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经6%-12%Dextran T70密度梯度离心,获得了纯度较高的7d龄花生幼苗下胚轴质膜和液泡膜制剂。150mmol/L NaCl或10℃低温处理花生幼苗24h,其下胚轴质膜上的Mg^2+激活的ATPase活性分别提高了37.6%和17.2%;Ca^2+-ATPase活性分别提高45.8%和33.6%。上述盐或低温处理也提高了液泡膜上Mg^2+激活的ATPase活性,分别为对照的141.2%和1  相似文献   

两相分配法制备玉米根质膜及其纯度鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用Dextran T500,PEG3350两相体系制备玉米根质膜,首先在高盐浓度下选用五种不同的聚合物浓度,研究了玉米根系膜在两相体系中的分配情况,在此基础上研究了NaCl浓度对玉米根质膜的纯度及得率的影响。结果表明,制备了玉米根质膜选用6.2%聚合物浓度,7.5mmol/L NaCl的两相体系比较合适。  相似文献   

马尾松成熟合子胚的体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用马尾松(Pinusm assoniana Lam b.)成熟合子胚为起始外植体,在含2,4-D 10 m g/L,KT和BA 各4 m g/L的DCR培养基上得到胚发生培养物。将白色半透明的愈伤组织(含早期原胚)在含2,4-D1.0 m g/L,KT和BA 各0.4 m g/L的DCR培养基上保持并增殖。在附加9000 m g/L肌醇的DCR高渗培养基上得到粗壮的后期原胚。ABA 和活性炭同时使用能促进子叶胚的形成,最高频率为35.1% 。在无激素培养基上,成熟体细胞胚萌发并进一步形成完整小植株  相似文献   

两相分配法制备玉米根质膜及其纯度鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用DextranT500,PEG3350两相体系制备玉米根质膜.首先在高盐浓度(22mmol/LNaCl)下选用五种不同的聚合物浓度(5.8%、6.0%、6.2%、6.3%、6.4%,W/W),研究了玉米根质膜在两相体系中的分配情况,在此基础上进一步研究了Na-Cl浓度(2、4、5、11、22mmol/L)对玉米根质膜的纯度及得率的影响.结果表明,制备玉米根质膜选用6.2%(W/W)聚合物浓度,7.5mmol/LNaCl的两相体系比较合适.标志酶鉴定及低pH值磷钨酸染色电镜检测均表明获得了高纯度密实的正向型的质膜囊泡,质膜标志酶VO3-4-ATPase的活性潜势达88.9%.  相似文献   

毛花猕猴桃原生质体再生植株   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从毛花猕猴桃(Actinidia eriantha Benth.)试管培养的实生苗新展开叶片分离的原生质体,培养在液体MS(除去NH4NO3)附加2,4-D 1.0 m g/L和葡萄糖0.4 m ol/L的培养基上。培养3周后植板率达到19.4% 。在未添加新鲜培养基的情况下,原生质体再生的细胞可持续分裂,并于3个月时长成2 m m 大小的愈伤组织。将该愈伤组织转移到附加玉米素0.5 m g/L和IAA 0.1 m g/L的固体MS培养基上,分化出苗。试管苗经诱导生根,长成完整小植株  相似文献   

外源激素诱导风信子(Hyacinthus orientalisL.)同一发育时期花被外植体不同部位细胞再生花芽的实验表明∶1. 诱导花被外植体细胞再生花芽,外源激素是必需的;2. 仅有细胞分裂素就可以诱导花芽再生,生长素并不是必需的;3. 花被外植体上的不同部位的细胞再生花芽时,需要不同浓度的外源激素. 单独加6-BAP或玉米素2 m g/L可以诱导花被下部的细胞再生花芽;6-BAP或玉米素2 m g/L和2,4-D 0.1 m g/L的组合有利于花被中部的细胞再生花芽;6-BAP或玉米素2 m g/L和2,4-D 1.0 m g/L的组合能促进花被上部的细胞分化花芽  相似文献   

两相法分离玉米幼苗叶片生长部位质膜   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以玉米幼叶生长部位为材料,通过水溶性多聚物PEG4000/Dextran T500构成的两相系统,对玉米幼叶生长部位质膜进行了分离。结果表明,由PEG40006.2%、Dextran T5006.3%,KCl5mmol/L、磷酸缓冲液pH7.84mmol/L、蔗糖8.5%构成后两相系统最适宜分离玉米幼叶生长部位质膜。经过三次相分配后,质膜上相中的分配率达85%以上。经-0.4MPa胁迫处理24h后  相似文献   

 以人肺癌细胞 P G 和人胃癌细胞 B G C 823 作为研究对象,利用 M T T 测定、3 H Td R 参入、流式细胞术、软琼脂培养、 Northern blot、 W stern blot 等实验方法,观察了稀土化合物氯化亚鈰( Ce Cl3)抑癌作用.结果表明, Ce Cl3 浓度为 005 m m ol/ L,01 m m ol/ L,05 m m ol/ L和 1 m m ol/ L可抑制 P G 细胞的增殖;浓度为 05 m m ol/ L和 1 m m ol/ L可抑制 P G 细胞 D N A 的合成,其 G1 期细胞比例增加而 S期细胞比例减少,在软琼脂中的生长能力降低,原癌基因 c m yc 和 c ras 表达降低,p16 蛋白质表达降低.而同样浓度的 Ce Cl3 对 B G C 823 细胞和正常细胞 2 B S未见影响.提示:稀土化合物抑制肺癌细胞 P G 的增殖以及降低其恶性度的作用机制可能与一些增殖相关的原癌基因的表达和细胞周期的调控有关,其确切的机理还需进一步的研究.  相似文献   

以玉米根微粒体为材料进行的微量放射配体结合(MRLB)实验表明玉米根微粒体膜上存在着ABA结合位点,ABA与ABA结合蛋白(ABA-BP)结合的最适pH为6.5,结合反应对温度(0℃和25℃)不太敏感,ABA与ABA-BP的结合反应是一个动态平衡过程,5min即可达最大结合(Bmax)的50%,30min达到最大结合,1h内基本保持不变。胰蛋白酶处理表明此结合位点为蛋白质,冻融实验则表明此蛋白与ABA的结合不仅要求其自身具有特定构象而且需要有一定的膜脂环境,DTT处理实验结果显示ABA-BP中可能存在着二硫键。逆境处理可以提高玉米根微粒体膜对ABA的结合活性,盐胁迫、渗透胁迫、干旱胁迫和热冲激处理分别使结合活性上升34.9%、17.8%、23.1%和13.3%。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对高粱根质膜离子通道通透性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用100 m m ol/L、200 m m ol/L、300 m m ol/LNaCl依次处理萌发后3 d 的高粱(Sorghumvulgare Pers.)幼苗,分离纯化根质膜。将质膜嵌入预先涂制好的平面脂双层,然后用电学方法测定该脂双层的离子选择通透性。膜的两测分别加入NaCl和KCl,在电压钳位下测定不同膜电位时的膜电流,通过GHK 电压等式计算膜的离子选择通透性。结果表明质膜的离子选择通透性在盐胁迫下发生显著变化,对照的K+ 、Na+ 通透比(PK∶PNa)= 3.5,处理后PK∶PNa= 1.5。讨论了这一变化的含义  相似文献   

By means of differential centrifugation, cytosol fraction and microsome were prepared from maize roots which have been grown in dark for 4 d. Highly purified plasma membranes were isolated from the microsome in two-phase aqueous system which is composed of 6.9 % (W/W) Dextran T500 and PEG 3350. The tonoplast was collected from the interface between 1% and 8% (W/W) Dextran T70 after gradient centrifugation. Electron microscopic observation and marker enzyme activities analysis proved that these fractions contained very few other membranes. Microvolume radioactivity ligand binding assay indicated that the specific binding sites of ABA in maize root microsome were mainly distributed on tonoplast and plasma membrane fractions. Their specific binding activity was 2485.4 and 1257.3 fmol/mg protein, respectively, the specific binding activity of cytosol fraction being the lowest (one order of magnitude lower). The dissociation constant (KD) of ABA-BP in plasma membrane was 1.57 nmol/L.  相似文献   

在苹果(MaluspumilaMil)果实细胞的可溶性组分中存在ABA特异结合位点,这些位点能与ABA形成稳定的3HABA蛋白结合复合物,而微粒体部分未表现出3HABA结合活性。可溶性组分对3HABA的结合效率与结合稳定性需要活体组织完整细胞的存在。ABA共价交联物ABALYCH,具有与ABA相同的抑制红苋菜(AmaranthustricolorL.)种子萌发的生物活性,能有效地竞争抑制果实组织圆片对3HABA的结合。通过ABALYCH对苹果果实组织圆片及果实组织游离细胞的荧光染色表明,未成熟果实的细胞外周被特异性地染色。在BSA存在的情况下,ABALYCH复合物被转运进细胞,形成密集的强烈荧光团。结果表明,ABALYCH与3HABA的竞争性结合发生在细胞质膜水平。  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes cultured in vitro were disrupted by successive freezing and thawing and subsequent sonication. The total homogenate was fractionated by differential centrifugation to obtain an enriched plasma membrane fraction. The proteins of subcellular parasite fractions were labeled with 131I and their binding to membrane fractions from human placenta syncytiotrophoblast was studied. Syncytiotrophoblast fractions enriched in plasma showed higher specific activity for binding an enriched T. cruzi plasma membrane fraction compared with other fractions of syncytiotrophoblast. The properties of this interaction were studied with digestive enzymes (trypsin and phospholipase A2). The results showed that both proteins and lipids could be involved in this interaction. The Ca2+ requirements for the membrane-membrane interaction are different for the two membranes studied. Also the enriched plasma membrane T. cruzi fraction had a higher capacity to induce fusion processes than the other subcellular fractions. The above results indicate that a preferential syncytiotrophoblast-T. cruzi interaction may occur between the two cell surfaces as compared to intracellular membranes and that the parasite surface is able to induce an instability process leading to membrane fusion. These results may have implications in regard to the mechanism of entry of the parasite into cells.  相似文献   

A membrane fraction enriched in plasma membrane and tonoplast vesicles was isolated from green leaves of Spinacia oleracea L. and subjected to subfractionation by free-flow electrophoresis. The most electronegative membrane vesicle fraction collected after the free-flow electrophoretic separation was identified as derived from tonoplast, while the least electronegative fraction was identified as derived from plasma membrane. The identification of the fractions was based on membrane morphology, and on the presence or absence of biochemical markers. The plasma membrane fraction was enriched in thick (9–11 nm) membranes which bound N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), and reacted with phosphotungstic acid at low pH on thin sections for electron microscopy. The tonoplast fraction was enriched in vesicles with 7–9 nm thick membranes that neither bound NPA nor reacted with phosphotungstic acid at low pH. Both the plasma membrane and the tonoplast fraction were about 90% pure, with a cross-contamination of not more than 2%. Membrane vesicles originating from dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, plastids, or peroxisomes contaminated the plasma membrane and the tonoplast fractions by a few % only. In leaves of photoinduced plants (24 h light period), the plasma membranes were thicker than in control leaves (8 h light, 16 h dark). The plasma membrane fraction obtained from photo-induced leaves by free-flow electrophoresis retained this increase in thickness, showing not only that photoinduction alters plasma membrane structure, but also that this change is stable to isolation.  相似文献   

用葡聚糖T-500(Dextran T-500)和聚乙二醇(PEG-3350)两相体系制备南极红酵母(Rhodotorula sp.)菌株 NJ298的质膜。首先在2 mmol/L KCl浓度下, 选用5种不同的聚合物浓度(5.6%、5.8%、6.0%、6.2%、6.4 %, W/W), 研究了NJ298质膜在两相体系中的分配情况, 在此基础上进一步研究了KCl浓度(2 mmol/L、4 mmol/L、6 mmol/L、8 mmol/L、10 mmol/L)对NJ298质膜的纯度及得率的影响。结果表明, 选用6.0%聚合物浓度, 4 mmol/L KCl的两相分配体系, 分离3次可得到相对纯度在78.2%的南极红酵母质膜组分, 标志酶鉴定及磷钨酸染色电镜检测均表明获得了高纯度密实的正向型的质膜囊泡。这为进一步研究该菌株的南极极端环境适应机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

用葡聚糖 T-500(Dextran T-500)和聚乙二醇(PEG-3350)两相体系制备南极红酵母(Rhodotorula sp.)菌株 NJ298 的质膜.首先在 2 mmol/L KCl 浓度下,选用5种不同的聚合物浓度(5.6%、5.8%、6.0%、6.2%、6.4%,W/W),研究了 NJ298 质膜在两相体系中的分配情况,在此基础上进一步研究了 KCl 浓度(2 mmol/L、4 mmol/L、6 mmol/L、8 mmol/L、10 mmol/L)对 NJ298 质膜的纯度及得率的影响.结果表明,选用6.0%聚合物浓度,4 mmol/LKCl 的两相分配体系,分离3次可得到相对纯度在 78.2%的南极红酵母质膜组分,标志酶鉴定及磷钨酸染色电镜检测均表明获得了高纯度密实的正向型的质膜囊泡.这为进一步研究该菌株的南极极端环境适应机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

A putative reservoir of functional plasma membrane proteins, the secretory vesicle identified by latent alkaline phosphatase and tetranectin, has previously been demonstrated based on indirect evidence (Borregaard, N., Miller, L. J., and Springer, T. A. (1987) Science 237, 1204-1206; Borregaard, N., Christensen, L., Bjerrum, O. W., Birgens, H. S., and Clemmesen, I. (1990) J. Clin. Invest. 85, 408-416). Difficulties in separating plasma membranes from this entity by density gradient centrifugation has prohibited discriminative dynamic and quantitative studies of secretory vesicles and plasma membranes. By combining density centrifugation with free flow electrophoresis we overcame this obstacle. Freshly prepared unperturbed human neutrophils were subjected to nitrogen cavitation followed by density centrifugation on Percoll gradients. Light membrane fractions containing plasma membranes and secretory vesicles were applied to high voltage free flow electrophoresis on an Elphor VaP 22. Plasma membrane vesicles, identified by HLA class I antigen mixed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Bjerrum, O. W., and Borregaard, N. (1990) Scand. J. Immunol. 31, 305-313) and 125I applied to cells before cavitation, were clearly separated from secretory vesicles. Electron microscopy revealed a morphology typical of plasma membranes in the former fraction and a population of vesicles with markedly different appearance in the latter. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles demonstrated distinct differences in protein patterns between the two fractions. Superoxide generating capacity induced by sodium dodecyl sulfate and cytosol, an entity traditionally ascribed to the plasma membrane, was largely confined to fractions containing secretory vesicles. Thus, the majority of membrane-bound NADPH oxidase components of light membranes of human neutrophils colocalize with secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes were isolated from rat liver homogenates either by differential centrifugation or by fractionation in discontinuous sucrose density gradients. Both membrane preparations contained about 17% of the total uridine phosphorylase (EC activity and 44% of the total 5'-nucleotidase (EC The enrichment factor for uridine phosphorylase in the fractions prepared by differential centrifugation was about 2.8 and by the gradient method, as much as 11.0; the respective enrichment factors for 5'-nucleotidase were 1.8 and 9.5. Uridine phosphorylase activity of isolated plasma membrane fractions was stimulated 2.5-fold by 0.1% Triton X-100. Unlike the cytosol enzyme, uridine phosphorylase of plasma membranes showed little or no deoxyuridine-cleaving activity. Contamination of the membrane fractions by thymidine phosphorylase (EC of the cytosol was negligible. The other subcellular organelles obtained by either procedure and characterized by marker enzyme activities were found not to contain significant uridine phosphorylase activity; the cytosol fractions contained just over 70% of the total uridine phosphorylase activity with an enrichment of only about 2.8-fold. The activity of the cytosol enzyme was not stimulated by Triton X-100.  相似文献   

Both cyclic AMP-binding and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activities exists in Chinese hamster ovary cell extract. Competition experiments demonstrate that the binding is specific for cyclic AMP. All cellular elements including nucleus, mitochondria, plasma membrane, microsome, ribosome and cytosol contain both activities. Binding activity is highest in the cytosol and lowest in the nucleus. Each fraction contains endogenous protein kinase activity which is insensitive to cyclic AMP activation. When histone was used as a substrate, protein kinase activity in all fractions was stimulated by cyclic AMP (with the highest in cytosol and lowest in the nucleus) and inhibited by Walsh's protein kinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

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