传稳定性与夏原ts相似。福Rl的血凝素和神经氨酸酶均与福流58.8相同,福R2与福R 3血凝素与福流58.8相同,但神经氨酸酶则与夏原ts相同。用福R 3活毒作为母株与不同年代流行的甲,型变种的灭活病毒重组选育ts疫苗株。在选出的6株{燕苗株中{株反应性及免疫原性均较好,2株免疫原性较差,特别是与甲,型最近一个变种粤防77—38重组选出的疫苗株的免瘦原性很差。对我们的重组选育方法的特点,如应用自然ts母株,活毒一死毒重组和在鸡胚中选育进行了讨论,并提出了存在的问题和改进的方向。  相似文献   

携带质拉pBR322的大肠杆菌8021经亚硝基胍诱变后,获得一批温度敏感突变株。携带这些质粒的宿主细胞在含药(氨基苄青霉素、四环素)培养基中,于30℃能正常生长,而于42℃则不能正常繁殖;接种于无药培养基中,即使42℃亦能正常生长。这些突变株中,有四株在37℃亦能表现温度敏感性。对其中一株进行了高温(42℃)敏感细胞分离的观察,在42℃时,耐药细胞数目基本稳定,而敏感细胞数目明显增加。 通过这些突变株对药物抗性的温度敏感性观察、突变质粒DNA的转化及高温分离现象,证明宿主对药物抗性的温度敏感性是由于质粒复制部分发生突变所致。 从它们的电泳及Eco RI酶解图谱来看,在突变质粒的分子量及切点数目上未看到与出发株的差异。  相似文献   

流感病毒感染诱导MDCK细胞凋亡的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用荧光染色、DNA凝胶电泳等方法检测了A型流感病毒株A1/京防86-1和B型流感病毒株B/沪防93-1诱导狗肾体代细胞(MDCKcells)的凋亡情况,并采用MTT法和流式细胞仪比较了这2株病毒对MMCK细胞的毒力和凋亡诱导能力水平。结果显示:病毒感染6h后,细胞DNA发生断裂,病毒感染12h后,可见明显的染色质凝聚;在一定范围内,细胞凋亡强度表现出明显的时间和剂量依赖关系;并且,A型流感病毒株的毒力和调亡诱导能力均强于B型流感病毒株。实验结果表明:流感病毒感染引起的细胞死亡主要是通过调亡实现的,毒力不同的流感病毒株诱导细胞调亡的能力不同。  相似文献   

S Q Li  M Orlich    R Rott 《Journal of virology》1990,64(7):3297-3303
Influenza virus A/seal/Mass/1/80 (H7N7) was adapted to grow in MDCK cells and chicken embryo cells (CEC) in the absence of exogenous protease. The biological properties of the virus variants obtained coincided with intracellular activation of the hemagglutinin (HA) by posttranslational proteolytic cleavage and depended on the cell type used for adaptation. MDCK cell-adapted variants contained point mutations in regions of the HA more distant from the cleavage site. It is proposed that these mutations are probably responsible, through an unknown mechanism, for enhanced cleavability of HA in MDCK cells. Such virus variants were apathogenic in chickens. CEC-adapted variants, on the other hand, contained an insertion of basic amino acids at the HA cleavage site, in addition to scattered point mutations. The insertions converted the cleavage sites in the variant virus HAs so that they came to resemble the cleavage site found in highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. CEC variants with such cleavage site modifications were highly pathogenic for chickens. The lethal outcome of the infection in chickens demonstrated for the first time that an influenza virus derived from a mammalian species can be modified during adaptation to a new cell type to such an extent that the resulting virus variant becomes pathogenic for an avian species.  相似文献   

Reassortant strains for modern live influenza vaccines are prepared using growing chicken embryos. It is very important to switch manufacture of influenza vaccines from chicken embryos to cell cultures, especially due to the threat of future pandemic, when there will be need of big quantities of vaccine for immunization of all age groups. Efficacy of production of reassortant strains with 6:2 vaccine formulation of genome (6 internal genes from the donor of attenuation and 2 genes coding external antigens--hemagglutinin and neuraminidase--from epidemic strain) in MDCK cell culture, using standard techniques employed for production of the vaccine in chicken embryos, was studied. It was shown that yield frequency of aforementioned reassortants of influenza A viruses did not exceed 5.7% whereas in chicken embryos vaccine 6:2 reassortants were isolated with frequency of 4%. For influenza B viruses, yield of 6:2 reassortants in growing chicken embryos exceeded 67% whereas in MDCK cell culture we were unable to produce clones with required genome composition. Thus, existing method while effective for production of vaccine reassortants in chicken embryos is low effective for isolation of 6:2 reassortants in MDCK cell culture. Fundamentally new techniques are needed for production of reassortant strains for live influenza vaccine in cell culture.  相似文献   

MDCK细胞对各种流感病毒具有高度敏感性,广泛应用于流感病毒的分离和疫苗制备.通过探索培养基中促进细胞贴壁的关键组分,并筛选水解物,开发了适合MDCK细胞生长的低血清培养基.发现钙、镁离子是细胞贴壁不可缺少的物质,麦麸水解物可以部分代替培养基中的血清.利用该低血清培养基,经过消化转移将MDCK细胞从5L反应器放大至25 L反应器,微载体上细胞贴附均匀、生长旺盛,25 L反应器中培养48 h细胞密度可达30.5×105 cells/ml.研究结果为工业规模反应器微载体悬浮培养MDCK细胞生产流感病毒奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Although clinical trials with human subjects are essential for determination of safety, infectivity, and immunogenicity, it is desirable to know in advance the infectiousness of potential candidate live attenuated influenza vaccine strains for human use. We compared the replication kinetics of wild-type and live attenuated influenza viruses, including H1N1, H3N2, H9N2, and B strains, in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, primary epithelial cells derived from human adenoids, and human bronchial epithelium (NHBE cells). Our data showed that despite the fact that all tissue culture models lack a functional adaptive immune system, differentiated cultures of human epithelium exhibited the greatest restriction for all H1N1, H3N2, and B vaccine viruses studied among three cell types tested and the best correlation with their levels of attenuation seen in clinical trials with humans. In contrast, the data obtained with MDCK cells were the least predictive of restricted viral replication of live attenuated vaccine viruses in humans. We were able to detect a statistically significant difference between the replication abilities of the U.S. (A/Ann Arbor/6/60) and Russian (A/Leningrad/134/17/57) cold-adapted vaccine donor strains in NHBE cultures. Since live attenuated pandemic influenza vaccines may potentially express a hemagglutinin and neuraminidase from a non-human influenza virus, we assessed which of the three cell cultures could be used to optimally evaluate the infectivity and cellular tropism of viruses derived from different hosts. Among the three cell types tested, NHBE cultures most adequately reflected the infectivity and cellular tropism of influenza virus strains with different receptor specificities. NHBE cultures could be considered for use as a screening step for evaluating the restricted replication of influenza vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of eight strains of influenza A and B viruses to interferon and to poly(I) . poly(C) were determined by the plaque reduction method. All strains tested were slightly less susceptible than vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) in an established line of canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The 50% plaque depression doses (PD50) of poly(I) . poly(C) for influenza A and B viruses were as high as 3.0- to 4.5-fold and 6- to 18-fold that for VSV, respectively. The amounts of interferon required to inhibit plaque formation of influenza A and B viruses by 50% were 3.0-6.2 and 7.3-15.2 units/ml, respectively. The ratio of PD50 of poly(I) . poly(C) for each strain of influenza viruses tested to that for VSV in chick embryo cells was almost the same as in MDCK cells. Furthermore, in chick embryo cells, the strains of influenza virus tested were demonstrated to be much more susceptible to poly(I) . poly(C) than both Newcastle disease virus and vaccinia virus. It is suggested that influenza viruses may be relatively susceptible to interferon and to poly(I) . poly(C).  相似文献   

Over the last decade, adherent MDCK (Madin Darby canine kidney) and Vero cells have attracted considerable attention for production of cell culture-derived influenza vaccines. While numerous publications deal with the design and the optimization of corresponding upstream processes, one-to-one comparisons of these cell lines under comparable cultivation conditions have largely been neglected. Therefore, a direct comparison of influenza virus production with adherent MDCK and Vero cells in T-flasks, roller bottles, and lab-scale bioreactors was performed in this study. First, virus seeds had to be adapted to Vero cells by multiple passages. Glycan analysis of the hemagglutinin (HA) protein showed that for influenza A/PR/8/34 H1N1, three passages were sufficient to achieve a stable new N-glycan fingerprint, higher yields, and a faster increase to maximum HA titers. Compared to MDCK cells, virus production in serum-free medium with Vero cells was highly sensitive to trypsin concentration. Virus stability at 37 °C for different virus strains showed differences depending on medium, virus strain, and cell line. After careful adjustment of corresponding parameters, comparable productivity was obtained with both host cell lines in small-scale cultivation systems. However, using these cultivation conditions in lab-scale bioreactors (stirred tank, wave bioreactor) resulted in lower productivities for Vero cells.  相似文献   

Role of neuraminidase in the morphogenesis of influenza B virus.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
When ts7, a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of influenza B/Kanagawa/73 virus, infected MDCK cells at the nonpermissive temperature (37.5 degrees C), infectious virus was produced at very low levels compared with the yield at the permissive temperature (32 degrees C) and hemagglutinating activity and enzymatic activity of neuraminidase (NA) were negligible. However, viral protein synthesis and transport of hemadsorption-active hemagglutinin to the cell surface were not affected. When the cell lysate was treated with bacterial NA, hemagglutinating activity was recovered but infectivity was not, even after further treatment with trypsin. It was found that ts7 was defective in transport of NA to the cell surface and formation of virus particles. Analysis of the genomes of non-ts recombinants obtained by crossing ts7 and UV-inactivated B/Lee showed that ts7 had the ts mutation only in RNA segment 6 coding for NA and the glycoprotein NB. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the RNA segment revealed that ts7 had four amino acid changes in the NA molecule but not in NB. We suggest that assembly or budding of influenza B virus requires the presence of NA at the plasma membrane, unlike influenza A virus.  相似文献   

N T Parkin  P Chiu    K Coelingh 《Journal of virology》1997,71(4):2772-2778
We have generated new influenza A virus live attenuated vaccine candidates by site-directed mutagenesis and reverse genetics. By mutating specific amino acids in the PB2 polymerase subunit, two temperature-sensitive (ts) attenuated viruses were obtained. Both candidates have 38 degrees C shutoff temperatures in MDCK cells, are attenuated in the respiratory tracts of mice and ferrets, and have very low reactogenicity in ferrets. Infection of mice or ferrets with either mutant conferred significant protection from challenge with the homologous wild-type virus. Three tests for genetic stability were used to assess the propensity for reversion to virulence: 14 days of replication in nude mice, growth at 37 degrees C in tissue culture, and serial passage in ferrets. One candidate, which contains mutations intended to reduce the ability of PB2 to bind to cap structures, was stable in all three assays, whereas the second candidate, which contains mutations found only in other ts strains of influenza virus, lost its ts phenotype in the last two assays. This approach has therefore enabled the creation of live attenuated influenza A virus vaccine candidates suitable for human testing.  相似文献   

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