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赵艳  李燕燕 《遗传》2013,35(12):1360-1367
安全性评价是转基因农作物商品化应用的必要环节。组学技术能在转录物、蛋白质、代谢物水平上对转基因农作物进行无偏倚的安全性评价。文章综述了近10年来应用转录组学、蛋白质组学和代谢物组学技术评价转基因农作物非预期效应的研究进展, 结果表明在转基因农作物非预期变异中, 环境因素(种植地点和季节)和基因型差异比转基因本身的影响更大。  相似文献   

本文主要总结了近年来害虫对表达苏云金芽胞杆菌( Bacillus thuringiensis, Bt)杀虫毒素的转基因作物在实验室和自然田野环境下产生抗性的现状,及研究表明害虫产生抗性可能的机理,简单地讨论了昆虫抗性遗传机制对转基因作物持续性应用可能造成的影响和目前延缓昆虫产生抗性的策略.最后探讨了未来新的转基因技术的发展前景和延缓昆虫抗性策略的发展方向.  相似文献   

卢宝荣  夏辉  杨箫  金鑫  刘苹  汪魏 《生物多样性》2009,17(4):362-377
转基因作物的商品化生产和大规模环境释放, 引起了全球对生物安全问题的广泛关注和争议, 其中转基因通过花粉介导的基因漂移逃逸到非转基因作物及其野生近缘种, 进而带来不同类型的环境风险就是备受争议的生物安全问题之一。有效的生物安全评价和研究能够为转基因作物的安全持久利用保驾护航。按照风险评价的原则, 对于转基因逃逸及其潜在环境风险的评价应包括两个重要步骤: (1)检测转基因向野生近缘种(包括杂草类型)群体逃逸的频率; (2)确定逃逸后的转基因能否通过遗传渐渗在野生近缘种群体中存留和扩散。杂交-渐渗是进化生物学中非常重要的科学命题和普遍的自然现象, 杂交-渐渗的进化理论与转基因逃逸及其潜在环境风险的研究和评价有密切的关系。杂交-渐渗过程往往导致物种形成、适应性进化和自然群体的濒危与灭绝, 这是因为在杂交-渐渗过程中, 不同的机制如遗传同化作用、群体湮没效应以及群体的选择性剔除效应等都会在很大程度上影响群体的进化过程。转基因通过杂交-渐渗进入野生群体, 使这一过程更加复杂化。如果转基因能提高群体的适合度, 则更有利于其渐渗速率, 从而在群体中迅速扩散并带来一定的生态后果。杂交-渐渗的进化理论和思想将有益于指导转基因逃逸及其潜在环境风险的研究和评价。  相似文献   

转基因植物对农业生物多样性的影响   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
论述了近年来转基因植物对农业生态系统生物多样性影响的研究进展.主要在遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性3个层次上予以评述.包括转基因植物对作物遗传多样性的影响;转基因植物的外源基因向杂草和近缘野生种转移;转基因抗虫植物对目标害虫的影响。抗除草剂转基因植物对作物和杂草的影响,抗病毒转基因植物对病毒的影响;转基因植物对非目标生物的影响,对土壤生态系统的影响等.  相似文献   

采用基因枪法将4个抗真菌性病害基因(RAC22、RCH10、β-1,3-Glu和B-Rip)导入超级稻(Oryza sativa L.)恢复系E32中,经选择获得10个T4代转基因株系。分蘖盛期纹枯病抗性鉴定表明外源基因已在转基因株系中得到表达并获得抗性,这些转基因株系除了产生抗病性等目标性状的变异外,还发生生育期、植株形态、谷粒外观及产量性状等非目标农艺性状变异。对这些非目标性状进行遗传增益和稳定性分析表明,不同转化株系间或性状间的遗传增益均存在较大差异,其中遗传增益最高的性状是单株穗数、着粒密度和单株产量;各性状中以株高、穗长和谷粒外观性状的变异程度最低,单株穗数和千粒重的变异系数最大。通过选择可获得产量与品质性状均有提高的转基因水稻。  相似文献   

在基因枪介导转化的转基因水稻植株中发现1个四倍体变异株系XIP-4N.该变异株系T0代植株中转基因的整合模式与二倍体转基因株系XIP-2N相同,并且二者来自同一转化体系,推测XIP-4N株系是转化后的水稻愈伤组织在细胞有丝分裂过程中发生染色体加倍产生的.对外源筛选标记基因bar和非筛选基因cecropinB在转基因株系XIP-4N和XIP-2N中的遗传行为进行了比较研究.在二倍体转基因株系XIP-2N中,bar和cecropinB基因的Southern整合模式从T0到T2代遗传稳定,单位点整合的bar基因按孟德尔单基因显性方式向后代传递.四倍体转基因株系XIP-4N中外源基因遗传行为复杂,单位点整合的bar基因(Basta抗性)T1代按15∶1分离,T2和T3代中分离行为复杂,而且bar和cecropinB基因的整合模式遗传不稳定.同源四倍体水稻植株减数分裂过程中染色体结构变异、转基因相关位点DNA片段的遗传重组与修饰,以及由此导致配子的育性降低,可能是导致外源基因遗传行为复杂的主要原因.转基因四倍体水稻变异株系XIP-4N携带易于检测的bar基因,为研究同源四倍体水稻的遗传和生殖机理提供了好材料.  相似文献   

转基因食品(Genetically Modified Foods.GM)是以转基因生物为原料加工而成的食品。对转基因食品安全性的争论主要集中于它对人和环境影响两个方面。其一是外源基因不是自然遗传的基因.它是否稳定.是否也像有害物质一样能通过食物链进入人体内.对人体造成意想不到的伤害。如食物过敏或者通过转基因作用而产生有害遗传性状对人的身体健康有害.或者发生有害基因的扩散。其二是转基因生物对农业和生态环境的影响如何。如抗病虫害的转基因作物在一定时期后可能使病虫产生抗性并且遗传.  相似文献   

几种转基因植物体细胞克隆变异的多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑易之  SalaF 《植物研究》2001,21(2):266-271
分析了杨树、水稻和甘蔗转基因植株体细胞克隆的表型变异和基因组DNA多态性。探讨了以下问题:转基因植株体细胞克隆的1)表型多样性, 2)基因组DNA多样性, 3)二者的相关性, 4)表型变异和DNA变异的可遗传特性, 5)产生的可能原因,以及6)在农业生产上的应用。  相似文献   

转基因抗虫作物的商业化种植带来了显著的经济、生态和社会效益,对转基因抗虫作物的安全性评价也一直是国内外学者研究的热点。对生物非靶标效应的研究是转基因抗虫作物安全性评价的重要组成部分,农田天敌类生物是其中的重点内容之一。瓢虫是农田生态系统重要的捕食性天敌,评价其在转基因抗虫作物田间是否能通过捕食猎物或取食花粉而接触到杀虫蛋白并富集于体内,进而对自身产生一定的非靶标效应,这对捕食性瓢虫的安全性研究具有重要的意义。本文从捕食性天敌瓢虫的生命表参数、行为功能参数、田间群落参数及体内微环境指标等方面综述了转基因抗虫作物对瓢虫的安全性研究进展,并对后期转基因抗虫作物对田间捕食性天敌的研究方向提出了建议,以期为转基因抗虫作物的环境安全性研究提供理论指导和为进一步完善转基因抗虫作物对瓢虫安全性评价的技术体系提供系统的数据资料。  相似文献   

土壤微生物是土壤生态系统的一个重要组成部分,对土壤中的生物化学循环起着不可替代的驱动作用。转基因作物在生长过程中会不可避免地与土壤微生物发生交流,开展转基因作物对土壤微生物群落影响的研究对于科学评价转基因作物的潜在风险具有重要意义。随着现代生物技术的不断发展,土壤微生物多样性及其分析方法已经从传统的分离培养发展到从种群角度去研究整个土壤微生态系统内的微生物。但是由于土壤微生物的各种特性(如大部分不可培养、体积微小及群体效应等)和仪器设备检测性能的局限性,单一的研究方法会存在一些弊端,还需要结合其他的手段共同研究土壤生态系统中的微生物多样性。目前,人们对土壤微生物多样性的研究主要包括物种多样性、功能多样性、结构多样性及遗传多样性等4个方面,国内外关于转基因作物对土壤微生物多样性及其群落结构影响的研究方法很多,对常见的研究方法进行了总结,并提出了今后转基因作物对土壤微生物多样性及群落结构影响的研究策略。  相似文献   

The problem of unintended effects caused by genetic modification of plants is analysed. Factors that can provoke the unintended effects in genetically engineered plants, their consequences and possibility of the avoiding of unintended effects with use of current methods of genetic modification are discussed. Modern methodological approaches applied to analyse the unintended effects during the safety assessment of transgenic plants, in particular methods of molecular profiling with different "-omic"-technologies are described.  相似文献   

Crop improvement by genetic modification remains controversial, one of the major issues being the potential for unintended effects. Comparative safety assessment includes targeted analysis of key nutrients and antinutritional factors, but broader scale-profiling or "omics" methods could increase the chances of detecting unintended effects. Comparative assessment should consider the extent of natural variation and not simply compare genetically modified (GM) lines and parental controls. In this study, potato (Solanum tuberosum) proteome diversity has been assessed using a range of diverse non-GM germplasm. In addition, a selection of GM potato lines was compared to assess the potential for unintended differences in protein profiles. Clear qualitative and quantitative differences were found in the protein patterns of the varieties and landraces examined, with 1,077 of 1,111 protein spots analyzed showing statistically significant differences. The diploid species Solanum phureja could be clearly differentiated from tetraploid (Solanum tuberosum) genotypes. Many of the proteins apparently contributing to genotype differentiation are involved in disease and defense responses, the glycolytic pathway, and sugar metabolism or protein targeting/storage. Only nine proteins out of 730 showed significant differences between GM lines and their controls. There was much less variation between GM lines and their non-GM controls compared with that found between different varieties and landraces. A number of proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and added to a potato tuber two-dimensional protein map.  相似文献   

Genetically modified plants must be approved before release in the European Union, and the approval is generally based upon a comparison of various characteristics between the transgenic plant and a conventional counterpart. As a case study, focusing on safety assessment of genetically modified plants, we here report the development and characterisation of six independently transformed ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA lines modified in the flavonoid biosynthesis. Analyses of integration events and comparative analysis for characterisation of the intended effects were performed by PCR, quantitative Real-time PCR, and High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Analysis by cDNA microarray was used as a non-targeted approach for the identification of potential unintended effects caused by the transformation. The results revealed that, although the transgenic lines possessed different types of integration events, no unintended effects were identified. However, we found that the majority of genes showing differential expression were identified as stress-related genes and that environmental conditions had a large impact on the expression of several genes, proteins, and metabolites. We suggest that the microarray approach has the potential to become a useful tool for screening of unintended effects, but state that it is crucial to have substantial information on the natural variation in traditional crops in order to be able to interpret "omics" data correctly within the framework of food safety assessment strategies of novel plant varieties, including genetically modified plant varieties.  相似文献   

The problem of unintended effects, which may be caused by genetic modification of plants, is analyzed. The factors that provoke the occurrence of unintended effects in genetically engineered plants, the consequences caused by the influence of these factors, and the possibility to minimize such effects by the use of improved methods of genetic engineering are discussed. Modern methodological approaches that can be applied to the analysis of unintended effects considered as a stage of safety assessment of transgenic plants, especially the methods of molecular profiling with the use of different “-omic” technologies, are described.  相似文献   

Comparative targeted compositional analysis is currently an important element in the safety assessment of genetically modified plants. Profiling methods have been suggested as nontargeted tools to improve the detection of possible unintended effects. In this study, the capability of 2-dimensional electrophoresis to detect significant differences among seven conventional maize (Zea mays) cultivars grown in six different locations in Germany during two consecutive seasons was evaluated. Besides maize genotype, both geographic location and season had a significant effect on protein profiles. Differences as high as 55- and 53-fold in the quantity of specific proteins were recorded, the median observed difference being around 6- and 5-fold between the genotypes and growing locations, respectively. Understanding the variation in the quantity of individual proteins should help to put the variation of endogenous proteins and the novel proteins in the genetically modified plants in perspective. This together with the targeted analyses the profiling methods, including proteomics, could also help to get a deeper insight into the unintended alterations that might have occurred during the genetic modification process.  相似文献   

The potential of unintended effects caused by transgenic events is a key issue in the commercialization of genetically modified (GM) crops. To investigate whether transgenic events cause unintended effects, we used comparative proteomics approaches to evaluate proteome differences in seeds from 2 sets of GM indica rice, herbicide-resistant Bar68-1 carrying bar and insect-resistant 2036-1a carrying cry1Ac/sck, and their respective controls D68 and MH86, as well as indica variety MH63, a parental line for breeding MH86, and japonica variety ZH10. This experimental design allowed for comparing proteome difference caused by transgenes, conventional genetic breeding, and natural genetic variation. Proteomics analysis revealed the maximum numbers of differentially expressed proteins between indica and japonica cultivars, second among indica varieties with relative small difference between MH86 and MH63, and the minimum between GM rice and respective control, thus indicating GM events do not substantially alter proteome profiles as compared with conventional genetic breeding and natural genetic variation. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed 234 proteins differentially expressed in the 6 materials, and these proteins were involved in different cellular and metabolic processes with a prominent skew toward metabolism (31.2%), protein synthesis and destination (25.2%), and defense response (22.4%). In these seed proteomes, proteins implicated in the 3 prominent biological processes showed significantly different composite expression patterns and were major factors differentiating japonica and indica cultivars, as well as indica varieties. Thus, metabolism, protein synthesis and destination, and defense response in seeds are important in differentiating rice cultivars and varieties.  相似文献   

Genetically modified strains usually are generated within defined genetic backgrounds to minimize variation for the engineered characteristic in order to facilitate basic research investigations or for commercial application. However, interactions between transgenes and genetic background have been documented in both model and commercial agricultural species, indicating that allelic variation at transgene-modifying loci are not uncommon in genomes. Engineered organisms that have the potential to allow entry of transgenes into natural populations may cause changes to ecosystems via the interaction of their specific phenotypes with ecosystem components and services. A transgene introgressing through natural populations is likely to encounter a range of natural genetic variation (among individuals or sub-populations) that could result in changes in phenotype, concomitant with effects on fitness and ecosystem consequences that differ from that seen in the progenitor transgenic strain. In the present study, using a growth hormone transgenic salmon example, we have modeled selection of modifier loci (single and multiple) in the presence of a transgene and have found that accounting for genetic background can significantly affect the persistence of transgenes in populations, potentially reducing or reversing a "Trojan gene" effect. Influences from altered life history characteristics (e.g., developmental timing, age of maturation) and compensatory demographic/ecosystem controls (e.g., density dependence) also were found to have a strong influence on transgene effects. Further, with the presence of a transgene in a population, genetic backgrounds were found to shift in non-transgenic individuals as well, an effect expected to direct phenotypes away from naturally selected optima. The present model has revealed the importance of understanding effects of selection for background genetics on the evolution of phenotypes in populations harbouring transgenes.  相似文献   

American chestnut (Castanea dentata [Marsh.] Borkh.) was once the dominant hardwood species in Eastern North America before an exotic fungal pathogen, Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr, functionally eliminated it across its range. One promising approach toward restoring American chestnut to natural forests is development of blight‐tolerant trees using genetic transformation. However, transformation and related processes can result in unexpected and unintended phenotypic changes, potentially altering ecological interactions. To assess unintended tritrophic impacts of transgenic American chestnut on plant–herbivore interactions, gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) caterpillars were fed leaf disks excised from two transgenic events, Darling 54 and Darling 58, and four control American chestnut lines. Leaf disks were previously treated with an LD50 dose of either the species‐specific Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) or the generalist pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk). Mortality was quantified and compared to water blank controls. Tree genotype had a strong effect on the efficacies of both pathogens. Larval mortality from Btk‐treated foliage from only one transgenic event, Darling 54, differed from its isogenic progenitor, Ellis 1, but was similar to an unrelated wild‐type American chestnut control. LdMNPV efficacy was unaffected by genetic transformation. Results suggest that although genetic modification of trees may affect interactions with other nontarget organisms, this may be due to insertion effects, and variation among different genotypes (whether transgenic or wild‐type) imparts a greater change in response than transgene presence.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is an important mechanism for populations to buffer themselves from environmental change. While it has long been appreciated that natural populations possess genetic variation in the extent of plasticity, a surge of recent evidence suggests that epigenetic variation could also play an important role in shaping phenotypic responses. Compared with genetic variation, epigenetic variation is more likely to have higher spontaneous rates of mutation and a more sensitive reaction to environmental inputs. In our review, we first provide an overview of recent studies on epigenetically encoded thermal plasticity in animals to illustrate environmentally‐mediated epigenetic effects within and across generations. Second, we discuss the role of epigenetic effects during adaptation by exploring population epigenetics in natural animal populations. Finally, we evaluate the evolutionary potential of epigenetic variation depending on its autonomy from genetic variation and its transgenerational stability. Although many of the causal links between epigenetic variation and phenotypic plasticity remain elusive, new data has explored the role of epigenetic variation in facilitating evolution in natural populations. This recent progress in ecological epigenetics will be helpful for generating predictive models of the capacity of organisms to adapt to changing climates.  相似文献   

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