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外源胆固醇无论是通过根系吸收或是直接与离体线粒体一起温育的方式,在试验浓度范围内均能提高水稻根端线粒体ATP酶的活力,同时观察到外源胆固醇能明显降低ATP酶表现活化能(Apparent activation energy,AEa)在Arrhenius图上的折点温度。其中通过根系吸收进入线粒体膜内后,其线粒体ATP酶AEa的两个折点温度由对照的27.7℃和15.5℃分别降低到24.5℃和12.7℃;直接与离体线粒体一起温育的两个折点温度分别降低到18.8℃和9.6℃。试验结果证明,适量的外源胆固醇不仅对水稻根端线粒体ATP酶活力具有明显的促进作用,而且对降低线粒体膜脂的相变温度也有明显的调节作用。  相似文献   

以DPH为荧光探剂,采用荧光偏振法研究了几种常用农药对二化螟Chilo supperssalis(Walekr)线粒体膜流动性的影响。结果表明,DPH是一种有效的荧光探剂,可以用来研究线粒体膜脂的流动性。不同种类的农药对二化螟线粒体膜的流动性都有一定的影响,但是以三氟氯氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和硫丹影响较大,甲胺磷、三唑磷和克百威影响较小。三氟氯氰菊酯和高效氯氰菊酯可使膜的流动性下降,而硫丹、甲胺磷、三唑磷和克百威则使膜的流动性增强。对膜影响较大的三氟氯氰菊酯和硫丹对膜流动性的影响,还存在一定的剂量-效应关系。另外,膜的流动性受温度的影响很大,在温度分别为17、27、37℃的条件下,在药剂浓度为1×10-4mol/L时,甲胺磷在3个温度下对膜的流动性影响都很小,在误差范围内几乎没有影响;硫丹不同温度下都使膜的流动性增强,而三氟氯氰菊酯则使膜的流动性降低。  相似文献   

大鼠心肌线粒体内、外膜磷脂动态结构的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
我们以DPH为荧光探针.用毫微秒荧光分光光度计测定了大鼠心肌线粒体及线粒体内、外膜的动态微细结构;用HPLC分析了磷脂组成.实验结果提示.完整线粒体膜流动性主要反映了线粒体外膜的运动状态.线粒体内膜微粘度及磷脂分子摇动角大于外膜,扩散速率小于外膜.除去了蛋白质的线粒体内、外膜磷脂脂质体膜流动性无明显差异.提示线粒体内膜的高微粘度与膜中所含有的多量蛋白有关.  相似文献   

用荧光探剂ANS对抗旱性不同的甘蔗品种在水分胁迫下叶片线粒体膜流动性的变化进行的研究表明,水分胁迫降低了线粒体膜的流动性,抗旱性强的甘蔗品种Co 617和F.Y.79-9的下降幅度分别小于抗旱性弱的Co 740和M.T.77-208;水分胁迫下线粒体膜流动性的下降与膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛含量的增加有密切关系。外源自由基处理试验也表明,甘蔗叶片线粒体膜流动性的下降与膜脂过氧化作用有关。  相似文献   

外源氯化胆碱可提高小麦线粒体膜的流动性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别用ANS、DPH及16 -NS三种不同的标记物标记小麦黄化苗的线粒体 ,研究氯化胆碱 (cholinechloride,CC)对线粒体膜的荧光光谱、平均微粘度 (η )及ESR图谱的影响。结果表明 ,0.21 -1.79mmol·L-1 的CC均能显著降低线粒体膜的荧光强度、η 值及ESR图谱的序参数 (S)和旋转相关时间 (τc) ,表明CC可增加线粒体膜的流动性。为揭示CC的提高植物抗冷机制提供依据  相似文献   

呼吸链底物和抑制剂对线粒体内膜流动性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用DPH和ANS标记大鼠肝线粒体内膜,以稳态荧光偏振法,研究了呼吸链底物和抑制剂对内膜流动性的影响。1.苹果酸+谷氨酸、琥珀酸分别为底物,均能引起内膜流动性增加。2.琥珀酸对含心磷脂的脂质体的膜流动性无影响。3.在鱼藤酮存在的条件下,苹果酸+谷氨酸对内膜流动性的增加作用消失,但琥珀酸的作用仍然存在。有氰化钾时则琥珀酸的作用消失。4.不论外加底物存在与否,鱼藤酮使内膜的流动性下降,而氰化钾则使之增加。抗霉素A亦可使内膜的流动性增加。上述结果表明:线粒体内膜流动性与其功能密切相关。电子沿呼吸链传递使线粒体内膜流动性增加,这种变化可能与呼吸链成分的氧化还原态有关。  相似文献   

C18饱和脂肪酸和胺可增加DPH标记肌浆网(SR)的荧光偏振度,而C18单不饱和脂肪酸。胺和醇则使其偏振度下降。加入MgATP,可除去单不饱和脂肪胺引起的DPH标记的荧光偏振度下降,并使之高于未加脂肪胺的对照水平。饱和酸及相应胺可使标记于膜脂中层和深层的TAS和12AS的荧光偏振度上升,不饱和酸及相应胺和醇仅使12AS荧光偏振下降。说明脂肪族类两亲物对SR膜流动性的影响与脂肪链饱和程度有关。饱和者主要使膜中、深层流动性下降.不饱和者主要使膜深层流动性升高。  相似文献   

鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)肝线粒体膜的DPH荧光偏振度均随温度的升高而降低,即膜的流动性随温度升高而增大,且在36—38℃之间存在相变。但在鲢鱼线粒体膜同时还具有一个“动力学折点”,在鲮鱼不具有这一特性。结果分析表明,鲢、鲮线粒体膜的这种差异可能与其温度适应的调节机制有关。  相似文献   

本文用荧光探针ANS,DPH与A研究了几种膜融合剂对脂质体与血影膜流动性的影响.蔗糖使PS脂质体的脂双层流动性降低,探针越是在极性区流动性越小,说明蔗糖主要作用于脂双层的极性区;蔗糖也使血影膜流动性降低,此作用是可逆的.油酸甘油脂(GMO)使PS脂质体的流动性增加,且越是在疏水区内部,流动性增加得越大,说明GMO主要是作用于脂双层的非极性区:GMO也使血影膜流动性增加,此作用是不可逆的.二甲亚砜(DMSO)对血影膜的作用,两种不同荧光探针不一样,对DPH的作用出现双相让,低浓度与高浓度的作用结果分别与蔗糖和GMO的作用一致.  相似文献   

白血病淋巴细胞膜脂区流动性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作使用1,6-dipbenyl 1,3,5-hexatriene(DPH)作为萤光探剂,应用萤光偏振技术研究了人和小鼠的淋巴细胞。结果表明:白血病淋巴细胞膜脂区的流动性比正常淋巴细胞大;同时发现新生的非癌变的淋巴细胞膜脂区也具有较大的流动性。最后分析了胆固醇成分对膜流动性的影响,淋巴细胞膜脂区胆固醇相对含量的减少,可使膜脂区的流动性增大。  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous cholesterol on the fluidity of mitochondrial membrane from riceroot apex was investigated using the DPH fluorescece probe (1,6-diphenyl-l, 3, 5,-hexatriene).Results showed that exogenous cholesterol, either being absorbed by root system during water culture of rice or being added directly to the prepared mitochondrial of control rice root apex, decreased the fluorescence intesity of probe in the mitochondrial membrane and reduced the fluorescence polarization as well as micro-viscosity, but increased the fluidity of the mitochondrial membrane in rice root apex.  相似文献   

The membrane fluidity of seedling mitochondria of chilling-sensitive rice and that of chilling-tolerant rice were compared by using spin labeled stearic acid: 5, 12 16-NS and fluorescent probe DPH. From the ESR spectra using 5-NS as a spin labeled probe it clearly showed that the calculated order parameter (S) of seedling mitochondria of chilling-sensitive rice Qiu Guang was obviously higher than that of chilling-resistant rice Ji Geng 44. Similar results were obtained when seedling'mitochondria of another species of chilling sensitive Zao Jin were compared with those of chilling tolerant rice Ji Geng 60. Moreover, the difference of order parameters between Ji Geng 44 and Ji Geng 60 was quite small, but both of them are obviously lower than those of chilling-sensitive rice Qiu Guang or Zao Jin. The results using spin labeled probe 12-NS, 16-NS clearly showed that the relative correlation times (τc) of seedling mitochondria of chilling-sensitive rice Qiu Guang or Zao Jin was markedly higher than that of the chilling tolerant rice Ji Geng 44 or Ji Geng 60. A comparison of membrane fluidity of seedling mitochondria of chilling-sensitive and chilling-resistant rice using fluorescent probe DPH was also carried out. Similar results were obtained and showed that the fluidity of mitochondrial membrane of chilling resistant rice seedling was obviously higher than that of the chilling-sensitive ones. Thus, it seemed that the fluidity of mitochondrial membrane might be used as a biophysical test for screening chilling tolerance of rice at seedling stage.  相似文献   

We have studied plasma lipid patterns and erythrocyte membrane fluidity in 60 obese children and 20 normal children. Plasma levels of total cholesterol and associated low-density lipoproteins were significantly increased in 20 obese patients with respect to controls. A significant decrease in membrane fluidity, measured as an increase in the fluorescence polarization value of the probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, associated with an increase in the cholesterol/protein ratio has been shown in obese patients. The study of the correlation between erythrocyte membrane fluidity and plasma cholesterol has indicated that significant changes in fluidity and membrane lipid composition also occur in erythrocytes of obese patients with normal plasma lipid levels. These findings confirm that the erythrocyte membrane responds very early to modifications of plasma lipoproteins and suggest that in childhood obesity a modified transfer of cholesterol from plasma to erythrocyte membrane may take place.  相似文献   

为探讨外源亚精胺(Spd)对盐碱胁迫下番茄根系线粒体功能的影响,采用水培法,以耐性不同的两个番茄品种‘金棚朝冠’(耐盐型)和‘中杂9号’(敏感型)为试材,通过模拟盐碱生态条件(NaCl∶Na2SO4∶NaHCO3∶Na2CO3=1∶9∶9∶1),结合叶面喷施外源0.25 mmol·L-1Spd,研究盐碱胁迫8 d后Spd对番茄幼苗根系形态和根系线粒体功能的影响.结果表明: 盐碱胁迫下,两个品种番茄根系线粒体内H2O2和丙二醛(MDA)含量增加,线粒体膜通透性明显增大,流动性降低,膜电位、线粒体内细胞色素c/a(Cyt c/a)吸光度比值、膜H+-ATPase活性显著下降,使线粒体受到不同程度的损伤,从而抑制根系生长,且‘金棚朝冠’的上述指标变化幅度均小于‘中杂9号’.盐碱胁迫下,喷施外源Spd处理的两个品种根系线粒体H2O2和MDA含量显著降低,膜通透性减小、流动性增加,膜电位、线粒体内Cyt c/a吸光度比值、膜H+-ATPase活性显著提高,可有效缓解盐碱胁迫对番茄幼苗根系线粒体的伤害作用,且这种缓解作用在‘中杂9号’上的表现效果更佳.  相似文献   

Human placental syncytiotrophoblast basal membrane plays an important role in transfer of nutrients from the mother to the growing fetus all throughout gestation. The membrane lipid composition together with the bilayer fluidity is found to be the major index in modulation of these transport processes. In the present study, the effects of changing lipid composition on the placental basal membrane fluidity and the modulating influence of the latter on membrane enzyme and transport functions with progress of gestation,were investigated. Steady-state fluorescence analysis using 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5 hexatriene as the probe, indicated a decrease in fluorescence anisotropy of both labeled native membrane vesicles and liposomes prepared from lipids extracted from the basal membrane vesicles, signifying increased bilayer fluidity with progress of gestation. This in turn, was successfully correlated to the lowering of cholesterol content and enhanced phospholipid concentration with a steady decrease in cholesterol/phospholipid ratio during placental development. Enhanced Na+-K+-ATPase activity and steady-state glucose uptake across basal membrane with gestational progress suggested modulation of membrane protein functions by the fluidity, which was further corroborated by the increased bilayer fluidity and enzyme activity in benzyl alcohol treated basal membrane in each gestational age group.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of plant sterols were investigated with regard to their uptake and membrane lipid fluidity in human keratinocytes. Among the different media tested to transport sterols (liposomes, micelles and organic solvents), the best results in terms of incorporation and viability were obtained by the use of the organic solvents dimethylsulfoxide and ethanol. After 48 h incubation exogenous sterol can account for about 30% of the total cell sterol content. The total sterol amount in plasma membranes increased 2-fold after incubation with cholesterol, whereas it was not altered when phytosterols were incorporated. The incorporation of cholesterol, sitosterol and stigmasterol led to an increase in the percent of unsaturated fatty acid C18:1 in the plasma membrane. The effect of this uptake on membrane fluidity was studied by means of fluorescence polarisation using DPH and TMA-DPH as fluorescent probes. Whereas cholesterol and sitosterol had no significant effect on the DPH fluorescence anisotropy (rs), the presence of stigmasterol induced a 12% decrease of rs reflecting an increase in membrane fluidity. We can conclude from this study that in the presence of sitosterol, the mean fluidity of the membrane is regulated whereas stigmasterol triggers a looseness of molecular packing of phospholipids acyl chains, in accordance with previous results obtained on purely lipid model membranes.  相似文献   

Laurdan is a fluorescent probe that detects changes in membrane phase properties through its sensitivity to the polarity of its environment in the bilayer. Variations in membrane water content cause shifts in the laurdan emission spectrum, which are quantified by calculating the generalized polarization (GP). We tested whether laurdan fluorescence could be used to distinguish differences in phospholipid order from changes in membrane fluidity by examining the temperature dependence of laurdan GP and fluorescence anisotropy in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles. The phase transition from the solid ordered phase to the liquid disordered phase was observed as a decrease in laurdan GP values from 0.7 to −0.14 and a reduction in anisotropy from 0.25 to 0.12. Inclusion of various amounts of cholesterol in the membranes to generate a liquid ordered phase caused an increase in the apparent melting temperature detected by laurdan GP. In contrast, cholesterol decreased the apparent melting temperature estimated from anisotropy measurements. Based on these results, it appeared that laurdan anisotropy detected changes in membrane fluidity while laurdan GP sensed changes in phospholipid order. Thus, the same fluorescent probe can be used to distinguish effects of perturbations on membrane order and fluidity by comparing the results of fluorescence emission and anisotropy measurements.  相似文献   

DPH标记细胞膜的动力学与膜脂流动性的荧光偏振校正测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用稳态荧光技术测得经过校正的荧光成分,由此算出用DPH标记的细胞膜的偏振度。方法是作荧光偏振值在随时间变化的曲线,将其外推至零标记时间求出该时间的荧光偏振值。用此法测定了艾氏腹水癌细胞的膜流动性。结果表明流动性比用整个细胞测得之值小,说明膜脂的有序程度和包装密度比胞浆中的脂大。实验结果和用三房空模型分析所得的理论值符合较好,提示荧光探剂的标记过程主要受分子扩散所控制。  相似文献   

Fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene has been used to investigate the physical state of erythrocyte membranes from 36 obese children in absence of endocrine and metabolic disorders involving alterations of blood lipid pattern. A decrease of membrane fluidity, as shown by an increase of fluorescence polarization, was evident in obese subjects in comparison with the controls. The study of membrane composition has revealed an increase of cholesterol content and of cholesterol to phospholipid molar ratio, both being positively correlated with the observed changes of membrane fluidity. Moreover a correlation of membrane fluidity is also observed with body-mass index and plasma cholesterol levels. The results are discussed in the light of the possible use of erythrocyte membrane as a model to detect early alterations in the exchanges between erythrocyte membrane and lipoproteins in obesity.  相似文献   

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