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目的培养大鼠主动脉平滑肌细胞和内皮细胞,细胞纯化与鉴定,比较生物学特性的差异。方法采用血管环贴壁法培养动脉内皮细胞,组织块贴壁法培养动脉平滑肌细胞,并采用有限稀释法挑选内皮细胞单克隆,免疫细胞荧光鉴定二者的特异性标志,相差显微镜观察二者单个细胞及细胞群体在形态上的差异性,CCK-8试剂盒检测细胞的增殖,比较二者对胰酶消化,粘附,冻存后复苏的情况。结果血管环贴壁法成功培养血管内皮细胞,组织块培养法成功培养出血管平滑肌细胞,内皮细胞能够形成单克隆集落,培养的细胞均表达相应的特异性标志,内皮细胞增殖速度和平滑肌细胞有差异,内皮细胞对胰酶的耐受性较差,内皮细胞粘附所需时间短,对冻存后的耐受性较好。结论组织块贴壁法适合内皮细胞和平滑肌细胞的培养,有限稀释法能够纯化原代培养的内皮细胞,大鼠主动脉平滑肌细胞和内皮细胞在细胞形态、增殖、粘附、对胰酶的反应、冻存后复苏均存在差异。  相似文献   

目的:骨髓分化细胞预种植,探讨增强人工血管内皮化方法.方法:选取选杂种犬8条.每组实验犬2条.实验犬采自体骨髓,定向分化提取培养为内皮细胞,种植人工血管内膜表面.对照犬采用血清和培养基预凝支架.将人工血管重建犬右室流出道,于术后第1、3月观察植入的人工血管通畅情况,采用免疫组织化学方法鉴定细胞,在光镜和电镜下观察人工血管新生内膜表面内皮化情况.结果:骨髓细胞分化后鉴定,第2带细胞CD34染色阳性,第5代细胞CD31、Ⅷ因子染色阳性.细胞种植人工血管7天内皮细胞覆盖.光镜观察植入后1月实验组部分内皮化.对照组无内皮细胞覆盖;术后第3月实验组基本实现内皮化,对照组少量内皮细胞覆盖,存在钙化灶.1月实验组扫描电镜显示细胞排列紧密,对照组细胞少,有少量血栓附着;3月实验组血管表面细胞排列成片,对照组部分覆盖.结论:骨髓细胞定向分化所获取为内皮细胞.内皮细胞种植于去细胞后牛颈静脉血管,可获得较理想的内皮化,减少体内不良反应发生.  相似文献   

目的:研究血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)联合碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)促进兔骨髓基质干细胞向血管内皮样细胞的定向诱导分化,为血管化组织工程骨研究提供实验基础.方法:采集2周龄兔后肢长骨骨髓,用全骨骨髓贴壁法进行原代培养,将获得的第2代骨髓基质干细胞以1× 105/mL密度接种于内皮细胞条件培养基(含10 μg/L VEGF,10 μg/L bFGF,10%胎牛血清的DMEM/F12培养液)进行体外诱导培养,对诱导2周的细胞进行细胞形态观察和表型、功能鉴定.结果:经血管内皮细胞条件培养基诱导2周后的细胞呈扁平形,多边形,表达血管内皮细胞特异性标志CD31、VWF因子,细胞具有吞噬DiI-Ac-LDL和摄取FITC-UEA-1的功能,诱导的细胞可在BD基质胶内形成管腔样结构.结论:血管内皮细胞生长因子联合碱性成纤维细胞生长因子可以成功诱导兔骨髓基质干细胞为血管内皮样细胞,有希望作为组织工程骨的血管化的种子细胞.  相似文献   

目的:培养犬骨髓间充质干细胞,标记后种植于去细胞牛颈静脉,构建组织工程带瓣管道.方法:去除牛颈静脉细胞作为支架材料,评价去细胞效果.分离、培养和扩增犬骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)作为种子细胞,体外再细胞化牛颈静脉,构建组织工程带瓣管道.结果:去细胞处理后,牛颈静脉辩叶及血管壁内皮细胞、成纤维细胞去除完全,细胞外基质纤维呈波浪状排列整齐,结构完整.由犬骨髓分离出的BMSCs,SH2、Vimentin、α-SMA呈阳性;对CD34、Ⅷ因子、Laminin呈阴性,能满足组织工程种子细胞的需求.采用Hoechst荧光标记的种子细胞,可传入子代细胞,其荧光亮度无明显衰减.种子细胞种植7d后,细胞已经贴附于去细胞牛颈静脉上,部分深入到瓣叶支架内部.结论:犬骨髓间充质干细胞Hoechst标记后种植于去细胞牛颈静脉,构建组织工程带瓣管道,方法简单、可行.  相似文献   

利用脱细胞血管基质体外构建小口径组织工程血管   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨利用犬的间充质干细胞诱导分化种子细胞,以异种脱细胞血管基质为基础体外构建小口径血管移植物。方法采用密度梯度离心和贴壁培养的方法从犬骨髓中分离出间充质干细胞并体外培养,诱导分化成内皮样细胞和平滑肌样细胞;采用非离子型去垢剂和胰蛋白酶去除猪颈动脉血管壁结构细胞,对脱细胞基质进行组织学、力学检测及孔隙率评估。在生物反应器内采用旋转种植的方法将犬骨髓间充质干细胞诱导的内皮样细胞种植到脱细胞基质上,体外构建小口径组织工程血管。结果犬的骨髓间充质干细胞体外能够定向诱导分化为平滑肌样细胞和内皮样细胞,可以作为血管组织工程的种子细胞。经过脱细胞处理后,光镜和电镜观察证实血管壁的细胞成分完全去除。具有良好的孔径和孔隙率。支架在生物力学、孔隙率等方面符合构建组织工程血管支架的要求。在生物反应器内剪切力条件下可以初步构建出组织工程血管。结论小口径血管移植物可以将间充质干细胞诱导种子细胞,以异种脱细胞血管支架作为基质,在搏动性生物反应器内培养的方法进行构建。  相似文献   

目的探讨血管平滑肌细胞的α-actin(SMA)、血小板源性生长因子-AA(PDGF-AA)及金属蛋白酶-2(MMP-2)的表达情况。方法采用以酶消化为主的方法制备猪颈总动脉脱细胞支架,再种植犬胸主动脉的平滑肌细胞,培养4周,分别于2周和4周取材作形态学观察和SMA、MMP-2及PDGF-AA的免疫组化染色及图象分析,并以幼年犬和成年犬的胸主动脉作对照。结果组织工程血管培养2周和4周,α-actin的表达高于幼年犬,但明显低于成年犬;PDGF-AA表达低于幼年犬,但明显高于成年犬;MMP-2高于成年犬,培养4周时MMP-2的表达接近幼年犬。结论全生物化组织工程血管体外构建中VSMC的PDGF-AA和ECM的表达逐渐增多,SMA的表达逐渐减少,VSMC由收缩表型逐渐转变为合成表型,VSMC大量增殖,伴有新的细胞外基质产生,同时MMP-2分泌增加,促进种植细胞的迁移,重建了组织工程血管的管壁结构。  相似文献   

目的:为制备新型复合血管,对内皮细胞的体外培养进行研究。材料和方法:新生儿脐带静脉48条,分别应用酶消化法,贴壁法和机械刮取法获得内皮细胞,以含20%的胎牛血清M199液进行培养,相差镜下观察其贴壁和生长规律。结果:以酶灌注法优于内膜刮取法和内膜贴壁法;而酶灌注法以消化15至20分钟获取细胞和贴壁较多,采取两次消比法较一次消化法效果为佳。结论:三种方法获取和培养的内皮细胞,在数量上用于制备新型复合血管受到一定限制,有关研究有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

目的研究血管平滑肌细胞对血管内皮细胞组织因子表达的影响并探讨其临床意义.方法用贴块法培养人脐静脉平滑肌细胞;酶消化法培养人脐静脉内皮细胞;用培养平滑肌细胞条件培养液(SMC-CM)刺激培养的内皮细胞,一步凝固法检测内皮细胞组织因子的活性;Northern blot检测内皮细胞组织因子的mRNA表达;并用酶联免疫吸附试验检测SMC-CM中IL-1α、IL-1β、TNF-α和VEGF的含量.结果 SMC-CM使内皮细胞组织因子活性呈剂量依赖性增强,作用6h增至最高,最高增强约38倍;SMC-CM使内皮细胞组织因子mRNA表达显著增强;SMC-CM中的组织因子诱导剂不耐热,且并非IL-1α、IL-1β、TNF-α和VEGF等已知的组织因子诱导剂.结论血管平滑肌细胞能促进血管内皮细胞组织因子的表达,提示体内增生的平滑肌细胞,如动脉再狭窄新内膜中的平滑肌细胞可能诱导局部血管内皮细胞活化及表达组织因子,在局部血栓形成中起一定作用.  相似文献   

内皮祖细胞(EPCs)研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组织工程血管以及组织工程化组织的血管化因目前内皮种子细胞扩增能力和生物活力的不足而受到限制。EPCs(内皮祖细胞)是内皮细胞的前体细胞。在胚胎期,内皮细胞系与造血细胞系来源于血岛内共同的祖先细胞;出生后,EPCs存在于骨髓,并可被转移至外周血,参与缺血组织的血管重建和血管的内膜化。因此EPCs有望成为今后组织工程内皮种子细胞的重要来源。  相似文献   

目的建立一种简便易行的豚鼠原代肾小管上皮细胞培养方法。方法运用筛网分离法和多种酶消化法获取高纯度的肾小管上皮细胞。利用免疫组化法和形态学观察法鉴定培养的肾小管上皮细胞性质及纯度。结果通过肾小管节段贴壁,胶原酶消化组织节段和细胞等方法,有效地促进肾小管原代细胞增殖;胰酶节段消化法的细胞贴壁效果稍差,细胞传代状态不理想;胰酶消化法则细胞贴壁较少,细胞生长状态较差。结论培养豚鼠原代。肾小管上皮细胞是可行的。  相似文献   

Engineering vascularized skeletal muscle tissue   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
One of the major obstacles in engineering thick, complex tissues such as muscle is the need to vascularize the tissue in vitro. Vascularization in vitro could maintain cell viability during tissue growth, induce structural organization and promote vascularization upon implantation. Here we describe the induction of endothelial vessel networks in engineered skeletal muscle tissue constructs using a three-dimensional multiculture system consisting of myoblasts, embryonic fibroblasts and endothelial cells coseeded on highly porous, biodegradable polymer scaffolds. Analysis of the conditions for induction and stabilization of the vessels in vitro showed that addition of embryonic fibroblasts increased the levels of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in the construct and promoted formation and stabilization of the endothelial vessels. We studied the survival and vascularization of the engineered muscle implants in vivo in three different models. Prevascularization improved the vascularization, blood perfusion and survival of the muscle tissue constructs after transplantation.  相似文献   

目的:将体外构建的组织工程右心带瓣管道,以带瓣补片的形式移植于犬主肺动脉,观测带瓣管道材料体内情况。方法:去细胞处理牛颈静脉体,无菌处理后种植标记过的犬骨髓间质干细胞,构建组织工程带瓣管道,犬开胸手术,将体外构建的组织工程右心带瓣管道,以带瓣补片的形式移植于犬主肺动脉,术后4、8、12行胸部B超检查;取出补片,HE染色;荧光显微镜下标记细胞检测;样本钙含量测定。结果:术后犬胸部B超观察:瓣叶无增厚,钙化,管道血流通畅,无血栓及钙化。术后4、8、12周除了瓣叶逐渐缩小外,补片无动脉瘤形成,瓣膜表面光滑,无血栓形成,弹性良好,血管壁内面光滑,无血栓形成。种植种子细胞牛颈静脉带瓣补片成活。4周钙含量增加,8周时候,钙含量又有增加,12周时钙含量与8周相比无明显变化。结论:组织工程技术构建组织工程右心带瓣管道有可行之处。  相似文献   

Human umbilical vessels are unique in lacking any innervation; thus endothelial cells may play the major role in local control and regulation of the blood flow. In the present study, we examined ultrathin sections of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells and tissue preparations of umbilical vein and artery, immunostained by the post-embedding colloidal gold double-labelling technique. We observed colocalization of atrial natriuretic peptide and neuropeptide Y, as well as colocalization of atrial natriuretic peptide and neuropeptide Y with other vasoactive substances, namely, vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide and arginine vasopressin. The functional significance of the colocalization of these vasoactive substances in the human umbilical vessel endothelial cells is discussed.  相似文献   

A Kamiya  J Ando  M Shibata  H Masuda 《Biorheology》1988,25(1-2):271-278
The effects of fluid shear stress on the function and structure of the vascular system are outlined, based on the findings obtained in our laboratory or of our colleagues. First, it is pointed out that the adaptive response of the vascular wall to flow changes which we observed in the canine carotid artery shunted with the jugular vein altering the internal diameter to keep the wall shear stress constant, can attain the optimum vascular branching structure as predicted in the minimum work model by Murray. Electronmicroscopic studies of similarly shunted arteries revealing various morphological changes in the endothelial cells have suggested that the shear stress initially affects the endothelium. The in vitro experiments using cultured endothelial cells as well have exhibited that the mitotic activity of the cells significantly increases by applying fluid shear stress. From these findings, it is concluded that the adaptive response of the endothelium to the fluid shear stress is an inherent and key process locally regulating the vascular system to be in the most functional state.  相似文献   

Regulated expression of endothelial cell-derived lipase   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A lipoprotein lipase-like gene was recently cloned from endothelial cells. In vitro functional experiments have suggested that this endothelial-derived lipase (EDL) has phospholipase activity, and preliminary in vivo studies have suggested a role in the regulation of high-density lipoprotein metabolism. To investigate local control of lipase activity and lipid metabolism in the blood vessel wall, we have examined the regulation of EDL expression in cultured human umbilical vein and coronary artery endothelial cells. EDL mRNA levels were upregulated in both cell types by inflammatory cytokines implicated in vascular disease etiology, including TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. In addition, both fluid shear stress and cyclic stretch were found to increase the EDL mRNA levels in these cultured cells. This highly regulated expression of EDL in vascular endothelial cells suggests that this recently identified lipase is intricately involved in modulating vessel wall lipid metabolism and may play a role in vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

CD36 is an 88-kDa glycoprotein that has been identified on platelets, monocytes, and some endothelial cells. Experimental evidence suggests that CD36 mediates the binding of Plasmodium falciparum-infected RBC to a variety of cells, and therefore may play a role in the vascular complications associated with malaria. Additionally, CD36 may also bind the extracellular matrix proteins thrombospondin and collagen. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells have been used in in vitro models examining the binding of P. falciparum RBC to endothelial cells, but they do not consistently express cell surface CD36. Inasmuch as human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC) differ in a variety of ways from large vessel endothelial cells, we have examined HDMEC for cell surface expression of CD36 in vivo and in vitro. Direct immunofluorescence of skin showed bright staining of HDMEC with antibody recognizing CD36 and flow cytometric analysis of cultured HDMEC revealed cell surface expression. In contrast, large vessel endothelial cells were not stained with antibody recognizing CD36 in vivo and cultured cells derived from umbilical vein failed to express cell surface CD36 in vitro. Western immunoblots of lysates of HDMEC but not human umbilical vein endothelial cells demonstrated an 88-kDa protein that comigrated with CD36 from platelets. Functional studies demonstrated that adherence of PRBC to HDMEC was inhibited up to 66% by mAb recognizing CD36. Furthermore, the expression of CD36 on HDMEC was increased in a dose- and time-dependent manner by IFN-gamma, and was decreased by protein kinase C agonists. These data demonstrate that HDMEC express functionally active CD36 and this expression can be positively and negatively regulated by soluble factors. This study demonstrates that HDMEC are useful in the study of CD36-mediated binding of PRBC to endothelial cells in vitro and provides further evidence of distinct phenotypic differences between HDMEC and large vessel endothelial cells.  相似文献   

目的:将体外构建的组织工程右心带瓣管道,以带瓣补片的形式移植于犬主肺动脉,观测带瓣管道材料体内情况。方法:去细胞处理牛颈静脉体,无菌处理后种植标记过的犬骨髓间质干细胞,构建组织工程带瓣管道,犬开胸手术,将体外构建的组织工程右心带瓣管道,以带瓣补片的形式移植于犬主肺动脉,术后4、8、12行胸部B超检查;取出补片,HE染色;荧光显微镜下标记细胞检测;样本钙含量测定。结果:术后犬胸部B超观察:瓣叶无增厚,钙化,管道血流通畅,无血栓及钙化。术后4、8、12周除了瓣叶逐渐缩小外,补片无动脉瘤形成,瓣膜表面光滑,无血栓形成,弹性良好,血管壁内面光滑,无血栓形成。种植种子细胞牛颈静脉带瓣补片成活。4周钙含量增加,8周时候,钙含量又有增加,12周时钙含量与8周相比无明显变化。结论:组织工程技术构建组织工程右心带瓣管道有可行之处。  相似文献   

The lack of adequate recipient vessels often complicates microvascular breast reconstruction in patients who have previously undergone mastectomy and irradiation. In addition, significant size mismatch, particularly in the outflow veins, is an important contributor to vessel thrombosis and flap failure. The purpose of this study was to review the authors' experience with alternative venous outflow vessels for microvascular breast reconstruction. In a retrospective analysis of 1278 microvascular breast reconstructions performed over a 10-year period, the authors identified all patients in whom the external jugular or cephalic veins were used as the outflow vessels. Patient demographics, flap choice, the reasons for the use of alternative venous drainage vessels, and the incidence of microsurgical complications were analyzed. The external jugular was used in 23 flaps performed in procedures with 22 patients. The superior gluteal and transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flaps were used in the majority of the cases in which the external jugular vein was used (72 percent gluteal, 20 percent TRAM flap). The need for alternative venous outflow vessels was usually due to a significant vessel size mismatch between the superior gluteal and internal mammary veins (74 percent). For three of the external jugular vein flaps (13 percent), the vein was used for salvage after the primary draining vein thrombosed, and two of three flaps in these cases were eventually salvaged. In three patients, the external jugular vein thrombosed, resulting in two flap losses, while the third was salvaged using the cephalic vein. A total of two flaps were lost in the external jugular vein group. The cephalic vein was used in 11 flaps (TRAM, 64.3 percent; superior gluteal, 35.7 percent) performed in 11 patients. In five patients (54.5 percent), the cephalic vein was used to salvage a flap after the primary draining vein thrombosed; the procedure was successful in four cases. In three patients, the cephalic vein thrombosed, resulting in two flap losses. One patient suffered a thrombosis after the cephalic vein was used to salvage a flap in which the external jugular vein was initially used, leading to flap loss, while a second patient experienced cephalic vein thrombosis on postoperative day 7 while carrying a heavy package. There was only one minor complication attributable to the harvest of the external jugular or cephalic vein (small neck hematoma that was aspirated), and the resultant scars were excellent. The external jugular and cephalic veins are important ancillary veins available for microvascular breast reconstruction. The dissection of these vessels is straightforward, and their use is well tolerated and highly successful.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was to appreciate quantitatively the degree of endothelial heteromorphy and its spatial organization according to some indices allowing morphofunctional interpretation of their importance. Endothelium of the rabbit protal and jugular veins was studied in the flat film preparations along the length of 16--20 mm continuously. To elucidate changeability in tissue state, autocorrelative function was calculated with the following determination of spectral density. The latter makes it possible to reveal the presence of a monotonous trend and rhythmicity in vessel structure. Spectral analysis demonstrated that in different parts of endothelium the indices involved varied in their character. The parameters reflecting cell histophysiology are characterized by a marked monotonous trend. The parameters influenced by hemodynamic conditions change rhythmically. Nearly all the indices in the portal vein, evidently because of its peculiar physiological conditions, distinguish themselves by their more complex spectral composition than those of the jugular vein. The quantitative data obtained support heteromorphic character of endothelium and demonstrate that physiology and hemodynamics of the vessel are responsible for its degree of significance as there is a constant interrelation between the vessel and blood.  相似文献   

Forming functional blood vessel networks is a major clinical challenge in the fields of tissue engineering and therapeutic angiogenesis. Cell-based strategies to promote neovascularization have been widely explored, but cell sourcing remains a significant limitation. Induced-pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells (iPSC-ECs) are a promising, potentially autologous, alternative cell source. However, it is unclear whether iPSC-ECs form the same robust microvasculature in vivo documented for other EC sources. In this study, we utilized a well-established in vivo model, in which ECs (iPSC-EC or human umbilical vein endothelial cells [HUVEC]) were coinjected with normal human lung fibroblasts (NHLFs) and a fibrin matrix into the dorsal flank of severe combined immunodeficiency mice to assess their ability to form functional microvasculature. Qualitatively, iPSC-ECs were capable of vessel formation and perfusion and demonstrated similar vessel morphologies to HUVECs. However, quantitatively, iPSC-ECs exhibited a two-fold reduction in vessel density and a three-fold reduction in the number of perfused vessels compared with HUVECs. Further analysis revealed the presence of collagen-IV and α-smooth muscle actin were significantly lower around iPSC-EC/NHLF vasculature than in HUVEC/NHLF implants, suggesting reduced vessel maturity. Collectively, these results demonstrate the need for increased iPSC-EC maturation for clinical translation to be realized.  相似文献   

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