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繁殖期巢域的研究对了解繁殖期间动物的社群关系、种群动态、繁殖策略等有重要作用。2009 年3 ~12月和2010 年3 ~9 月对洪雅县赤腹松鼠的巢域面积变化进行观察。使用最小凸多边形(Minimum convex polygon,MCP)法计算赤腹松鼠各时期的巢域面积,结果显示: (1)整个繁殖期,雄性赤腹松鼠的巢域面积为1.34 ±0. 34 hm2 ,显著大于雌性的巢域面积(0.60 ± 0. 08 hm2 ); (2)雄性赤腹松鼠在求偶交配期主动增加其巢域面积,可能会增加雄性与雌性的遇见率,从而增加与雌性的交配数量;雌性赤腹松鼠在求偶交配期不主动增加巢域面积,而是具有较为稳定的活动范围。在妊娠育幼期雌性的巢域面积会减小,这可能是雌性为提高后代的成活率,在增加能量和降低捕食风险两者间做出的权衡;(3)整个繁殖期,雌性赤腹松鼠间无巢域重叠现象,而雄性间存在巢域重叠。两性之间仅在求偶交配期存在巢域重叠现象,因此,雌性赤腹松鼠在繁殖期有较强的领域性。  相似文献   

人工林赤腹松鼠春夏季活动节律与行为特征观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3~8月,通过观察和运用无线电遥测对四川洪雅县人工林赤腹松鼠活动节律和行为特征进行了研究.结果 显示,赤腹松鼠为昼行型动物,其春夏活动节律呈晨昏双高峰型.春夏季雄性赤腹松鼠日活动时间分别为5.00 h/d±1.39 h/d(占日长的39.62%)和7.54 h/d±1.20 h/d(占日长的55.12%),雌性夏季日活动时间为6.48 h/d±0.98 h/d,占日长的46.82%.雄性赤腹松鼠春季活动强度为37.38%±8.75%,夏季雌雄性活动强度分别为46.30%±7.04%和53.85%±8.60%.雄性赤腹松鼠春夏季之间以及夏季雌雄之间的日活动时间和活动强度均存在显著差异.赤腹松鼠清晨出巢及傍晚回巢时间与日出日落显著正相关.春夏季赤腹松鼠的行为以取食为主,占日活动行为时间分配的比例分别为86.23%和79.54%.赤腹松鼠的活动节律和活动时间办受天气状况、日照时间等因素的影响.  相似文献   

白冠长尾雉雄鸟的冬季活动区与栖息地利用研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
2001年和2002年冬季,利用无线电遥测技术在河南董寨国家级自然保护区内对白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticusreevesii)雄鸟的冬季活动区和栖息地利用进行了研究。对遥测位点超过30个的5只雄性个体的研究表明,白冠长尾雉雄鸟的冬季活动区面积为10.03±1.17hm2(最小凸多边形法,MCP)、8.60±0.35hm2(90%调和平均转换法,90%HMT)和9.50±1.90hm2(95%固定核法,95%FK),明显小于其繁殖期的活动区面积。核心区面积为1.88±0.37hm2。核心区的栖息地组成在个体间变化较大,但主要是针阔混交林、松林、杉木林和灌丛。在研究区尺度上,白冠长尾雉雄鸟对栖息地有明显的选择性,但在活动区内则是随机利用栖息地。乔木胸径、灌木高度、2.0m层盖度及灌丛与森林的距离对雄性白冠长尾雉冬季的栖息地选择有重要影响。根据本项研究结果,我们建议在白冠长尾雉的栖息地管理中首先应加强对现存栖息地的保护,同时应通过适当的造林来扩大栖息地面积,此外还要注意对大面积的现有灌丛进行改造。  相似文献   

赤腹松鼠剥食树皮的行为常给人工林造成严重危害。因赤腹松鼠在树上活动,防治难度较大,为此进行了在树上放置毒饵站防治其危害的可行性研究。2012年9月~2013年7月,为选择合适的毒饵站类型,对毒饵站的材料、口径和放置高度进行了实验;并调查了赤腹松鼠对毒饵站中饵料取食的季节性变化,评估玉米和大米在不同季节作为饵料防治危害的可行性。研究结果显示,毒饵站的材料(塑料喉管和竹筒)以及在树上的放置高度(0.8 m和1.8 m)对赤腹松鼠的取食无影响,但赤腹松鼠对口径较大(90 mm)的毒饵站的访问显著高于对口径较小(80 mm)的毒饵站的访问。赤腹松鼠对饵料的访问结果显示:赤腹松鼠对玉米的取食率在秋季达到最高32.40%,最低时为夏季8.44%;对大米的取食率在春季达到了最高29.38%,最低时为冬季8.33%。根据实验结果,认为在各个季节利用毒饵站法防治赤腹松鼠的危害都是可行的,可根据具体的防治时间选择玉米或大米作为饵料。此外,赤腹松鼠对大颗粒的玉米饵料的访问显著高于对小颗粒的玉米饵料的访问。在实验过程中通过红外线摄像机采集到的4120张图片和830段视频显示超过99%的饵料均是赤腹松鼠取食的,极少有非靶动物访问毒饵站。赤腹松鼠对饵料的访问行为表现出了晨昏双高峰的特点。  相似文献   

2015年12月至2016年5月,对上海动物园内活动的9只赤腹松鼠进行无线电遥测,应用Homing法进行空间定位,基于最小凸多边形(MCP)和95%固定 核空间(95%Kernel)模型估算城市绿地中赤腹松鼠的家域面积、空间分布特征及个体间的重叠情况,同时记录赤腹松鼠的昼间行为规律。赤腹松鼠 家域面积平均值为12376(MCP)~18146 m2(95%Kernel),雌雄个体间家域面积无显著差异(Independent-sample test,t= -0.101,P=0.922)。 赤腹松鼠冬季家域面积与春季家域面积间无显著差异(One way ANOVA,MCP:F=3.900,P=0.070;95%FK:F=3.566,P=0.081)。部分赤腹松鼠家域 间存在重叠,冬季重叠指数0.36~0.63,春季重叠指数0.02~0.43。赤腹松鼠的昼间行为以移动(29.4%)、取食(25.1%)和休息行为(24.7%)为主 。在不同季节,赤腹松鼠的取食行为发生显著变化(One way ANOVA,F=119.268,P<0.001),冬季取食行为发生频率最高(33.3%),夏季最低 (16.4%);领域行为在夏(15.8%)、秋(16.2%)季发生频率较高,春季(5.8%)降低(One way ANOVA,F=140.416,P<0.001)。赤腹松鼠昼间 活动呈“U”型分布,主要集中于05:00—08:00和15:00—18:00,休息主要分布于12:00—13:00。  相似文献   

四川洪雅县赤腹松鼠巢址选择研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
赤腹松鼠Callosciueus erythraeus在四川省洪雅县已经成为第一大森林害鼠.为了揭示赤腹松鼠巢址选择特征并为控制该物种的危害服务,2008年3~8月采取样线法对洪雅县赤腹松鼠的巢址选择状况进行了调查.共发现81棵巢树,对其巢位参数的统计显示,赤腹松鼠可在11种阔叶树和3种针叶树上营巢,对柏木Cpuressus funebris和楠木Phoebe zhennan有明显选择性,分别为营巢树数量的34.6%和33.3%.营巢树平均高度为18.6 m±0.6 m,巢距地面平均高度为16.2 m±0.5 m,巢位置一般靠近树的顶端,多朝东、南和东南方向,76.5%的巢位于树干与树枝的交界处.对无重复取样的巢址样方(n=65)和对照样方(n=65)中15个生境因子的对比分析表明,赤腹松鼠倾向在乔木平均高度较高、林下灌木盖度相对较高、坡度较大的生境中营巢.  相似文献   

黑嘴鸥繁殖栖息地动态遥感监测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以江苏盐城国家级自然保护区核心区为研究区,结合黑嘴鸥巢址GPS点,利用1992、2002和2007年Landsat TM遥感影像作为主要信息源,借助地理信息空间分析技术,在获取栖息地植被类型信息的基础上,采用非等密度亚像元模型反演碱蓬植被覆盖度信息,提取研究区黑嘴鸥适宜繁殖栖息地动态变化情况,并进一步对其进行预测.结果表明,15a间,在自然和人为的双重干扰下,研究区内碱蓬滩面积由4772.3 hm2减少到4062.2hm2,年变化率为-47.34 hm2/a.碱蓬植被覆盖度均值由1992年的(27.6±3.8)%增长到2002年的(35.4±2.0)%,至2007年达到(53.1±4.5)%.同时,利用2002、2007年黑嘴鸥巢址GPS位点,提取对应年份黑嘴鸥繁殖栖息地碱蓬群落覆盖度,其均值分别为(35.08±4.8)%和(37.58±7.6)%,无差异显著性(P=0.066).结合黑嘴鸥繁殖栖息地选择的水源和干扰距离等因子,叠加分析表明核心区黑嘴鸥适宜繁殖栖息地面积由1992年的2063.1 hm2小幅增加到2002年的2158.0 hm2(4.6%),到2007年间大幅减少到1723.1 hm2(-20.2%),年降幅高达86.97 hm2/a.按照2002~2007年碱蓬覆盖度变化率水平计算,盐城保护区核心区黑嘴鸥适宜繁殖栖息地将在19.8a后全部消失.有关研究成果,可为保护区黑嘴鸥及其繁殖栖息地的保护、管理与恢复提供科学依据,同时也为特定栖息地的监测方法提供参考.  相似文献   

为防治赤腹松鼠对人工林的危害,进行了利用喉管状聚氯乙烯(PVC)软管制作的毒饵站防治赤腹松鼠危害效果的研究。研究设4个防治样地(每公顷分别安装4个和8个毒饵站,毒饵站中投放有效成分为0.005%的溴敌隆大米毒饵)和1个对照样地,对照样地每公顷安装8个毒饵站(投无毒大米饵料)。毒饵投放于2014年3月初进行,投放毒饵后,4—7月、9月和12月调查防治样地和对照样地中的新增危害数、投放在毒饵站中的无毒饵料取食情况和赤腹松鼠个体数等指标的变化情况,评估防治效果。结果显示:毒饵投放后的4月份,4个防治样地内新危害分别下降90.00%、85.71%、93.75%、77.78%,与对照样地间的差异有统计学意义;4个防治样地内无毒饵料取食率分别下降83.33%、91.30%、97.18%、94.83%,与对照样地间的差异有统计学意义;在防治样地内,无论是无毒饵料的取食率,还是新增危害数,均长期保持较低水平。此外,毒饵投放后的4月份,防治样地内可见赤腹松鼠个体数下降83.33%。整个实验过程中没有发现非靶动物和二次中毒现象发生。据实验结果,结合溴敌隆大米毒饵的毒饵站防治赤腹松鼠效果好。在洪雅人工林场,推荐每公顷安装4个毒饵站;防治时间以每年3月初为宜,1年防治1次即可有效减少赤腹松鼠种群数量和降低危害。  相似文献   

孙玉波  贾岗  纪岷  孔令雪  郭聪 《四川动物》2012,31(5):786-789
2008年1月至2010年8月,在主要树种为柳杉Cryptomeria fortunei的四川省洪雅县林场中,采用直接观察和胃容物分析法对赤腹松鼠Callosciurus erythraeus食性进行研究.发现赤腹松鼠取食的植物共有14科23种,如小柱悬钩子Rubus columellaris和板栗Castanea mollissima的果实,油茶Camellia oleifera的花及柳杉和杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata的树皮.结合往年文献,已知确认洪雅县赤腹松鼠取食的植物共28种.根据胃容物分析,果实种子的比例为秋季(75.60%±0.53%)>夏季(63.32%±0.69%)>冬季(34.02%±0.43%)>春季(14.35%±0.71%),差异显著(P<0.05);而树皮在夏季和秋季分别为7.32%±0.50%和8.30%±0.87%,显著低于冬季和春季的28.13%±0.72%和28.71% ±0.84% (P <0.05).根据结果分析,赤腹松鼠的主要食物是植物的果实种子,在冬春取食较多的树皮可能与果实种子短缺有关.  相似文献   

人类对于野生动物的影响复杂多样, 其中家养动物所产生的干扰往往被忽视, 例如保护区林缘社区饲养的家犬。半散放的家犬(Canis familiaris)进入野生动物栖息地, 对保护区内以大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)为代表的野生动物可能产生重要影响。为明确家犬进入林区活动范围对大熊猫的影响, 本研究采用红外相机技术和GPS项圈无线追踪技术对甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区内家犬对大熊猫潜在栖息地范围和时间节律的影响进行研究, 利用MaxEnt模型对家犬活动范围及大熊猫潜在栖息地进行预测。结果表明: 甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区内大熊猫潜在栖息地面积为885.8 km2, 约占保护区总面积的48.2%; 家犬活动面积为861.2 km2, 约占保护区总面积的47.6%。家犬活动范围与大熊猫潜在栖息地重叠的面积约占保护区面积的28.2%, 且多集中在低海拔的常绿阔叶林。大熊猫在有家犬出现的位点和没有家犬出现的位点日活动节律具有显著差异。本研究揭示了家犬进入林区对大熊猫栖息地潜在影响的空间范围, 为保护区开展生物多样性管理提供了关键信息, 对于其他保护区具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Home range and habitat use of male Reeves’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) were studied during winter of 2001~2002 and 2002~2003 in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, Henan Province. Results from five individuals of Reeves’s pheasant with over 30 relocations, indicated that the average size of home range was 10.03 ± 1.17 hm2 by Minimum Convex Polygon method, 8.60 ± 0.35 hm2 by 90% Harmonic Mean Transformation method, and 9.50 ± 1.90 hm2 by 95% Fixed Kernel method. It was observed that the winter range is smaller than that in the breeding season. The mean core area of the home range was found to be 1.88 ± 0.37 hm2. Although the habitat composition of the core area varied greatly for individuals, a large part of the habitats used were composed of confier and broadleaf mixed forests, masson pine forests, fir forests, and shrubs. Habitat use within the study area was non-random, while habitats within home ranges were randomly used. Habitat use was dictated by tree diameter at breast height, shrub height and coverage at 2.0 m. The proximity between forests and shrubs were also found to be important in providing refuge for the birds during winter. Recommendations for conservation management include protecting the existing habitats in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, increasing suitable habitat for Reeves’s Pheasant through artificial plantations (e.g. firs), and restoring some parts of the large shrub area into forests.  相似文献   

Home range and habitat use of male Reeves’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) were studied during winter of 2001∼2002 and 2002∼2003 in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, Henan Province. Results from five individuals of Reeves’s pheasant with over 30 relocations, indicated that the average size of home range was 10.03 ± 1.17 hm2 by Minimum Convex Polygon method, 8.60 ± 0.35 hm2 by 90% Harmonic Mean Transformation method, and 9.50 ± 1.90 hm2 by 95% Fixed Kernel method. It was observed that the winter range is smaller than that in the breeding season. The mean core area of the home range was found to be 1.88 ± 0.37 hm2. Although the habitat composition of the core area varied greatly for individuals, a large part of the habitats used were composed of confier and broadleaf mixed forests, masson pine forests, fir forests, and shrubs. Habitat use within the study area was non-random, while habitats within home ranges were randomly used. Habitat use was dictated by tree diameter at breast height, shrub height and coverage at 2.0 m. The proximity between forests and shrubs were also found to be important in providing refuge for the birds during winter. Recommendations for conservation management include protecting the existing habitats in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, increasing suitable habitat for Reeves’s Pheasant through artificial plantations (e.g. firs), and restoring some parts of the large shrub area into forests. __________ Translated from Biodiversity Science, 2005, 13 (5) [译自: 生物多样性, 2005,13(5)]  相似文献   

The raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides, a medium-sized canid, is a representative of the East Asian fauna and has been introduced to Europe during the years 1928–1953. Today, this alien carnivore is a widespread species in Eastern Europe, Finland and Germany. In our study, we determined home range sizes of raccoon dogs in an agricultural landscape in Northeast Germany between 2001 and 2004 by very high frequency radio tracking. Those data are useful for estimation of predator densities in respect to conservation of biodiversity and also to develop models for disease and parasite transmission. Yearly average home range sizes were calculated as 95% fixed kernel: 1.83 km2 ± 1.54 and as 50% fixed kernel (=core areas): 0.50 km2 ± 0.49. We documented seasonal differences in home range sizes as well as overlapping of home ranges from 0.65% up to 67%. Some individuals’ home ranges recorded during the same season showed a clear shifting between different years. Abandoned badger dens, located in the core areas of raccoon dogs home ranges, were important during the whole year and particularly used in the winter period. Therefore, distribution of those dens had some influence on the spatial distribution of raccoon dogs in the study area. Based on mean annual home range size, we estimated the mean local population density during winter as 1.1 individuals per square kilometre and during summer as 4.90 individuals per square kilometre.  相似文献   

The Aransas-Wood Buffalo population (the only non-reintroduced, migratory population) of endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana) overwinters along the Texas Gulf Coast, USA. Understanding whooping crane space use on the wintering grounds reveals essential aspects of this species' ecology, which subsequently assists with conservation. Using global positioning system telemetry data from marked whooping cranes during 2009–2017, we fit continuous-time stochastic process models to describe movement and home range using autocorrelated kernel density estimation (AKDE) and explored variation in home range size in relation to age, sex, reproductive status, and drought conditions. We used the Bhattacharyya coefficient of overlap and distance between home range centroids to quantify site fidelity. We examined the effects of time between winter home ranges and the sex of the crane on site fidelity using Bayesian mixed-effects beta regression. Winter whooping crane 95% AKDE home range size averaged 30.1 ± 45.2 (SD) km2 (median = 14.3, range = 1.1–308.6). Home ranges of sub-adult females were approximately 2 times larger than those of sub-adult males or families. As drought worsened, home ranges typically expanded. Between consecutive years, the home ranges of an adult crane exhibited 68 ± 31% overlap (site fidelity), but fidelity to winter sites declined in subsequent winters. The overlap of adult home ranges with the nearest unrelated family averaged 33 ± 28%. As a whooping crane aged, overlap with its winter home range as a juvenile declined, regardless of sex. By 4 years of age, a whooping crane had approximately 14 ± 28% overlap with its juvenile winter home range. Limited evidence suggested male whooping cranes return to within 2 km of their juvenile home range by their fifth winter. Previous data obtained from aerial surveys led ecologists to assume that whooping crane families normally used small areas (~2 km2) and expressed persistent site fidelity. Our analyses showed <8% of families had home ranges ≤2 km2, with the average area 15 times greater, and waning site fidelity over time. Our work represents an analysis of whooping crane home ranges for this population, identifying past misconceptions of winter space use and resulting in better estimates of space requirements for future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Gliding allows mammals to exploit canopy habitats of old-growth forests possibly as a means to save energy. To assess costs of quadrupedal locomotion for a gliding arboreal mammal, we used open-flow respirometry and a variable-speed treadmill to measure oxygen consumption and to calculate cost of transport, excess exercise oxygen consumption, and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption for nine northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) and four fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). Our results indicate that oxygen consumption during exercise by flying squirrels was 1.26–1.65 times higher than predicted based on body mass, and exponentially increased with velocity (from 0.84 ± 0.03 ml O2 kg−1 s−1 at 0.40 m s−1 to 1.55 ± 0.03 ml O2 kg−1 s−1 at 0.67 m s−1). Also, cost of transport in flying squirrels increased with velocity, although excess exercise oxygen consumption and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption did not. In contrast, oxygen consumption during exercise for fox squirrels was similar to predicted, varying from 0.51 (±0.02) ml O2 kg−1 s−1 at 0.63 m s−1 to 0.54 (±0.03) ml O2 kg−1 s−1 at 1.25 m s−1. In addition, the cost of transport for fox squirrels decreased with velocity, while excess exercise oxygen consumption and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption did not. Collectively, these observations suggest that unlike fox squirrels, flying squirrels are poorly adapted to prolonged bouts of quadrupedal locomotion. The evolution of skeletal adaptations to climbing, leaping, and landing and the development of a gliding membrane likely has increased the cost of quadrupedal locomotion by >50% while resulting in energy savings during gliding and reduction in travel time between foraging patches.  相似文献   

The distribution of food resources in time and space may affect the diet, ranging pattern, and social organization of primates. We studied variation in ranging patterns in a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) over winter and summer in response to variation in their diet in the Qingmuchuan Nature Reserve, China. There was a clear diet shift from highly folivorous in winter to highly frugivorous in summer. The home range was 8.09 km2 in summer and 7.43 km2 in winter, calculated via the 95% kernel method. Corresponding to the diet shift, the focal group traveled significantly longer distances in summer (mean 1020 ± 69 m/d) than in winter (mean 676 ± 53 m/d); the daily range was also significantly greater in summer (mean 0.27 ± 0.02 km2/d) than in winter (mean 0.21 ± 0.01 km2/d). There was no significant variation in home range size between winter and summer, and the monkeys did not use geographically distinct ranges in summer and winter. However, overlap in the actual activity area and core range between winter and summer was only 0.13 km2, representing 4.4% of the summer core area and 5.3% of the winter core area. Differences were apparent between summer and winter ranging patterns: In summer, the group traveled repeatedly and uninterruptedly across its home range and made 3 circles of movement along a fixed route in 31 d; in winter, the activity area was composed of 3 disconnected patches, and the focal group stayed in each patch for an average of 8 successive days without traveling among patches. Winter range use was concentrated on mixed evergreen and deciduous forest patches where leaves and fruits were available, whereas the summer range pattern correlates significantly positively with the distribution of giant dogwood (Cornus controversa) fruits. Thus it appears that the diet shift of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys between winter and summer caused the monkeys to use their home range in different ways, supporting the hypothesis that food resources determine primate ranging patterns.  相似文献   

Analyses of the interspecific differences in macropod home range size suggest that habitat productivity exerts a greater influence on range size than does body mass. This relationship is also apparent within the rock‐wallaby genus. Lim reported that yellow‐footed rock‐wallabies (Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus) inhabiting the semi‐arid Flinders Ranges (South Australia) had a mean home range of 170 ha. While consistent with the hypothesis that species inhabiting less productive habitats will require larger ranges to fulfil their energetic requirements, the ranges reported by Lim were considerably larger than those observed for heavier sympatric macropods. The aim of the current study was to document the home range dynamics of P. x. celeris in central‐western Queensland and undertake a comparison with those reported for their southern counterparts. Wallaby movements were monitored at Idalia National Park, between winter 1992 and winter 1994. Male foraging ranges (95% fixed kernel; 15.4 ha, SD = ±7.8 ha) were found to be significantly larger than those of female wallabies (11.3 ha, SD = ±4.9 ha). Because of varying distances to the wallabies' favoured foraging ground (i.e. an adjacent herb field), the direction in which the wallabies moved to forage also significantly affected range size. Mean home range size was estimated to be 23.5 ha (SD = ±15.2 ha; 95% fixed kernel) and 67.5 ha (SD = ±22.4 ha; 100% minimum convex polygon). The discrepancy between these two estimates resulted from the exclusion of locations, from the 95% kernel estimates, when the wallabies moved to a water source 1.5 km distant from the colony site. The observed foraging and home ranges approximated those that could be expected for a macropod inhabiting the semi‐arid zone (i.e. 2.4 times larger‐than‐predicted from body mass alone). Possible reasons for the disparity between the current study and that of Lim are examined.  相似文献   

Knowledge on home range and activity patterns, along with their responses to environmental fluctuations, is important for the understanding of wildlife ecology and conservation, but related studies on giant flying squirrel species (genus Petaurista) are still limited. We radio-tracked five Indian giant flying squirrels (Petaurista philippensis) in subtropical Taiwan to assess their home range and activity patterns, as well as their behavioral strategy to cope with fluctuations in food quality. Specifically, we assessed the travelling and resting times of P. philippensis in relation to its energy requirements during periods of low food quality in winter. The influence of temperature and rainfall was also investigated. A total of five individuals were radio-tracked for 1–6 months. The home ranges of four individuals averaged 2.8 ± 2.0 ha (± SD), based on the 95 % kernel method. Mean home ranges of two adult males (4.4 ± 1.3 ha) were larger than a female (1.8) and sub-adult male (0.8). P. philippensis was found to be more active around dusk and dawn and less active at midnight. Daily ranging distance and activities were negatively associated with proportion of mature leaves in diet of the only female that we tracked. Rainfall had negative effects on activities of the males, while temperature had no significant influence. The current study suggested an energy conservative strategy of P. philippensis. Home ranges of P. philippensis are smaller than those of smaller flying squirrel species (genus Glaucomys and Pteromys spp.), which may be related to the differences in food habits and gliding efficiency.  相似文献   

黄艳章  信忠保 《生态学报》2020,40(3):778-788
黄土高原退耕还林近20年来,大量生态恢复工程的实施,势必对土壤碳库产生影响。为评估生态恢复的土壤碳汇效益,本研究以黄土残塬沟壑区天然次生林、人工生态林和人工经济林等3种生态恢复模式为对象,研究其4 m土壤有机碳(SOC)储量。结果表明:(1)三种生态恢复模式具有明显的碳汇效益。天然次生林4 m SOC储量为(166.40±42.90) t/hm~2比坡中农地((58.73±4.73) t/hm~2显著增加了183.33%;人工生态林和人工经济林分别为(111.32±13.30) t/hm~2、(104.60±7.10) t/hm~2比坡中农地高89.54%、78.11%;(2)0—60 cm SOC含量随深度的增加显著降低(P0.05),由表层的(11.03±7.51) g/kg减少到(2.40±0.93) g/kg,降幅达78.22%,表现出明显的表聚性;60—400 cm SOC含量变化较为稳定,含量较低为(1.81±0.88) g/kg;(3)三种恢复模式深层(1—4 m)SOC储量与坡中农地相比分别提高109.43%、76.43%、65.06%;深层SOC储量天然次生林((77.81±8.40) t/hm~2)、人工生态林((65.55±7.71) t/hm~2)、人工经济林((61.32±3.16) t/hm~2)分别占4 m剖面有机碳储量的46.76%、58.89%、58.62%。结果表明天然次生林和人工混交林是黄土高原残塬沟壑区良好的生态恢复模式,且深层SOC在土壤碳库中不可忽视。  相似文献   

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