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本文旨在探讨丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)核心(core)蛋白在病毒复制和感染中的作用,采取基因置换的方法,用HCV1b型J4株的核心基因平行置换2a型J6JFH1株的核心区,构建了FL-J6JFH/J4core嵌合复制子。体外制备RNA转录体,以脂质体介导转染Huh7.5.1肝癌细胞。转染后第5天,用荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ-PCR)检测细胞内HCVRNA水平。第8天,以丙型肝炎患者血清为一抗,免疫荧光法(IFA)检测转染细胞内HCV蛋白表达。同时收集转染后第8天的细胞上清液,感染naveHuh7.5.1肝癌细胞,72h后IFA检测HCV蛋白表达。结果显示,FL-J6JFH/J4core转染组第5天细胞内RNA水平与野生型FL-J6JFH1接近,无显著差异(n=4,P0.05)。免疫荧光检测显示,FL-J6JFH/J4core转染细胞后第8天及其上清液感染的naveHuh7.5.1细胞的HCV阳性细胞数都低于野生型。本研究结果初步表明,HCV各株间核心基因的替换会影响HCV的蛋白翻译和感染性病毒颗粒的产生与释放。  相似文献   

HCV 1a/1b型嵌合体能在HepG2细胞内复制与表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用HCV 1a/1b嵌合体cDNA构建表达质粒转染HepG2细胞,以免疫组化和Western blotting检测HCV蛋白表达,RT-PCR检测HCV正、负链RNA,研究丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)1a和1b型嵌合体全长cDNA在HepG2细胞中的复制和表达.结果证明,转染细胞中检测到分子量约70 kDa的HCV NS3蛋白, 转染细胞连续传20代, 仍能检测到HCV正、负链RNA.表明该HCV嵌合体可以在细胞中复制和表达,HCV 1b型的RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RdRp)可以起始含1a型非编码区的病毒复制. HCV 5′端非翻译区第11、12、13、34和35位核苷酸改变可不影响其与核糖体结合.3′非翻译区9400,9403和9407位核苷酸改变,9435位缺失"A",9409,9410位及9495,9496,9497位分别插入"TT"和"AAT"可不影响RdRp的生物活性.本研究对阐明HCV复制和翻译机制有重要意义.  相似文献   

采用HCV 1a/1b嵌合体cDNA构建表达质粒转染HepG2细胞,以免疫组化和Westem blotting检测HCV蛋白表达,RT-PCR检测HCV正、负链RNA,研究丙型肝炎病毒(HCV) 1a和1b型嵌合体全长cDNA在HepG2细胞中的复制和表达。结果证明,转染细胞中检测到分子量约70kDa的HCV NS3蛋白,转染细胞连续传20代,仍能检测到HCV正、负链RNA。表明该HCV嵌合体可以在细胞中复制和表达,HCV1b型的RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RdRp)可以起始含1a型非编码区的病毒复制。HCV5′端非翻译区第11、12、13、34和35位核苷酸改变可不影响其与核糖体结合。3′非翻译区9400,9403和9407位核苷酸改变,9435位缺失“A”,9409,9410位及9495,9496,9497位分别插入“TT”和“AAT”可不影响RdRp的生物活性。本研究对阐明HCV复制和翻译机制有重要意义。  相似文献   

以北美株PRRSV感染性克隆pCBC2为平台进行反向遗传操作,将3′UTR中的一级结构进行了系列缺失或插入突变,并改变二级结构中的一个保守的茎环结构,构建全长PRRSV突变体克隆,解析3′UTR突变对病毒感染性的影响,旨在界定调控PRRSV3′UTR的启动子序列及二级结构,即复制过程中的最小调控元件。以空斑和Northern blot来研究拯救后重组病毒的复制、转录和生长特性,发现重组病毒感染动力学与亲本病毒无可见差别。结果表明PRRSV3′UTR的5′端可耐受一定数目的核苷酸的缺失(41nt)与插入(23nt)突变,但进一步9nt缺失造成保守的环结构突变后就使病毒失去了感染性。证明了这是3′UTR中控制PRRSV复制过程的的必需序列及二级结构,为进一步解析PRRSV复制过程的调控元件奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨α-actinin参与丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)复制的机制。将α-actinin转染Huh7.5细胞,用JFH1感染,发现过表达α-actinin可显著增加HCVRNA水平及非结构蛋白表达,感染性HCV颗粒也同时增多。膜漂浮实验显示,α-actinin可与HCV非结构蛋白NS5A共定位于脂筏。抑制内源性α-actinin表达,可使复制子细胞内NS5A表达减少,且对非离子去污剂敏感而从脂筏脱落。免疫荧光实验显示,NS5A与内质网标志分子calnexin核周共定位消失。以上结果提示,α-actinin可通过影响非结构蛋白与脂筏的关联而参与HCV RNA的合成,为临床治疗及研制新型抗HCV药物提供理论依据和实验基础。  相似文献   

RNA复制子是一种能自主复制的RNA载体,保留了病毒非结构蛋白(复制/转录酶)基因,而结构蛋白基因缺失或由外源抗原基因替代,复制/转录酶可控制载体RNA在细胞质中高水平复制以及外源基因的高水平表达。在黄病毒属病毒感染性克隆基础上,其复制子载体得到了成功的构建。黄病毒属病毒复制子为病毒基因组结构功能研究、表达载体构建、假病毒包装及新型疫苗制备等提供了新的技术平台。本文综述黄病毒属病毒复制子的构建原理、方法及应用。  相似文献   

建立稳定的嵌合中国河北株包膜蛋白基因的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)细胞培养体系,进行传代特性分析。本研究经体外转录获得嵌合中国河北株包膜蛋白基因的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)全长RNA,脂质体法转染Huh7.5-CD81细胞,连续传代培养,进行Real Time RT-PCR、间接免疫荧光、Western blot、再感染试验与感染滴度检测及序列分析。结果表明:嵌合重组HCV RNA转染Huh7.5-CD81细胞后可产生感染性的病毒颗粒(HCVcc);传代过程中,Western blot可检测细胞内HCV蛋白的表达;IFA检测阳性细胞数逐渐增多,41d升至高峰,达80%~90%;Real Time RT-PCR检测传代细胞上清中HCV RNA拷贝数在104~107拷贝/mL;再感染实验嵌合HCVcc最高感染滴度为104ffu/mL。序列分析显示在传代后期嵌合的HCV包膜基因发生了适应性突变,导致6处氨基酸改变。结论嵌合中国河北株1b亚型包膜蛋白基因的HCV细胞培养体系可以产生具有感染性的嵌合HCV病毒颗粒,传代后感染性增强并且嵌合的HCV包膜基因发生了适应性突变。  相似文献   

猪2型圆环病毒(PCV2)是新出现的猪传染病—断乳仔猪多系统衰竭综合征病原.为了分析PCV2基因组核苷酸缺失突变对病毒复制的影响,以PCV2-HZ0201毒株基因组为模板,采用DpnⅠ定点突变技术,构建4个位于ORF2内的单核苷酸缺失突变体感染性克隆△1376PCV2,△1377PCV2,△1378PCV2和△1379PCV2.缺失突变体转染PK-15细胞后用间接免疫荧光检测病毒的拯救效果.结果显示,△1376PCV2感染性克隆能拯救出感染性病毒粒子,△1377PCV2,△1378PCV2和△1379PCV2感染性克隆不能拯救感染性病毒粒子,说明ORF2内1376位核苷酸的缺失不影响PCV2的复制.复制能力测定结果显示,△1376PCV2的复制能力比亲本病毒高10倍左右.促炎因子IL-6的转录本与血清浓度测定结果显示,△1376PCV2感染小鼠后的IL-6转录本与蛋白表达显著高于健康小鼠,且高于亲本病毒.这些数据首次揭示,ORF2内1376位核苷酸缺失的PCV2病毒粒子被提高了复制能力,同时促进了促炎因子IL-6的转录与表达.  相似文献   

α干扰素为治疗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的主要药物,但部分患者呈干扰素耐受而不能获得持久的病毒阴转,其可能的原因之一是病毒通过其编码的蛋白(NS5A及E2)抑制干扰素诱导的抗病毒效应分子——双链RNA激活的蛋白激酶(PKR)的活性.而关于PKR是否在IFN-α抗HCV的机理中起抑制作用目前仍有争议.为研究PKR对HCV蛋白合成环节是否有抑制作用,通过构建野生型 PKR真核表达载体(pPKRwt)及主要起负性调节作用的缺失突变PKR真核表达载体(pPKRΔ6),并将pPKRwt /pPKRΔ6 与HCV复制子RNA同时转染Huh7细胞进行共表达, 用Western印迹检测 HCV IRES 下游的NPTⅡ蛋白表达水平,与转染空载体的对照细胞及单用IFN-α处理的细胞相比较.结果显示:表达PKRwt的细胞中NPTⅡ蛋白水平低于转染空载体的对照细胞,但高于经IFN-α单独处理的细胞;表达PKRΔ6的细胞中NPTⅡ蛋白水平与对照细胞无明显差别,但PKRΔ能部分抵消IFN-α的抑制作用,说明在IFN-α抑制HCV IRES指导的蛋白合成中,PKR有一定的抑制作用,但可能还有其它的PKR非依赖机制参与.  相似文献   

冯少珍  李娇  曹伟胜  廖明 《微生物学报》2011,51(12):1663-1668
[目的]毒株NX0101是骨髓瘤病变型J亚群禽白血病病毒,其早期感染细胞能诱导PI3 K/Akt信号转导通路的激活,本文针对NX0101毒株是否存在YXXM基序及其作用进行了探讨.[方法]利用TMpred软件对NX0101毒株囊膜蛋白(Env)的氨基酸序列进行生物信息学分析,通过搭桥PCR方法将YXXM基序相应的核苷酸序列突变后,构建突变质粒并转染DF-1细胞,拯救出YXXM突变体毒株NX0101 mt( Y/F,M/A),利用real-time PCR和ELISA方法检测并比较YXXM突变前后毒株在RNA水平和蛋白水平的复制情况.[结果]NX0101毒株Env胞浆区554 -557位氨基酸存在典型的PI3K结合基序YXXM.YXXM基序突变后,病毒RNA转录水平和病毒蛋白合成水平都显著下降.[结论]YXXM基序对NX0101毒株在体外宿主细胞中复制发挥重要的作用.  相似文献   

The lack of a culture system that efficiently produces progeny virus has hampered hepatitis C virus (HCV) research. Recently, the discovery of a novel HCV isolate JFH1 and its chimeric derivative J6/JFH1 has led to the development of an efficient virus productive culture system. To construct an easy monitoring system for the viral life cycle of HCV, we generated bicistronic luciferase reporter virus genomes based on the JFH1 and J6/JFH1 isolates, respectively. Transfection of the J6/JFH1-based reporter genome to Huh7.5 cells produced significantly greater levels of progeny virus than transfection of the JFH1 genome. Furthermore, the expression of dominant-negative Vps4, a key molecule of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport machinery, inhibited the virus production of JFH1, but not that of J6/JFH1. These results may account for the different abilities to produce progeny virus between JFH1 and J6/JFH1. Using the J6/JFH1/Luc system, we showed that the two polyanions heparin and polyvinyl sulfate decreased the infectivity of J6/JFH1/Luc virus in a dose-dependent manner. We also analyzed the function of microRNA on HCV replication and found that miR-34b could affect the replication of HCV. The reporter virus generated in this study will be useful for investigating the nature of the HCV life cycle and for identification of HCV inhibitors.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 2a isolate JFH1 represents the only cloned HCV wild-type sequence capable of efficient replication in cell culture as well as in vivo. Previous reports have pointed to NS5B, the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), as a major determinant for efficient replication of this isolate. To understand the contribution of the JFH1 NS5B gene at the molecular level, we aimed at conferring JFH1 properties to NS5B from the closely related J6 isolate. We created intragenotypic chimeras in the NS5B regions of JFH1 and J6 and compared replication efficiency in cell culture and RdRp activity of the purified proteins in vitro, revealing more than three independent mechanisms conferring the role of JFH1 NS5B in efficient RNA replication. Most critical was residue I405 in the thumb domain of the polymerase, which strongly stimulated replication in cell culture by enhancing overall de novo RNA synthesis. A structural comparison of JFH1 and J6 at high resolution indicated a clear correlation of a closed-thumb conformation of the RdRp and the efficiency of the enzyme at de novo RNA synthesis, in accordance with the proposal that I405 enhances de novo initiation. In addition, we identified several residues enhancing replication independent of RdRp activity in vitro. The functional properties of JFH1 NS5B could be restored by a few single-nucleotide substitutions to the J6 isolate. Finally, we were able to enhance the replication efficiency of a genotype 1b isolate with the I405 mutation, indicating that this mechanism of action is conserved across genotypes.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) assembly remains a poorly understood process. Lipid droplets (LDs) are thought to act as platforms for the assembly of viral components. The JFH1 HCV strain replicates and assembles in association with LD-associated membranes, around which viral core protein is predominantly detected. In contrast, despite its intrinsic capacity to localize to LDs when expressed individually, we found that the core protein of the high-titer Jc1 recombinant virus was hardly detected on LDs of cell culture-grown HCV (HCVcc)-infected cells, but was mainly localized at endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes where it colocalized with the HCV envelope glycoproteins. Furthermore, high-titer cell culture-adapted JFH1 virus, obtained after long-term culture in Huh7.5 cells, exhibited an ER-localized core in contrast to non-adapted JFH1 virus, strengthening the hypothesis that ER localization of core is required for efficient HCV assembly. Our results further indicate that p7 and NS2 are HCV strain-specific factors that govern the recruitment of core protein from LDs to ER assembly sites. Indeed, using expression constructs and HCVcc recombinant genomes, we found that p7 is sufficient to induce core localization at the ER, independently of its ion-channel activity. Importantly, the combined expression of JFH1 or Jc1 p7 and NS2 induced the same differential core subcellular localization detected in JFH1- vs. Jc1-infected cells. Finally, results obtained by expressing p7-NS2 chimeras between either virus type indicated that compatibilities between the p7 and the first NS2 trans-membrane domains is required to induce core-ER localization and assembly of extra- and intra-cellular infectious viral particles. In conclusion, we identified p7 and NS2 as key determinants governing the subcellular localization of HCV core to LDs vs. ER and required for initiation of the early steps of virus assembly.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) is thought to regulate the replication of viral RNA and the assembly of virus particles in a serine/threonine phosphorylation-dependent manner. However, the host kinases that phosphorylate NS5A have not been fully identified. Here, we show that HCV particle assembly involves the phosphorylation of NS5A by the c-Abl tyrosine kinase. Pharmacological inhibition or knockdown of c-Abl reduces the production of infectious HCV (J6/JFH1) particles in Huh-7.5 cells without markedly affecting viral RNA translation and replication. NS5A is tyrosine-phosphorylated in HCV-infected cells, and this phosphorylation is also reduced by the knockdown of c-Abl. Mutational analysis reveals that NS5A tyrosine phosphorylation is dependent, at least in part, on Tyr330 (Tyr2306 in polyprotein numbering). Mutation of this residue to phenylalanine reduces the production of infectious HCV particles but does not affect the replication of the JFH1 subgenomic replicon. These findings suggest that c-Abl promotes HCV particle assembly by phosphorylating NS5A at Tyr330.  相似文献   

So far how hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication modulates subsequent virus growth and propagation still remains largely unknown. Here we determine the impact of HCV replication status on the consequential virus growth by comparing normal and high levels of HCV RNA expression. We first engineered a full-length, HCV genotype 2a JFH1 genome containing a blasticidin-resistant cassette inserted at amino acid residue of 420 in nonstructural (NS) protein 5A, which allowed selection of human hepatoma Huh7 cells stably-expressing HCV. Short-term establishment of HCV stable cells attained a highly-replicating status, judged by higher expressions of viral RNA and protein as well as higher titer of viral infectivity as opposed to cells harboring the same genome without selection. Interestingly, maintenance of highly-replicating HCV stable cells led to decreased susceptibility to HCV pseudotyped particle (HCVpp) infection and downregulated cell surface level of CD81, a critical HCV entry (co)receptor. The decreased CD81 cell surface expression occurred through reduced total expression and cytoplasmic retention of CD81 within an endoplasmic reticulum -associated compartment. Moreover, productive viral RNA replication in cells harboring a JFH1 subgenomic replicon containing a similar blasticidin resistance gene cassette in NS5A and in cells robustly replicating full-length infectious genome also reduced permissiveness to HCVpp infection through decreasing the surface expression of CD81. The downregulation of CD81 surface level in HCV RNA highly-replicating cells thus interfered with reinfection and led to attenuated viral amplification. These findings together indicate that the HCV RNA replication status plays a crucial determinant in HCV growth by modulating the expression and intracellular localization of CD81.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein is a major component of viral nucleocapsid and a multifunctional protein involved in viral pathogenesis and hepatocarcinogenesis. We previously showed that the HCV core protein is degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. However, the molecular machinery for core ubiquitylation is unknown. Using tandem affinity purification, we identified the ubiquitin ligase E6AP as an HCV core-binding protein. E6AP was found to bind to the core protein in vitro and in vivo and promote its degradation in hepatic and nonhepatic cells. Knockdown of endogenous E6AP by RNA interference increased the HCV core protein level. In vitro and in vivo ubiquitylation assays showed that E6AP promotes ubiquitylation of the core protein. Exogenous expression of E6AP decreased intracellular core protein levels and supernatant HCV infectivity titers in the HCV JFH1-infected Huh-7 cells. Furthermore, knockdown of endogenous E6AP by RNA interference increased intracellular core protein levels and supernatant HCV infectivity titers in the HCV JFH1-infected cells. Taken together, our results provide evidence that E6AP mediates ubiquitylation and degradation of HCV core protein. We propose that the E6AP-mediated ubiquitin-proteasome pathway may affect the production of HCV particles through controlling the amounts of viral nucleocapsid protein.  相似文献   

The lack of a suitable small animal model for the analysis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has hampered elucidation of the HCV life cycle and the development of both protective and therapeutic strategies against HCV infection. Human and mouse harbor a comparable system for antiviral type I interferon (IFN) induction and amplification, which regulates viral infection and replication. Using hepatocytes from knockout (ko) mice, we determined the critical step of the IFN-inducing/amplification pathways regulating HCV replication in mouse. The results infer that interferon-beta promoter stimulator (IPS-1) or interferon A receptor (IFNAR) were a crucial barrier to HCV replication in mouse hepatocytes. Although both IFNARko and IPS-1ko hepatocytes showed a reduced induction of type I interferons in response to viral infection, only IPS-1-/- cells circumvented cell death from HCV cytopathic effect and significantly improved J6JFH1 replication, suggesting IPS-1 to be a key player regulating HCV replication in mouse hepatocytes. We then established mouse hepatocyte lines lacking IPS-1 or IFNAR through immortalization with SV40T antigen. Expression of human (h)CD81 on these hepatocyte lines rendered both lines HCVcc-permissive. We also found that the chimeric J6JFH1 construct, having the structure region from J6 isolate enhanced HCV replication in mouse hepatocytes rather than the full length original JFH1 construct, a new finding that suggests the possible role of the HCV structural region in HCV replication. This is the first report on the entry and replication of HCV infectious particles in mouse hepatocytes. These mouse hepatocyte lines will facilitate establishing a mouse HCV infection model with multifarious applications.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) production system consists of transfecting the human hepatoma cell line Huh7 with genomic HCV RNA (JFH1). To monitor HCV replication by fluorescence microscopy, we constructed a recombinant HCV clone expressing Azami-Green (mAG), a bright green fluorescent protein, by inserting the mAG gene into the nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) gene; the resultant clone was designated JFH1-hmAG. The Huh-7.5.1 (a subclone of Huh7) cells transfected with JFH1-hmAG RNA were found to produce cytoplasmic NS5A-mAG, as readily visualized by fluorescence microscopy, and infectious virus, as assayed with the culture supernatant, indicating that JFH1-hmAG is infectious and replication-competent. Furthermore, the replication of this virus was inhibited by interferon alpha in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that JFH1-hmAG is useful for studying HCV life cycle and the mechanism of interferon’s anti-HCV action and for screening and testing new anti-HCV drugs.  相似文献   

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