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研究了25个sh-2甜玉米自交系及其组配的15个sh-2型F_2籽粒的5个品质性状的遗传特点、杂种优势、亲子回归关系.结果表明,亲本间,除籽粒还原糖含量外,可溶性总糖、蔗糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量是否存在显著差异,对F_2籽粒品质有明显影响.F_2籽粒可溶性总糖、还原糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量近低亲遗传,而蔗糖含量近高亲遗传.杂种F_2籽粒可溶性总糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量普遍介于双亲之间,杂种优势不强;还原糖含量普遍表现为低亲,没有超亲优势;蔗糖含量以超亲为主,有明显杂种优势.亲本对F_2杂交籽粒可溶性总糖、还原糖、蔗糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量均表现为正效应;除还原糖品质外,其他品质性状受父本的影响较大.研究表明,了解sh-2甜玉米亲本营养品质性状,能很好的预测其F_2籽粒营养品质性状,使育种更有目的性.  相似文献   

程昕昕  刘正 《广西植物》2012,32(3):382-385
杂种优势是一种普遍的遗传学现象.甜玉米杂种优势在各性状上有不同程度的表现,该研究采用不完全双列杂交方法按照P(P-1)/2对5个shsu双隐性甜玉米自交系组配的10个杂交组合F2籽粒的4个品质性状的遗传特点、杂种优势进行分析.结果表明:F2籽粒的4个品质性状很难同时达到理想效果,可溶性总糖、蔗糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量受双亲含量的影响较大,基本是近低亲本遗传.为能得到较高的F2籽粒可溶性总糖含量,可尽量选择具有高可溶性总糖含量的亲本;F2籽粒蔗糖、淀粉含量却受父本的影响较大.  相似文献   

程昕昕  刘正 《广西植物》2012,32(3):382-385
杂种优势是一种普遍的遗传学现象。甜玉米杂种优势在各性状上有不同程度的表现,该研究采用不完全双列杂交方法按照P(P-1)/2对5个shsu双隐性甜玉米自交系组配的10个杂交组合F2籽粒的4个品质性状的遗传特点、杂种优势进行分析。结果表明:F2籽粒的4个品质性状很难同时达到理想效果,可溶性总糖、蔗糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量受双亲含量的影响较大,基本是近低亲本遗传。为能得到较高的F2籽粒可溶性总糖含量,可尽量选择具有高可溶性总糖含量的亲本;F2籽粒蔗糖、淀粉含量却受父本的影响较大。  相似文献   

本文利用对生基因转育获得的对生与互生自交系及其杂交组合,研究了对生性状对玉米主要品质性状的杂种优势和配合力的遗传效应的影响。结果表明:对生自交系籽粒品质性状的配合力效应一般高于互生玉米,在蛋白质含量上,对生F1杂种优势与普通互生F1无明显差异,而在油份和淀粉含量上对生F1较互生表现出明显的优势。不同组配方式对F1对生群体籽粒品质性状的杂种优势存在差异,在对生组合利用中通过互×互组配较对×对组配能使F1获得更高的蛋白质含量;选育含油量较高的对生系,利用对×对组合有助于选育高油杂交种;选育淀粉含量较高的含有不同对生基因的互生自交系作亲本,利用互×互组配有助于选育高淀粉对生杂交组合。  相似文献   

为了解谷子(Setaria italica)两系杂交后代的产量和品质相关性状的杂种优势,以3个高度雄性不育系为母本(A1、A2和A3),6个抗除草剂恢复系为父本(R1、R2、R3、R4、R5和R6),采用不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)设计配制了18个组合,分析组合的株高、粒重和蛋白含量等11个性状的配合力和杂种优势特性。结果表明,不同亲本间及杂交组合间的性状均存在显著差异。其中,两系杂交组合的小区产量与千粒重、单穗粒重、株高、穗长显著相关,而与小米的品质(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总淀粉)无显著相关。同一性状不同亲本的一般配合力(GCA)效应值不同,A1 (不育系)和R1 (恢复系)的产量和品质性状的GCA正效应值较大,是改良谷子高产优质的潜在优良亲本。而杂交组合的特定特殊配合力(SCA)效应值与亲本GCA效应值表现并不一致,其中A1×R5、A1×R6、A2×R1、A2×R4的SCA效应值较高,属于优异组合。此外,各性状的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均大于65%,主要受加性效应和非加性效应共同控制。谷子杂交组合的株高、穗重、小区产量具有显著的中亲优势,部分杂交组合具有较强的超亲优势。株高、穗长、穗码、千粒重、脂肪的狭义遗传力较高,加性遗传作用较大,而穗重、茎节数、蛋白非加性遗传作用更为突出。虽然产量性状和品质性状的杂种优势特性不同,但均由加性效应与显性效应共同作用决定。  相似文献   

用4个广亲和粳型品种和5个籼型品种为材料,按NCⅡ设计配制杂交组合,获得同一环境下的亲本及F_1植株上的籽粒群体(F_2),对其稻谷千粒重、糙米千粒重、出糙率、总精米率以及整精米率等粒重和加工品质性状进行测定,并按胚乳性状遗传模型和混合线性模型的分析方法对籼粳亚种间杂交稻粒重及加工品质性状的遗传效应进行了研究,结果表明:籼粳交籽粒的粒重及各加工品质性状同时受到胚乳直接基因效应、母体基因效应以及微弱的细胞质效应的影响,但其主要受制于母体加性效应,并且存在一定的胚乳杂种优势和母体杂种优势;不同亲本品种对于粒重及加工品质性状的遗传改良具有不同的作用.  相似文献   

作物杂种后代基因型值和杂种优势的预测方法   总被引:87,自引:5,他引:82  
本文提出了利用作物亲本和F_1预测杂种后代基因型值和杂种优势的统计分析方法.该方法运用加性-显性遗传模型,分析双列杂交试验资料,用MINQUE(1)法估算方差分量以及预测遗传效应值.由加性和显性效应预测值可进一步预测F_1,F_2,BC_1,BC_2,等不同世代的基因型值,在预测F_1群体平均优势和群体超亲优势的基础上,可以推导出其它各世代的杂种优势.提出了预测杂种后代保持超亲优势世代数的简单公式,根据杂交组合F_1群体平均优势和双亲相对遗传差异,便可预测该组合能在生产上直接利用的世代数.以棉花六个品种完全双列杂交试验资料为例,分析了各组合F_1和F_2的基因型值、超亲优势和保持5%超亲优势的世代数.  相似文献   

莫迟  张海啸  张磊  侯丹  张含国 《植物研究》2017,37(5):700-708
为了解红松杂交子代种实性状变异规律,选育优良杂交组合,本文对44个不同杂交组合的红松种子的12个性状进行变异分析、相关分析、方差分析和主成分选择。结果表明:红松种实形态性状中种长变异系数最低,为10.65%,种子重变异系数最大,为36.35%。主要营养成分中油脂变异系数最低,为8.07%,多糖变异系数最高,为30.89%。相关分析表明种仁重、百粒重与种长呈正相关关系,通过选择种长较大的家系来提高种仁重与百粒重指标。44个不同杂交组合红松种实的形态性状与营养性状间均存在显著差异。通过主成分分析,选出3个综合性状优良的杂交组合,出仁率、种子重、百粒重、种仁重、油脂含量的现实增益分别达到7.52%、27.89%、13.14%、9.85%、10.08%,其中011×153出仁率、种子重、种仁重杂种优势最大,分别达到34.59%、95.75%和43.23%,156×161的百粒重与油脂含量杂交优势最大,为24.58%和24.87%。对具有相同亲本的杂交组合各性状进行杂种优势分析发现,以011为母本的杂交组合杂种优势较大,以174为父本的杂交组合杂种优势较大。红松不同杂交组合种实形态性状与营养成分存在丰富变异可供选择利用,为红松坚果林选育提供了理论与物质基础。  相似文献   

普甜玉米种子萌发期糖代谢和水解酶活性动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子萌发是一个较复杂的生理生化过程,是种子贮藏物质在酶的作用下经过一系列反应生成蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖等各种糖类化合物,为种子萌发提供碳源和能量。该研究利用两个不同来源、籽粒营养成分具有差异的普甜玉米种子动态分析了种子萌发期蔗糖、果糖和葡萄糖代谢及关键水解酶活性的变化。结果表明:在种子萌发过程中,E22和T26两个普甜玉米种子的物质动员量、物质利用率、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量均存在遗传差异,其中淀粉含量较高的T26种子具有较突出的物质利用率,表明淀粉是影响普通甜玉米种子萌发的关键因子;在种子萌发4~8 d、6~10 d时,E22分别具有较高的蔗糖和葡萄糖含量,而T26是在萌发10 d时具有较高的果糖含量。随着种子发芽进程,蔗糖合成酶活性、淀粉酶活性都呈逐渐上升的趋势,但淀粉酶活性变幅较明显;进一步关联分析8个种子萌发物质利用性状间关系,结果表明种子萌发期间,种子物质动员量主要受淀粉酶活性影响,而种子物质利用率则主要受糖含量多少制约。因此,提高甜玉米种子萌发期物质利用率对其种子发芽和幼苗生长,增强其与杂草生长的竞争力,提高甜玉米产量均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

普通玉米籽粒性状的遗传效应分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用二倍体种子遗传模型及其分析方法,研究了5个玉米籽粒性状的直接效应、母体效应和细胞质效应.分析结果表明,各性状的遗传同时受种子直接效应和母体效应的影响,细胞质基因对百粒重和粒宽具有极显著影响.除粒长、粒厚的直接显性效应与母体显性效应间的协方差外,直接效应与母体效应间的协方差均不显著.因此,通过母体植株的表现可对这些性状进行有效的选择.S_22和 87-1是改良粒重的优良亲本.选择粒较宽的自交系作母本有利于提高后代选系及F_1的百粒重.  相似文献   

Predicting heterosis and F1 performance from the parental generation could largely enhance the efficiency of breeding hybrid or synthetic cultivars. This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between parental distances estimated from phenotypic traits or molecular markers with heterosis, F1 performance and general combining ability (GCA) in Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata). Nine inbred lines representing seven different geographic regions of Ethiopia were crossed in half-diallel. The nine parents along with their 36 F1s were evaluated in a replicated field trail at three locations in Ethiopia. Distances among the parents were calculated from 14 phenotypic traits (Euclidean distance, ED) and 182 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers (Jaccard’s distances, JD), and correlated with heterosis, F1 performance and GCA sum of parents (GCAsum). The correlation between phenotypic and molecular distances was low (r=0.34, P≤0.05). Parents with low molecular distance also had low phenotypic distance, but parents with high molecular distance had either high, intermediate or low phenotypic distance. Phenotypic distance was highly significantly correlated with mid-parent heterosis (r=0.53), F1 performance (r=0.61) and GCA (r=0.79) for seed yield. Phenotypic distance was also positively correlated with (1) heterosis, F1 performance and GCA for plant height and seeds plant−1, (2) heterosis for number of pods plant−1, and (3) F1 performance for 1,000 seed weight. Molecular distance was correlated with GCAsum (r=0.36, P≤0.05) but not significantly with heterosis and F1 performance for seed yield. For each parent a mean distance was calculated by averaging the distances to the eight other parents. Likewise, mean heterosis was estimated by averaging the heterosis obtained when each parent is crossed with the other eight. For seed yield, both mean ED and JD were significantly correlated with GCA (r=0.90, P≤0.01 for ED and r=0.68, P≤0.05 for JD) and mean heterosis (r=0.79, P≤0.05 for ED and r=0.77, P≤0.05 for JD). In conclusion, parental distances estimated from phenotypic traits better predicted heterosis, F1 performance and GCA than distances estimated from RAPD markers. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Seeds, i.e. embryos, may be genetically different from either of their parents and moreover may express their own heterosis. The objective was to genetically analyse embryo heterosis for their own weight (i.e. seed weight) in comparison with their seedlings’ heterosis, taking the large-seeded crop (Vicia faba L.) as model. A specific diallel mating scheme was used, based on four parental lines, creating 76 seed genotypes in generations P, F1, F2 and BC. Mature seed weight was assessed for these embryo genotypes in 3 years at one German location, and young plant biomass yield of seedlings emerging from these seeds in two greenhouse experiments. The quantitative genetic analysis showed an average of 10.6% mid-parent heterosis for mature seed weight and 14.5% mid-parent heterosis for juvenile biomass. In both traits, the embryos contributed markedly and significantly via their own genes to the genetic variation. For mature embryo weight heterosis, apparently the parental difference in seed weight was decisive, whereas for juvenile biomass heterosis, genetic unrelatedness of parents had priority.  相似文献   

The heritability, the number of segregating genes and the type of gene interaction of nine agronomic traits were analysed based on F2 populations of synthetic oilseedBrassica napus produced from interspecific hybridization ofB. campestris andB. oleracea through ovary culture. The nine traits—plant height, stem width, number of branches, length of main raceme, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, length of pod, seed weight per plant and 1000-seed weight—had heritabilities of 0.927, 0.215, 0.172, 0.381, 0.360, 0.972, 0.952, 0.516 and 0.987 respectively, while the mean numbers of controlling genes for these characters were 7.4, 10.4, 9.9, 12.9, 11.5, 21.7, 20.5, 19.8 and 6.4 respectively. According to estimated coefficients of skewness and kurtosis of the traits tested, no significant gene interaction was found for plant height, stem width, number of branches, length of main raceme, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight. Seed yield per plant is an important target for oilseed production. In partial correlation analysis, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight were positively correlated with seed yield per plant. On the other hand, length of pod was negatively correlated (r = -0.69) with seed yield per plant. Other agronomic characters had no significant correlation to seed yield per plant. In this experiment, the linear regressions of seed yield per plant and other agronomic traits were also analysed. The linear regression equation wasy = 0.074x8 + 1.819x9 + 6.72x12 -60.78 (R 2 = 0.993), wherex 8, x9 and x12 represent number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight respectively. The experiment also showed that erucic acid and oil contents of seeds from F2 plants were lower than those of their maternal parents. However, glucosinolate content was higher than that of the maternal plants. As for protein content, similar results were found in the F2 plants and their maternal parents. It was shown that the four quality traits, i.e. erucic acid, glucosinolate, oil content, and protein content, had heritability values of 0.614, 0.405, 0.153 and 0.680 respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic divergence in 35 populations (10 parents and 25 F1's) of mung bean was studied by D2 and canonical analyses. The ten parents formed as many as eight separate clusters, suggesting that the genetic divergence between them was quite substantial. The parent BR-2 was highly divergent from all the other entries. It was found that flowering time, maturity, seed density and seed size (100-seed weight) contributed substantially to the divergence. Canonical analysis supported the divergence pattern obtained by D2 analysis and the contribution of different characters to genetic divergence. The relationship between genetic divergence (D2) and heterosis was evaluated. In general, there was fair agreement between the extent of heterosis and the genetic divergence between the parents.  相似文献   

Summary The improvement of rate of seedling emergence and early seedling growth of maize (Zea mays L.) under cool conditions has been an objective of breeding programs in cool regions for many years. To study inheritance of emergence time, and to determine if differences in emergence time were due to differences in seedling growth, F1, F2 and backcross generations of a diallel cross of two rapidly emerging lines from CIMMYT Pool 5, 5-113 and 5-154, and two elite Corn Belt Dent lines, A619 and A632, were grown in controlled environment rooms at low temperatures.The lines from Pool 5 emerged significantly faster than A619 and A632 over a range of low temperature conditions. This difference occurred both when the lines themselves were tested and when the lines were tested as male and female parents in crosses. The Pool 5 lines converted a higher proportion of their original seed to new root and shoot tissue than did A619 and A632, indicating that they had a faster seedling growth rate. Primarily this was due to a faster loss of seed reserve, rather than a more efficient conversion process.A significant difference occurred between A619 and A632 for emergence time, but this was not due to a difference in seedling growth rate.Reciprocal differences occurred only in the F1 generation in crosses involving A619, and then marked effects could be attributed to the male parent. Reciprocal differences tended to disappear in the F2. This suggested that the genotype of the embryo and endosperm was of much greater importance than the genotype of the maternal parent in determining differences of time to emergence and seedling growth.Mid-parent heterosis occurred for time to emergence and seed loss, a measure of mean rate of utilization of seed reserve, in all crosses. High parent heterosis occurred in several crosses for these traits. High parent heterosis occurred in all crosses for efficiency of utilization of seed reserve.A generation means analysis indicated that both additive and dominance effects were present for rate of seedling growth in crosses between A632 and the Pool 5 lines.  相似文献   

Sinocalycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang (Calycanthaceae), which has a unique systematic status, is listed as a national second‐class protected plant of China. In this study, the genetic diversity, performance, and fitness of F1 progeny from crosses between the Damingshan (DMS) population of S. chinensis and pollen parents from the Daleishan (DLS) and Longxushan (LXS) populations were examined. The DLS population has a relatively small population size, low genetic diversity, and considerable geographical and genetic distances from the DMS population relative to the LXS population. Compared with naturally occurring seeds, DLS‐sired seeds had the highest thousand‐seed weight, starch content, fat content, germination rate, germination index, and emergence rate, but the lowest protein content. Naturally occurring, open‐pollinated seeds had the lowest thousand‐seed weight, starch content, and fat content, but the highest protein content. Compared with natural F1 progeny, DMS × DLS seedlings had the highest genetic diversity, photosynthetic parameters, and growth characteristics, except for leaf mass ratio and stem mass ratio. Under strong light, DMS × DLS seedlings exhibited a Fv/Fm value of 0.75, while the other two seedling types exhibited Fv/Fm values of 0.65. DLS‐sired seeds had the most vigorous growth characteristics except for leaf mass ratio and stem mass ratio. These results suggest that genetic rescue by transplanting seedlings from the DLS population or hand pollination with pollen from the DLS population would be effective methods to reduce inbreeding depression and obtain strong offspring with high genetic diversity and fitness in the DMS population.  相似文献   

Genetic distances (GDs) based on morphological characters, isozymes and storage proteins, and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) were used to predict the performance and heterosis of crosses in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Six male-sterile lines carrying the widely used Shaan2A cytoplasm were crossed with five restorer lines to produce 30 F1 hybrids. These 30 hybrids and their parents were evaluated for seven agronomically important traits and their mid-parent heterosis (MPH) at Yangling, Shaanxi province in Northwest China for 2 years. Genetic similarity among the parents based on 34 isozyme and seven protein markers was higher than that based on 136 RAPDs and/or 48 morphological markers. No significant correlation was detected among these three sets of data. Associations between the different estimates of GDs and F1 performance for some agronomic traits were significant, but not for seed yield. In order to enhance the predicting efficiency, we selected 114 significant markers and 43 favoring markers following statistical comparison of the mean values of the yield components between the heterozygous group (where the marker is present only in one parent of each hybrid) and the homozygous group (where the marker is either present or absent in both parents of each hybrid) of the 30 hybrids. Parental GD based on total polymorphic markers (GDtotal, indicating general heterozygosity), significant markers (GDsign, indicating specific heterozygosity) and favoring markers (GDfavor, indicating favoring-marker heterozygosity) were calculated. The correlation between GDfavor or GDsign and hybrid performance was higher than the correlation between GDtotal and hybrid performance. GDsign and GDfavor significantly correlated with plant height, seeds per silique and seed yield, but not with the MPH of the other six agronomic traits with the exception of plant height. The information obtained in this study on the genetic diversity of the parental lines does not appear to be reliable for predicting F1 yield and heterosis.  相似文献   

Li N  Zhang S  Zhao Y  Li B  Zhang J 《Planta》2011,233(2):241-250
Cereal crops accumulate starch in the seed endosperm as an energy reserve. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) plays a key role in regulating starch biosynthesis in cereal seeds. The AGPase in the maize endosperm is a heterotetramer of two small subunits, encoded by Brittle2 (Bt2) gene, and two large subunits, encoded by the Shrunken2 (Sh2) gene. The two genes (Bt2, Sh2) from maize were introduced into two elite maize inbred lines, solely and in tandem, and under the control of endosperm-specific promoters for over-expression. PCR, Southern blotting, and real-time RT-PCR analysis indicated that the transgenes were integrated into the genome of transgenic plants and were over-expressed in their progeny. The over-expression of either gene enhanced AGPase activity, seed weight and starch content compared with the WT, but the amounts were lower than plants with over-expression of both Bt2 and Sh2. Developing seeds from co-expression transgenic maize plants had higher cytoplasmic AGPase activity: the 100-grain weight increased 15% over the wild type (WT), and the starch content increased to over 74% compared with the WT of 65%. These results indicate that over-expression of the genes in transgenic maize plants could improve kernel traits. This report provides a feasible approach for increasing starch content and seed weight in maize.  相似文献   

The experimental study was conducted during the period of 2008–2010 at the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops in Pleven. The hybridization scheme included direct and back crosses covering four varieties of forage pea (Pisum sativum L.), namely two spring ones, Usatii 90 and Kamerton from Ukraine, and a winter one from Bulgaria, Pleven 10. There was analyzed the inheritance of quantitative traits such as plant height, height to first pod, pod number per plant, seed number per plant, seed number per pod, seed weight per plant and number of fertile nodes per plant of parental components (P1 and P2) and both first (F1) and second (F2) hybrid generations. The cross Usatii 90 × Pleven 10 showed the highest real heterosis effect for plant height (8.26%), pods per plant (158.79%), seeds per plant (272.16%), seeds per pod (42.09%), seed weight per plant (432.43%) and number of fertile nodes per plant (117.14%). The cross Pleven 10 × Usatii 90 had the highest real heterosis effect height to first pod (11.06%). In F2 plants, the strongest depression for plant height (5.88%), seeds per plant (57.88%), seeds per pod (55.93%) and seed weight per plant (55.99%) was in the cross Usatii 90 × Pleven 10, for height to first pod (1.47%) in the cross Kamerton × Pleven 10 and for number of fertile nodes per plant (15.91%) in the cross Pleven 10 × Usatii 90. The highest positive degree of transgression for number of fertile nodes per plant (165.64%) and seed weight per plant (162.10%) was in the cross Pleven 10 × Kamerton and for pod number per plant (102.54%) and seeds per plant (99.13%) in Kamerton × Pleven 10. The stability of the characters was determined. Low variability in F1 and F2 was found in plant height (3.97–6.85%). Variability of number seeds per plant in F1 was highest (11.86–33.23%). For all other traits, the variability varied from average to high. A lower narrow-sense heritability coefficient was observed for plant height, height to first pod, pods per plant, seeds per plant and seed weight per plant (from 0.001 to 0.230). In few cases, such as in fertile nodes per plant (0.39 and 0.81) and seeds per pod (0.44), the coefficients of broad-sense heritability were higher.  相似文献   

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