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将鲤鱼①饲养在富钙淡水(天然淡水中添加0.5%CaCl2)中,②在富钙淡水饲养8d后分别腹腔注射维生素D3(VD3,5000U/100g体重,以提高细胞外钙浓度)和鲤鱼斯坦尼氏小体(CS)匀浆液(0.5mg/100g体重,以降低细胞外钙浓度),③富钙淡水饲养28d后转入天然淡水。单纯的高钙环境能够诱导鲤鱼出现高血钙;注射VD3和CS匀浆液则分别引起血钙水平升高和降低。血钙升高时,CS囊泡萎缩,分泌细胞的核增大、粗面内质网增多、细胞脱颗粒化,提示CS分泌细胞在Ca^2 的作用下合成与分泌活动旺盛,但过度刺激将导致分泌细胞的衰竭与破裂;当血钙降低时,上述症状有所缓解,分泌细胞内的分泌颗粒积累,提示CS分泌细胞的分泌活动减弱,合成活动正常;从高钙环境转入天然淡水后,CS分泌细胞的结构与功能亦可逐渐恢复正常。鲤鱼CS的状态受细胞外和体外钙水平变动的影响,而且这种影响是可逆的。  相似文献   

棉铃虫卵巢形态与卵子发生过程观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害虫发生高峰期、 发生量的准确预测和田间防治适期的确定与种群雌虫卵巢结构及卵子发生过程密切相关。为了明确棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera卵巢结构及卵子发生过程, 本研究利用光学体视显微镜和透射电子显微镜, 对棉铃虫成虫卵巢管和卵子的超微结构进行了研究, 并确定了发育级别划分标准。结果表明: 根据卵巢的形状、 卵的产生过程、 卵黄沉积情况等将棉铃虫卵巢发育程度分为6个级别, 即发育初期(0级)、 卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、 卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、 成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、 产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。根据卵子发生过程中滋养细胞、 卵母细胞的变化, 将卵子发生期分为3个阶段: 卵黄发生前期、 卵黄发生期和卵黄成熟期。本研究首次对棉铃虫的卵子发生进行电子显微观察, 并完善了棉铃虫卵巢发育的分级标准, 为进一步研究棉铃虫的生殖发育机理提供了理论参考, 对田间棉铃虫种群发生期和发生量的预测预报也有重要的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

应用透射电镜观察了不同发育时期哲罗鱼(Hucho taimen)卵黄的超微结构.根据哲罗鱼卵黄物质在卵母细胞中的加工合成、积累以及卵母细胞中参与卵黄颗粒形成的细胞器的变化,可将该鱼卵黄发生分为4个特征时期,即卵黄发生前期、卵黄泡期、卵黄积累期和卵黄积累完成期.卵黄发生前期是指卵母细胞发育过程中的卵黄物质开始积累前的时期,此时期核仁不断分裂,出现线粒体云和早期的滤泡细胞层、基层和鞘细胞层;卵黄泡期特点主要是细胞器不断变化产生卵黄泡和皮层泡;卵黄积累期的滤泡膜由内向外依次为放射带、颗粒细胞层、基层和鞘细胞层,此时外源性卵黄前体物质不断经过血液汇集于鞘细胞层,后经微胞饮作用穿过胶原纤维组成的基层,经过多泡体作用转运至颗粒细胞内,在细胞内经过加工和修饰形成小的卵黄蛋白颗粒,卵黄蛋白颗粒经微胞饮穿过放射带进入卵母细胞边缘形成的空泡中,不断积累形成卵黄球;进入卵黄积累完成期,卵黄球体积变大,向细胞中心聚集,填满大部分卵母细胞,卵黄积累完毕.  相似文献   

秀丽白虾卵母细胞不同发育阶段滤泡细胞的超微结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用透射电镜技术观察了秀丽白虾(Exopalaemon modestus)不同发育阶段卵巢滤泡细胞的超微结构及其与卵母细胞的联系。随着卵母细胞的发育进程,滤泡细胞经历了发育和退化过程。在卵黄大量发生期,卵母细胞被多层滤泡细胞包绕,血窦伸入层间;滤泡细胞内含有丰富的内质网、高尔基体、线粒体、核糖体及原始卵黄颗粒。在卵子成熟期,滤泡细胞由内向外依次解体,血窦萎缩。这些形态变化支持滤泡细胞具有吸收血液营养、合成并向卵母细胞输送原始卵黄物质的功能的观点。与锯缘青蟹、长毛对虾和中华绒螯蟹的滤泡细胞的作用方式稍有不同。  相似文献   

鲤鱼年生殖周期斯坦尼氏小体重量和超微结构的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对鲤鱼 (Cyprinuscarpio)性腺指数 [GI ,(性腺重 /体重 )× 10 2 ]和斯坦尼氏小体 (corpuscleofStannius ,CS)指数 [CSI ,(CS重 /体重 )× 10 6],以及CS超微结构的变化做了一个年周期的跟踪观察。CSI与GI呈正相关 ;按囊泡和分泌细胞超微结构的变化 ,CS的生长期、分泌期和萎缩期在年周期中逐步演替。这种演替与光镜观察结果一致 ,提示与鲤鱼的繁殖周期密切相关。  相似文献   

异搏定拮抗α-石英细胞毒性作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助于单细胞阳离子测定系统等手段,研究了不同细胞外钙浓度下异搏定作用后,细胞存活率与细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+i)的变化关系.同时还研究了异搏定对实验性硅肺大鼠模型的作用.结果表明:由α-石英引起的肺泡巨噬细胞内钙升高是由于大量细胞外钙内流,造成细胞内钙超载,引起细胞死亡,并进一步导致硅肺形成.异搏定可以抑制细胞内钙增加,降低细胞的死亡.动物模型实验结果还表明异搏定对硅肺的发生有明显的抑制作用.提示异搏定可能成为硅肺的防治药物.  相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤性腺发育的组织学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用石蜡组织切片法,对青海湖裸鲤的性腺发育进行组织学研究,系统地描述了各期卵巢和精巢的形态结构、特征及变化。结果表明:(1)青海湖裸鲤性腺的发育可分为六个时期,卵母细胞从第3时相发育到第4时相基本同步。第Ⅳ期末卵巢,第4时相卵母细胞的卵径大小比较整齐,卵径平均值为2.3mm,第4时相卵母细胞占切面上卵数的85%以上,占切片面积的96%以上,第2、3时相卵母细胞已很少;(2)产后卵巢的组织结构逐步由第Ⅵ期回复到第Ⅱ期,再由第Ⅱ期到第Ⅲ期向第Ⅳ期过渡;(3)性成熟个体有68.12%的雌鱼和83.9%的雄鱼以第Ⅳ期性腺越冬,另有21.01%的雌鱼和10.7%的雄鱼以第Ⅲ期性腺越冬,还有10.87%的雌鱼和5.4%的雄鱼以第Ⅱ期性腺越冬。根据青海湖裸鲤各季节性腺发育情况,作者认为青海湖裸鲤已达到性成熟的个体并不是每年都参与繁殖活动,存在生殖间断性。这反映了青海湖裸鲤的繁殖习性对高原寒冷多变气候的适应性。还对卵黄核和核仁在卵黄形成中的作用以及青海湖裸鲤的产卵类型和生殖间断性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

不同钙离子浓度对日本沼虾感光器细胞超微结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步研究细胞外钙离子浓度变化对甲壳动物感光细胞超微结构的影响,应用透射电子显微镜显示了日本沼虾感光细胞,在暗适应时高钙离子浓度中温育的感光器细胞的感杆束直径下降,微绒毛排列零乱;多囊体、板膜体数量增加;色素颗粒散布在细胞质中,呈现出光适应的结构特征。而温育在低钙离子溶液和生理溶液中的感光器细胞结构相同,呈现出暗适应的结构特征。另外,细胞器中储存的钙离子也受细胞外钙离子浓度的影响,在高钙离子溶液中温育后细胞器储存的钙离子量增加,膜下储泡囊、多囊体、线粒体、色素颗粒等细胞器中的焦锑酸钙结晶颗粒比温育在低钙溶液中的细胞明显增多。结果显示,细胞外钙离子浓度变化引起细胞内钙离子浓度变化,从而影响感光器细胞的结构而影响其生理功能。  相似文献   

日本血吸虫卵黄培养细胞超微结构动态的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从超微结构水平研究日本血吸虫卵黄细胞培养的动态。在体外培养过程中,卵黄细胞对外界环境的改变比日本血吸虫的其它体细胞更加敏感。随着培养时间的延长,卵黄细胞发生不同程度的变性,成熟卵黄细胞比未成熟卵黄细胞发生变性。变性主要表现在核和胞质的电子密度降低;卵黄球相互融合,或卵黄球与膜之间的空隙逐步增大,最终卵黄球从中释放出来,变成裸露体;脂滴数目增多,体积增大;粗面内质网扩大和囊泡变,其上的核糖体脱颗粒等  相似文献   

中华稻蝗卵子卵黄发生期超微结构研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用透射电镜研究了中华稻蝗Oxya chinesis卵子发生中卵黄发生期的超微结构.卯黄发生初期,滤泡上皮细胞胞质内出现大量粗面内质网及线粒体等细胞器,可能与为卵母细胞提供营养有关.卵黄发生期卵母细胞胞质内卵黄球逐渐增多,它也许有多种来源.观察到环形片层结构,并讨论了其可能功能.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to analyze the differences in the activity of hormone stanniocalcin (STC) between male and female fishes of Mastacembelus armatus during their gonadal cycle. A large variation in nuclear diameter of cells of corpuscles of Stannius (CS) were recorded in relation to testicular cycle as well as ovarian cycle which indicates that the cellular activity varied with different phases of reproductive cycle in both male and female fish. Similar changes in nuclear diameter of CS cells were also observed after 17alpha-methyltestosterone administration in males and 17 β-estradiol administrations in females. A positive correlation was observed between plasma STC levels, gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the sex steroids in both sexes, suggesting that STC has a role in the processes involved in gonadal development. In addition females showed remarkable changes in plasma calcium level during gonadal cycle while no such change for males were observed. In females the plasma calcium level estimated during different phases of reproductive cycle indicates positive correlation between plasma level of calcium and gonad growth. Thus hyperactivity of CS cells was noted in both male and female fishes during gonadal cycle along with the differences in the activity of STC as well. In female it may act as hypocalcemic factor and bring the level of calcium to normal which increases during preparatory and pre spawning phases to fulfill the increased demand of calcium for vitellogenesis. However data of male fishes indicated that plasma STC concentration varied widely during gonadal cycle but showed no consistent relationship to plasma calcium level.  相似文献   

Summary The corpuscles of Stannius (CS) of the cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus (formerly Sarotherodon mossambicus) were studied in relation to sexual maturation and plasma calcium levels. After sexual maturation, the CS are enlarged in female fish, because of an increase in size and number of the type-1 cells. During the ovarian cycle, the size of the CS increases in parallel with the growth of the ovaries. Concurrently, plasma total calcium increases markedly until spawning. This increase is mainly accounted for by calcium bound to proteins (vitellogenins), but the ultrafiltrable calcium fraction is also slightly higher than in males. Ovariectomy is followed by a reduction in the size of the CS, mainly a result of involution of the type-1 cells, and by a reduction in plasma calcium to levels typical for males. Gonadectomy in males does not affect size or ultrastructure of the CS, or plasma calcium levels. Since the type-1 cells of the CS are the presumptive source of a hypocalcemic hormone, we conclude that activation of the CS during the female reproductive cycle is a response to elevated calcium levels that accompany ovarian maturation. We suggest that the CS respond in particular to the elevated ultrafiltrable or ionic calcium levels.  相似文献   

The co-effect of Cordyceps sinensi (CS; caterpillar fungus) and strontium on ovariectomized osteopenic rats was studied in this paper. After the rats were treated orally with CS, strontium (SR), and CS rich in strontium (CSS), respectively, the urine calcium, plasma calcium, plasma phosphorus, bone mineral content, mechanical testing, and the mass of uterus, thymus, and body were examined. Both CSS and SR have a positive effect on mechanical strength and mineral content of ovariectomized osteopenic rats. However, femoral neck strength in the CSS-treated group was higher than those in the SR-treated groups. CSS and SR significantly decreased urinary calcium excretion and plasma total calcium and inorganic phosphate concentrations. On the contrary, CS and CSS significantly increased weights of atrophic uteri and weights of body and also decreased the thymus mass in animals, whereas SR did not exhibit any such effects. Our experiments have demonstrated that CSS possess a preferable effect against the decrease of bone strength and bone mineral mass caused by osteoporosis. It was caused by the co-effect of CS and strontium. The mechanism of it includes decreases bone resorption, increases bone formation, increases in body weight, and enhances 17β-estradiol-producing as well as enhancing the immune functions in animals. The data provide an important proof of concept that CSS might be a new potential therapy for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis in humans.  相似文献   

Summary Removal of the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) in Oreochromis mossambicus leads to hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. The effects on CS size and ultrastructure of different calcium and phosphate concentrations of the ambient water and of the food were investigated. A six-fold increase of the calcium concentration of the water leads to a four-fold increase in CS volume; this is mainly caused by an increase in the size and number of the type-1 cells. The effect of external calcium is most probably mediated by the calcium concentration of the blood plasma. Plasma ionic calcium may be the relevant factor. Changes in the calcium concentration of the food had no effect on the CS. Similarly, hyperphosphatemia or hypophosphatemia induced by high phosphate concentrations of the water or the food, or by a phosphate-deficient diet, had no noticeable effect on the CS. The results support the hypothesis that the type-1 cells produce the hypocalcemic factor of the CS. There is no evidence for the production by the CS of an endocrine factor involved in the control of phosphate metabolism.  相似文献   

The plasma levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), calcium, and inorganic phosphorus in the Japanese macaque were measured during its growing period. The plasma ALP level within two days after birth was 818±186 IU/1, and the level showed a temporary peak at about 2 months of age (2747±763 IU/1). The ALP level formed a plateau from 1 to 3 years of age, then decreased again and reached finally an adult level (211±71 IU/1). Sex differences were observed twice during the animal's lifetime, from 6 to 9 months of age and from 3 to 7 years of age. On integration of this complicated curve, a correlation was observed with the development of the length of the bones. The plasma levels of calcium and inorganic phosphorus which were high within two days after birth, reached adult levels at 3 months and 5 years of age, respectively.  相似文献   

目的:探讨低分子量硫酸软骨素(CS)在兔软骨修复过程中对于IL-1β、TNF-α和TGF-β及血液中钙磷含量的影响。方法:36只成年新西兰大白兔,随机分成6组,分别为对照组、模型组、低分子量CS低剂量组、低分子量CS高剂量组、高分子量CS低剂量组、高分子量CS高剂量组,每组6只。通过在实验兔股骨髁关节面部位,钻出直径3mm,深度3mm的缺孔,造成其关节软骨的缺损。术后次日给予药物进行灌胃,每日1次,5周后取材。采用酶联免疫法测定关节液中IL-1β、TNF-α和TGF-β的含量,同时用全自动生化分析仪及其配套的试剂盒来测定兔血清中钙,磷含量。结果:低分子量CS和高分子量CS都能够减少关节液中炎性因子的含量和增加TGF-β的含量,且与模型组相比具有统计学意义(P0.05);同时低分子量CS与高分子量CS相比效果较好(P0.05);而高低剂量之间无统计学意义(P0.05)。与模型组相比,给予CS的组别,其血清中的钙磷含量相对较少(P0.05),但都高于对照组。结论:高、低分子量的CS都可以增加TGF-β的含量,降低IL-1β、TNF-α和血清中钙、磷的含量。而对于软骨修复,这可能是通过对上述因子的影响,从而产生积极的作用。  相似文献   

Choline-deficiency fatty liver: impaired release of hepatic triglycerides   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
After intravenous injection of palmitate-1-(14)C to rats fed a choline-deficient (CD) or choline-supplemented (CS) diet for 15-18 hr, liver triglycerides became labeled very rapidly. In CS, but not in CD rats, there was a considerable loss, with time, of radioactivity from liver triglycerides. At the same time, significantly less radioactivity appeared in plasma triglycerides of CD rats than of CS animals. No difference was seen in the triglyceride content of microsomes isolated from the liver of rats fed the two diets. The lower radioactivity in plasma triglycerides of CD rats was essentially due to a lower level and specific activity of very low density lipoprotein triglycerides. After intravenous injection of Triton and labeled palmitate, considerably less radioactivity accumulated in plasma triglycerides and phospholipids of CD rats than of CS animals. Post-Triton hyperphospholipidemia was also less pronounced in CD rats. It was concluded that the fatty liver observed in CD rats results from an impaired release of hepatic triglycerides into plasma.  相似文献   

目的根据不溶性钙盐离子积计算,将血钙控制于正常水平,从而将血磷酸与氟控制在致死性浓度以下,达到解救磷与氢氟酸烧伤中毒目的。方法氢氟酸与黄磷于新西兰兔背部皮肤致致死性磷与氢氟酸烧伤,伤后动物分为:氢氟酸烧伤组(HF,n=10);氢氟酸烧伤钙治疗组(HF-Ca,n=10);磷烧伤组(P,n=12)与磷烧伤钙治疗组(P-Ca,n=12),汽油烧伤对照组(G,n=12)。两治疗组均给予钙治疗以将血钙水平控制在正常水平以上,观测伤后死亡率与血氟、磷、血总钙、游离钙水平。结果氢氟酸烧伤组伤后血氟(1.15±0.12)×10^-4mol/L,动物死亡率100%;磷烧伤后血磷显著升高,动物死亡率75%;两组血游离钙均较正常显著降低(P〈0.05),钙治疗将血钙维持于正常水平后,7d内动物死亡率降低至普通烧伤的30%水平。结论维持血钙于正常水平能够防治磷及氢氟酸烧伤致死性中毒,这一结果能够从不溶性盐离子积计算中加以解释。  相似文献   

Adaptation of the brown trout to fresh water containing increasing concentrations of calcium resulted in a decrease in plasma electrolyte level and total electrolyte excretion. The electrolyte excretion rate was higher at the beginning than at the end of the urine collection periods. Hypophysectomized fish had a lower plasma electrolyte concentration than the controls. This deficiency was partially corrected by polactin therapy. High environmental calcium was only effective to a limited extent. There was no difference in the normal renal sodium output between hypophysectomized and intact fish in fresh water. Environmental calcium did not have any significant effect on renal electrolyte output of hypophysectomized fish.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis, secretion and receptor selectivity of human brain natriuretic peptide (hBNP) were studied. The BNP mRNA level in the ventricle was approximately 40% of that in the atrium and, taking tissue weight into account, the total amount of BNP mRNA in the ventricle was about twofold greater than the total amount in the atrium. The plasma BNP-like immuno-reactivity (-LI) level in normal subjects was 0.90 +/- 0.07 fmol/mL, which was 16% of the ANP-LI level. In contrast, the plasma BNP-LI level markedly increased in patients with congestive heart failure, with a progressive rise in proportion to its severity. There was a significant step-up of the plasma BNP-LI level in the coronary sinus (CS) compared with that in the aortic root, and the difference in the plasma BNP-LI level between the CS and the aorta (Ao), delta (CS-Ao)BNP, increased with the severity of congestive heart failure. In addition, the difference in the BNP-LI level between the anterior inverventricular vein (AIV) draining the ventricle and the aorta (delta (AIV-Ao)BNP) was comparable to delta (CS-Ao) BNP, indicating that BNP is secreted predominantly from the ventricle. Binding ability to human clearance receptors (C receptors) and cyclic GMP (cGMP) production of hBNP were investigated and compared with those of ANP. hBNP bound to human C receptors very weakly (about 7%), but exerted cGMP production similar to ANP in cultured human mesangial cells and bovine endothelial cells. In conclusion, hBNP is a novel cardiac hormone mainly synthesized in and secreted from the ventricle and plays physiological and pathophysiological roles in the dual cardiac natriuretic peptide system.  相似文献   

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