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沙田柚茎尖嫁接苗离体培养的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对沙田柚茎尖嫁接苗的离体培养进行了研究,结果表明:顶芽在MS 0.5mg/L6-BA上生长较好,成活率为100%,单个外植体平均不定芽数为2.2,但不定芽生长极慢,成苗困难.加入0.2~0.5mg/LIBA,顶芽生长加快,但单个外植体平均不定芽数下降.带有1cm长枳壳砧木的茎尖在MS 0.5mg/L6-BA上可以形成丛芽,单个外植体平均不定芽数为4.5,而且不定芽生长迅速.虽然我们未能诱导外植体不定根发生,但通过试管嫁接可以获得完整植株.  相似文献   

以小型西瓜‘秀丽’为接穗、耐盐砧木瓠瓜‘超丰抗生王’为砧木,以自根嫁接苗为参照,分析了砧木嫁接对NaCl胁迫下西瓜幼苗根、茎、叶中离子和内源激素含量的影响。结果表明:(1)盐胁迫下,自根嫁接苗Na+主要积累在地上部,K+含量和K+/Na+比下降幅度大;砧木嫁接苗大部分Na+积累在根系中,K+含量和K+/Na+比下降幅度小且在不同部位皆高于自根嫁接苗。(2)盐胁迫下,自根嫁接苗吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)以及玉米素和玉米核苷的总量(Z+ZR)在根系和接穗茎中显著增加,在叶片中明显下降,赤霉素(GA3)含量在不同部位保持不变或明显增加;而砧木嫁接苗不同部位IAA和(Z+ZR)的含量均显著增加,GA3含量在不同部位保持不变或明显下降。(3)盐胁迫下,两种嫁接组合根系和茎中脱落酸(ABA)含量均明显下降,叶片中ABA含量则显著增加。(4)盐胁迫下,自根嫁接苗和砧木嫁接苗根系和接穗茎中IAA/(Z+ZR)的比值均明显上升,叶片中明显下降,但砧木嫁接苗上升和下降幅度均远大于自根嫁接苗。研究表明,瓠瓜根系对进入根系的Na+具有截留作用;采用瓠瓜砧木嫁接可有效防止Na+在西瓜接穗地上部尤其是在叶片中的大量累积,从而防止离子毒害的发生;瓠瓜砧木嫁接植株体内具有较高的K+含量和K+/Na+比,可有效维持盐胁迫下西瓜嫁接植株体内的离子稳态;瓠瓜砧木嫁接植株体内具有较高的IAA和(Z+ZR)含量,IAA/(Z+ZR)比值较高,对提高西瓜嫁接植株盐胁迫耐性起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

成年沙田柚树试管嫁接及微繁殖的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别以两类沙田柚侧芽为接穗、酸柚为砧木进行了试管嫁接,结果表明:不同嫁接方式、接穗大小以及不同激素处理均直接影响到试管嫁接成活率.对大田侧芽而言,接穗大小以茎尖为宜,1.0mg/LGA3或0.5mg/L6-BA处理效果较佳,嫁接成活率分别达50%和30%;对侧枝沙培萌发的侧芽而言,接穗大小以茎尖 1个节间为宜,2.0mg/LGA3或0.5mg/L6-BA处理效果较佳,嫁接成活率分别达90%和80%.在相同条件下,后者的嫁接成活率一般明显高于前者.两种沙田柚嫁接苗的试管微繁殖没有明显区别,在MS 6-BA0.1mg/L培养基上均可分化不定芽,继代的嫁接成活率可达90%以上.  相似文献   

该研究以黄瓜品种‘中农18号’、南瓜砧木品种‘京欣砧5号’为试验材料,以南瓜自根苗(P)和去除1片子叶及生长点的南瓜苗( /P)为对照,采用单子叶贴接法进行黄瓜/南瓜异体嫁接(C/P)和南瓜/南瓜自体嫁接(P/P),测定嫁接后砧木子叶形态指标和淀粉代谢的动态变化,分析嫁接后去除砧木子叶对嫁接苗生长发育的影响,以揭示砧木子叶淀粉代谢在黄瓜嫁接苗生长中的作用,为黄瓜嫁接苗的壮苗培育提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)贴接后,C/P、P/P和 /P砧木子叶鲜质量和面积显著增大,且增加量依次递减,表现为 /P > C/P > P/P > P。(2)贴接后,C/P和P/P砧木子叶中淀粉含量在嫁接后0~3 d时降低,之后迅速升高,至嫁接后13 d再次逐渐降低,且C/P砧木子叶淀粉含量及其淀粉分支酶(SBE)和水解酶(β AL)活性均显著高于P/P。(3)在嫁接后0~10 d 去除砧木子叶可显著抑制C/P嫁接苗接穗和根系生长,减弱根系活力,同时降低根系可溶性糖含量及其CWINHXK基因表达水平,并以嫁接后0 d 去除砧木子叶的抑制效果最显著。研究表明,黄瓜C/P单子叶贴接苗中,砧木子叶作为贮存器官,在幼苗生长早期以淀粉形式储存光合产物,之后淀粉水解成单糖为嫁接苗接穗和根系快速生长提供物质和能量。  相似文献   

柑桔接穗对砧木生长及若干生理生化特性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以体细胞杂种红桔+枳、红桔+粗柠檬和有性杂种Troyer枳橙、Swingle枳柚以及枳作砧木的"国庆4号"温州蜜柑、脐橙(无枳砧)和不嫁接的砧木幼树为试材,通过两年盆栽试验研究接穗对砧木生长、根系活力和根系抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明,Swingle枳柚和红桔+粗柠檬的砧粗易受接穗影响,接穗显著地影响砧木根系体积。在一般情况下,同一种砧木嫁接后砧木根系活力、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性低于未嫁接砧木,或与其差异不显著;同时存在接穗促进根系过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性升高的现象。  相似文献   

城市污泥等废料可以用于调理稀土矿废弃地土壤,而能源植物麻疯树有望成为稀土矿废弃地的先锋植物。本研究通过向稀土矿废弃地土壤中添加污泥(T1)、污泥+蔗渣(T2)、污泥+蔗渣+钝化剂(T3),并以矿区土壤为对照(CK),研究盆栽条件下各处理对麻疯树生长和元素吸收的影响。结果表明: 与CK相比,T1仅显著提高麻疯树株高,T2、T3显著提高麻疯树株高、地径和生物量,其中总生物量提高184.7%以上;3个处理均显著促进麻疯树对N、P、K、Cu的吸收;T1、T2显著提高基质中可交换态Zn、Cd、Ni比例,T3则相反,并显著降低Zn、Cd、Ni在基质中的迁移系数和活性系数,抑制麻疯树对Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni的吸收,抑制率达36.1%以上。隶属函数综合评价结果表明,各处理对麻疯树生长的促进顺序为T2>T3>T1>CK,对麻疯树吸收Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni的抑制顺序为T3>CK>T2>T1。混施污泥和蔗渣显著促进麻疯树生长和元素吸收,进一步加入钝化剂则显著抑制麻疯树对重金属的吸收,但不影响麻疯树生长。  相似文献   

嫁接黄瓜地上部的南瓜根系分泌物对种子萌发的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
经嫁接黄瓜接穗的南瓜根系分泌物对黄瓜和南瓜的发芽率和胚根、胚轴的伸长均具有明显的抑制作用.分析表明:嫁接黄瓜根系分泌物可以促进黄瓜和南瓜体内吲哚乙酸氧化酶的活性,抑制淀粉酶的活性,从而降低其吲哚乙酸(IAA)水平,影响子叶中贮藏物质的转化和利用,抑制其萌发和生长.  相似文献   

成年态南丰蜜橘试管嫁接育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索适合成年态南丰蜜橘[Citrus reticulata Blanco‘kinokuni’(Tanaka)H.H.Hu]的快速繁殖技术,对其试管茎尖微嫁接育苗进行研究。结果表明,最好的砧木是苦柚种子苗,以腹接方式的成活率最高。嫁接苗接种在MS+GA3 1 mg L–1+蔗糖75 g L–1的培养基中,暗培养7 d后转入光周期下培养,嫁接成活率达67.78%。不同移栽基质对嫁接苗的成活率影响不显著。嫁接苗与成年态南丰蜜橘再生芽在形态和POD、CAT及SOD同工酶分子表达上均无明显差异。这表明通过试管茎尖微嫁接技术可保持其遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

巴西橡胶树嫁接接合区接穗和砧木径向生长差异的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用树皮嫁接后不锯砧和光镜观察的方法,研究了巴西橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)嫁接后8个月的接合区接穗和砧木木质部径向生长的差异现象。结果表明,接合区接穗木质部的径向生长普遍地小于砧木,这种生长差异是由接穗和砧木亲本固有生长特性的差异引起的,与嫁接亲和性无关。(1)对于同一无性系,接穗的发育阶段决定其生长能力,幼态接穗新分化的木质部显著地大于老态接穗,而两类接穗旁边的砧木之间没有明显差别。(2)砧木生长势明显地影响接穗木质部的生长,砧木生长势越强,砧木和接穗的生长就越快,两者的径向差异也越大。(3)同一砧木上各品系接穗木质部生长差异取决于接穗自身的生长特性,砧木的生长不受接穗品系的明显影响。显微观察表明橡胶树的嫁接是亲和的,接穗新分化的木质部镶嵌在砧木新分化的木质部中,维管组织如导管上下连接畅通,砧穗树皮厚度一致,愈合良好。  相似文献   

接穗与砧木对月季嫁接苗性状影响的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择花色、花大小等性状不同的2种月季植株互为接穗和砧木进行嫁接,在活动中了解嫁接的概念,理解嫁接成活原理,掌握植物嫁接的方法和技能,培养学生科学素养。嫁接成活后,通过嫁接苗和原植株的性状对比,得出接穗与砧木对月季嫁接苗性状的影响是不同的。  相似文献   

The influence of a new micrografting method in vitro was tested by using long shoot meristems of adult 140 year old European larch trees grafted onto larch seedling rootstocks in sterile peat pellets. Five months after grafting and transfer of grafts to ex vitro conditions, new shoots from sprouting scions were re-established into tissue culture. The propagation behavior of shoots derived from these explants was compared with shoots established via bud culture from the same donor trees. Shoot explants from micrografts multiplied more rapidly than shoots explants from the original adult donor trees. Rooting experiments with cuttings from six micrografted clones resulted in 49.9 ± 11.9% rooting. Cuttings from donor trees invariably showed no root formation. The results confirm a rejuvenating influence of micrografting in larch.  相似文献   

为建立龙珠果(Passiflora foetida)的快繁再生体系,以实生苗茎段为外植体,研究了植物生长调节剂对丛生芽诱导、壮苗生根的影响,同时对组培苗的耐盐性进行研究。结果表明,MS+6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L培养基有利于诱导丛生芽并促进芽的生长;MS+6-BA 3.0 mg/L+NAA 0.3 mg/L培养基有利于诱导愈伤组织;1/2 MS+IBA 0.2 mg/L培养基适合小芽壮苗生根。组培苗移栽至泥炭土∶蛭石∶珍珠岩(2∶1∶1)的基质中,成活率可达92.6%,且植株生长良好。0~200 mmol/L NaCl处理的组培苗生长不受影响;超过200 mmol/L NaCl处理,植株出现矮化、叶片萎蔫、变黄等现象。随NaCl浓度升高,叶片的SOD活性逐渐升高,POD、CAT和APX活性则呈先升高后降低的趋势。这为龙珠果的种苗繁育、海滨生态修复提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

为明确小桐子(Jatropha curcas L.)果壳的化感物质,对小桐子果壳水提物的水萃取物进行了分离和初步鉴定。结果表明,AO活性部位为10 g L-1时,对萝卜(Raphanus sativus Linn.)、苏丹草[Sorghum sudanense(Piper)Stapf]幼苗生长的抑制率均高于80%。经对AO部位进行HPLC-MS分析,选择鉴定了含量较高的6个化合物,其含量为总量的60.13%。其中,化合物6初步鉴定为楤木皂苷Ⅴ(AraliasaponinⅤ),化合物1、2、3、4、5相似,初步鉴定为肽和蛋白,其相对含量之和为56.13%。利用小桐子果壳可开发植物源除草剂。  相似文献   

Summary A protocol for regeneration and micrografting of shoots of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) was developed. Multiple shoots (4–5) were regenerated from cotyledonary node explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 8.8 μM 6-benzylaminopurine. In vitro regenerated shoots were micrografted on rootstocks with 96% efficiency. The successful grafts were transplanted to pots in Redi-earthTM, hardened off and were grown to maturity with 100% success. The success of the micrografting was independent of the nature and concentration of growth regulator used in shoot initiation medium and the time period for induction of shoots. The protocol was successful with several cultivars of lentil. The advantages of micrografting over in vitro rooting are discussed.  相似文献   

以睡菜的幼嫩茎段为外植体,接种到附加不同浓度激素配比(6-BA/NAA)的MS培养基,诱导睡菜愈伤组织、芽及根的生长。研究发现,外植体在1.0mg/L 6-BA+0.1mg/L NAA+MS的培养基上培养10d,可观察到浅绿色的愈伤组织。愈伤组织转接到4.0mg/L 6-BA+0.3mg/L NAA+MS培养基上2周左右可生成芽。对带芽的愈伤组织再进行诱导生根进而形成完整再生植株,最适根诱导培养基为0.3mg/L 6-BA+1.0mg/L NAA+MS培养基。该实验采用植物离体快繁技术成功建立了睡菜再生体系,为睡菜种苗规模化奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

A method was developed for the establishment of shoot cultures from Douglas-fir trees selected for outstanding growth and form in a 12-year-old genetic test. Vegetative buds from the lower crown were sterilized and grafted in vitro onto juvenile clonal rootstock. The rootstocks were produced from adventitious buds induced on cotyledons, and were maintained through micropropagation. Buds that established grafts slowly elongated into shoots, which were harvested and multiplied through micropropagation. Grafts often grew several new shoots which in turn could be harvested. In 1987, 2830 buds were grafted from 18 superior trees. Twenty nine grafts (1%) produced shoots which established 11 of the 18 trees in culture. Their appearance and behavior in vitro became more juvenile over 1–3 years, as indicated by shoot and needle morphology, disappearance of episodic growth pattern, increase in multiplication rates, and ability of needles to produce adventitious buds.The five most prolific of the 11 clones were given a pre-rooting treatment and planted in soil under fog. The success of rooting and subsequent establishment in soil varied from 5 to 17% depending on clone. In contrast, trees multiplied in vitro for 1–2 years longer showed soil establishment rates from 8–60%. This technique allows establishment, multiplication, and maintenance in vitro of cultures from high value Douglas-fir genotypes. Such cultures may serve as a starting point for further research on rejuvenation and cloning.  相似文献   

The complete protocols for long-term micropropagation of some cultivars of four lupin species: Lupinus luteus, L. albus, L. angustifolius and L. mutabilis were elaborated. The shoots were regenerated in vitro via induction of axillary buds development. Plantlets were multiplicated on lowered salts MS-derived media containing BAP in diverse and generally low concentrations. Significant differences in regeneration capacity between species and cultivars were observed. The highest multiplication ratio revealed L. mutabilis and L. luteus. Regenerated shoots were rooted in vitro on low-salts MS-derived media with B5 vitamins. Media were supplemented with different auxins that affected roots formation of particular species and cultivars. Rooting ability of regenerated shoots decreased rapidly through in vitro culture. For that reason, grafting was applied as an alternative method of transfer of shoots to in vivo conditions. This method turned out to be successful for the majority of studied species and cultivars. Complete rooted or grafted plantlets were cultivated in pots with perlit in greenhouse. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

以小桐子(Jatropha curcas L.)cDNA为模版,克隆了JcGSK基因的CDS序列。序列分析表明,JcGSK基因包含1 230bp完全阅读框(ORF),编码409个氨基酸。预测其编码蛋白质的相对分子量为46.33kD,理论等电点为8.58。Blast搜索结果及进化分析结果表明,JcGSK蛋白与巴西橡胶树GSK蛋白的氨基酸序列一致性最高(94%)且亲缘关系最近;JcGSK基因编码的蛋白具有一个蛋白激酶特有的结构域。组织表达结果显示,JcGSK基因在小桐子根、茎、叶、花、果皮和种子中都有表达,且在根中表达量最高。小桐子幼苗在NaCl、ABA、PEG、低温和机械损伤处理后JcGSK基因表达量有不同程度的上调,推测其参与小桐子非生物胁迫响应和信号传导过程。JcGSK基因在种子中也有较高表达,在种子发育过程中表达量的变化与种子生长发育趋势基本一致,推测JcGSK基因也参与调控小桐子种子的生长发育。  相似文献   

An efficient micropropagation protocol for annatto (Bixa orellana L.) was achieved using nodal shoot tip explants. Shoot buds were obtained on the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with various concentrations and combinations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), N6-benzyladenine (BA) and triacontanol (TRIA). Maximum of 213 shoot buds along with 18 primary shoots were produced on MS medium containing 0.05 μM IAA, 8.87 μM BA, and 11.2 μM TRIA. The primary shoots elongated best on MS medium containing 6.66 μM BA and 2.45 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The regenerated shoots rooted best on MS medium supplemented with 4.9 μM IBA. The in vitro rooted plantlets were hardened and establishment rate under field conditions was 70 to 80 %.  相似文献   

The success of various in vitro micrografting methods of shoot tips of pistachio (Pistacia vera L. var. Siirt) have been examined. Excised zygotic embryos that germinated in vitro were used as rootstocks. Current year shoot tips from mature trees of pistachio micrografted onto in vitro juvenile rootstocks, resulted in the restoration of shoot-bud proliferation. Variables tested include a size of microscion, grafting method, effects of culture medium and effects of time of the year at which shoot tips were used. The results indicate that the easiest and most successful method for grafting was slit micrografting. High levels of micrograft take were achieved with 2–4 mm (56.75%) and 4–6 mm (79.25%) long scions obtained from the regenerated shoot tips. The survival rate of the shoot tips was directly related to time of the year. The best growth of microscion was obtained with the in vitro forced shoot tips rather than with shoot tips excised from tree. Slow growth and lack of axillary shoot development on the micrografts was noticeable when the micrografts were cultured on hormone-free and germination medium. In vitro micrografted plantlets were successfully weaned and no problems were encountered with the establishment of micrografted plants in vivo.  相似文献   

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