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转基因植物根系分泌物对土壤微生态的影响   总被引:47,自引:7,他引:40  
随着转基因植物商品化进程的加快,对其进行生态风险性评价日益引起学者的重视。诸如转基因逃逸到其它亲缘物种中、产生超级杂草和病毒、昆虫产生耐受性及生物多样性遭受破坏等问题已在部分转基因作物中显现。本文综述了转基因植物中根系分泌物对土壤微生态的影响。  相似文献   

农业活动及转基因作物对农田生物多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
农田生物多样性是生态系统生物多样性的重要组成部分,但较少受到关注.近50年来,由于农业活动引起的环境污染、生境破碎和单一化种植等严重威胁着农田生物多样性.为了了解各因素对农田生物多样性的影响程度,优化农田管理措施,以提高农作物产量并降低环境影响,本文综述了种植方式、地膜覆盖、农药和化肥使用等农业活动及转基因作物对我国农田生物多样性的影响.农药和化肥的过度使用对农田生物多样性的影响最大;而转基因作物对农田生物多样性的影响受诸多因素影响,如携带的转基因性状等.需要加强转基因作物生态环境影响评价研究,特别是对农田生物多样性的潜在影响.农业生产活动应当与农田生物多样性保护密切结合,不仅有利于提高农作物产量,同时也可减少对环境的负面影响.  相似文献   

全球变化和人类活动导致物种生境的萎缩, 造成很多植物种群数量缩减, 遗传多样性快速丧失。对于物种多样性低的生态系统, 优势种的遗传多样性可能比物种多样性对生态系统功能产生更大的影响。因此, 了解遗传多样性和生态系统功能的关系(GD-EF)及其机制对生物多样性保护、应对环境变化和生态修复具有指导意义。该文综述了植物遗传多样性对生态系统结构(高营养级生物群落结构)和生态系统功能(初级生产力、养分循环和稳定性)的影响及机制、功能多样性对GD-EF的影响、遗传多样性效应和物种多样性效应的比较, 以及GD-EF在生态修复等实际应用的研究进展。最后指出当前研究的不足之处, 以期为后续研究提供参考: 1)还需深入研究GD-EF机制; 2)未评估遗传多样性对生态系统多功能性的影响; 3)不同遗传多样性测度对生态系统功能的影响不明确; 4)缺少长期的和多空间尺度结合的GD-EF实验; 5)遗传多样性效应相对于其他因子的作用不清楚。  相似文献   

全球变化和人类活动导致物种生境的萎缩, 造成很多植物种群数量缩减, 遗传多样性快速丧失。对于物种多样性低的生态系统, 优势种的遗传多样性可能比物种多样性对生态系统功能产生更大的影响。因此, 了解遗传多样性和生态系统功能的关系(GD-EF)及其机制对生物多样性保护、应对环境变化和生态修复具有指导意义。该文综述了植物遗传多样性对生态系统结构(高营养级生物群落结构)和生态系统功能(初级生产力、养分循环和稳定性)的影响及机制、功能多样性对GD-EF的影响、遗传多样性效应和物种多样性效应的比较, 以及GD-EF在生态修复等实际应用的研究进展。最后指出当前研究的不足之处, 以期为后续研究提供参考: 1)还需深入研究GD-EF机制; 2)未评估遗传多样性对生态系统多功能性的影响; 3)不同遗传多样性测度对生态系统功能的影响不明确; 4)缺少长期的和多空间尺度结合的GD-EF实验; 5)遗传多样性效应相对于其他因子的作用不清楚。  相似文献   

土壤微生物是土壤生态系统的一个重要组成部分,对土壤中的生物化学循环起着不可替代的驱动作用。转基因作物在生长过程中会不可避免地与土壤微生物发生交流,开展转基因作物对土壤微生物群落影响的研究对于科学评价转基因作物的潜在风险具有重要意义。随着现代生物技术的不断发展,土壤微生物多样性及其分析方法已经从传统的分离培养发展到从种群角度去研究整个土壤微生态系统内的微生物。但是由于土壤微生物的各种特性(如大部分不可培养、体积微小及群体效应等)和仪器设备检测性能的局限性,单一的研究方法会存在一些弊端,还需要结合其他的手段共同研究土壤生态系统中的微生物多样性。目前,人们对土壤微生物多样性的研究主要包括物种多样性、功能多样性、结构多样性及遗传多样性等4个方面,国内外关于转基因作物对土壤微生物多样性及其群落结构影响的研究方法很多,对常见的研究方法进行了总结,并提出了今后转基因作物对土壤微生物多样性及群落结构影响的研究策略。  相似文献   

福建植物生物多样性的特点及其生物安全问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对福建植物生物多样性从物种多样性、遗传多样性和生态系统多样性三个层面进行了评价,分析了植物生物多样性的特点。在此基础上提出了影响福建植物生物多样性的主要生物安全问题。研究表明,福建植物生物多样性具有植物种类丰富,热带和亚热带的科属种类多、起源古老,中国特有成分比例较高和国家重点保护植物较为丰富等特点。影响植物生物多样性的主要生物安全问题包括阔叶林面积不断减少,森林资源总体质量下降;濒危野生植物比重增大,名木古树破坏严重;外来物种入侵呈加重趋势。  相似文献   

释放后的转抗病虫基因作物对土壤生物群落的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
土壤生物,尤其是土壤微生物多样性与活性的保持是农业生态系统健康稳定的基础,农业活动尤其是农作物植被类型的改变对土壤生物的群落结构和活性具有显著的影响。释放后的转基因作物作为生态系统的一种新的生物组分,被引入农田生态系统之间后所引发的农田生物群落(包括土壤微生物群落)的变化及其对农业生态系统的健康与稳定产生的影响,已成为研究热点,本文对转抗虫Bt基因作物、转T4-溶菌酶基因作物,转蛋白酶抑制剂I基因作物的基因产物、作物残体在土壤中的行为(如降解产物的存留形态与生物活性)及其对根际或残体周围土壤中各类生物,尤其是微生物群落结构与功能的影响进行了简要综合评述,指出基因表达产物的后效肯定是存在的且长远的,由其引发的土壤生物群落结构的变化是复杂的,因而有必要对不同类型的转基因作物释放后的生态效应做长期的跟踪研究,建议未来的研究工作应集中在以下3个方面:(1)不同的转基因表达产物在环境中的迁移、结构变化、消长动态及其对生物保持毒杀性的时间;(2)不同类型转基因的植物对土壤生物群落结构的影响趋势;(3)在实验条件下,研究分离纯化的各种转基因表达产物对土壤各生物功能类群的影响。  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因植物的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要对目前在农业上广泛采用的除草剂以及抗除草剂转基因植物的研究现状进行了阐述.介绍了非选择性除草剂和选择性除草剂的分类及其作用机理。并对杂草产生除草剂抗药性的机理进行了分析,此外还介绍了抗除草剂基因的作用机理和对转基因植物所产生的生理作用,另外对抗除草剂转基因植物的生物安全性问题,如对基因飘移和生物多样性的影响进行了讨论,并对新型除草剂的发展方向提出思考。  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因植物的杂草化类型与机理探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
抗除草剂转基因植物(herbicide—resistant genetically-modified plant(HRGMP))己在全世界广为种植。由于种内、种间抗性基因的转移、互渗和某些转基因植物类型自身具有较强的杂草性,转基因植物的田间试验和商业化种植都存在着产生新的杂草类型,甚至超级杂草的风险。即形成:(1)逸生型杂草,(2)衰退型杂草,(3)超级杂草,对生物多样性构成威胁。  相似文献   

生物多样性公约热点研究 : 外来物种入侵、生物安全、遗传资源徐海根王健民等主编7 0 3 0 1385 9 7 Q 14 4 8定价 :6 8 0 0元本书分三篇 ,共九章。第一篇介绍我国外来入侵动物、植物、微生物和海洋生物的分布、入侵途径及造成的危害 ;评估外来入侵物种对我国国民经济相关行业和生态系统服务功能、物种多样性、遗传资源造成的经济损失 ;介绍外来物种风险评估的指标体系、方法及有关案例 ;提出我国预防和控制外来入侵物种的对策与建议。第二篇介绍国内外转基因生物的环境释放和生产现状 ;分析转基因生物可能对生物多样性、生态环境和人类健…  相似文献   

Environmentally friendly approaches to genetic engineering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Several environmental problems related to plant genetic engineering may prohibit advancement of this technology and prevent realization of its full potential. One such common concern is the demonstrated escape of foreign genes through pollen dispersal from transgenic crop plants to their weedy relatives, creating super weeds or causing gene pollution among other crops or toxicity of transgenic pollen to nontarget insects. The high rates of gene flow from crops to wild relatives (as high as 38% in sunflower and 50% in strawberries) are certainly a serious concern. Maternal inheritance of the herbicide resistance gene via chloroplast genetic engineering has been shown to be a practical solution to these problems. Another common concern is the suboptimal production of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticidal protein or reliance on a single (or similar) B.t. protein in commercial transgenic crops, resulting in B.t. resistance among target pests. Clearly, different insecticidal proteins should be produced in lethal quantities to decrease the development of resistance. Such hyperexpression of a novel B.t. protein in chloroplasts has resulted in 100% mortality of insects that are up to 40 000-fold resistant to other B.t. proteins. Yet another concern is the presence of antibiotic resistance genes in transgenic plants that could inactivate oral doses of the antibiotic or be transferred to pathogenic microbes in the GI tract or in soil, rendering them resistant to treatment with such antibiotics. Cotransformation and elimination of antibiotic resistant genes from transgenic plants using transposable elements via breeding are promising new approaches. Genetic engineering efforts have also addressed yet another concern, i.e., the accumulation and persistence of plastics in our environment by production of biodegradable plastics. Recent approaches and accomplishments in addressing these environmental concerns via chloroplast genetic engineering are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Liu  Yongbo  Luo  Zhongkui 《Transgenic research》2019,28(3-4):357-367

Effects of large-scale cultivation of transgenic crops on agricultural biodiversity remain unclear, particularly in the context of complex ecological interactions between transgenic crops and other organisms. Here we conducted a comprehensive survey to investigate the number of species, population abundance, community evenness and dominance of insects and weeds as well as leaf damage to weeds in Bt and non-Bt cotton fields at 27 sites across northern China. The role of neighbouring crop diversity around cotton fields in controlling insects and weeds in the cotton fields was also assessed. In addition, we conducted a 3-year field experiment to verify the results of the survey. Weed diversity in Bt and non-Bt cotton fields was similar, but the species number and diversity indices of insects are significantly decreased in Bt fields aligning with reduced leaf damage to broadleaf plant species including cotton as well as crops in neighbouring plots. The leaf damage to Bt and non-Bt cotton negatively associates with the diversity of neighbouring crops in cotton fields. Our study demonstrates the neighbouring crop diversity mediates the effects of Bt crops on agricultural diversity in complex interactions among transgenic crops, in-field weed and insect communities, and neighbouring crops.


The persistence of transgenes in wild populations may cause unintended ecological consequences, and the possibility of transgenes' persistence and introgression is dependent on fitness performance of transgenic crop–wild hybrids. To investigate the effects of transgene and genotype × environment on the fitness of crop–wild rice hybrids, a total of 11 cross‐combination progenies between insect‐resistant transgene (CpTI and Bt/CpTI) rice lines and wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) were evaluated at different sites with contrasting insect treatments. The results showed that fitness performance varied between transgenic hybrids having different wild parents and under different environmental conditions, indicating that fitness effects of transgenes on hybrid progenies depend heavily on the genetic background of recipient plants and growing environment. Significant fitness advantages conferred by transgenes were found only in some hybrids under high insect pressure condition, demonstrating that the level of target insects in the field environment influences the persistence and spread of insect‐resistant transgenes in wild rice populations. These findings suggest that evolutionary fate of escaped transgenes is different in wild populations with diverse genetic backgrounds under various environmental conditions.  相似文献   

转基因抗虫作物对非靶标昆虫的影响   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
转基因抗虫作物自 1996年被批准商业化种植以来 ,它的抗虫性和经济效益已得到了普遍肯定 ,同时 ,转基因抗虫作物对非靶标生物的影响 ,如转基因抗虫作物的长期种植 ,是否会导致次要害虫上升为主要害虫 ,是否会影响有益昆虫 ,包括重要经济昆虫、捕食性和寄生性天敌以及重要蝶类的种类及种群数量 ,已成为转基因抗虫作物生态风险评估的重要内容。一些研究结果表明 ,转基因抗虫作物在对靶标害虫有效控制的同时 ,一些对杀虫蛋白不敏感的非靶标害虫有加重危害的趋势 ,由于种植转基因抗虫作物 ,减少了化学农药的使用 ,客观上也使非靶标害虫种群数量上升 ,这对转基因抗虫作物害虫综合治理提出了新的要求。靶标害虫数量的减少直接影响了害虫天敌种群数量 ,靶标害虫取食转基因抗虫作物后发育迟缓 ,也间接影响了天敌昆虫的生长发育 ,转基因抗虫作物的花粉或花蜜是一些重要经济昆虫如蜜蜂、熊蜂和一些寄生蜂 ,甚至捕食性天敌的食物来源 ,或花粉飘落到一些鳞翅目昆虫如家蚕或重要蝶类昆虫的寄主植物上 ,直接或间接对这些昆虫造成一定影响。目前大多数研究表明转基因抗虫作物对非靶标昆虫 ,特别是对有益昆虫没有明显的不利影响 ,也有研究报道认为对某些有益昆虫有一定的不良影响。这为深入开展转基因抗虫作物的生态安全  相似文献   

作物野生近缘种的保护与利用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作物野生近缘种将是保证下一世纪粮食充足的重要因素。近30余年来国际国内非常重视作物野生种质资源的搜集、保存、鉴定、评价和利用的研究。我国作物野生近缘种特别丰富,同时受威胁非常严重。因此,加大力度开展作物及其野生近缘种种质资源的遗传多样性、保存技术、种质创新和利用的研究是刻不容缓的。  相似文献   

The probability and consequences of gene flow to wild relatives is typically considered in the environmental risk assessment of genetically engineered crops. This is a report from a discussion by a group of experts who used a problem formulation approach to consider existing information for risk assessment of gene flow from cassava (Manihot esculenta) genetically engineered for virus resistance to the ‘wild’ (naturalized) relative M. glaziovii in East Africa. Two environmental harms were considered in this case: (1) loss of genetic diversity in the germplasm pool, and (2) loss of valued species, ecosystem resources, or crop yield and quality due to weediness or invasiveness of wild relatives. Based on existing information, it was concluded that gene flow will occur, but it is not likely that this will reduce the genetic diversity in the germplasm pool. There is little existing information about the impact of the virus in natural populations that could be used to inform a prediction about whether virus resistance would lead to an increase in reproduction or survival, hence abundance of M. glaziovii. However, an increase in the abundance of M. glaziovii should be manageable, and would not necessarily lead to the identified environmental harms.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to be a significant threat to biodiversity, including crop diversity at centers of origin and diversification. As a way to avoid food scarcity in the future, it is important to have a better understanding of the possible impacts of climate change on crops. We evaluated these impacts on maize, one of the most important crops worldwide, and its wild relatives Tripsacum and Teocintes. Maize is the staple crop in Mexico and Mesoamerica, and there are currently about 59 described races in Mexico, which is considered its center of origin . In this study, we modeled the distribution of maize races and its wild relatives in Mexico for the present and for two time periods in the future (2030 and 2050), to identify the potentially most vulnerable taxa and geographic regions in the face of climate change. Bioclimatic distribution of crops has seldom been modeled, probably because social and cultural factors play an important role on crop suitability. Nonetheless, rainfall and temperature still represent a major influence on crop distribution pattern, particularly in rainfed crop systems under traditional agrotechnology. Such is the case of Mexican maize races and consequently, climate change impacts can be expected. Our findings generally show significant reductions of potential distribution areas by 2030 and 2050 in most cases. However, future projections of each race show contrasting responses to climatic scenarios. Several evaluated races show new potential distribution areas in the future, suggesting that proper management may favor diversity conservation. Modeled distributions of Tripsacum species and Teocintes indicate more severe impacts compared with maize races. Our projections lead to in situ and ex situ conservation recommended actions to guarantee the preservation of the genetic diversity of Mexican maize.  相似文献   

Supporting ecosystem services and conserving biodiversity may be compatible goals, but there is concern that service‐focused interventions mostly benefit a few common species. We use a spatially replicated, multiyear experiment in four agricultural settings to test if enhancing habitat adjacent to crops increases wild bee diversity and abundance on and off crops. We found that enhanced field edges harbored more taxonomically and functionally abundant, diverse, and compositionally different bee communities compared to control edges. Enhancements did not increase the abundance or diversity of bees visiting crops, indicating that the supply of pollination services was unchanged following enhancement. We find that actions to promote crop pollination improve multiple dimensions of biodiversity, underscoring their conservation value, but these benefits may not be spilling over to crops. More work is needed to identify the conditions that promote effective co‐management of biodiversity and ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic diversity (PD) is an important measure for identifying areas of conservation. Phylogenetic diversity is a robust biodiversity metric because it accounts for the relationships among species, and not just the number of species. For this reason, it is an essential element for conservation planning. Unfortunately, PD metrics are not used by many for conservation planning. In the case of Colombia, which is rich in crop and wild plant biodiversity, lacks information on genetic resources of Crop Wild Relatives (CWR). Due to deforestation and agriculture expansion, the habitat, where these crop wild relatives grow, is being reduced at an alarming rate and could be destroyed altogether. This study focuses on crop wild relatives in Colombia, comparing species diversity versus PD-based metrics to show the advantages of using evolutionary information for conservation planning. We identified new areas with high PD and endemism among CWR diversity which are important to establishing comprehensive conservation strategies.  相似文献   

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