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浙江西部白颈长尾雉栖息地片断化研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
199年8~10月和1995年11~12月,采用直接测定法,对浙江西部开化县小北垅、水坞和严村山区的白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti)栖息地片断化现状进行调查,提出了片断化程度指数(F)与运算公式,并采用该指地白颈长尾雉栖片断化程度进行测定与分析。栖息地的片断化与丧失将导致白颈长尾雉栖息地面积的减少。  相似文献   

官山自然保护区白颈长尾雉季节性生境选择   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘鹏  张微微 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6005-6013
2009年10月至2010年11月,2015年7月至11月在江西官山自然保护区对白颈长尾雉不同生活史阶段的(繁殖期、育雏期、繁殖后期)生境选择进行了比较研究。调查了6条样线上的126个样方,选取与其生境相关的17个因子进行了观察与测量。研究结果表明,不同生活史阶段各生境选择样方负荷绝对值较大的因子在各主成分中的序位不尽相同,即生境选择的主要生态因子随生活史阶段而变化。卡方检验及单因素方差分析,结果显示,各生活史阶段,白颈长尾雉对林型、坡向、坡度、灌木高度、草本高度和水源距离6个生态因子上无显著差异(P≥0.05),其余11个生态因子两两之间存在显著差异或极显著差异。典则判别结果显示,白颈长尾雉在不同生活史阶段在生境选择上存在一定程度的重叠,又有较为明显的差异。逐步判别表明,在不同生活史阶段,白颈长尾雉生境选择差异上有一系列的生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为草本数量、落叶层盖度、乔木盖度、海拔和乔木数量,由这5个变量构成的方程对生境选择差异的正确区分率为80.3%。繁殖期和越冬期食物条件是影响白颈长尾雉生境选择的主要因素,而育雏期则为隐蔽条件。  相似文献   

针阔混交林内白颈长尾雉栖息地利用的影响因子研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
采用无线电遥测和样方法对针阔混交林内白颈长尾雉栖息地利用的影响因子进行了定量研究。结果显示:(1)白颈长尾雉对其栖息地的利用有较强的选择性;(2)白颈长尾雉主要在阳坡春、秋、科三季活动对坡度较平缓,夏季略陡。该雉栖息地利用受水源距离的影响;(3)各种灌枯木、 草本层和地被层因子在白颈长尾雉栖息吉食物条件和隐蔽条件方面发挥重要作用。大叶白纸扇、油茶、山缰、野枇杷、毛冬青、格药柃、乌饭、蔷薇科植物、苔  相似文献   

杨楠  马东源  钟雪  杨孔  周志强  周华龙  周材权  王彬 《生态学报》2020,40(19):7064-7072
明确野生动物栖息地的空间分布格局和影响因子,是有效的栖息地管理和物种保护的基础。基于王朗国家级自然保护区自2001至2018年间的野外调查记录,首次使用MaxEnt模型对蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)栖息地适宜性进行了分析和评价。结果显示:(1)地形特征和极端时期的气候是影响蓝马鸡栖息地适宜性的主要环境因子,年最低温高于-14.4℃、海拔约2430-3100 m、坡度小于40°、靠近河流且最干月降水低于4.4 mm的区域属于蓝马鸡的适宜栖息地;(2)保护区内共有蓝马鸡栖息地102.28 km2,约占保护区总面积的三分之一,其中适宜栖息地面积59.41 km2,次适宜栖息地面积42.87 km2,为该物种提供了面积巨大且连通性极好的栖息地;(3)在不适宜蓝马鸡分布的区域,海拔过高和最干月降水量较大是限制其栖息地适宜性的主要环境因子。目前保护区内主要的人为干扰类型是牦牛和马匹的放牧活动,并且放牧强度和区域有扩大趋势,潜在威胁着蓝马鸡种群及其栖息地。因此,基于模型结果和野外调查,为避免保护区内蓝马鸡栖息地的退化和破碎化,提出了控制放牧数量和面积、增强对放牧人员的宣传教育以及定期监测河流水质的保护建议,以期促进蓝马鸡的种群和栖息地保护。  相似文献   

白颈长尾雉与白鹇秋冬季空间生态位比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年9月-2009年2月,在江西官山国家级自然保护区对白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti)和白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)及其栖息地生态因子进行调查,通过8个资源轴分析了2个种的多维生态位宽度、重叠及种间竞争.结果表明,白鹇和白颈长尾雉综合空间生态位宽度分别仅为0.268和0.294;白鹇的海拔和坡度空间生态位大于白颈长尾雉.而白颈长尾雉的坡向生态位宽度大于白鹇,在其他资源轴上二者接近;白颈长尾雉和白鹇的栖息地生态位相似性为0.425,竞争系数为0.584,竞争比较激烈.应加强低海拔地区植被及水源的保护,减少人为干扰.  相似文献   

2011和2012年夏季,采用无线电跟踪技术跟踪了8只野生黑颈长尾雉(6♂,2♀),野外共测量了204个10 m×10 m样方的20个生态因子,其中利用样方111个,未利用样方93个。采用独立样本的t检验或非参数Mann-Whitney U定量分析表明:黑颈长尾雉夏季栖息地利用和未利用样方的生态因子坡位、与林缘距离、草本盖度、灌木高度、草本密度和乔木胸径差异不显著(P0.05),其余的生态因子在利用和未利用样方存在显著差异(P0.05)。主成分分析显示:夏季特征值大于1的主分量共有5个,其累计贡献率达到64.23%,第1主成分为食物因素,是影响黑颈长尾雉夏季栖息地选择的主要因素;其余主成分分别为安全因素、干扰因素、地理因素和水源因素。不同生境斑块类型中食物资源的可用性影响夏季黑颈长尾雉栖息地选择。  相似文献   

了解物种生境的空间分布以及和环境因子的关系,对物种的保护有重要意义。黑颈长尾雉Syrmaticus humiae作为在广西壮族自治区分布的鸟类,通过查阅文献与分布名录得到其分布点,以GIS空间技术运用Max Ent模型对区内黑颈长尾雉的生境适应性和其主要影响因子进行分析,模型评价结果为优秀水平。通过划分出的适宜生境和现有保护区进行保护空缺分析。模型预测黑颈长尾雉的生境适宜区主要分布在广西的西北区域,适宜生境总面积为6 771.84 km~2,已建立的保护区覆盖了16.72%的适宜生境,尚有4 985.86 km2的适宜生境在保护区之外。为更有效地实行保护,应对保护空缺区域进行填补。  相似文献   

苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)是松嫩平原湿地的常见鸟种,松嫩平原也是苍鹭重要的栖息地。为了了解苍鹭潜在栖息地的适宜性分布,利用GPS/GSM卫星跟踪技术,结合遥感影像和地理信息系统,应用Maxent模型对松嫩平原苍鹭秋季潜在的栖息地进行了评价,并对其适宜性分布进行了分析。结果显示:水源距离和绿度指数是影响松嫩平原苍鹭秋季栖息地适宜性的重要环境变量;松嫩平原内苍鹭适宜栖息地面积为2761.06 km2(占研究区域的1.24%),主要分布在大庆(756.86 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的27.41%)、白城(537.14 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的19.45%)、齐齐哈尔(439.43 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的15.92%)等地市行政区,以大庆市杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县(429.90 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的15.57%)、白城市镇赉县(334.92 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的12.13%)、大庆市肇源县(185.54 km2,占适宜栖息地面积的6.72%)等县级行政区为主;其中,15.79%的适宜栖息地依次受到莫莫格保护区(10.34%)、扎龙保护区(3.47%)、向海保护区(0.67%)、查干湖保护区(0.54%)、大布苏保护区(0.41%)、乌裕尔河保护区(0.36%)等国家级自然保护区的保护。建议对未受到保护的零星小面积栖息地给与更多关注。  相似文献   

利用路线调查法,分别于1984、1993、2001年对官山自然保护区白颈长尾雉资源进行调查,掌握其分布的种群密度,同时结合社区采访,收集资料,了解影响白颈长尾雉种群变化的重要原因。调查取得的相关资料,将为今后开展白颈长尾雉种群保护和监测提供依据。  相似文献   

再引入黑颈长尾雉夏季栖息地选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年6~7月,在广西岑王老山国家级自然保护区采用样带法对再引入黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus humiae)的栖息地选择进行了研究。共测定了7条样带上的22个栖息地样方和17个对照样方的24个生态因子。结果表明,再引入黑颈长尾雉的夏季栖息地偏向于选择海拔低、坡位低、乔木较低和灌木较高、落叶盖度较大、灌木层盖度大、草本高且盖度大的阔叶林、针阔混交林或者针叶林;逐步判别分析的结果显示坡位、草本层盖度是重要的生态因子,由这两个变量构成的方程在对栖息地和对照区进行区分时,正判率可以达到77.3%,这种选择与黑颈长尾雉的隐蔽条件和食物密切相关。  相似文献   

Zhang D Z  Shi Y  He D H  Chen X W  Fan Y T 《农业工程》2010,30(6):319-326
Habitat fragmentation is a common cause for which species becomes threatened or endangered. Existence of viable habitat is critical to the survival of any species, so habitat fragmentation is the main reason for the changes in distribution and abundance of organisms, and is usually considered to have negative effect on the abundance, species richness and population of organisms in a specific landscape. But this effect may also depend on whether some species could use one or more types of habitat in a specific landscape. Because of its well resistance to stress, Caragana is one of predominant shrub in desert region for forest planting and desert preventing, which plays a critical role in desert control and ecosystem stabilization. Baijitan National Nature Reserve, located in Lingwu County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, is typical of desert nature reserve in which the Caragana spp., Oxytropis aciphylla and other desert plants are protected. The Caragana woodlands in this region show a pattern of dots, patches and strips separated by natural and cultivated forest, thereby leading to a typical fragmented landscape. Etiella zinckenella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) is one of seed pests of Caragana. In order to illuminate the responses of E. zinckenella to the habitat fragmentation of Caraganas woodlands, the present study focused on the effects of habitat area, habitat fragmentation, as well as matrix composition on the population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella in desert steppe. From May 2008 to June 2009, by using parallel jump sampling method, 13 Caragana woodland patches representing four landscapes from Baijitan National Nature Reserve were investigated and totally 15,117 pods were inspected. Then, the landscape fragmentation indices, population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella in Caragana woodlands were calculated. The statistic analysis of the data indicated that the four landscapes have a significant difference in the population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella; and in the same landscape, the neighbor patches also have a significant difference in the damage ratios of E. zinckenella. E. zinckenella seems to prefer some species of Caragana, for instance, the damage ratio of E. zinckenella to Caragana microphylla is found the highest, followed by the damage ratio to Caragana davazamcidamage, while the damage ratio to Caragana korshinskii is found the lowest. The coverage of Caragana is found positively related to the damage ratio of E. zinckenella with hinge damage ratio in high coverage of Caragana forest. The regression analysis shows that the latitude (Rs = 0.5724), longitude (Rs = 0.5577), altitude (Rs = 0.4614) and patch area (R = 0.3012) were not significantly associated with population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella. However, the population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella decreased with the increasing in patch area. The landscape patch fragmentation index (R = 0.91129) and the patch density index (R = 0.89864) show a positive correlation with damage ratio. The fragmentation shape index (R = ?0.89675) and inside habitat area fragmentation index (R = ?0.77646) show a negative correlation with the damage ratio. As a result, the population of E. zinckenella was suppressed by the landscape fragmentation, but the patch isolation and complementary resources in the landscape matrix may also have a positive impact on the population density of E. zinckenella.  相似文献   

刘超  丁志锋  丁平 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6759-6768
为探究千岛湖陆桥岛屿不同鸟类集团对栖息地片段化敏感性的差异和季节变化,于2009年4月—2012年1月鸟类繁殖季(4、5、6月)和冬季(11、12、1月)对千岛湖41个陆桥岛屿鸟类集团进行了研究。结果表明,冬季杂食鸟对片段化敏感性高于食虫鸟,繁殖季时二者无显著差异,繁殖季和冬季时下层鸟对片段化敏感性均高于林冠鸟,冬季留鸟对片段化敏感性高于候鸟,繁殖季则无显著差异。杂食鸟和留鸟对片段化敏感性存在季节差异,而食虫鸟、林冠鸟、下层鸟和候鸟对片段化敏感性均无季节差异。不同鸟类集团对栖息地片段化敏感性的差异和季节变化规律,有助于人们在栖息地管理和保护区设计时采取更有针对性的鸟类保护措施。  相似文献   

陕西黄龙山林区褐马鸡繁殖季节中午卧息地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年5—6月,在陕西黄龙山腹地北寺山林区采取样线法对褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)中午卧息地的选择进行了研究,共观察到28个褐马鸡的卧息地。褐马鸡对林型、坡向和地理特征有明显的选择性,多偏向针叶林、山脊和半阴半阳坡,回避阔叶林、山坡、阴坡和阳坡。对中午卧息地坡位没有明显的选择性。褐马鸡中午卧息地具有坡度小、与林间道路与居民点的距离远、灌丛平均高度较低、灌木密度较小、草本均高较小、乔木层植物盖度以及草本层植物盖度较大等特征。对各种生境因子的主成分分析表明,前6个特征值的累积贡献率达到74.05%,可较好地反映褐马鸡中午卧息地生境特征。根据载荷系数绝对值大小将褐马鸡中午休息地生境选择影响因子分别命名为地理因子、隐蔽度因子、人类活动干扰因子和灌丛密度因子。  相似文献   

Direct comparisons between historical and contemporary populations allow for detecting changes in genetic diversity through time and assessment of the impact of habitat fragmentation. Here, we determined the genetic architecture of both historical and modern lions to document changes in genetic diversity over the last century. We surveyed microsatellite and mitochondrial genome variation from 143 high-quality museum specimens of known provenance, allowing us to directly compare this information with data from several recently published nuclear and mitochondrial studies. Our results provide evidence for male-mediated gene flow and recent isolation of local subpopulations, likely due to habitat fragmentation. Nuclear markers showed a significant decrease in genetic diversity from the historical (HE = 0.833) to the modern (HE = 0.796) populations, whereas mitochondrial genetic diversity was maintained (Hd = 0.98 for both). Although the historical population appears to have been panmictic based on nDNA data, hierarchical structure analysis identified four tiers of genetic structure in modern populations and was able to detect most sampling locations. Mitogenome analyses identified four clusters: Southern, Mixed, Eastern, and Western and were consistent between modern and historically sampled haplotypes. Within the last century, habitat fragmentation caused lion subpopulations to become more geographically isolated as human expansion changed the African landscape. This resulted in an increase in fine-scale nuclear genetic structure and loss of genetic diversity as lion subpopulations became more differentiated, whereas mitochondrial structure and diversity were maintained over time.  相似文献   

Xu J L  Zhang X H  Zhang Z W  Zheng G M  Ruan X F  Zhu J G  Xi B 《农业工程》2006,26(7):2061-2067
Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii), endemic to China, is an endangered species of pheasants. The wintering habitat selection by the species was investigated at three scales (10, 115 m and 250 m) in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve from 2000 to 2002. At each scale, a range of habitat variables were compared between the used and the control sites. At the smallest scale (10 m), the variables influencing wintering habitat selection were slope, tree cover, and the interaction between the cosine of slope aspect and the shrub height. At the mid-scale (115 m), the area of shrub, the area of broad-leaved forest, and the area of conifer forest were the key factors. At the largest scale (250 m), broad-leaved and conifer forest coverages and their interaction were the key factors. According to the lowest AIC and AICc values at the mid-scale, the characteristics at this scale were stated as the ultimate factors influencing the habitat selection of the bird. When a range of habitat variables at all scales within a multivariate regression were considerred, the most important variables were conifer forest coverage at the mid-scale, broad-leaved forest coverage, and the interaction between the conifer forest and shrub coverages at the large-scale, and the distance to beach and farmland. These results highlight the importance of multiscale analyses when habitat selection by pheasants are considerred.  相似文献   

黄翀  王淑璇  李贺 《生态学报》2023,43(13):5453-5465
滨海湿地是迁徙水鸟的重要迁飞通道和主要栖息地,评估沿海迁徙水鸟栖息地适宜性及变化态势能为栖息地的合理规划与管理提供科学参考,对迁徙水鸟的保护有重要意义。选择紧邻城市和乡村的深圳湾和雷州湾为研究区,在水鸟栖息地生态系统类型分类的基础上,通过层次分析法确定水鸟栖息地适宜性评价因子,设计栖息地、食物、水分、人类干扰条件及其子类的权重,对栖息地适宜性进行等级划分,分析比较2010-2019年迁徙水鸟栖息地适宜性的时空分布差异,探索适宜性变化差异的原因并给出合理化建议。结果表明:(1)2010-2019年深圳湾有193.4 hm2强干扰区域转变化为中等及弱干扰;雷州湾有16.36 hm2的中等干扰转化为弱、无干扰;(2)深圳湾栖息地适宜性以中等适宜类型为主,2010年和2019年面积占比分别为83.74%和88.71%;雷州湾栖息地适宜性主要以较适宜和中等适宜类型为主,2010年面积占比为86.72%,2010-2019年面积占比基本不变,总体适宜性高于深圳湾。(3)2010-2019年,深圳湾不适宜和较适宜面积分别减少245.54 hm2和26.37 hm2,均转化为中等适宜类型;雷州湾有24.31 hm2的中等和较适宜栖息地转化为适宜类型。  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are the most polymorphic genes in vertebrates and encode molecules that play a crucial role in pathogen resistance. As a result of their diversity, they have received much attention in the fields of evolutionary and conservation biology. Here, we described the genetic variation of MHC class II B (MHCIIB) exon 2 in a wild population of Hume’s pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae), which has suffered a dramatic decline in population over the last three decades across its ranges in the face of heavy exploitation and habitat loss. Twenty-four distinct alleles were found in 73 S. humiae specimens. We found seven shared alleles among four geographical groups as well as six rare MHCIIB alleles. Most individuals displayed between one to five alleles, suggesting that there are at least three MHCIIB loci of the Hume’s pheasant. The d Nd S ratio at putative antigen-binding sites (ABS) was significantly greater than one, indicating balancing selection is acting on MHCIIB exon 2. Additionally, recombination and gene conversion contributed to generating MHCIIB diversity in the Hume’s pheasant. One to three recombination events and seventy-five significant gene conversion events were observed within the Hume’s pheasant MHCIIB loci. The phylogenetic tree and network analysis revealed that the Hume’s pheasant alleles do not cluster together, but are scattered through the tree or network indicating a trans-species evolutionary mode. These findings revealed the evolution of the Hume’s pheasant MHC after suffering extreme habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Although food abundance is a principal determinant of distribution and abundance of many animals, most previous studies have not quantitatively assessed its importance relative to other factors that may also determine species distributions. We estimated frugivorous phainopepla Phainopepla nitens occupancy and density, food density, and vegetation structure on transects in fragmented mesquite and acacia woodlands over three years in non‐breeding and breeding seasons. Using an AIC framework and controlling for detection probability, we determined relative impacts of food abundance, vegetation structure, and habitat fragmentation on patch occupancy and density, and concomitant extinction and colonization probabilities of phainopeplas. Initial occupancy in winter 2002 was high (0.87 ± 0.047), and primarily positively correlated with food abundance and woodland area (Akaike weights wi= 0.998 and 0.750 respectively). Woodland area more strongly influenced occupancy where food was scarcer. Phainopepla density in both seasons was strongly positively correlated with food abundance, especially in the 2002 drought when density was higher (wi=1.0 for food and year). Density was higher in acacia than mesquite woodlands (wi= 1.0), and moderately negatively correlated with elevation (wi= 0.789). Extinction probability (patches vacated) was low (0.078 ± 0.040), and principally influenced by phainopepla density (wi= 0.968) and tree height (wi= 0.749). Colonization probability was low (0.15 ± 0.034) and determined by vegetation structure (wi= 1.0). Much recorded colonization was reoccupancy of woodlands previously occupied by single males in winter, then vacated in a breeding season. These results suggest that for an animal occupying a highly fragmented landscape, distributions and densities at the habitat patch scale are driven by food abundance, are moderately affected by habitat fragmentation, and are slightly influenced by vegetation structure.  相似文献   

Populations of long‐distance migrant birds are declining but it is unknown what role land cover change in non‐breeding areas may be playing in this process. Using compositional analysis, we assessed habitat selection by one such migrant, the Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, at a wintering site in the forest–savannah transition zone in Eastern Region, Ghana. There was a preference for forest, a habitat that is in marked decline at this site. Annual habitat mapping revealed that the area of forest declined by 26% between 2011/12 and 2013/14, mainly through clearance for conversion to arable land. Numbers of birds changed throughout the season, but despite the reduction in the preferred forest habitat, there was no change in the total number of birds recorded at the site over the study period. The number of birds recorded at a point was positively related to the proportion of cleared land, plantation and, to a lesser extent, dense forest within 100 m. Investigation of the fine‐scale habitat preferences of radiotagged Wood Warblers suggested that there was an optimum number of trees, around 66–143 per hectare, at which estimated probability of occupancy was 0.5, falling to a probability of 0.2 at 25 trees per hectare. We suggest that Wood Warblers may be buffered against the loss of forest habitat by their ability to utilize degraded habitats, such as well‐wooded farmland, that still retain a substantial number of trees. However, the continued loss of trees, from both forest and farmland is ultimately likely to have a negative impact on wintering Wood Warblers in the long‐term.  相似文献   

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