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外源胆固醇对水稻根端线粒体膜流动性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用荧光探剂 1,6-二苯基-1,3,5-己三烯(DPH)观察外源胆固醇对水稻极端线粒体膜流动性的影响。结果表明,无论外源胆固醇通过水培根系吸收或是直接添加给予水稻根端线粒体,都能使DPH与线粒体结合后的荧光强度减弱,使荧光偏振度和微粘度降低,增加水稻根端线粒体膜流动性。  相似文献   

DPH标记细胞膜的动力学与膜脂流动性的荧光偏振校正测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用稳态荧光技术测得经过校正的荧光成分,由此算出用DPH标记的细胞膜的偏振度。方法是作荧光偏振值在随时间变化的曲线,将其外推至零标记时间求出该时间的荧光偏振值。用此法测定了艾氏腹水癌细胞的膜流动性。结果表明流动性比用整个细胞测得之值小,说明膜脂的有序程度和包装密度比胞浆中的脂大。实验结果和用三房空模型分析所得的理论值符合较好,提示荧光探剂的标记过程主要受分子扩散所控制。  相似文献   

γ辐射对红细胞膜流动性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们实验以红细胞膜作为材料,使用ANS和DPH荧光探针测量红细胞膜的荧光强度和偏振度。发现γ辐照红细胞膜剂量从4.6×10~3拉德增至148×10~3拉德,而ANS和DPH的荧光强度随剂量的增加而降低,荧光偏振度随剂量的增加而增加,这些结果表明γ辐照引起红细胞膜流动性降低。但荧光强度的减少并不伴随荧光光谱的变化。ANS与γ辐照的膜结合量也没有改变,因此荧光强度的减少可能是由于在辐照的膜中ANS荧光量子产率的降低。在我们的实验中γ辐射对ANS探针所引起的荧光变化较DPH灵敏,看来γ辐射首先影响膜蛋白。  相似文献   

DPH和N-(3芘)马来酰亚胺标记光敏氧化反应及黄嘌呤/黄嘌呤氧化酶反应生成外源性单线态氧(O_2)和超氧阴离子自由基(O_2)作用人多形核白细胞膜脂及膜蛋白质、荧光激发发射光谱形状、峰位未发生改变,荧光强度减小,其中以N-(3芘)马来酰亚胺标记O_2作用的膜蛋白质更为明显.荧光偏振度增大,相应清除剂L-组氨酸、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶有抑制效应.调理的酵母多糖刺激中性粒细胞呼吸爆发产生膜、胞内活性氧损伤膜脂、膜蛋白质,测定荧光参数变化与前者不尽相同,DPH荧先强度显著增加,L-组氨酸,超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶似无抑制效果.  相似文献   

本文观察和比较了六种C_(18)脂肪族类两亲物(fatty amphiphile,FA),包括硬脂酸(stearic acid)、硬脂胺(stearyl amine)、硬脂醇(stearyl alcohol)、油酸(oleic acid)、油胺(oleylamine)和油醇(oleyl alcohol),对肌浆网(sarcoplasmic reticulum,SR)钙泵蛋白结构的影响。当FA∶SR(μmol∶mg)的比例为2.67∶1—21.33∶1时,除油醇(oleyl alcohol)外,其余五种FA引起天然兔骨骼肌肌浆网蛋白内源荧光强度降低。随FA∶SR比例升高,降低幅度加大。五种FA的最大降低幅度在10—32%之间。其中带电荷FA比不带电荷FA的作用强,但均未见峰位位移。当FA∶SR的比例为2.67∶1时,除硬脂醇(stearyl alcohol)外,其余五种FA使N-(3-芘)-马来酰胺(N-(3-pyrene)maleimide,N-(3-p)-M)修饰的SR蛋白巯基荧光强度分别上升9%,40%,150%,193%和5%,但也未见峰位位移。ATP可减弱胺类FA引起的SR蛋白内源荧光降低和巯基荧光升高的幅度。油酸、油胺和硬脂胺既抑制SRCa~(2+),Mg~(2+)-ATPase活力和SR钙蓄积,又使SR钙泵蛋白的巯基修饰荧光显著上升。提示C_(18)脂肪族类两亲物使SR功能受损与其引起钙泵蛋白构象的显著变化有关。  相似文献   

膜脂物理状态的变化与肺腺癌细胞A549的顺铂耐药性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用荧光探剂DPH分别标记药物敏感的肺腺癌细胞A549和抗顺铂药物的肺腺癌细胞A549/DDP, 对其膜脂物理状态的变化研究结果表明, 对顺铂药物敏感的A549的DPH各向异性值(P)为0.162, 而抗顺铂药物的A549/DDP者为0.194, 统计分析表明二者具有明显的差异. 当用可探测细胞膜脂双层不同层次的荧光探剂2-AS, 7-AS和12-AS进一步测定不同层次的膜脂质分子的流动性变化时, 结果表明: 分别反映膜表层和中层的2-AS和7-AS的各向异性值, 对敏感性的A549细胞分别为0.134和0.144, 具抗药性的A549/DDP细胞则分别为0.171和0.178. 而反映膜深层脂质分子变化的12-AS的各向异性值二者却无显著差异. 这提示, 两种细胞膜脂流动性的变化主要反映在膜的表层和中层. 同时, 用MC540荧光探剂标记两种细胞膜在FCM (flow cytometry)上测定反映膜脂质分子头部堆积程度差异的二维散点图及频数分布直方图的结果分析也表明, A549/DDP细胞膜脂质分子的有序性增加, 即流动性降低. 用气相色谱测量两株细胞膜脂肪酸的不饱和度, A549/DDP细胞膜脂肪酸的不饱和度明显低于A549细胞, 进一步肯定了上述结果. 结果提示, 在药物长期作用下, 膜脂物理状态的变化亦可能是肿瘤细胞具有抗药性的原因之一.  相似文献   

本文应用荧光探剂ANS(1—苯胺—8萘磺酸)、NPN(N—苯基—1—萘胺)和DPH(1.6—二苯基—1.3.5—已三烯)观察没食子酸丙醋和没食子酸异丁酯对人红细胞膜流动性和相变温度以及Na~ -K~ ATP酶活性的影响.实验结果指出该两种化合物均能:(1)降低与膜结合的荧光探剂强度但不改变探剂在水相与膜相的分配比例:(2)降低膜脂的相变温度,增加膜的流动性;(3)抑制红细胞膜Na~ -K~ ATP酶活性;(4)标记红细胞膜的DPH偏振度随化合物浓度的增加而降低,膜的流动性增加.在给定的浓度范围内,两种化合物的效应表现为明显的量效关系与构效关系.从上述结果推测该两种化合物可能是通过改变膜脂结构、膜蛋白的脂类环境而调节膜的功能,成为其治疗疾病的机理之一.  相似文献   

以DPH为荧光探剂,采用荧光偏振法研究了几种常用农药对二化螟Chilo supperssalis(Walekr)线粒体膜流动性的影响。结果表明,DPH是一种有效的荧光探剂,可以用来研究线粒体膜脂的流动性。不同种类的农药对二化螟线粒体膜的流动性都有一定的影响,但是以三氟氯氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和硫丹影响较大,甲胺磷、三唑磷和克百威影响较小。三氟氯氰菊酯和高效氯氰菊酯可使膜的流动性下降,而硫丹、甲胺磷、三唑磷和克百威则使膜的流动性增强。对膜影响较大的三氟氯氰菊酯和硫丹对膜流动性的影响,还存在一定的剂量-效应关系。另外,膜的流动性受温度的影响很大,在温度分别为17、27、37℃的条件下,在药剂浓度为1×10-4mol/L时,甲胺磷在3个温度下对膜的流动性影响都很小,在误差范围内几乎没有影响;硫丹不同温度下都使膜的流动性增强,而三氟氯氰菊酯则使膜的流动性降低。  相似文献   

汞化合物对红细胞膜作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了汞化合物对红细胞膜作用的光谱变化,观察了膜蛋白的荧光和磷光,膜上DPH的荧光偏振和ANS与红细胞膜的结合,以及他们与汞产生红血球溶血的关系。 在5P7.5缓冲液中红细胞膜蛋白的荧光随HgCl_2 Hg(AC)_2和PCMB的浓度加大而降低,表现为快和慢双相变化的过程,其淬灭作用的大小为HgCl_2>Hg(AC)_2PCMB,这是由于膜上形成了不发荧光的R—Trp—Hg~ 络合物以及能量从Trp转移到R—S—Hg~ 络合物上。HgCl_2对膜蛋白磷光的作用也是随汞离子浓度加大而降低,但磷光/荧光比则是增加的。标记红细胞膜的DPH偏振度是随HgCl_2浓度增加,表明膜流动性是随汞离子浓度加大而降低。标记膜上的ANS的荧光强度随HgCl_2和Hg(AC)_2的浓度加大而增加,这是由于ANS与膜的结合数随汞离子浓度加大而增加的缘故。上述各种变化是与汞离子对红血球溶血的作用一致的。  相似文献   

呼吸链底物和抑制剂对线粒体内膜流动性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用DPH和ANS标记大鼠肝线粒体内膜,以稳态荧光偏振法,研究了呼吸链底物和抑制剂对内膜流动性的影响。1.苹果酸+谷氨酸、琥珀酸分别为底物,均能引起内膜流动性增加。2.琥珀酸对含心磷脂的脂质体的膜流动性无影响。3.在鱼藤酮存在的条件下,苹果酸+谷氨酸对内膜流动性的增加作用消失,但琥珀酸的作用仍然存在。有氰化钾时则琥珀酸的作用消失。4.不论外加底物存在与否,鱼藤酮使内膜的流动性下降,而氰化钾则使之增加。抗霉素A亦可使内膜的流动性增加。上述结果表明:线粒体内膜流动性与其功能密切相关。电子沿呼吸链传递使线粒体内膜流动性增加,这种变化可能与呼吸链成分的氧化还原态有关。  相似文献   

Murine fibroblasts, LM cells, were cultured in suspension with laurate (12:0), myristate (14:0), palmitate (16:0), palmitoleate (16:1), or palmitate + palmitoleate (16:0 + 16:1) bound to fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin. Supplementation with saturated fatty acids decreased the ratio of unsaturated/saturated fatty acids in membrane phospholipids as much as 3.4-fold (palmitate-enriched cells). Concomitantly fluorescence polarization, absorption-corrected fluorescence, and relative fluorescence efficiency of the fluorescence probe molecule, β-parinaric acid, increased 1.5-, 2.9-, and 1.8-fold, respectively, in the membrane phospholipids. Unsaturated fatty acid (palmitoleate) increased the unsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio by 20% but did not significantly alter the fluorescence parameters. When the cells were fed mixtures of palmitate and palmitoleate, the unsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio of the membrane phospholipids and the above fluorescence parameters had values intermediate between those if each fatty acid had been fed separately. All fatty acid supplements caused a loss of two characteristic temperatures in Arrhenius plots of relative fluorescence efficiency. However, no shifts or appearance of new characteristic temperatures occurred. The break points at approximately 42, 37, and 22 °C were essentially un-altered. The data were consistent with the possibility that LM cells were unable to maintain constant fluidity, as indicated by fluorescence polarization, when supplemented with different fatty acids. A good correlation could be made between the phospholipid unsaturated/ saturated fatty ratio, the fluorescence polarization, and the toxicity elicited by different fatty acid supplements.  相似文献   

The mitogenic effect of thyrotropin on functional rat thyroid cells of the line FRTL-5 is correlated with membrane lipid fluidity as evaluated by fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. Continued exposure of FRTL-5 cells to a medium lacking thyrotropin causes cessation of cell proliferation and a decrease in membrane lipid fluidity which reaches its minimum in approximately 8 days. The change in lipid fluidity is due to an absolute increase (greater than 2-fold) of membrane cholesterol, with an increased cholesterol/phospholipid ratio and an increased ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids of the membrane phospholipids, contributed primarily by a nearly 4-fold increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated C16 fatty acids. It is also associated with a variation of the relative proportions of the major membrane phospholipids; thus, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine decrease while phosphatidylcholine increases. Both membrane fluidity and lipid composition can be restored by thyrotropin to their original levels, i.e. levels measured under continuous exposure to the hormone. Complete reversal requires at least 48 h, i.e. approximately the same time required for resumption of growth when FRTL-5 cells, starved in thyrotropin, are re-exposed to the hormone. Changes in lipid composition and fluidity can be prevented or can be reversed if FRTL-5 cells are exposed to dibutyryl cAMP while being deprived of thyrotropin. Dibutyryl cAMP has only a modest direct effect on growth; however, this pretreatment eliminates the 48-h lag phase with respect to thyrotropin stimulation. It is proposed that the effects of thyrotropin on growth of FRTL-5 cells requires a modification of the molecular structure and the physical state of cell membranes, which can be mediated by cAMP, although cAMP is not sufficient by itself to promote growth.  相似文献   

P Kuo  M Weinfeld  J Loscalzo 《Biochemistry》1990,29(28):6626-6632
The mechanism by which dietary cis-unsaturated fatty acids lower plasma levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is unknown. Since plasma membrane incorporation of dietary cis-unsaturated fatty acids is known to alter the function of plasma membrane associated proteins, perhaps by increasing membrane fluidity, we examined LDL receptor function in Hep G2 hepatocytes that were unmodified, enriched with the cis-unsaturated fatty acids oleate or linoleate, or enriched with the saturated fatty acids stearate or palmitate. Hepatocytes enriched in cis-unsaturated fatty acids exhibited augmented LDL binding, uptake, and degradation in comparison to unmodified cells. In contrast, Hep G2 hepatocytes enriched in saturated fatty acids had decreased LDL binding, uptake, and degradation. Enrichment with oleate or linoleate resulted in a decrease in the calculated fatty acyl mole-weighted melting point of the plasma membrane and an increase in plasma membrane fluidity, as measured by the steady-state fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene incorporated into the plasma membrane. Conversely, stearate or palmitate enrichment resulted in an increased plasma membrane fatty acyl mole-weighted melting point and decreased plasma membrane fluidity. LDL binding, uptake, and degradation varied with plasma membrane fluidity in a highly correlated manner. Thus, one mechanism by which dietary cis-unsaturated fatty acids lower LDL cholesterol may possibly involve an alteration in membrane lipid composition or membrane fluidity that promotes enhanced LDL receptor function, thereby leading to increased hepatic clearance of LDL.  相似文献   

The physical state of the membrane lipid of brush border membranes, prepared from rat small intestinal villus and crypt cells, was examined by steady-state fluorescence polarization using three lipid-soluble fluorophors. Membranes prepared from crypt cells were found to possess a higher lipid fluidity than those of villus cells with each probe. Analysis of the composition of these membranes revealed that those from crypt cells had lower ratios of cholesterol/phospholipid (mol/mol), protein/lipid (w/w), and saturated fatty acyl chains/unsaturated chains (w/w). Alterations in the levels of stearic (18:0) and oleic (18:1) acids were responsible for differences in the latter ratio. The results, therefore, demonstrate that alterations in the lipid composition and fluidity of brush border membranes of enterocytes occur during the process of differentiation.  相似文献   

Feeding rats a hyperlipidic diet in which animals were offered daily a variety of high-energy food resulted in a significant increase of serum free fatty acids and a decrease of phospholipids with respect to controls. On the contrary, there were no significant differences in erythrocyte membrane total lipid composition between the two groups. Erythrocyte membranes showed a significant decrease in saturated fatty acid content and a significant increase in (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acid content; (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly decreased. Membrane fluidity, investigated by fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene, significantly increased in the erythrocyte membranes of the experimental group. These results seem compatible with the decreased saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio. A significant decrease of (Na+-K+)ATPase activity occurred in erythrocyte membranes of the experimental group rats with respect to the controls.  相似文献   

Fluidity and composition of cell membranes during progression of Mycoplasma canadense cultures grown in a serum-free medium was assessed. The fluorescence anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene at 25 degrees C of intact cells and liposomes in the exponential and stationary phases of growth was compared. A decrease in fluidity and an increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids was detected in cell membranes on aging. Nevertheless, membrane density remained unaltered although the molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids decreased. It is proposed that the increase in lipid order is primarily due to the increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated membrane fatty acids, being the diminished molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids involved in the reduced unsaturated fatty acid uptake.  相似文献   

Rats were maintained on nutritionally complete diets enriched in unsaturated (menhaden fish oil) or saturated (butter fat) triacylglycerols. After 4 weeks, the animals were killed, proximal small intestinal brush-border membranes were prepared, and examined and compared with respect to their lipid composition, molecular species of phosphatidylcholine, lipid fluidity and sodium-dependent D-glucose transport. Membranes prepared from the two dietary groups were found to possess similar ratios of cholesterol/phospholipid (mol/mol), sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine (mol/mol), and protein/lipid (w/w). In contrast to these findings, however, striking differences were noted in the total fatty acid compositions of these membranes. Plasma membranes prepared from animals fed the fish oil diet possessed higher percentages of saturated fatty acids as well as (n - 3) unsaturated fatty acids and lower percentages of monounsaturated and (n - 6) unsaturated fatty acids than those prepared from animals fed the butter fat diet. Analysis of the molecular species of phosphatidylcholine by HPLC, moreover, revealed that membranes from rats fed fish oil had higher levels of 16:0-20:5, 16:0-22:6 and 18:0-20:5 and lower levels of 18:0-18:2 and 16:0-18:1 than their butter fat counterparts. As assessed by steady-state fluorescence polarization, differential polarized phase fluorometric and excimer/monomer fluorescence intensity techniques using various fluorophores, the lipid fluidity of membranes from rats fed fish oil was also found to be significantly lower compared to membranes from rats fed butter fat. Finally, comparison of the kinetic parameters of Na+-dependent D-glucose transport revealed that fish oil-membrane vesicles had a higher maximum velocity (Vmax) than butter fat membrane vesicles but a similar Km for glucose.  相似文献   

Fluidity and composition of cell membranes during progression of Mycoplasma canadense cultures grown in a serum-free medium was assessed. The fluorescence anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene at 25°C of intact cells and liposomes in the exponential and stationary phases of growth was compared. A decrease in fluidity and an increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids was detected in cell membranes on ageing. Nevertheless, membrane density remained unaltered although the molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids decreased. It is proposed that the increase in lipid order is primarily due to the increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated membrane fatty acids, being the diminished molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids involved in the reduced unsaturated fatty acid uptake.  相似文献   

Calcium sequestration by skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was enhanced by the addition of C18 saturated fatty acid to the reaction, while the cis-monounsaturated fatty acid and corresponding amine were potent inhibitors. The effects of these amphiphiles were found to depend on the degree of aliphatic chain saturation, the nature of the polar group, and the ratio of amphiphile:membrane phospholipid present in the reaction.  相似文献   

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